bphotokc-blog · 5 years
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Allison + Michael
October 13th, 2018
- Vendors -
Venue // The Kansas City Club
Planner // ThirtyOne Thirty Events
Flowers // Wild Hill Flowers
Bride Attire // The Gown Gallery
Groom Attire // Mens Wearhouse
Rings // Shane Co.
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gezxaviermansfield · 6 years
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S E A C H A N G E 《Steph+Aaron》on location with the PB last week! 📸 . . Fun fact - did you now know that the Pasha Bulka is called 'The Drake'? 👌💯🤣 . Newy weather turning it on!! #mynewcastle #newcastle #huntervalleyweddingphotography #engagmentshoot #newcastleweddingphotography #streetshoot #newcastlecity #pashabulker #streetart #downtown #spring #2018wedding #shessaidyes (at Newcastle, New South Wales) https://www.instagram.com/p/BqgcXJ-B8jo/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=n8w70iyvt3vx
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angryschnauzer · 6 years
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No rest for the wicked... tomorrow i'll be at the @heavenlyweddingfair at Priory Farm Nursery! 10am - 4pm, free entry, and the first 50 couples through the door will get a free goodie bag! Pop along and see what the fabulous local suppliers have! #weddingfair #surreywedding #surrey #redhill #reigate #nutfield #surreyhills #wedding #2018wedding #2019wedding #2020wedding (at Priory Farm Nursery) https://www.instagram.com/p/BoCfD7mgdvt/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1koxdxtvk02pr
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bals1m00 · 6 years
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My cousin/childhood best friend got married today! Yes there were tears! I can’t believe how far we’ve come and where we are today! Enjoy the married life and love with your whole heart! It has also been awesome to see my brother twice in a year and that two of the three triplets down and one to go! #married #wedding #bride #groom #cousin #bestfriend #triplets #beautyandthebeast #beautiful #2018wedding #forever #husband #wife #cutecouple #love #brother #marriage #followme (at Rolling Ridge Wedding & Event Center) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bm9q6oYhj9J/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1xgbb91ou8wbi
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名人也嚮往!Harry Winston 夢幻經典婚戒
執行撰文_劉宇晴  影片製作_Mave Hsu
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無論是貴族名媛、電影名星、企業女強人,或是意見領袖,名女人所代表意涵,往往不僅只是她們的身份與各自領域的出色表現,而是一種品味(Taste),以及令人心生響往的生活型態( Life Style)。平凡如我們,總會不自覺將自己所無法伸手觸及,卻又希望能擁有的美麗期待,投射到這些名女人身上,在心裡默默想著:「我也想像她一樣,過著那般生活」,於是凡是名女人所佩戴過的珠寶,總是一再於拍賣市場創下驚人天價,讓收藏家耗費鉅資也非得成功購得,似乎一旦有了這些珍稀作品,自己的人生便與名女人們相去不遠了。而有著鑽石之王美名的 Harry Winston ,想當然爾獲得無數名女人們青睞,為這些名人做了最華麗的見證。
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伊麗莎白 · 泰勒(Elizabeth Taylor,1932—2011)
因為有著精緻五官與一雙紫羅蘭色雙眸,而被譽為“好萊塢第一美女”的伊莉莎白·泰勒,1942 年便以10歲童星首度躍上大螢幕,曾獲得兩屆奧斯卡影后,在1950年代創下演藝事業巔峰,1999年時更被美國電影學會選為百年來最偉大的女演員第7名。不過最被人津津樂道的並非她的出色演技與外表,而是8次婚姻的驚人紀錄,尤其又以與好萊塢男演員李察·波頓(Richard Burton)之間的羅曼史最為出名。李察·波頓深愛著伊莉莎白·泰勒,深知唯有珍稀寶石能取悅這位絕世美女的芳心,波頓買了無數頂級珠寶作品送予她,其中最著名的莫過於1966年時由 Harry Winston 在南非挖掘出了 241克拉原鑽,而後切割成重達69.42克拉的「泰勒.波頓」水滴型切工鑽石。這顆世紀名鑽被李察·波頓以「泰勒.波頓」做為伊莉莎白·泰勒的40歲生日禮物,更是史上第一顆公開拍賣價超過百萬美金的珠寶作品。
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賈桂琳·甘迺迪(Jackie Kennedy 1929-1994年)
賈桂琳·甘迺迪有著「美國最美麗的第一夫人」之稱,精通法語、西班牙語和義大利語,喜好法國風格的美食和時裝,曾主持許多社交活動,讓甘迺迪總統夫婦成為國內文化界的焦點,同時也是美國史上第一次對音樂、藝術和文化有如此關注。由於出眾的絕佳生活品味,賈桂琳被認為是60年代美國婦女心目中公認的時尚引領者。而在甘迺迪總統遇刺身亡之後,於1968年嫁給了希臘船王—亞里士多德·歐納西斯(Aristotle Onassis),歐納西斯甚至為了賈桂琳而離開了與他相戀九年之久的情人歌劇演員瑪利亞·卡拉斯。而1967年,海瑞溫斯頓先生購入了一顆名為賴索托的鑽石原石,重達601克拉,並將其切割為18顆鑽石,其中高達40.42克拉「賴索托三號」的馬眼型切工鑽石,在1968年由歐納西斯買下,做為賈桂琳的訂婚戒指。
經典電影&  HW 愛情故事
很多人購買珠寶,並不一定都出於實用價值,或是預先收藏,往後再等待轉手時增值,而是出於一份情感。一枚海水藍寶戒指,可能讓佩戴者想起了曾經與情人共遊希臘時,於地中海��行所見的那一片蔚藍海洋、一件珍珠項鍊,可能為佩戴者連結了母親優雅身影。這也正是所謂“情感珠寶”的真正價值,之所以珍貴,並非來自於寶石本身,而是作品身後所蘊藏那獨一無二,只有佩戴者自己深知的動人故事,正如同我們為什麼能在電影裡找到一種共鳴,因為在不同的片段中,觀者在劇情裡看見了“似曾相似”而深受感動。經典電影與珠寶,就像是互相增色的一對戀人,他們彼此因為對方而完整,存在於兩人之間的故事,代表了無盡愛意。而鑽石之王 Harry Winston 在電影裡出現過無數次的經典片段,總讓人回味再三難以忘懷。
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《Gossip Girl》花邊教主
《Gossip Girl》花邊教主是一部由流行小說改編而成的美國TA電視劇,圍繞著一群就讀貴族高中的上流社會青少年,在紐約市曼哈頓上東區的生活,其中男女主角們的品味華服和曲折的愛恨情仇,讓該劇屢屢創下收視新高。而當中最讓人印象深刻的一幕,便是Chuck送给Blair的HW戒指,在第四季兩人在巴黎火车站相遇時,Blair戴的20多克拉的項鍊也来自HW。
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絕配冤家《How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days》 
由凱特 · 哈德森 Kate Husdon 飾演的兩性專欄作家,主編要她先親身體驗,再寫下女人該怎樣才能在十天之內成功地把男人甩掉。她便開始尋找一個單身男子讓他愛上她,然後犯下男女交往時最常犯的錯誤,��後將他逼退。這看似完美的計畫,沒想到實驗對象是一家廣告公司的帥哥主管馬修麥康納Matthew David McConaughey,也正好為了爭取案子,必須在十天內讓一個女人真正地愛上他。這段各懷鬼胎的露水戀情到底能不能通過真愛的考驗呢?全劇最轉折高潮,莫過於凱特 · 哈德森 佩戴 Harry Winston 黃色彩鑽項鍊出席宴會,馬修麥康納看見了身穿黃色絲綢禮服的凱特 · 哈德森才意識到自己愛她的真正心意 …。
鑽石之王 HW 守護婚禮誓言
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2016年日本女星北川景子與已故前首相竹下登外孫,同時也是搖滾歌手的DAIGO,兩人戀情修成正果,以重約兩克拉的Harry Winston圓形明亮式切工鑽石戒指作為定情戒指。
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日本男星小栗旬的妻子山田優對 Harry Winston 鑽戒情有獨鍾,因此在結婚時,小栗特別選擇了約兩克拉的 Harry Winston 鑽石婚戒向山田優告白。
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太電集團前董座孫道存長女孫瑩瑩和台灣最大軍火商李華得獨子小Fer結婚時,男方在台北101觀景台送上價值約1350萬元、2.9克拉的 Harry Winston The One 枕型切工鑽石婚戒浪漫求婚。
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女星陳怡蓉和老公薛博仁選擇以 Harry Winston “HW Logo極細微密釘鑲嵌訂婚鑽戒” 作為定情戒指,婚戒價值約100萬。
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北京世貿天街董事長吉增和與名模孟廣美訂婚時,選擇7.76克拉Harry Winston 經典祖母綠型切工鑽石戒指向孟廣美求婚。
海瑞溫斯頓 Harry Winston 品牌英文縮寫HW,除了代表品牌的經典傳奇,更象徵著Husband & Wife 夫妻共同許下執子之手,與之偕老的愛情承諾。完美詮釋了The Name Of Love — 愛的名字,只此唯一。 海瑞溫斯頓將為每對幸福戀人傳遞情意,於5月16日至6月3日活動期間內入店鑑賞,即可獲得海瑞溫斯頓Love Letters手繪情書,親手為另一半寫下真愛誓言。 即刻預約鑑賞>> https://goo.gl/bKKQJZ
海瑞溫斯頓台北101專門店   地址:台北市信義區市府路45號2樓       電話:(02)8101-7818         星期一 - 星期四 : 11:00 - 21:30 星期五 - 星期六 : 11:00 - 22:00 星期日 : 11:00 - 21:30
海瑞溫斯頓麗晶精品專門店 地址:台北市中山區中山北路二段39巷3號2樓 電話:(02)2521-7808 星期一 - 星期日 : 11:00 - 19:00
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cstutzy · 6 years
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Mr and Mrs Watson ❤️🤵🏻💍👰🏻 • • • #wedding #summer #summerwedding #july #julywedding #2018bride #2018wedding #theknot #mrandmrs #WatsonMineIsYours #mrandmrswatson #love #happy #excited #weddinginspo #brunette #beardlove #summervibes #essex #firstselfieasmrandmrs (at Kings Oak Hotel)
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togel · 6 years
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Wow! Isn't love wonderful? This moment was captured during an engagement session in Athens, Georgia! And thanks to Krishna and Dillon, we were just blessed with a Wedisson Award (39th Collection)! The Wedisson Award is an international wedding photography contest where recognized experts in wedding photojournalism provide awards to the most creative, outstanding, inspirational and artistic wedding photographer. We can't wait for their wedding at The Ridges Resort on Lake Chatuge! And now is the time to congratulate Krishna and Dillon in the comments section! #southasianbride #indiancouture #indianweddings #weddingday #georgiaweddings #indianwedding #hinduwedding #wedding #weddingphotography #atlanta #atl #ptphoto #atlantaweddingphotographer #love #kiss #pictures #2018wedding #weddingplanner #photography #creative #weddingphotographer #tandem #bicycle @southasianbridemagazine @canoncps @gwinnettweddingprofessionals @gabridalshows @bridalextravaganzaatlanta @deshvidesh @maharaniweddings @weddingphotographersociety @wedaward @indianweddingbuzz @indian_wedding_inspiration @indianweddingsmag @theridgesresort (at Athens, Georgia)
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Holding hands is a promise to one another that, for just a moment, the two of you don't have to face the world alone #Fraise18 #jesseonlensfotografi #jesseonlensweddings #Nigerianwedding . FRANCES & PRAISE Makeup @lts_agencee Bride 👗 @lilzane_fashworld Groom wear @parpasfabrics #prewedding #phwedding #2018wedding #cutiest #love #beautiful #love #powercouple #couplecursh #goals #friends #relationshipgoals #jesseonlensfotografi #tagforlikes #follow4followback #follow4follow @myweddingnigeria @africansweetheartweddings @bellanaijaweddings @ms_asoebi @nigerianwedding @weddingbellsnaija
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emmagordonlondon · 6 years
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The pretty virtual shelves of Liberty in Love bridal boutique can’t fill fast enough it seems! 💫⭐️🌟 . . . . . . #bridalaccessories #weddingaccessories #bridalwear #weddings #weddingwear #weddingideas #weddingplanning #weddinginspiration #bridetobe #2018bride #2018wedding #mrs #weddingboutique #isaidyes #proposal #love #nuptials #engagement #bridesmaids #bridesmaidsgift #bridalparty #bridalpartygifts #emmagordonlondon #bride #weddingclutch #mrsaccessories #envelopeclutch #libertyinlove #weddingdetails
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elvshots · 6 years
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Saturday June 9th 2018.... was a phenomenally amazing, fantastic day... my sweet, sweet friend and confidant @gilleylaura got married to the love of her life. I was honored to be one of their wedding photographers. I'm so absolutely overjoyed for the newlyweds in the future that lies before them. Photo credit: Karen Lansdell of Oh Snap Photography Event venue: 80 acres located in Cookville, Texas Hair by: @ambrosiat85 of @fringesalonandbeautybar located in Texarkana, Texas . . . . . . #elvshots #elvshotsphotography #weddingphotography #texarkanaphotographer #photography #2018wedding #junewedding #bride #texasbride #80acres #texasphotographer (at The 80 Acres)
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dressestyleru-blog · 6 years
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С добрым утром!#сдобрымутром#какбе#понидельникденьтяжелый#солнышко#весна#2105#2018wedding#мвй#цветы#окно#скоролето (at Bachatskiy, Kemerovskaya Oblast', Russia)
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‘Your vibe attracts your tribe.’ These words ring truer for me each year that passes by. And I’m so happy to be attracting the tribe I am. Thank you M&E for an evening of laughs and love! . . . . To see more of our work visit us at www.lindsaymuciyphotography.com or the link in my profile! . . . #lindsaymuciyphotography #montreal #engaged #instagood #montrealweddingphotographer #montrealweddingvideographer #lindsaymuciyphotographyvideo #lookslikefilm #love #ritzcarltonwedding #montrealphotographer #shootthepeople #engagement #huffpostido #mtlblog #theknot #engagementphotography #photobugcommunity #ilovemyjob #greenweddingshoes #ido #followme #lifestylephotography #sisterphotogs #engagementphotos #montreal #sunsets #goldenhour #2018wedding #naturallight #lifestylephotographer #lifestylephotography (at Montreal, Quebec)
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Happy 3 Year Anniversary to the lovely Kim & Rich! Hope you e managed to celebrate today 🥰 #weddingphotography #sandholeoakbarn #2018wedding #missingourweddings #happyanniversary #helencottonphotography #weddingphotographers #love (at Sandhole Oak Barn) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKjrAchrGmC/?igshid=14jgihp00b26a
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duncanireland · 7 years
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The last photograph of the night... seeing in the New Year with Meghan & Angus - thank you guys it was a wonderful day. For this and many more highlights of my year see my year in review at: http://bit.ly/2mIPQWT . . . . . #wedding #2018wedding #weddinglight #weddingrain #love #weddingcouple #bride #groom #instalove #bordersweddingphotography #bordersweddingphotographer
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cstutzy · 6 years
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T minus 12 days until it’s official! 🤵🏻💍👰🏻 • • • #wedding #summer #summerwedding #july #julywedding #2018bride #2018wedding #weddingfavours #theknot #mrandmrs #WatsonMineIsYours #mrandmrswatson #love #happy #excited
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togel · 6 years
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It was a magical weekend celebrating family and unity in Vallejo, CA on the San Francisco Bay that brought Kevin and Melanie together as husband and wife. The earth tones offset with coral were perfect against the backdrop of the Marina and cloud-kissed hills in the background. Anyone longing for the perfect Pacific Coast Wedding should take note! We hope you love the photos of this fun-loving couple as much as we enjoyed capturing these special moments for them! Ceremony Venue - St. Vincent Ferrer Catholic Church Reception Venue - The Lighthouse at Glen Cove Marina Lighthouse Day-Of-Coordinator - Crystal Francisco Day of Coordinator - Kendra of KDPEventDesignsByRayna.com Caterer - Miralgia Catering Florist - Balloons Plus DJ/Emcee - Rob Reyes of Deejay pros Videographer - Brogan Video Baker - Just a Simple Cupcake Wedding Cake - Whole Foods Hair and Makeup Artist - Brittany Bahou of Pretty Girl Fix Bridesmaids' Gowns - Weddington Way Bridal Gown - Bridal Sense, Inc. Groom Tux - Men’s Wearhouse Transportation - All In One Limo Photography - Peter Togel Photography #wedding #weddingday #atlantaweddingphotographer #kiss #weddingdress #weddingrings #weddingplanning #fun #atlanta #georgia #ring #2018wedding #weddingplanner #blackandwhite #ptphoto #outdoors #love #firstlook #weddingcake #church @gabridalshows @canoncps @canonusa @wedaward @wedisson_com @weddingphotographersociety @gwinnettweddingprofessionals @acsbridalexpo @wedaward @weddingwire @theknot @bridalextravaganzaatlanta @wedding.photo.inspiration @mywed (at Peter Togel Photography)
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