so-sick-of-17 · 2 years
This is what people who don’t vote because Democrats don’t do enough are like.
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Excerpt of Kari Lake interview with 60 Minutes Australia
Kari Lake is a dangerous, dangerous politician.
And she might become the governor of Arizona.
Above is an excerpt from Kari Lake’s off-the-wall interview with Liam Bartlett for 60 Minutes Australia. It is worth your time to watch the entire interview, which you can see HERE (at these video times: 12:37 - 14:23, 16:17 -19:07, 20:14 - 20:33). 
During the interview, Lake uses the Trumpian defense techniques of lying, grossly exaggerating, attacking others, and projecting what the GQP does onto others.
In the video clip above, we see that when Lake doesn't like the direction the interview is going in, she accuses the mainstream media (and Bartlett) of being "conspiracy theorists." The interview goes downhill from there. Here’s part of the video transcript: 
LAKE: Maybe they get away with that stuff in Australia. Perhaps in Australia because you've given your rights away; you melted down all of your guns, and you guys have no freedom that you find that okay. But here in America we do things differently. We have something called the U.S. Constitution and we have rights.”
BARTLETT: So we’d be better off having more guns here. I mean, what? You would be better off—
LAKE: Yeah, you would. You absolutely would, sir. You absolutely would. I feel so sorry for the people in Australia have no power. The only thing keeping us from being Australia right now is our second Amendment, and we will never, ever let that go. Mark my words. What we saw happening in Australia where you have internment camps, and people are being forced, if they've encountered anybody with COVID, to be locked into a quarantine camp is the most horrifying thing I think I've ever seen a government do.
BARTLETT (Cross-talking): Would it—
LAKE (Cross-talking): It's frightening, and if you if you can't see that I feel sorry for you.
BARTLETT (Cross-talking): Would it have been better-- 
LAKE (Cross-talking): This is our last question Liam. We have to run but thank you for your time. 
BARTLETT (Cross-talking): Just, just answer me this one question. One, one more question, Kari-- 
LAKE(Cross-talking): Well, no, I've already told you we're done. Thank you so much.
BARTLETT (Cross-talking): Well, just-
LAKE (As an aside as she is getting up to leave): That guy's a complete nut. Seriously, a complete insane person.
I have honestly never seen a less professional and over-the-top interview by a politician as this one (and that’s saying something, given some of Trump’s interviews). 
Heaven forbid Lake ever makes it into federal politics where she has to deal with international representatives. 
I mean, accusing Australia of having COVID “internment camps”!😱 It’s not surprising that Kari’s statement is based on right-wing misinformation. Australia built a quarantine facility for travelers coming into the country, whether or not they were vaxxed. Most countries during the deadly COVID pandemic had quarantine requirements for incoming travelers. Kari’s comment was completely outrageous given the reality of what was actually happening in Australia.
Clearly Lake is used to American journalists who don’t push back on politicians who lie or try to evade answering questions. Lake’s meltdown in the above video in part was probably triggered by Bartlett’s previous confrontation of Lake’s claims that the 2020 election was “stolen” (shown in an earlier part of the interview not included in the above video). 
When Bartlett pushed her, Lake had the audacity to say that the bogus “forensic” Cyber Ninja Arizona audit proved that the election was stolen. Uh, no. In fact, it supported the fact that Biden won Arizona and that there was no substantial voter fraud in Arizona’s 2020 election.
Unfortunately, Lake is charismatic and there has been some talk of her being a VP candidate if Trump runs for president in 2024. 
Let’s pray that she loses Arizona and is also ignored for federal office. 
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Add this to the list of Democratic worries ahead of the midterms: Younger voters — a cornerstone of the party’s electoral coalition — make up a smaller share of early and absentee voters so far than they did in 2020.
More than 15 million voters have already cast their midterm ballots, according to the United States Elections Project. But young voters have contributed to a smaller fraction of that turnout compared to this time two years ago, according to interviews and a POLITICO analysis of voter data.
The party has had high hopes that younger voters motivated by the Supreme Court’s scuttling of abortion rights and President Joe Biden’s cancellation of some student debt would turn out in force — and help them to defy losses that the party in power typically suffers in midterm elections.
They could still show up to the polls on Election Day. But their disappearance from the ranks of early voters so far puts Democrats at a disadvantage, because the party still has to chase their votes instead of banking them ahead of Nov. 8.[...]
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kp777 · 3 months
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spheresofdesire · 2 years
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For the first time in US history the Courts took rights away from individuals when they overturned Roe v Wade. In his concurring opinion, Clarence Thomas indicated they were not stopping there, but would also reconsider the right to contraception and marriage equality.
This election is critical if you believe in individual autonomy and democracy. VOTE.
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brieflie · 2 years
Even as many people are despairing over the election results tonight, I wanted to share one little win: my city elected their first trans member of the city council! 🏳️‍⚧️
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gwydionmisha · 9 months
Two officials in Arizona charged for 2022 election interference
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organicwizard · 2 years
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did I get stuck in a timeloop??? someone check with cw stat!!!
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aunti-christ-ine · 2 years
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manhattan-gamestop · 2 years
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The past 24 hours have made me feel like I'm chewing glass
[ID: A two-panel meme of a woman with a headband on the verge of tears seeming to present something to her presumed mother. There is overlaid text on each of the panels, the first reading, "Me explaining the significance of the Fetterman v. Oz Pennsylvania Senate race (and also that it's funny Boebert is losing)", and the second with the text on the mother, "My sister in the ER". End ID]
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misterjt · 2 years
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This is pleasing
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oceanicsteam · 2 years
There is no denying that in Florida, the election was a shitshow for Democrats. This is going to be a long, dark night for trans people down there, especially kids.
But there’s actually a lot of bright spots in the election?? We’ll have two openly lesbian governors. Another openly LGBT man was elected to congress, as well as several native americans. Montana elected a trans woman to their legislature. One of the most notorious transphobes in congress may lose her formerly rated safe seat. Numerous referendums about abortion, voting, weed, urbanism, health care passed, Voters supported good things in a lot of places, and the stochastic terrorism the GOP employs to use against trans people to win votes isn’t working. Also, let’s not forget Kansas had the ghost of john brown hit them hard.
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Final update on the candidate slate of the QAnon influencer and occasional Fake JFK Jr. who calls himself Juan O. Savin (real name Wayne Willett) and was trying to get QAnon believers elected into Secretary of State offices (the people who run elections):
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As of the evening of November 11.
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factcheckdotorg · 2 years
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it-begins-with-rain · 2 years
Being a good adult. Double-checked my voter registration, printed out a sample ballot, and I’m researching candidates more down-ballot (we apparently elect coroners) so when I go to vote, I know who I would like to vote for.
If you’re registered to vote, get out there and vote either in early voting, or on election day itself!
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So many news media sources were so irresponsible this election season. For months, they had us prepared for some "red wave" pushing out poll numbers that didn't look too good for democrats only to start talking about a "red mirage" at the very last minute, which only fueled 2020 election deniers.
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