#Divine Feminie
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Jill Freedman, The Pearl Queen, New Orleans, 1973
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“One might even say that the masculine ideal and the feminine ideal are represented in the psyche by something other than this activity / passivity opposition.
Strictly speaking they spring from the term masquerade.”
Jacques Lacan, Seminar XI, The Four Fundamental Concepts of Psychoanalysis [Lacan Circle of Australia]
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wool-f · 2 years
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Wellness: Through & Through | Part Three: Vision Boards 
It will come as no surprise to anybody that I am a huge fan of vision boards. 
I’ve been making them for years, and using them as visualisation tactics. I personally love the way it feels to collect the images, compile them into the categories that relate to my goals and motivations, the feeling of cutting them out and really looking. Imaging myself achieving these things and what it would feel like. The freedom and joy I would feel, on top of that which I already feel in this moment. 
Given that I love all these things about vision boards, I thought it only apt to discuss them in this part of my series Wellness: Through & Through. In my video dedicated to vision boards on my channel, I barely scratch the surface on how great vision boards are, and I have really enjoyed taking the time to deep dive into my I love them here. So let’s get into it. 
The first thing I love about creating a vision board is the thinking and imagination process. I always list my goals, aims and dreams in my notes app on my phone or as a list in my journal, and then really think on what I want for the year, month, week or whatever time period I’m making the vision board for. 
Once the list is done, I go through old magazines that I’ve had saving for that moment and through Pinterest, and find different images that reflect those goals. Once I’ve found these images, I print them all out, cut them out and then place them onto my chosen vision board.
This part in itself feels so powerful to me, the fact that I have thought up these goals and wishes and dreams and so easily found photos that represent all of them, and collating them together. A vision board is truly a life map when you really deep it - it’s what you want your life to look like, and you’re giving yourself a tangible thing to really visualise it and see that it is possible. 
The physicality of having the photos in your hands and putting them down onto a piece of paper that you can see everyday if you want to, and knowing that it’s you that will be living those dreams in the future is a potent part of manifestation. 
The second thing I love about vision boards is that they give you something to aspire to or work towards. If I’m having a down day and feeling unmotivated or uninspired to do something, I will take out ten minutes of my day and meditate in front of the vision board. Looking at the photos and reminding myself what I’m working towards pulls me out of most funks. 
It is also a great way to track your own progress in the same sense - whenever I do something or achieve something on my vision board I always tick it off, and express gratitude for my own hard-work and the results that has yielded. Ticking something off the list also reminds me how close and how easy it is for me to achieve my dreams when I put my mind and hands to work. 
The second thing I love is having something to look back on during the year and knowing that the goals and dreams documented on the board have already happened - time just has to catch up. Slowly I know everything always happens and comes true. It also reminds me of what I started from when I first made the vision board. 
The third thing that I love about vision boards is that it really connects me to my inner child. I feel like I’m back in primary school, going through old magazines of mine and my mums and tearing out pictures of things that inspire me, things I want to recreate and things I purely just like for the fun of it. Collages and image mosaics were just fun games to me as a child, I never imagined that I would be making them well into adulthood. 
From here, my advice is to try making a vision board and see if it’s right for you! I think it definitely is not a one size fits all practice, it’s either for you, or it’s not. But if you love it, you will love it - so give it a go! 
If you try out making a vision board, send me a photo or comment below! I always love seeing what people create, and hearing about what people aspire to! The more we talk about our dreams and goals out loud in positive ways, the more likely we are to work towards them and the more likely they are to happen!
If you are joining me on this group science experiment, investigating what wellness truly means and how I am achieving it, both physically and mentally, welcome! Comment below any suggestions or trends you are seeing to do with wellness that you’re too afraid to try yourself - I will try them. Also let me know if you tried pilates because of this post or my video! I’d love to hear your feedback :)
If you want to follow along with this experiment with me on a daily basis, please follow my Instagram and TikTok accounts, I am much more active on there and will have little updates throughout the weeks that I am posting the videos.
Leave any comments down below or in my questions box, and we can chat!
As always thank you for being hear and reading my musings, all my love,
G xx
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juliet336 · 6 days
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Each step under My reign is a step towards personal growth, self-understanding, and an enriching exploration of your submissive side.1025140575
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goddesemerson · 2 months
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Do you want me?
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ellastankz · 3 months
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cinnamonashxoxo · 1 year
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i don’t know what to post, if you have read some of these please talk to me.
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eisodiary · 6 months
but if i gave up on being pretty, i wouldn't know how to be alive.
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Listen/purchase: (Vol 2) Durga Pahimam by Jai Uttal
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Durga Pahimam ~from Kirtan! (The Art and Practice of Ecstatic Chan) ~by Jai Uttalhttps://jaiuttal.bandcamp.com/track/vol-2-durga-pahimam *
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not-so-funny · 1 month
The feminine urge to love immensely, dreadfully, consumingly, godly until i drown from resentment
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woobiewooooo · 2 years
New year Embracing my Ms Piggy Side.
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cupidhaseul · 5 months
dark femine this, light feminine that, female energy, divine femini- SHUT UPPPPP!!!!! SHUT THE FUCK UPPPP!!!!
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deathlessathanasia · 2 years
“The color-term yellow was applied only to women’s garments, or to the robes of priestly eunuchs. Women wearing yellow appear in the wall paintings of Pompeii and Herculaneum: in the House of the Tragic Poet, Iphigenia, about to be offered as a sacrifice, is pictured in a yellow robe; Medea also wears yellow as she contemplates the death of her children. The yellow garment most often mentioned by writers is the flame-colored mantle called the flammeum, part of the bridal costume worn at Roman weddings. This tradition of Roman bridal costume remained constant from the first century BCE through the late Empire. Pliny uses the word luteus to describe the color of the flammeum; he also asserts that the color yellow was confined entirely to women: lutei video honorem antiquissimum, in nuptialibus flammeis totum feminis concessum. I observe that yellow was the earliest color to be highly esteemed, but was granted as an exclusive privilege to women for their bridal veils.
The flammeum was worn in the same fashion as the palla, the mantle worn by Roman women for everyday use, but instead of the edge of the cloth resting on the top of the woman’s head, the flammeum was pulled forward to cover half of the bride’s face. Petronius parodies the wedding ceremony in an orgy scene in the Satyricon: Iam Psyche puellae caput involverat flammeo — ‘and now Psyche put a flame-colored veil upon the girl’s head.’65 This flame-colored mantle was the costume of the Flaminica Dialis, the wife of the priest of Jupiter, who was unable to divorce; the flammeum therefore represented marital fidelity and was worn by all brides as a good omen. It was believed to protect the bride from negative spiritual forces as she passed through the liminal space between the protection of her family and her new husband’s home. In the context of the wedding ceremony, this would have connotations of propriety emphasizing the bride’s virginity, as well as producing a pleasing visual effect. The fiery red and yellow of the flammeum would function as a symbol of the change of status that a woman underwent in a wedding ceremony from a puella to a matrona, just as the flammeum combines the color yellow of virginity with the red blood of its loss.
The bride’s shoes were also dyed yellow to match the flammeum. Catullus invokes Hymen, the god of love and marriage, on the morning of a wedding: Cinge tempora floribus suave olentis amaraci, flammeum cape, laetus huc huc veni niveo gerens luteum pede soccum Bind your brows with fragrant flowers of amaranth. Put on the marriage veil, approach joyfully Come wearing on your white foot the yellow slipper. It is not clear why the shoes needed to match the flammeum, but the symmetrical display of yellow at the opposite ends of a woman’s body may have signified visual balance and wholeness. It is possible that the yellow socci were worn by women for daily use and only the flammeum was strictly confined to the marriage ceremony. In Ovid’s Metamorphoses, the bridal god Hymen presides over the wedding ceremony; he is also associated with a saffron-colored mantle —inde per inmensum croceo velatus amictu. Both the color-term and the name employed for the garment imply that Ovid is not alluding to the flammeum. Perhaps he refers to a wedding garment analogous but not identical. He shows Hymen dressed in a similar fashion to a mortal bride, demonstrating the divine or mythological origins of the wearing of the saffron mantle.”
- Color-Terms in Social and Cultural Context in Ancient Rome by Rachael Goldman
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juliet336 · 4 days
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Look no further, for the opportunity to serve a true Goddess awaits you.1025140575
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ashtarchannelings · 1 month
Channel: Ann Albers | Source My dear friends, we love you so very much, For centuries, the false masculine and false feminine energies have been present upon your planet in ⇲
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ellastankz · 3 months
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cinnamonashxoxo · 1 year
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