#2020 koushiro and atlurkabuterimon
izzyizumi · 6 months
No One: Me: "The average Digital World astronaut reaches space a total of one time in their entire lifetime, but more instances may be possible with advancements in Space science. Izumi Koushirou, meanwhile, who reached (Digital) ""space"" twice depending on the universe involved, (BOTH times while still as a child) is an Outlier who Should Not Be Counted"
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froggie-bolt · 1 year
Just a Digimon Adventure 2020 Post about The TaiShiro Moments
I love how Taichi and Koushiro are both shown to think highly of the other. Taichi even brags about how smart koushiro is sometimes, its so wholesome.
Everytime the group gets separated, the first person Taichi tries to call is almost always Koushiro.
and in the first episode Koushiro meets up with the rest of the group in the digital world, Taichi's face immediately lights up.
Like if anything happens ever, Koushiro usually addresses Taichi right away. Between Him and Tentomon, both are the ones checking in on Koushiro and making sure he's doing okay.
Specific moments from episode 36:
"but there's only 20 minutes left"
"that's more than enough"
"we won't know unless we try right?" Taichi believing in his ability.
"there's no time left, lets go"
"alright, I'll support you!"
"Let's go, koushiro!"
Koushiro, you have to do this!"
"me!? No way! I can support you, but I can't--"
"I leave it to you."
"I'm counting on you."
*kou hesitates*
"Go, Kosuhiro!"
It was also just great to see Koushiro feeling good about his own ability- especially with this music at the end, damn.
episode 43 was funny.
They call eachother like, every episode to see how it's going.
Episode 59
So when they get that trial wrong, Taichi is taken, and [digimon] says he's gonna undergo surgery to become a digimon.
Taichi just smiles and says "Nah don't worry about me guys, I leave the rest to you Koushiro."
Then Koushiro blames himself for whats gonna happen to taichi.
And whiole all this is going on, we know taichi is worried about how the other is handling it right now, since he's under a lot of stress.
Bro koushiro looked so sad.
and then tentomon always believes in koushiro, always. which is exactly what he needs
So let’s start from the top once again
Episode 1’s script for the most part is unchanged :)
However, there is the changes to the names.
While in the original Tai was just ‘Tai’, this time his full name is Taichi, and Tai is just a nickname. His last name though has still been changed to Kamiya instead of Yagami.
Koushiro actually does keep his Japanese name in the English dub! But this time ‘Izzy’ is also just a nickname. Of course, he retains his last name ‘Izumi’ like he did in the original English dub.
one of my favourite bits from episode 1, is when Koushiro is showing Taichi his timeline, and Taichi goes something like:
(I actually posted the clip here)
“Well..I’m really bad at that stuff. You’re awesome, Koushiro!”
And Kou seems surprised and caught off guard by the complement, before quickly turning his attention back to his tablet in embarrassment and saying:
“Y-You can just call me Izzy—!”
And we know later in the dub, that Koushiro prefers being alone, which also suggests he doesn’t have many friends, or doesn’t go out of his way to make any. He doesn’t really like being around people. So we can guess that before Taichi, the only people that call him Izzy are his parents.
So Koushiro giving Taichi express permission to call him Izzy, especially for Koushiro, is something special and significant, even if Taichi doesn’t know this.
I will absolutely be adding onto this in the future
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koushirouizumi · 1 year
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Digimon Trading Card Game {T.C.G} ~ AtlurKabuterimon ACE + Angewomon ACE
This is a Digimon {+Adventure related franchises} fandom positivity post, so please be respectful interacting! (It is also) Koushiro Izumi and Hikari Yagami positivity in relation, so please be respectful towards those characters and their Digimon on this post as well!
{Please do not interact if you are anti Adventure franchise, anti 02, anti Tri, anti Meiko, anti Kizuna, DigiAdv 2020 Chosen, etc.!} (Please Do Not Interact if anti Frontier, anti Xros Wars / Young Hunters, anti Ghost Game, or "anti" any other spinoff series!) *Failure to acknowledge interaction rules may result in a Block.
{This is an older post made when this news first dropped.}
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holyangemon · 4 years
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Digimon Adventure: Episode 14 ~ Koushiro Izumi
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mrtomoes-blog · 4 years
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noctilucentstorm · 4 years
Digimon Adventure: Review
Episode 14: The Kings of the Insects Clash
Koushiro’s laptop stops working, but Taichi’s team push ahead through a maze of canyons.  Unfortunately, a new enemy is waiting to hunt them down.
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It’s no secret I prefer the dynamics between Sora’s team and this episode highlights their strengths over only a few minutes.  The digimon have been trading off between carrying the children and other partners so they’re covering more ground and keeping everyone well-rested.  It’s a good strategy and Jou’s insistence that Yamato gives up his lone wolf persona is really endearing.
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We finally get an update on the Human World and I’m assuming it’s still the evening on Day 1, which I’m guessing means under 12 hours has passed assuming Taichi and the others left around late morning or early afternoon (Sora must’ve had a bit of time to do some shopping).  We don’t have a great sense of how much time has passed – it feels like either we’re skipping night in the Digital World or the days are much longer than the Human World, because otherwise the kids are accomplishing a lot in a very short amount of time.  
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I like the visual of everyone’s phones gradually powering down, but also… it’s 2020.  Doesn’t anyone carry around a portable charger?  Also who uses the elevator when there are rolling blackouts of unknown origin?  I realise some people would be short-sighted enough to do that (if Covid-19 has taught us anything, it’s that people don’t always think logically during disasters), but I still think it’s a strange thing to focus on.  Are we not worried about hospitals running out of fuel for their generators? Or is that a little too scary for kids?
Meanwhile, Mimi stumbles on some funhouse-like mirrors.  It’s probably the most childish we’ve seen her act and it’s a different side to how we saw her in her focus episode when she wanted to push on as soon as possible. Koushiro tries to analyse the rock, but his laptop has completely stopped working and Tentomon picks up on his distress even if he doesn’t say anything.
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Their break is cut short when a swarm of Kuwagamon attack.  Although the digimon all manage to evolve to Adult, they are prevented from evolving further by the relentless attacks by Kuwagamon.  Even running doesn’t turn out well as they stumble across Okuwamon.  Retreating again only ends with them being separated. This is the first time in a few episodes where the Chosen have been so thoroughly outmanoeuvred and does a good job of upping the tension.
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Without his laptop to help him analyse, Koushiro can’t calm down enough to think clearly.  However, Kabuterimon’s words snap him out of his fear, and Koushiro’s strategy saves them.  
AtlurKabuterimon’s evolution feels satisfying and well-earned for the episode. It is also a nice change that it happens outside of the fight.  I did find it a little funny though that Koushiro gave Taichi and Mimi a really good strategy and then said this:
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To be fair, all the other evolutions have also had head-on fights and in terms of type, AtlurKabuterimon should have the advantage.  It was just a bit funny after all the talk of strategy up until this point.  It’s a good fight scene though and I don’t feel like the above took too much away from it.  It’s definitely a cool moment for Koushiro and AtlurKabuterimon.
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Oh, now the laptop starts working again! But with an upgrade.  I imagine we’ll be finding out what that entails soon enough.
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Final Thoughts:
I really liked certain aspects of this episode: the dynamic between Jou, Sora and Yamato; Koushiro’s strategizing; and the tension from Okuwamon and Kuwagamons’ attacks.  I do feel that this episode could’ve had a better build-up though. We don’t actually see much of the trio heavily relying on Koushiro and his laptop – in fact, he was almost a hindrance in episode 12, insisting on analysing runes that added nothing to the plot (so far) and wasting time that led to Mimi getting separated.  It also didn’t really sit well with me that Koushiro had been putting all this pressure on himself and yet the rest of the group doesn’t acknowledge or address it even after the fact.  Instead, Koushiro’s laptop gets an upgrade (presumably from the Perfect level evolution), and Taichi just says how awesome he is, which almost seems to paper over the conflict of the episode.  Hopefully we’ll see Koushiro using a bit of strategy without his laptop again in future episodes, or at least being a bit more aware of his surroundings while doing so.
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patamon · 4 years
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Digimon Adventure 2020: Episode 36 | Operation Satellite Sniper 
"I like being alone. I used to say that all the time to people. Even when grown-ups were worried, I never cared, thinking I was better off being alone. But now, I have you, Atlurkabuterimon, and I have everyone" - Koushiro Izumi
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mrtomoes-blog · 4 years
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mrtomoes-blog · 4 years
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mrtomoes-blog · 4 years
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mrtomoes-blog · 4 years
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izzyizumi · 4 years
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Digimon Adventure: [2020 Reboot] ~ Episode 36 Featuring Characters/Duo/Ship/O.T.P: Taichi Yagami [Taichi (“Tai”) Kamiya in US] x Koushiro(u) Izumi [Koushiro (“Izzy”) Izumi in US] [Taishiro(u)] ~ Moments & Interactions + Character Development + Important Dialogues + Parallels (+to previous media{s}/Novel adaptation)
“...I HAVE” --
Gifs by @izzyizumi / @koushirouizumi​ {Do Not Repost or Reproduce without my Permission} {Do Not Remove Caption} (Please Ask to Use)
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{Implied by following Visuals}: “{EVERYONE}.”
(Spoken aloud)
“--{and} YOU, AtlurKabuterimon!”
(Because Not Everything Needs To Be Said Aloud to be Understood.)
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