aprincesadegales · 1 year
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Meus Top 10 Looks Rosa da Kate (em ordem cronológica) | My Top 10 "Kate in Pink" Moments (in chronological order)
[5/10] Visita ao centro comunitário para juventude Northern Sound System e ao Centro Cívico de Playford, no 8º dia da Visita Oficial à Austrália | 23.04.2014 Fontes: What Kate Wore | Kate's Closet | What Would Catherine Wear (Tumblr)
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ramen540k · 3 years
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LGBT Visibility in Media
Sai Hudspeth
Media Production
Throughout film’s history, documentaries have served to educate and provide visibility for marginalised communities. One of those communities being the LGBT community. In this essay I will be exploring how two documentaries, “Disclosure” (2020) and “Pray Away” (2021), provide information that supports LGBT activism. In visual media specifically, there has been a history of vilifying the LGBT community. This caused major detriments to these marginalised groups because of the image portrayed in mainstream media and in American culture. “Disclosure” and “Pray Away” utilise two main methods of providing an impactful message, those being the use of clear evidence and personal experiences.
While the status quo has viewed the LGBT community as immoral and dangerous, to change it we must understand why. “Disclosure” does an amazing job of this through providing evidence for why this has become the status quo. Throughout the film, “Disclosure” (Disclosure, 2020) references famous and revered pieces of cinema that start and uphold troupes of trans people. At 17 minutes into the film, Nick Adams, GLAAD Director of Trans Media and Representation is introduced and opens with a quote that perfectly represents the film industry’s relationship with trans people. “For decades, Hollywood has taught audiences how to react to trans people...” This quote, followed by examples such as a scene from “Beyond the Valley of Dolls” (1970) in which a trans man murders another character, a scene from “Terror Train” (1980), and “Psycho” (1960), provides both evidence and a visual connection to his words. He ends the quote with “...and sometimes, they’re being taught that the way to react to us is fear. That we’re dangerous, that we’re psychopaths, that we’re serial killers, that we must be deviants or perverts.” This use of visual evidence tied in with Adams’ rhetoric provides an understanding of why transphobia is such a prevalent issue, especially when it is revealed that a GLAAD study shows 80% of Americans do not know any trans people (Disclosure, 2020). In a BBC interview, Genna Terranova, Director of Programming at the Tribeca Film Festival, said “In the age of social media that’s where the conversation starts and that’s when hopefully change will start...” (Brook, 2014).
“Pray Away” however, focuses on a singular storyline following the inception and dismantling of an organisation called Exodus. By using testimonials from the executives of Exodus, news reels, and photos, and footage from events, “Pray Away” provides a historically accurate timeline of events with a driving emotional force. At 20 minutes and 50 seconds, (Pray Away, 2021) Julie Rodgers begins her testimony. She describes the reality of growing up in a conservative christian household and what messages she heard during her time at home. To preface her experience, the film shows TV reels of the christian conservative activists. These activists include Dr. James Dobson and Jerry Falwell, a televangelist who capitalised on the idea that “Homosexuality is moral perversion and is always wrong, period.” (Pray Away, 2021) Later, it backs up these reels by showing old Exodus ads with testimonials of “ex-gays” saying there is hope, there is a way to get rid of your immoral thoughts and actions (Pray Away, 2021). The use of visual evidence solidifies Julie’s testimony while also providing more context for the current narrative. The use of visual aids in these two films both provide more information and an immediate emotional reaction.
In both “Disclosure” (2020) and “Pray Away” (2021), professionals and prevalent members of the LGBT community are featured to provide both meaningful evidence and emotional connections between the viewers and them. Bianca Leigh at 15 minutes 37 seconds (Disclosure, 2020), talks about her experiences as a young trans woman pre-transition. One of her anecdotes is about the film “Dress to Kill” (1980) in which she identifies with the heroine because of her elegance, and femininity while the villain of the film is portrayed as a man who dresses up as a woman in order to kill the heroine. The juxtaposition of these two characters, one she identified with and the other who is supposed to be a trans person left her speechless and confused, representing perfectly the feelings of a trans person in comparison to how they are portrayed in mainstream media. This allows the audience to experience the thought process and empathy of being a trans person with little to no representation. In Vanity Fair’s interview with Sam Feder, the director of “Disclosure”, they discussed how “Disclosure” had become a pivotal point for people who have never viewed film through the trans perspective. “When I hear people say that it’s affected how they’re seeing things, that’s really exciting because this is a new way of seeing. It’s talking about a way of seeing and its use of the trans perspective as a case study, but it can be applied to every identity.” (Nast, 2021) Later in the film (Disclosure, 2020), Leverne Cox shares her personal experiences of the beginning of her transition. “I was so viciously harassed on the streets of New York early in my transition… I knew I would immediately feel unsafe just walking down the street…” This, further showing the personal connection between the participant’s life experience and an empathetic situation any audience can empathise with.
“Pray Away” however, utilises personal experiences in a different way. The executives of Exodus met with a small group of “survivors” of Exodus and listened to their testimonies. At 1:21:42  (Pray Away, 2021), each executive gives their initial emotional reaction to what the survivors had to say and how it changed their ideas of what Exodus was doing to people. Later, Julie Rodgers provides her experience with coming out of Exodus and back into christianity, reflecting on how detrimental Exodus had been and how she realised that it did not represent her religion as a whole. As the film closes out, each contributor to the film reconciles how much harm they have caused through creating the largest, longest lasting provider of conversion therapy. Rather than show the negative impacts it has had on them, “Pray Away” humanises their mistakes by providing them the opportunity to empathise with the members of their community who they have hurt. It is a moving ending to a horrific story and provides food for thought from those who have not experienced it personally.
Though “Disclosure” (2020) and “Pray Away” (2021) utilised different storytelling methods, both were incredibly informative and moving. By providing visual evidence of the experiences in each film, people are captivated by the sense of reality it provides. Had there been no visual representation of villainous trans characters, or no evidence of the indoctrination caused by Exodus, the films would have been much less impactful. In addition, providing in depth personal experiences and the reconciliation of Exodus’ actions allowed the audience to feel each film on a higher personal level. These two techniques combined made each film easy to consume and easy to understand, especially for those who are not familiar with each topic to begin with. With these topics specifically it is difficult to provide enough base information to ensure people can watch, understand, and not lose interest. “Disclosure” provided more opportunities for engagement by providing constant historical context, while “Pray Away” utilised the individuals’ story lines to break up the story shifting between the present and past.
Brook, T., 2014. Activist documentaries: Preaching to the converted?. [online] Available at: <https://www.bbc.com/culture/article/20140423-preaching-to-the-converted> [Accessed 8 July 2021].
Disclosure. 2020. [film] Directed by S. Feder. Netflix.
Pray Away. 2021. [film] Directed by K. Stolakis. Netflix.
Nast, C., 2021. Disclosure: The Oscar-Hopeful Documentary That Changed Hollywood. [online] Available at: <https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2021/02/disclosure-trans-representation-hollywood> [Accessed 18 July 2021].
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paktechnician · 2 years
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greatwallstone · 6 years
周永平的人权迫害案件,被 FBI时任分局长WELCH包庇和阻碍司法公正长达六七年, 从2008年到2015年期间的包庇和阻碍司法公正,造成了周永平的案件得不到司法正义。
 周永平案件的第一环节是美国Indian州政府官员的腐败滥权,迫害华人人权。这个结论是接待周先生的FBI 侦探Robert这样定义的。其中涉及的重罪有:伪证重罪(警察报告),隐藏证据重罪(安保录像和医疗记录的隐藏),对法律传票做伪证回复的伪证重罪,在法庭trial上做伪证的重罪,在Deposition里做伪证重罪,阴谋协作的重罪,诬陷罪,一系列的阻碍司法公正重罪,令人发指的警察暴力伤人犯罪。所以,2008年4月21日周先生去 FBI报案:请看多年前的报道,有关Indian地方政府迫害华人人权的报道:
 2. 周永平案件的第二环腐败滥权案件是FBI时任分局长Welch从2008年到2015年(Welch离任的时间)的长达七年的包庇犯行和阻碍司法公正的犯行。星岛日报曾经头版头条给予报道,一共报道了7次。
 3. 美国国会司法委员会就是监察美国联邦高级官员犯罪的的机构。所以,周先生的案件里,FBI前任分局长Welch这些重罪是美国国会司法委员会的监察范围,
 因此,周永平从2011年就开始找美国国会议员赵美心,之后找刘云平议员,他们两个议员都为了此案件质询 FBI了,得到文件证明了周先生的指控。
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这里附上FBI现任分局长 ABBOTT给刘云平议员的回复信,加州华人律师是这样分析ABBOTT回复信的:
 (1). U.S. attorney 是美国刑事案件的联邦检察官。
 (2).在2016年7月,Rep Ted Lieu(国会议员刘云平)向FBI质询周永平案件后,FBI新任分局长ABBOTT审查了周先生的案件档案,他立即将周先生的案件送交联邦检察官办公室,向腐败犯罪的嫌疑人提起刑事诉讼。
 (3).FBI 现任分局长Abbott将周先生的案件立刻送到检察官办公室去起诉,与FBI侦探Robert在2008年4月21日在周先生面前得出的腐败犯罪案件的结论, 是一致的判断。
 (5). FBI 现任分局长Abbott在2016年7月的回复信,印证和证实了周先生在美国国会议员面前的起诉,即FBI前任首席韦尔奇从2008年(周向FBI 的Indiana办公室报告了他的案件)阻挠了周某案件到2015年(Welch离职 FBI Indy办公室的时间)。
 (6).ABBOTT回复信的最后一部分结论是错误的,周先生2008年去FBI报案的案件在今天仍然可以执法,因为知名案例,芝加哥前警长Jon Burge的腐败犯罪案件在被FBI拖延了20年之后,Burge还是被抓捕起诉了,最终,Burge被判有罪,进了联邦监狱。
 (8). FBI 前分局长WELCH 的阻碍司法公正的犯行在2015年结束,即WELCH离开了 FBI分局长职位的时候。
 根据联邦刑法规定的7年法律时限statute limitation,Welch阻挠司法公正的犯罪直到2022年都可以被起诉。(从2015年计算,到2022年,联邦法律的7年追诉期。)
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  本人采访周先生,周先生讲述到,在2016年独立日之后,刘云平议员的主任告诉周先生,刘议员要去质询联邦调查局有关他的案件,让他等信息。后来,联邦调查局新任分局长 ABBOTT在2016年7月19日给刘云平议员回复,说他(ABBOTT)已经送进周先生案件给联邦检察官办公室。 从刘云平议员质询FBI ,到 ABBOTT回复刘云平议员,时间跨度是两个星期,十个工作日,显然ABBOTT局长是在短短两个星期内是没有时间去调查8年前的那些嫌疑犯的。 ABBOTT局长就是依靠周先生案件卷宗里的那些证据(周先生在2008年报案的时候,交给接到他的FBI侦探Robert的大量证据和文件),ABBOTT就决定送进此案件到联邦检察官办公室。
 周先生进一步阐明, ABBOTT局长在2016年7月送交周先生案件到联邦检察官办公室去起诉的行动,与接到周先生的FBI侦探Robert在2008年4月21日得出了结论是一致的。 所有证据都是周先生在2008年4月去FBI报案的时候, 他提供给FBI特工罗伯特的证据。因此,周先生案件早在2008年就应该被时任分局长WELCH送进给联邦检察官去起诉了,不是等到2016年才送交他的案件给联邦检察官。
 周先生提到,在2011年夏天,中国芝加哥领事馆宋建明和王磊两个领事为了他的案件,根据国际法多次交涉时任分局长WELCH,WELCH违反国际法拒不回复中国领事的领事保护的交涉。 在2012年底,国会议员赵美心为了周先生的案件交涉WELCH,WELCH三天内就回复赵美心议员了,承认了周先生去他分局办公室办公室报案的事实;但是之后,WELCH还是没有送交周先生案件给联邦检察官,WELCH继续包庇和掩盖周先生的案件,WELCH继续他的阻碍司法公正的犯罪。
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  照片说明:1.美国联邦调查局现任分局长ABBOTT在2016年7月19日给国会议员刘云平的回复信。 2 周永平与美国国会议员刘云平议员的合影  3.洛杉矶知名侨领张素久会长与周永平的合影(张素久会长在名人之后,是著名爱国将军张治中将军的女儿,张素久会长为了周先生案件给国会议员刘云平写信,星岛日报报道了这个细节。)
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c-l-e-a-r-x100pre · 4 years
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keykayak · 5 years
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La pequeña #Europa 20140423 https://www.instagram.com/p/B3o2ZKAoG_Q/?igshid=1lxmi72vxyysl
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itsharulee · 6 years
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aprincesadegales · 4 years
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William e Kate no centro comunitário para juventude Northern Sound System, na cidade de Adelaide | 8º dia da Visita Oficial à Austrália | 23.04.2014
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tblpress · 4 years
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wingsofocean · 7 years
George RR Martin Interview
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elojolector · 7 years
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greatwallstone · 6 years
Chinese Elites appeal Rep Judy Chu and Ted Lieu to act with the duties as U.S. House Reps
FBI chief Welch’s obstruction of justice in Zhou’s case, Directors of American Chinese appeal U.S. Rep Ted Lieu and Judy Chu to send Yongping Zhou’s case to U.S. Congress Judiciary Committee
In Yongping Zhou’s case, there were two corruption crime cases happened in Marion County of Indiana State and in FBI field office of Indianapolis.
The first corruption crime of Marion County of Indiana happened on the 4th floor of City County Building of Indianapolis on May 18, 2005, he was attacked by bailiff Belanger without a reason. Later, Marion City County mayor and sheriff hid the surveillance footage of this crime scene by replying the court’s subpoenas with their perjury as FBI agent Robert found and concluded, Belanger and several officers conspired to make the false accusation upon Mr. Zhou with 5 falsified charges.  It was outrageous,  two law professors Henry Karlson and Joel Schumm helped Mr. Zhou for 3 years in order to defeat the horrible false accusation. Finally, the jury gave the justice to Mr. Zhou in the trial, although Belanger and 5 officers made up their contradicted perjury claims to cheat the jury in order to frame up Mr. Zhou.
Mr. Zhou went to FBI Indianapolis field office to report the human right abuse case under the instruction of professor Karlson on April 21, 2008.
Mr. Zhou gave FBI agent Robert the large amount of evidences about the multi-felony crimes committed by Indianapolis officers and chiefs, such as the hate crime, self-denial perjury, tampering with the evidences of the crime scene surveillance footage and medical records, obstruct justice, the perjury crime of replying the Court’s subpoena with lies, criminal frame up with self-denial perjury, the aggressive assault by policeman and the misprision of the felony by Indy local chiefs. FBI agent Robert concluded that it was the corruption crime case in the end of their 3-hour meeting, agent Robert told Mr. Zhou that he will report it to the boss chief agent Welch to decide which squad to investigate the case, while there are two squads in the field office which could investigate this kind of crime case.
However, FBI field chief Welch refused to reply to Mr. Zhou since then, no matter how Mr. Zhou followed up to contact Welch, obviously FBI chief Welch tried to cover up his case. 
Chinese Chicago General Consulate’s consul Jianming Song and Lei Wang inquired FBI chief Welch about Mr. Zhou’s case based on International Law in June 2011, Welch breached International Law and refused to reply Chinese consuls’ inquiry. 
In November 2012, Mr. Zhou filed his complaint with U.S. House Rep Judy Chu to complaint FBI chief Welch’s misprision and obstruction of justice felony crimes.  Rep Judy Chu then inquired U.S. FBI chief Welch about Mr. Zhou’s case, Welch immediately replied to Rep Judy Chu without one day delaying,  Welch admitted Rep Judy Chu that Mr. Zhou has reported his human right abuse case to FBI Indianapolis field office in April 2008.  However, since then, FBI chief Welch continued to cover up Zhou’s case until 2015 when Welch left FBI field office.
See full coverage, please see the link:
Famous Chinese director Sujiu Zhang wrote her appeal letter to Rep Judy Chu for Mr. Zhou in 2014,  Singtao Newspaper sent its reporter Chen to go with Mr. Zhou to deliver director Zhang’s letter to Rep Judy Chu’s office, and Singtao made headline reporting straightly for two days to call upon Rep Judy Chu to send Mr. Zhou’s case to U.S. Congress Judiciary Committee.
In 2016, Mr. Zhou filed his complaint with U.S. House Rep Ted Lieu Chu to complaint FBI chief Welch’s misprision and obstruction of justice felony crimes.
In 2016, Chinese director Sujiu Zhang wrote her appeal letter to Rep Ted Lieu for Mr. Zhou, then Rep Ted Lieu inquired FBI field office for his case. FBI new chief Abbott replied to Rep Ted Lieu within two weeks, Abbott told Rep Lieu that as soon as he received Rep Lieu’s inquiry, he checked Zhou’s case and immediately sent Zhou’s case to federal prosecutor office for the criminal charges.  See attachment of Abbott’s letter to Rep Ted Lieu.
Professional lawyer analyzed Abbott’s letter  with 8 points, concluded that Abbott’s letter perfectly matched and proved what Mr. Zhou had complained with Rep Judy Chu and Rep Ted Lieu about FBI chief Welch’s misprision and obstruction of justice felony crimes from 2008 to 2015.  Please see the lawyer’s 8 points analysis in the bottom of this video.
  Chinese elites and directors call upon U.S Rep Ted Lieu and Rep Judy Chu to send Zhou’s case to U.S. Congress Judiciary Committee
Many Chinese directors and human right advocates come out to call U.S Rep Ted Lieu and Rep Judy Chu to send Zhou’s case to U.S. Congress Judiciary Committee.  Let’s list them one by one:
1. Elite Chinese American director Sujiu Zhang (LA): 
  I have supported Mr. Yongping Zhou for many years, I wrote to U.S. lawmakers for his case.  In 2014, I wrote to Rep Judy Chu, to appeal Rep Chu to send Zhou’s case to U.S. Congress Judiciary Committee.  In 2016, I wrote to Rep Ted Lieu to appeal Rep Lieu to send Zhou’s case to U.S. Congress Judiciary Committee. Singtao Newspaper reported with headlines about these.
Zhou’s case was covered up by FBI former chief Welch’s misprision crime and obstruction of justice crime, thus it needs U.S. Congress Judiciary Committee to investigate Zhou’s case.
Here, once again I appeal U.S. Rep Ted Lieu and Rep Judy Chu to send Zhou’s case to U.S. Congress Judiciary Committee.
  2. American Chinese Justice Association chairman Danny Chen and CEO Johnny Huang:
    We support Yongping Zhou, support him to seek for the justice. We appeal U.S. Rep Judy Chu and Rep Ted Lieu to deliver Mr. Zhou’s case to U.S. Congress Judiciary Committee.
For over one years, our American Chinese were treated unfairly and unequally for several generations. Even after Exclusive Act was cancelled, the mistreatment continued.  Vincent Chin case of Michigan State was the notorious discrimination case upon Chinese, until today the family of Vincent Chin did not get the justice.
Yongping Zhou’s case happened in Indiana State, neighbor of Michigan State. Mr. Zhou’s case was the severe human right abuse case. The methods of abusive officers in his case were extremely cruel and horrifying. Law school professors Karlson and Schumm of Indiana University had helped Mr. Zhou for 3 years, helped him to defeat the local government’s cruel wrongful prosecution. Under old professor’s instruction, he went to FBI field office to report his human right abuse case, FBI agent Robert accepted his reporting and the large amount of evidences, concluded that it is corruption crime case. However, after he reported to FBI, FBI field chief agent Welch began to cover up his case for over 7 years.  Because of this, Mr. Zhou filed his complaint about federal agent Welch’s misprision crime with U.S. Rep Judy Chu in 2012.  And Mr. Zhou went to U.S. Rep Ted Lieu office to complain federal agent Welch’s misprision and obstruction of justice crimes in 2016.
In July 2016, Rep Ted Lieu inquired FBI office for Zhou’s case. Rep Ted Lieu obtained FBI new chief Abbott’s replying letter, the critical evidence which proved what Mr. Zhou indicted Welch’s obstruction of justice crimes.
One professional legal expert analyzed Abbott’s letter, gave the accurate 8 points, Abbott’s letter proved Mr. Zhou’s indictment of Welch’s crimes.
Based on the legal expert’s 8 points analysis, new reporting was published in September 2018.
Based on this fact of federal chief agent’s severe crime,  Zhou’s case must be investigated by U.S. Congress Judiciary Committee, which could investigate Zhou’s indictment of Welch’s felony crime of misprision and obstruction of justice.
Here, our American Chinese Justice Association and American Voters Association are appealing U.S. Rep Judy Chu and Rep Ted Lieu to send Mr. Zhou’s case to U.S. Congress Judiciary Committee, we will appreciate you, we appreciate Hong Kong media China and World Highlights for reporting this event to help American Chinese equal right.
  3. San Francisco director Mingkang Dai  (World  Journal Newspaper former Editor in Chief)
I have not met Mr. Yongping Zhou yet, we contacted by email and phones. I was moved by his insisting on seeking for the justice for his being mistreated in the democracy country of U.S.A., Mr. Zhou endured the numerous difficulties. He was seeking for equal right and real democracy.  He is the democracy warrior in the so-called democracy country of United States.
In current situation, the prejudice upon American Chinese is worsen than other races, the way for Mr. Zhou is tough,  I believe that he will insist on until the justice comes. I am asking U.S. Rep Ted Lieu, Rep Judy Chu etc three American Chinese U.S. House Reps jointly to send Yongping Zhou’s case to U.S. Congress Judiciary Committee.
  4.  Director Jack White of Minnesota Chinese Association:
I got to know Mr. Yongping Zhou’s case for over 8 years from our local news reporting. I had helped his case by writing my letter to U.S. lawmaker. Mr. Zhou’s case showed the severe corruption in both local government staffs and U.S federal chief agent. It is unbelievable that federal chief agent Welch dared to continue to obstruct the justice in his case after U.S. Rep Judy Chu inquired Welch in 2012.  And another U.S. American Chinese House Rep inquired and obtained federal chief Abbott's reply letter for Mr. Zhou’s case, the professional lawyer gave the perfect analysis. We appeal these three American Chinese U.S. House Reps to send Mr. Zhou’s case to U.S. Congress Judiciary Committee, to let the Committee to investigate his case, to let Mr. Zhou to testify and give his indictment in front of U.S. congress lawmakers.
  5.  Philadelphia and Pennsylvania Director Steven Zhu:
Although we have not met with Mr. Yongping Zhou, my family and I followed up his case and supported him for years.  It is respectful that Mr. Zhou sought for justice and insisted on for so many years. I had helped him to write to U.S. Senior Lawmaker for his case, to appeal to his case to U.S. Congress Judiciary Committee.  Two righteous law professors of Indiana University law school had helped Mr. Zhou for 3 years to defeat the frame-up case upon him, jury gave the justice to Mr. Zhou, proved his innocent.  However, after he reported his case to FBI field office,  his case was covered up by FBI chief Welch for over 7 years.  Mr. Zhou filed his complaint for federal chief agent Welch’s misprision and obstruction of justice with U.S. Rep Judy Chu and Rep Ted Lieu, both Reps inquired FBI about his case.
In the reporting of September 2018, professional lawyer analyzed FBI new chief Abbott’s letter to Rep Ted Lieu, the lawyer pointed out that Mr. Zhou’s case should be sent to U.S. Congress Judiciary Committee, the statute limitation will be expired until 2022 for his complaint against FBI former chief Welch.
Here, I am calling upon U.S. Rep Judy Chu and Rep Ted Lieu to send Zhou’s case to U.S. Congress Judiciary Committee. If U.S.A. is a real democracy country with equal rights, we wait for U.S. Congress Judiciary Committee to give the justice to Mr. Zhou’s case.
6. Director Yufa Liu of Beijing University Alumni Association
For Yongping Zhou’s case, Qinghua senior alumni Sujiu Zhang had helped him for many years. Alumni Zhang is the model for Chinese human right protection. As the alumni of the neighborhood Beijing University, I also supported Mr. Zhou for his request for justice.
Law and the human right issue depended on the facts and evidences, I supported Mr. Zhou’s case not depended on personal relationship, depended on our respecting upon justice and equal right. From Singtao and China World Highlights (Hong Kong) reporting, the evidences and facts of Zhou’s case is ample and clear, now there is the lawyer’s professional opinions with eight points, there is the clear evidence of FBI chief Abbott’s letter to Rep Ted Lieu,  it is really necessary to request U.S. Congress Judiciary Committee to probe Zhou’s case, which is relating to federal field chief agent Welch’s corruption. I want to appeal U.S. Rep Judy Chu and Rep Ted Lieu to report Mr. Zhou’s case to U.S. Congress Judiciary Committee, let Mr. Zhou to go to the hearing of U.S. Congress Judiciary Committee to testify under oath to indict FBI former chief Welch’s obstruction of justice in his case, to let U.S. Congress Judiciary Committee to investigate his case. We want to show Congress Lawmakers that our Chinese respect for the law, seek for the justice peacefully.
  7. Los Angeles social activist Daxiong Pan:
Mr. Yongping Zhou’s case has been analyzed by the professional lawyer,  it is clear cut case, it was blocked and covered up by FBI former chief agent Welch.  And U.S. Congress Judiciary Committee is the one that investigates the federal agents’ crimes, U.S. Constitution renders the authority.  Therefore, it is necessary to ask U.S. Congress Judiciary Committee to involve and probe.
Singtao Newspaper had reported Zhou’s case for many times. In 2014, when director Sujiu Zhang wrote to Rep Judy Chu for Zhou’s case,  Singtao Newspaper sent its reporter Chen to go with Mr. Zhou to deliver the letter of director Zhang to Rep Judy Chu’s office in LA, next day, Singtao put the headline to report it for straight two days.  As early as in 2012, Mr. Zhou had been to Rep Judy Chu office to file his Complaint for federal chief agent Welch’s misprision and obstruction of justice crime, when Welch was committing the misprision and obstruction of justice crime.
I am the voter of LA County, I live in the district of Rep Judy Chu.  I am calling to Rep Judy Chu, please help to deliver Mr. Yongping Zhou’s case to U.S. Congress Judiciary Committee, our Chinese community will appreciate it. Please don’t let injustice overcome.
  8. Chinese human right and social activist Qing Liao:
I support Yongping Zhou’s case and his seeking for justice; his case should be probed by U.S. Congress Judiciary Committee. 
I devoted myself to Chinese community social fairs for many years. I have helped Sherry Chen’s case and other Chinese nominees for the elections. For over one year, I pay more and more attention for Mr. Zhou’s case. United States is the democracy Country, but it had many social and racial problems. In Yongping Zhou’s case, many officers of local government and federal chief agent Welch involved the severe corruption crime case and obstructed the justice for many years in his case. These law enforcements intentionally breached the law, were in large for many years without any punishment, even after Rep Judy Chu inquired FBI chief Welch, Welch continued to cover up Zhou’s case for another 6 years. It showed how difficulty for American Chinese to have the equal rights being protected. 
From China World Highlights (Hong Kong) reporting, it published the evidence of FBI chief Abbott’s letter to Rep Judy Chu, the professional legal expert’s analysis is so clear and convincible.  For the justice purpose, I am calling to U.S. Rep Judy Chu and Rep Ted Lieu to bring Mr. Zhou’s case to U.S. Congress Judiciary Committee, Chinese. Mr. Zhou had been illegal mistreated by these corrupted officers, U.S. Congress Judiciary Committee should bring the justice to his case, I am waiting for it, Chinese community waits for it too.
  9. Chinese human right advocate Jenny Wilson
Mr. Zhou’s case showed the injustice of U.S. legal system, FBI chief Welch was a real dictator, who could cover up the severe corruption crime case to harbor the local corruption officers for so many years.  Even after FBI current chief Abbott found Welch’s obstruction of justice, Abbott did not take any action. U.S Rep Judy Chu inquired FBI for Mr. Zhou’s case in 2012.  And Rep Ted Lieu inquired FBI in 2016. Welch’s obstruction of justice is still in large.
Ask U.S Rep Judy Chu and Rep Ted Lieu immediately send Mr. Zhou’s case to U.S. Congress Judiciary Committee to probe.
   10.  Chinese human right advocate Steven Liu:
It is unbearable case, I had followed Yongping Zhou’s event for many years.  His case involved the series perjury felony crimes and obstruction of justice felony crimes, it is serious human right abuse case. For such horrible human right abuse crime case,  it was covered up by FBI former chief Welch for 8 years,  it is unbelievable happened in United State, a democracy country, although Rep Judy Chu and Rep Ted Lieu had inquired FBI for Zhou’s case, had found the clear evidences of Welch’s misprision and obstruction of justice crimes.
Singtao Newspaper reported this case for 7 times.  In 2012,  Mr. Zhou had filed his complaint with Rep Judy Chu for federal chief Welch’s misprision crime, when Welch was obstructing the justice the justice in Zhou’s case and was committing the misprision crimes. Although Welch admitted to Rep Judy Chu in 2012 that Mr. Zhou had reported his case as early as in April 2008,  Welch continued to commit his misprision crime after Rep Judy Chu’s inquiry in 2012.
Chinese newspapers called U.S. Rep Judy Chu to send Zhou’s case to U.S. Congress Judiciary Committee for many years for many times since then.
In 2016, Mr. Zhou filed the same complaint with Rep Ted Lieu. In July 2016, Rep Lieu inquired FBI new chief Abbott for Zhou’s case, Abbott sent Mr. Zhou’s case to federal prosecutor for the criminal charges for local corrupted officers right there without a delaying, after Welch delayed this case for 8 years. 
Abbott replied to Rep Lieu with the letter, which is critical evidence to prove what Mr. Zhou complained about Welch’ misprision crime and obstruction of justice crime. Thus,  Welch’s misprision crime was proved by Abbott’s action of sending Zhou’s case to federal prosecutor in 2016. 
I ask U.S. Rep Judy Chu and Rep Ted Lieu to obey their oath and their duties for protecting the integrity of U.S. Constitution, to send Zhou’s case to U.S. Congress Judiciary Committee. As Congress Reps, Rep Judy Chu and Rep Ted Lieu should protect Chinese community and the human rights of American Chinese.
  11. Chinese social activist Li Yu
Mr. Zhou’s case showed the injustice and the horrified case of U.S. government human right abuse case, the legal system had the big problem.
FBI top agent Michael Welch covered up Mr. Zhou’s case for over 7 years, after FBI agent Robert had found and concluded Zhou’s case as the corruption crime case in April 2008.
In 2012, congress Rep Judy Chu had inquired FBI chief Welch about Mr. Zhou’s case, Welch finally admitted with Judy Chu that Zhou did report his corruption crime case  with the large amount of evidences to FBI Indiana field office.
Audaciously, after admitting it to Rep Judy Chu, Welch once again to cover up Zhou’s case.
Until 2016, when U.S Rep Ted Lieu inquired FBI new chief agent Abbott, Abbott immediately sent Mr. Zhou  to the federal prosecutor for the criminal charges. The delaying from 2008 to 2016 were caused by Welch’s horrible obstruction of justice.   The lawyer’s analysis is clear about Welch’s obstruction of justice in this case. However, Welch is still in large. Abbott did not take any action upon Welch.
As U.S. lawmakers, U.S Rep Judy Chu and Rep Ted Lieu have the obligation to protect the integrity of. U.S. Constitution and reported any federal agent’s severe crime to U.S. Congress Judiciary Committee.  As American Chinese, U.S. Congress Judiciary Committee should help their folks.
Here we strongly appeal U.S Rep Judy Chu and Rep Ted Lieu to send Mr. Zhou’s case to U.S. Congress Judiciary Committee.
  Attachment: the lawyer’s 8 points analysis about FBI current chief Abbott’s letter to Rep Ted Lieu:
(1). U.S. attorney is the federal prosecutor.
  (2).In July 2016, when Rep Ted Lieu inquired FBI about Zhou’s case, FBI new chief agent Abbott reviewed the case file of Mr. Zhou, immediately sent it to the federal prosecutor office for the criminal charges upon suspects.
(3).FBI new chief Abbott’s sending Zhou case to federal prosecutor matched what FBI agent Robert concluded when Mr. Zhou reported his case to agent Robert on April 21, 2008.
(4).It could be reasoned that Zhou’s case should be sent to federal prosecutor office as early as in April 2008 by FBI former chief Welch when Zhou reported his case to FBI field office, his case should NOT be delayed until July 2016 to be sent to the federal prosecutor office by FBI new chief Abbott.
Zhou’s case was delayed for 8 years from 2008 to 2016 to be sent to the federal prosecutor office,  it was caused by the misprision and obstruction of justice crimes of FBI former chief Welch.
(5). FBI chief Abbott’s letter matched and proved Zhou’s indictment (complaint) in front of U.S. Lawmakers ( Senators and House Reps): he complained former FBI chief agent Welch’s misprision and obstruction of justice crimes from 2008 until 2015, when Welch left FBI field office in Indiana in his case.
(6).The last part of Abbott letter was wrong, Zhou’s case is still eligible to be prosecuted right now after it was delayed from 2008 by FBI former chief Welch, because of the famous case of Jon Burge case, which was delayed by FBI Chicago field office for over 20 years. Finally, Jon Burge was arrested and charged after 20 years delaying, convicted and sentenced to federal prison after 20 years.
Mr. Zhou’s case was delayed since 2008, so his case is still eligible for prosecution.
(7).In Abbott’s letter to Rep Ted Lieu,  Abbott failed to explain what action Abbott had taken for former chief Welch’s misprision and obstruction of justice crimes in Zhou’s case, since Abbott had found that Welch committed the obstruction of justice in Zhou’s case.
That Abbott sent Zhou’s case to the federal prosecutor office in July 2016 exactly proved former chief Welch’s misprision and obstruction of justice.
  (8). The end time of Welch’s obstruction of justice crime was in 2015, when Welch left FBI field office.
Based on federal criminal law’s statute limitation (7 years), Welch’s obstruction of justice crime is eligible to be prosecuted until 2022, ( the 7-year statute limitation counts from 2015. )
Thus, sending Zhou’s case to Congress Judiciary Committee now is within the federal criminal law statute limitation until 2022.
Additionally, Mr. Zhou did not have any criminal history in U.S.A and in China.
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