#2. it just makes everyone mad and theres no real winner
kupocoin · 2 years
#putting this here instead of the bird app because I dont wanna get hunted for sports but#9834757345th time of me complaining about the dm//c fandom#ill say it again im not a conflict seeking person so I usually let things slide and not bother about it but istg#seeing sp*rd*c*st everywhere makes me so uncomfortable#i just post normal ass sfw art on my twitter and suddenly a dozen of DV or VN shippers floods my notif#LIKE ID IGNORE THEM IF I CAN but they made it so obvious with their pfp and display name and im just like urghhhhhh#for those who are on tw//itter you might have known about the tarot incident thing and idk just my opinion but both parties kinda didnt#handle it too well#u see as much as I dont like seeing certain stuff#im not gonna go around and start harassing people because 1. it wont change a thing#2. it just makes everyone mad and theres no real winner#like as long as people dont shove it into my face or mention it around me im chill and we can be cool yknow#but houghhh id try ignoring if i can but i just cant bc it gets shoved into my face in my notifs#AND ITS NOT LIKE id go hey if you do x and x dont interact with me or my post its kinda bs#so im just hurhghghhghg seething quietly#bacon talks#addition: im sorry to all my friends who i complained about this issue with and u hve to keep seeing it#im just being a piss baby#also i just wanna clear things up#if anyone of you reading this happens to ship them honestly i dont really care about it that much#you do you i do my own stuff#i wont be harassing people but only the occasional complaining because it fr just makes me uncomfy yknow#as long as you can respect that we are chill
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bythepowerof4 · 7 years
bythepowerof4 uuuggggggggggghghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ugggggggggggggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
nickatnightwalker good morning sunshine
bythepowerof4 very very bad morning. day. all of it :/
nickatnightwalker im trying to feel compassion but you did kind of do it to yourself
bythepowerof4 do what???
bythepowerof4 i didn't get fucked bro i was only a little off lmao i just had like. a bad time ):
nickatnightwalker oh is this not a hangover moaning
bythepowerof4 god i wish
nickatnightwalker what happened as far as i could tell you stayed clothed so whatre the regrets
bythepowerof4 i did lmao. ok like ur ego is probably swelling in the wake of everyone's poor decision making, but would it inflate it more if i said u were right all along
nickatnightwalker my ego's already reached terminal velocity youre gonna have to be more specific about what i was right about
bythepowerof4 etsuko :/
bythepowerof4 and prom. and prom with etsuko
nickatnightwalker /fuck/ yes i knew it and it's a bad thing because you dont know what to say, yeah?
bythepowerof4 fuck oooooooffffffffffffffffffff yeah :/ but it's also a bad thing cause she was fucking smashed and wanted to kiss me and chucked on my shoes and oh my god
nickatnightwalker oh smooth that's a definite winner as far as first moves go
bythepowerof4 haha yeah ok but i think maybe it wasn't the first move??? and i missed the others cause im an idiot i guess??? and she was so weird and sad and i feel like shit
nickatnightwalker no in all seriousness i obviously have a bias but good things have come from worst first moves it's not your fault you didnt know something she didnt say if she's sad you didnt pick up on it that blows but it's not on you
bythepowerof4 fuck lmao u are the expert :p and yeah. are you like. very sure im in the clear bc idk tbh i got kinda pissy and im still kinda pissy cause she said weird things about me and also daisy but like, we're friends and i think i was harsh
nickatnightwalker it's not your fault for not being a mind reader
bythepowerof4 i wish i was they need a class for that here. everyone wants you to be a fucking mind reader
nickatnightwalker oh what am i gonna have to stuff somebodys second mouth with newspaper and make them smell a jockstrap or what
bythepowerof4 no you are not and none of this leaves this chat ok!!!!
nickatnightwalker yes yeah but do i have to kill her or what i already gave thiren the flu this school year im comin in hot
bythepowerof4 was that you holy shit she shared her flask you gave it like everyone lmaoooo but wait no no killing!!!! she was just like. idk im kinda fuzzy on the deets but she acted like she was scared of like. breaking girl code. getting up on some other girls territory i think she actually said territory which made me feel very gross and i still do actually wow
nickatnightwalker i didnt make anyone share her bottle im innocent of everyone else getting sick alright also what the fuck girl code? territory??
bythepowerof4 i know girl code is strange and mysterious to us both but it was still. weird
bythepowerof4 she thought she couldn't say anything cause of daisy i think. cause she brought it up before i even said shit i think???
nickatnightwalker girl code is not a thing
bythepowerof4 i think it's shorthand for like basic decency
nickatnightwalker alls fair in love and war motherfucker if you and someone else like the same person whoever wins wins theres no playing nice playing nice is like, insulting
nickatnightwalker you like who you like and someone bowing out for someone else isnt fair to you just saying
bythepowerof4 :/
nickatnightwalker im serious it's wildly outdated and treats you like something that someone has a right to
bythepowerof4 like territory
nickatnightwalker very uncool
bythepowerof4 its not her fault i think im making it sound worse than it is
nickatnightwalker to be totally fair probably she thinks you like daisy and didnt want to get in the way which is respectable and respectful and a different story but territory is very uncool
bythepowerof4 yeah i think that's closer idk i barely have it in me to be confused about one girl this sucks talking to people sucks i don't know what's going on
nickatnightwalker you dont like have to know whats going on
bythepowerof4 it clearly helps
nickatnightwalker like. not to be fake deep but feelings arent easy to parse like, ever sometimes it takes a long time so just chill it's not a big deal to not know what to say the second someone comes on to you
bythepowerof4 i did say things though like a few things and i think they were kinda mean like youre right but it Sucks !!
nickatnightwalker ok. ok like.  being mean may have cut that option off for you you know that right
bythepowerof4 oh my god
bythepowerof4 oh my god fuck
nickatnightwalker dont freak
bythepowerof4 shes not an option she's just my friend which means i shouldn't be mean yeah way too late
nickatnightwalker on a scale of 1 to 10 how bitchy were you also if shes like.  not an option.  and just your friend.  isnt that kind of your answer clea.  like i dont mean to point out the obvious or sway you in any way but im not getting strong yes vibes from this strongly negative reaction
bythepowerof4 i don't know!!! i don't know it happened very fast i think i called her dumb
nickatnightwalker ouch
bythepowerof4 and got pissy about like. how we are Always Doing This
nickatnightwalker what, throwing up on each other
bythepowerof4 her throwing up on me yes
nickatnightwalker ok i can see how thats a bit of a turn of *off
bythepowerof4 this has like. happened and i think it's bad which means i should have been nicer about it
nickatnightwalker youre really being so vague right now you mean shes tried to tell you before or what
bythepowerof4 i mean she's gotten off her fucking face and started crying before and i just like, take her to the dorm or back to mine and its like. idk
nickatnightwalker right you dont love it
nickatnightwalker is what im gathering
bythepowerof4 no i think i think i think it's kinda nice sometimes cause i like helping her and that's really really bad
nickatnightwalker it's bad that you like helping her im just trying to get this right have patience with me
bythepowerof4 well yeah if she needs to need help before i can help her
nickatnightwalker oooooookay well it's not like youre sabotaging her just to get your hero rocks off
bythepowerof4 that sounds even worse thank you
nickatnightwalker youre not, are you?
bythepowerof4 i don't think so but like
bythepowerof4 i didn't stop her or anything
nickatnightwalker youre not her babysitter
bythepowerof4 i was um. distracted but i shoulda right
nickatnightwalker if you wanna help her outta the goodness of your heart thats good for you but youre not her babysitter i let damian and daisy both make turds of themselves last night
bythepowerof4 they weren't even drinking that's different
nickatnightwalker yeah, they did that shit sober and i still didnt try to stop them dude, my guy, bro youre your own responsibility ok
nickatnightwalker youre not her mom
bythepowerof4 im her friend!!!! friends look out for each other and stuff!!!!! and if im apparently leading her on or something and making her feel like she can't talk to me and letting her get all messy and miserable then im a bad friend and im upset about it!!
nickatnightwalker 1. leading someone on kind of has to be intentional, otherwise youre just like, being crush-worthy by being yourself 2. friends arent moms 3. moms are a social construct anyway 4. you dont "let" her get anything youre not in chargeof her cmon clea youre takng on way more of this than you should
feel bad she feels bad if you want to but guilt doesnt factor into this
bythepowerof4 you're like. way too rational you're making it very hard to be hysterical that's a compliment i think but im mad about it lmao :/
nickatnightwalker my job is to be rational about everyones problems except my own
nickatnightwalker thats my niche in the social hierarchy
bythepowerof4 big words from the guy trying to decimate my well meaning babysitter niche !! if you ever need someone to be hysterical about your problems know that im here for you
nickatnightwalker i have no problems my life is a glittering utopia compared to the dumpster fire of your last night and today apparently
nickatnightwalker like i cant make your decisions for you or anything but before you do make one id seriously advise you to work on not taking responsibility for etsuko's life and bad choices cause that way lies a really fucking miserable relationship
bythepowerof4 lmao liar!! everyone has problems and i'll be personally offended if you don't at some point dump them on me like im doing right now to you. two way street :p my advice might be less cool and wise and prophetic but like. still its not like, a """decision""" anyway cause its not some weirdo love triangle bullshit. cause i dont like. maybe if she said something before or if u know?? if shit was different but not now the decisiony part is just how to undo the dumpster fire lmao. which i think. i can maybe do idk thank u ur so good at this i hate you
nickatnightwalker i gotta be real i have no idea what anything you just said meant
bythepowerof4 oh i thought i made sense that time :/ that sucks this sucks again
nickatnightwalker is this a new kind of sucking or is this the same suck as before
bythepowerof4 part of the same suck cause i don't make , like. sense :/
nickatnightwalker just that one part where you say youre not making a decision cause you kinda got to even if it's to do nothing
bythepowerof4 oh ok yeah
nickatnightwalker "cause i dont like. maybe if she said something before or if u know?? if shit was different"  also this part
bythepowerof4 well im not doing nothing cause i don't wanna fight with/not talk to anyone and if i said i was thinking of waiting it out you'd tell me that's stupid lmao and that parts just like. u know
bythepowerof4 what she wanted to do and whether i also wanted to do that thing
nickatnightwalker idk i actually dont think waiting it out is a terrible idea in this case at least until she's calmed down and youve had time to think about whether you also wanna do that thing
bythepowerof4 i don't think i do right now i thought i was making that part fairly clear it's not like a hard no cause she's cool but i've got a lot going on rn lmao
bythepowerof4 ok so waiting. lmao can you be a mate and like buzz me when it's a good time to no longer be waiting
nickatnightwalker no that part was fairly clear from the way this news didnt like, make you happy in the least
bythepowerof4 oh. yeah i guess? that could all be circumstances though
nickatnightwalker it's been a couple days now probably tomorrows a good day to apologize for being bitchy
bythepowerof4 ok. ok i can do that !!!
nickatnightwalker circumstances arent THAT much of a game changer when it comes to wanting a person to kiss you or not also dont apologize for her getting drunk that was her choice dont be weird about it
bythepowerof4 barf mouth tho
bythepowerof4 and yeah ok i'll skip that part
nickatnightwalker ok barf mouth is actually a good point
nickatnightwalker but still easy enough to fix for it not to be a huge dealbreaker
bythepowerof4 oh hey ets yeah let's go get you some goddamn listerine, and i'll go change my shoes and then we'll meet back here in 15 for super scheduled smooching !! no thank you!!!!
nickatnightwalker do other people not do that i feel like people do that i personally have definitely sent people away for listerine
bythepowerof4 oh my god and you can just?? get back in the moment like nothing happened???? i don't see it
nickatnightwalker idk if theyre hot enough you can let a lot of stuff slide
bythepowerof4 oh bc ur sooooo hot enough that they let ur critiques on their hygiene slide :p
nickatnightwalker you think im that tactless? im fucking smooth people dont even notice it's insulting
bythepowerof4 is there a tactful way to send ppl off for mouthwash
nickatnightwalker yeah, you tell them what they get when they come back or pass em some gum and hope if it's not too bad
bythepowerof4 jesus you really think you're all that !!!!!
nickatnightwalker what it's not like im making this up when youre out sometimes people arent super picky ok
bythepowerof4 i believe you its just weird !! i thought people were picky as a rule and like, idk it sounds so awkward
nickatnightwalker oh no absolutely people are not that picky all the time and if you wanna k iss someone you wanna kiss them and you'll wait if you gotta you see?
bythepowerof4 oh well duh im good on the waiting part lmao which is why i would wait for a different time entirely when no ones barfy or critical :p im very patient!!!!
nickatnightwalker right but you have to like.  want to wait. and if you wanna wait then that should kinda clue you in
bythepowerof4 oh. yeah we're talking about that again ok
nickatnightwalker it all comes back around theres no such thing as tangents
bythepowerof4 youre a terrible person i live off tangents
ok well. yeah no. i don't wanna like a little but not enough. which i feel weirdly bad about but sure whatever brain!!
nickatnightwalker no no guilt over that
nickatnightwalker not allowed if etsuko's a half decent person i dont think she'd want you to feel guilty about that either
bythepowerof4 tell my brain that im trying !! she wouldn't duh i think she feels worse about it which makes me feel worse about it
nickatnightwalker say it with me now i am not responsible for someone else's feelings now you
bythepowerof4 :/ i am not responsible for someone elses feelings
nickatnightwalker yeah there you go try this one im not responsible for someone else's messy behavior
bythepowerof4 i am not responsible for someone elses messy behaviour even though if i can stop it i should probably try ok next
nickatnightwalker nope if you want to out of the goodness of your heart go for it but you have no responsibility to stop it not even should
bythepowerof4 are you sure not even should that seems extreme
nickatnightwalker no like it'd be nice of you but youre really NOT under any obligation youre not her mom
nickatnightwalker thatd be creepy and gross clea
bythepowerof4 not obligation just like the parameters of friendship it's creepy and gross that u keep saying that!!
nickatnightwalker it's creepy and gross that you feel like youve gotta babysit her im just being real here
bythepowerof4 ughhhhhhhhhhhh i knew it i knew i was gross it's not even her ok i would look out for you if you weren't so mr perfect perfect all the time!!!
nickatnightwalker thats the first time ive ever been accused of that lemme bask in it for a second ok im good
nickatnightwalker clea that kinda sounds like an issue that's you-based and youre like, gonna get worn out and have a breakdown or something
nickatnightwalker we're kids we're not old enough to take care of other people like that
bythepowerof4 i just. don't get why ur objecting to my like, decency if you ever actually needed it then maybe you'd get it but you don't so it's fine!! im not gonna have a breakdown i don't wanna have a breakdown
nickatnightwalker im not objecting to decency im objecting to feeling guilty if you dont go out of your way for someone not like i dont generally frown on decency anyway but thats not related
bythepowerof4 no tangents!!! everything is related :p it's just. very hard ok can't help it, didn't know it was weird, this is by and large new information
nickatnightwalker i too like introspection better when someone else does it for me
bythepowerof4 god right ppl should make a living off this
nickatnightwalker i think that's called therapy
bythepowerof4 shit yeah ok but who needs that
nickatnightwalker apparently most of us no shame
bythepowerof4 :( i don't see you so much as going to the school counsellor
bythepowerof4 that sounds weird nvm
nickatnightwalker well you got me there but as we've established im perfect so
bythepowerof4 lmao right!! you should go to counselling and counsel the counsellor
nickatnightwalker you think i could take that up as an extra curricular beef up my resume
bythepowerof4 oh for sure "browbeat a mental health professional into respecting my superior opinions" looks good to me
nickatnightwalker i dont have to browbeat anyone into knowing im right
nickatnightwalker are you like.  good though
bythepowerof4 oh of course!!!! my mistake
bythepowerof4 oh um. yeah like no but yeah everything's just a lot u know
nickatnightwalker it sounds like it shes not like, on you about itthough right
bythepowerof4 no she hasn't said anything which is worse
nickatnightwalker shes probably mortified wouldnt you be?
bythepowerof4 well. yeah i have some recent experience here actually so yeah i can imagine
bythepowerof4 shit
nickatnightwalker of what? bein?
bythepowerof4 yeah being drunk and dumb and um. misreading situations and friendship and liiiiiiiiike idk being fucking mortified it's this nvm idk arrgggghhhhhhghhhhhh
nickatnightwalker damn you had a busy summer huh
bythepowerof4 ://////// yeah kinda :/
nickatnightwalker which is part of whats going on with etsukoe? whyd i add an e
bythepowerof4 lol autocorrect always fucks with it its so annoying ok i guess it's maybe related to the degree that everything, as we've established, is related but i just had a uhhhhhh not so great time with my old friends
nickatnightwalker you were drunk and misread a situation
bythepowerof4 not the alien kind the people kind
nickatnightwalker were you the etsuko or teh clea
bythepowerof4 oh my god. i had, like, previously been the etsuko. but that was a while ago and not a big deal it just kinda came rushing back u know and then i realised she thinks im a freak and then i did freak in a full freak way cause my face kinda popped
nickatnightwalker what
bythepowerof4 hey do you have any problems we can talk about instead this is terrible
nickatnightwalker im very interested in what you mean by your face popping but ok
bythepowerof4 you know like the glamour its kinda like paper and im underneath very much not like paper and then pop! no more paperface no more old friends
nickatnightwalker oh fuck hopefully they were all trashed too and just think they were drunk?
bythepowerof4 all of them????? sharing the same weird drunk hallucination??????
bythepowerof4 that's like extreme sunnydale syndrome
nickatnightwalker but it's so weird i doubt theyd wanna discuss it because theyd be worry about sounding crazy
bythepowerof4 i guess they're still gonna think it it's still how they're gonna picture me
bythepowerof4 and apparently they already thought i freaked and had to like go "somewhere" which i guess is true but i feel weird having ppl think of me like that
nickatnightwalker just seeing you one weird brain glitchy time isnt gonna change what they think of forever and i mean you could like.  tell them you just transferred schools like, tell them the partial truth right?
bythepowerof4 i did idk i don't think she believes me or like she does but she still thinks i had a breakdown???? i just don't get it ok im very put together
nickatnightwalker youre more anxious than i am
bythepowerof4 what no im not pretend i put some sincerity exclamation marks there
nickatnightwalker yeah you can see how thats not convincing though right
bythepowerof4 the exclamation marks? those are very convincing also im not trying to be convincing bc it's just true. cause u like. Have anxiety right
nickatnightwalker what
nickatnightwalker no im anxious about living in a magic school where everything and everyone can kill me
bythepowerof4 oh i just you use the word anxious a lot that usually sorry :/
nickatnightwalker im like 85% sure you can be anxious without having anxiety
bythepowerof4 well yeah i just im sorry u seemed really like im gonna stop ok cool im very sorry
nickatnightwalker im interested in how deep a hole you were going to dig for yourself
bythepowerof4 im not we should really move on also you were the one saying it's perfectly believable that i would completely flip my shit so maybe i should be offended !!
nickatnightwalker point was you seem really stressed like a lot
nickatnightwalker youre kinda tightly wound clea like regardless of whatever i am you are kinda a little stressed all the time
bythepowerof4 ok well im not or like a little bit but i don't want people thinking of me like that so this also just sucks
nickatnightwalker yeah, it sucks for people to think youre nuts, but that's kind of how it is if youre even a little bit weird out there, isnt it
bythepowerof4 yeah. that is how it is but it's oddly enough not making me feel better :/ hey ok im just gonna put these issues away bc i don't like them and i have to deal with the main problem bc ai is bugging me oh my GOD
bythepowerof4 please don't go trying to talk to ppl on my behalf bc it is apparently really annoying
nickatnightwalker ai is bugging you cupcake girl? the plot thickens
bythepowerof4 she stopped its fine i shouldn't even have said that she's just looking out for ets cause she's a good pal and stuff there's just like a lot
nickatnightwalker whatd she think she was gonna do change your mind
bythepowerof4 no she just asked why im mad so she could report back and now im reporting back on her reporting back?? this is so high school i have a headache
nickatnightwalker where is the self awareness with these people holy shit
bythepowerof4 i don't knooooooow im freaking out i don't like it
nickatnightwalker wait why are you freaking out youre not mad at etsuko, anymore, right?  you can like.  talk to her instead youre not beholden to ai's nosy ass
bythepowerof4 yeah i can but not yet because im talking to u and daisy kinda and ai and she's talking to ai and it's a lot of talking and i actually really have a headache everything's all doubletriple
nickatnightwalker wanna talk about something else
bythepowerof4 yes please
nickatnightwalker uhhhh i took a fuckload of martial arts classes over the summer and can now reliably flip people so thats cool
bythepowerof4 oh what that's so cool!!!! is that who was in the back of some of ur pics?? like the class??
nickatnightwalker oh yeah and daisys ballet class is in some of them too
bythepowerof4 yeah i defs noticed that lmao i dunno if i said enough but that was nice like getting those idk i missed you and now we're all back and im making it all drama!! instead of all chill could u flip damian. hypothetically but also for demonstrations sake
nickatnightwalker yes and yes
nickatnightwalker the more important question is will i the answer to which is also yes dont feel bad about the drama it's actually really 100% not your fault
bythepowerof4 i know but telling you about it is on me lmao text me when you're gonna there's no way you can do that without me there ok
nickatnightwalker who says i cant do it multiple times and idont mind you telling me either everything's chill on my side so it's easier to sort of have perspective
bythepowerof4 if you do it multiple times i insist on being there for all of them sorry not sorry yeah. perspective is good. you're good at that
bythepowerof4 >:/
nickatnightwalker ill do it right the fuck now clea
bythepowerof4 omg really omg please
nickatnightwalker i would never lie about this
bythepowerof4 yes yesteryear you're so good i love u tell me where *yesyesyes lol let me be excited autocorrect!!!!!
nickatnightwalker i was wondering why you were talking like carolyn ok were in front of artume lets do this
bythepowerof4 yessssssssss ill be right there
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celestialallstars · 5 years
Episode #14: “It's certainly been a day here on Celestial” - Stephen
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I think right now, Jared sort of saw it coming, Stephen saw it coming, and I saw it coming. I knew three of us were not making it to the end. I think the troubling thing for me is that like now there are 5 people who all kinda came together to purposefully exclude 2 of us. I won't cry about it- all of us are guilty of it in this merge. Instead, what I will do is just use it to justify what I do from here on out. I've already identified the clusters of Michael/Chloe and then Zach/Bryce. Will be thinking about who to target between these and I most definitely see  Loris as a recent addition. For now, I'll continue to act oblivious and dumb
I know what I'm gonna do, but I'll sleep on it. I think I want to make Bryce/Zach have faith in me again. Think I am gonna be with them. Heck, even have some Gay F4 thing with Loris. I've already told people about the duos, so I want Loris to think I'd prefer him over everybody else (talk in the morning). Bryce, I played the "we are winners, i wanna go to the end with you" card. Zach is who I'll have to work on next...Then there is Michael and Chloe. I'll just keep saying I'm in both of their corners, make them all feel comfortable pretty much, but not sloppily. If it can get me to F6, so be it, in which case, I'll get to decide which of these strats I stick to and move on. I want to  keep this idol for as long as possible, but if I have to, I'll play it, but I can't do it now- it is far too soon.
I feel like this is the game in which people make their moves too early. Bryce, Zach, Rhys all attempted this and got callout for it. Now Loris, Michael, and Chloe are doing it. Had the 3 waited like one more tribal, they'd have sat more pretty in F6 bar the idol and all but now they exposed themselves and what do we say to people who are exposed? That they are threats to everyone else! So my best pitch is to tell Bryce/Zach its in our best interest to work together at least for this vote.
Whether this is the round that kills the game of me or not I just wanna show that like, when I am put into corner, I tend to up the strategy and right this moment, I feel like I am doing that- I just hope it will work
So far I actually feel I may have to use my idol if push comes to shove. Mayhe it'll curry favor if I do but lol I know that the Brits may be together, thats fine. But like at least pretend to still be interested so I won't go after you? Michael says he is open but just by taking to him I could really tell he's sorta had his mind made up, Chloe is like "oh we'll see, rounds are changing always!" and Loris, who clearly got on earlier suddenly fell silent and went offline since I tried talking to him. I'll tell ya what, even if Zach and Bryce are lying, they can at least fake it right
I actually now sympathize for Jack and Matt. Although we ALL (them included) could have handled their situation better, I do know what it is like to be in their position and to know I didnt help them as much makes me think my position now is karmic justice
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WELL. Yesterday I was slightly blindsided. I knew Jared wasn't long for this world but to take him out with Bryce and Zach both standing there, totally vulnerable, well... I can't help but feel like it's a mistake.
I never had much loyalty to the gay agenda anyway, but it feels like we were used just to take out Rhys? Which is dumb but whatever. If you were going to use us for one vote why make it Rhys?
In any case, I once again need to adapt myself to the new battle lines. I tried to reconcile things with Bryce and I think it went alright? I told him I've been on his ass since F10 and he didn't seem too pissed about it. I know Zach was mad at me though, so I offered him a trip to Final Tribal in exchange for mending the fence. He didn't say yes right away so there's still a chance of him declining, but I feel like I'm making a better offer than Betty White and Loris. I think this will work, tbh, and I do plan on staying loyal to it unless it becomes abundantly clear I'll lose to him.
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It really sucks to feel like I came close again to an immunity and lost again. The good thing for last time was that I didn't feel like I was in danger and now I am. All people will claim they will do something, though until it's actually done, you never know. So I guess now I've got to put a lot of faith in Zach and Bryce to keep me or maybe I should just use the idol and be a okay, I'm not sure. I think I have to continue maintaining hope, but I don't see my odds looking good and it sucks
I quickly decided I'm gonna go all in. I either play it now and become easy vote for F6 or I save it and somehow surprisingly live this round and increase odds of living in the next. I think if I go home with the idol this time, I won't feel too bad since the chances of me having gone home without it for F6 would've been high. If I do not make it, then you know, I honestly can't really say I "regret" something. I did good in mastermind, and feel a okay for how I did!
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im so sad jared gone i cant win im just sitting here waiting for my time to be up like wow this is so fun i love this for me KJFHKADSJ
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hi girls I’m so sorry I’m really busy today I promise. I’ll catch up tomorrow if I’m still here. I’m scared. this could be my last confessional. signing off....
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AHHHH SO MUCH GOING ON I FORGOT TO DO THIS HEHE. So I won my first individual immunity in celestial go Michael and now the vote is looking crazy as fuck so I’m so fucking lucky to have immunity at this point sksksksksksk. So it’s looking like shits gonna hit the fan but I really want bryce and zach out of this damn game like are you fucking serious guys like you wanted them out they’re clearly bigger threats get your act together. So I’m questioning my path to the end yet again but do you know what? I’m hopeful everyone loves an underdog and I just need to do the best I can to get to that final 3 (or at least the final 4 so people do a jury roundtable about me hehe)
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It's certainly been a day here on Celestial. Pretty soon we're heading to yet another tribal council. The plans as I know them are as follows:
The Gay Agenda (Me/Chris/Michael/Chloe/Loris) will be voting for Bryce! Except no. Because I don't really want Bryce to go anymore. At least not tonight. Me and Chris decided we'd rather take a shot at the 3 people who flipped last time to weaken their position a little bit. No.
Tonight, I'll be voting for Loris, hopefully, with Zach and Bryce. I know from Chris and Jared that he doesn't particularly trust me and has considered voting me out in the past. He's also well positioned to make it to the end at the rate things are going so if I can just end that possibility tonight, it'd be real nice.
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ok so like this vote i just wanted to vote out stephen i leaked everything from chris/stephen to everyone else in hopes they'll vote stephen. i know they were targeting bryce prior but UGH. bryce is gonna do loris i think to secure 3 votes on him. i feel like this will backfire.
but like im here to have fun and play my game. i want stephen out, then boom. imma try. if they still vote bryce, then so be it. imagien if it ties 3-3-1 (bryce/loris/stephen HASGLDSKGDSGDS).
theres not much to say. if i survive, im going hard for f6 just to ensure myself f4.
but my plan is sorta this. vote stephen out now. bryce leaves 6th (or michael) michael/bryce fifth n then unless chris wins f4, i probs make f3 with chloe/loris, which has been my ideal f3 for a few rounds now.
if bryce leaves this round, thats perfectly fine bc then one of stephen or smsth leaves next round. i wanted michael out this round but he immune so who cares.
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High risk, high payoff move
So much cracked shit has gone down today. Obviously Chris and Stephen might be feeling a little nervy after the Jared vote which is understandable. However they did not need to go and make an alliance called crystal clear and approach Bryce and Zach about targeting me and Loris considering Michael is immune. Sis I almost flipped my ass right back on Stephen and Chris and almost be voting Stephen tonight despite knowing Bryce is a big ass threat. If they had of just kept their mouth silent then both of them would’ve definitely been in final 6 but nooo they had to go do some crazy shit that made Loris massively fucking paranoid. Stephen I stg if u don’t vote Bryce tonight and if he doesn’t go home then I will fucking haunt ur ass.
I adore Michael with my whole whole whole entire heart he’s one of my favourite allies I’ve ever had and I trust him with my fucking life. There’s not many people I trust in orgs to make an F2 with nvm make an F2 with and then honour that. But with Michael I cannot see myself betraying him.
Idk who to vote for this revote. I’m tired.
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In an attempt to get my vote to stay, Loris threatened to give a legacy advantage to Bryce if we kept him in. Since Michael knows about this, it's going to be difficult to get any votes put on him at all this round, but I might still be able to turn this situation around.
The truth is, I kinda wanted to get Zach out before Bryce anyway. He's every bit as threatening as Bryce in challenges, and has admitted to trying to get me out at this last tribal council. I did try to re-build the strategic relationship with Zach by voting Loris out, but it looks like I have to take another path. I just hope Michael and Chloe don't side with Zach since they also know about the legacy advantage.
How I approach this vote is really going to come down to immunity. If Bryce or Zach wins, I may have to just bite the bullet and vote Michael this round, since with immunity and the legacy advantage they'll be invincible. However, if one of the other 4 players can pull it off, I think I can avoid this scenario. I think if that happens we'd just split the vote one more time between Zach and Bryce and vote out whoever isn't saved by the advantage.
And hey, if Chris needs to use the idol? Fine by me at this point. Saving it for F5 is a cute idea but it may not be practical at that point. This is the much more worrying vote in my opinion, since, if Bryce does have the legacy advantage, he can't get voted out here anyway, and will continue to be a target at F5 and F4.
Loris is voted out 3-3-1, 3-2. He becomes the sixth member of our jury.
Watch Loris’ exit interview take place below:
0 notes
survivorkomnata · 5 years
Episode #11: “i feel kinda nervous but also just kinda like i don’t give a fuck ya know” - Ally
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The F8 vote seemed to have worked out well for me. I believe I shifted the plan from voting Stephen to Jess as Jess has been socially great but I havent been able to develop a great personal relationship with her and our interests in the game seem to differ. I am kinda glad with my position rn tho I am pretty sure the jury hates me rn but my aim is to find a way to maneuver to the end. Stephen and Ally must be really upset with me for lying over and over again and I might be targeted soon.
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i am on a train and so i decided i'll write a confessional.
after having time to think last night (misplaying my idol), here are my thoughts: yeah, it sucks. it definitely hurt my game more than it helped. i am now 10x more vulnerable in the game. but, i'm not regretful? i'm now in a less-stressed state, where if i'm going to leave, so be it. no one was really shocked (though some may be more angered at me), and it kinda helps clear a target on my back because i'm like... easy to beat.
now, let me talk about something. after thorough analysis, i believe i have the least likelihood of winning this game. that's fine. i'm not really mad about it. below i'll just provide why i think i can't win this game, and my personal view.
CHANCES OF MAKING IT TO FTC: to begin, my chances of making it to ftc is very limited. i'm in a state where i have no idol, and i must rely on competitions (at some point, not necessarily now). i honestly think i'm safe at F7, but i know in order to get into F2 (or F3), i'll probably need to win a few immunities (or hope people see me as the goat i am and.. dragggg me BAAAAA). other people in the category of 'limited' when it comes to making ftc are stephen/ally/alyssa. now, let's pretend i do win like 3 immunities and achieve that position at FTC. this has two outcomes. first being that i don't think the jury will majorly respect it. and secondly, well, i'll describe it in the points below.
CHANCES TO WIN (IF I REACH FTC): i think i have horrible chances at this rate. ever since jury started, my management of said people hasn't been the greatest. i don't entirely blame myself (though maybe i should), but i don't see stephen w./miguel/luke/jess being keen on voting me. i think the most grossest(word choice?) of those are miguel. he's going to be emotional/bitter, and kind of rightfully so - i did vote him out. but i also got targeted in the first place for trying to save him. i put my blood, sweat, tears into trying to let him live and... well... i couldn't do it. and, in my personal opinion, that should outweigh me voting him. so as of now, i think i have 0/4 locks. i could see current players voting for me depending on how the game goes (i.e ally, alyssa, karthik) but that's so iffy to really count on. now a quick analysis of other players: alyssa - i think she's by far the strongest middle player/has been the swing vote in various instances. though bitterness may be an outcome, she's played a dominating game. ally/stephen - minority. they are going to have stephen w./luke/jess practically on lock, and even miguel to some extent. they are the underdogs that even i would be rooting for if i were on jury. tim/karthik - both are better middle players than i am. they are always the go-tos to make a move. maybe this is a bad thing for them (and by default, good for me) because they are seen as 'goats' or something. i doubt that though. they have more agency, and though i once again don't think that's at MY fault, it ultimately detriments my game. jake - jake has continually been targeted due to being a flexible, snakey threat. though he may not be doing the absolute most strategically/etc., he has that perception of ''winner'' and ''big player'', which alone can carry a lot of brownie points when it comes to voting.
CONCLUSION: So i think my chances to win are the lowest odds because of my inability to guarantee FTC for myself, and even if i do, i ain't going to be a strong contender to win unless the jury comes around to my busted ass game.
- okay, i want to talk about my personal thoughts on this.
i don't think i played the best. but, i don't blame myself for being in this shitty situation. wait. to specify, i don't blame myself for being hated by jury/players. i DO blame myself for being in the shitty position and limited chances of making FTC, which has factors including my prejury comp strength (there was strategy w/ that but i'll talk abt that another time.
my chances have sucked ever since jury started. stephen w. and i were never on a tribe together, and though i was a 'threat', i didn't flip. i did consider it however, but that isn't enough credit for him. it wasn't smart to work with him considering he was targeting me, but that's valid to not vote me in the end. miguel is a loyal and emotional person, 100% valid. i did not meet those terms at the end of the day, and that's only on me i guess. luke showed no loyalty to me and so i reciprocated the fakeness. we never worked together. jess, i DID try to work with, but she rejected that just to kinda blame it on me and so i voted her out. i have no friends on jury, and the earlier jurors are the most critical to some degree (because they can become an unit or something and start rallying campaigns for people).
my lack of agency, which is my biggest in-game flaw, isn't my fault directly. i tried to be extra social and show willingness to flip. of the 5 Kato2.0 members, i think i was easily the most willing to change up the game. karthik/tim have lied numerous times about flipping, and jake has done so prior. i haven't. maybe i should have, and i would be in a position, but i wanted to maintain this veil of honesty that like i was opened 2 working w them, even if NOW wasn't the time. the voted me and then only talked to me abt my vote when they needed me. i have to be missing something. this isn't a bad thing on MY game when others dont want to work with me, but i cant figure out the missing piece. maybe someones lying about what i'm doing and pitting people against me (good on them). maybe i did something really bad. but, it's a struggle. i thought i was playing so well but now i'm in a position of... hopelessness. i don't have any strong friends in the game. tim's probably the closest to me. i'm just... i'm unsure.
i want to talk about the future of this game real quick. this round, i anticipate ally/stephen will target one of me/alyssa/jake. tim wants to target alyssa (according to him) so i can see her being targeted. i'm unsure if that's how i'll vote, but i'm thinking. i think, if i am lucky + smart enough, that i'll make f5 easily. if alyssa goes, theres no way ppl would keep ally/stephen both til f5 considering they are minority n have that sway over the jury. put in that position, im the strongest physically. if ally goes F7 (or stephen), then jake/alyssa are a duo i can spearhead to break up. but, if alyssa has two idols, shes final 4 and well . it's over . but maybe she'd idol out like karthik or smthing n then me/tim/stephen vote out alyssa/jake and... yea. there's some hope for me but it's VERY circumstantial.
my brain hurts lol sorry
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So last night I was BRUTALLY blindsided. And it's kinda late in the game for that to still be happening! This is way worse than Miguel or Luke leaving. Karth, Tim, Zach and Alyssa all overtly lied to me about their plans and votes. Granted, I also lied to Alyssa so there's that.
Karth, Tim, and Zach all hit me with the "but we're allies now that you proved you're honest" and I'm rolling with it because I don't have much of a choice. Ally wants to try something with Alyssa/Jake but I'm not exactly holding my breath. I won't buy anything until people start coming to me with real plans. At least Zach's idol is gone so others might be more tempted to make a move on him now.
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Being voted most honest was something I ABSOLUTELY capitalized off of. I used it to try and get Alyssa on my side by telling her Stephen said she's next if Zach wins (even though she went and mentioned my name) I used it to blatantly lie to Jess and Stephen and Im using it now to do damage control with Stephen
Honestly the reason I voted Jess was very strategic. If Stephen was gone then Jess could weave her way into an alliance with Alyssa and Jake whereas Stephen would not. Stephen is still a big threat to win and with him here it means that he'll possibly take priority over me. Because honestly who wants Stephen at f3??? Who wants Zach at f3??? Who wants Ally at f3?? They MAY want Alyssa at f3 which is why she's my next target Stephen: Its not smart for me to go against you guys either way
Me: I already know this lmaoo you want me in your f3 duh
Im gonna go ahead and be overzealous when i say this may be the first game where I make f3.
I feel like I've played my cards correctly and If it works out how I want.. i could win/ get 2nd. I can literally destroy and discredit Karthik's game in a matter of seconds so I'm not concerned and Jake's game thusfar has been straightforward. If I can survive this round then I can make it to the end of the game. Omg if its a f2 instead of a f3 i will scream. I'm being too hopeful rn lol.
AHHHHH BITCHESSS I WON IMMUNITYYYY. Poverty was on my side. (I'm not poor lmao). I feel great and I definetely needed to win it considering the fact that my name was mentioned last round. Oh I also sent Karthik to the basement in hopes of finding something buy I also sent him there so that I wont make a target out of Alyssa and break any potential bonds there.
Now originally I made an ellaborate plan to vote out Alyssa but I've done quite a bit of talking to Stephen regarding my position as well as everyone's position in the game.  I'm torn between trying to get the vote on Alyssa or going with Ally, Karthik, and Stephen and voting oyt Zach. We will see.
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I have a plan for this vote tonight and I think it’ll work. We’re gonna split the votes and if Stephen or ally goes, I think I’ve set myself up for s really good game. Of course anything can happen, but as long as I don’t get blindsided, I feel good about the rest of the game. Of course, that being said, anything can happen and this is Survivor
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Thinking about how this could be my last day in the game is crazy. I'm relying on Tim and Karth to hold up their end of the deal to vote Zach out tonight. If it works, everything will change. I'll suddenly be in a real alliance for the first time in awhile. I don't plan on letting go of the numbers once I have them, but I really don't know if I even have them. Karth was my closest ally since Day 1 and he lied to me and sent out my next closest ally. I believe Tim has been leaking information I was posting in the 4-elements chat for awhile now. And I am definitely the target of at least 3/7 people heading into this tribal according to Tim.
Basically, everything should be seen as a negative right about now. But that's not how I see it. Playing from the bottom could be an amazing opportunity for me. I believe with Zach finally leaving, the 2 duos on the other side will finally have to point fingers at each other rather than doing everything behind the scenes. Then I'm just a little bit farther away from the end. Maybe I can still win this thing.
Of course, I could also go home 5-2 if Karth and Tim are just lying. But I think I've convinced them that keeping me is best for their game. Or maybe it's just that Alyssa and Zach come across as too threatening We even discussed possible endgame scenarios where I go to F3 with them. I wouldn't quite go that far with both of them after all the scheming and plotting on their end but hey, one of them can come along for the ride ;). Assuming I don't go home which is still totally possible LADSHSJKDHDKJHKSDJ
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it’s rly quiet lol
i feel kinda nervous but also just kinda like i don’t give a fuck ya know
like... i’ve already been lied to and blindsided so many times that it’s hard to care or have high expectations at this point
i’m voting zach, afaik everyone else is down but again that could be a lie or he could have another idol idfk
i’m only loyal to stephen now idc abt any of these ppl
Ally is voted out in a 4-3 vote. She becomes the fifth member of our jury.
0 notes
junker-town · 7 years
THIS WEEK IN SCHADENFREUDE, where Chip Kelly replaces every coach
It’s your weekly tour of the most infuriated in college football internet.
The ninth week of the college football season was busy. It was especially so during the middle shift, when a bunch of games ended within a half-hour and featured losses by No. 2 Penn State, No. 4 TCU, No. 16 Michigan State, and No. 17 USF. Also losing were a couple of mediocre SEC teams with big fanbases.
It’s This Week in Schadenfreude, Week 9, your tour of the angriest in CFB internet.
Texas A&M (lost 35-14 to Mississippi State)
This is your moment, TexAgs message boards.
This poster has a suggestion to replace the embattled Kevin Sumlin:
Photo by Tom Pennington/Getty Images
The rationale:
He couldn't be worse than what we have now.... Well, at least it would be entertaining.
This comment’s not made entirely in jest. It’s noted that Manziel is interested in coaching college football. Ironclad plan, IMO.
One suggestion is to simply replace the Texas A&M logo on the Aggies’ helmets with a different illustration:
Suggestions for new helmet decal? Mine is ole sarge sucking his toe
We are a joke. A consistent cursed joke. We don't learn from mistakes and continue to make them. Administrators, coaches, decisions, mishaps. All a joke. Notice I don't include players. It's not there fault. They are persuaded to come here and they are just following orders. I think a decal of ole sarge sucking his toe is perfectly acceptable to replace the ATM on our helmets. It's very fitting. Like i always say....Aggie is....is Aggie does!
Some other expressions of postgame sadness:
Everything sucks and I want to die
I will have no liver to donate to our smoothies after tonight.
More beer for my tears.
Is someone calling for this team to hire Chip Kelly?
Yes, and it’s time the luxury box elites stop ignoring the former NFL head coach.
Chip Kelly - it's time
For everyone here sipping their scotch and smoking cigars cackling about hiring Morris - NO. ITS time to bring in a proven WINNER and get **** done!!! Get this man now
Florida (lost 42-7 to Georgia, then fired Jim McElwain)
The loss to Georgia was bad, but everyone knew what was going to happen before it did. We’ll fast-forward to Sunday, when the Gators finally cut loose McElwain.
The Gators are the preeminent open job in the country. There’s going to be lots of interest in hot, young, up-and-coming candidates, such as this guy:
Les miles
why is les miles not being considered. He's won in the sec and has won a national championship. He has proven himself unlike a lot of these coaches being named. We took risks on mac and will so why not go with a guy that knows the sec and what it takes to win
Another unique idea here:
Is anyone else calling for this team to hire Chip Kelly?
Too many to count. These are just from the AD’s mentions on Sunday afternoon:
I want Chip Kelly at Florida. Make it happen @ScottStricklin
— Scoochie (@HAleYeAhh) October 29, 2017
Get me Chip Kelly @ScottStricklin
— JD (@JustinDowell2) October 29, 2017
@ScottStricklin love the move today. No need to waste anymore time with this nonsense. Please call Chip Kelly ASAP!
— Jason Krehbiel (@jaxsurfer84) October 29, 2017
@ScottStricklin *clears throat* Chip Kelly! #GoGators
— Dabdaddy (@j_martin25) October 29, 2017
.@ScottStricklin yo u got Chip Kelly’s agent on call or nah?
— Jodak Orange (@JodakOrange) October 29, 2017
@ScottStricklin chip Kelly. That is all ....
— carl (@Gatorpike) October 29, 2017
Tennessee (lost 29-26 at Kentucky and didn’t fire Butch Jones)
Vols fans are trying to figure out if they, too, can get out of a coaching buyout by finding their coach might’ve said a falsehood in public. The good people at VolNation.com, regulars on this feature this year, wonder:
Can't we dig up some lies that Butch has said?
Surely he's told a lie or to while here. What about lying a hot dog bbq or something like Pearl did? Anything would be fine.
“I remwmber him saying he would win games,” one person responds.
“Best staff in the country,” another says.
Another poster wants to fire athletic director John Currie, who was just hired, because he’s waited too long to fire Jones. But another poster thinks Currie’s playing a long game:
Suspicion on Currie
I’ve been thinking through some of this stuff. Everyone is focused on John Currie firing Butch. He could be using this time to hook the next coach and could very well have that guy ready by the time Butch is dismissed. Which would actually be pretty clever seeing as how we would be examining his every move. Instead, the fans are focused on the “fire Butch” movement week to week. There is more to this story than meets the eye. I think he is using this time right now to land his guy. An AD’s legacy is always hinges on a big hire. He’s up to more than we know. Just a thought.
What’s the truth?
This next thing’s from before the Kentucky game, but I’m including it anyway. Here’s a thread about Florida State’s national championship-winning coach maybe wanting the Tennessee job. (He doesn’t.) Let’s follow along:
Rumors of Jimbo Fisher wants the Tennessee Job
Things are heating up down there in Tallahassee. Rumors swirling about Jimbo wants in on Tennessee. What are your thoughts?
Is that a joke? Maybe. I’m not certain. But these are serious replies:
“No Thanks.”
“No way. Jimbo has a far easier task in the ACC than in the SEC. fake news.”
“No thank you. I'd rather have Scott Frost. If Jimbo can't win with the talent they have at FSU, I doubt he can at Tennessee.”
“Gruden > Fisher”
Is someone calling for this team to hire Chip Kelly?
You know it.
— Zach Cardwell (@z_cardwell) October 29, 2017
Go to hell @John_Currie
— CHIP KELLY OR BUST (@jacob_greer7) October 29, 2017
Penn State (lost 39-38 at Ohio State)
At Rivals’ Blue and White Illustrated message board, one poster was sure that pollsters’ ANTI-PENN STATE BIAS would plummet the Nits down the rankings.
Here's How IT IS.
Any other team would fall 1 or 2 places, but because it's us look for a huge screwing and drop.
Penn State fell five places in the AP Poll, from No. 2 to 7. Previous top-five teams to lose games this year fell six spots (FSU), seven spots (Ohio State), 10 spots (USC), nine spots (Oklahoma), and six spots (Clemson).
Someone’s thoughts on offensive coordinator Joe Moorhead, whose team just scored 38 points against an elite defense and is averaging nearly 40 per game:
Franklin is the Guy for PSU but Moorhead's Offense Sucks
he sucks.
Here’s a, uh, unique comparison for James Franklin:
Is CJF College Football's version of Dusty Baker?
GREAT locker room guy, players love him, teams have good chemistry.
Also a lousy tactician without that instinct to know how to close a game out. This is now the 6th example of such a game in his Penn State career (Michigan 2014, Maryland 2014, Illinois 2014, Northwestern 2015, USC 2016, Ohio State 2017). Vanderbilt's losses to Tennessee in 2011, South Carolina in 2012, and Ole Miss in 2013 are examples from earlier in his career.
Last night looked painfully like the Reds 2012 NLDS loss to the Giants. It was RIGHT THERE! And we didn't seize the moment.
This person’s super mad about a former Pitt coach being on FOX’s on-site studio show, as he is every single week of the season:
Dave Wannstedt
Can we lead a charge to get this know-nothing marble mouth, PSU hater kicked off BTN. I mean really, he's the first guy to high five all the buckeye faithful????. Why is a no-nothing complete idiot Pitt wannabe, on Fox and BTN????? I absolutely hate this guy, he's dumb as a rock and pretty much always wrong. He's a homer for anything anti-Penn State. I cannot stand that man...................
At SB Nation’s Black Shoe Diaries, this commenter took the result well:
I am done watching Penn State.
Let’s be real if we don’t get into the CFP which we won’t now. There is no point anymore. You know why no one believes in us? Because we always do this shit. We look promising and then drop a game. No excuse when we were up by 15. The football god’s gifted us a special team TD and a nice fumble. The refs were decent. Our defense simply let us down. We can never just get it done. The defense blows a 15 point lead. Looked very amateur and Trace over threw it how many times? And the oline sucks. Fuck this team Fuck all the high hopes because they never get it done. Fuck football. No use in getting worked upover a silly fucken game with pampered athletes chasing a ball. That’s what dogs do
Is someone calling for this team to hire Chip Kelly?
Not that I could find. But less than two years ago, this guy was!
@SandyB_PSUAD Fire James Franklin. Lets get Chip...
— HB (@B27491) January 2, 2016
We all reach this again at one time or another.
Florida State (lost 35-3 to Boston College)
The Seminoles are 2-5. Their season is lost.
Boston College isn’t that bad. But losing to B.C. is still a come-to-Jesus moment for a lot of fans. See Louisville fans after the Eagles got their team a couple weeks earlier:
VIDEO: a bunch of Louisville fans recognizing their team lost to Boston College https://t.co/KNlClEMvmW http://pic.twitter.com/KVDM5boroz
— SB Nation CFB (@SBNationCFB) October 16, 2017
We’re going to do this again.
SB Nation presents, “A Series of Florida State Fans Publicly Reckoning with the Point that Their Team Just Lost to Boston College.”
We start while the act is still in progress and move more or less chronologically:
Me realizing theres a possibility we losing to Boston College http://pic.twitter.com/IzeXuwJuKw
— Cardi Bey (@LeastroPhysics) October 28, 2017
We’re losing to Boston College.
— Jerry (@Mind_Wiz) October 28, 2017
We're seriously losing to Boston College. http://pic.twitter.com/GHBd5WeNvg
— Shaquille Sunflower (@PrettyDay_) October 28, 2017
Florida State is currently losing 21-0 TO BOSTON COLLEGE!!! I might just have to transfer to Miami..
— Hugo Vargas (@hugomata_15) October 28, 2017
Tell me we’re not losing to Boston college rn.....
— Jonell Sequira (@jonellsequiraxo) October 28, 2017
#FSUvsBC We are losing to Boston College by 25... Like what is this fucking life?
— Cory Beaver ↓ (@TheCoryBeaver) October 28, 2017
Hold up we losing to fuckin Boston College???
— KeseBdayOnThxgivin (@ended_up_ballin) October 28, 2017
We just lost to Boston College....you’ll have a good time
— Brittany Wilkes (@brittanymalissa) October 28, 2017
We really lost to Boston College 35-3 last night....
— Zαcκ Ⓥ (@Zack5cott) October 28, 2017
Bruh , we fucking lost to boston college last night ‍♂️
— J5 (@Jay5DaDon) October 28, 2017
It’s okay we lost by 30 to frikin Boston college
— Dayton (@_Daytonnn) October 28, 2017
So we really lost by 32 to Boston College last night. WTF
— (@NelsonGuevara) October 28, 2017
ha ha ha ha we lost to Boston College. I’m fucking done.
— Nick (@nguevara120) October 28, 2017
lmao we lost to Boston college... bahahaha
— ƙ. (@xxobvby) October 28, 2017
we really just lost 35-3 to boston college. my heart hurts
— tony (@AnthonyHood_) October 28, 2017
And perhaps the realest realization of all:
i literally was just cool until i clicked on espn and remember that we lost by 32 FUCKING POINTS TO BOSTON COLLEGE
— trap wiggins (@40ozGod_) October 28, 2017
Is someone calling for this team to hire Chip Kelly?
One fan’s list of Jimbo Fisher replacements:
Patterson Petersen Dabo Patrino Harbaugh Sumlin Chip Kelly (coming soon)
just to name a few...
Fisher’s buyout is roughly $40 million.
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