#2017 - 2021 7 year tribulation
ecoeconomicepochs · 4 years
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Hunab Ku The Great Mother (Goddess) / Divine Feminine provides the materials that make up our mortal coil and periodically reconfigures us according to her divine plan imo, We are due for a tune up. Cosmic rays are said to alter DNA...  A Reverend of the Circle of the Sacred Earth congregation drew the embedded (corporate) logo as part of a Reiki session between 2003 - 2005 that stipulated Cape Hatteras Light House. Cape Hatteras island is home to the Shackleford Horses that are used for genetic drift studies - implying in my opinion, that the Mother Creator has a plan for her own creations / Galactic Superwave collage Dr. Paul Laviolette / Dr. Susan Joy Rennison / Mayan Hunab Ku / Star Trek Universe
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bluebudgie · 2 years
Hello peeps! As a little countdown to GW2's launch anniversary on August 28 I decided to dig up some old memories and take a small look at my personal journey through the game. Each day I'll make a post about another year.
DAY 7: 2018
2018... I’ll be real with all of you right here, everything GW2 related from 2018 up to and including 2020 is kind of a scrambled mess in my memory so we’re gonna find out together what happened in 2018. Let’s dive into that screenshot folder.
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Right! 2018 was a very mount skin year, by which I mean: It was Palawadan farm time for all those sweet new mount skins. Which at the time were a bit of a controversial addition to the game, people did not like the random aspect of the mount licenses. I remember the one I really wanted was that particular jackal skin from the screenshot up there, and ironically it was one of the very last drops I got from that first batch of mount skins. But hey, I got it eventually! (No, select licenses weren’t a thing yet at the time). Still one of the coolest jackal skins.
Apparently 2018 was also the first time I accidentally stumbled into the secret disco room in Tangled Depths.
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Love dropping the little fun fact about this room’s existence (and the dancing achievement) to poor random people in TD. So many people don’t know about it!
You know what we also got in 2018?
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That’s right, the damn best living world episode we got to date. I loved A Bug in the System so much, the story, the setting, the atmosphere, all the little puzzles, BLISH AND GORRIK T_T Heck, even the trailer for that episode was on fire. I could camp Rata Primus all day long, Sandswept Isles is such a cool map.
And right after SAB came back! That year I finally tried my luck with tribulation mode. W1Z2 shortcut worm in tribulation mode is still one of the best things ever made. I want an infinite version. Infinite tribulation worm.
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As my useless gamer pride dictates I obviously tried to go through all of  tribulation without a guide, but apparently gave up at the start of  W2Z1. Hey, at least that was one world done! (Spoiler: Tribulation mode will be finished another year)
Also... whatever this is:
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Thanks, 2018 screenshots.
There’s not really much else to say, mount skins and farming gold to unlock them were a huge part of that year, as well as simply vibing with different characters on different maps.
Permanent additions to the character roster that year: None.
Links to all posts: 2012 // 2013 // 2014 // 2015 // 2016 // 2017 // 2018 // 2019 & 2020 // 2021 // 2022    
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10yrsyart · 3 years
Signs of Jesus return
i felt lead recently to compile some of the signs and current events pointing to Jesus’ soon return. i don’t know who this is meant for, but i know it’s for someone. so i hope that whoever reads this finds it helpful and informative 💙 (this is not complete either, as there are too many to list)
The Fig Tree Generation:
Jesus often used a fig tree to describe the country of Israel in His prophecies. “Now learn a lesson from the fig tree. When its branches bud and its leaves begin to sprout, you know that summer is near. In the same way, when you see all these things, you can know His return is near, right at the door. I tell you the truth, this generation will not pass from the scene until all these things take place.” (Matthew 24:32-34)
In Psalm 90, Moses describes a generation being “70-80 years,' and Isaiah 66:7-8 says, “Before the birth pains even begin, Jerusalem gives birth to a son. Who has ever seen anything as strange as this? Who ever heard of such a thing? Has a nation ever been born in a single day? Has a country ever come forth in a mere moment?” This did happen. In 1948, Israel became a nation in a day, after almost 2000 years. Israel needed to be a nation to fulfill its part in the Tribulation, so the countdown couldn't start without them. The imagery of birth pains is used in the Bible to describe the troubles that the world will go through before the Day of the Lord, meaning Israel must become a nation before the Lord's return.
1948+80 year generation= 2028. But since Jesus said “everything” (Rapture and Tribulation) would happen before the fig tree generation passed away (turns 81), we have to take away 7 years from the 2028 final count. That leads us to 2021-May 2022 approximately (right before they turn 74).
The Jewish Temple:
The book of Daniel speaks of the time during the 7 year Tribulation, when the Antichrist will come and take over Israel. “The ruler will make a treaty with the people for a period of one set of seven, but after half this time, he will put an end to the (daily) sacrifices and offerings. And as a climax to all his terrible deeds, he will set up a sacrilegious object that causes desecration, until the fate decreed for this defiler is finally poured out on him.” (Daniel 9:27) “The day is coming when you will see what Daniel the prophet spoke about- the sacrilegious object that causes desecration standing in the Holy Place.” (Matthew 24:15)
The second Jewish Temple was destroyed in 70 A.D., and hasn't been rebuilt since. The Holy Place is a specific spot inside the Temple, and the daily sacrifices and offerings that go along with the Jewish Law are only performed with the Temple in use.
As of 2021, the preparations for the Third Temple are nearly complete. The plans are laid out, the priests have been trained in the rules and rituals, the materials are all gathered. One source even says that theoretically the Temple could be built in a matter of 3-6 months. All they are waiting for is the go ahead. Those of the Jewish faith don't believe that Jesus is their Messiah, and many expect that the building of Third Temple will coincide with their own messiah making his appearance.. It's noteworthy that they're so close to building it after all this time.
The Abraham Accords:
In September 2020 the Abraham Accords were officially signed, setting up a peace deal with multiple Middle Eastern countries, including the United States. Since then other countries have added themselves to the peace treaty. There hasn't been a deal like this in the Middle East in a long time, much less centered around Israel. When the Antichrist comes to power, he strengthens a treaty or proposal of peace that already exists, and so the Abraham Accords have come at a significant time.
“Nation will go to war against nation, and kingdom (ethnicity) against kingdom. There will be great earthquakes, and there will be famines and plagues in many lands, and there will be terrifying things and great miraculous signs from heaven.” (Luke 10-11)
So many of the great wars in history have been within the last hundred years. War is not an uncommon thing for humanity, but the impact is much greater now, as is the frequency of wars on the horizon. Currently, many of the World Powers are already declaring war and/or making preparations. China threatening war against Taiwan and it's allies, Iran desiring to destroy the US and wipe Israel out as a nation, and many more threatened. It's not a question of if but of when.
The frequency of earthquakes has drastically gone up over the last couple years, not only in numbers but also in magnitude power. As I'm writing this (8/22/2021), we've had over twelve 7.0+ earthquakes in the last two weeks. That's not a normal level, not even taking into account all the earthquakes of lower magnitudes. Volcanic activity is rising as well. Many volcanoes that were previously thought to be dormant are awakening, some even erupting. Iceland's volcano Fagradalsfjall was thought to be dormant for 6000 years, until it erupted last March. (“Dutchsinse” on Youtube is a good source for seismic activity.)
Because of the change in weather patterns, with flooding and wildfires and droughts, many of the worlds “bread baskets” (where a large portion of their food is grown) are not producing enough food. A shortage is already coming on America, not to mention all the other nations that are in the midst of one. Greece, Turkey, Australia, Italy, California and Oregon (US) are all burning at record rates. And mass  flooding is impacting just as much area, like Indonesia, China, New York (US), Haiti, Germany, and more.
Plagues/ Diseases:
Everyone is aware of the effect of the C Virus on the world, and now a new variant is appearing. Diseases like Ebola and the Bubonic Plague are re-emerging. Animals are experiencing these effects as well. Massive animal die offs are happening all over the world, from mysterious diseases and unknown causes. Various plagues have swarmed countries, for instance the mass attacks of locusts that have eaten through parts of Africa, and the infestation of billions of mice in Australia.
Signs in the Heavens:
“And I will cause wonders in the heavens and on the earth- blood and fire and columns of smoke. The sun will become dark, and the moon will turn blood red before that great and terrible day of the Lord arrives.” (Joel 2:30-31)  
As I mentioned earlier, volcanoes all over the world are waking up and erupting at an alarming rate. The super volcano centered in Yellowstone Wyoming (US) has been showing worrying signs of stirring as well.
In 2014, two Blood Moons landed on two of God's Feasts, which carry significance. Then in 2015 there was a Solar Eclipse, followed by another two Blood Moons that landed on the same Feasts as the previous year. In 2017, the Great American Solar Eclipse drew a line across the US. In 2020, the “Bethlehem Star” made an appearance as Jupiter and Saturn almost merged in the sky. Though it's not the same cosmic event as the true “Star” that heralded Christ's birth, its rarity and symbolism is important. This August 2021 we just had a rare Blue Moon.
The Revelation 12 Sign:
“Then I witnessed in heaven an event of great significance. I saw a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon beneath her feet, and a crown of twelve stars on her head. She was pregnant, and she cried out because of her labor pains and the agony of giving birth.” (Revelation 12:1-2)
In September 2017, this sign appeared in the sky for the first time ever. The constellation Virgo represents the woman, and the nine stars of Leo plus 3 wandering stars lined up as her crown. The moon was near her feet in the constellation and the sun was at her shoulder shining on her “clothes.” Then Jupiter entered the middle of the constellation (her stomach) and stayed there for nine months and left. Jupiter is generally considered to represent a ruler, and the child in Revelation is believed to represent the Church (Jesus' Body). The rest of Revelation 12: 3-5 speaks of the child being snatched away from the Dragon (the devil), which represents the Rapture of the Church before the Tribulation. So it's incredibly significant that the first part of this prophecy was fulfilled in the stars. (There's also a type of 4 year grace period before judgment in scripture (Luke 13:6-9), so 2017+ 4 years warning = 2021).
The Vaxx System:
“He required everyone- small and great, rich and poor, free and slave- to be given a mark on the right hand or on the forehead. And no one could buy or sell anything without that mark, which was either the name of the beast or the number representing the name.” (Revelation 13:16-17)
This is not about whether or not to take the vaxx, it's about the mentality around it. The animosity in the world media keeps growing towards those who don't wish to take it. The results don't add up to how single minded they are becoming, and it's easily paving the way for regulations to be carried out by brute force. There are stricter and stricter limitations to those who don't feel safe taking it, like being unable to shop at a grocery story or go to work... In the future, the world won't blink twice about a universal Mark of much greater magnitude and greater consequences. The consequences of refusing won't just mean an inability to buy or sell, but death.  
Alien Disclosure:
As of 2021, the US government has released the information they have on Unidentified Flying Objects, confirming the possibility of aliens. The first main stream event involving the alien conspiracy was the Roswell Incident of 1947, about a year before Israel became a nation. The reason why this is so significant is because 1) the Fig Tree prophecy was about to start when Israel revived, beginning the End Times countdown and 2) 2 Thessalonians 2:11 says the people left after the Rapture will believe a “Great Delusion.” Even a couple years ago, the thought of aliens coming down and taking people away would have been laughed at, but not now. Satan is the Prince of the Air; he uses his demons and spirits to appear as other things, so as to lead people away from the Truth of God. He knew when Israel became a nation the clock was ticking for the need of a believable lie. Now people could easily believe that all the Christians that disappeared were “beamed up” by aliens. (We don't know specifically what the Delusion will be yet, but this is certainly a possibility.)
Dreams and Visions:
“ 'In the Last Days,' God says, 'I will pour out my Spirit upon all people. Your sons and daughters will prophecy. Your young men will see visions, and your old men will dream dreams. In those days I will pour out My Spirit even on my servants- men and women alike- and they will prophecy.' “ (Acts 2:17-18)
Around the end of 2019 to the beginning of 2020, End Times dreams skyrocketed. The sheer amount that can be found on Youtube is astounding and it continues to grow. Dreams about the Rapture, dreams from Jesus, dreams about disasters that are coming; people from all over the world are sounding the alarm. And these aren't internet celebrities or self proclaimed prophets; these are every day normal people, some of which weren't even Christian to begin with. The amount of non-Believers that have had Jesus appear to them to save them continues to grow as well.
I personally felt an awakening through the Holy Spirit sometime around early 2020, that Jesus was returning soon. And the more I've studied Bible prophecies and current events I know that it's fast approaching. Although it's important to test the spirits of dreams to see if it's really from God or not, the message of the majority is clear. Time is short.
(This was just a small selection of the MANY signs that God continues to send as warnings. The frequency and intensity is rising like it never has before. A more in depth list can be found, along with Bible references and news sources, at https://www.ithasbeenwritten.com/ )
To You:
For those of you who are un-Believers, I am not writing this to be a fear monger. When evidence and reports come in that there's a bomb in a building, the people inside need to know about it. Even if it ends up being fake, the risk isn't worth it. This isn't just one fanatic Christian with a dream trying to convince everyone the end is near, this is the whole world. No matter what you believe about Bible prophecies, these current events are real things that are happening, and show no signs of slowing down. The good news is that Jesus died to save you from all this. He died to clear our sin debt and give us the hope of Heaven, a place we could never get to on our own. And His signs are saying He's coming soon to rescue everyone who accepted His sacrifice and entered His family.
“If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.” (Romans 10:9)
For those Believers that don't think Jesus is returning soon, please pray about it and study His word. He was angry at the Pharisees of the generation of His first coming, because He said, “You know how to interpret the weather signs in the sky, but you don't know the how to interpret the signs of the times!” (Matthew 16:3).
Matthew 24's “no one knows the day/hour” is not saying that we won't know the season in which He will return. If it were, He wouldn't have gone to all the trouble of giving so many signs of the closeness of the event. “So you, too, must keep watch! For you don't know what day your Lord is coming.” (Matthew 24:42) “But you aren't in the dark about these things (signs), dear brothers and sisters, and you won't be surprised when the Day of the Lord comes like a thief.” (1 Thessalonians 5:4) Are you watching? Let's do our best to be a light as much as possible before it's too late.
“So when all these things begin to happen, stand and look up, for your salvation draws near!” (Luke 21:28)
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miyayayaa · 3 years
Edens Zero: Season 2?!
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"Fairy Tail" is one of those classic shonen anime you simply can't ignore if you want to be fully informed on the genre. It's one of the world's most successful shonen series, plain and simple. However, "Fairy Tail" creator Hiro Mashima has long wrapped up the series, finishing the original manga back in 2017 before moving on to his next project the following year. His next manga, "Edens Zero," was released in 2018 to a largely positive reception; it currently holds a solid 7 on Myanimelist's fan ratings, lagging a bit behind its predecessor, which has a 7.6 rating.
Regardless of the manga's critical reception, "Edens Zero" proved successful enough that it received its own anime adaptation in 2021, animated by J.C. Staff. The first season aired in April in Japan before its international release on Netflix on August 26. Now, fans are excited to see what happens in "Edens Zero" Season 2. Here is what we know so far about its eventual release date, cast, and plot.
While it hasn't been revealed whether Edens Zero season 2 is happening, several anime-focused outlets are predicting that a sophomore season announcement could come in late 2021 and a new series could follow sometime in 2022.
When will Edens Zero Season 2 be released?
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At the moment, neither Netflix, J.C. Staff, nor Kodansha (the company responsible for publishing the "Edens Zero" manga) has officially announced a second season for the anime. However, there's a solid chance that this is only temporary. What will likely become Netflix's Season 2 of "Edens Zero" has actually already partially aired in Japan. This means that, barring the necessary time to translate and dub the new episodes in English, fans could see Season 2 as soon as episode 24 of "Edens Zero" is complete.
Taking into account the time gap between the anime's Japanese and international releases, fans should hopefully expect to see Season 2 of "Edens Zero" on Netflix sometime in early 2022. The "Edens Zero" manga has also progressed much farther than what the anime covers, meaning there's more than enough source material available to continue the show past Season 2.
Who are the characters in Edens Zero Season 2?
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Departing from the strictly fantasy setting of "Fairy Tail," "Edens Zero" takes viewers on a sci-fi-fantasy fusion trip through the stars in a ship bearing the anime's namesake. The show's principal characters are all people who live aboard the Edens Zero. Its protagonist Shiki Granbell (Takuma Terashima/Sean Chiplock) is a young boy with the power over gravity who — along with his friends — journeys to find a space goddess known as Mother (via IMDb). His first companion is Rebecca Bluegarden, a B-Cuber (a sort of space-age social media influencer) who discovers Shiki on his home planet of Granbell.
Along for the ride is a familiar face from "Fairy Tail," Happy, the magical blue cat (Rie Kugiyama/Tia Ballard) who serves as Rebecca's companion prior to meeting Shiki. In addition, the series also stars Weisz Steiner (Hiromichi Tezuka/Brook Chalmers), E.M. Pino (Shiori Izawa/Sarah Anne Williams), a group of androids called the Four Shining Stars, Homura Kogetsu (Shiki Aoki/Laura Stahl), and many, many more. Most, if not all, of these characters are likely to appear again when Season 2 comes around. What new figures Shiki is set to encounter during his journeys, however, have yet to be revealed to international audiences.
What is the story of Edens Zero Season 2?
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We already mentioned how the "Edens Zero" manga is currently leagues ahead of its anime counterpart in terms of story progression. As such, you could probably go and spoil yourself on Season 2 right now by reading the manga (assuming the anime stays faithful). Furthermore, episodes have already started airing in Japan, so there are definitely more concrete spoilers out here for those who wish to read them.
According to the "Edens Zero" Wiki, Season 1's final episode on Netflix covers up to Chapter 31 of the manga, making headway through its "Digitalis Arc." Season 2' episodes will continue to follow the crew of the Edens' journey as they find the other members of the Four Shining Stars. However, many trials and tribulations await them, as not every Shining Star is what they expect. Whether they are friend or foe is yet to be seen, but danger certainly awaits our colorful cast as they explore the stars.
Source: looper.com Note: Feel free to read more about 『 Edens Zero 』updates by yourself. Hopefully there will be a Season 2٩(^ᴗ^)۶
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sophistopheles · 4 years
Where’s Ace Attorney 7?
A few days ago it was the third anniversary of the most recent Ace Attorney game, Dai Gyakuten Saiban 2- which means we’re going through a 36-month hiatus; longer than any we’ve had before, excluding the gap between Trials & Tribulations and Apollo Justice.
So what gives? Why haven’t we seen AA7 yet? Will we ever see it in the future, or is the franchise dead? 
Well, I have a few theories for the first question, and some evidence concerning the second. This will probably get long, so I’ll put it under a cut.
Why is this hiatus so long?
Theory #1: Difficulties in porting the franchise to Switch
Ace Attorney has been on handhelds for its whole lifespan, so the sudden change to consoles may be slightly problematic in terms of gameplay- forensic evidence mechanics, the loss of a touchscreen, etc. The problem with this theory is that by all (w)rights, it should already be resolved; a port of the Trilogy already came to consoles last year, fingerprinting and all, and it worked just fine. It’s possible that creating a new AA game from scratch is difficult in its own way, and/or producing games for multiple platforms takes longer, but it doesn’t account for such a long delay.
Then again, Switch games might just take longer to make. I’d rather have a well-crafted AA game every three years than a rushed/poorly-made one every year.
  Theory #2: Difficulties in finding a new director for the franchise
As most people know, Yamazaki, the director for the AAI duology, AA5, and AA6, left Capcom about a month ago. However, he said all the way back when SoJ was released that he only really stayed as AA’s director because of the fans, and also had Fuse, the games’ artist, step up as co-director for SoJ.
Takumi, the original trilogy/Apollo Justice/DGS writer and director, should theoretically have been available since 2018, but he has stated that he’s done with Phoenix’s story, and given that his last games haven’t sold very well (more because of marketing and bad timing than any flaws in the games, but I digress) it’s not guaranteed that he will return for AA7. Maybe if he does, we’ll get some answers to the many loose ends and questions left by AA4, but given that Apollo’s relocated to Khura’in as of the end of AA6, that’s not guaranteed either.
This leaves the only other candidate, co-director of SoJ Takuro Fuse. Personally I think his involvement as a full-on director in the future is quite likely, for reasons I’ll explain later.
  Theory #3: We were supposed to get a game in 2019
This is just a pet theory of mine, but hear me out.
Dai Gyakuten Saiban was originally supposed to be a trilogy of games, until the Switch absolutely flattened the 3DS as the definitive Nintendo handheld, and Takumi decided to compress the remaining two games into just DGS2. This is why the third-case culprit and twists in DGS2 feel so sudden; the culprit was supposed to appear all throughout DGS2, and be arrested at the end, with DGS2-3’s big twist as a finale cliffhanger. DGS3 would have then completed the story.
My point is that DGS3 was likely slated for a 2019 release, given the release pattern of DGS (2015) and DGS2 (2017). That would have lessened the current three-year hiatus to just a two-year one, more standard for the AA franchise.
  Theory #4: The franchise is dead, there are no plans for more games.
I find this difficult to believe given that Capcom is still creating content, running café promotions, releasing ports, and has stated plans for more AA games in the past, but I have to acknowledge the possibility.
Is Ace Attorney 7 coming soon?
After the 2018 Kotaku UK rumour (suggesting that ports of all six games and a new game were going to be released on the Switch by the end of 2018’s fiscal year) was disproven, I almost lost hope for any future AA games- but this year, there’s been a lot to suggest something’s coming soon.
1.       The July 2020 Café
This one pretty much explains itself. If Capcom has decided to put money towards a café feature that promotes both the Trilogy and Apollo Justice- with Klavier and Apollo both featuring prominently on the café’s menu and in its merchandise- it stands to reason that they’re doing something with it. You don’t promote a franchise if there’s nothing to promote, after all.
2.       The Café Art
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So, remember two months ago when Ace Attorney dropped this new official art of Phoenix, Edgeworth, Maya, Apollo and Klavier, and the fandom lost their shit to the point of Ace Attorney trending on tumblr for about half an hour? Well, what I personally found most interesting was the style of the piece- because it was new. A quick scroll through Capcom Café’s twitter proved that as far as I can tell, when non-chibi art is called for, the official artists of the brand in question are the ones to draw the art. So who drew this one?! I could rule out Iwamoto, Fuse, Suekane and Nuri by their styles (Apollo especially looks quite unfamiliar)- so unless there’s someone I’ve forgotten, it seems like there’s a new Ace Attorney official artist.
And, well… they don’t hire new artists for fun. This artist, whoever they are, probably weren’t hired for a one-time café promotion either; as far as I know, most of the old AA artists are still working at Capcom. They’re probably doing something for the franchise.
Remember when I said Fuse, AA5/6’s art director, was a candidate for full time director? My personal theory is that he’s become the main director, and this new artist has taken his role as art director. It’s all speculation, of course, but it stands up to scrutiny.
3.       Capcom X B-Side Label Maya Acrylic
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Capcom have also had a recent merch collab with B-Side Label, and a certain merch image of Maya stood out to me… because it’s an entirely new design.
I could understand if it was only a discrepancy in the fact that she has four necklace beads while appearing to be an adult, or that she has arm guards but lacks an under-robe; they’re minor details. But to leave out her topknot, one of the most distinctive parts of her design?! Either the artist made a major mistake and no one called them up on it, or it was intentional- that this is a design meant to be an older and wiser Maya, who we’ll see in an upcoming game. I wouldn’t be surprised.
4.       The 20th Anniversary
This is more of a meta point than anything else, but it’ll soon be 2021, the twentieth anniversary of Ace Attorney. AA is usually very good with anniversaries; in 2011 (10th anniversary) we got Investigations 2, and in 2016 (15th anniversary) we got both SoJ and an AA anime. I think if they’re ever going to release AA7, they’ll do it next year: at the very least, we’ll have another orchestra and more official art. And with TGS 2020 hosted online and fast approaching, I’m hoping for news very soon!
Either way, the future of Ace Attorney isn’t as dark as it seems! Keep your hopes up!
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ani-fest · 3 years
2021 Screenings
Available online for the duration of the festival, here is the 2021 program for Ani-Fest! 
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Anomalisa (2015)
An American made, deep psychological comedy/drama that is made in stop motion. Nominated for Best Animated feature in 2015, this feature shows us how much human expression and feeling we can see in an artistic animated representation.
Wallace and Gromit (3 piece set)
A close shave, The wrong trousers, and a grand day out. Beautiful and fun stop motion from the UK that solidified stop motion in many households across the world.
The Breadwinner (2017)
An Irish adaptation of the bestselling novel of the same name, this modern 2D animation nominated for best animated feature in 2017 shows a young Afgani girl doing all she can to provide for her family when her father is arrested.
Fantastic Mr. Fox (2009)
A Wes Anderson stop motion film with an all-star cast from George Clooney to Bill Murray, that went up for a best animated picture nomination in 2009.
Perfect Blue (1997)
Based on the novel Perfect Blue: Complete Metamorphosis, this mature Japanese thriller made in traditional 2D animation shows the dark side of fame, and the psychological weight it can have on its stars. Produced by Mad House, known for hit series like Death Note, Hunter X Hunter, and One Punch Man.
Princess Mononoke (1997)
A Studio Ghibli classic in their iconic traditional 2D style. A masterful tale of humans' involvement in nature, that hits harder now than ever. Love, spirits, and an industrial movement clash for a masterpiece of iconic animation.
Klaus (2019)
 A Spanish animated modern Christmas origin story, getting Netflix its first best animated picture nomination in 2019. This feature shows the promise in modern animation outside of the big production scene, the studio being made by Sergio Pablos, a worker on Disney renaissance films, demonstrates the soul of classics will live on.
Love, Death and Robots (2019)
While Technically a series, each “episode” of Love Death and Robots can be seen as a collection of shorts with many different styles, themes, and types of animation, perfect for showing the diversity and capabilities of the animated feature. Another Netflix hit, that just put out a trailer for its second season!
Into the Spiderverse (2018)
A shocking masterpiece of comic book inspired animation, from the studio that brought us the Emoji movie, this feature brought home the Oscar for best animated feature in 2018, Spiderverse can resonate with any audience with amazing performances, animation that feels like reading a comic and hilarious comedic timing.
Bao (2018)
A modern Pixar short that won best Animated short in 2018. Masterfully a full Pixar film’s emotional weight into 8 minutes. Any parent or child will find themselves welling up through this short roller coaster.
Lava (2014)
A musical Pixar short, humanized volcanoes in the search for love sing to each other, spanning thousands of years in 7 minutes, show the endless pursuit and tribulations of chasing the one you love.
Burrow (2020)
A 2020 Disney+ short that accompanied the release of Soul. A 2D animated Pixar production and was nominated for best animated short for 2020.
Canvas (2020)
A Netflix animated short, a touching story of how art connects us with family and memories. It was considered for a nomination for animated best picture by Netflix.
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purelafemme · 4 years
Part 2 of my 2020 reflections
6.  What did you enjoy the most? 
What I enjoyed the most from this year is being able to reconnect with some old friendships and family members that I have not been able to be fully present in their lives due to me living away. I really appreciated spending time with people that I was once close with and shared a bond with again. But also this year taught me a lot about how some friendships and relationships can die out and outgrow each other, which is lesson I am still trying to fully comprehend and grasp. 
7. What was your favourite moment? 
My favorite moment of this year was when I recognized God’s grace. This occurred in the beginning of April. At the end of last year and throughout the beginning of 2020, I really was struggling because I had so much anxiety about finding the “right” job and the future of my relationship with Anthony. I prayed to God so much about these two things and that he would steer me in the right direction. By the end of March the uncertainty about these two things started to become too much for me to bear. I was laying in bed one day, very overwhelmed and sad about my situation, about the lack of love in my life and me feeling not good enough to get a good job offer in my field. But literally as the tears was streaming down my face I got the call from the fed with the job offer. God really stretched and tested my faith with that experience but I am grateful for him doing that. And literally the next day the relationship with Anthony ended and God showed me that was not the man for me. Realizing and witnessing God’s grace within those two days was really transformative for me because it really was just another reminder and confirmation that God really has me in the palm of his hands, that he sees me and knows the desires of my heart, that the plans he has for me are for my good fortune. This experience also tested my patience which is really important for me because that is something I need to work on as a woman. Overall, this experience was the reminder I needed that the next time I experience trials and tribulations, I know the full essence of Psalm 46:10, be still and know that I am God. 
8. What new habits did you start? 
The main habits that I started that I am really proud of solidfying a morning routine. The year of 2020 really allowed me to slow down and hone in on identifying and cultivating morning rituals that allow me to attack the day being my most present and fully energized self. The practice of waking up, doing a morning workout, meditation, and positive affirmations has greatly improved my mood and I am eager to continue doing this into the new year and really getting more into the groove of this. 
9. What are you the most proud of this year? 
I am most proud of my weight loss progress. I have been unhappy with my weight mainly since the end of 2017 when I first crossed the 180 pound threshold but I have not been able to make consistent enough progress with addressing my weight concerns over the past three years. So I am very proud that I committed myself to really having enough discipline to hire a trainer and stick to his nutritional advice. This program gave me the confidence to know if I really put in the work, I can achieve the body of my dreams.. but honestly moving forward it is more than just what I look like on the outside I really want to make sure my body is happy and healthy on the inside so I am excited to hire this dietician and develop a sustainable meal plan for myself that will allow me to manage my weight, my IBS and PCOS conditions. 
10. What did you learn about yourself?
I guess this year taught me about my resilience. It also allowed me to delve more into consciousness about how I show up in relationships with people and what I can do to heal myself from past relationship trauma. But I am going to tap more into my healing journey in 2021. 
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techcrunchappcom · 4 years
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New Post has been published on https://techcrunchapp.com/the-tech-tribune-2021-best-tech-startups-in-san-diego/
The Tech Tribune: 2021 Best Tech Startups in San Diego
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NEW YORK–(BUSINESS WIRE)–The Tech Tribune staff has compiled the very best tech startups in San Diego, California. In doing our research, we considered several factors including but not limited to:
Revenue potential
Leadership team
Brand/product traction
Competitive landscape
Additionally, all companies must be independent (un-acquired), privately owned, at most 10 years old, and have received at least one round of funding in order to qualify.
Looking for a badge to celebrate your awesome accomplishment? Find it here!
1. TuSimple
Founded: 2015
Also honored in: 2020 Best Tech Startups in San Diego
“TuSimple is a global self-driving truck company based in San Diego and operating self-driving trucks out of Tucson, Arizona. Founded in 2015, TuSimple is developing a commercial-ready Level 4 (SAE) fully-autonomous driving solution for the logistics industry. TuSimple’s trucks are the first and only capable of self-driving from depot-to-depot and do so every day for its customers. The company is driven by a mission to increase safety, decrease transportation costs, and reduce carbon emissions.”
2. Seismic
Founded: 2010
Also honored in:
“Seismic is the leading global marketing and sales enablement solution, improving close rates and delivering larger deals for sales while increasing marketing’s impact on the bottom line. Large enterprises use Seismic to increase sales productivity through the automatic distribution of relevant information and personalized content to reps for any buyer interaction. Powerful content controls and visibility into usage ensures brand integrity and reduces risk. Seismic’s machine learning and analytics capabilities continuously improves the entire enablement process for large enterprises, increasing the ROI of sales content and tying it directly to revenue.”
3. Cloudbeds
Founded: 2012
“Cloudbeds is the fastest growing hospitality management software suite in the world, providing tools to manage properties of all types and sizes. Trusted by more than 20,000 hotels, hostels, inns, and alternative accommodations in more than 155 countries, the Cloudbeds suite includes a powerful PMS, a leading Channel Manager, and a conversion-driven Booking Engine. Through access to 300+ integrations available via the marketplace, Cloudbeds helps properties unify their operations, grow revenue, and automate workflows with confidence and ease. Founded in 2012, Cloudbeds has expanded to more than 400 people with local teams in 40 countries.”
4. KaiOS Technologies
Founded: 2016
Also honored in:
“KaiOS Technologies powers an emerging ecosystem of affordable digital products and services. Our flagship product, KaiOS, is a web-based operating system that enables a new category of smart feature phones and other IoT devices that require limited memory, while still offering a rich user experience. Our mission is to help bridge the digital divide—connecting the billions of people in emerging markets who still don’t have internet access, as well as those in established markets who are looking for easy-to-use phones with advanced functionality.”
5. SOCi
Founded: 2012
“SOCi is an award-winning platform built specifically for “next-level” multi-location marketers. Our customers include top brands and influencers like Ace Hardware, Sport Clips, and Anytime Fitness who have the impossible challenge of managing their digital presence across hundreds and thousands of locations. As central command for multi-location marketers, SOCi makes the impossible possible by enabling top brands and their locations to strengthen and scale their digital presence across limitless local search and social pages while protecting what matters most, their reputation. For more information on how SOCi can help fuel your localized marketing success – visit us at www.meetsoci.com.”
6. NetraDyne
Founded: 2015
Also honored in: 2020 Best Tech Startups in San Diego
“Creating Solutions for real world problems using Computer Vision and Deep Learning Technologies that make a significant impact to industry.”
7. ClickUp
Founded: 2017
“ClickUp is one app to replace them all. It’s the future of work. More than just task management – ClickUp offers docs, reminders, goals, calendars, and even an inbox. Fully customizable, ClickUp works for every type of team, so all teams can use the same app to plan, organize, and collaborate. ClickUp is trusted by millions of users and over 100,000 teams at the world’s best companies like Google, Airbnb, Uber, and Nike.”
8. AristaMD
Founded: 2013
“AristaMD is focused on improving patient outcomes through more timely access to specialty care. Its eConsult solution platform provides a telehealth solution that empowers primary care providers with clinical workup checklists and the ability to conduct electronic consults (also known as eConsults or virtual consults) to significantly improve the patient referral process and allow greater access to timely, high-quality care. Designed to seamlessly integrate into physician referral workflows, the platform allows payers and providers to quickly and cost-effectively launch specialist eConsults using their own specialists or those provided by AristaMD’s board-certified panel of experts.
AristaMD’s platform has proven to deliver cost-effective, timely access to specialty care through eConsults, significantly reducing the need for face-to-face visits while increasing patient satisfaction. AristaMD partners with healthcare stakeholders to ensure their success in the transition to value-based care. For additional information, visit aristamd.com, or follow AristaMD Twitter https://twitter.com/Arista_MD.”
9. AttackIQ
Founded: 2013
Also honored in: 2020 Best Tech Startups in San Diego
“AttackIQ, a leader in the emerging market of continuous security validation, built the industry’s first platform that enables red and blue teams to test the effectiveness of their security controls and staff. Our platform supports the MITRE ATT&CK Matrix, a curated knowledge base and model for cyber adversary behavior used for planning security improvements and verifying security defenses work as expected.”
10. Measurabl
Founded: 2013
“Started in 2013, Measurabl has become the world’s fastest growing sustainability software for the built environment. Our automation tools make it easy for more than 6 billion square feet of commercial property across 67 countries to collect sustainability data, analyze and accurately report on performance, and identify efficiency opportunities. Learn more at www.measurabl.com.”
About The Tech Tribune
Founded in 2017, The Tech Tribune delivers the latest technology news, in-depth technology articles, exclusive interviews with entrepreneurs, and insights on the hottest technology startups all over the world.
In partnership with Crunchbase, our flagship journalistic endeavor is the Best Tech Startups series that we publish for every major city and state in the US, and for the US as a whole, every year. Our mission is to recognize and honor the most exemplary young companies all across the country, companies that too often do not get a well-deserved turn in the spotlight.
We are constantly refining our methodology, but our current one can be found below:
In doing our research, we consider several factors including but not limited to:
Revenue potential
Leadership team
Brand/product traction
Competitive landscape
Additionally, all companies must be independent (unacquired), privately owned, at most 10 years old, and have received at least one round of funding in order to qualify.
Badges to commemorate the accomplishments of the firms we honor can be found here for the current year, and here for past years.
We make every effort to consider every startup in every city, but if you feel yours has been overlooked, please contact us here.
Additionally, our exclusive interview series called Profile of a Founder dives deep into the minds of the folks who made the startups we’ve honored possible. We explore the trials and tribulations of starting a company, with attention paid to the regional elements that make each situation unique. They are a must read for any young entrepreneur looking to join the immortal ranks.
You can see some of the recent media and news surrounding our products here.
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ecoeconomicepochs · 4 years
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Speaking of apocalyptic, Rev K pointed out that she was born in the Chinese calendar year of the dragon and she sent me a picture of the dragon in her yard.  I was watching a History Channel clip about space, and the planets and the Dragon's role in China to explain (solar) eclipses was playing...  a solar eclipse marked the start of a 7 year of tribulation starting with the solar eclipse of August 21st 2017 ending in 2024...   my lucid dream was about a (golden dragon) chasing a (London) whale...  China and Britain's Queen Elizabeth had a discussion about currency last fall.  The only reason I knew about Bitcoin was the Rev K session where General George Washington repeatedly bit / was biting a coin...  coincidentally..  enter the "Great (currency) Reset of 2021... see lucid dream postings over the last two decades... Github: http://github.com/Beacon-Heart
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