lee-changjae · 5 years
20131125 Changjae Twitter Update
Since it was cold, MISOs went through so much today!!! Thank you so much everyone! ^^ To those who weren't able to come, make sure to watch the broadcast on the 22nd!!!
translation | LCJ1129
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paktechnician · 3 years
STAR-X 60000 ENIGMA II V1.0.4468 20131125 Software Download
STAR-X 60000 ENIGMA II V1.0.4468 20131125 Software Download
Hi, Friends, In this latest topic we are gonna share here the STAR-X 60000 ENIGMA II V1.0.4468 20131125 Satellite Reciever Software Firmware file for all of you. And the good thing is, it is provided here totally free of cost. So just scroll down and do one-click on the download button below. All Star-X Satellite Receiver Software Download Receiver ModelSTAR-X 60000 ENIGMA IISoftware…
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tsukamoto · 7 years
ニュース - (3/4)「マイクロソフトは創業当時からBYODを許可」日本MS澤氏が講演:ITpro
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青葉市子 × 飴屋法水 - いりぐちでぐち(20131125) Shibuya WWW
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The movie scenes we dread watching with our parents, the awkward talk we all grit our teeth through, the reason you are alive today... sex.
I don’t know what you're thinking, but I’m going to let you in on a little secret...
God loves sex. He loves it! In fact, it was one of His (many) gifts to us! Did you think He just haphazardly created our bodies and our desires the way He did without any clue what He was doing? Did you think we came up with it ourselves? Um, no. He knew exactly what He was doing when He made us and He knew exactly how we would use our bodies. And He did it on purpose. This probably sounds weird... God? And sex? Well it’s true! It is the single most exposing act we can do. But, when done right, it is the single most exposing and loving act we can do. It is complete wholeness in complete vulnerability. 
What do I mean by “done right?” Glad you asked!
In this day and age, sex is thrown around loosely and casually, with little to no significance when, in reality, sex is huge. It is a big deal. No matter what anyone tries to tell you. It. Is. A. Big. Deal. The decision to have sex makes two people one, and while that’s a beautiful thing when it’s “done right,” it is too often done wrong. By wrong I mean unprepared, unpremeditated, not considered... carelessly. 
There’s a reason God asks us to wait. He is not trying to limit our happiness. He is not trying to keep us from experiencing joy and relationship. He asks us to wait because He loves us. Because mistakes happen when we don’t listen to Him.
There’s a chemical called oxytocin, also known as “the love hormone.” Why is it called this? Because in women, this chemical is released in our brains when any of these three things happen: 
1. Making love
2. Child birth
3. Breastfeeding
Oxytocin being released in our brains creates a literal mental bond and physical attachment to whoever we share these experiences with. This is why they call it making love- because you are literally producing, creating, making love itself. It’s that real.
Guys, remember this. Every time you share this experience with a woman, her brain is being wired to fall in love with you. Without even trying.
But we were meant to fall in love, right? We were meant to have sex, created for it... so how did God want it? Mark 10:6-9 quotes Genesis:
6 “But at the beginning of creation God ‘made them male and female. ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.’So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.”
Even in Song of Songs (Song of Solomon) 7:6-12, the groom goes on forever about the beauty of his bride’s body. He talks about her boobs (yes, boobs, sorry not sorry, it’s in the bible), and how sweet her lips taste. But this is a love between just those two people, not the groom and his side chicks. This is how He wanted it. This is sex done right.
Say someone is cooking you a meal and they can make you one of two things. Your first option is a filet mignon, cooked to perfection, seasoned and marinated, but it might take a little bit longer but it will be the best thing you’ve ever had. Your second option is gas station microwave Ramen noodles, ready in 5 minutes. I want the filet mignon. I hope you do too. Anyone can get Ramen noodles. You deserve the filet mignon. Don’t settle for cheap, easy, fast or convenient... you know that it won’t even compare to the savory uniqueness of the more gradually cooked filet mignon. (Can you tell I love food?)
I hope I didn’t make you uncomfortable. I hope if you take one thing away from this it’s that Jesus loves you, and He wants us to wait because He loves us. He loves you. So much. If you’ve already had the Ramen noodles, don’t worry, you have your very own filet mignon waiting for you, but you are going to have to wait until it’s ready to enjoy it. And by “ready,” I do mean marriage. But it’s so worth waiting for. I hope if you read this you see this gorgeous gift of sex from a new, pure perspective. 
Thanks for reading. I’d love to hear your thoughts. :)
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m-l-music · 4 years
青葉市子 - 機械仕掛乃宇宙(20131125) Shibuya WWW
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MITLOO Minis: Murder in the Land of Antarctica
Rodney Marks was an astrophysicist who tragically died while overwintering in Antarctica in 2000. His cause of death was unknown, and his body stayed in Antarctica for five months after his death, as the below-freezing temperatures prevented his body from being flown back to be examined. When an autopsy was conducted, it was shockingly revealed that Rodney had died, not from natural causes as suspected, but from methanol poisoning. The 32-year-old was a genius scientist, working a dream job in a place he adored, who was talking about marrying his girlfriend.
Suicide seemed unlikely, but to the fifty people living on the Admunsen-Scott South Pole Station, murder seemed impossible.
Rodney Marks has become known, not for his scientific discoveries, but for being the first possible murder victim in Antarctica.
Rodney Marks did more in his 32 years on this planet than I, personally, could ever achieve in five million lifetimes. He was beyond smart, was friendly, quirky, and well-liked by his colleagues in Antarctica. In his short time on Earth, he helped work on project that have both answered and asked more questions about our universe.
The explanation for Rodney’s death has never been uncovered. For decades, the options have floated before investigators and those in Rodney’s life who still wonder – suicide, homicide, or accidental death? So many things have hampered the answering of these questions, from the complicated jurisdictional legalities at play in Antarctica, to inadequate medical care, to the possibly intentional suppression of the investigation by American organisations.
Articles about Rodney litter the internet, here’s a small sample of those we used for this episode:
And this is the CARA memorial page: https://www.southpolestation.com/trivia/blueflash/comments.html
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hully-gully-gee · 5 years
Liked on YouTube: 20131125 193919 https://youtu.be/ip-HPuaNJc0
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ekambi · 5 years
As time goes on, and couples become less intimate, Young noted that linkage can decay. But activities that release oxytocin, such as really looking into another person's eyes, holding hands, kissing and having sex may help restore the connection.
How the 'Love Hormone' Works Its Magic
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dreamnotealbum · 5 years
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decomplab · 7 years
(青葉市子 - 機械仕掛乃宇宙(20131125) Shibuya WWW - YouTubeから)
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canyoumeetinfo-blog · 7 years
이민호, 페이스북 1천만 돌파…웨이보와 페이스북 2천만 시대
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이민호, 페이스북 1천만 돌파…웨이보와 페이스북 2천만 시대
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greenig-blog · 11 years
take care
헤어진 연인은 참 어려운 존재이다 옛 남자친구는 죽은 사람이라 생각하고, 다시 만날 생각이나 볼 생각을 전혀 하지 않는 편이지만 그래도 가끔은 자의반 타의반 그의 안부를 궁금해 할 때가 있다.
오늘이 그런 날이다 지난해 늦겨울이던가 초봄이던가 그때 헤어진 이가 속한 회사에서 사고가 났다는 소식이 뉴스 속보로 떴다 아이폰 뉴스 어플리케이션 팝업에도 뜨고 포털 사이트 메인에도 기사가 계속 노출될 정도로 꽤 큰 사고였나보다 먼저 기사를 클릭하지 않았지만 뉴스 속보는 현장에서 일어난 사고로 사상자와 부상자가 나왔다는 소식을 알려줬다 이제 남이라고, 나의 기준에서는 그는 이미 죽은 사람이지만 그래도 걱정이 되어 뉴스를 검색해보고 명단에 그와 비슷한 이름이 나지 않아서 다행이다 싶었다 나의 사람은 아니지만 그래도 젊은 사람이니 평범한 운명의 길이와 무게로 살아가는 것이 더 낫지 않겠나 싶은 마음에? 어쨌든 다행이다.
밤늦게 퇴근하는 동생도 그 뉴스를 봤는지 그는 괜찮냐고 내게 안부 메시지를 보냈다 내가 그와 더 이상 연락하지 않는다는 것을 알지만, 그 언젠가 몇번 마주치고 식사를 같이 한 적이 있어서 그냥 안부가 궁금했을 것 같다 얼마만큼의 걱정이든 동생에게 검색해봤더니 그는 화를 입지 않았더라는 소식을 전해줬다 동생은 뜻밖에 그의 성씨가 김씨, 이씨가 아닌 드문 성씨라서 다행이라며 명단을 보고 바로 알 수 있어 다행이라고 했다 그래, 그것도 다행이네.
나는 잘 지낸다 지금의 연인과 넘치게 행복하고 설레는 시간을 보내고 있다 내가 느끼는 지금의 '좋음'은 그때의 누구보다 더 좋다거나, 몇퍼센트 증가한 것이 아닌 절대적인 좋음이다 그 어떤 것과도 비교할 수 없는 절대적인 좋은 상태 모두모두 잘 지내면 좋겠다 이미 나를 지나간 인연의 화살은 빠르게 돌고 돌아 인연의 궤도를 벗어났지만 그래도 '잘' 지내길 바란다.
take care.
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