#2014 me was right actually all you need is weird little guys with creepy smiles and hidden terrifying powers
inebubble · 3 months
hazbin and helluva boss singlehandedly awakening my 2014 self hello????
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simptasia · 4 years
lost characters based solely on how i portray them in my text post memes
jack: constantly crying and/or screaming. no emotional stability. no social skills. terrible bedside manner. endearingly bland. into powerful women. loves the red sox... a lot. daddy issues. doesn’t believe in himself. has shitty tattoos. being crushed under the weight of everybody’s expectations. more or less hot. he is not cool at all. repressed attraction to guys. chronic hero syndrome. adorably embarrassing as a dad. passionately and violently overreacts to the mere concept of people believing in things. mansplains but in a non malicious way because he is literally that oblivious. gets into fights a lot. dissociates in mirrors. gets injured a lot but doesn’t wanna make a fuss. thinking about caves
kate: desperate need to protect women. bi. is frustrated by jack and sawyer’s personalities but wants to fuck them oh so much. rowdy. feminist. biceps. will call you out. is love with claire and jack and sun and- she has a lot of love to give. she can be ur angel or ur devil. exasperated. doesn’t understand astrology but she’s trying. she’s the slytherin friend every hufflepuff needs. uses guns. doesn’t know how to cook. go to relationship advice is “dump him” or “suck his dick”.  just because you put things in her vagina doesn’t mean you know her. gemini
hurley: sad clown. haha laughter! hiding real pain! has debilitating mental illness. he’s doing his best to stay positive. virgin. genuinely kind soul. overwhelmed by food. awkward around girls he likes. much smarter and wiser than anybody thinks, including himself. a special boy who we all love. says dude a lot. the only valid rich person ever. doesn’t like himself. sees dead people. kinda silly. also he’s fat (but i don’t joke about it in a cruel way)
sawyer: compulsive need to nickname people. from the south. bewildered by charlie’s english slang. covering up vulnerability with jokes and being mean. loves juliet. is an asshole but a loveable asshole (this varies, mostly he’s an asshole). conventionally attractive to the point of boring. got a Thing going on with miles. can’t stand daniel being smart around him. babies freak him out. treats animals poorly
locke: very supportive and new agey type. i’ve made two jokes about him encouraging people to jack off, that wasn’t on purpose but Okay. he doesn’t know what its like to have friends. he says Deep Sounding but odd things. he’s super duper into nature. he suffers. he’s very forgiving of ben to the point of absurdity and he desperately wants ben to love and fuck him. or maybe they are fucking. Who Knows. he loves knifes
sayid: sexy, suffering shannon fucker. he doesn’t respect boone. his life is an endless parade of misery culminating in going on autopilot. respects women
jin: he has no idea what’s going on and his life revolves around sun
sun: beautiful. perfect. very passionate about gardening
claire: bi. frequently ignored. cutesy and sweet. super into astrology and new age stuff. her cheery demeanour can only hold on so long before she loses it. kinda dumb. has baby. vanilla, at least for now. loves charlie but is kinda frustrated by him. goes feral and “kitten thinks of murder all day” sums it up
charlie: that he needs attention and validation to survive would be a gross understatement. bi. trans. punk. stupid. english. really horny and slutty. adores music more than anything. drug addict (again, i refuse to be cruel). severe jealousy issues. inferiority superiority complex. hates himself but will get offended if you hate him. can’t take any form of criticism. is bewildered by sawyer’s american-isms. bit of a madonna whore complex. smol but will go the fuck off like a terrier nipping at ya heels. catholic and riddled with catholic guilt. goofy and obnoxious and he knows it. passive aggressive. terrified of bees. nice ass. mood swings. did i mention he’s short? anyway here’s wonderwall
ben: ugly. just plain terrible. beaten and bruised. seething with rage and pain on the inside. virgin. liar. just causes problems on purpose. resembles a lemur or rat, rodents in general. loves bunnies. doesn’t think sex is real. just a really bad idea for him to be around juliet. has no friends. doesn’t care about other people. says creepy shit just because. he knows he’s a terrible person. killed people. the friend nobody likes and a general nuisance to the other characters
(also my literal first text post meme about ben was a joke about him eating his parents??? 2014 sapphire, i wanna talk...)
juliet: mom friend. seems very calm but she’s screaming on the inside. basically she’s the This Is Fine meme. depressed. has big tits. low-key kinky. feminist in a very gentle way. has no ill will towards kate and will only fight her for fun. concerned for daniel’s well being. has no chemistry with jack. loves sawyer. flat measured calm way of speaking. she’s breaking apart at the seams but will offer you a nice glass of water :)))
michael: has a son..... uh...... enjoys minecraft?
(i’m sorry)
desmond: scottish. drinks. easily and constantly confused. magic psychic time powers, like visions and electromagnetic dimensional stuff. easily angered. fucked off by the concept of time and destiny in general. hhhhhhhot
smokey: Hello Fellow Humans I Promise This Is My Own Skin Haha
miles: bi. aro. loves money (trying to fill the hole in his heart with money and things). emo/punk. pretends not to care but he really does care. thinks emotions and romance are dumb but of course is emotional... and kinda wants love. but not that he LIKES you or anything. exasperated. thinks everybody else is weird. kinda slutty or at least trying to be. masochist and into BDSM. mean to daniel for no reason. daddy issues. resting bitch face. jaded, bitter and salty. responds to romantic things dan or char say with vulgar or mocking comments. grew up poor. can hear dead people. trying too hard to be edgy. deadpan snarker. Fuck Off I’m Not Sad Don’t Look At Me [cries only around the audience and his mom]
walt: becoming older than 10 was when things went downhill for him
shannon: seems vapid but is more than that. deeply insecure. feels she can’t do anything right. constantly put down as worthless by other people. yeah she’s sad but she Looks Great. wants sayid to pound her (mood)
(gee, that was dark)
richard: very old and ageless. sees ben as a son figure. really not holding it together. seems smart but he has no fucking idea whats going on. cult mindset. quips curtly back at miles’ vulgar jokes. in love with miles based on very little interaction. misses his dead wife. has a cute giggle. is also hot. overwhelmed and just wants to go into the jungle and scream
frank: doesn’t understand what anybody is talking about. the only normal person here. doesn’t understand these kids today with their weird kinks. just wants to sleep. pilot. bit of a conspiracy theorist
boone: bi. stupid. soaked in blood a lot.  (L I T E R A L L Y all of my boone jokes are about him being dumb and bi and horribly injured and combos of those. i haven’t even made any incest jokes! what the actual fuck)
ana lucia: “[with tears in her eyes] DO U WANNA FIGHT??”. highly volatile. lesbian. bros with jack but will roast him. angery, sad and underloved
daniel: bi, agender, neurodivergent, just, just especially brain weird. The Scientist trope but kind of a shitty scientist. smart. in love with charlotte. in love with desmond. likes rats a lot. talks weird and soft spoken. withdrawn and polite but with bursts of bitterness. his mom won’t let him live the live he wants to live. time travel weirdness. loves music. gifted kid burn out. has a mental and emotional collapse. thinks a hydrogen bomb will solve all his problems. skinny. touches people a lot. he’s not okay. romantic. overwhelmed. memory problems. his lack of life experience and softness is used to contrast miles. takes some statements literally. pretty vanilla (for now) and doesn’t know what certain kinks are. likes that charlotte is Tough & Rowdy. doesn’t swear much. bad hair. was unhinged in college. has radiation poisoning
libby: neurodivergent and in love with hurley
eko: yeah... i’ve legit only used him for jokes where charlie says something EXTREMELY vulgar and eko says “go to church”
charlotte: bi, loud, passionate, beautiful, angery, knows All The Languages, huge nerd, loves daniel and thinks he’s a Snack, outspoken feminist, archaeologist/anthropologist and wants to explore some fucking ruins, The Lost Lenore trope, loves chocolate, exasperated, great smile, subtly insecure, doesn’t get that she could just tell daniel how she feels, has had many indiana jones like adventures (off screen, of course), for example: crashing her dirtbike into all 7 wonders of the world
danielle: french and unhinged, has seen some shit
alex: just a young lady with no chill
jacob: suffers from terminal apathy. has little understand of human behaviour. doesn’t care about people. he just plain sucks. has no endearing qualities. causes many problems. beats the shit outta richard. doesn’t like technology. so removed from humanity that he’s a touch uncanny valley
christian, eloise, charles and anthony jokes each have their own kind of flavours but fuck it, i’ll sum them all up as: contemptuous cunts who deserve to die
aaron: just a baby boy. does baby things. has like 5 parents
vincent: a dog. a good boy. does he know more than he lets on? is he mysterious? no, he is just a dog
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mysterylover123 · 5 years
My Top 10 Halloween Episodes
Happy Halloween Everyone! 
I’ve been rewatching my favorite shows’ Halloween episodes as a means to prepare for the holiday (and get ideas for things to do!) and I’ve decided to compile a list of my Top 10 favorites. These are the episodes I consider the best, the most packed with spooky goodness and Halloween surprises, of all the shows I’ve seen. Let me know if there’s one I should check out!
#10. The Simpsons “Treehouse of Horror V”
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While I do wish Simpsons had stopped at Season 10 like most, I can still acknowledge its absolute mastery of the Halloween episode with this annual anthology. And like most, I can also concede that the best of the best, the creme-de-la-creme, is the 5th one: The Shinning parody of course, first and foremost, is absolutely classic and deservedly so. Having recently endured a week without power, and thus NO TV AND NO...NOT BEER BUT COFFEE...I totally get where  Homer is coming from. The other two segments, and other Halloween eps, are also strong as well. But you can’t have a proper TOP 10 HALLOWEEN EPS list without a Treehouse of Horror. So here it is!
#9. Spectacular Spider-Man The Uncertainty Principle”
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“Twas the night before Halloween, and no folks were stirring, not even Green Gob...lan.”
Spidey is one of the few superheroes with both the whimsical roster of characters and the appropriately spooky rogues gallery to make for great Halloween episodes. While Spider-Man and his amazing friends in 1981 started out with it’s own Goblin Halloween ep, my nod has to go to Spectacular’s ‘Uncertainty Principle’, a suitably creepy episode featuring all the stuff you want around this holiday. The cast in whacky costumes, spooky decor, and creepy plotlines about the Green Goblin and the arrival of the Symbiote. It’s even more horrifying in hindsight when you find out what’s really going on in the series finale...but for itself, it’s a suitably spooky time. Also, Spider-Man dressed as Spider-Man for Halloween.
#8. Angel “Life of the Party”
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“Some are saying it’s an even better ritual sacrifice than the one last year.”
The absolute master of the Halloween episode is uncontrovertibly the Buffy-verse. I have 3 entries on this list alone, and it was hard to resist including a forth. But for now, let’s start out with Angel’s sole incursion into the Halloween genre, an Office Party ep from their 5th season. Spoiler alert: Season 5 is about Team Angel taking over Wolfram and Hart and trying to use it for good. The Halloween party there is a big deal and Lorne is going nuts from planning it. Consequently, we get a wild ride of demon guests, LorneHulk, Team Angel doing crazy things, and whacky Halloween decor. Spike smiling and partying out like a loon is definitely worth htetheprice of admission.
#7. Friends “The One w/ the Halloween Party”
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“I am a woman who spent a ton of money on this dress and wants to wear it until she is too big to fit into it.”
I had actually never seen the Friends Halloween episode until this year. I definitely enjoyed it; the cast’s costumes are funny, the various Halloween antics are adorable - especially Rachel being pushed around by candy-randy kids - and the Halloween-y atmosphere is quite convivial. Though as a comic book nerd, I must point out how completely absurd Joey’s suggestion of ‘who would win, Catwoman or Supergirl’ being Catwoman. Like, seriously? A nonpowered thief vs a freaking Kryptonian? Even people who don’t read comic books should know the answer to that one! Were people in the year 2001 really that clueless? But anyway, on a more somber note, this was apparently the first one they shot after 9/11, and ended up Lisa Kudrow’s favorite, because a stranger thanked her for making them laugh. Aw!
#6. South Park “A Nightmare on Face Time”
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“Oh, and Kenny? Stay gold.”
SP has a number of Halloween episodes, but my favorite has to be this one from 2014. There’s two main plotlines and they’re both Peak Halloweeny goodness. First, there’s Randy reenacting The Shining as his new Blockbuster  video goes under due to Netflix stealing business, which is absolutely hilarious. Then there’s the boys as The Avengers, hoping to win a costume contest despite Stan having to FaceTime. This part is full of trick-or-treating goodness, with each of the costumes being perfect for the kid (WE HEAR KENNY’S VOICE! ALBEIT DISTORTED!) and the comedy of how seriously everyone takes Stan’s ipod battery dying being absolutely killer. Certainly wins the prize for Funniest Halloween Ep Ever. (Also, Kyle’s thor costume. Thor would obviously look so much cooler with that hat.)
#5. Buffy “Halloween”
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“It’s come as you aren’t night!”
The second of the Buffyverse Halloween entries on the list. Not just a great Halloween ep but a great Buffy ep too, this one is absolutely rolling in seasonal riches. Pumpkin patch vamp fight! Halloween decorated Bronze! Ethan Rayne turning everyone into their costumes is such a clever gimmick, and as usual with a Buffy ep they do more with it than just that. Noblewoman!Buffy, Military!Xander and Ghost! Willow are each a treat to watch as they try something new with their lives. I’m a little annoyed by the “not like other girls” sappy Bangel ending, but otherwise, this one is just golden. (My shipper heart rejoices in the Cangel Bronze Date and Buffy being awfully flirty with Willow as well, for the record). 
#4. Parks and Rec “Halloween Surprise”
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“You can’t plan your future, Leslie. You just gotta let it happen.”
Parks and Rec is another one with a plethora of great Halloween eps to  choose from (something about blonde female leads I guess). This one takes the spot for being the most substantial, plot-wise, of all four, including lots of changes in the story and a great lesson at the end - though also for having the best costumes (Rosie the  riveter Leslie! Princess Diane), the best celebration (Screening of Death canoe 4 Murder at blood Lake sounds like an absolutely delightful way to spend a Halloween) and the best ending (BEN PROPOSES TO LESILE OMG). The only thing it’s missing is April, who only cameos at the start. But she gets plenty to do in the other Halloween eps, so I’ll forgive it.
#3. Frasier “Halloween”
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“I’m  Waldo. From Where’s Waldo. You know, the guy you  can’t find because he blends into the crowd.” “I don’t know, but I’d love a demonstration.”
Frasier is absolute peak sitcom comedy, especially with the Farce plotline. This one is a great, sophisticated classic, with Niles throwing a Library association ball - which means everyone must dress as a character from literature. Niles is Cyrano, Martin is Holmes, Frasier and Daphne are from the Canterbury tales, and Roz is O from the Story of O. The real conflict of the ep is “Is Roz Pregnant” and everyone mistaking who’s pregnant by whom. The  climax is Niles proposing to Daphne who he thinks is the one pregnant from an imaginary fling with Frasier. It’s funny, glib, and absolutely whacky, with some extra Halloween shenanigans to keep you occupied, like Niles’ weird old-timey theme and the parade of trick-or-treaters constantly interrupting the skits demanding candy. Definitely don’t miss this one!
#2. Gravity Falls “Summerween”
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“We’re getting older, there’s not that many Halloweens left!’
There’s definitely something about supernatural shows and Halloween episodes that just creates that extra level of quality. GF is a great show all around, and this little gem of a Halloween ep is one of the best of the whole series. It’s got everything: The Summerween Trickster, the trick-or-treating, the try-hard scares and the mad dash for candy. My favorite thing about it, though, would have to be the conflict between Dipper and Mabel about what to do for Halloween. They were always debating whether it were better to grow up too soon or try to stay a kid, and this one uses Halloween to illustrate that: Dipper torn between the Grown Up party and the Kid Trick-or-Treating, and the poignant way that rings true for all of us here in the US - that day when you finally realize you’re ‘too old’ for trick-or-treating - really makes this one strong. 
Hon Mentions: The other Parks and Rec episodes; Buffy All the Way; the camptastic Smallville episode “Thirst”, the How I met Your Mother Halloweens
#1. Buffy “Fear Itself”
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“Don’t taunt the fear demon!” “Why, can he hurt me?” “No, it’s just tacky.”
Like I said before, no one does Halloween like Buffy does Halloween. And this one is the best of the best, of the best. Everything you could want from a Halloween ep is right here. Pumpkin carving, check. Crazy party, check. Whacky costumes, check. Spooky real scares, check. The Gang’s costumes are a parade of awesome (ANYA AS BUNNY!) and the concept of exploring each member’s Greatest Fear is an absolute winner. I love every time a TV show tries to do a Greatest Fears episode, because it’s just a concept I get a kick out of - such a great way to explore our characters’ most primal needs! - and this is b y far the best. The atmosphere, the subject matter, the costumes, and  the writing, which is seriously killer in this episode (”Prepare to have your spines tingled and your gooses bumped by the terrifying...Fantasia.” “Maybe it’s because of all the horrificthings we’ve seen, but hippos wearing tutus just don’t unnerve me the way they used to”) all make this, in my opinion the best Halloween ep of all time.
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tmnt-veelicious · 6 years
Across the Stars - Ch.1
Eyyoooo, first chapter of my TMNT fanfic :’) Now, what the fawck is going on? Welp, it’s a lil’ lovey-dovey story based on the 2014-2016 universe. The turtles are aged up to their mid 20′s.Aaannd it’s going to be rated mature (especially for language, anxiety/depression mentions, explicit stuff and future sex scenes yaasss). The main pairing is DonatelloXOC (self-insert). If you’re not a fan of that, it’s perfectly understandable and you may go on your merry way~. Writing this kind of stuff helps me with my own anxiety ( ´ ▽ ` )b  heh Also I want to apologize in advance for any errors I may make. My first language is French and sometimes my brain farts some nonsense. I always try to correct things as fast as I can though ! ANYWHOOORE, time for some reading ! Enjoy :) First Chapter --> You’re here mah precious Next Chapter --> HERE
Done. That was the only word that went through Vee's mind as she closed the apartment's door behind her, leaning into it with a long sigh. She was done with the day, done with her exhausting shift at work. Done with life. Hanging her black trench coat and removing her autumn boots, she wandered to the kitchen, finding the place void of any other presence. April O'Neil, her roomate, had been rather occupied with her job, being a reporter for Channel 6 no easy thing. Also Vee was noticing how the other woman was somehow avoiding her for an unknown reason... She shrugged, trying to chase the thoughts away, filling an electric kettle with water in order to prepare a cup of tea. As she was waiting for the water to boil, she stopped to a standing mirror, grabbing her long light brown hair so she could assemble them in a messy bun. She couldn't help noticing the dark circles under her green eyes, a clear sign of fatigue and stress. A new sigh escaped her lips as she pushed on her glasses, repositionning them to their rightful place. Ever since she moved in to New York city, six months ago, she felt like her spark was vanishing with each passing months. Coming from Montréal, Canada, to work and live here had been a big step in her life, but it had also been a dued change. Her initial thrill and thirst for adventure had fueled her, dreaming of the endless possibilities New York's creative scene could offer her... Alas, she was nothing more but a single raindrop in a massive ocean of artists just like her. Was her life reduced to the endless loop of eat-work-sleep? Indeed. And she despised it. Especially since her job consisted of folding clothes and being a cashier to bratty customers who would complain day and night about not finding the perfect size of jeans or t-shirt. So exciting!... At least it paid the bills and rent. Click Vee turned to the kettle, mindlessly pouring hot water in a cup and dropping a bag of green tea, next making her way towards her bedroom. The place wasn't too big, only offering enough space for her double size bed, a desk on which sat her laptop and, not too far, her prized electric piano, most practical when she needed to practice and would only need to plug in headphones so only she could hear the precious melodies. Vee was an artist in many forms. From music to drawing, with a side of writing, she have had the opportunity to lay her hands on many projects, also spending a good part of her past twenty-five years in schools and colleges, studying and mastering her creative side. Vee was a dreamer, her mind always up and running, never at peace. She had so many ideas and so little time... At some point she wished she could just puke them out of her brain, knowing it'd be way easier to sort them out. Instead, she had a wall filled with post-its, papers, anything that she could write on, filled with words, drawings, things that inspired her or wouldn't just leave her thoughts. That was her way of keeping a planner, knowing it'd be way too frustrating to flip through many pages of a book only to find THE idea she'd be looking for! Undressing so she could put on a large t-shirt and keep her legs free of any pants' restraint, she plopped on her chair, facing her desk and turned on her laptop, the screen's light blaring through her unamused, souless even, expression. Her fingers moved expertedly over her keyboard, typing in her password, next sipping her tea without care. Her thoughts slowly started to shift to a new subject. Him. She hoped he'd be online... A month or two before she departed from Montréal, she had started to notice the sudden interest of a new follower on her various online accounts. At first she didn’t mind, but soon both began to chat and discovered that they had many interests in common. They liked talking about science, sending eachothers stupid memes and simply going from serious conversations to hilarious ones. He said his name was Donatello. A bit of a pretentious name. It was certainly not his real one (or else his parents must have been total Renaissance nerds). And his username was no better: donino, a simple mix of his name and that domino pizza place. He liked pizza. URG. STUPID PUNS. Vee smiled when she noticed he was on, already opening a chatbox. (veelicious): Afbabshabvdfshdsbf (donino): Hi? (veelicious): My brain is trying to reboot. (donino): Long day I presume? (veelicious): HMMMRRR I wish I could land on a good job opportunity in my domain rather than hearing people complain about how they'll just go to another store only because we don't have an item that ran out of stock. (veelicious): I'm not even complaining. Go shop somewhere else, customer from hell. I won't miss your needy ass. (donino): Yikes! Sorry people can be such dickheads :( …. Have you tried looking for another place? I could help you search? (veelicious): You're sweet, Don, but you don't need to go into all that trouble for me. Don't worry, I'm always on the lookout for something else :) She always thought it was cute how he was always ready to help her. … Even though both were now living in the same city, they've never met. He would always give a reason to postpone any actual meeting and Vee couldn't help feeling hurt about that. They'd been chatting, both via text and voice, for a little bit more than half a year, developping a strong friendship …. Why would he deny seeing her? She suspected that he might be lying about living in the city, but on the other hand she couldn't believe that, the guy too truthful in nature. (donino): Is there anything I can do to help and make you feel better though? (veelicious): Yeah, what about a coffee date? She slapped her palm to her face, cursing herself. (donino): Vee idk... (veelicious): For fuck's sake Donnie, what could go wrong? I just want to get to know a new friendly face around here. (veelicious): I really enjoy talking to you. … April's been giving me the cold shoulder for some unknown reason, added to her being almost non-existent in this frickin' apartment. And now you just always come up with excuses. (veelicious): I may be a stupid introvert, but damn sometimes I just hate being alone. … I just want to talk. (donino): We can voice chat if you want. (veelicious): No Donnie. … I want to see you. I want to see your face, be able to put a picture over your name. I want to see you when you laugh. I want to see you smile. … Jfc, I don't bite. She took a long sip of her tea, her hands slightly shaking. She felt like she was confessing something, but deep down she just wanted to be able to hang out with someone other than herself, April or any stupid coworker... She got no answer for a good couple of minutes, knowing she had probably scared him. Ding Her eyes moved back to the screen. (donino): Tomorrow night. Come alone. Go on top of the building that's on the corner of 4th ave. and 12th st. (donino): … I know this sounds super creepy and weird as hell, but trust me, it's the only way. (donino): Oh and yeah, bring coffees :) Vee's eyes were now wide open, her heart suddenly beating hard. She was confused and excited, a large grin coming to her face. The request did sound off, but at least she FINALLY got a result. *** This september night felt chilly, the month nearing its end. Vee was glad to be holding the two cups of coffee, warming her hands. Wearing her black trench coat, she couldn't help snorting at the mental image of herself, dressed like some sort of hip business woman, walking fast with her coffees, ready to tackle any late work. HA! She wished. She found the place, a modest apartment building which had an emergency metal staircase to its side, Vee then going to it in order to reach the top. She found herself alone, gazing upon the nearby streets, sipping her cup from times to times and butteflies destroying her stomach due to stress. Why was she so anxious to meet him? The worst was probably that she had no idea what he looked like. He never described himself much, only stating that he wore glasses and was tall. At least that was a start? Vee was about to leave a cup down to check her phone that she heard a sound; someone clearing their throat to bring attention. She quickly turned towards the sound, noticing a form in the shadows. ''… Donnie?'' she asked. ''Uhm, yeah, hi.'' A large smile came on Vee's face, recognizing his voice. She proceeded to walk in his direction so she could hand him his cup, but was promptly stopped. ''Wait!'' his voice sounding slightly nervous. ''… This is hard for me, please, just stay where you are.'' Vee was confused but obeyed, her eyes trying to scan his form. He looked tall, easily over six feet! He seemed to be carrying some sort of gear- She heard him sigh, finally moving. The first word to come up in her mind was green. Then purple. Glasses. Golden eyes. Technology. Shell. Shell? Turtle?! They stood there, in complete silence, Donatello now immobile and in plain sight. He gulped, starting to feel anxious as he could only notice how wide Vee's eyes were now... ''Wow,'' she finally said. She walked to him, closing the distance. Donnie was tempted to fall back, but remained in place, his eyes never leaving the human. Vee handed him a cup, her hand slightly shaking, her gaze plunged in his. She felt his hand around hers, taking the cup, only then her mind was brought back to reality, trying to find words only to speak again: ''Is … is this why you never wanted to meet?'' she asked, now both her hands around her cup. The turtle swallowed hard again, trying to focus. ''Well, yeah!'' He finally frowned a little in disbelief, a hand going to his hip, trying to understand the situation. ''Wait,'' he puffed a little. ''No screaming? No fainting? Just 'wow'?'' Vee shrugged, unsure, taking a quick sip of coffee before commenting: ''Okay, let me say something else then. … Holy hell! There. Any better?'' A small laugh escaped her, mostly dued to stress, but she was quick to calm it, sighing. ''Look... I can't deny that I'm a bit scared right now, but I'm mostly curious. I mean, you're a walking, talking turtle person! Gee, that's not something you get to see everyday, at least for me.'' ''… You don't think I'm a monster?'' he asked shyly. ''Oh please, what now? Monster is a synonym for 'bad'? Am I supposed to be afraid senseless and run away? … As I'm aware, you're a good person.'' Donatello's fingers fiddled on his cup. ''… I- I don't know what to say,'' he mumbled. ''Vee, you're probably the first human to be kind when meeting me.'' The woman lifted her cup in a 'toast' gesture, a smirk on her lips. ''I'm your friend. If I were to scream and throw myself off this building in fear, that would make me a terrible one.'' Donnie clinked his cup to hers, a smile now on his face too. ''Glad that didn't happen then. I'll drink to that friendship.'' *** ''April, what the fuck?'' Vee said as soon as she entered the apartment and saw her roomate sitting on the couch, carelessly going through her phone. The brunette lifted her eyes: ''… Yes?'' Vee knew everything. Donatello had told her about how he knew April, how she'd be working with them – yes because there was a 'them' as in there were others like him! ''Why did you never tell me about Donatello being a freaking mutant turtle?'' April's body jolted back to life, sitting straight, her eyes wide open. ''Wait, how did you-'' ''I just met him,'' cut Vee, her hands resting on her hips, a deadpan, non amused look on her face. The reporter was at a loss for words, going through several emotions, trying to find the right words. ''… What, he actually met you? He told me he didn't want to.'' ''SEE! THIS! Why the secret? You knew I was talking to him. If he was so scared, why didn't he stop talking to me? What the fuck is going on?!'' April sighed, gesturing for Vee to come sit by her side. ''Vee, I'm sorry.'' She sounded sincere. ''Can you just understand that this situation was really … delicate? I can't just go around and tell people that I know some freakin' ninja turtles-'' ''Wait, ninjas?'' ''Yes, they're ninjas. Now don't interrupt me! … They've been living in secrecy for many years now and they come up at night to help around with justice and stuff. Their main goal around here is to protect the city.'' ''Wow, okay, so like some sort of super heroes?'' asked Vee, genuinely curious. ''Yes! Remember Shredder? The Technodrome? It's not Vern or the police that took care of all that, that was them! They run around, jumping and stuff and they fight back.... Usually they're very careful, but you had to fall upon the only one who's a real tech genius and probably spends more time on the internet than his brothers.'' She took Vee's hands, looking straight into her eyes. ''… How did you react when meeting him?'' ''I was surprised,'' answered the other with a small smile. ''I did not scream, although I was a bit scared, but I was just so happy to finally see him...'' ''Heh, lucky. First time I met them I fainted.'' *** (veelicious): I can't believe we actually met! (donino): Me too, to be honest. I was so nervous.... (veelicious): I'm really grateful that you went over your fear and showed yourself. … I have the feeling that I sounded selfish and mean last time we chatted and I'm so sorry. I didn't want to rush things like that... (donino): No! Actually, I'm glad you did. … You're a good person, Vee, and I guess I low-key knew that you would react the way you did when we met. I don't know how to explain it... … (veelicious): I want to meet you again. (donino): Same. (veelicious): April told me everything. … If you and your family are okay with it, we could meet up at your place? I'd be curious to see how it looks down there. April would come with me. (donino): Unless you have troubles with slight sewer odors, you're welcome here! I'll keep you up to date regarding the others though... (veelicious): Looking forward to it ;)
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itsclydebitches · 7 years
Title: Worth the Wait 
“He likes this song.”
"How can you possibly know that?"
In which Cisco is given seven months to fall in love with Barry Allen. It's admittedly a little weird - what with Barry being unconscious and all - but since when was anything normal nowadays?
Fandom: The Flash (TV show)
Words: Chapter One: 2,319 (will be around 12k total) 
Warnings: None
Pairings: Barry/Cisco 
Where to Read it: Below the cut or on AO3 (AO3 recommended for formatting)
“I’m expecting a package at 3:00,” Dr. Wells announced and kept rolling by, straight to his office, leaving Cisco staring with a slushy straw dangling from his lips. He exchanged a look with Caitlin.
“Please alert me when it arrives.”
That was all. The door closed with a sharp ‘click.’
“A package?” Cisco hissed, nearly toppling off his chair in an attempt to get at Caitlin. She was sequestered in her own, doctor-y environment, a field of important looking test tubes the only thing that kept Cisco from actually plowing into her. He settled for punching her arm instead. “A package!”
“Is this Christmas?” she asked snidely. Which okay. Fine. Maybe he was a little worked up over this, but—
“A package,” Cisco said, breathing it a third time, trying and failing to convey the significance of such a seemingly innocuous thing. “C’mon, Cat—”
“Don’t call me ‘Cat.’”
“C’mon, sourpuss. When was the last time Dr. Wells ordered something? Huh? You know, since After?”
Cisco imagined the capital ‘A’ in his mind, a clear divide between Before and After their particle explosion. He saw the exact moment Caitlin got it too, her face smoothing over and one hand moving up so she could nibble at her thumb. Because yeah, Dr. Wells really hadn’t ordered anything in the two months since their lab went ‘boom,’ which was hella weird for a rich dude in love with all the finer things in life. They used to get mail by the truckloads back in the Before, all the necessary workings for STAR Labs along with the latest toys for Dr. Well’s favorites to play with—Cisco included. He remembered reverent donations to the connecting museum, the daily boxes of fan mail that never failed to make Wells cringe, the time a freaking mountain of new gloves had shown up because one woman down in Bio-engineering was allergic to the latex and really, the man didn’t know how to show his appreciation except with over the top gestures—”Don’t think on it, Dr. Marten. After all, I can’t have you breaking out in hives, now can I?” STAR Labs used to be a thousand moving parts of completely awesome things, all of them coming and going in an endless, chaotic stream. Now it was just... them. Just him, Caitlin, and a distant Dr. Wells. And they were awesome, sure, but it wasn’t the same.
The last package Cisco could remember were the new ramps and... yeah. That wasn’t much fun.
“What do you think it is?” Caitlin asked, jarring him from his thoughts. Cisco knocked his fist firmly into his palm.
“RH-50 Dale Resisters,” he said. “Dr. Wells is re-embracing particle acceleration. He’s finally building the proton pack.”
Caitlin gave him a withering look. “Ghostbusters? Really?”
“Well what do you think he ordered?”
“The latest journals,” she said simply, turning back to her tubes. “Dr. Wells is a professional. Now that he’s back on his feet—” Caitlin winced, ignoring Cisco’s raised eyebrow. “Metaphorically. Now that he’s stronger he’ll want to re-start his research. It only makes sense that he’d begin with the latest literature.”
“Boring,” Cisco said, even if, truthfully, he’d kill to see the man reading anything science related. He didn’t know what Dr. Wells did locked up in his office all day, but he never came out in a good mood. Or even a not-glacial mood.
It was freaking Hoth up in here and Cisco was slowly losing his mind.
“I suppose we’ll just have to wait and see,” Caitlin said.
Cisco went back to his half-melted slushy. A glance at the clock told him he’d be waiting another three hours and twelve minutes to solve this mystery. He huffed and threw himself into his chair. No way could he focus on his Suit right now. Curiosity was a bitch.
There was collection of boardgames under the Cortex’s bridge and he actually opened his mouth to ask Caitlin if she wanted a round or two of Settlers of Catan... but no. There hadn’t been much buddy-buddy stuff between them lately.
Not that Cisco could blame her.
“He slimed me,” Cisco muttered and briefly pressed his palms against his eyes. He settled for some solitaire instead. Freaking fitting.
Time passed at a snail’s pace.
It did pass though and after a massive stretch of “World’s Most Adorable ____” Youtube videos, Cisco finally heard the little chime that alerted them to someone at the Lab’s main entrance. He de-activated the security system in just a few clicks, only slightly surprised that Caitlin was out of her seat as well.
“Curious cat...” Cisco muttered to her and tried to pretend that Caitlin’s smile was a little brighter than it actually was. “Dr. Wells! Your package is here!”
He didn’t wait—couldn’t wait—not when routine had been eating at them both for weeks on end. The two of them power-walked out of the Cortex before Dr. Wells had even opened the door. Cisco knew how stupid this was, but he couldn’t help it. Anything to break the monotony.
“Twenty bucks says it’s awesome,” Cisco said, speeding down the corridor.
“Define ‘awesome.’”
“More interesting than freaking journals.”
He grinned, willing to hope that Caitlin was doing the same beside him. Cisco was thinking about buying some new manga with twenty bucks, or just a whole bunch of candy, and it took his scheming mind a second too long to notice the voices.
As in plural. How many people did you need to deliver a package?
Caitlin had a similar ‘wtf?’ face going on, all pursed lips and squinty eyes. They picked up the pace and right before they left the hall they had to fall back, a whole damn team of people charging them by.
“Excuse me,” a woman said, barely sparing Cisco a glance. He gapped as a parade of people came flowing into STAR labs. The majority were in doctor’s coats like Caitlin, though a few minion-looking guys carted big boxes of something or other, or rolled equally mysteriously things by on wheels. Cisco was about to grab someone and demand an explanation when he caught sight of what brought up the rear.
It was a bed, complete with a quarantine canopy and a whole slew of monitors attached, all of them beeping at different frequencies and sounding super eerie in the echoey hall. This was some full on E.T. shit. Dawn of the Dead contamination unit. Cisco was torn between rushing forward and pressing up against the wall or getting closer when he actually caught a glimpse of what was inside.
No alien or zombie in the making. It was just a guy. A really handsome guy.
“Holy shit,” Cisco whispered. “Dr. Wells bought the science equivalent of a rent boy.”
Well, that wasn’t quite the right answer. Caitlin had hit him for that little comment, though Cisco still got the twenty bucks. He flapped the bill in front of the new guy’s face.
“I’lll give you this if you open your eyes,” he said.
No movement.
“Forty then. Actually no, sorry, thirty-eight and some leftover Twizzlers. Whaddaya say?”
No change on the monitors.
“Greedy gus.”
It was actually sort of creepy, that bad Sci-Fi flick feel again. Cisco rubbed his hands up and down his bare arms, confident that no one was around to judge him for having the heebie-jeebies. They’d spent all afternoon and half the night just getting this craziness set up. If someone had walked in this morning and said, “Hey, Cisco, later today your boss is going to stick a coma patient in the middle of your work room, have fun with that!” he would have laughed. Then admitted that was a little cool. Then laughed again.
And truthfully it was cool. Definitely a break in monotony.
But also kind of creepy.
It was something to do with the dim lighting now that Dr. Wells and Caitlin had vacated; too many tubes and not enough color in the guy’s cheeks. The clock striking 1:00am sure as hell didn’t help.
Truthfully though, it was way more than that. Cisco was no Caitlin, but he understood enough about the human body to get its general response to fear. It was all about the unknown. The creep factor stemmed from the danger inherent in ignorance and right now Cisco was feeling reeeeeally ignorant.
A fact that he’d been more than happy to announce.
“Why is there a coma dude in the Cortex?” he’d asked, finger swinging towards all the different personal doing, yep, personal things. Like hooking up more IVs. And re-inserting a catheter.
Dr. Wells looked up at Cisco. He still wasn’t use to that.
“He was struck by lighting,” he said, as if that explained anything. Like why lighting apparently equaled coma. Or why he was here.
Before Cisco could start pointing all that out though Dr. Wells leaned forward in his chair, eyes intent on the work going on around them. He drummed his fingers on the armrest and slowly—ever so slowly—let out a breath that Cisco heard even over the clamor.
“It was a freak storm that did it, Cisco. About two months ago.”
Dr. Wells rolled away, creating literal and figurative distance between them. Cisco let him go.
Because what the hell was there to say? The weeks following the explosion had been consumed by recuperation and physical therapy, but Cisco still saw Dr. Wells enough to spot the weight loss; the angry bags under his eyes. Mobile again he’d thrown money at the problem—to repair buildings, lasting electrical damage, all the cars that had crashed in the chaos—but people couldn’t be patched up so easily. Money couldn’t fight against the fear and crushing disappointment. It sure as hell couldn’t bring back the dead.
Cisco still had nightmares. Not just about the explosion, but the little things too. Like Caitlin’s expression when Dr. Wells had offered to pay for Ronnie’s funeral expenses and how he was sure, utterly sure in that moment, that Caitlin would strike him. She hadn’t, but her trembling lips had said it all—as had Dr. Well’s averted gaze. He was trying, even if it was all pretty useless.
This though? This kid definitely needed money. Or a miracle.
“‘Cause this sure ain’t normal,” Cisco said, shaking his head at the hundred and some medical supplies that had flooded their home. Caitlin had been beside herself, asking so many questions even she realized she was being a bit of a pest, but the other medical staff had answered everything with a strange, almost desperate patience. It took them both a good hour to figure it out: that they’d be back to their three (four?) person lab by the end of the day; that Caitlin was meant to be this guy’s primary caretaker.
“But I don’t know anything about coma patients!” she had shrieked, even as she’d dialed back the guy’s fluids like she’d been doing it for years. The other professionals looked mildly relieved. Cisco and Dr. Wells exchanged a glance that almost felt like old times.
She could do it too. If anyone could not only manage, but somehow wake up this cup of crazy, it was Dr. Caitlin Snow. Cisco should have realized immediately that even a beaten Dr. Wells wasn’t made up of altruism; he wouldn’t take in just any old boring, normal case study. The real reasons came out in pieces over the next couple of hours. How the lightning strike should have fried the kid easily—at least burned him head to toe—but he’d been found untouched except for burned clothes. How he’d come into contact with a whole host of other chemicals at the time and no one knew exactly what kind of chaos that had wreaked. How he’d been coding, again and again for months, yet always came back and never seemed to be the worse for the experience, at least according to endless MRIs and CAT scans.
How he just wouldn’t, couldn’t wake up.
No wonder Dr. Wells had taken him in. Cisco had the upmost respect for his mentor, sure, but he wasn’t blind either. This guy wasn’t just a charity case, he was a scientific anomaly.
Dr. Wells loved that shit. Cisco did too.
“Just as long as you’re not a zombie,” Cisco muttered, the empty lab and all these thoughts of dying really starting to get to him. Morbid, much. Time to fix that.
So Cisco got some tunes going, confident that it wouldn’t bother his roommate and, really, it wasn’t like he was sleeping anytime soon. He grabbed Doritos from one of his many stashes, reached for the Suit’s notes, hesitated, and then grabbed for his laptop instead. Cisco pulled up a chair and settled next to Mr. Anomaly.
Handsome anomaly.
“I want to know more about you,” he said slowly, booting up Chrome and stuffing three chips into his mouth. Cisco settled in and, after only a moments consideration, kicked his feet up onto the bed. His ratty sneakers nudged the guy’s right knee. “C’mon, c’mon. Let’s break the ice and all that. We are basically going to be living together.”
Google awaited him. Cisco leaned forward and snagged the hospital bracelet still looped around the guy's wrist.
“B. Allen,” he said aloud. “Alright...” It took Cisco all of five seconds to hit gold.
“Oh... oh, dude. You are lucky you’ve got a pretty face because god, Bartholomew? That’s almost as bad as Francisco, I am so damn sorry. The hell were your parents thinking?”
Not much, apparently. Given that one was in jail and the other in her grave. The former for causing the latter.
“Well shit.” Cisco scrubbed at his eyes. He thought about leaving his research at that, but...
“Nah. Not like you’re awake to yell about boundaries. C’mon, Bartholomew. Tell me more.”
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