runawaywhorses · 9 months
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Kendall Jenner in Reserved FW 2019.20 Campaign by Gordon von Steiner
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bookofoktober · 1 year
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Lena Hoschek Tradition Autumn Winter 2019.20 Collection
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maciej-smolen · 7 months
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vodnoebalo · 1 year
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surlapagenoire · 4 years
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fasa-umich · 5 years
Matt Ratanapanichkich, 2019-2020 FASA Co-President
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If someone were to ask me: "What three words would best describe how you've felt over the course of the last year?", the only words that would come to mind are: Surprised, Proud, and Grateful. And as much as I would love for those three words to reduce to some elegant acronym, I truly can't find ones that are more true.
FASA, even from the beginning, has surprised me. I always go back to the first time my lineage ate dinner together. The warmth and acceptance that they expressed to me that day is one that I will never forget, and those feelings have been associated with my perception of this organization ever since. For someone who had not gone to any prior events except for Winter Mass Meeting, they treated me truly like anyone should treat their adings: with love and respect. To think that complete strangers could make me feel so comfortable here... I have them to thank for the unforgettable experiences that I have had since. Kuya Christian, Ate Natalie, and Ate Colleen, thank you for giving me the home that I had no idea would change my life like it has.
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But a while has passed since then, and in March of 2019, I was again surprised to learn that the family that gave me a home when I was a freshman chose to give the Presidency to my co-chair, AJ, and I. Even today, I still don't fully understand how the boy who joined late (but not too late!), became your friendly, neighborhood Historian, and only a year later, Co-President. And yet, I was honored all the same. Miracles do happen, and while I do acknowledge that a lot of work was done to get to that point, I'm sure that anyone who has run for an Executive Board can relate to the feeling that they may not be exactly the right person for the job. Everyone, from the bottom to the top, can feel like they are imposters, but it is their actions that validate those feelings or wash them away.
But I do have one more thing to say on that point: I hope from the bottom of my heart, that not a single person on my board feels as though they are an imposter after this year that they served FASA. I've said it before, but I am so, so proud of the things that we have accomplished together and the people that the boardies, my friends, have become. While growing is an undeniable part of being on E-Board, it is the speed and extent to which they did so that makes them some of the most capable people I have had the pleasure of working with. Each chair has done so much, overcome so many obstacles, and owned their work right to the very end, that they make my job easy, or as close to easy as a Presidency can get. And to that point, I would like to be a bit sappy for a moment, so if you would like to get through this testimonial without all the gushy stuff, you may skip to the next section. But I would suggest sticking around, if only to hear about how amazing these people are.
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Lauren Escote, Media Chair
Lauren, you've heard me say it before, but just so it isn't forgotten: from the moment you became my intern last year, I knew that you would become a better Media Chair than I ever could have been. Granted, you are the first (technically), but oh boy, how high you've set the bar for those who follow in your footsteps. There is no doubt that Nursing is one of the most strenuous undergraduate programs at Michigan, and even under that weight, you never failed to create photos that make people feel how special they are, graphics that have excited our friends to attend events in numbers that we haven't seen (maybe ever), and a newsletter that has kept everyone in the know of any of the multitude of events that we took on this year. They might have called Historian the FASA photographer, but I only dare them to say the same to you.
Bea Fandino, Performance Chair
Bea, I know for a fact that you don't need me to laud you for your accomplishments this year; but then again, I'm going to do so anyways. You were such a strong leader coming into this year that you didn't even need to stand on the shoulders of giants- you stood tall alone (or almost alone #iykyk). From Kalayaan, to PCN, to Battle, and all of the little performances in between, you showed us what it means to perform at a high level, get things done efficiently, and have fun doing it. Dance practices don't have to be super serious. FASA Performance doesn't have to be about just music and dance. Performance has been a large part of the soul of FASA for such a long time, and through it, there's no doubt that you've influenced the whole of FASA for the better. I can't wait to see what you are able to do next.
Reggie Galanto, External Chair
Reggie, if there is anyone who has known the struggles of our board the best, it is probably you. The 2019-2020 school year has thrown FASA so many curve balls (to put it lightly), many times through the typical External channels, that I can easily say that I am so proud of how well you've done this year. Even from the beginning, when you fought for what you believed, but stayed professional when the cards didn't fall in the way that we wanted, I knew that you were going to be someone on our team that could be trusted to do exactly what I expected from all members on the board: to push where we needed it, and compromise when we needed their energy elsewhere. And from then on, tackling the never-ending problem of needing to be everywhere at once, working with people with priorities that didn't always match our own, up against circumstances that none of us could control, I hope that you are proud of the things that you've accomplished in the face of all of that. The measure of a person is what they can do with the cards that they're dealt, and I would argue that even at face-value, the work that you've done, especially in pushing for FASA to focus more on advocacy and community-building, has steered us in a direction that will shape our community into one that even our current board won’t be able to imagine.
Hannah Anderson, Service Chair
Hannah, even from the beginning, I knew that we would be in good hands in Service. The amount of work that you did behind-the-scenes for your chair was truly inspiring, but even more importantly, you embodied everything that I’ve ever wanted in a teammate better than nearly anyone else: your competence in your role was only matched by your willingness to help everyone on the board carry out their duties. While your chair is notable because of its independence from the operations of the board and dependence on organizations beyond the collegiate level, in spite of it all, you gave FASA an outlet to give back to the communities that have given us everything, which is undoubtedly one of the most important functions of FASA as a whole. But beyond all of that, you displayed a willingness to bring new life into the role and into the board, with the rollout of Mental Health Mondays, designing what will become a more structured alumni program, and collaborating with Jacque and Christine on the creation of an entirely new chair in Professional Development. AJ and I’ve always said that before even your chair, all board members are members of the board, and I would just like to thank you again for being exactly that.
Christian Magno, Social Chair
Mango, what a wild ride. To think that my first real interaction with you was at FACT 2018, I’m sure that anyone who knew you back then would be nothing but proud of the person you’ve become. Creating and overseeing events that are supposed to be fun above all else is a task that is deceivingly difficult, but tacking on your and Jacque’s goal of integrating culture into everything that we do is one that I would personally find extremely challenging. And yet, there is no doubt that you and your co’s work this year has done just that: even apart from my role as Co-President, I’ve never felt more at home. From our youngest members to those that I’ve known from the very beginning, I’m happy to say that I’ve gotten to know them better than I had in the last two and a half years in FASA. And for that, I hope you are as proud as I am.
Jacque Young, Social Chair
Jacque, the athlete that could talk the ears off of even the shyest of people. It’s hilarious to think that while we have the same personality type (allegedly), I could never in a million years even imagine myself as Social Chair, while you are the very embodiment of it. Your ideas for Social and the board were among the most ambitious, notably your push for Professional Development, and from someone who has had the opportunity to be on countless teams: it is so much better to be on a team that can crank out legitimately creative ideas and then reduce them to something that can actually be accomplished than to be on teams that stick to what has been done before. Your clear perspective on all board things was one that I always listened for, and I can only wish that my teammates outside of board could copy the way that you approached your work with energy and empathy. Above all, I hope that your performance on board can serve as confirmation that not only is one’s major not important to their ability to be a good board member, but their commitments should not stand in the way of their contributions to FASA, if only they have the discipline and love for this community that you do.
Kaitlyn Barron, Cultural Chair
Kaitlyn, one half of the heartbeat of FASA. Out of all of the boardies, I think I knew you the least before coming onto board. Little did I know that you would become part of the powerhouse duo of Co-Culture that never ceased to inspire the rest of the board. Working with Izzy several days of the week over the summer (I even remember that there was a point where you and Izzy had calls every single day), I was absolutely floored that you two would put in so much effort for an event that was more than half a year away. But boy did it pay off. I can safely say that PCN 2019 is one that will be remembered for a very long time; if not for the speaker, if not for the history-imbued storyline, PACE-MI, or the performances, then for the way it made us all feel. PCN is a celebration of our culture, but it is also a celebration of how each and every one of us are an important part of that culture as well. And of course, you know that better than anyone else (except maybe your co!). But even apart from your role as part of the cultural duo, you, as a singular member of the board, are someone I would love to have as a teammate again. You are so on the ball about everything, so willing to throw your hat into the ring, and you have an energy that reminded me every meeting why I decided to run for board again. Being a nurse is hard by itself, but the way that you balanced your role in FASA with your studies and had energy leftover is a testament to how lucky any team would be to have you on it.
Izzy Poquiz, Cultural Chair
Izzy, if Kaitlyn was FASA’s heart, then this year, you were its soul. Together, the two of you pulled off a reimagining of what FASA stood for that continuously reminded me why, even after I’m no longer on FASA’s E-Board, that I will be sticking around. While AJ and I made it a priority to make sure culture was at the heart of everything we do as a board, you and Kaitlyn not only made that idea a reality, but inspired the rest of the board to do the same in each of their positions. Being a leader in a cultural organization is tough: there are so many people with different ideas of what FASA should be that it is sometimes crushing to stand at the front. But you and Kaitlyn did everything with such conviction, empathy, and clarity of vision that there is no criticism that could diminish what you two accomplished together. And just as Kaitlyn was an irreplaceable part of our board outside of her role as Co-Cultural, you proved to be just as irreplaceable. Your combination of organizational ability, creativity, vision, and empathy made you a key leader amongst all of the great ones that our board was blessed with, and your voice was one that held more weight than I think that you realized. I can only imagine what you will be able to accomplish in the future, but from your performance this year, I know that I will be nothing but proud.
Natalie Lampa, Treasurer
Natalie, I can’t express how happy I am that I was able to serve on board with you this year. My other half of the Techtorian duo, I knew back then that if we were to carry out all of the ideas that the board was planning, we would need someone that was level-headed, knew FASA deeply, and had the organizational and writing abilities to keep the lights on. Our board was an ambitious one, and I can say that your guidance was one of the things that helped us make this year one that I will remember for the rest of my life. While I can understand why seniors wouldn’t want to serve on the Executive Board, you showed just how valuable the input is from someone who has seen it all happen before. Thank you, Ate: you made FASA feel like home for me when I was a freshman, and even as your undergraduate years come to an end, you have continued and will continue to do so for so many others.
Angela Salacata, Secretary
Angela, the return of the cultural queen! Like your ading, Bea, you don’t need me to reiterate the things you’ve done for FASA. But that won’t stop me from saying that I am grateful for having you as part of our Core Four. Your insight and sharp wit has always challenged me to be a better leader, and it’s definitely not a stretch to say that I look up to you in many ways. FASA wouldn’t be where it is without you, and for anyone who thought that cultural chair would be the end was only kidding themselves. Even beyond your duties as Secretary, taking on choreography for PCN as well as LITERALLY COMPOSING THE MUSIC THAT WE DANCED TO FOR BATTLE, your FASA accomplishments are unmatched. Future roomie, I am proud just to say I served on a board with you one last time.
AJ Espinoza, Co-President
AJ, what can I say that hasn’t already been said? It's been a rollercoaster, with this year being an extension of the one that we've been riding since freshman year. And from when we first met to now, I'd say that we've grown a little. Just a little. And I've said it before, a lot of it was because of the type of leader and person you are; I've always wanted to take just a little bit of that, and make myself just a little closer to the person I hope to be. But there are things that we can't learn from each other, and the things we've seen and done on this board are a good example of that. So while I think we both got a lot more than we bargained for, I couldn't have done it without you by my side. I'm proud that we built a few things that I think are going to last, and I'm grateful that it was you that went through the ringer with me. May we continue having our hour(s) long talks together, about FASA and not, into our last year and beyond. (But then again, hopefully we can get a bit more sleep when all of this is over...)
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I'm grateful to be here. I'm grateful to have had a chance to come back and serve a community I love. I'm grateful to have served with a team that I won't forget for the rest of my life. I'm grateful to have grown with these people, and to have grown with FASA. Our community is getting larger and larger every semester, and I'm just so excited to see where it all goes. Some of my friends from this year, on board and not, new friends and old, will probably go on to see another board. Or maybe join boards of other organizations. Or maybe just be the general members that we all wished to be at one point or another. But the fact is, I wouldn't have traded this time with FASA for anything. You all have taught me so much. You've given me opportunities that I couldn't have imagined. You've allowed me to touch more lives than I ever could have alone. And now, it's time that you give the opportunity of being Co-President to two other leaders.
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Four generations of Presidents
So to the aspiring Co-Presidents:
The funny thing is that I already know who you are. I don't know which two will sit where AJ and I have necessarily, but I do know that it is one of you who I've served with this year. So the first thing I have to say is this: FASA is in good hands.
But the second is: always remember that first thing. Depending on what kind of people you are, there will be times in your tenure that you might forget. Times where you don't feel qualified or knowledgeable or ready to make the hard decision. The fact is: maybe you aren't. But that shouldn't stop you from becoming qualified, knowledgeable and therefore ready. Being Co-President isn't about knowing or having all the right answers. I've personally, definitely had ideas that were wrong. Many, in fact. But what you have is a board to support you, and a Co to bounce ideas off of, and old friends that are always willing to offer you any wisdom that can be had from just a few years in your shoes. You're never alone, just as your boardies are never alone. You might have a fancy title, but only together can you get through anything.
A caveat though: always be decisive. You might not have the answer right now. Your boardies might not have the answer right now. But being Co-President comes with the fact that the buck stops with you. In the end, for the many decisions that have to be made that don't require a 3/4ths vote from the board, your word is the decision. So give your board something to stand behind. Make a decision, stand by it, and admit you're wrong when you are. Because at least, if you are wrong, your board knows that they can trust that you believe in and act according to what you say.
Another thing: being Co-President is not babysitting. The amazing leaders on your board are fully-grown adults, and you should always hold them to that standard, if not higher. They don't need to be coddled, they need to be supported. They shouldn't need to be reprimanded, they need to know that their leaders have their backs. Because when you give them freedom, when you give them your confidence, it is up to them to uphold it. They might not always agree with you, and they might still be learning to be the professional leader that you expect them to be, but in the end, they are capable of so much. And sometimes, they just need to hear it from you.
Finally, remember that you set the tone of the entire board, and further, of FASA itself. Once you become Co-President, not only do you become the leader of your board, you become the face of FASA. The implication: you can decide how you want your boardies and FASA to feel for this upcoming year. And really, that is your choice. There will be those, on and off your board, who might want you to be super professional. Or super social. Or super laid-back. Or any number of things. But then again, it is your choice. Be empathetic of the concerns of your friends and community, but do what you think is right. What we've done before can be a good template, what others are doing can be a good plan, but what you actually do should be what you think is right. Remember that and I promise that everything will end up great. Not perfectly as planned, not smoothly, and likely not great without adjustment, but great in the end.
So to sum it all up:
Always remember that you are qualified
You aren't alone
Be decisive
Stand behind your words
Admit when you're wrong
Your job won't be babysitting
Hold your board to a high standard
You set the tone of both your board and FASA as a whole
Do what you think is right.
Notice that I didn't mention anything about organization, planning, strategy, skills you need or anything like that. Why? Because I already know what you're capable of; I've seen it, and I already know that you're going to do great.
But let me get off my soapbox for the last time.
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How could you say no to a smile like that?
To FASA, again:
Thank you. Being able to serve the community that made Michigan feel like home, as much as I complain about it, has been nothing but an honor. And you can bet that you haven't seen the last of me, for better and for worse. Because, how could I stay away? I am endlessly fond and proud of this year's freshmen, the sophomores have proved to be some of my closest friends, the juniors inspire me every day with what they have and are currently accomplishing, and the seniors continue to be the Ates and Kuyas that make this community worth sticking around for. So while I won't be coming back as a board member in my final year, I guess you'll just have to catch me dancing in AJ's tinikling choreo this upcoming November... Maybe.
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Only the most high-quality facial expressions...
Mahal na mahal kita, FASA. Always.
Matt Ratanapanichkich, FASA Co-President
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timotay-chalamet · 6 years
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NAOMI CAMPBELL Attends Chanel show as part of Paris Fashion Week Womenswear Fall//Winter 2019.20 on March 05, 2019 in Paris, France
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designscene · 6 years
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forcedfemme-me · 3 years
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Faretta by Scott Trindle for Revue Magazine Winter 2019.20
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Maker’s name: Hedy Ankers
Petition sheet number: Did not sign 1893 petition
Person honouring: Anna Fryer
Relationship to maker: Sister
Coming from an embattled background, including ill-health, my elder sister Anna Fryer took custody of her newborn grandson just as she was about to retire; in order that her grandchild would have every blessing possible rather than being fostered out. He is now a healthy and happy teenager, and she has regained her health and a fresh outlook on life all over again!
Panel materials: Art and meditation are tools I used to grow out of an embattled past. As a volunteer at Re-Sew, with access to a wall of donated fabrics, I rested my eyes on the fabrics and chose those representing life-long influences that helped my art to become a successful career. 
Coming from a family of creatives, and that my sister’s grandmother – if she had time – would most likely have been an artist too, I knew my sister would appreciate the journey the fabrics represented.
Unique ID number: VRS.2019.20
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Andrew Jackson, George Peter Alexander Healy, 1861, Smithsonian: National Portrait Gallery
Size: Stretcher: 69.9 × 59.1 cm (27 1/2 × 23 1/4") Medium: Oil on canvas
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runawaywhorses · 9 months
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Kendall Jenner in Reserved FW 2019.20 Campaign by Gordon von Steiner
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bookofoktober · 1 year
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Lena Hoschek Tradition Autumn Winter 2019.20 Collection
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higemania · 4 years
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桜田茉央さんはTwitterを使っています 「12月21日にヤングマガジン4・5合併号が発売されます😻❤️ ミスマガ2019.20コラボ企画です💕 発売前にヤンマガWEBでまおのグラビア見返してみてね☺️ あやちカメラマン企画は有料でアザーカットがゲットできるので是非✌️ #ヤングマガジン 12/21発売 #ミスマガジン #��田茉央 https://t.co/ZOh2q4x3kV https://t.co/TexmFHrjnl」 / Twitter
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leah-cultice · 5 years
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Anna Ewers by Charlotte Wales for Vogue Paris Dec/Jan 2019.20
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surlapagenoire · 4 years
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Essai d’installation
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↳1ère expérimentation
le 25 mars 2020
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