#2022 gold pendant designs
omjewellers · 2 years
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bijoumikhawal · 10 months
Coptic Jewelry: broad collars
This is not a common example of jewelry in Coptic art or among material culture, but some depictions exist. These overlap with Byzantine imperial superhumerals and other design elements to a degree, but not entirely. For the purposes of this post, a broad collar is a necklace worn high on the chest that encircles the neck, designed to be of a width noticeably greater than that of a strand necklace. Commonly these may have beads or pendants on their bottom edge (true of both these and the Pharaonic broad collar).
I have no opinion on if these are an evolution of the Pharaonic broad collar, as I have no evidence for or against it. It is certainly possible, and I am curious as to where exactly the Byzantines got the superhumeral from (with Egypt potentially being an origin, as well as the cloud collar of East Asia. I consider the latter somewhat unlikely however, as the cloud collar was adopted in Persia and Turkey centuries later. Visually the styles are more strongly related to the cloud collar than the superhumeral and cloud collar- the aesthetic differences between the latter imply a degree of iteration that doesn't quite make sense given the trade routes and what I know of the material cultures of the trade intermediaries).
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This gold one set with gems was reportedly found in Assuit, and has strong Byzantine artistic influences- it is thought the jewelry in the hoard it was part of was owned by someone with ties to the imperial court. It was made some time in the 3rd to 6th centuries AD, and probably hidden in the 7th century, never to be recovered by its owner.
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This example was found along with the preceding one, and bears some resemblance to the modern bead net necklaces found in various parts of the world, including the bogma found in Egypt in Bahariya. The design elements here were present in Egypt for several centuries by the time the necklace was put in its eventual findspot.
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This carved wood door is currently in the Brooklyn Museum, where it's dated to the 7th-11th century. The figure wears, among other things, a very large necklace of the type I defined. Interestingly, the necklace looks like it has a blue tinge- a common color for the Pharaonic broad collar was blue or turquoise, from faience beads. Coptic artifacts made of faience exist up until the 4th century, but are fairly uncommon compared to earlier periods. Potentially, I think her necklace could have been based on a depiction of a Pharaonic broad collar from a statue or temple- it is known Copts used the structure of temples into Christianization, sometimes carving over the walls or defacing pagan symbols. It's possible the artist saw a partial carving with remaining pigment and felt inspired. It is also possible this style of necklace was one worn at the time the door was made.
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In addition to this, occasionally Coptic textiles depict necklaces that could be of the same style. Generally it is difficult to satisfactorily classify these necklaces as such due to the artistic limitations and stylistic choices- some may have been based on chokers, or jeweled decorative bands on the necklines of tunics.
Artifacts referenced:
https://colorsandstones.eu/2022/06/30/the-asyut-treasure-segmented-necklace-d-b/ & https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Asyut_Treasure- The Assiut treasure
https://www.brooklynmuseum.org/opencollection/objects/29386- door
https://art.rmngp.fr/fr/library/artworks/bande-decorative-dionysos-et-d-ariane_tapisserie-technique_laine-textile - textile bust of Ariadne
https://www.doaks.org/resources/textiles/catalogue/BZ.1929.1 - Hanging with Hestia Polyolbus
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edmundhoward · 3 months
✨ terfs and zionists eat shit & die ✨
sooo… does anyone remember that cipher that got decoded to be an amalgamation of ‘henry rex’ and ‘katherine’, which the scholar (vanessa braganza) identified as being commissioned by catherine of aragon back in 2022? [source 1, source 2]
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well, nicola tallis and the npg exhibitions team (lead by charlotte bolland) have identified a matching piece in kh’s inventory that corresponds with the cipher design in question which specifies it was commissioned by katherine howard:
“However, the possibility cannot be discounted that Katherine commissioned the portraits herself, as she seems to have commissioned at least one work from Holbein to proclaim her status as queen. The inventory of her jewels lists ‘one Partelet or collar containing 16 diamonds 20 rubies/and 45 pearls/all set in Goldsmith's work enamelled having a very small chain of gold upon the edge of the same’; a note in the margin records that ‘ten of the same diamonds set in a cipher by the queen’. This description matches one of Holbein's designs for a cipher containing the words ‘Henricus Rex’ and ‘Katherine’ that also incorporates ten diamonds.”
“The design for an oval pendant mounted in the centre of the lower section incorporates a cipher with the names ‘HENRICUS REX’ and ‘KATHERINE’. It may have been commissioned by Katherine, as it corresponds to a description of a ‘collar containing 16 diamonds’ in her inventory, which bears the annotation: ‘10 of the same diamonds set in a cipher by the queen’. If the design does relate to this jewel, it provides evidence of Katherine's patronage of Holbein and also a glimpse of her self-presentation as queen. The cipher was among the jewels that Henry took back into his possession in November 1541”
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taekooktimeline · 1 year
May 31, 2023
Tae departs Seoul for an overseas project. Dispatch gets the exclusive, being the only media to know about his schedule. Tae’s departure is kept unofficial and Dispatch waits to share their video until he departs Seoul.
(Interestingly, the day before, Dispatch posted Jk’s last airport arrival, which you can view at this TW link- https://twitter.com/mytaekooook/status/1663602442662019083?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg)
It’s always important to me to document when Tae and Jk wear LGBTQIA+ and gender fluid items, so I’m detailing information on Tae’s necklace in this post.
A day before pride month starts, Tae wears an “in good hands” pendant necklace from designer Harris Reed x Missoma.
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Harris is gay and identifies as gender fluid. Starting at the age of twelve, he chose clothes without regard to gender. He designs with a vision for gender fluidity and inclusivity (as well as sustainability). His clothes are known to challenge gender norms and masculinity, and he’s said, “I think ‘fluid fashion’ is a lot more about this idea of self-expression, and of holding yourself in the purest and highest regard.”
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More on Harris here - https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2021/09/27/harris-reeds-gender-fluid-fashion and here https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/fashion/harris-reed-beyonce-british-adele-vogue-b2256498.html
Missoma’s mission, among other things (such as affordability and sustainability), is to be fashion forward, speak to the community and inspire confidence in people who love to champion self expression. Back in 2021, they launched their first gender fluid collection named “Fused.” More info here - https://graziamagazine.com/us/articles/missoma-fused-unisex-collection/
Tae’s pendant necklace -
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Photos of Tae, exclusively captured by Dispatch (I love his blonde hair and I’m so excited to see what project he’s working on!)
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necklace description -
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It’s sold out now but you could buy it here (if / when restocked) - https://us.missoma.com/products/harris-reed-in-good-hands-drop-pendant-necklace-18ct-gold-plated-malachite
He also wore a new Foundrae chain and pendant titled “true love knot.”
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Also - how sweet is it that Tae and Jk, once again, spent their free time together before Tae’s solo schedule😊
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Collage CTTO; Detailed thread with more information + JK’s return from Qatar (when Taekook went to Paradise Hotel and filmed their Tik Tok “Run BTS” dance challenge) may be found here at this TW link - https://twitter.com/diortetae/status/1663825971617878016?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg
Recap of October 23, 2022 - Tae posting a photo of Jk on his IG stories - https://www.tumblr.com/taekooktimeline/718845941963210752/october-23-2023
Recap of November 22, 2022 (approximately) - Run BTS dance challenge at Paradise Hotel - https://www.tumblr.com/taekooktimeline/702090487479320576/approximately-november-22-2022-filmed-november
Recap of April 8, 2023, when Hobi and Taekook spent time together before Jk went overseas - https://www.tumblr.com/taekooktimeline/714807882986799104/april-8-2023
Recap of April 24-25, 2023 - when Tae uploaded a series of photos, one being him and Jk after the Dream premier + an IG story of him, Jk, Wooga and other friends walking the streets of Seoul (without any media, paparazzi or fans bothering or spotting them), before he flew to France - https://www.tumblr.com/taekooktimeline/717591887357362176/april-24-25-2023
Recap of May 29, 2023, when Tae mentioned he’d called Jk at dawn, and Jk was going to cook Makguksu for him the next day - https://www.tumblr.com/taekooktimeline/718760912250617856/may-29-2023
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blueiscoool · 2 years
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10 Dazzling Gold and Silver Treasures Discovered in 2022
Over the centuries, humans have crafted gold and silver into jewelry, coins and other stunning items. Some of these shiny objects were interred in burials or lost from loose pockets, only to be found hundreds of years to millennia later by archaeologists digging into our past or even unearthed unintentionally by members of the public. Here are 10 extraordinary discoveries that came to light in 2022.
1. 'Cheap Jewelry' is Really Gold Viking Ring
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When a woman in Norway bought a bundle of cheap jewelry at an online auction, she was expecting to find some fun costume pieces to wear. Instead, she discovered something else entirely: a large gold Viking ring designed from twisted metal strands. The woman showed the ring to archaeologists, who dated it based on its style. According to the archaeologists, a powerful Viking chief may have owned this ring more than 1,000 years ago.
2. Kitchen Renovation Uncovers Gold Coin Stash
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A routine kitchen renovation led to the discovery of a lifetime: a hoard of gold coins hidden beneath the wooden floorboards of an 18th-century house in the U.K. The stash includes more than 260 gold coins dating from 1610 to 1727 and is estimated to be worth around $290,000 (250,000 pounds).
3. Byzantine Gold Coins in Israel
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Archaeologists on a nature reserve in northern Israel dug up a trove of 44 gold coins dating to the Byzantine Empire (circa A.D. 330 to 1453). These gorgeous coins date to the reigns of Emperor Phocas (A.D. 602 to 610) and Emperor Heraclius (A.D. 610 to 641). The hoard's owner may have buried the stash before fleeing from Muslim soldiers, who invaded the region in A.D. 635.
4. Gold and Silver Coins near an Egyptian Temple
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For the last millennium, a cache of gold and silver coins sat buried underground near an Egyptian temple. These coins date to the Islamic era, which lasted from A.D. 610 until the 13th century. The coins are varied, including 286 silver coins of kings and kingdoms from that time, gold coins, a coin from what is now Armenia that was minted during King Leo II's reign in the 13th century, and bronze and brass coins from the Ottoman Empire.
5. 3,000-Year-Old Gold Funeral Mask from China
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The 3,000-year-old tomb of a noble in what is now central China contained a rich treasure: a gold funeral mask, one of the oldest gold objects ever found in the region. The mask is large enough to cover an adult's face and may have symbolized that the deceased had an "imperishable gold body," researchers said.
6. "Abbess" Buried with Gold-and-Garnet Necklace
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An elite woman buried in seventh-century England was laid to rest with a stunning necklace made of gold, garnets and Roman coin pendants. The burial included two impressive crosses, indicating that this medieval woman may have been an early female Christian leader such as an abbess, or possibly even royalty.
7. Gold Coin Features Assassinated Roman Emperor Volusianus
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Excavators unearthed a "very rare" gold coin depicting a murdered Roman emperor in Hungary. The third-century A.D. coin shows the face of Emperor Volusianus, who co-ruled with his father for about two years before his own soldiers killed him and his father. Because Volusianus' reign was so short, coins showing his likeness are rare, especially in Hungary, where Roman gold coins are very uncommon. This coin was very valuable at the time, so losing it must have been a great loss to its owner.
8. Ancient Gold Belt Discovered on Beet Farm
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In the Czech Republic, a beet farmer unexpectedly uncovered a crumpled sheet of gold on his land. The farmer alerted local archaeologists, who determined that the gold treasure was likely the front of a leather belt dating to the Bronze Age, nearly 2,500 years ago. Concentric circles decorating the gold sheet might represent cosmological systems, the archaeologists said. It's unclear who owned the belt, but whoever did was clearly elite.
9. Egyptian Ring Depicts 'God of Fun'
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A 3,300-year-old burial from ancient Egypt contained a handful of valuable jewelry, including a gold ring with an engraving of the "god of fun." This deity, Bes, was often depicted as a dwarf and was usually portrayed playing music and having a good time. However, Bes was also known for protecting women during childbirth. Archaeologists also found a gold necklace and a ring with an Egyptian hieroglyphic inscription that translates to "Lady of the Earth," but the identity of the woman this inscription refers to is still unknown.
10. Rare Coin Shows Charlemagne Just Before his Death
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There are precious few known portraits of Charlamagne made during his lifetime, but now one of them has been found on a rare, 1,200-year-old coin. The coin ended up in the collection of a French farmer, who left his treasured stash to his grandson. When his grandson went through the coins years later and put the Charlemagne item on eBay, German museum curators jumped at the chance to buy it. Charlemagne (ruled A.D. 768 to 814) had the coin, known as a denarius, portray him like a Roman emperor with a laurel on his hat and the dress of a Roman general, even though the Western Roman Empire had collapsed centuries before. Why? Because the Vatican had just crowned him emperor of the Romans on Christmas day in A.D. 800, so the coin was a fitting symbol.
By Laura Geggel.
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joyful-enchantress · 2 years
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I posted 566 times in 2022
That's 441 more posts than 2021!
29 posts created (5%)
537 posts reblogged (95%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 198 of my posts in 2022
#loki - 123 posts
#loki laufeyson - 110 posts
#loki x reader - 102 posts
#loki smut - 96 posts
#loki fanfic - 85 posts
#loki fanfiction - 69 posts
#loki x you - 59 posts
#horn knee - 39 posts
#loki imagine - 34 posts
#loki fluff - 33 posts
Longest Tag: 90 characters
#the way he used his own magic to restrain himself so his queen could have her way with him
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Some original art I did for the story GREEN by @youlightmeupfinn 💚
I’m so excited for this story and it means so much that Taylor liked my idea for it enough to write it as part of her Color Collection and it has had me feeling SO inspired so I created this!
Check out all her work, by the way. You MOST CERTAINLY won’t be disappointed.
29 notes - Posted January 3, 2022
I figured a teaser couldn't hurt...
On the Naughty List coming soon.
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"Oh you're in for it now, pet." He turned around, ever so slowly, his lips upturned into a menacing smile and his emerald eyes burning with the promise of what was to come.
You decided to play right into his hands.
"Have I earned a spot on the naughty list, Sir?"
He gazed back at you with a hungry expression, his pupils dilating with lust; you knew the effect that particular word had on him. He began stalking towards you, like a predator cornering his prey.
"That goes without saying, Y/N. Your misbehavior is simply unacceptable. Now, do you know what happens to naughty girls?"
He was right in front of you once again, towering over you and looking down his nose directly into your eyes.
"They don't get any presents?" you suggest with feigned innocence.
"They must be punished." he declared with such authority, it left no room for argument.
@lokisgoodgirl @sarahscribbles @peaches1958 @pineappleandro @lokischambermaid @simplyholl @gigglingtigger @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @mochie85 @vbecker10 @michelleleewise @fictive-sl0th @holdmytesseract @lady-rose-moon @coldnique @holymultiplefandomsbatman
113 notes - Posted November 23, 2022
Evergreen | Loki x Fem!Reader
A/N: Hello! Enjoy this festive drabble that I wrote for @fictive-sl0th as part of the Secret Santa fic exchange that she so graciously organized. This can be read alone, but could also be considered a companion to I'm Dreaming of a Green Christmas.
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 1.3k (I know, I know... not technically a drabble)
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Christmas Eve.
It was a special day for you and Loki -- it was the day he finally asked to court you after more than a year of relentlessly flirting with each other and finding every excuse to be together.
As you reminisced, you absent-mindedly reached your delicate fingers up to toy with the emerald pendant resting against your collarbone; Loki had gifted it to you this very night two years ago, when you both came to your senses and freed the feelings you had been harboring for each other for so long. You couldn't help the smile that graced your lips at the memory. He was your best friend. Your soulmate. Your person.
As always, you and Loki were planning to do your gift exchange for each other tonight, in the privacy of his own quarters. It was one of your favorite traditions you had begun with him, and it gave the two of you time to yourselves, away from the hubbub that inevitably would come tomorrow with Christmas Day in the Avengers Tower.
To celebrate the two years that you and Loki have been officially together, you wanted to do something special. For his gift this year, you had designed and ordered a custom Movado watch for him. The timepiece boasted a two-tone wrist strap of shining silver and yellow gold; the signature 12 o’clock dot and slender hands were cast in yellow gold, and set inside the golden case was the most stunning emerald green dial. On the back of the case you had engraved: The time I spend with you will never be enough. I love you, Loki. It was sleek, elegant, and beautiful — just like him.
The time came for you to head to Loki’s and you could barely contain your excitement; you restlessly bounced and rocked on the balls of your feet as you waited for the elevator to arrive on his floor. The gift box in your hands — blanketed in sleek black wrapping paper and tied off with a glittering emerald green ribbon — complemented your outfit perfectly. A skin-tight black turtleneck was tucked into a tea-length satin skirt of the richest emerald. Your look was completed with sparkling gold heels and, of course, your necklace.
The elevator dinged, signaling your arrival, and you rushed out and nearly skipped the whole way to his door. Before you could even knock, the door swung open, revealing the object of all your love, adoration, and desire.
“Loki…” you breathed. You would never tire of laying eyes on him — each time you did, it felt like the first. His raven curls were neatly slicked back, framing his perfect, angular face. He flashed you a beaming smile and his emerald eyes were alight with excitement and adoration. He was dressed to the nines, in his go-to all-black suit and tie combo, the tie clip you gifted him two years ago displayed proudly against his chest, the single emerald on it glittering when it caught the light. He was beautiful. And he was yours.
"Darling," he returned, "You look absolutely stunning." As he said it, he took your face in his hands and lowered his face to yours, meeting your lips in the most sensual kiss. It was slow and gentle, but there was an urgency to it, as if he might never get to kiss you again. Was he nervous about something?
"Merry Christmas and Happy Anniversary, Lohks. I've been looking forward to seeing you all day."
"As have I, my love. Every moment I'm not with you seems to drag on for eternity," he whispered against your lips. "Happy Anniversary and Merry Christmas, Y/N"
Once you peeled yourselves away from each other and made your way inside his quarters, you placed the gift box under the tree, and you noticed that it was the only one there. That's strange, you briefly thought to yourself for a passing moment, but there were more important matters at hand -- such as the devastatingly good-looking god sitting on the couch waiting for you to join him. You sat down together and enjoyed the hot cocoa he had made, complete with marshmallows and peppermint sticks.
"You're certainly dressed up this year, Loki. I mean, you always look dashingly handsome, of course, but a full suit and tie this year? I'm a lucky lady," you smirked at him.
He chuckled at your remark. God how you loved his laugh. "I wanted to brandish the exquisite gift you bestowed on me two years ago, darling," he explained while gesturing to the tie clip. "And that required wearing a tie. Plus," he continued, looking directly into your eyes, "this is a rather special day, as it marks two years that we've been together romantically. And I couldn't be happier, Y/N."
"Neither could I," you sighed contentedly.
As you sipped your hot cocoa, chatting and sharing the occasional chocolate-laced kiss, Christmas music was softly playing in the background. Everything was perfect in this moment.
"Well, darling, shall we exchange gifts then, before we get too lost in each other to remember or care?" he asked as he brushed his nose against your neck.
"Yes!" you exclaimed as you popped up from the couch and began walking towards the tree to retrieve his gift, blabbering on as you did. "Oh, Loki, I'm so excited for you to open yours, I really hope you like it. I wanted to do something a bit more special this year and --"
You were cut off mid-sentence and your jaw went slack at the sight before you as you turned around, Loki's watch box clasped tightly in your hand. Your best friend and lover was down on one knee, holding in his hands a small box that contained the most beautiful diamond ring you had ever seen. The ring had a twisted band of both platinum and yellow gold. The platinum parts of the twist were encrusted with emeralds, and led directly to the center stone -- a sparkling princess cut diamond -- where they formed a loose halo.
You gasped, speechless, as you approached him.
"Y/N, darling, I love you with everything that I am, and I toiled for weeks, endeavoring to come up with the perfect way to propose to you. Since you are deserving of all the Nine Realms, I wanted to make sure my proposal was lavish enough to reflect that. But then, I realized, there is nothing flashy or performative about our love. Our love is real, it is steadfast, and it is something that comes along once in a generation. It is timeless and beautiful to behold, without even trying. So here I am, in the one place we spend the most time together -- the place where we have shared the most treasured memories and sweet nothings -- asking you to spend the rest of your life with me. Y/N, will you do me the undeniable honor of becoming my wife?"
Tears of joy sprang from your eyes as you listened to him. You couldn't believe it. This was really happening.
"Of course I will," you managed to speak, "Yes, Loki, I'll marry you!"
At your words, he rose from his feet and placed the gorgeous ring on your left ring finger. Looking at him, you would have thought he had just conquered all Nine Realms, with the way his chest swelled with pride and his eyes swam with unshed tears of awe and adoration -- for you.
He wrapped you in a warm embrace and kissed you with more fire and passion than ever before, his soft lips moving against yours in a dance of celebratory ownership. Gone was the urgency from earlier; he was able to take his time now, knowing that you agreed to remain his for all your days.
You would happily don his colors forever. Ever his. Evergreen.
See the full post
134 notes - Posted December 10, 2022
I'm Dreaming of a Green Christmas | Loki x Fem!Reader
A/N: Hello! This is my FIRST EVER fic and I’m so excited to share it! I wrote it as part of the Winter Warmers collection that @lokisgoodgirl so graciously opened for contributions. I hope you enjoy!
Update: I wrote a companion piece to this! See how their story continues in Evergreen.
Genre: Friends to lovers, fluff, humor, suggestive thoughts, slight angst (if you squint)
Word Count: 2k
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Loki Laufeyson.
The man of your dreams. Or, should you say, the god of your dreams.
Ever since he had reluctantly joined the Avengers last year, you couldn’t get him out of your head. The jet-black hair that fell in cascades, providing a brilliant contrast to the alabaster skin of his face, stretched tautly over sharp cheekbones and a chiseled jaw. You’d idly wondered if you could indeed cut yourself on his cheekbones – and what his jaw might taste like – and you were slightly embarrassed at just how badly you wanted to find out. 
Then there were his eyes – were they emerald green? Or perhaps ocean blue? You could never quite decide. Their gorgeous color seemed to ebb and shift just as much as the crystalline tides. Regardless of their color, they always appeared to be sparkling with mischief; glinting with the thoughts of his next scheme. And Loki usually wore some kind of impish smile to complement his twinkling eyes; you swore the way his lips twisted into those cunning smirks could bring you to your knees – not that you’d be complaining about being in that position…not for him, anyway.
Sigh. Your thoughts hadn’t even wandered below his neck yet, and you were already in need of a cold shower. Was he even aware of the hold he had on you?
Sometimes, you suspected that he knew. You were fast friends after he joined the team and moved into the tower, and not long after, you began to consider him your best friend. The two of you spent countless hours together – almost every free moment you both had to spare. Your time spent with him came with inevitable physical contact - innocent brushes of fingertips as you’d both reach for the last snack, warm hugs, and intimate contact while sparring. Sometimes, even, the occasional wrestling-match-turned-tickle-fight. Each touch, no matter the context, lit your skin on fire, burning with your desire for more. The conversations you had with him were often laced with innuendo; he’d make a suggestive remark and his lips would curl into a devilish grin as he watched the blush blossom over your neck and cheeks. 
But – you told yourself – it didn’t mean anything; that’s just who he was: a relentless flirt. He’d often brag of his sexual exploits back on Asgard (which would also cause you to blush and choke on your drinks), and it was clear that Loki Laufeyson had quite the queue of women at his bedroom door, hoping for the chance to spend a night of passion with him. Perhaps there was some mild attraction, but there was no way he would ever have genuine interest in someone like you. How could he, when he was so damned perfect? And you were, well… you.
Last Christmas was his first “Midgardian Christmas” as he liked to call it. You had fond memories of showing him the traditional customs – decorating, wrapping gifts, watching Christmas movies, drinking hot chocolate, and you even got him to join in on some Christmas caroling. Your favorite memory from last year, though, was when he showed you his apartment at the Avengers tower. You had been inside before, of course, but he was so excited to show you how he decorated it himself, using what he learned after you had dragged him along with you to help decorate every other nook and cranny of the compound…
“Do you like it, darling? Did I live up to your rigorous standards?”
“Loki…” you gasped, “This is breathtaking!” 
He beamed. “Well, I did have a masterful teacher.”
There was that damned smirk again.
“You’ve given it your own… flavor, too, I see.”
“There was no other option, Y/N. Midgardian Christmas decor consists of entirely too much red for my taste,” he remarked with a cringe. “It really is quite tacky. I’ve taken a more… elegant approach.” 
“But what about holly berries? Candy canes? Poinsettias? Red ribbon, even?”
“What was that song you taught me last week? White Christmas? Well in here, darling, we have a Green Christmas, take it or leave it.”
Pulling yourself back to the present moment, you chuckled at the memory. Of course he couldn’t stand to see so much of his brother’s colors in his own quarters. Loki’s room was immaculately adorned with festive decorations, and not a speck of red could be found. The green fir tree in the corner was spectacularly embellished with glittering bulbs of the brightest emerald, silver, and gold. White lights and silver tinsel added to the sparkle, and nestled at the precipice was a beautifully ornate silver spinning wheel, a symbol of his mother, Frigga. The windows in his room were frosted, even though it hadn’t snowed that day, and when you approached them to investigate, you noticed they were not cold to the touch. Loki had frosted them himself, using his power as a Jotun, and then used his seidr to seal them so the frost would not melt, nor would the unwelcome chill seep into the cozy room. Hanging in each of the frosted windows was a green wreath, each one complete with a golden bow and a flickering candle. His usual black furniture and rich, emerald green soft furnishings throughout the room brought the entire look together. It was warm and inviting, but also strong and dark – just like him.
Here you were, daydreaming of that Green Christmas last year, and the nights you would have liked to spend in his room… in his bed.
It just wouldn’t do any more. Being best friends wasn’t enough; you needed more. Christmas was all about letting people know how much you love them, right? You resolved that you would tell Loki your true feelings for him on Christmas Eve.
Christmas Eve arrived in the blink of an eye, and you’d never been more nervous in your life. You had rehearsed over and over again the words that you would say to him, but you feared it wouldn’t be enough. Or maybe it would be too much? Would it scare him away? Would you lose his friendship, that was so dear to you?
Stop it. You could do this.
You picked up the emerald green box adorned with a golden bow, which contained your gift for him. You had gotten him a simple and elegant tie clip, made of platinum, with a single emerald inlaid on the end. It had made you think of him right away when you saw it in the jewelry store, your mind immediately wandering to the thought of him in his all-black suit and tie combo, with that tie clip displayed proudly against his chest.
With the gift box in hand, you began your pilgrimage to his private quarters, where you had plans to do your gift exchange. As you approached the door, the flutters in your stomach increased their tempo from allegro to prestissimo; the blood pounding in your ears rose to a deafening crescendo. You audibly exhaled, trying desperately to catch your breath, and your hand trembled as it made its descent to give a shaky knock on the door. Your body was a perfect symphony of nervousness.
Loki promptly answered with his signature bright smile and twinkling eyes.
See the full post
503 notes - Posted November 18, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
On the Naughty List (18+) | Loki x Fem!Reader
A/N: Everyone has been so welcoming and kind and encouraging with my first fic that I decided to try my hand at another one! This is also my first try with smut, so apologies if it is awkward at all. I hope you like it! It is another installment in the Winter Warmers Collection curated by @lokisgoodgirl
Genre/Warnings: Smut (18+), soft(ish) Dom!Loki, here be filth, some fluff too, established relationship, language, restraints, spanking, nipple play (clamps), temperature play, edging/orgasm delay, begging, oral f!receiving, choking (if you squint)
Word Count: 4377
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"Stop, Loki! Ahhhhh, stop, please!" you shrieked wildly as Loki playfully but mercilessly pelted you with icy snowballs.
You loved seeing him like this, completely lost in a moment of carefree fun. His eyes were alight with that familiar glint of mischief and the midday rays reflecting off the surrounding snow seemed to dance across his porcelain skin. He was beautiful. And he was yours. An arrogant smile slowly melted into his features as he responded to your request for a ceasefire.
"What's the matter, darling? Can't handle everything I have to offer?" he quipped with a wink.
Damn him and his relentless innuendo. A slight blush crept across your cheeks at his words.
"Oh, I know I can handle all of you, Laufeyson. I've done it many times before," you decided to give it right back to him. "What I can't handle is any more snowballs to the face or soaking through my coat. Not all of us have an endless tolerance for cold, you know!"
Given Loki's heritage, he required no protective outerwear during your childish winter antics. Not that you truly minded -- it meant you got to enjoy a better view of those sinful hands of his, the long, elegant fingers flexing dexterously as he packed the glittering snow into nearly perfect spheres. But, perhaps, his affinity for the cold did give him an unfair advantage in this case.
"I can think of several things I could do to warm you right up, love. Things I could do with my fingers..." he twirled his delectable digits seductively and nearly had you drooling. "...or my mouth..." his skillful tongue peered through the curtains that were his luscious lips and slowly swiped along his top lip just before he smirked knowingly and pulled his bottom lip between his teeth. "...or my cock."
Had the temperature suddenly risen? Your thighs clenched together involuntarily, your body already yearning for the sweet friction, and the slightest whimper escaped your lips at his salacious words.
He paced towards you, closing the distance until there was none left, and his warm breath was fanning across your neck as he bent to whisper in your ear.
"Although," he continued, "judging by your reaction thus far, I could probably keep you warm with my words alone." His voice seemed to drop an octave, and assumed that familiar huskiness that he reserved only for you in your most private moments with him. "Maybe we should test the theory, hmm? Would you like that, darling?" His tongue darted out to lick the shell of your ear.
"Yes, Loki..." you breathed, your own voice barely above a whisper. "Please, let's be done with our game and go inside. I need you."
"As you wish, my love," he placed a wet kiss along your jawline. "Follow me."
He began the short walk back to the cozy home the two of you shared, his broad back to you. The wet spots he left on your ear and jaw began to sting in the frigid winter air. You absent-mindedly reached up to soothe the ache with your gloved fingertips, and as you turned to admire the way the dark jeans he was wearing hugged his perfect ass as he strode towards the house, the temptation was too great. You simply could not resist.
A perfectly thrown snowball hit him in the back of the head, bursting into a flurry of snow that clung to his ebony curls and drifted down his neck and across his back.
"Oh you're in for it now, pet." He turned around, ever so slowly, his lips upturned into a menacing smile and his emerald eyes burning with the promise of what was to come.
You decided to play right into his hands.
"Have I earned a spot on the naughty list, Sir?"
He gazed back at you with a hungry expression, his pupils dilating with lust; you knew the effect that particular word had on him. He began stalking towards you, like a predator cornering his prey.
"That goes without saying, Y/N. Your misbehavior is simply unacceptable. Now, do you know what happens to naughty girls?"
He was right in front of you once again, towering over you and looking down his nose directly into your eyes.
"They don't get any presents?" you suggest with feigned innocence.
"They must be punished." he declared with such authority, it left no room for argument.
"Oh really? Just what exactly do you -- AHH!"
Before you could even finish your snarky response, he had you draped over his shoulder, your eyes staring at his perfect backside and his strong arm flexed behind your knees, holding you in place. His other hand rose up to give your unsuspecting bottom a warning smack.
"No more questions, darling. You're in enough trouble as it is."
See the full post
589 notes - Posted November 27, 2022
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playboy-jewelry · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Playboy Necklace Miss June Bunny Pendant Gold Plated Birthstone y2k NWT RARE HTF.
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styleofdiamandis · 2 years
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In a bunch of Instagram photos from her late summer escapades, was one of Marina on a night out with her loved ones. Check out her killer outfit after the jump!
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Marina rocked this Sara Battaglia Cross top with puffy sleeves (€230.00) from the Spring/Summer 2022 "Good Times" collection. She wore it backwards. We can also spot her Bodied by Uchis "Obsesión" light blue denim jeans ($111 - sold out) which were  crafted in the Colombian “levanta cola” style, and feature fraying and an eye-catching back patch.
Sara Battaglia “Cross” Top (€230.00)
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We can spot her Élise Tsikis Otov 24k gold plated brass necklace ($312.00) which features a classic curb chain that suspends a hammered heart pendant. The necklace belongs to the designer’s “LOST IN FANTASY” collection, inspired by illustrator and painter Alphonse Mucha and the humanist eye of Irving Penn.
Élise Tsikis “Otov” Heart Necklace ($312.00)
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Lastly, she carried this new Jacquemus Grand Chiquito turquoise leather top handle bag with flap front and metal logo detail.
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dankusner · 2 months
 ‘Ice Cold: An Exhibition of Hip-Hop Jewelry’, a cultural trip through jewellery design
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‘Given hip-hop’s roots in New York, the chance to tell this story in this city is very special’
Hip-hop’s official 50th birthday was 11 August 2023.
And while there’s still time to celebrate that milestone, this party is not due to end any time soon.
‘Ice Cold: An Exhibition of Hip-Hop Jewelry’ runs at the American Museum of Natural History in New York until January 2025, and so there's ample time to join in.
Among the oversized gold chains and diamond-studded pendants is a glitter ball of legendary names – The Notorious B.I.G., Jam Master Jay and Erykah Badu among them.
But ‘Ice Cold’ aims higher, going way beyond the brilliantly audacious designs to illuminate hip-hop jewellery as part of a multi-layered trajectory of style, politics and sociocultural trends.
Following the success of Run-DMC’s 1986 hit ‘My Adidas’, Adidas struck a first-of-its-kind endorsement deal with the group, presenting each member with a 14ct gold sneaker-charm pendant. This version is by jeweller Erwin Hesz
As Sean Decatur, president of the museum tells me from New York:
‘The exhibition is not purely an academic or voyeuristic exercise, but one in which voices of the artists come through very clearly. And, given hip-hop's roots in New York City, the chance to tell a cultural story that resonates with this city in this very strong way was very exciting for us.’
While the ‘Ice Cold’ curatorial team included hip-hop great Slick Rick, industry label executives, film-makers, jewellers and academics, it is guest curator, the journalist and author Vikki Tobak, and her meticulous research for Ice Cold: A Hip-Hop Jewelry History, who inspired the show.
A YouTube Originals docu-series, ICE COLD, by Karam Gill, was also created.
A$AP Rocky jewelled Lego Man pendant; Tyler the Creator jewelled Bellman
Coloured gems are a recurring motif in contemporay hip-hop jewels: 14ct-gold, sapphire, ruby, diamond and enamel Lego pendant, designed for A$AP Rocky by Alex Moss X Pavē, 2022; diamond, sapphire and various-colour gemstones Tyler the Creator Bellhop necklace with operable briefcase, by Alex Moss, 2021
‘I've been in love with hip-hop since the early 1990s when my first job was working at a small record label with early artists including Jay Z and Gang Starr,’ Tobak explains. ‘So, I fell in love with the music even before I knew it would be a profession.’
Having worked on the management side, her interest in hip-hop jewellery evolved naturally.
‘I think when you have a love of hip-hop to the level I did, you understand the many layers beyond the music: the style, the politics, the socio-cultural elements.
So, I always recognised the fashion and jewellery as part of hip-hop’s evolving identity – a culture within the culture, if you will.’
‘Ice Cold’ crosses five decades of jewellery design in hip-hop, from the gigantic 9ct, hollow-gold chains that set rappers apart in the late 1970s through Flavor Flav’s comic 1980s clock pendant that prompted rap’s entry into the mainstream, to Roxanne Shanté’s ‘R’ signet ring, signifying her role as the only female rapper of Juice Crew collective.
The story weaves through 1990s diamond-set record-label pendants, demure opal and white gold grillz for Erykah Badu, and Ghostface Killah’s gobsmackingly gargantuan five-pound Eagle armband.
The current mood, meanwhile, is represented by Nicki Minaj’s Barbie necklace and Tyler the Creator’s CAD-drawn character pendants, signaling a return of the pop humour and outsize forms of the early designs.
Erykah Badu wears eagle teeth grillz; Slick Rick's diamond-studded eye patch and costume crown
‘People always think of hip-hop as remixing and reinventing things, and that goes across all aspects of it, including the jewellers,’ says Tobak. ‘Also, entrepreneurialism is very much in the spirit of hip-hop and, at the beginning, there weren’t any fashion houses who wanted to dress hip-hop creatives nor jewellers catering to the hip-hop crowd. And, though not necessarily by choice, a lot of the early jewellers, immigrants from the former Soviet Union, parts of Asia, the Caribbean, were in tune with hip-hop’s DIY spirit. The “Let's go for it, right? Let's be bigger, let's be bolder with our jewelry, let's show the world who we are” design drive is, in part, an extension of that entrepreneurialism.’ Today, as big brands understand its marketing power, Tobak believes: ‘you might say hip-hop, and the luxury world are lockstep’.
So how did ‘Ice Cold’ end up on show in the American Museum of Natural History?
‘We've had a gems collection at the museum since the late 19th century,’ Decatur explains. ‘But we have always used objects from the natural world to highlight their meaning in the context of human culture, and jewellery design is part of that.’
The notion of Ice Cold being an opportunity to do something particularly special, then, he says, was clear to everyone involved:
‘When some of the artists who've loaned works for the exhibition saw it for the first time, it was really moving to hear their stories of having come to the Natural History Museum as kids,’ says the clearly delighted museum president.
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les-degustations-ugo · 3 months
🍷🇺🇸 And 🇫🇷
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Description of the pinned domain in the comments
🇺🇸Hello corkscrew lovers. And you, what is the most complex blend you have drunk?
🍷IGP Vaucluse white 2022 cuvée Les Grès from Domaine de la Bastidonne
🍇Roussanne, Viognier, Chardonnay, Grenache Blanc, Clairette.
Fermentation and aging in barrels for 6 months.
👁️A pale gold colored dress
👃A nose with notes of apricots and white flowers
💋A wine of exquisite finesse. An elegant minerality accompanied by a subtle touch of butter. A vintage that delights the taste buds. Aromas of vine peaches, juicy apricots and nectarines. A mouth that lingers pleasantly with a finish of incomparable floral beauty.
🧆Tasted on a salmon papillote with tomato.
🇫🇷Hello les amoureux du tire-bouchon. Et vous, quel est l'assemblage le plus complexe que vous avez bu ?
🍷IGP Vaucluse blanc 2022 cuvée Les Grès du Domaine de la Bastidonne
🍇Roussanne, Viognier, Chardonnay, Grenache Blanc, Clairette.
Fermentation et élevage en barrique pendant 6 mois.
👁️Une robe de couleur or pâle
👃Un nez sur des notes d'abricots et fleurs blanches
💋Un vin d'une finesse exquise. Une minéralité élégante accompagnée d'une subtile touche de beurre. Une cuvée qui ravit les papilles. Des arômes de pêches de vigne, d'abricots bien juteux et de nectarines. Une bouche qui persiste agréablement avec une finale d'une beauté florale incomparable.
🧆Dégusté sur une Papillotes de saumon à la tomate.
🥘Quelques accords mets et vin🥘 : Brie aux truffes, Cuisine coréenne, Pizza au fromage de chèvre,...
🔞« L'abus d'alcool est dangereux pour la santé, à consommer avec modération »🔞.
Dégustation non rémunéré
#lesdegustationsugo #wine #winelover #vino #winetasting #winetime #winelovers #instawine #redwine #winestagram #winery #beer #wineoclock #vin #sommelier #love #vinho #foodporn #winelife #instagood #whitewine #cocktails #drinks #wein #foodie #wineporn #drink
🇬🇧Domain Description 🇬🇧
Family estate of 45 hectares located in the town of Cabrières d'Avignon backed by the southern foothills of the Monts de Vaucluse. This vineyard is in the protected designation of origin "Ventoux". The Marreau family has owned the estate since 1850. The first vats and the first vinifications were made in 1925 by Martial Marreau, in the 1950s it was his sons Gilbert, André and Yvon who ensured the sustainability of the estate.
🇫🇷Description du Domaine 🇫🇷
Domaine familial de 45 hectares situé sur la commune de Cabrières d'Avignon adossé aux contreforts sud des Monts de Vaucluse. Ce vignoble est en appellation d'origine protégée " Ventoux".La famille Marreau est propriétaire du domaine depuis 1850. Les premières cuves et les premières vinifications ont été faites en 1925 par Martial Marreau , dans les années 1950 ce sont ses fils Gilbert , André et Yvon qui ont assurés la pérennité du domaine.
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antiquariusv · 6 months
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Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Distinguished 22k Gold Lady Liberty Coin Mounted in 14k Gold Pendant by Wideband.
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kitsnkicks · 1 year
The designer football shirt outfit
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Inspired by the Versace blue jeans bottle I decided to style the Italian football teams kit, sticking with the black and blue theme.
This is a mock shirt, that was originally designed by fans and has become very popular.
As summer isn’t around the corner anytime soon I’ve styled the shirt with classic corduroy trousers for warmth and comfort.
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Links to purchase (Prices may vary). ⬇️
Italy 2022 ‘concept’ Versace home kit - £34.99
Navy corduroy relaxed fit trousers - £14.90
Nike Air Max TW next nature trainers - £86.97
Blue velvet messenger bag - £25.00
Iced Medusa pendant gold - £27.99
Which football 👕 should I style next? ⬇️
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Design Trends in California Architecture Projects
Trends come and go and California has always been a trendsetter, in architecture and interior design. As architectural designers we see all of the changes in style and taste. Today we will explore what we are seeing for 2022 design trends in California architecture projects.
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5 Design Trends in California
If you have been thinking about having your California home remodeled, or designing a new one, these trends could really inspire you.
White, White, White
We have seen a huge return to white interiors. White with white trim is so common now we have two standard Benjamin Moore colors as a result: Cloud White walls with Simply White trim.
Dean commented, “We did a tour of other architects’ projects recently and I can’t tell you how much white on white we found. Even traditional white. And that’s what they are doing the architecture in now.”
This sounds like a contradiction to what we just said, but we have also seen a huge resurgence back to color. The color could be on walls, but we are seeing it more in furnishings, as a pop. This trend is opposed to doing everything in neutrals like we saw a few years back.
Dean noted, “In projects, like our Latimer project, you’d see all the interiors were these peaceful shades of mushrooms, grays, creams, and hints of gold and black. Nope, not anymore. We’re just seeing a huge return back to color. And people are expressing it in the furnishings and the accessories. Not so much in the paint and architecture.”
Combined with the return to color, we are seeing a big return to wallpaper, and bold wallpaper at that. At Dean Larkin Design we love a company called Walnut. They have beautiful custom-made abstract patterns for your wall that are like art. They custom make them for your wall and they are not too expensive.
Dean commented, “This is not like normal wallpaper you’ve seen. It’s not your traditional stripes. It’s very abstract, very textural, very contemporary. The impact they make is amazing for a bed wall or accent wall. They are very unusual because wallpaper has a pattern and these don’t. We did a project where the powder room wall that you face when you come in was done in wallpaper because of course nobody shuts their doors and it was a tiny powder room, but a really pretty powder room, and we wanted people to come see it. So we did one of their wallpapers in these shades of blue. It just makes a huge impact because what is not in style right now is accent walls, and these are sort of taking their place.”
We are using headboards as part of the architecture, designed into the wall, or you might say that the wall becomes the headboard.
Dean elaborated on the subject. “We are embedding headboards into the architecture, even to the point that sometimes they also become the ceiling design. So we are really elevating the presence of the bed In the room and really anchoring it, not only as a piece of furniture but as part of the architecture.”
Another trend we are seeing is replacing table lamps on nightstands with pendants that hang from the ceiling. Homeowners are thrilled to have the clutter removed from the nightstands and Dean doesn’t see this trend going away.
He notes, “Back in the day they were hardwired into the switch so when you walked into your bedroom, you flipped the switch and the bed lamps would come on. This is the modern version of that.”
With so many different individual styles and tastes, these are just a few of the design trends we have been seeing. Catch our next article where we will explore kitchen and bath design trends in California architecture projects.
Contact Dean Larkin for Exceptional Contemporary Design in California
If you are interested in learning how any of these design trends could be implemented in your home project, we would love to meet you. Dean Larkin Design was established in Los Angeles in 1999 and this modern architecture firm maximizes the intrinsic potential of a location, including its available natural light sources. Dean Larkin is very familiar with both historical and contemporary design in the entire Los Angeles area, and the firm endeavors to achieve a complexity that is multi-layered with an effortless elegance. For a design that is modern and innovative, unlocks your location’s innate potential by making specific use of light, views and more, and uniquely designed for the way you live, contact Dean Larkin for a consultation.
Blog is originally published at: https://deanlarkindesign.com/design-trends-in-california-architecture-projects/
It is republished with the permission from the author.
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azuni-london · 2 years
Modern Jewellery Designs You Should Add To Your Stock
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Nowadays, women are more enthused and drawn to modern jewelry and are eager to update their jewelry to match the current trends being talked about everywhere. For everyday wear, women are more likely to wear the appropriate set of jewelry that makes them feel confident, confident, and attractive. It can even help to make their appearance more attractive and reflect their character with style!
With many lifestyle changes, the current generation is about changing and changing. In addition to breaking the old norms and stereotypes and norms, the jewelry sector has experienced a dramatic increase. There's a shift in the fashions of jewelry, and it's becoming bolder, more powerful, and more exciting. Therefore, modern jewellery designers UK focuses on modern design ideas. 
Suppose you're eagerly anticipating the latest and exciting trends in the jewelry of 2023. In that case, you range from a vibrant pop enamel collection to diverse gold chains and everything in between. These are the top 5 trends that are sure to elevate your mood and style in the coming season of 20223.
Missing Earrings
One fashion trend dominating Instagram is the desire for a pair of earrings that are not matching. If you're the type who likes to defy rules and flaunt the trend of mismatched earrings, consider combing your earrings together from pearls and hoops and diamond earrings paired together. These pieces of different sizes and designs make a statement from the crowd. Different geometric designs or forms are the easiest and most effective to mix and match. They can make a statement.
Inspired by Nature
Nature has always played a significant role in changing the definition of jewelry from gorgeous flowers to beautiful petals, leaves, and animals(bugs and butterflies). Nature-inspired jewelry gives a soothing and balanced style. This new collection allows you to look stylish and let you shine every piece you wear. Therefore, dress in elegant florals and animal themes, and keep it simple with a natural look regardless of the day.
Beautiful Enamel Jewellery with a vibrant color
The summer months are coming, and you should add vibrant and bright enamel jewelry to your collection and bring a fun and lively collection to your everyday style. The bright enamel collection is growing and has claimed its spot in a jewelry box, bringing energy. It doesn't matter if it's your favorite stunning ring or earrings, the addition of color is always appreciated. This vibrant and colorful mix is a hot trend and has been attracting the most interest from girls and celebrities across the globe.
Bold Chain Styles
Bold chains are the most popular fashion trend of 2022. These striking and chunky necklaces are perfect if you want to achieve the ultimate classy and stylish style. These chains can be worn in a variety of ways. Combining it with a pendant is sure to create a trendy style. Coins can also serve as a basis to add a touch of elegance to the chain. Combining it with layered bracelets will certainly provide a casual, boho-inspired look. You can also pair it with rings and earrings to make your look stronger.
Rainbow Jewellery
Are you one of those who likes to experiment and experiment with different designs of the same boring and boring jewelry? This rainbow jewelry is the most popular and sought-after jewelry trend for summer. Whatever the style, this rainbow collection brings you to feel happy. If you wear the rainbow trend, stay away from wearing bright and vibrant outfits. Let your rainbow-colored jewelry steal the show!
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playboy-jewelry · 6 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Playboy Necklace Miss June Bunny Pendant Gold Plated Birthstone y2k NWT RARE HTF.
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