#2 years AFTER s11
nyaskitten · 7 months
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Why the fuck does Wildbrain love removing certain facial traits... girl those crow feet lines are like part of his face! They also, as always, made his mouth boring and generic, and OFC had to change his eyebrows !!!
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livesworthlivingau · 4 months
Lives Worth Living AU Hub
Hello! Welcome to my AU, Lives Worth Living! Spoilers for the full game and two hats below the break.
Quick introduction to the concept of this AU:
It's been 30 years since the events of the game. The party eventually disbanded to form their own lives, though remaining in each other's now and again at least. They are all together for the first time in several years... and sadly the last, as Odile lay in her deathbed. She lived a full life, it's natural causes, at least they're all together again. As everyone gathers around for her final moments, and she closes her eyes for good, Sif suddenly feels a tug on his sto-
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Hard cut to 30 years ago, the day just after the events of the game.
And that's pretty much all you need to know going in! Only other thing worth mentioning is pretty much all option content is canon in this AU, especially two hats... ESPECIALLY two hats.
[S-1] [S0] [S1] [S2] [S3] [S4] [S5] [V1] [V2-4] [V5] [S6] [V6] [S7] [S8] [S9] [S10] [V7-10] [S11] [V11] [S12] [V12] [V13] [V14] [S13] [S14] [S15][S16] [V15] [V16] [S17] [S18] [V17] [V18] [S19] [V19] [V20] [S20] [V21][V22] [V23] [S21-23] [S24] [V24] [S25] [V25] [V26] [V27]
Siffrin Chapters (Lives Worth Living)
[-1] [0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21-23] [24] [25]
Loop Vale Chapters (Behind the Vale)
[1] [2-4] [5] [6] [7-10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [26] [27]
If you're wondering why Loop is crossed out and Vale is in it's place, it will make sense by chapter 7-10, otherwise all you need to know is these are Loop's side of things. Text in Red represents duplicate lines between it and it's complimentary chapter, to let you know where it lines up with the other perspective without needing to repeat tons of lines.
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
Lore Drops
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [26] [27] [28] [29] [30] [31]
If anyone wants to join the discord server, please send me a DM and I'll invite you! I'd rather not have the link posted publicly to avoid scammers.
Special thanks to Lea for making this amazing website! It helps fuel the angst so well with the death screen gifs I've been generating at the end of some early chapters!~
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sexiestwerewolf · 5 months
i just realized that the Ninjago writers probably wanted the ninja to be adults by season 3 (or else they wouldn't have been able to get jobs especially as teachers) but because of writing inconsistencies and being unable to figure out a damn path and stick with it it's why there's so much confusion on their actual ages
so if we're going by technicality on what they should've been in the original plot, then they'd be 16-18 in s1-s3 (Cole's comment on not being able to drive is what makes me think they're 16 in s2) and by DR they'd definitely be in their late twenties-early thirties
but personally I like to hc that Lloyd's the youngest even after the tomorrows tea and he turns 18 during the oni trilogy and then in s11-s16 he's 19 years old and by the time skip in DR he's 25 but if he was an adult already in season 2 (physically) id hc him at 30 years old instead
although I also do wonder if his non human blood also plays a role into his age and how much that affects him, it certainly is something I wish the writers would explore because um!!! a human/dragon/oni hybrid is definitely gonna have some oddities!!
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leiascully · 1 month
“I wish you would write a fic where…” — Scully is pregnant with (or has already had) baby 2, and Diana is somehow not dead & she comes back into the XF…. Set in either IWTB era (Mulder’s depression) or post s11 (the fall out of CSM and Jackson etc)
Here you go!
Scully’s in the office looking at pictures of baby Joy on her phone when she hears the knock. It takes her a moment to look up. Joy’s only been in daycare a few weeks, and the only person who ever knocks is Skinner. Instead, when she looks up, there’s a tall woman with an elegant grey chignon and a chic suit with a visitor’s pass clipped to the lapel. Scully’s breath catches in her throat. But it’s not Teena Mulder - it doesn’t even really look like her. There’s just something about the aura she brings that carries that same scent of graceful suffering, like a vintage perfume that’s spoiled somehow.
“Diana,” she says evenly. “Or is it Agent Fowley?”
“Hello, Agent Scully.” Diana gestures to a chair. “May I sit?”
“Be my guest.” Scully sets her phone on the desk, face up. Diana would know she’s recording their conversation. They’ve both learned to keep track of the evidence.
Diana glances at her screen. “She’s a lovely child.”
“Thank you,” Scully says without flinching. “She’s our little miracle.”
“Yes,” Diana says, “somehow they do find their way to you, these miracles. But I suppose you deserve them, after all you’ve endured.”
“Is it Agent Fowley?” Scully presses.
Diana demurs, sweeping away the idea with one hand before it returns to clasp around her crossed knees. “Fox might have returned from the grave to his former employment, but I had no wish to rejoin the FBI’s ranks.”
Scully smiles faintly. “That was a long time ago.”
“Another lifetime,” Diana says. There’s a glint in her eyes, a tension around her lips. Scully doesn’t respond to the jab.
“How can I help you, Diana?” She picks up a pen. “Assistant Director Skinner assured me they’ve upgraded the fire mitigation system, by the way.”
Diana doesn’t react. She seems to be thinking. “I suppose I came to talk to you,” she says at last.
“To me?” Scully tilts her head. “I’m not sure exactly what you think we have to say to each other.” She stares at Diana for a long moment, sifting through the memories. It’s been so long. Another lifetime indeed.
She remembers her last encounter with Diana, the oblique contact, the fear, the rage, the genuine sorrow. “I do owe you a thank you. You’re the one who left the envelope with information about where they’d taken Mulder.”
Diana stirs, as if she’s come back from the depths of her own mind. “Whatever you think of me, Agent Scully, I never wanted either one of you to die.”
Scully smiles, just a little. “Likewise.”
“I believed in the mission,” Diana tells her. “I believed it would save us all. I knew I was working for men in over their heads, but I didn’t see another way.”
“I know,” Scully says, and she does. She does, now that the world didn’t end. Now that the black oil has receded and the shapeshifters have vanished, now that the supersoldier project has been decomissioned, she understands the things Diana did, and why. She will never understand the rest, but she has that.
“I’m sorry for my part in what they did to you. But I wouldn’t change the choices I made.” Diana nods toward Scully’s phone. “For what it’s worth, I’m glad you got your miracle.”
“Thank you,” Scully says, and she means it.
They gaze at each other, blue eyes and brown. At last they have taken the true measure of each other, and neither is found wanting. The betrayals of their younger years are old scars now. There isn’t any pain there. It almost doesn’t matter who was right and who was wrong. They moved through different worlds. Of course their paths diverged. Scully, who has loved Mulder and lost him and fought her way back to him a hundred times, understands the urge to reach for him.
Beyond this moment, she knows they will never see eye to eye. She knows Diana knows it too. This is the peace soldiers only find in the middle of the battlefield, when the war is over.
“Thank you,” says Diana.
“For what?” Scully is startled.
“For standing up to the Syndicate, at great personal cost. If their mission was just, their methods were not. Spender’s least of all.”
“Jeffrey came back, you know,” Scully says.
“Yes. He always had too strong a sense of justice to stomach the work.” Diana leans forward just a little. “Thank you for taking care of him.” She doesn’t mean Jeffrey Spender.
“You’re welcome.” Scully’s voice is steady, somehow.
“I can’t say I was deceived,” Diana tells her. “I went into the work with my eyes open. But the world shifted. The plans changed. Whether I couldn’t keep up or I didn’t want to is irrelevant. I wasn’t given the choice.”
“You were a pawn to them,” Scully says.
Diana inclines her head with a economy of motion Scully can’t help but admire. It’s neither agreement nor disagreement, just an acknowledgment of Scully’s own truths. “Well. I’m not any longer.”
“Good,” Scully says.
Diana uncrosses her legs and stands up. “There’s no need to tell Fox I was here.”
“I assumed you came to see him.”
Diana tilts her head and smiles. “No, Agent Scully. My unfinished business was with you.”
They don’t shake hands. Scully watches Diana leave. She taps her phone to stop the recording and then cups her chin in her hand, staring into space. She wonders if Diana will be on the security footage. She wonders if anything has gone missing in the last hour or two. Maybe respect can look like paranoia. Maybe the past can’t be entirely overwritten, but the book can be closed. Maybe this is what peace feels like when a ghost is laid to rest.
Mulder comes in half an hour later and finds her still thinking. He sets a coffee down on the desk in front of her.
“Missing our pride and Joy?” he asks.
“Hmm?” Scully says. “Of course.” She comes back to herself and shuffles the papers on her desk.
“What were you up to all morning?” he asks, settling into a chair with the lazy grace he’s never lost.
“Oh, talking with an old friend,” she says, and it hews close enough to the truth.
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emeryhiro · 2 months
Hi! Thanks so much for your epsiode breakdowns of the book of carol! I had a couple of questions for you about episode 1. No worries if you can't answer though!
1 - after watching, do you feel more or less confident about caryl going canon? Or about the same?
2- if you had to use three words to describe the ep, what would they be?
3- if you had to use three emojis to describe your fave scene, what would they be?
4- was there anything you didn't like about the ep?
5- do you think ep 6 is going to be the best episode of walking dead anything ever?
Thanks so much!!
Hey Anon!
You're so welcome 🩵 and thank you for the interesting questions 😊 I apologise in advance because my response for Q1 is going to be a little long and slightly ranty.
1 - When I compare how I felt about it in the last 10+ years to how I feel about it now after watching episode 1, I would say I definitely feel more confident that we're heading for Caryl canon. AMC indeed had plenty of opportunities to give us canon before (but obviously never did); however, the setup now is the best it's ever been. From a storytelling perspective, I believe the way Episode 1 set up Carol on her journey to find Daryl is the perfect lead-up for canon. And S02EP1 made 3 things very evident to me:
Finding Daryl is Carol's number one priority, and she'd do anything to get him back
Daryl would never be truly happy without her, and he can't stop thinking about her and how she's doing without him.
The longer they're apart, the more mentally and emotionally unstable they become.
I'm aware there are some people who think that after watching episode 1, the new season's story is not going to be the one we want for Caryl. To those people, I want to ask: Did we watch the same episode?🤣 'Cause I didn't see a single anti-Caryl thing in the episode I watched.
I'll dive into my opinion on the timing of canon a little more as well:
If Caryl had gone canon on the main show, I'm sure we would have all been so happy, but it's all going to be so much more rewarding after the tension that has now been built with Daryl after season one and Carol in season 2 (so far). With all the time they've spent apart, they have started to experience the real fear of never seeing each other again or knowing if the other is even alive.
I think this was the plan all along. The initial spin-off idea was for Carol and Daryl to leave the group and join everyone again later in the show. That opportunity to leave the group and what they experienced in that time away would have been their plan to get to that level of tension where canon was the most satisfying.
When it was decided that the TWD would end with s11, they knew they had to hold off on canon until the spinoff because there was no way they had enough screen time left to get through the character development they needed for Caryl or the opportunity to build tension the way they envisioned it.
I'm happy they waited because getting a rushed canon would've been led up to by moments that we've already seen and experienced by the characters many times before (and never previously led to canon) would not have done Caryl justice.
Unfortunately, the pattern that we consistently saw in the flagship show was that as soon the group settled somewhere (Prison, Alexandira, Commonwealth) and got into some sense of normalcy, Daryl and Carol were automatically pulled apart by circumstances and responsibilities, and barely end up getting any time together. Carol even spoke to Maggie about this in S11EP21. That's who Daryl and Carol are; they never put themselves or their wants/needs first. So, for canon to happen and to make sense, they needed to be taken away from everyone else, given their own journey and time together, without the distraction of their obligations to others.
Carol and Daryl are my favourite characters in all of fiction. I ultimately want them to be cared for and get the happiness they deserve. Some might strongly disagree with me on this, but I think if, after this point, they still don't give us canon, then it'd be because Norman and Melissa didn't want it. I'll stand by my previous comments on this; Norman and Melissa are being heard by the writers, and to me, their character arcs have their input written all over them. If they want Caryl to be canon (which I strongly believe they do), then it will be, and if they don't, then it won't be, because I don't think there's anything else holding that back anymore.
2 - EMOTIONAL, unhinged, and nostalgic
3 - 💥🛩️🌅 - I'm curious to know how you interpret these and if the people I attended the premiere with would agree ( @celtic-crossbow @maggie-atwood )
4 - I strongly disliked how the people at the nest (i.e. Isabelle & Losang) treated Daryl. We saw them constantly emotionally manipulate him in season 1, and I was still seeing that in S02EP1; however, what made it a little better this time was that Daryl was clearly sick of it all. He looked ready to wrap things up, resolve the Nest's conflicts as soon as possible, and start heading home.
5 - Idk... someone should ask Norman. I wish he'd share his thoughts on episode 6 🤣 (Yes, I do! To me, the whole season is gonna be the best season of twd anything ever because it's all about Carol and Daryl)
Thanks again for the interesting questions; they were a lot of fun for me to answer, and I hope I've answered them well. Please feel free to lmk if you have any others ♡♡♡
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spyrolunaritic · 2 months
Math time
Like s1 and 2 are back to back
S3 has to take at least a yr after s2 (but relistically, itd be 5 at a minimum)
season 4 would be 6 months-a year after s3.
S4-s7 all take place back to back
Its indicated its been a while since the ninja last saw eaxh other in season 8, at least long enough for lloyd to hit puberty, so thats probably another yr
S8-s10 all take place back to back
S11 most likely takes place a few months to a year after s10, so we're just going to say a yr for simplicity
The dialog between skylor and kai suggests seasons 11-14 all take place close back to back, also most likely a few months to a year, so once again we're saying a year for simplicity sake
Crystalized takes place a year after nyas death
The merge happens a year after crystalized i believe?
And the timeskip after the merge is around fiveish years. Or however long enough for arin and sora to go from children (like 7-12 yrs) to teenagers (14-16) 5 years seems safe
So saying all the ninja are 16 in season 1, theyd be 28 during dr
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feministsouthpark · 3 months
South Park Filler Guide - Season 14
Link for Seasons  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12 13
You know the drill by now, I’ll judge whether an episode has all the qualities of a canon one, or is it just shameless filler. S14E1 Sexual Healing is LORE S14E2 The Tale of Scrotie McBoogerballs is FILLER
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Both Tiger Woods and Sarah Jessica Parker are seen henching for Tom Cruise a few episodes later, so I suppose you can count them in, however in Sarah's case she was found dead in her origin episode, so that one counts less, but you can't really miss the point either way. Remember how often the show treated Butters only as a Kenny replacement? Well now it doesn't have to be an either/or deal, as we finally get never-seen-before the four boys + Butters dynamic. S14E3 Medicinal Fried Chicken is FILLER S14E4 You Have 0 Friends is FILLER
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Randy and Eric get their first dual episode, which is two separate issue of the week storylines tied together by the beginning sequence. Stan goes on facebook before deleting it. S14E5 200 is CANON S14E6 201 is CANON
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If you watch only the canon episodes, half the series is a build-up to these two excellent episodes. Watch these at any cost, they are spectacular and the main event I've been talking about all this time. In fact, I plan to dissect these two episodes in a separate post later. S14E7 Crippled Summer is CANON S14E8 Poor and Stupid is FILLER
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The annual Jimmy episode IS canon this time, thanks to it also being the first chapter of the Nathan and Mimsy arc. The NASCAR episode though just happens and rides on. S14E9 It's a Jersey Thing is LORE S14E10 Insheeption is FILLER
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Kyle is from Jersey. Stan is a hoarder. One of them explains in detail Kyle's and Sheila's roots, and for that, despite never being talked again, at least it's part of the lore of who they are. In Stan and Mr Mackey's origin of their hoarding it's simply filler since that issue is not a huge part of their characters otherwise. S14E11 Coon 2: Hindsight is CANON S14E12 Mysterion Rises is CANON S14E13 Coon vs. Coon & Friends is CANON
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Huge part of the canon, the immortality of Bradley is finally explained after so many years. The Coon also returns once more. S14E14 Créme Fraiche is CANON
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Chef gets replaced at last. That's not why it's canon, it's because of Randy and Sharon's ongoing relationship arc.
Again, CANON means you should watch it, FILLER means you can skip it, LORE is somewhere in-between, any episode with the LORE label will have an explanation that helps you decide if you should include it or not.
S14E1 Sexual Healing is LORE* S14E2 The Tale of Scrotie McBoogerballs is FILLER S14E3 Medicinal Fried Chicken is FILLER S14E4 You Have 0 Friends is FILLER S14E5 200 is CANON S14E6 201 is CANON S14E7 Crippled Summer is CANON S14E8 Poor and Stupid is FILLER S14E9 It's a Jersey Thing is LORE** S14E10 Insheeption is FILLER S14E11 Coon 2: Hindsight is CANON S14E12 Mysterion Rises is CANON S14E13 Coon vs. Coon & Friends is CANON S14E14 Créme Fraiche is CANON
*Tiger Woods is in this one and he'll later say a sentence about how the town mistreated him **If you're interested in Kyle's and Sheila's origins, watch this one
CANON counter:
S1: 9 out of 13  S2: 3 out of 18  S3: 6 out of 18  S4: 10 out of 17  S5: 8 out of 14  S6: 11 out of 17 S7: 6 out of 15 S8: 4 out of 14 S9: 8 out of 14 S10: 4 out of 14 S11: 4 out of 14 S12: 8 out of 14 S13: 3 out of 14 S14: 7 out of 14
Overall: 91 out of 210
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Here's the Ninjago timeline as I personally think of it;
- The Pilots and first 2 seasons take up roughly 1.5 years (Lloyd's 2020 if you will) mostly to give a semi-realistic measure of training requirements
- Rebooted (s3) starts a year later due to the insane technical development and that they've been teachers for a bit
- ToE (s4) starts 8 months later given they all left to grieve Zane and Jay has an entire game show thats got returning contestents
- Possesion (s5) i think is about 3 months after season 4. Shadow of Ronan takes place during this span so it fits that he stole about 2.5 years from them. Tbh I think that museum visit was the first or second mission Lloyd went on after leaving to grieve Garmadon
- Skybound (S6) technically doesn't matter ayoo!! But I think its another 4 months after S5
- DotD is 7 months after Posession, to make space for Skybound and potential post-skybound happenings
- Hands of Time (S7) is like a week after DotD at most- they're literally cleaning up after it. I also think it takes about a week to play out
From here on out there's a wrinkle in the timeline so things may be soft rebooted or altered
- Sons of Garmadon and Hunted (S8/9) start I think 6-8 months later because the Ninja deserve more time to have been on their own without a mentor- and Ninjago city gets some major changes (royalty?) And Lloyd gets on Testosterone and it goes on i think for 3 months
- March of the Oni (S10) is a few weeks after Hunted ends and only lasts like a few days
- Forbidden Spinjitzu (S11) canonically a few months after MotO so I'm going to say 3-4 since that's reasonable for them to slack off before Wu gets pissy about it. I also think these two parts are actually a rather long time frame- not only because of the 70ish years of Ice Emperor rule- but between searching for Aspheera and beating her, then grieving again and traveling realms and THEN they're there for a long while? All in all I'm going to say start to finish its like 3 months
- Prime Empire (S12) about a month after returning from the Never Realm- they've healed wounds, Kai re-masters fire, and Zane has erased 3 Terabytes of SSD data- all is well
- Master of the Mountain (S13) I think is roughly 2 months after S12 because again there's no real basis for why there's time between but I can't imagine one week your Kirito from SAO and only like a week later your in the Elven lands-
- The Island/Seabound (S14) i think this one is a few weeks after MotM because it starts off as a rather "small scale" job about busting a smuggler and thats what I figure they do in the months between big seasons. It just so happens that expands into a much larger plot.
- Crystalized (S15) 1 full year exactly after Seabound ends. Can't elaborate because this ones actually canon
- Dragons Rising I think the merge is about half a year or so after Crystalized and the jump from Merge to current story I think is 3 years but my girlfriend says 5 years so we'll see if either get confirmed or elaborated on
If you think they're about 18 in the pilots, that'll make them around 23 at Crystalized and between 26/28 during Dragons Rising
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guess-that-ship · 4 months
S11 Round 2
Baseball Lesbians of All Time
cw: mentions of abusive parents and homophobia
Character A is a gentle giant type; tall and strong, but incredibly socially anxious and generally more interested in dogs than people. Character B is small, but she's loud, stubborn, and has a penchant for violence as a reaction to her abusive parents. A and B met each other in 3rd grade, and quickly bonded over their love of baseball. B became extremely protective of A, doing everything she could to make her happy. However, after about a year of knowing each other, B's parents moved cross-country, separating the two for what they thought was forever.
In their freshman year of high school, B's family moves back, and the two reconnect more strongly than ever, becoming anchors of sorts for their little circle of friends; the school's baseball club. They're also two of the best players on the team: in their time apart, B has perfected a trick pitch, and A is the only player skilled enough to catch it.
Over the next couple months, A realizes her feelings for B (who was smitten from day 1), and with a little prodding from their friends, they confess their feelings to each other and become girlfriends. The political climate at the time is still largely homophobic, so their relationship is mainly kept secret. However, they make great emotional support for each other, especially as B struggles with Complicated Gender Feelings and coming to terms with hurt done to her in the past. Together, they're unstoppable.
The Moon and Stars
Star and Moon are childhood friends, always by eachothers side. Star is a quiet child, reserved and bookish, while Moon is loud and rough, often picking fights with the other kids. The two are inseparable, balancing eachothers worse tendencies while encouraging their best. During this time, Moon feels herself developing a crush on Star, but keeps it secret. However, as time goes on, circumstance pulls them apart, as Star's parents are killed in an accident and she is forced to leave her home. Now alone, Moon's more reckless tendencies are all she has left.
Life carries on for both of them. Star attunes herself to her magic potential, goes to college, and loses herself in her studies. Moon drops out of school, taking odd jobs and joining in criminal groups to get by. After many years, and by complete coincidence, Moon sees Star on TV one night, and all of those feelings from her childhood come rushing back. Moon drops everything and travels to where Star is, hoping to see her friend again.
When the two finally do reunite, Star is exhausted, both mentally and physically. While the sight of Moon brings her some comfort, the weight of the pressure she set upon herself is threatening to crush her completely. Moon gives her a chance to show her strength, offering to fight her. Moon wins the fight easily, with Star barely able to land a blow. Moon, deep in regret, tries to comfort her, only to find Star clutching a locket Moon had given her in their childhood. Moon, surprised she still had it, shows Star her own, which she had also kept all those years. Finally, the two decide to leave together, allowing themselves to rekindle the love and care they had for each other all those years ago.
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oracleofdiscord · 6 months
possible ninja ages/timeline thing
(note: the reason i say possible is because in general i think trying to find a fully definitive age for any of the ninja is ultimately a futile effort.
there were actually pieces of information that i ignored in this because they contradicted other information i was using, and it's possible i missed something entirely. in general, i tried to ignore twitter and focus on in-show stuff. there are also fan theories i incorporated and fan theories i ignored, so if you subscribe to a different set of headcanons/theories you could easily come up with different results than me)
this isn't me saying "hey guys i cracked the code!" this is me saying that this is a possible timeline for their ages)
okay so this is something i worked out recently when i was trying to develop my ninjago oc, estrella, to help me figure out an approximate age for her.
it uses as a base this rough timeline by @destinysbounty (both in the sense that i used it as a guide and in the sense that when i needed to start visualizing things, i wrote on/drew on/edited this picture)
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now, one theory i'm going off here is something that was proposed to me by @destinysbounty when i got confused about how harumi could be roughly the same age as lloyd both in flashbacks and in the present: the idea that after the tea, lloyd's body stopped aging until his mental age caught up with his physical age. this catch-up happened during the timeskip between s7 and s8, which is why his voice got lower
so this assumes that from s8 onwards, lloyd's mental and physical age match. other assumptions/pieces of evidence that i used:
kai mentions being a teenager during the oni trilogy, and thus is 19 at oldest
thanks to the flashback with baby nya, it can be assumed kai is at least a couple of years older than her
thanks to having seen nya and lloyd during s1 (where they have different body forms), it can be assumed nya is a least a couple of years older than him
(i've simplified this down to 2 years between each in my timeline, but there could definitely be an argument for more years. in my case, i felt like 2 years each made things line up in a way that made sense to me. feel free to make your own version and experiment with increasing the gap between nya and her siblings on either side but i've picked a number and i'm sticking to it)
@destinysbounty mentioned that most age estimates they'd seen for the pilots had nya in the 13-14 range
so, let's call nya 13 in the pilots/s1/s2 (the green chunk on the timeline). if lloyd was 2 years younger, he'd be 11, which works with the body form he had. if kai was 2 years older than nya, he'd be 15, which feels reasonable.
and let's call kai 19 during the oni trilogy. this would make nya 17 and lloyd 15, and also mean that 4 years have passed since s1. let's look at our rough timeline above. if the green chunk all takes place within a single year and there's a confirmed 1 year timeskip between s7 and s8, than for 4 years to have passed since the green chunk, the red chunk would need to be 3 years. which is a little on the short side, but within the bounds set by our rough timeline!
if lloyd was 15 in s8, he was 14 in s7. so going back to our earlier theory about his age, his chronological age caught up with his body in-between 14 and 15, and he started aging again. apparently 14.5 is kind of the upper boundary of when boys' voices change, so i'd say this checks out!
and here's my visual diagram of that
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(i only included the characters that i used in figuring this out - lloyd and harumi's age relative to each other, lloyd and nya's age relative to each other, kai and nya's age relative to each other, kai saying he was a teenager, lloyd's voice changing...
but i would assume all of the core 4 ninja are about the same age except zane, who has his own thing going on. maybe jay is a year younger than kai, putting him closer in age to nya.)
assuming that the rest of the initial timeline is correct (s11-s14 being a year, the post-seabound timeskip being a year, the merge timeskip being 5 years)...
in crystalized, lloyd would be 17, nya would be 19, and kai would be 21.
in dragons rising, lloyd would be 22, nya would be 24, and kai would be 26.
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burninface · 4 months
🥞Weekly tag Wednesday Friday🥧
thank you @vintagelacerosette @creepkinginc @doshiart @lingy910y @deedala @blue-disco-lights for tagging me!! Love you all<3 cheers🥂!
how did you get into the fandom?
it's a long story: after finished the show and read a few fics, I found myself had so many thoughts about them, and wanted to create something. so at first I started to translate fics, then I wrote something in my language but no one was interested. then I started to edit, and at the same time I started to practice drawing. I wanted to share some of my things but had no idea where to post, then I remembered my long abandoned tumblr account. I was so unsure and panicking at first, then I found ppl here are so kind and inspiring and creative!!
what’s the first fandom channel you found? (youtube, reddit, tumblr, insta, twitter, FB, other?)
a local bbs for english fandoms, got some fic translations and old discussion posts on it
what’s your favourite now?
tumblr of course
which mutual have you known the longest in the fandom?
I think it's calli @callivich , we haven't talked much but I really want to say thank you to her, it was her reblogs and feedbacks helped me overcome my extreme lack of confidence from the beginning🥹
which tumblerinos did you have your first fandom crush(es) on and wanted to get to know?
again it's calli! also ling and nosho made me feel welcomed🥰 pie @gallapiech for all her talented arts about video games au gallavich, sarah @atthedugouts for all her lovely thoughts on milkoviche siblings dynamics!
and all my other muatuals, every time I saw that purple Mutuals, my heartbeat's just rated up😫💓
first gallavich fan fic you read (or that blew you away that you remember)?
it's the translation version of Favours Owed by MintSauce, and then i went to ao3 to find her other works and met my first blew-me-away The Halfway House (at that time I hadn't finished the show, I was on season 4~5 and thought it's ok to read fics wrote before)
and after I finished the show, it's when the party's over by emryses
first fan art that blew your mind?
I'm not sure… I only remember the first time I clicked in gallavich tags, all the art works blew my mind!! like one after another, kept blowing... artists all your works are sooo good!!
fanfic trope that you were sure wasn’t for you but now you low key (or high key) love?
fluffy and domestic husbands!
what surprised you most about this fandom?
everyone is just so kind! and with high creative enthusiasm! it really gives me courage to speak and to make friends. (which hadn't happened even once in last 2 years. I had been afraid of interact with others for years, so it's very important for me, really🥹, can't thank you all enough)
moment in the show (or YT vids if you’re one of those) that you fell in hyperfixation with gallavich?
ok, it might sound unhealthy but, every moment they (physically) fight with each other. not when only one side attack the other, but fighting mutually……
ian or mickey?
……can I choose or and take it away with me, then there's no others between them? 👀
which gallagher or milkovich are you?
sandy... and liam(s11)
since I'm already laaate so no tagging this time!
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13thdoctorposts · 7 months
has anyone else noticed how reactions and consensus on 13 has been RETROACTIVELY negative? I know there's been an intensely misogynistic hate campaign since Jodie was announced but I also noticed that when you look at old posts from when s11 especially was freshly aired, there was a lot more good faith engagement with the show and genuine excitement in fandom. It seems like covid gave the bad faith actors the opportunity to take over fandom and force their narratives on everyone.
Yeah a really great example of this is if you look back to tweets from the night Rosa aired the praise was very very high, now if you bring it up in the fandom you would think it was terrible and racist.
On YouTube I was told the writers, both of them Chibs and Malorie Blackman were incompetent because they doesn’t show how bad the racism really was, yet the episode starts with one of our companions being physically assaulted and told to be careful so not to end up like Emmett Till, some one who had just been murdered acting as if the show was sugar coating what life was like back then. Oh and of course with the Chibs slander that he’s racist because he may have hired a woman of colour to write the script, but she is English not American and he should have made sure it was an American or not done the episode at all
Malorie Blackman is an award winning author claiming she’s an incompetent writer is pretty incredible accusation.
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Here’s some of the tweets from articles praising the episode.
I think 2 things hurt 13 era who and they weren’t Chibs and Jodie. It was the unhinged toxicity the fandom constantly spewed and then even after things got praised as you said people would go back and nitpick to a level they never ever do with any other era and 2nd not having a big enough marketing budget and brand manger series 12 and 13 suffered most from this because the BBC did put the marketing money into series 11 even if they didn’t have a brand manager, and Chibs mentions this in the Radio Free Skaro podcast from last year that the BBC put a huge marking budget into series 11 but series 12 and 13 basically the budget was… you can only advertise on the BBC because there’s no money for anything else.
Rosa is just one example but there was a lot of praise for the work at the time of release and it’s quite possible general public viewers may have just stoped engaging on social after series 11 because they would then be piled on, and people in the online fandom knew they couldn’t go to social saying they loved an episode so they started picking it apart before putting their thoughts out there so they could be on trend with the haters who were gonna pile on if they didn’t fall in line.
Seriously if there’s ever a down fall to doctor who the ‘fans’ will be it because they would rather hate on the thing they supposedly love than love it. And ever era has its super questionable moments but if you bring them up for any other era you just being petty, or it isn’t that big of a deal, or ‘it’s of the time’ it’s just excuse after excuse.
I’ve seen people upset about the fact that RTD dead named Rose in the star beast, something very legitimate because now all the right wing idiots of the fandom use that name and the people who were upset get piled on if they say anything because they should be happy that RTD is trying to give them representation… but these same people when Chibs tried to give rep though a female doctor, or an episode like Rosa or Ryans disability, say Chibs is a right wing capitalist, sexist, racist, ablest, you don’t hear them saying hey he was really trying by getting people of colour to write their stories, by getting directors with the same heritage to direct episodes, he work with a dyspraxia organisation to help write Ryan, brought in the first 2 female Doctors and the 1st Doctor of colour who was also a woman, the 1st master of colour, the first Doctor who admitted to having feeling for a companion of the same sex and the episode where the doctor admits those feeling is co written with a queer woman, oh no Chibs gets no grace for tryi neg he did everything wrong but RTD everyone should be thankful for.
I don’t understand the level of hate. Not liking something is one thing but a part of this fandom has made 13 era who seem like the anti christ of Doctor Who, when really it tried a lot harder to involve more people in it then ever before.
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saffronimagines · 2 years
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Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Female!Reader Reader pronouns: she/her
Era: flashbacks, present day is S11.
Words: 1000+ (they will be get bigger)
Warnings:, violence, language, gore, mentions of death. Tattoos, piercings.
A/N: the chapters will be getting bigger so don't worry, this is more of just backstory.
Summary: Daryl remembers you as he tells carol a story.
2010, August 25th
He was panicking, he couldn’t find you anywhere. He’d went back to your house. Your job at the mechanic, You were simply nowhere to be found.
Merle acted like he couldn’t care less, but in fact, he almost missed you. You made Daryl happy, and Merle loved his nephew, Archer. nonetheless when the brothers found the quarry camp. finding you had been thrown out the window. it's a kill-or-be-killed world.
sometime in 2011.
after the governor, the prison seemed safer.
he hadn't told anyone about you and wasn't planning to. but he'd really gravitated to Carol's energy and spent more time with her. sitting in a guard tower with carol...That's when it happened. he let it slip.
talking about mechanics, and how Daryl knew so much about cars. he was tired, he hadn't registered what he said until he said it. "my wife taught me." her face scrunched. almost not believing him, until he showed no signs of joking.
"you're married?" she whispered, full attention on him as he blushed in embarrassment. "i...was'" he didn't believe you were dead, your or Archer.
"wow. I...I didn't see that coming. you've never brought it up before" Carol smiled, thinking about Daryl as a husband. "ya' know now,'" his southern accent lacing through.
"tell me about her"
North Georgia, June 28th, 1987.
the air was hot, the wind making it even worse. and as if by fate...Merle's bike stopped working.
"My fuckin' bike!" Merle's voice bellowed as he pushed the doors to the bar. Daryl followed behind, not sure if he was even allowed into the place, as he was only nineteen.
"wha' happened this time?" Lucas sighed, blowing the smoke out his mouth. Lucas knew the Dixon brothers quite well, practically growing up with them. "engine started actin' weird as soon as we pulled up" the older brother groaned, sitting next to a new man who sat at the bar.
"who tha' fuck is this?" Daryl asked rudely. "calm down Daryl, this is Norm" "no shit, Norm huh?" Merle dry laughed. drinking a beer the bartender had brought him.
no other words were exchanged until" Lucas nudges the new-comers shoulder. a signal to say "earn your place"
"One of my Workers...she could fix your bike." as if he was put on the spot, he offered. "a chick? yea' no way" Merle's refused, placing the bottle on the sticky table.
"She's my best worker" he looked at his watch. "she could be finished in a few hours, you even don't have to pay" his teeth grind each other, he knew you weren't going to like that.
"fine...give the address" Daryl looked at the address Norm had written on the paper.
you were a woman...? and I've lived in that part of the neighborhood?
trapped with Beth in the trunk of a car. if anyone would've asked him where he thought he'd be in two years, he definitely wouldn't have said here. cramped with a teenage girl whose father had just died.
Nonetheless, their time together was short-lived when she disappeared. then finding his chosen family again after separating, at the prison.
Terminus was a huge bust. his both, sad and glad you weren't there. if you were there in a different 'state'...he wouldn't know what to do, or what to say.
the next few events played by quickly, finding Beth, losing Beth, and Aaron stumbling across the group. then taking them to Alexandria.
Alexandria was the exact opposite of where you used to live.
it was clean, nice, and suburban.
North Georgia, June 28th, 1987: 2:54am
as Daryl rode in with Merle on their bike, the neighborhood was worse than he'd ever heard before. dirty, buildings coming down, overgrown, and random loud banging noises.
one knock and no one answered. two knocks and they heard moving. when no one answered, a third knock and you finally opened the door. you looked tired, dressed in sweatpants as well as a long t-Shirt, he watched as your hand leaned against the door, covered in small band-aids, some uncovered cuts, and bruises.
once Merle asked what your name was, your hand clenched. "Norm said ya' could fix ma' bike?" Merle Truly didn't think you could do jack. by the looks of you, you were an alone, useless, teenage girl.
"whoopee.." you smiled sarcastically, the fake smile instantly dropping. head nodding to follow inside, Daryl didn't get a long look at your house before he followed you to the garage.
you crouched over on your ankles and pulled up the garage door. "bring your bike around" Merle's quickly jogged out of the open garage to get his bike from out the front, meaning he would be a minute, you grabbed your toolbox from a nearby shelf before you felt him staring.
"do you need something?" your eyes not leaving the toolbox, "Nah.." picking at his fingers in nervousness. it wasn't every day he found a girl like you. "you sure? by the looks of you, you've got questions" he did, he had tons. and honestly, he was a little scared of you.
"I'm sure.." awkward silence filled the air, Daryl Dixon had never been good in silence. you went back to get tools from shelves and from drawers, "you look so uncomfortable. really just ask, it's making me nervous" Daryl took a seat on one of the counters. "where'd ya' learn to fix bikes" you took a seat next to him, thighs a few inches from each other.
"My father taught me" bringing your knees unto your chin. "he's gone though, 'unfortunately'" you air-quote, he didn't mention your Dad again. he knew the topic too well.
"do you know anything about bikes?" he noticed your eyes shimmer from the bad garage light. "Nah. nothin'" you slightly smiled, and tilted your head, handing him a Wrench, perfectly timed as Merle's bike could be heard down the street.
"I'll teach ya'"
day 31 in the commonwealth
Daryl walked down the stairs to his apartment, where he'd be going to start work. watching as Rosita came down from her own place, then exchanging a quick "hey"
"place getting any better?" Daryl smirked. "hell no, i think this place is literally made of paper." she expressed before following with "you sleeping?"
"Nah, no, no." you would always stay up with him until he fell asleep, then you'd fall asleep a few minutes later, to make sure he was actually asleep.
"can't wait till basics are over and we get new apartments, worrying about money again is so weird" rain poured onto the pair was they walked.
"its not forever" he hoped...
@jasontoddorjasongrace @f1uveryys @4ster01ds @rickysgrimes @letsstarsfalling @2181bigbuss @zomerlovesme @aureolinb @kikitje2003 @mandyjpwood @baldeagle21 @justsomecreaturewandering
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jrooc · 10 months
Thanks @callivich for the questions the tag (and @mybrainismelted💕)! Do I want to talk FanFic and Gallavich? Always!
What’s a fic you’ve read more than once?
So many 😅
Old Rules for New Sidepieces
Cassanova Catering Conflict by HorrorBusiness
And some cathartic ones like:
Ian Gallagher is a Haunted Man by Lalablowlooza
Lately @sam-loves-seb's Loving you With No Conditions
2. What’s a gifset you always have to reblog?
The dock scene. Mickey's Mickey-ness
3. What’s a headcanon you can’t stop thinking about?
Ian play-what-cool Gallagher. Mickey having a lot of kinks. Bisexual Carl.
4. What’s a fanart you love looking at?
@sweetperversiongirl's art or there's a couple images by @steorie that I just stare at sometimes
5. What’s an idea you’d love to create if you had the time/inspiration?
A magical story where Mickey is a witch ✨
6. What’s something you’ve discovered since entering this fandom? A new trope you love? A different analysis of the show? Something else?
Soulmates. I love the magic/creature stories too which I didn't think I would at first.
7. What’s your favourite season? And has this changed after multiple rewatches of the show?
S4. Mickey's growth is everything in this season.
8. What’s a plot hole you wish had been answered or resolved?
Yevgeny! Why do they talk about kids in S11 and just not mention him? Drives me crazy they would drop such a big plotline and be like this is okay!
9. What line/dialogue/description from something else (a poem, a book, a tv show, a movie, or something else) do you feel describes Ian and Mickey’s relationship?
But in a solitary life, there are rare moments when another soul dips near yours, as stars once a year brush the earth. Such a constellation was he to me.  - Circe by Madeline Miller
Tagging @such-a-barbarian @ian-galagher @francesrose3 @energievie @michellemisfit @i-think-you-mean-reduction @meagaboooo @skylerwinchester @stocious @mmmichyyy @transmickey @softmick @bawlbrayker @deedala
Come play with me (if you want)!
Original Questions
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rainofthetwilight · 11 months
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I present to you, Jenna and Ethan :DD
(also since you asked to be tagged, @alizibtheterrible)
(pssst, here are the ref sheets for these kiddos)
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before I get into anything, here are my timelines in this AU:
2 years between moto and season 11, atleast 5 months between s11 and s12, 5 more months between s12 and s13, 4 months between s13 and the island, a month between the island and s15, canonically a year between s15 and crystallized, 2 years between crystallized and the merge, 5 years between the merge and the events of DR
and jenna and ethan's ages during these times:
jenna: a year old during s11, almost two years old during s13, turned three a while after nya left, four during crystallized, six when the merge happened, and 11 in current time
ethan: a year old when the merge happened, and 6 in current time
I..know it's probably confusing, but I can attempt to explain more if you don't understand!
my fic for these two is currently being rewritten!!
and now, time to ramble abt the kids!! (warning, VERY long)
their full names are: Jenna Edna Lilly Walker and Ethan Ed Raymond Walker (you can guess who was named after who)
jenna was born just a year after moto, and ethan was born also a year after crystallized!
and from that, the age difference between them is 5 years
jenna inherits jay's powers, and ethan inherits nya's
ethan has ADHD and lacks good social skills due to being surrounded by only 2 people for most of his childhood, while jenna has anxiety, trust issues and some slight ptsd
oh and I can't forget to sprinkle the t r a u m a on them both
they have a good dynamic and bicker normally like siblings always do, but jenna sometimes needs to have her alone time and hates when anyone bothers her so she can snap at any time
while ethan is sensitive and cant control himself, especially if he sees someone distressed, but if he himself is the distressed one either no one should even come near him or he needs a genuiene hug or encouraging words from someone
I'm not sure when jenna will get her powers and will get her true potential, but until I figure it out, she gets her potential when she saw a certain someone in danger (kinda placeholder!!)
she didnt have control of her powers much at first, but would soon learn its abilities
and when ethan gets his powers, it doesn't go smoothly at all due to nya having been turned into the sea, so all the sudden power is..quite a painful experience without control
his true potential? realizing his worth and saving his sister from danger
I don't have exact birthdays for them yet, but the placeholders for now are may 23rd (jenna) and october 8th (ethan)
when they got a bit older, jenna decided to dye some streaks of her hair blue (and one time had a pixie cut), ethan didn't take any creative liberties with his hair but would sometimes style it when he's bored
jenna was named by jay, and while nya had wanted lilly she didnt mind and just she told him ''as long as you don't name her nya junior I won't throw you off a building"
lilly in the end was just given as a middle name
want a fun fact? jenna was the one that named ethan, the moment she saw him in his little blanket she just kept shouting "ethan! ethan!"
and jenna has a HUGE obsession for drawing and painting, while ethan likes cooking and is declared 'the gordon ramsey of the walkers* by jenna lmao
Jenna: dude please just open your own restuarant at this point Ethan: for the love of the fucking fsm Jenna-
jenna's special nickname is JJ! long story short, it was at first a shortened version of 'jay junior' that was actually a joke but then it became her actual nickname lmao
jenna is aroace and will go by she/they in the future, while ethan goes by he/him and will come out as bi!
jenna was attached to both her parents but felt closer to nya, especially after seabound
she'd watch her and jay in the sam x cave for ages
never remembering nya nor jay, ethan was wary of nya at first and tried to stay close to jenna but the moment she hugged him? he felt safe and knew it was right (shoot I'm kinda spoiling the reunion uhh)
jenna says she has no favourite uncle, but it's secretly cole and only he knows that
and she bullies kai, even when she's not ordered to do so by jay 👌
she does have a good bond with all of them tho!
jenna, in dragons rising, is 5'0 and will stay that height for a while until she hits a sudden growth spurt at 13 and is literally 5'6
and she'd be 5'9 at 16
happens with ethan aswell, he's only 6 so he's about 3'8 which is average for his age, but he'll keep growing taller and taller and he stops growing once he reached 5'8
The Forest Of Walkers(tm) as a moot of mine once quoted (we both hc jay to be very tall, finn I am looking at you)
and yes, that small part of the drawing of them walking is them in the future, I have no exact design yet and just wanted to throw that in bc of the free space lmao (I will post their future designs tho trust)
fun fact: when me and my friend were still planning what jenna and ethan would be doing after the merge, instead of staying with lloyd they had ended up with sora and arin
in this au, maya and ray are a tad closer to nya than they are in the actual show, they visit regularly to check on her, jay and jenna (soon ethan aswell)
both them and ed and edna SPOIL HER TO DEATH. they'd gladly take jenna any day
..which actually happened, seabound stuff :")
from the way all the ninja grieved, it was extremely lonely for a 3 almost 4 year old kid, especially with how everything happened so suddenly and how she can't yet process grief well, she only had cole who'd stay with her alot when she wasn't at her grandparents
even at their places it felt gloomy, but she loved to distract herself when she'd be in the junkyard by helping ed collect scraps and build with him (when her love of mechanism began)
and she loved to take walks with maya or ray at ignacia, or watch ray blacksmithing
it calmed her down a bit, but she knew something was still missing
edit: jay was also not in the best place after nya left, and wasn't able to spend time with jenna because she reminded him so much of nya, so he went to the lighthouse before he got too far
crystallized was..not the best experience either
because of spoilers and still planning out some more stuff, time to jump to post-crystallized
jenna grew much closer to nya, and had went to school 2 months after ethan was born!
she started in first grade, and was chaotic as fuck
she beat a kid in her class once just because he didnt like her drawings, obviously did not end well but she won and she was proud af 😎
during the timeskip after the merge, when ethan hit 4, lloyd would do some sort of homeschooling for him since he and jenna never left the monastery
Lloyd: okay, what's 5+6?
Ethan: 10!
Lloyd, trying not explode because he was so close:
I have so much more, but this is getting long af and I'm tired lmao
for my moots that are in the combined au, feel free to ramble in the tags aswell if u want to btw!! I wish I could too but I don't have the fuckin energy :'))
I may add on once I have the time and energy in the notes (or another post), but for now here's some info abt these hellspawns :"DD
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diamonddogs-terrarium · 6 months
Llorumi Ramble
What’s really funny about how much I adore Llorumi, considering I’ve been fixated on it for about a year now, is that originally I wasn’t a fan of the ship. 
When I was watching the show for the first time I paid little mind to Lloyd and Harumi’s relationship. Especially in the first half of S8, like “woa so lame... goodie two shoes girl...whatevah…” and even after the reveal I didn’t have any strong opinions. I thought it was a neat dynamic but didn’t really think much of it after Harumi’s death. I thought that was it for their story and Harumi would just be another villain to be, eventually, forgotten about.
But then, I watched “Stop, Drop and Side Scroll” and gosh, the dialogue between Lloyd and what he perceives to be Harumi really captured my attention. The slight stutter when Lloyd first saw the fake Harumi, the way he hesitated to attack her, and how in the end he did technically win the fight…but he still got cubed. 
Of course I eventually reached Crystallized. I was elated at Harumi’s reveal, especially with the payoff of all her mentions between S11 to S13. And holy shit, the reveal that Lloyd went and searched for her corpse had me pacing around my room like a trapped animal LOL. Along with how it’s implied Harumi didn’t die on impact from the fall… and how that adds a lot of angsty context to some of (fake) Harumi's dialogue in “Stop, Drop and Side Scroll”. I kinda want to save the discussion of that for another post though haha. 
Crystallized kind of took a turn for the worst in terms of general story quality pretty quickly after Pt. 1 unfortunately. The storylines were stacking, and there just wasn’t enough time to wrap up Harumi’s redemption, Lloyd’s Oni side, and address their relationship before the season ended. But the pieces were there: Harumi hesitating when she considers just for a moment if they could be better. Lloyd struggles with his rage, and being forced to accept that side of himself as who he is. As someone who struggled with anger issues, it was comforting to see Lloyd conflict with that side of himself. And the brief hand holding at the end of “Roots”, a brief callback to what you might’ve seen between them in early S8. Crystallized failed to do a lot, but I could appreciate what we got out of the season. 
In my little sandbox, these two characters are so fun to play with. For the past year I’ve been brewing a post-crystallized AU (with the help of a few friends!) that attempts to address a few of the issues I’ve mentioned earlier. Along with that, I actually started drawing people and humans in general so I could create content for the ship and my art has improved greatly from 2 years ago. I love creating stories, headcanons, and artwork for these silly LEGO people. Heck, I even made a ship playlist for them that I listen to daily. I just think they're so neat.
TLDR: I’ve never been this insane about a ship before and they mean so so much to me. And I love the stuff I make about them. Live, laugh, love, llorumi.
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