#Hunab Ku
dixt · 6 months
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villa hunab ku in tulum, mexico
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talonabraxas · 1 year
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The Galactic Butterfly, aka Hunab Ku Talon Abraxas
“Om Yum Hunab Ku Evam Maya e ma Ho” this means ”One giver of movement and measure, All hail the unity of mind & nature!””
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laifromthecosmos · 3 days
Mula Nakshatra: The Primordial Cosmic Force.
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versão em pt-br
Tropical Astrology orients the zodiac to the point of the Vernal Equinox, which marks the beginning of the sign of Aries. Vedic astrology orients the zodiac from the 'Galactic Center' to the center of the Galactic Sun, where influences pass through us via the fixed constellation of Sagittarius. The Galactic Center is called 'Brahma,' the creative force, or 'Vishnunabhi,' the navel of Vishnu. From the Sun emanates the light that determines life and intelligence on Earth, directing the seven rays of creation and the distribution of Karma.
In terms of sidereal astrology, the Galactic Center is located at the beginning of Sagittarius. In the Vedic system, it is found in the lunar constellation (nakshatras) called 'Mula,' which means 'the root' or 'origin.' Mula can thus be seen as the first in the series of lunar constellations. It marks 13º 20' of Sagittarius, in the middle of which the Galactic Center is located. The last in the series of lunar constellations is Jyeshta, which means 'the eldest,' found at the end of Scorpio. This shows that the ancients knew of the Galactic Center and named the constellations accordingly. The Mayans identified the Galactic Center as Hunab Ku, representing the Supreme God and Supreme Creator. It is considered the 'Mother's Womb' that constantly gives birth and gave birth to the Sun and the planet Earth. It is believed that Hunab Ku directs everything that happens in the Galaxy from its center through the periodic emission of 'Consciousness Energy.'
The energy of the Galactic Center is primarily transmitted by Jupiter, called 'Guru,' the teacher in Vedic astrology, and by Sagittarius. Jupiter is said to be the teacher of the Gods, the cosmic power of light. In this regard, he is even the teacher of the Sun, the guide of the world. Jupiter represents and directs Galactic Light to the solar system.
This association of Mula with the Galactic Center suggests a strong connection to primordial and cosmic forces, symbolizing the ability to access deep and transformative wisdom that may surface from intense experiences or a spiritual quest. The strong influence of Mula may manifest as a deep connection with these cosmic energies, reflecting a desire to get to the core of issues and seek the truth in its rawest and purest form.
Ketu, the planet that governs Mula, also deals with reaching the core of everything. It stores past Karmas and releases those mature enough to be experienced in the present. It can help gather the necessary tools to fulfill the objective of the present life. This is suggested by the symbolism of the tied roots. Mula, therefore, helps in gathering, meaningfully, the talents developed in past lives.
Mula is concerned with investigating invisible or unknown things. Along with its counterpart Ardra (which lies directly opposite in the zodiac), Mula has the strongest and deepest sense of investigation among all nakshatras. Mula is directly associated with medicinal purposes. In ancient medicinal systems like Ayurveda, roots of various plants are used for medicine preparation. Similarly, Mula is also related to the root of diseases, such as microorganisms like viruses, bacteria, etc. Like everything under Mula's jurisdiction, these microorganisms are invisible to the naked eye. The fact that the roots are tied suggests a sense of limitation. As a result, Mula often does not allow much freedom or dispersion of energies, causing people to dive deep within a limited sphere.
Mula Nakshatra is deeply connected to the figure of Nritti, a powerful and enigmatic goddess of Vedic mythology. Nritti is often associated with destruction, chaos, and dissolution, but her influence goes far beyond just being a destructive force. She represents the primordial forces that deconstruct and dismantle to allow something new and more authentic to emerge. Nritti is the goddess of transformation through destruction. She governs the process of disintegration necessary for renewal and regeneration, reflecting the idea that for growth to occur, something old must be undone. In many ways, Nritti can be seen as the guardian of the boundaries between the known and the unknown, between comfort and chaos, symbolizing moments of crisis that challenge old structures and beliefs, paving the way for personal and spiritual development. Mula's symbol is a bundle of tied roots, representing the exploration of origins, the unveiling of deeper truths, and the search for the essence of any situation. However, to reach the roots, one must undergo processes of destruction and deconstruction, aspects deeply connected to Nritti's energy. Those who have significant planets in Mula Nakshatra may experience intense moments of destruction and rebirth throughout their lives, being called to abandon old identities, beliefs, and situations to transform into something new and more authentic.
Nritti's influence on Mula also emphasizes the importance of facing chaos and the unknown as part of the path to enlightenment. Mula is the nakshatra of deep investigation, where the sought truth is revealed, often in a harsh and challenging way. Nritti guides this quest, ensuring that illusions are destroyed so that the truth, no matter how raw, can emerge.
It is in Mula's nature to quickly cut and destroy things that have lost their value. Most often, it regrets its actions in hindsight. Only when its Universal will is aligned does Mula operate in a wise, Jupiterian manner. The struggle between universality and individuality reaches its peak here, as individuality is at its highest expression. The process of individualization begins in Ashwini, is celebrated in Magha, and culminates with completed individual experiences in Mula. Beyond the realm of the ego and egocentrism, Mula is a proud and arrogant nakshatra, often unable to comprehend its own power and abilities. In some cases, this is good, as its capacity to inflict damage on itself is restricted by its ignorance. Its terrible and demonic side comes from Ketu's negative functioning in its lower aspects, potentially generating ego, vanity, and arrogance, which can lead someone to commit abominable and demonic actions.
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santoschristos · 3 months
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Cosmic Butterfly, aka Hunab Ku
The name Hunab Ku in Mayan means “The Only God”.
Mentions of Hunab Ku are found specifically in colonial sources of Mayan history after the Spanish conquest. The name has been used in the famous book of Chilam Balam.
Although it has been speculated that Hunab Ku is the equivalent of an older Mayan deity, recent research has shown that he was probably an invention of the missionaries in an attempt to indoctrinate the polytheist Mayans and bring them closer to the Christian conception of God.
This may explain the fact that Hunab Ku finds no mention in pre-16th centuries historical sources from any of the Mayan cities.
Hunab Ku History
The earliest mention of Hunab Ku appears in a document penned down after the Spanish conquest in the 16th century. The document was penned by a Spanish source, so the author can be naturally expected to be non-Mayan.
The mention of Hunab Ku in this book bears strong resemblance to the Christian concept of God. Hunab Ku is here deemed as the greatest Yucatan god who can’t be represented in any way because he lacks a form.
In Chilam Balam, Hunab Ku is associated with the Mayan deity Itzamna.
Hunab Ku and Cosmic Consciousness
When New Age authors assert that Hunab Ku is at the center of the Milky Way, they also ascribed a symbolic spiritual significance to this location.
It is claimed that Hunab Ku shaped out the universe from a whirling disk and it is he who keeps giving birth to new galaxies and astral bodies. He is also deemed the originator of all consciousness in the universe.
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watsittoyah · 2 years
Namor x Black OC
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Hate That I Love you..
Slow burn, enemies to lovers, unhinged behavior, sexual content but later on in the chapter also slight changes to the gods I talk about in the story, this is all for fun and fiction.
Warnings: Possessive behavior, oral sex,
Obsessive behavior, stalking, dark Namor
Nakeya’s Pov
Age: 10
“Mother, tell me a story.” I ask as my mother brushes my long black hair. “Which one?” My mother asks. “Tell me about how the goddess Hunab-Ku.”
“Ah, I should’ve known, you love that story. Come lay on my lap and let me set the scene.” I lay down and hear her hum a sweet melody.
“It is said that she was the priestess of Talong, a kind and loving woman. But her people were dictators and ruthless rulers. The king was her younger brother and he was the opposite, he wanted war, he wanted chaos and he wanted to rule with an iron fist. If he had it his way he would have ruled all of Talong, Talokan, and Wakanda. She couldn’t stand there and watch the king shed more blood of innocent people, so instead she prayed to the gods and they had answered her prayer by giving her the flower of life. And with that she crushed the flower and consumed it giving her the gifts of controlling the water and the creature that inhabit it. Before the king could invade Talokan she had drown him and his army. She made the remaining people of Talong promise that they would not raise a hand of war to the surrounding nations. For if they did, the priestess would unleash her wrath among them. The people soon after called her Hunab-Ku, the goddess of water. She had lived over one thousand years, and passed down her gift to her child, and that child passed down that gift to theirs. And so on and so on.”
“Mother, will I be like her? Will I keep the peace among the nations?” I ask my mother. She leaned down and kissed my temple gentle. “My little one, you will do great things for this nation. For it was told before you were born.” I smile at her words and raise my pointer finger causing the water in my cup to swirl and dance on the ceiling. “I hope I will be the best priestess to this nation.” I whisper as the water forms into a flower…
Four hundred years later…
“Tet-uke! Ride the wave!” I tell my racing turtle as I catch up to my brother. “Nakeya you won’t win! Just go back to mother and read your boring books!” Ordain taunts as he gets a further lead in the race.
“You’re going to eat those words.” I hiss as I take a calm breathe. I feel the waves under me jump high and I raise my hands. The water crashes down on Ordain and I win by default. He comes up for air and I kiss Tet-uke on her head. “Good girl.”
“You cheated!” Ordain yells as he comes up for air. “Cheated? I did no such thing you never said no powers.” I say with a smirk. “That was implied Nakeya! I want a rematch!”
“Name the time and place you big baby.” Ordain flares his nose at me and before I could retort we both yell in pain as we hear our mothers siren song.
“Let’s go.” Ordain winces as he dives under water. I click my tongue and Tet-Uke dives down. I sign to Ordain that we don’t tell our mother that we were turtle racing, and he signs back that he’s not stupid. He won’t tell anything.
As we get to the throne room, we both kneel before our mother as she stops her siren song. “Why are both of you so winded? Were you two racing above the surface again?”
“No mother.” I lie. She gives Ordain a raised brow. “Yes, mo-“
“You snitch!” I snap at him. Our mother clicks her tongue and I go silent. “Ordain, go put on your ceremonial clothes and meet your father in the emerald room. And as for you?” My mother grabbed my ear making me wince.
“Mother, mother. Mother please, you’ll rip my ear off.” I beg. “You come with me we have much to prepare.” As I walk with my mother she lets my ear go and Ordain gives an apologetic shrug. I rub my ear and roll my eyes at him.
“Mother, do I have to be part of the dinner? I’ve never came before.” I ask her. “Yes, Nakeya. This is very important. Your father is having this dinner as an olive branch to the leader of Talokan. Our people may have been in peace for many years but there is still animosity. Now, you will put on your ceremonial dress and be on your best behavior. And Nakeya?”
“Yes mother?” I ask as we stand in front of my door. “Behave yourself. No water magic and Tet-uke stays in her stable.” I sigh defeated. “I will behave, I promise.” I say as I cross my fingers behind my back. “I saw that.” My mother says as she goes to swat my ear. I duck and run into my room.
In there I see Via smiling. “So we have to put on the corset?” She nods knowing how much pain it is going to cause me. “Can I pay you in gold to not put that on me?”
I take very small breathes as I try to breath in my tight dress. My chest seem to swell in the top. “If the leader of Talokan is blind, he is going to see clear as day when he sees me in this dress.” I mutter as I make my way to the emerald room.
I open the doors and see someone standing there, they turn as they heard me and I freeze. “Where is everyone?” I whisper as I enter the room. The person I seen was a man. He had a gold chest plate on his body, heavy emerald earrings with a matching nose piece. I look down and I see wings on his ankles.
He seemed to study me as I entered the room and I bow my head slightly. “You must be the priestess of Talong.” He speaks in a gentle tone. I look up at him and my throat becomes dry.
“You’re beautiful.” I blurt out. I see his lip twitch into a smile and I recover quickly. “How do you know I am the priestess?”
“Because your eyes are as Grey as stone and your tribal markings…they are unique to Hunab-Ku.” I feel myself blush and bite my bottom lip. “And you must be K’uk’ulkan, I’ve heard many stories about you from when I was little.”
His eyes trail down my body which only makes me bite my lip a bit harder. “And what stories have you heard, little priestess?” He asks as he takes a step towards me.
I swallow hard, hating that I can’t breathe properly. “I heard that to your people you are a god, you have protected Talokan for many years and you want to have peace like my father.”
He nods and he reaches out, moving a lock of my hair behind my ear. His touch made my skin burn in a way I couldn’t describe, but I wanted him to touch me more, I wanted him.
“You know little priestess, I’ve heard how powerful you are. And I must say your beauty in person can not be described in words.” He leans in close causing his breathe to tickle my ear. I swallow a moan and when our eyes meet, I knew he would either love me or ruin me so that no other man could satisfy me.
The doors behind us open and K’uk’ulkan moved away from me quickly. And looked past me. “Ah, my friend, I see you’ve met my daughter, the priestess.” My father says on a boastful tone. K’uk’ulkan smiles and walks past me to greet my father. I turn and see Ordain giving me a look but I ignore him.
My mother motions me over and we sit down at the long table. My father and mother both sitting at the head, my brother sitting beside me. Two of K’uk’ulkan’s guards stood behind him and he sat right in front of me.
His eyes did glance at my chest and I find myself sitting up straight to give him a view. “Don’t be such a Kaaye' dorado.” (Gold fish) Ordain hissed in my ear. I kick his leg under the table and he jerks back in pain.
Our mother gives us a glare and we both straighten. I mouth my sorry to her and I sit there listening to the boring conversation between my father and K’uk’ulkan.
“…I have many plans for this union King Odess. And to have our two nations join together as allies would not only strengthen our numbers but would prolong the life of the people. Especially if we combine our vibranium together.”
“Yes, Talong and Talokan would benefit greatly. But since Wakanda had revealed themselves it is rumored that the land dwellers are trying to seek if there is more vibranium. And they are now searching the waters. I am sure King K’uk’ulkan that you would agree that that isn’t a wise idea to allow this. Or for them to discover us. We must act now and keep both of now nations as such, a secret.” He nods in agreement with my father.
“Mm, I have also heard that there may be a device helping the land dwellers to find our vibranium. That must be destroyed. I have put my strongest warriors together and I would like to invite you and your people to join our forces on the front lines.”
“Wouldn’t that be a barbaric idea?” I speak, causing my parents and brother to give me a dirty look. “I apologize for my daughter’s outburst, I have spoiled her and allowed her to speak her mind when no one has asked.” My father says as he takes a drink.
“It is fine. I like compelling conversations. What would you suppose we do, priestess?” K’uk’ulkan asks as he stares deep into my eyes. I glance at my parents and then back at him. He nods letting me know to speak.
“I believe that in union of the two nations would be a great idea but the resources we have can help keep peace. Our people have lived over thousands of years, we have no illness. We have a way to help those on the surface. I want them to understand that the vibranium we have here shouldn’t be weaponized. But put to better use. I know that the goddess would want that for not just Talong, but for your nation as well, King K’uk’ulkan.”
He looks at me and as he was about to speak my father laughs breaking whatever words I had spoken into pieces. “Nakeya, you live in a fairytale, and I do envy that. Now king K’uk’ulkan, I would like to speak more about my people joining the frontline.”
I look down at my fingers keeping back the tears, because I know the goddess in me doesn’t like the talk of war, she wants to prolong the peace.
I hear my mother clear her throat and I look at her. “King K’uk’ulkan, I’m sure that the priestess would like to show you her gift.” She nods and I stand.
“If everyone is done with their drinks, I would like to show you all a vision I had last night.” I take a calm breathe and feel my eyes roll back. The liquid in everyone cups rises up and I move my hands to orchestrate the liquid in my image.
“I saw a nation, a nation where the ancestors would be proud.” I smile and the liquid turns into a great big kingdom. I glance around the room and everyone was in awe.
When my eyes rest on him, he was staring at me. Not like a magician, but he was staring at me as if I was the answers to his prayers. I feel my magic shift a bit and it swirled around him making sea flowers dance around his head. He smiles at that and I raise my hands to help the liquid disperse into the air. Everyone claps and I bow to thank them.
As I sit back down I hear my father call to King K’uk’ulkan. “Now that the party tricks have been displayed, I would like you to invite you and my son to talk in a more private setting.” The three of them stand and leave the room. I look after K’uk’ulkan and sigh. “Nakeya, come. Let us go do your studies.” I feel myself try to slouch as she mentions my studies to me. “Yes mother.”
“Finally I can take off that corset, thank the goddesses.” I say as I stretch my torso and take a deep breathe. I’ve been studying for the last three hours and I decided to take a break. Via had peeked into my room for a moment. “My priestess would you like anything?”
“No I am fine, Via. Tell me are they still talking in the private room?” She shakes her head. “No, King K’uk’ulkan has left and the our king is in his chambers with the queen.” For some reason it made me a bit sad that he left without saying goodbye to me.
Then again who am I to expect him to say goodbye to me?
“Ah, well I’ll just take a break and get back to studying, thank you Via. If I need anything I’ll call for you.” She bows and leaves my room. I sit back in my chair, bitting my thumb nail thinking about how I can get out of studying.
Tap tap tap
My head snaps to the left and I see a dark figure outside my window. I gather water and create a spear, ready to defend myself.
I peek out the window and lower my spear. K’uk’ulkan bows and I open my window. “I thought you left.” I say to him as I splash my water spear away. He gives smirk. “How could I leave without wishing you a farewell, little priestess?” He leans in and I feel a blush on my brown cheeks.
“You know the king doesn’t respect you.” He comments. “My father is a good man, complicated, but a good man.” I say defending him. “Are you sure? He dismisses your title, he tears down your dreams of peace. If you were mine, I would treat you as such.” He says to me.
If you were mine. I repeat those words in my head and feel my heart flutter.
“Treat me like a little priestess?” I say teasing. “I would treat you like a goddess. Because that is who you are. I would never allow someone to disrespect you let alone treat your gifts as if they were mere tricks.” He says as he studies my face.
I suddenly feel small in front of him and I twiddle my fingers. “Don’t do that.” I say looking down. He lifts my chin making me look at him. “Don’t do what?”
“Make me feel important. Make me feel as if I can do anything. I know the goddess is inside of me. She is strong, but I don’t feel strong.” I try to look away from him but he doesn’t allow it. “I see a strong goddess, I see a ruler, a queen, and if you’ll allow, I see you as mine. And my gift to you is to give you the peace that you crave. There will not be another drop of blood after the gathering. I promise you that.”
I swallow hard. “How can you promise me that? How could anyone promise me that?” He strokes my cheek and rubs his thumb over my bottom lip. “Because I know I can keep that promise. And you’re worth keeping that promise to, my little goddess.” He leans in and I feel my eyes flutter close, waiting for his lips to meet mine.
But the kiss never comes to my lips. Instead of kissing my lips, he kissed my forehead. “When I keep your promise I will kiss your lips. I must go back to Talokan now.” He whispers against my head. He moves back and I nod as he leaves
in the shadows.
“Until next time my little goddess.” I hear his whisper and I watch until he is gone. “His little goddess…I like the sound of that.” I say with a smile gently playing across my lips.
“I don’t like the thoughts of you out there on the front lines, Nakeya.” My mother tells me ask she takes my dark hair and braids it back into a crown. “Mother we’ve spoken about this, father wants me to come only so I can keep anyone from dying. I should be grateful that he sees me as such.” My mother lifts my chin after she tucks my braid in.
“Little one, I don’t want you to think you have to please your father just to have peace. You can always tell him you don’t want to go.” She leans her head against mine and I close my eyes. “Mother, if this is how I can help then this is how I do so. Besides, I have these gifts. Why not use them.” My mother kisses my cheeks and calls Via over. “She is ready for her tribal face marks. And Via be sure to tell Aya that he is to make sure my children and husband don’t get caught in bloodshed.”
“Yes my queen, I will send the message.” She tells her as I sit still for my marks. In my gut, I knew this wasn’t the way. I know we could get the land dwellers away from our vibranium without hurting them. But my pleading has gone on deaf ears.
I meet my father and brother in the ready chambers along with our best warriors and I take a few deep breathes. “Ready to go see your boyfriend?” Ordain asks as he makes kissing noises. I narrow my eyes at him and flick my finger causing him to trip on water. “Hey!”
“Enough you two! Nakeya up front.” I march up to my father and he takes me aside. “How are you feeling?” He asks me. “I am fine.” He gives me a look and points to my fingers as I twirl them. I drop my hands by my sides and he gives a chuckle.
“You know your great grandfather use to do that. Whenever he was nervous he would play with his hands. He said if his hands weren’t playing together they would have caused the Talon nation to fall. I know I don’t treat you like your brother. But I want you to know you are my greatest treasure.” I look up at my father in shock.
“Don’t be shocked, Nakeya. I know you want peace but this is necessary. You haven’t seen these land dwellers. They are savages, they mind the golds of their lands and they kill each other for them. This is for the nations. This is a good thing.”
“Father, I understand where you are coming from. But I just know if we can show the land dwellers the right way, the nations could be stronger. I know it.” He touches my cheek and nods. “When we get back, I would like to hear your ideas.” I smile at him. “I look forward to this talk, father.” He nods and gives a smile. He turns and that is when the other warriors enter the room. I look past them seeing, king K’uk’ulkan. I haven’t spoken to him since the night we first met which have been a few days.
When I look at him all I want is for him to make me his. I crave his attention and I feel that he has bewitched my dreams ever since that day. I even imagine his kiss on my lips. I stare at him longingly and I feel a light shove to my shoulder and I turn to see Ordain. “Stop staring it’s creepy.”
“You’re one to talk. Akari said she’s hoping you lose a leg so you don’t approach her any longer.” Ordain scoffs at this. “She’s just playing hard to get. Careful little sister, she’s going to be your sister-in-law soon.” I roll my eyes. “Then I’ll take your leg just to protect the poor girl. I’ve seen how you look after a long nap, ugh it’s not pretty.” Ordain puts me in a headlock and I jab him in his rib cage making him yelp. Everyone looks at us and we quickly stop.
I see King K’uk’ulkan looking at me and my heart skips a beat. He looks away quickly and I wonder if I did anything wrong…
We were all in position. Waiting in the dark of the ocean. As the land dwellers continue with their search, I could feel Tet-uke become restless. I coo her and stroke her head. “I know, the waters do not like this. And you can feel it. Soon there will be peace. I know it.” I kiss her head and we dive under the water.
I swim with Aya by my side and we get close to the massive ship. Namora had signed to us to now do our siren song. I look back at my father and brother as they moved across the waters and my eyes land on him. He was looking at me and I feel my chest swell.
Our heads quietly break surface and our siren song rings for every land dweller to hear. They stop what they are doing immediately and one by one they drop into the waters.
I hear the warriors break the device that the land dwellers were using to help them find the vibranium. More land dwellers crash into the water and I feel calm. But that feeling lasted only a second.
Somehow some of the land dwellers hadn’t heard the siren song and started to shoot at us. We duck in the water and I click my tongue to tell Tet-uke to go under the ship.
I hum and more sea creatures answer my call. I raise my hands and they begin to slam into the ship causing it to tip on it’s side.
“Jump ship!”
“Over board!”
The land dwellers scream out. Two had manage to get into an air craft, ready to leave. “They mustn’t get away to tell anyone about us!” I hear my father scream.
I open my mouth and release my wrathful cry. Causing the waters to shake. Under me I feel the slick tentacles of my greatest creation. I click my tongue twice and his tentacles shoot out of the water grabbing the air craft out of the sky.
I blow in the water and my kraken snaps it in half and eats it. I shut my eyes hearing the land dwellers screams of mercy.
As our people make sure each land dweller has drowned, I find Aya frozen still in the water. “What?” I look where he is looking and he grabs me. “My priestess, please do not look, for I have failed you.” I push away from him and I see my brother holding something in his arms.
“No, no, no, no.” I feel my entire body become cold as I see my father’s lifeless body. “Ordain, bring him to me! I can save him!” I yell. I see the sadness in my brothers eyes and I rush to him. Grabbing at my father.
I feel a pair of arms wrap around me and I let out a cry. “Let me go, I can save him! Please!” I scream in agony as I look into my father’s lifeless eyes. “Shh. I am sorry my goddess. Your father fought like a great warrior. And his life was cut short. We must mourn our fallen now.” K’uk’ulkan whispers in my ear. I cling to him and bury my face in his neck. “I can save him..” I say as my vision blurs. “I know…I know Nakeya.” He says as he holds me.
It has been over a month since the loss of our people and the loss of our king, and the pain still feels fresh. My mother has loss much weight, my brother is to be next in line but he doesn’t want it. As for me?
I feel nothing now. I am numb. As the nations mourn with us, I just nod, telling them thank you for coming. I don’t want to speak anymore so I excuse myself and go sit in my fathers chair in his private study.
“We might not have been close, but I’d lie if I said it didn’t hurt that I won’t see you anymore.” I say as I inhale my fathers scent. I sit there in silence take a shaky breathe.
I don’t want to feel sadness, or pain. I need to push my emotions down the furthest pit and watch them whither away and die with my people, with my father.
“I figured you’d be alone.” I jump and look up to see K’uk’ulkan standing beside me. “I didn’t hear you come in. I apologize.” He shakes his head. “No need, you are hurt and I didn’t want to interrupt….” He kneels down so that we are both eye to eye.
“I will keep my promise to you. You do remember it correct?” I nod and wipe a tear that had threatened to slip down my cheek. “I remember.” I whisper. He touches my wet cheek and he searches my eyes.
“I wish I could’ve been more help. So that you’d wouldn’t cry.” I give him a sad smile. “You know, I keep playing that moment in my head, how I could’ve saved him, or how if I had been fast enough. I know we mourn and then we let their spirits go into the heavens with our ancestors, but I am selfish. I do not want him to go. I don’t want to let this go. I want revenge, I want the land dwellers to pay for what they have done to us. I was wrong to think they could be peaceful.” I hiss.
He touches my hand and I calm a bit. “Land dwellers are nothing but a cancer to the world. When the mourning period is over I would like to propose a plan to secure our waters. But I will not go forward until I get your blessing.”
“Why me?” I ask. “The way you can control the waters to your whim, the way the creatures of the sea obey your words. I would be a fool to go against you, little goddess.” I smile at his words and he seems to stare a bit too long.
“I have something for you. In case you ever need me…” He takes out a conch shell and hands it to me. “Just blow on this and I will come to you no matter what.”
“Why are you so kind to me?” I look up at him from the conch shell and my throat dries because he looks as if he wants to take me away. “Did you know that my people were once land dwellers? I know, it’s a very shameful thing to say right now, but when my mother had passed, she wanted to be buried on her native land. So I granted her wish, a few of my people and I had walked on the land and there we saw the land dwellers. They were not inviting to us, in fact they attacked us. And so I did what I had to do. I’ll spare you the details of the massacre. When all was done, there was only one man left. He looked at me and called me a child without love, and with one strike, I had ended his life. When it comes to my people I am their god, I am K’uk’ulkan. But to my enemies, I am Namor. I am kind to you because I can see myself in you. We both want justice for our people, we both want peace, we both…”
He leans in close and pulls me in. “…want our nations to be joined together and become something great.” He whispers against my lips.
He places his hand on the back of my neck and he pulls me close. Our lips touch and I sigh into the kiss.
At first the kiss was gentle and sweet, but it turned into hunger and passion. It was as if we couldn’t get the distance between us any shorter.
He sucks on my tongue and I moan, clenching my fingers in his hair. He picks me up off of the chair and sits down, having me straddle his lap. I feel his erection against my clit and I groan moving my hips. He holds them in place and I feel him grin against my lips.
“Such a greedy little goddess. Do not worry I will give you all of me.” He says as he presses his erection against me harder. I open my mouth to give a ghost of a moan. “Shh, we must be quiet. Let them mourn while I worship you.” He moans as he allows me to pleasure myself on his erected cock. He grabs the back of my head and yanks it back, exposing my neck to him.
He gently bites and I let out a groan. “Let me worship your body, let me be your only pleasure my goddess. No one else can have you, no one else can even look at you. You’re mine.” He bites harder and I grab onto him, humping him harder. “I’m gonna cum.” I moan out loud.
“That’s it, I want your orgasm. But not this way.” He yanks me up and he knees before me. I try to stand but my knees and legs are weak. “I’ve got you.” He whispers as he lifts my dress above my belly button. I feel his mustache tickle my pubic hair and his breathe caresses my clit.
“A follower gets on their knees for their god when they want to worship them. I get on my knees for you so you can speak tongues to yours.” He lifts my leg, placing it on his shoulder and my eyes roll back as he twirls his tongue against my clit. I grip his hair and throw my head back.
I buck my hips fast, feeling my orgasm build up again. Just as he predicted, I start speaking in tongues as he fucks me with his tongue. He grabs onto my ass as he licks me faster. I look down and he was staring at me with lust in his eyes.
I stutter that I’m coming and he keeps pace making my body shake violently. I feel him give one more suck and I moan out his name, falling into his arms.
He licks his lips and leans down to kiss me. I taste myself on him and suck his tongue causing him to moan. I place my hand on his chest and I feel a shock to my body. My eyes roll back and I see K’uk’ulkan in front of my father.
It was the day his life was cut short. I was watching through K’uk’ulkan’s eyes. “They mustn’t get away to tell anyone about us!” I see my father yell. I then see a stone blade in K’uk’ulkan’s hand and he grabs my father shoulder, impaling the blade deep into his chest. The chaos of everything going on made this is perfect time for this act of betrayal. The gasp my father gave made me want to throw up.
“W…why?” My father whispered. “Because this nation only needs one king.” He removes the blade from his chest and lets it drop in the water. My father tries to hold it together. “My daughter will end you! You demon!” K’uk’ulkan leans in close to my father. “I’m not worried about your daughter, she will soon be my wife and we will rule over this nation. It’s a shame you won’t see her vision come true.” And with that he snapped his neck killing him quickly.
I gasp out of the vision and I push myself away from him. “Are you okay?” He reached out to me and I jerk back but remain calm. “I am fine, I just remembered my mother asked me to help her with the burning ceremony. Thank you for the distraction.” I turn and before I take a step he grabs my wrist and it took all my strength not to snatch it away from him. “Don’t forget this.” He hands me the conch shell and I take it. “Thank you.”
“I meant what I said, call me anytime and I will come to you.” He says as he releases my wrist. I nod and leave. I try not to run out away from him but I manage to get to my room. I throw the conch shell and wipe my lips angrily.
I keep getting flashes of my father’s betrayed face. The blooded blade falling in the ocean. My fathers neck breaking. Before I knew it I had felt my knees give out and I threw up. I wipe my mouth and I scream in anger. I just had that monster touch me intimately, the same monster who murdered my father.
Via had ran into my room and she saw me angry cry. “I know my priestess, we all miss the king.” She had helped me up and told the servants to clean up my floor. She had drawn a bath for me and I didn’t even feel the hot water on my skin.
“I’ve got it Via.” I tell her. She leaves me alone and I lay back in the water letting myself sink to the bottom of the bathtub. I make a water form of K’uk’ulkan and with a swift move of my finger I decapitate his water form.
“Your enemies call you Namor, well I’ll be calling you amongst the dead very soon.”
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big-mawi · 5 months
Big Mawi - Z
Sol Piscis - Luna Acuario - Ascendente Cáncer Horóscopo Indio Americano - El Lobo Horóscopo Védico - Meena-Galika Horóscopo Gitano - La Capilla Horóscopo Africano - Inle Horóscopo Maya - Jaguar Horóscopo Chino - Buey Marte - Tauro - Kill Bill Elemento - Agua Tipo - Emocional Nombre - Manuel Apodo - Big Mawi Tipo de Persona - Evolutivo Tipo de Hombre - Sigma Tipo de Héroe - Redentor Eneagrama 2 - El Ayudador Subtipo - Conservación - Ardilla Dosha - Kapha - Agua y Tierra Estado Mental Sattva - Servicio y Devoción Estado Mental Tamas - Pereza, Estancamiento Hemisferio Derecho - 70% Hemisferio Izquierdo - 30% Niño interior - Herida de Humillación Tipo de Inteligencia - Intra e Interpersonal Inteligencia No Oficial - Existencial Puntos Fuertes - Compasión, Empatía y Creatividad Puntos Débiles - Vergüenza, Ira y Decepción Miedos - Cambio, Critica y Perder el Amor Enfermedad - Locura - Esquizofrenia Esencial Dios Mitológico - Dioniso -[contra parte]- Apolo Cualidad: Dvisvabhava (Dualidad). Melancólico 50% - Tierra - Moisés Flemático 50% - Agua - Abraham Fusión Mel y Fle - Mahatma Gandhi y Albert Einstein Hombres que Admiro - Thomas Shelby y John Wick Mujeres que Admiro - Arya Stark y Sarah Connor Personalidad - Rebelde con Causa Alter Ego - Tyler Durden Don - Magnetismo Valor - Libertad Sombra - Apego Creencia - Panenteísta - Yoda - Neo Mi Pilar - Dios - Hunab Ku Daimon - "Stone" - Piedra Avatar - Jesucristo Religión - Fe Baha i Tipo de Hoja - Caduca Aprendizaje - Autodidacta Lema - Por Dios y la Libertad Estilo de Vida - Honjok Metanoia - 2011 Catábasis - 2012 y 2017 Anábasis - 2021 y 2023 Trabajo Futuro - Pastor de Animales Hobby Principal - Aprender Casa de mis Sueños - La Alhambra Yo de Novio - El Rebelde Adorable Comida - Paleolítico - Ayuno Intermitente Equipo de Futbol - Barça Ideología Política - Lo que haga falta en ese Momento Frase Mia - El Secreto es el Combustible de la Vida Épocas - El Viejo Oeste, Antigua Grecia y Paleolítico Campo - 30% Ciudad - 70% Estrella - Sirio Planeta - Neptuno Animal Preferido - Lobo Animal de Poder - Tortuga - Kukui Pokémon - Squirtle Conspiranoico - 50% Introvertido - 75% Función Cognitiva - Intuitivo 75% - Águila Función Cognitiva - Sensorial 25% - Serpiente Arcano Tarot - Antes el LOCO - Ahora el MAGO Forma de Expresión : Escrita o Artística Propósito Mundo Material - Director de Cine Propósito Mundo Espiritual - Chamán Propósito Mundo Medio - Terapeuta Transpersonal Proyecto - El Rincón del Hambriento Referentes TV - Frank Cuesta y Iker Jiménez YouTubers Hombres - Joan Gallardo y Jorge Benito YouTubers Mujeres - Sofia Círculo Uróboros y Bruja Filosófica Poeta Material - Charles Bukowski Poeta Espiritual - Rumi Carta - Jefe Seattle al Presidente de EE.UU Genero Musical - Rap Artista Internacional - 2Pac Álbum Internacional - The Eminem Show Artista Español - Camarón Álbum Español - Estopa 1999 Álbum Actual - Quejíos de un Maleante Canción de Vida - DMX - Right / Wrong Canción Entierro - 2pac - Ghetto Gospel Canción en Español - Aloy - Bandolero 1 Libro - El Héroe de las Mil Caras 3 Libros - Biblia, Bhagavad Gita y I-Ching 1 Película - Terminator 2 3 Películas - Rocky - Mono Borracho - Matrix Videojuego - La Vida Real Jaja Genero Cine - Acción/Aventura Serie Anime - Dragón Ball Z Película Anime - El Viaje de Chihiro Comic - V de Vendetta Superhéroe: Deadpool Personajes de Ficción - Billy Carnicero y Jack Sparrow 1 Novela - El Señor de los Anillos Héroes Literatura - Don Quijote y Robin Hood Top 3 Países - España, EE.UU y Japón Top 3 Artes Marciales - Kung-fu, Boxeo y Muay Thai Artista Marcial - Bruce Lee Deportista Internacional - Manny Pacquiao Deportista Español - Ilia Topuria Filósofo - Platón Mitólogo - Joseph Campbell Teólogo - Søren Kierkegaard Psiquiatra - Carl Gustav Jung Psicólogo Transpersonal - Stanislav Grof Científico - Nikola Tesla Líder - Alejandro Magno Mujer - Juana de Arco Presidente - Abraham Lincoln Rey - Leónidas Emperador - Marco Aurelio Revolucionario - Pancho Villa Forajido - Billy el Niño
TEMAS - Barriobajero, Pobreza, Locura, Artes Marciales, Revoluciones, Conspiración, Misterios, Culturas, Extraterrestres, Ciencia, Filosofía, Espiritualidad, Religiones, Mitología, Naturaleza, Paleolítico, Chamanismo.
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teampokemon · 1 year
Chupacabra Werwölfe
(Cujo's) Urzeit Foxies (Crocs'ies) teilen sich wohl eine Nase
Hunab ku
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arjunasearth · 2 years
Ancient Maya terms:
Ahau : The Sun.
Hunab Ku: Source, the galactic center, heart of the galaxy
Kin: Day
In Lak'Ech: I am another you ( It is said that this term has been mainly used as a gesture to welcome sb/ see sb off).
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onlygodis · 1 year
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Hunab Ku - The Galactic Butterfly
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ashtarchannelings · 1 month
LORD SHIVA – TETRAGRAMATRON ENTHRONEMENT AT HUNAB KU TEMPLE. Beloved Emanuel and Pastor I Am Lord Shiva, in this morning the energy of the Tetragramatron has been installed in the Hunab Kú Temple. Symbolically there it is on a large scale and large scale. The energy throughout the Temple radiating a maximum powerful protection and... […] The post LORD SHIVA – TETRAGRAMATRON ENTHRONEMENT AT HUNAB KU TEMPLE, August 7th, 2024 first appeared on Sananda.
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mayatecum · 2 months
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Los mayas antiguos, y de la actualidad no creemos en el Mago galáctico, tampoco creemos en el Dragon, no creemos en el Perro Blanco Entonado, ni en el Águila Azul auto existente.
Tampoco creemos en el Mono eléctrico, ni en el resonante azul de la onda encantada, mucho menos creemos en el tiempo no tiempo del 25 de Julio, como en el año nuevo maya fijo del 26 de Julio,
Los mayas jamas hemos usado un calendario lunar de 365 días con años bisiestos, tampoco nos saludamos con Inlakech y Halaken, y nuestra deidad principal no es Hunab’ Ku’, todos estos términos son inventos del usurpador, mentiroso de José Arguelles autor del calendario de 13 lunas.
Por eso a los miles de desinformados que siguen y sacan su Kin con el dreamspell creyendo que fluyen con los ciclos Mayas originales, le aseguramos que están siendo bien engañados y están vibrando con un delirio místico gringo loco, que su único propósito era, y es, alejarlos del verdadero conocimiento ancestral del tiempo y de nuestra hermosa cultura milenaria maya.
Esta y más falsedades de los falsos maestros y las falsas enseñanzas del calendario trece lunas lo encuentra en su totalidad en este importante articulo https://mayatecum.com/estructura-del-calendario-trece-lunas/ gracias por su atención y por ayudarnos a retransmitir este mensaje a todos sus amigos, para que todos aquellos que están siguiendo este falso calendario despierten.
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talonabraxas · 4 months
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"Oh Yum Hunab Ku Evam Maya Emaho" "The One God" Galactic Butterfly, Hunab Ku Talon Abraxas
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laifromthecosmos · 26 days
Mula Nakshatra: A Força Cósmica Primordial.
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english version
Astrologia Tropical orienta o zodiaco para o ponto do Equinócio Vernal, o que marca no início do signo de Áries. A astrologia Védica orienta o zodiaco do "Centro Galáxico" para o centro do Sol Galático, nos quais as influências passam por nós através da constelação fixa de Sagitário. O Centro Galático é chamado de "Brahma", a força criativa, ou "Vishnunabhi", o umbigo de Vishnu. Do Sol emana a luz que determina a vida e a inteligência na Terra e que dirige os sete raios da criação e da distribuição do Karma.
Em termos da astrologia sideral, o Centro Galático está localizado no início de Sagitário. No sistema védico é encontrado na constelação lunar (nakshatras) chamado "Mula", que significa "a raiz" ou "origem". Mula pode ser, assim, como o primeiro da série da constelação lunar. Marca 13º 20' de Sagitário, no meio que é localizado o Centro Galático. O último na série da constelação lunar é Jyeshta, que significa "o mais velho", é encontrado no fim de Escorpião. Isso mostra que os antigos sabiam do Centro Galático e nomeou as constelações de acordo com este conhecimento. Os maias identificaram o Centro Galático como Hunab Ku, que representa o Deus Supremo e Criador Supremo. É considerado como o "Últero da Mãe" que está constantemente dando a luz e deu a luz ao Sol e ao planeta Terra. Acredita-se que Hunab Ku direciona tudo que acontece na Galáxia a partir de seu centro através da emanação de explosões periódicas de "Energia da Consciência".
A energia do Centro Galático é transmitida principalmente por Júpiter, chamado de "Guru", o professor na astrologia védica, e por Sagitário. Júpiter é dito o professor dos Deuses, o poder cósmico da luz. A este respeito, ele é até mesmo o professor do Sol, que é o guia do mundo. Jupiter representa e direciona a Luz Galática para o sistema solar.
Essa associação de Mula com o Centro Galático sugere uma forte conexão com as forças primordiais e cósmicas, simbolizando a capacidade de acessar a sabedoria profunda e transformadora que pode vir a tona a partir de uma experiência intensa ou de uma busca espiritual. A influência forte de Mula pode sentir uma ligação profunda com essas energias cósmicas, manifestando um desejo de ir ao âmago das questões e buscar a verdade e sua forma mais crua e pura.
Ketu, o plenta que governa Mula, também trata em obter o fundo/núcleo de tudo. Ele armazena Karmas do passado e libera aqueles maduros o suficiente para serem vivenciados no presente. Pode ajudar a reunir as ferramentas necessárias para cumprir o objetivo na vida presente. Isto é sugerido pelo simbolismo das raízes amarradas. Mula, portanto, ajuda a reunir de maneira significativa os talentos que se desenvolveram em vidas passadas.
Mula tem haver com investigações de coisas invisíveis ou desconhecidas. Junto com o seu contraponto Ardra (que fica diretamente oposto no zodíaco) Mula tem senso de investigação mais forte e profundo entre todos os nakshatras. Mula está diretamente associado para fins medicinais. Em sistemas medicinais antigos como Ayuruda, raízes de várias plantas são usadas para a fabricação de medicamentos. Da mesma forma, Mula também se relaciona com a raiz das doenças, ou seja, microrganismos como vírus, bactérias, etc. Assim como tudo sob a jurisdição de Mula, esses microrganismos são invisíveis a olho nu. O fato das raízes estarem ligadas sugerem ideia de limitação. Como resultado, Mula muitas vezes não permite muita liberdade ou dispersão de energias e faz com que as pessoas mergulhe profundamente dentro de uma esfera limitada.
Mula Nakshatra é profundamente ligada à figura de Nritti, uma Deusa poderosa e enigimática da mitologia védica. Nritti é frequentemente associada á destruição, caos e dissolução, mas sua influência vai muito além de uma simples forçar destrutiva. Ela representa as forças primordiais que desconstroem e desmantelam para permitit que algo novo e mais autêntico possa surgir. Nritti é a Deusa da transformação através da destruição. Ela governa o processo de desintegração necessário para a renovaçãoe regeneração, refletindo a ideia de que para que haja crescimento, algo velho precisa ser desfeito. Em muitos aspectos, Nritti pode ser vista como a guardiãdas fronteiras entre o conhecido e o desconhecido, do conforto e do caos, simbolizando os momentos de crise que desafiam as antigas estruturas e crenças, preparando o caminho para o desenvolvimento pessoal e espiritual. O símbolo de Mula é um feixe de raízes amarradas, representando a exploração das origens, o desvelar das verdades mais profundas e a busca pela essência de qualquer situação. No entanto, para alcançar as raízes, é necessário passar por processos de destruição e descontrução, aspectos profundamentes ligados a energia de Nritti. Aqueles que têm planetas importantes em Mula Nakshatra podem experimentar momentos intensos de destruição e renascimento ao longo de suas vidas, sendo chamados a abandonar velhas identidades, crenças e situações para se transformarem em algo novo e mais verdadeiro.
A influência de Nritti em Mula também enfatiza a importância de enfrenatr o caos e o desconhecido como parte do camiho para a iluminação. Mula é o nakshatra de investigação profunda, onde a verdade buscada é revelada, muitas vezes de maneira dura e desafiadora. Nritti guia esta busca, assegurando que as ilusões sejam destruídas para que a verdade, por mais crua que seja, possa emergir.
É da natureza de Mula cortar e destruir rapidamente coisas que perderam o seu valor. Na maioria das vezes, lamenta as suas ações em retrospectiva. Somente quando sua vontade Universal é que Mula funciona de maneira sábia jupiteriana. A luta entre a universalidade e individualidade atinge aqui o seu auge, pois a individualidade está no seu auge de expressão. O processo de individualização começa em Ashwini, é celebrado em Magha e culmina as experiências individuais completadas em Mula. O além do domínio do ego e do egocentrismo, Mula é um nakshatra orgulhoso e arrogante e muitas vezes são incapazes de compreender o seu próprio poder e habilidades. Em alguns casos, isto é bom, pois a sua capacidades de infligir danos a si mesmo é restringida pela sua ignorância. Seu lado terrível e demoníaco vem do funcionamento negativo de Ketu em seus aspectos inferiores, podendo gerar ego, vaidade e arrogância, o que pode levar alguém a realizar ações abomináveis e demoníacas.
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santoschristos · 1 year
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Prayer of the Seven Galactic Directions :
From the East, House of Light, may wisdom dawn in us so we may see all things in clarity.
From the North, House of Night, may wisdom ripen in us so we may know all from within.
From the West, House of Transformation, may wisdom be transformed into right action, so we may do what must be done.
From the South, House of the Eternal Sun, may right action reap the harvest so we may enjoy the fruits of planetary being.
From Above, House of Heaven, may star people and ancestors be with us now.
From Below, House of Earth, may the heartbeat of her crystal core bless us with harmonies to end all war.
From the Center, Galactic Source, which is everywhere at once, may everything be known as the light of mutual love.
*Oh Yum, Hunab Ku, Evam Maya E Ma Ho! Oh Yum, Hunab Ku, Evam Maya E Ma Ho! Oh Yum, Hunab Ku, Evam Maya E Ma Ho!
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eksopolitiikka · 3 months
Dokumentti: Mayan Prophecies and Crop Circles
Dokumentti: Mayan Prophecies and Crop Circles
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Viljakuviot, salaperäiset kuviot, jotka ilmestyvät yhdessä yössä viljelysmaille, ovat olleet kiistelyn ja kiehtovuuden aiheena vuosikymmeniä. Jotkut pitävät niitä luonnonilmiöinä, toiset ihmisten pilailuina, ja taas toiset uskovat niiden olevan merkkejä Maan ulkopuolisilta olennoilta. Erilaisista teorioista yksi on noussut selvästi esiin — yhteys mayojen sivilisaatioon ja heidän ennustukseensa merkittävistä planetaarisista muutoksista.
Mayojen sivilisaatio, joka kukoisti noin vuodesta 2000 eaa. vuoteen 1500 jKr., on tunnettu monimutkaisesta tähtitieteen ja kalenterijärjestelmien tuntemuksestaan. Yksi heidän kuuluisimmista ennustuksistaan liittyy 21. joulukuuta 2012 päättyvään aikasykliin, jonka jotkut ovat tulkinneet ennustukseksi lähestyvästä maailmanlaajuisesta muutoksesta tai jopa maailmanlopusta.
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Erilaisissa viljakuvioissa on kummallista kyllä nähty monimutkaista mayasymboliikkaa ja kalenteritietoa. Esimerkiksi vuonna 2004 Silbury Hillissä Englannissa ilmestyi viljakuvio, joka muistutti hämmästyttävän paljon mayojen nollasymbolia. Nollaa ympäröi 13 pienempää ympyrää, jotka symboloivat mayojen käsitystä ajasta, joka on jaettu 13 jaksoon eli ”baktuniin”. Mielenkiintoista kyllä, 13. baktunin alku vastasi mayojen ennustuksen päivämäärää, 21. joulukuuta 2012.
Myöhempinä vuosina on ilmestynyt lisää viljakuvioita, joissa on selvästi Maya-kuvaus. Näissä on usein kuvattu mayojen ”Hunab Ku” -symboli, joka kuvaa luojajumalaa ja galaktista ydintä. Jotkut ovat tulkinneet näiden mayasymbolien toistuvan kuvion viljakuvioissa kosmiseksi signaaliksi, viestiksi, joka kehottaa ihmiskuntaa ottamaan huomioon muinaisten esi-isiemme viisauden ja valmistautumaan mullistavaan tapahtumaan.
Viljakuviot on yhdistetty myös ympyrän neliöimiseen, muinaiseen geometriseen ongelmaan, joka symboloi taivaan ja maan liittoa tai fyysisen todellisuuden ja jumalallisen yhdistymistä. Tämän symboliikan johdonmukainen esiintyminen viljakuvioissa voidaan nähdä kehotuksena tasapainottaa materialistisia taipumuksiamme henkisen kasvun ja tietoisuuden laajentumisen kanssa.
Tieteelliset ennusteet lisääntyneestä Auringon aktiivisuudesta ja merkittävistä ilmastonmuutoksista osuvat yksiin mayojen ennustuksen aikajanan kanssa. Tämä synkronisuus muinaisen viisauden, viljakuvioiden ja nykyaikaisten tieteellisten havaintojen välillä saattaa viitata siihen, että mayojen profetia ei ole tuomiopäivän ennustus vaan ennakkovaroitus merkittävistä globaaleista muutoksista, jotka vaativat huomiotamme ja tietoisuuden muutosta.
Viljakuvioiden salaperäinen ilmiö voi olla muistutus siitä, että muinaisten sivilisaatioiden, kuten mayojen, viisaudella on syvällinen merkitys nykyaikana. Se on meille kehotus kunnioittaa ja oppia heidän kehittyneestä kosmoksen ja ajan ymmärtämisestään. Olivatpa nämä monimutkaiset kuviot sitten ihmisten tai avaruusolentojen tekemiä, ne näyttävät vahvistavan ajatonta viestiä — viestiä siirtymästä, transformaatiosta ja heräämisestä.
Riippumatta siitä, löydämmekö viljakuvioille lopullisen selityksen vai emme, ne toimivat kiistatta kiehtovina symboleina, jotka herättävät kollektiivisen mielikuvituksemme ja kutsuvat meidät tutkimaan olemassaolomme mysteerejä.
  Artikkelin julkaissut Latest UFO Sightings
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nordseehexe · 8 months
The Divine mother and consort of Hunab-Ku, Ixazalvoh is the goddess of water, life, and weaving. She also presides over female sexuality and childbirth and is known for her powers in healing. Her oracles were considered important conduits for divine messages for the people.
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