#before robron
bobbie-robron · 29 days
I can’t keep running, Adam. It’s gonna finish me.
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kornknock · 29 days
I want it to be 2015 again.. I want to watch robert say I love you to Aaron for the first time. I want to feel what I felt after hearing ‘say it again’ ‘I love you’ .. the elation.. the giddiness … take me BACKKK
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sugdensdingle · 5 months
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fangirling-mess · 2 months
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was about to have a stroke about this but i realized that it actually might be the best thing that’s ever happened to me
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renamusing · 10 months
im once again turning into a walking clown meme trying to make sense of the timeline of all these spoilers so i can make the vague ones about robert lol i thought whatever nonsense chas is going to yell at aaron next week after he humilliates ethan would be her excommunicating him from the family, or perhaps something about him never seeing eve again, BUT im not sure how any of that would leave aaron desperate for information?? he can always go to paddy for access to eve. also whatever chas tells him is something that supposedly leaves aaron shocked/blindsided and i can't see him caring about anything related to the dingles atm (he already fixed things with vinny). whereas if it's anything related to robert he would go to great lengths to get himself involved, including fighting cain who always seems to know everybody's secrets (plus chas would have probably confided in him). anw all this could turn out meaningless. chas might simply bar aaron from the pub and from seeing eve. but rn that just sounds too simple to me ;)
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allthingsobrien · 8 months
woke up from a dream (stupid alarm!) where i was in a relationship with robert sugden like i was a character in emmerdale. being with him felt so blissful and amazing… oh, if only 🥰
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damnitiloveyou · 2 years
Still waiting on the Sun article that spoils the Robron spinoff announcement
....... or something useful
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thelovetheystole · 1 month
The way I'm constantly going from hope to despair snd back again with this Fauxbert story...
First, I'm all 'they can't be this oblivious, recreate similar scenes and settings from the Robron playbook, and think it's good, there must be a twist, they must be holding something big back'...
Aaand then I remember who we are talking about and what other crap stories they have pulled over the years, and patting themselves on the back, asking for votes, please. And frankly, imo, they've never really held the Robert character in particularly high esteem before.
Buuut, then I come back to what year this is, the 10th anniversary, and how Robert coming back would be such a (welcome) shock, and the press coverage the show would get would be huge, and then the Sugdens really would be front and center again. And a triangle with Aaron in the middle would be 💥❤️🔥
Then, my rational mind says, 'would Ryan really want to come back to this show, the way it's going at the moment? He seems to be getting enough work to get by.'
Send help...
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lemotmo · 2 months
Found it. Question and answer 🙂
Q. Hello, I really do love your blog. I actually came across your blog following a Sherlock post, so I know you have good taste. I'm not exactly fandom savvy so I will admit that I might have responded too strongly to the initial B/T excitement, but I went back and re-watched the season through the perspective of your's and a few other blogs. I now think the story you and others believe they're telling is the story they're setting up. I actually kind of feel stupid for not seeing it initially. But how do you think the show is going to get their breakup? Do you think Buck or Tommy will be the one to call things off? Will Buck or Eddie make the first move in getting them together?
A. Haha, Sherlock, wow you went deep into the vault of my blog for that one! You are absolutely not stupid. Overzealousness to the initial newness was always going to be a thing. I promise you that didn't surprise anyone. Adjusting too and participating in any kind of fandom involves a learning curve. What sucks for you all though, unfortunately, is your learning curve came as a result of the wrong people taking the lead in your fandom. So you all had to learn everything the hard way. Sadly I'm an old mom when it comes to fandom, lol. Yes I was there for Sherlock (Cumberbatch not Downey, but I love him too so don't @ me). I am still part of the Robron (Robert and Aaron) fandom, but I cut my teeth in the Chrolli (Christian and Oliver) fandom. That one taught me many cruel lessons. So don't ever feel stupid about having to figure things out. The majority of the messages in my ask box now are from people like you. People who were very excited and very into it, maybe a bit too much, in the beginning, but are less enthusiastic now. Just like the initial over excitement was expected the come down you and many others are experiencing now was also expected. Most of you were always going to get over it almost as quickly as you fell in love with it. It happens. The show knew it would happen as well. Lou did too, it's why he way over did things in the beginning. He knew he was on a clock. I will say that your fandom did show me a first though, and that's having the show and actors blocking multiple members of your fandom. I had never seen that before. And that's not a legacy you want to be a part of. Any fandom whose leading voices openly encourage and promote sending hate to the actors and the official show accounts is a fandom not long for existence. I one hundred percent believe that their eagerness and public bragging about sending Ryan messages wishing he had committed suicide is what prompted Tim/ABC to put an end to the cameo nonsense. They were never going to allow that level of depravity to continue. So you're really just reading and acknowledging the writing on the wall. So welcome back 🙂
As for the Buck and Tommy breakup they have a few options. I go back and forth between who should officially end things. Any way the show goes though it won't be a dramatic breakup. The show hasn't established this as being a serious relationship for either character. So either way it's going to be amicable. There's no need for it to be anything else. I have mostly believed that Buck, narratively speaking, needs to be the one to walk away. It would show nice character growth for him to be able to acknowledge and see the pattern this relationship is following and finally break the cycle. But if they lean into Buck's very real fear of a relationship with Eddie maybe leading to him losing both Eddie, and Christopher, I could see them having Buck double down on his determination to force the relationship with Tommy to work. That would put Tommy in the position of having to be the one to walk away. And I think that's probably the way the story will go. And I want to stress to everyone that this is fine. It will be obvious Buck doesn't want the relationship, but is staying because he's afraid of the relationship he does want. So even if the show has Tommy be the one who officially ends things, it will still be because Buck is in love with Eddie. Do not spend time overthinking who does the breaking up. Why they breakup is the important part. Don't get caught up in the semantics.
As for who will make the first official Buddie move, I think it will be and needs to be Eddie. I just don't see the build up on Buck's part not being about his abandonment issues and genuine fear of losing Eddie and Christopher if the relationship doesn't work out. And believe it or not, anon, Eddie is usually the more level headed of the two. So I think Eddie will need to be the one to help Buck realize that it's okay to jump. Getting Buck to take the first leap will be the hardest part for Buck, but once he jumps he will be all in. Then it will be Buck's turn to walk Eddie through all the firsts he's about to experience.
Oh no, OP! I get it! I was in the Chrolli fandom as well. The way they treated Christian's character development was just terrible. It was like complete character assassination. I was so hurt after that, that I never even rewatched any of the earlier episodes when things were so good between them. I couldn't. Like the OP said, it was cruel.
Once again a brilliant answer.
I agree that it will probably be Tommy who will break up with Buck, after Buck had his realisation about Eddie. The 'My attention?' line has to come back in season 8. It was too obvious.
As for who will make the first move with Buddie? I am still undecided on that, but the OP does make a compelling case in her answer.
Thank you Nonny for dropping this in my askbox!
Remember, no hate in comments or reblogs. Let's keep it civil and respectful. Thank you.
If you are interested in more of the anonymous OP’s posts, you can find all of their posts so far under the tag: anonymous blog I love.
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scrapyardboyfriends · 12 days
I feel like I'm good at mostly ignoring this story until I catch up on the show and then I have to rant about it so....
the rant...
Obviously the premise of this story was already bad from the conception of John as a character. It was already kind of lazy and one single character was not going to rebuild the Sugden family anyway.
But every decision they've made since that character conception has been more baffling than the next really.
Because they could have just told a straightforward story about Vic finding a long lost Sugden brother and him coming to the village and getting to know Vic and Harry and Sarah and meeting Aaron and them trauma bonding over his army past and them getting together after that even though the Robert of it all is weird and maybe causes some surface level angst because god forbid they actually do anything with that.
And like...that would have been pretty dull and boring but it would have been a vaguely functional story.
Instead, they've been promoting this story like it's this big A story with Aaron sleeping with his ex husband's brother and being seduced by the Sugden charm and having sizzling passion overtake them all the time etc etc. And then on screen they're always like the D story and half the time you wouldn't even know what the scenes are trying to get across if you hadn't read the spoilers.
And then they keep missing out on actual story by going surface level with any of the Robert mentions, by not giving anyone any kind of motivations realistic or otherwise and constantly undercutting any potential drama before it even happens.
They've paralleled a bunch of random Robron affair scenes for no apparent reason other than to vaguely remind the viewers of Robert and Robron cause they want it to be dramatic but then it's not in the actual story and because they think that's all it takes to sell a romance story for Aaron? Unclear.
They've really done very little with the Robert mentions other than get them in there so they can put his name in magazines. But Aaron seems to have gotten over it all very quickly around the time John "kissaulted" him in the barn.
Their entire relationship thus far is based on sex. They've never even tried to have a conversation about anything else. Certainly not on screen. Aaron appears to have feelings according to the spoilers but we've seen very little evidence of it on screen and they haven't given any reason why he might like John. John is just blank. And I don't even feel the sexual attraction or sexual chemistry between them in any way because they have to sell it by John constantly telling him "I know what you want" etc. So I just have no clue why they're even doing this.
Then you have Vic who's stalking him because she's desperate for family, which I get but also he's kind of mostly been an asshole to her but that doesn't matter cause he's family and she must have it.
Then you have Mack who they created this animosity between him and John out of thin air for no apparent reason to the point that Lawrence doesn't even know why his character hates John.
And then they have Vic catch them in the barn and then tell everyone so you can have Mack be all weirdly jealous and tell Aaron he deserves better and have Aaron lie to him about still seeing John and lie to Vic because she doesn't want them to date so they won't break up and John won't leave.
And like fine I guess.
But then you do this fire story and have John be the big hero and now Chas is fawning all over him when before she had some minor reservations and you have Mack thanking him for saving his life.
So is Mack still going to be that upset when he finds out Aaron and John are still loosely a thing? I feel like they totally undercut that bit of future drama. I guess he can be upset Aaron lied to him but he's gonna be mad for like one scene and then everyone will move on.
And then is it going to be that dramatic when Vic finds out and has...*checks notes* the exact same reaction as before most likely?
Where is the story?
There isn't one.
And it's not like when Robert and Aaron's affair was discovered and Robert's whole marriage imploded and then eventually he worked his way back to Aaron and they got together properly.
Aaron and John are already basically together?? I guess?? Like there's nothing stopping them. It's not like there's any story in them getting together properly after they're discovered again and everyone has their very tepid reactions?
And then there's the Aiden Moore mystery they threw in there, which everyone has mostly guessed will be someone he lost in the army.
And is that supposed to explain his whole character and why he pushes everyone away? Cause he lost one person in the army?
Stacked up next to the trauma porn king, Aaron Dingle?
John tells Aaron about losing Aiden and Aaron's like "Yeah I can relate" and John's like, "Really, you lost someone too?"
And Aaron's like "Yeah take your pick. You want the boyfriend who got hit by a train and was paralyzed who then made me help him die and then I was on trial for his murder and started self harming? You want the boyfriend who was killed by the local serial killer and then my sister was arrested for it cause she was drinking so much at the time she couldn't remember if she'd killed him? You want that same sister who was then killed in a storm by a falling caravan that I probably could have stopped if I'd told people about my mom having an affair? And that's not even getting into the Robert of it all and what losing him did to me. Or there's you know my whole childhood wrecked by my father abusing me or my traumatic coming out and suicide attempt."
And John's just gonna be there all...
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Just...like...I'm sorry...his little traumatic army past is not going to hold a candle to Aaron's litany of traumas or explain enough why he is the way he is.
And then what...they trauma bond. People find out they're still sleeping together and are vaguely bothered about it for one scene and then they're just...together?
Just what is the point of it all?
Why create all of these obstacles to them being together to then not actually really use any of them?
And then is Oliver going to want to leave in a year and then it's all for nothing anyway?
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bobbie-robron · 1 month
I don’t expect you to understand but… things are different nowadays, Edna.
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buddiebeginz · 2 months
I know the writing on Emmerdale has been shit for a long time but I still think there has to be a reason they’re putting Aaron with another Sugden vs anyone else they could have put him with. So many people assume Ryan never wants to come back but I think he’d come back if the story was good. Aaron being in a relationship with a brother Rob didn’t know he had and them starting an affair only this time Aaron is the cheater is a good story (especially given their history).
And while yeah Emmerdale could just be trying to copy Robron by having Aaron and John hit some of same story beats they also have to know that’s not a great way to get your audience endeared to a couple. Like if they want us to eventually care about Aaron and John as a couple shouldn’t they be distancing Aaron from Robron? Yet they’re not. They’re practically holding up a sign saying remember Robron? Why would they do that unless they're trying to set up an eventual Robron reunion?
They seriously could have brought in anyone for Aaron if they were looking to have a new love interest for him. Why have it be a Sugden when they've already gone down that route, twice actually because Aaron dated Vic before he came out. Plus soaps are always looking for the drama. They don't just introduce new characters for everything to be rainbows and sunshine. John was introduced with the intention to cause drama. The main person he would cause drama with would be Rob. No one else in the village would have as big of a reaction with Aaron dating this guy as Rob would.
I'm not a fan of what the show is doing with this John and Aaron storyline but if it does eventually lead to Rob coming back then I'd deal. The fact is the show really does need a Robron reunion and this isn't just my biased shipper brain talking. The show hasn't been that great for a while now and they really need something to revitalize it. If they were able to get Ryan to come back I know a ton of people would start tuning in again. They need the kind of chemistry that only Danny and Ryan together can produce.
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sugdenlovesdingle · 7 days
Guys please remember one thing
Mike Parr is a MASSIVE troll and attention seeker.
During the 2017 hell plot (and before) his number 1 hobby seemed to be winding up robron fans
the bigger the story for robron, the bigger the trolling on twitter - by the looks of things, he hasn't changed much.
put his tweets on the same "level" as metro's super special highly exclusive never before seen interviews and articles.
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actual-exhusbands · 1 month
The Emmerdale writing team are taking the monkey's biscuits this time!
Are they just going to steal every single Robron scene that has ever existed or what? They have got to be doing it deliberately, surely?
Maybe they are intentionally following the Robron affair storyline and are hiding an alternative story within and we just don't know it yet? Like, Fauxbert and Aaron's "love story" is just a set up for another plot point.
*cough* character return *cough*
What if they re-enact the log cabin scene?
Fauxbert's ptsd from the army kicks in during a weekend break away in the country and he thinks Aaron is someone else. Maybe he still carries his gun or because he could feel his paranoia creeping up on him beforehand he instinctively buys a gun from somewhere for protection. Fauxbert might get panicky or have a panic attack as the night goes on and as tensions rise he lashes out at Aaron.
Initially, Aaron tries to calm Fauxbert down but nothing works it just upsets him further. Tempers begin to rise between the two. Aaron eventually grows tired and goes to leave the cabin but Fauxbert shoves him back and knocks him clean out. Aaron comes back round to find himself tied to a radiator and Fauxbert rocking himself in the corner of the living room.
Aaron, now in fear for his own life, attempts to play along with Fauxbert's delusions but his effort is in vain as Fauxbert is too far lost in his own mind - muttering away to himself - cradling his head with his gun behind it in one hand.
At this point, a shadowed figure is seen in the foreground peering in through the cabin's window observing the scene unfolding. By this time, perhaps the mystery character has made various appearances throughout the village but no one knows (or at least to the audience's knowledge) who this person is.
Returning to the scene in the cabin, Fauxbert's aggravation is only worsening. He drives himself forward to his feet forcing the gun to Aaron's face. His voice sizzling with rage spews poison through Aaron. None of his vile words are necessarily directed towards Aaron personally but aimed at the character whom Fauxbert believes Aaron to be at this time.
Nevertheless, the words leave Aaron - and the hooded stranger - shaken. The gun lingered mere inches from his nose. Tears fall down his face as Aaron starts thinking of the worst case scenario. He starts to plead with his life to Fauxbert but it falls on deaf ears.
Suddenly, just moments before Fauxbert has the chance to pull the trigger, the unknown character storms in and forces himself between Aaron and the gun. The surprise startles Fauxbert and causes him to pull the trigger. Victoria hurries in to find the mystery man lying face down holding his arm. Shortly after the police race in to arrest Fauxbert who appears less manic and more bewildered as he is led into the back of a police car.
Aaron, who is still tied to the radiator, stares at his hero. Watching Victoria worry and pander to their whimpering. Slowly, she helps them to sit up. Aaron's in complete awe of the presence sitting in front of him. The figure may have his back to Aaron but he knew, without a shadow of a doubt, that his knight in shining armour is none other than his estranged husband, Robert.
Or maybe something along those lines, you know?
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hummusandcoriander · 2 months
I completely agree with you about all the rude comments about Emmerdale by people who say they haven't watched it for ages. I've been enjoying the show lately. They've even started being nasty about Danny's acting. Apparently he's not trying in Aaron's scenes with John (I think some of this is because they assume the show is telling an epic love story between Aaron and John even though no one has said that and that's not the story they do seem to be telling). It seems to be very challenging to produce a soap these days, more so than it used to be. I've seen a lot of criticism of Emmerdale because characters are off screen for long periods of time. Unfortunately that seems to be how soap contracts work these days otherwise you have to do what Hollyoaks did and get rid of a large number of cast members.
Hi anon,
yeah the tv landscape has changed a lot in 5 years and a global pandemic didn't help matters. Soaps quite simply do not have the budgets they did 5 years ago. We know that ITV slashed Corrie and Emmerdales budgets recently. That means carrying on filming as before isn't an option. For the most part I'd say Emmerdale has coped well, it's only really noticeable when they cut from a crash just before then return to the aftermath. Before we would have seen a stunt. But they have been clever using it is an opportunity to create suspense or mystery. These are scenes that would have been planned before the budget cuts and they would have had to think on their feet. I wonder if going forward we will see a shift to Emmerdale being less reliant on crashes and disasters. The days of Kate Oates having daft stunts every Thursday will never be seen again that's for sure.
Even with me being a biased Robron shipper, I thought it was a decent kiss but not a lot of chemistry in the talky buts but like you I'd guess that's possibly on purpose. It was an anonymous hook up.
We have been told Aaron is back to seeking anonymous sex with strangers which was how he coped with losing Robert, that he is not over Robert and scared of going back there and next week it seems he tries to kiss John who just happens to look like Robert. It just doesn't feel like they are setting up the next romance.
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