#its just so annoying ..
heyhellohowdy · 4 months
soooo i might have to take my former landlord to court 😜✌️
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pbpsbff · 6 months
i keep getting videos about ppl who r insecure about their sparkly prom dresses because spring dresses at prom are in (???) and it’s rlly funny to me because my dress last year was sparkly as shit and nobody cared. like NOBODY WILL CARE you will get called pretty by the girls you meet in the bathroom regardless of what you are wearing just as god intended stop listening to tiktok
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justtkatt · 8 months
Rewatching s17 and man Donuts voice is so pitchy in the first half of this season sobbing. It evens out in the second half but like why did they have him so high pitched .°(ಗдಗ。)°. Who directed his voice acting istg because i get it’s flanderised Donut but who decided that meant his voice cracked every 2 seconds
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adaines-furious-feast · 4 months
Normalise disabled people not having to change themselves to make things easier.
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keebwee · 11 months
why do people care so much about other peoples music tastes it DOESNT MATTER... let a man listen to what he wants. and if thats something you find stupid so be it. but leave them alone it doesnt matter dawg
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singwhenyoucantspeak · 10 months
hate when the media makes up new words for things that people have always done to make it appear as tho millenials and Gen Z "invented it" just because it's not the way youre "supposed" to do things in the eyes of capitalism. like wtf are you on about "house hacking". you mean like how my mom rented out the extra rooms in her first house to her friends because she was a teacher and wouldn't have been able to pay the mortgage without living with renters to contribute?
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waraueuphoria · 5 months
I'm so smart. Why did I let my coworker that I don't really fw have my Instagram. Now she knows I used to sh and thinks she can relate to me leave me alone white girl
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postlitany · 1 month
Hot Take: I think it's stupid to compare the books to the TV adaptations of Game of Throne and House of Dragon
Really simple reason, the tv show can NEVER be the exact copy of the books. Literally impossible. There is so much lore, so many perspectives, so many details that work for a book but would drown a TV show.
Case and point, in ASOIAF the Starks are all implied to be wargs through there dire wolves. People complain that only Brann gets that ability in the show, but that's not completely true. Rickon in the first season clearly has some warg abilities, but yes the focus is on Brann. And even if you want to argue that only Brann is shown to have "true" warg abilities, then ask the simple question. Why? Because he's an extremely important character, and his abilities are pretty central to the entire plot.
Many details that are left out of the shows or are changed because they would introduce too many peripheral characters helps the shows function as shows. 55 minutes of screen time to encapsulate books that are incredibly complicated and nuanced and fucking LONG. Its not realistic, and even if it was it would not (in my opinion) be very fun to watch.
Just to throw in my opinion, constantly griping about this or that everywhere online detracts from the experience of viewing. I'll watch an episode, enjoy it, and then immediately know the complaints people will have and then see the onslaught of critiques.
This is not to say you can't disagree with the shows, just don't be a fucking asshole about it. They are different mediums with different constraints. If you think your media literacy is top notch, then take that into consideration before blasting off on Twitter.
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content warning; Uk tabloids being bad (anti-trans mainly)
EXCLUSIVE Mother of Year 8 pupil scolded over gender is 'proud of her' | Daily Mail Online - the usual transphobia is present, but there is this other thing, that a telegraph article expresses (at the bottom)
"Stories about children self-identifying as animals – sometimes referred to as “furries”"
they really don't understand what a furry is, and although the anti-trans element is bad, it appears like the anti-furry content is worse, and it just annoyed me so much i needed to share.
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pasta5284 · 6 months
girl can i have one quarter where i just register for classes and it actually works without them coming to me like 1 day before the quarter starts like "ummmm sooo ur not actually registered for anything" and they always try to make it out like its my fault even tho i just fucking. did what im supposed to i clicky the classes i want i clicky the register button at my assigned time. it should not be my job to make sure they remember im a student until its too late or whatever happens. why does this always happen!!!
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hneycmb · 1 year
At some point you guys gotta get over your excessive and dramatic shock towards the fact that time is passing. Every other week someone screenshots a thirteen year old's TikTok about being born in 2010 or some shit and then you all have a meltdown like ohhhhhhhhg im getting OLDDDDD like cmon.
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mcwexlerscigarette · 2 years
like. it just really deeply bothers me when someone calls my phone asking for someone else. like,...dont you think that if the person you wanna talk to wants to talk to you back that maybe perhaps they’d answer the phone? ever consider that they’re just ignoring you? do you really wanna talk to someone who’s ignoring you?
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nightfallsystem · 2 years
if anyone ever recommends me a media bc it has an autistic person in it i am legally allowed to punch them
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junkie-virus · 2 years
leg pain :(
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herlade · 2 years
recently ive been feeling so much hatred towards famous people, nothing new lol but ive been thinking about the times when a big ass singer starred in a movie which adds even more fame to their name. like lady gaga in a star is born or h*rry styles in that gay movie he made recently. like imagine if h*rry also starred in call me by your name and we never really knew about timothee like a brand new person who has been trying really hard to make it in hollywood could have been cast instead of gaga or mr. styles and that particular movie could have changed their whole life,,,,, idk man i havent seen either of the movies and ill never intentionally choose to see a movie that stars a superstar from another field
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rockfact · 2 years
i need to get back into animating UUGGGHHHHHH
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