bobbie-robron · 1 year
On this day… 16th of September
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jamieroxxartist · 2 years
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Today in Pop Culture History: Feb 12, 1967 Police raid #KeithRichards’ Redlands estate, where they discover “various substances of a suspicious nature” and arrest him along with #MickJagger and #MarianneFaithfull. The whole thing is a setup.
a #Painting I painted a few years ago:
‘Keith & Mick (#RollingStones)’ 2007 acrylic and oil blend on canvas 24"x36" by @ArtistJamieRoxx #JamieRoxx (www.JamieRoxx.us) This Sold #Painting is Not Available.
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logwire · 3 years
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homeporting / Isana Yamada
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charitydinglez · 7 years
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xf-2 · 5 years
高級ホテル「ランガム」が日本初進出、 開発業者が東京・六本木に敷地4000平方メートル取得 https://www.travelvoice.jp/20150916-50680
デザインは隈研吾 https://www.peakdpm.com/assets/img/project/langham-roppongi/cb/02.jpg https://livedoor.blogimg.jp/bluestylecom/imgs/3/c/3c7bb620.jpg https://livedoor.blogimg.jp/bluestylecom/imgs/6/8/68ec1a08.jpg 公式ページ https://www.peakdpm.com/the-langham-tokyo.html
パシフィカ・キャピタルがホテル開発事業に参入したのは2014年のこと。 今回の案件は同社が手掛けるホテルプロジェクトの第一号となる。 同年よりアドバイザー業務として開発計画の策定や土地所有者との交渉を開始し、香港の総合不動産企業グレート・イーグル・ホールディングス社を選定。 2015年7月31日、グレート・イーグル社の関連会社を買主として土地の取得契約を締結した。
「ランガム・ホテル」の創設は1865年の英ロンドンにさかのぼる。 現在は、香港や北京など特にアジア・中国圏を中心に多数の施設を展開、ほかにも中東・ドバイや北アメリカ圏、オーストラリアなど各国で高級ホテル事業を行っている。
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longassridewithnct · 6 years
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jamieroxx · 6 years
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Today in Pop Culture History: Feb 12, 1967 Police raid Keith Richards’ Redlands estate, where they discover “various substances of a suspicious nature” and arrest him along with Mick Jagger and Marianne Faithfull. The whole thing is a setup. (https://www.rollingstone.com/music/lists/keith-richards-wildest-escapades-19-insane-tales-from-a-legendary-life-20150916/some-acid-some-cops-and-a-mystery-mars-bar-1967-20150916) *a Painting I painted a few years ago: ‘Keith & Mick’ 2006 acrylic and oil blend on canvas 24"x36" by Jamie Roxx (www.JamieRoxx.us)
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(via suburbanmen.com-a-little-cabin-in-the-woods-is-all-we-need-20150916-15.jpg (750×621))
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hello-roselynn-blog · 6 years
Step 3.3 - Article- Imposter syndrome
‘Ever looked around and felt it’s just a matter of time before someone finds out you’re faking it, that you’re not as competent as you appear?’ If you answer this question with a yes, it’s likely that you suffer from the imposter syndrome. You think you can’t do it, you are just faking you can do it. Your biggest fear is that your boss or colleagues will find out that you impose upon them.
The cause of this fear is your inner ‘pirate’ who is talking, explains Angela NegroIf. Once you learn to recognize this pirate, you can put him in his place by expanding. To do this, you need to focus on your strengths. For example, by creating a ‘victory list’ with all your strengths, skills and experience. This will help to build your self-esteem and to silence the pirate inside.
By reading this article I learned more about the imposter syndrome. This syndrome grows by focusing on your own standard of perfection, which is often far too high. You take your efforts for granted and you don’t realize that you did a great job. I totally agree that being thankful for your job and appreciating your success makes you not only a happier but also a more satisfied person. I believe that we all need to be self confident, to believe that we have the ability to do something.  On the other hand, we need self esteem and a sense of entitlement about believing we are worthy of something, like Collins said. Set goals, go for it and believe that you can do it!
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bobbie-robron · 2 years
Unforgettable (and short-lived outfits)
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moccosnoon · 5 years
元スレ≫ 外資系高級ホテルさん、六本木にものすごく地震に弱そうな超高層ビルを建てようとする 1 moccosnoon id:+sV0B2Kb0 [bq title=”高級ホテル「ランガム」が日本初進出、開発業者が東京・六本木に敷地4000平方メートル取得 | トラベルボイス” url=”https://www.travelvoice.jp/20150916-50680″%5D高級ホテル「ランガム」が日本初進出、 開発業者が東京・六本木に敷地4000平方メートル取得
公式ページ https://www.peakdpm.com/the-langham-tokyo.html
外資系デベロッパーのパシフィカ・キャピタルはこのほど、日本初進出となる 高級ホテル「ランガム」の開発を発表した。六本木の敷地面積約4000平方メートルを対象に実施、完成すれば国内のホテ…
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charitydinglez · 7 years
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The Giant Panda Debate
This is an excerpt of the “Mountains” episode from BBC’s Planet Earth series. I don’t know if its the music, or that last shot of the panda mother nursing her cub, but this video always makes me feel emotional. It also touches upon a recent trend in the media. It mentions how the panda it totally reliant on a nutrient-poor diet and suggests that they are almost doomed for extinction.
Many critics are now saying that we have invested millions of dollars into breeding programs and conservation for a species that quite frankly has a poor survival prognosis in this industrial age. They are suggesting that this money would be much better spent supporting other species who do have a greater chance of survival. With the money that was invested into giant pandas, acres upon acres of tropical rainforest could have been conserved and dozens of other species could have easily been saved. So the question is, are giant pandas really worth it?
Many people would argue yes. They say that giant pandas are a conservation icon and a symbol of hope. They are even represented in the Word Wild Life Fund’s badge, so losing them would be a huge blow for conservation. Conserving land for the purpose of giant panda conservation also serves as a lifeline for many other species who share the giant panda’s habitat. 
If you are interested in learning more, here are some links to some websites that discuss this issue in greater detail: 
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This conversation issue is relevant to this course because the giant panda gave many people “the spark” and got them interested in conservation. The giant pandas that were recently at the Toronto zoo are a great example of how much buzz can be generated through characteristic species like the panda. They made headlines in the news and the prime minister took pictures with the cubs. I even dragged my family out in the dead of winter so that I could go see them and take pictures, including the one above, before they left! 
The big issue with this is that charismatic species that get peoples attention like pandas, tigers and elephants are often extremely costly to conserve. They need large habitat ranges and often come into conflict with local peoples. 
Personally, I think animals like these are very valuable because they are what get people interested in wildlife. I think everyone has one or two species that they remember really connecting with and getting them passionate about nature, for me it was tigers. Therefore this debate really has me asking two fundamental questions:
1. How valuable are these charismatic animals in getting people interested in wildlife and how many conservation dollars do they generate?
2. Is it possible to get people interested and find their ‘spark’ through species like amphibians, insects or fish that are also facing extinction? 
I don’t know the answer to these questions and I am not sure anyone can truly answer them I would love to hear your opinions! 
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longassridewithnct · 6 years
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jamieroxx · 7 years
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Today in Pop Culture History: Feb 12, 1967 Police raid Keith Richards' Redlands estate, where they discover "various substances of a suspicious nature" and arrest him along with Mick Jagger and Marianne Faithfull. The whole thing is a setup. (https://www.rollingstone.com/music/lists/keith-richards-wildest-escapades-19-insane-tales-from-a-legendary-life-20150916/some-acid-some-cops-and-a-mystery-mars-bar-1967-20150916) *a Painting I painted a few years ago: 'Keith & Mick' 2006 acrylic and oil blend on canvas 24"x36" by Jamie Roxx (www.JamieRoxx.us)
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perezsoriano · 7 years
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