#2/ Pearl is most likely to the one who try to teach inkling to Marina and Pearl probably memorize words
incorrect-splatoon · 11 months
Wait... in the side order trailers, Pearl understand Acht/Dedf1sh. Which means either:
Acht and Agent 8 speak and understand inkling.
Pearl learn octarian
And yes, no one pointed this one out.
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sailorsplatoon · 3 months
Chapter 7 is here! I've been looking forward to posting this one, we get to see how a couple of the characters interact with each other!
First (prologue)
Read it on ao3!
(Fanfic under cut)
Neo walked into the elevator of the apartment building, checking Agent 4’s text again to make sure it had the right address.
Party at my place on Saturday, 4:00
48 Shellendorf Street Apt. 73
(There’s going to be a surprise!)
Neo had only met Agent 4 once, but they seemed like a fun person. It would love to challenge them to a 1v1 sometime. It was arriving ten minutes late, but that wasn’t unusual for it. Neo knocked on the door and it swung open. Four stood there, beaming.
“Hey, Neo! Glad you could make it! Come on in!” They took its arm and pulled it into the apartment.
The other agents were scattered about the room. Captain stood by the counter, taking handfuls of snacks. Eight sat on the couch, bouncing his leg to the beat of the music blaring from the speakers. Agent 1 and Agent 2 leaned against a wall, chatting. Pearl and Marina were there as well, talking with them. Cuttlefish floated around from group to group. And Deep Cut sat on the floor as Big Man tried to teach Shiver and Frye how to play a card game.
“You were invited too? I didn’t know you three knew Agent 4.” Neo walked over to the trio and tried to make conversation. Things had been awkward since it had beaten them in battle and Neo wanted to try and alleviate the tension.
“We don’t, but we heard Boss Marie say something about a party and we wanted to come. It’s kinda boring though,” Frye said before smashing her cards down. “Bam! I win!”
“Ay, ay… (No you don’t, that’s not how this game works…)”
“Okay!” Four stood in the middle of the room, demanding everyone’s attention. “Everyone’s here so it’s time for the surprise!” With that, Four ran into their bedroom, appearing moments later holding an octopus in their arms. They carefully placed the octopus on the ground as they took their humanoid form. The octoling stood next to Four, towering over the inkling beside them. Their tentacles fell over one eye, the other covered with a set of red sunglasses. They wore a black dress that had been torn on one end, held together by a red string. But the most peculiar thing about them, something that Neo had never seen before, was that their skin was green. It was a little bit scared of them, but its curiosity always won out against fear. Who was this strange person? It peered over at Captain for guidance.
“Meet Acht! My amazing partner!” Four squeezed Acht into a hug, the two of them smiling.
Captain felt like they had just been stabbed by a million needles. Four had never said anything about their partner being sanitized. This was not good. Did Four know? Of course they did they weren’t that much of an idiot. But then why would they trust a sanitized octoling, knowing how dangerous they are? Captain looked to Eight. He would get it, he fought those things firsthand. But he was smiling at them. How could he smile at something like that thing? 
“They’re sanitized,” Marie said skeptically. At least she understood. 
“Well, sort of. Not mentally. Anymore.” Four struggled to explain.
“I was partially sanitized years ago. When Marina’s Memverse project went online, I got pulled in. Because it was made to help restore the minds of sanitized octolings, it helped me slowly get better. Due to only being partially sanitized, I didn’t even have to climb the spire to start getting myself back.” Acht finally spoke, helping Four to relay their sanitization status to the group. “While the physical effects will likely never go away, or at the very least take a really long time, my mind is no longer sanitized at all.”
“I don’t understand anything that’s happening right now.” Neo butted in.
“Oh right, I forgot we never filled you in on the whole Deepsea Metro thing, sorry Neo!” Four said. “Actually, Eight you’d probably be better suited to explain this.”
Eight nodded, “The Deepsea Metro is an underground subway system run by Kamabo Co, which was created by Commander Tartar. Tartar was an AI created by humans which decided that cephalopods were not fit to be the new dominant species, and so it decided to try and create a perfect version of us. It put octolings like me through tests, promising that they would go to the ‘Promised Land’ if they gathered four Thangs. Those who did, also like me, were to be blended into an ooze which was used to sanitize other octolings. Sanitization causes them to lose all their memories, personality, sense of self, everything. Acht was only partially sanitized, so it wasn’t so extreme. Captain was also partially sanitized for a short time in Tatar’s attempts to stop me from breaking out of the metro.” 
As Eight said that, Acht looked up at Captain in surprise. There was someone else here who has been controlled by Tartar? Sure enough, there was a large cyan scar over Captain’s eye. I must have been where the ooze touched her skin. But she just looked away from Acht. If she knew what it was like, why did she seem so reluctant to look at them? Eight continued, “Thankfully I was able to save Captain before the sanitization took hold and escape the metro along with putting a stop to Tartar’s plans. Acht escaped later on after their mind was fully returned to normal, though I’m assuming only recently since they never told me that they finally got out. But I figured they would soon since Four asked me for a map. You don’t go to the metro for a vacation.” Eight eyed Acht with a grin along his face. Acht was worried he’d be upset that they’d never told him, but he seemed to just be happy for them.
“Oh so kind of like what Mr. Grizz tried to do. He also wanted to take over the world and control people, but to the best of my knowledge he didn’t blend anyone.”
“He did try to remove Cuttlefish’s brain though,” Shiver spoke calmly despite the gravity to her words.
“If I had a nickel for every time I almost died in the field, I’d be the richest squid here.” Cuttlefish waved a tentacle in emphasis.
“Not by a long shot.” Pearl smirked.
“Wait wait wait wait!” Callie interrupted the conversation with a shout. “Acht you’re a musician, right? I just looked you up on Splatify and it says you recently released a collab with Off the Hook!? Does this mean you’re going to be making music in Splasville now!?”
“Like hell you are!” Frye jumped up. She was paying attention to the conversation now. “The Splatlands are our turf!”
“You think you can waltz in here and try stealing our spotlight? Think again, greenie!” Shiver pointed at Acht accusingly. 
Four shot her a look that said “If you call them that again I will make you feel tremendous pain.” 
“Ay ay ay. (Guys let’s not make this a big thing.)” Big Man tried desperately to calm his bandmates.
“Oh what, so that you can abandon us and do a collab with them too?” Frye shifted her rage to the manta ray.
“Ay ay! (No that’s not what I meant!)”
Acht tried to defuse the situation. “Relax, I’m planning on focusing on Inkopolis Square anyway. I might play a few shows in Splatsville but—”
“Oh good luck with that,” Shiver interrupted. She was very clearly threatening Acht’s shows. Before anyone could try to calm them down further, Shiver and Frye stomped out of the apartment, dragging Big Man behind them.
“They’re going to be a problem.” Four placed a hand on Acht’s shoulder.
“We’ll figure that out when we get there.” Acht smiled down at Four, who quickly stood up on their tip toes to leave a kiss on Acht’s lips.
Captain sighed. Agent 4 did seem happy with Acht, but she couldn’t take any chances. When Tartar had been controlling her, there was nothing she could do to resist it. Would a couple strings of code really be enough to restore Acht’s mind? How could she be so sure that they weren’t still loyal to Tartar’s cause?
“We’ll let them have their fun. As worried as I am about that sanitized octoling, I trust Four’s judgement.” Marie appeared over Captain’s shoulder, yet again knowing exactly what she was thinking.
“Unfortunately, you’re right,” she heaved. “I don’t like the idea of keeping a sanitized octoling around, but Eight seems fine with it and he has more experience with those things than I do. I trust Four. If they’re happy, that’s all that matters.”
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the-splatoon · 6 years
Headcanon: Linguistics
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Inkling and Octarian are very closely related languages, though with enough differences to not be considered dialects of one another.
To a certain degree they are mutually intellegible; generally, native speakers of Inkling have an easier time understanding Octarian speakers than the other way around, which is owed to the greater variance in dialects within Inkling, thanks to it being the more widely spoken language. Basically, Inkling speakers are used to “alternate pronounciations” enough to interpret similar sounding Octarian words correctly, while Octarian is more uniform as a language spoken by a closed-off community and thus its speakers are less used to that sort of variation.
Still, generally learning one of these languages is rather simple for a native-speaker of the other language, as the grammar is functionally identical for the most part, excluding some uses of copula, sentence shortening and common phrases. It’s mostly differences in vocabulary that will throw the learner off. For example, Octarian uses a lot of vocabulary which, in modern in Inkling, is considered outdated or even archaic and also still has certain verb-forms that no longer exist in Inkling, having been folded into other forms over time.
In both languages, vibrato and tremolo are an important part of the sound-system. While human languages tend to have things like “stress-”, “tone-” or “pitch-accent” to differentiate similar words from one another, the Cephaloid languages, owed to how their speaker’s larynxes are shaped, instead have a sort of “vibration-accent” which, theoretically, would make it impossible for a human to master these languages to a fully intellegible degree. Their words are differentiated in the way they vibrate when spoken, which a human voice box wouldn’t be able to replicate. In general, Inkling vibration-accent has more tremolo, while Octarian has more vibrato, causing Octarian speakers to sound more “melodic” when speaking.
As for this blog, here is what the characters (Muses and relevant other characters) speak, and how well (1= Fluent, 3=Broken, 5=Barely):
Capt’n Cuttlefish: Inkling (1), Octarian (2)
DJ Octavio: Octarian (1), Inkling (3)
Callie: Inkling (1), Octarian (formerly 3, since the kidnapping 2)
Marie: Inkling (1), Octarian (3)
Sango: Inkling (1), Octarian (4)
Clover: Inkling (1)
Pearl: Inkling (1), Octarian (5)
Marina: Octarian  (1), Inkling (1)
Eve: Octarian (1), Inkling (3)
Ceph: Inkling (1)
Sheldon: Inkling (1)
When they were still friends, Cuttlefish and Octavio usually spoke in Octarian to each other, though nowadays Cuttlefish refuses to use the language in Octavio’s presence out of spite.
Callie and Marie learned Octarian from the Grandfather for the purposes of their work as agents (translating military documents and such), but never had much contact with native speakers, so their spoken Octarian stayed awkward. However, Callie’s recent experiences have drastically improved her pronounciation of the language to the point that she’s far surpassed her cousin in this skill.
Sango picked up some Octarian during battle as well as from Eve, but she’s better at understanding and reading, and can’t really speak it.
Clover never bothered trying to pick the language up. Misinterpreting everything the Octarians around her say is way too much fun for her.
Pearl... *thinks* she speaks Octarian, but really, she only knows a couple of words Marina taught her. Though Pearl herself loves bragging with her “skills” and shoving the language into every other sentence when she feels like it that day, her Octarian is actually beyond broken. She sounds like a cave-fish whenever she tries to use the language, exasperating Marina quite a bit.
Marina is a fluent bilingual, though there is a noticable Octarian accent whenever she gets nervous. She learned most of her Inkling from Pearl (who is surprisingly good at teaching when she tries), and has attempted to teach Pearl some Octarian, though, thanks to reasons mentioned above, she eventually gave up.
Eve is still learning Inkling and her pronounciation and grammar are fairly good. However, her vocabulary is a mess. She actually spends an hour every night reading dictionaries, just because that fact annoys her. She wants to be fluent as soon as possible.
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incorrect-splatoon · 2 years
Give us that pearlina moms propoganda
Hi, I am not the Pearlina Moms champion (I believe it's @hannasaurrex).
But I give you some headcanon about it anyways:
Marina don't really know how to be a parent is, growing in a military state marina parent where quite absent and neglectful. She don't want to be like her parent and his a bit scare about it.
Pearl however grow in a nice familly and has 2 siblings so she is better suited weirdly enough.
Agent 8 admit that, even tho they more her less acted like serogate mother to them, they believe their child would be freaking spoiled.
They don't have access to GPA [Assisted reproduction] because inkling technology doesn't allow it yet and Marina want a child WITH PEARL. Not anyone else, she is adamant about it.
They would probably adopt not yet has they are 23 and 26. (Wait until marina is over 25)
The child they would adopt will probably be name after a precious stone like amethyst, onyx, diamond etc...
Marina would be the one who is overprotective that for sure and pearl the chill one. However Pearl would be the one who got an easier time in parenthood.
Callie and marie would be the godmother, when first presenting callie and Marie to the baby. Pearl say: "This is callie and this is the green bitch, say hello"
Despise everything, pearl would still use insult over and over in front of the children which piss off Marina
If the kid is scare (because of thunder or monster or other) they would accept it in the bed to sleep with them.
They both would try to find an instrument he like to teach him. Violon would be cool but Hang drum would be so funny.
I like to think in adoption they wouldn't be deadset on adopting an inkling or octoling, they could adopt a manta, a whale, a dolphin, sea lion.
Octoling however is the most likely, has the military state and harsh condition might force parent to abandon child more easily.
Okay, I believe this is all I have for now. Has I say, not the pearlina mom experts but I hope you will enjoy it anyways !
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