#2 pints
emmacrb · 2 years
I used to love watching the horror special of Two Pints before I even really got in to horror, love it 
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apllsauc · 6 months
so yknow how about a year ago i posted a sketch of the rottmnt turgles as sweet capn cakes deltarune, inspired by @mspaint-turtles' riserune drawings?
i decided to redraw it - and actually finish it this time :]
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[mind you i did not do this all on my own - a lot of this was tracing over the original deltarune graphics and a screenshot of donnies lab with a pixel brush and then copying over the colors, so! credit ofc goes to toby fox and the rottmnt team for those <3 ]
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totallynotagremlin · 7 months
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@atherix hi hello you now have specialty midnight bowls
And of course they both have to do with the fae of midnight
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buglaur · 2 months
💌 Random simblr question of the day: What is the last screenshot you took? No cheating!
hellooo i missed you random simblr question of the day anon
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its my shane that doesn't really look like shane the more i look at him 😪
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theworkshopmann · 9 months
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Pint-Sized Peril
Type: Cosmetic/Misc
Class: ALL
Paintable: Yes
Accepted in game: No
This cosmetic was made by Steam users Evil_Knevil, Psyke, RetroCitrus and Rabscootle. Posted on September 17th 2013, you can vote for this here!
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curryaboo · 18 days
i've made a lot of silly purchases in my life but nearly £400 on football shirts??????? put fomo in the new dsm pls
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How many mugs do you have? Did you just have the #1 Sniper mug or do you have others?
Where’d you even get that mug? Do the rest of the team have similar mugs?
I have three sniper ones. One that says "It's a boy." Which was a gag gift.
I got a skull mug and a pint glass that Medic says is ethnic German. Weird guy doc is.
So about four, six if you count the skull one and the pint glass.
Most were gifts or were being sold at second hand stores. I don't know about the other mercs. I think Medic has "worlds most sane doctor." Or #1 medic?
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wowbright · 7 months
National Clean Your Home Month day 5
I hadn't filled my pill calendar since i last emptied it, so i've had my daily medication bottles sitting on the kitchen table in a huge gaggle. Today i filled the pill calendar for the next four weeks, woohoo!, ordered what I am now low on, threw out the empty bottles, and put the other bottles back in their homes where we don't have to look at them.
I also bought and printed postage for a package I've had sitting around for at least 2 weeks, and it's now sitting in a secure mailbox waiting to be picked up tomorrow.
Finally, I put away the clothes that I air-dried after I did laundry earlier this week, and I ran the dishwasher and put away the dishes.
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shysquiggles · 10 months
Okay but I genuinely can't get over how important it was for Crowley to kiss Aziraphale. Like it was so important.
Yes, of course, important from the real-world perspective: after countless years of queer-coding in TV shows and then inevitably being greeted by judgement and disgust from others as well as the people who have worked on the show (looking at you, BBC Sherlock). I'm pretty sure tumblr users from back a good 10 years ago (myself included) have come flooding back to tumblr following these canon kisses because we're so used to being gaslight into thinking two same-sex characters in a TV show will never express their love on-screen. This show, alongside OFMD, is attracting the same mainstream demographic as those other shows and making our main characters kiss. Because, no matter how queer the relationship was in those shows back in 2015(ish), it wouldn't be accepted as canon unless there was a kiss.
BUT putting that aside, it was SO important in the universe of Good Omens too. For these characters to truly demonstrate where they each are in their heads, and where they want to be.
This was the first kiss, possibly ever, where a demon and an angel kiss. I kept thinking we never saw Beelzebub and Gabriel kiss, despite canonically running away together. They are a couple. And at first, I was like, okay great, this is the writer's making sure that the first kiss we see IS between Aziraphale and Crowley. The show is pretty much their relationship through time, it's good to make them the focus point. But it's not just that, not at all.
Gabriel and Beelzebub experience and demonstrate their love and their joy at the end through singing. Stereotypically, this is very much what angels are known for. People literally use the phrase, "voice of an angel". It's kind of an angel's thing -and seeing as all demons have been angels at some point or another, it makes sense.
But Crowley and Aziraphale's experience of love, of witnessing it and seeing it themselves, is always through humans. Their expression of love is always so human (acts of service, eating food together, quality time) Their relationship isn't heavenly, nor is it hellish. It's human.
Crowley choosing to declare his love and then kiss Aziraphale is so innately human, and is something that neither demons nor angels ever do. It is truly showing that he has left behind any demonic or heavenly desire and simply wishes to exist in his human life with Aziraphale. It furthers his expression of wanting Aziraphale to stay with him, for them, where they can just be themselves. To be an "us".
It's not an angelic or a demonic act, to kiss someone. It's human.
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secretlyaraven · 9 months
The irony of letting Astarion feed off Tav most nights compared to reality, is that I would fuckin die seeing as blood donation almost ended me
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pissplayground · 5 months
Currently using a vibe to distract myself from pee urges.
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saiiboat · 2 years
i genuinely think one of the best things you can do is travel alone. im not talking being stupid and unsafe, im talking taking trips on public transport, go to public places by yourself, and MEET people. youd be amazed at the amount of people you meet just because you have no one else to talk to. you tap into conversations, you get invited to events, you make conversation. traveling by yourself and meeting people is such an incredible experience and i hope everyone can experience it
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otrtbs · 5 months
giving ur big brain (and u) a big smooch and i hope u have lots of wine x
<3333 thank u !!!! <3333
will be celebrating when it's a more decent hour!
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itstimeforstarwars · 1 year
I read a few of the alpha 17 comics and tbh this dude is hilarious.
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biwonderland98 · 9 months
Once again thinking about all the things I'd give away to have been able to see the Mechanisms live
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0-sunstranger-0 · 8 months
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