#2024 resolution i start drawing and posting regularly
wraithwen · 5 months
✶ 𝔭𝔦𝔫𝔫𝔢𝔡 𝔭𝔬𝔰𝔱 ✶
allen - '01 liner - butch lesbian - sakha
main blog — follow and reply from here art tag
fandoms are tagged accordingly
commissions tba — not open not closed but a secret third thing. dm if you want
terfs & other bigots dni
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marquezian · 30 days
#literally them in our pregnant marc hooking up with bezz au <- will counsel please approach the bench and explain
SCREAM… APPROACHES CAUTIOUSLY… we have nothing concrete its just vibes. and deranged and incoherent.
sarah @girl2dirt (everybody say hiiiii sarah.. shes new here) and i's favorite topic has been pregnant marc recently and we've also been talking about how, unrelated to pregnancy, marc and bezz should have sex thats like, marc getting his needs met purely a physical thing its not about bezz (or vale) or anything its just. marc notices bezz is willing. its post-injury marc this is post sepang marc hes more clinical more methodical more guarded. harder better faster stronger.mp3. so for marc its literally like ok. let me take care of my needs. this is fine. its of course earth-shattering mind melting sex for bezz though!!!!
this convo has led to me receiving the following message from sarah yesterday: "marc pregnant vale’s baby has sex with bezz bc horny and convenient question mark send message" and i promptly blacked out…
how and why marc is pregnant with vales baby isnt important (can i get a yay for an emotionally fucked up 2024 rosquez one night stand thoughhhhhh) the important thing is the premise of pregnant marc so horny hes like a genuine omega in heat due to pregnancy hormones. needs someone to fuck. and we were like discussing vale doesnt want to be in the picture, so the fun angle would be bezz accidentally blabbing to vale that hes been seeing marc.
why are you seeing marc, bezz? ehhh we've been hanging out. hes my friend now. allora bezz… since when is he your friend you didnt tell me..
vale grills him but has of course figured it out as soon as bezz says hes been seeing him LOL ! remembers instances of sheepish guilty puppy bezz evading questions about where hes been recently but they all thought hes just been slutting around. it all adds up immediately.
yayyyyyy !
this switches a flip in vales brain that bezz will forever wish had never been flipped because his relationship w vale will never be the same. it activates vales worst impulse.. he now sees bezz as a rival, yayyy sexual competitiveness… but its also the catalyst for marc/vale reconciling properly in this lil universe…stay with me
so we were like talking about all that leading to a threesome between bezz vale marc. theres immediately an air of vale Watching what bezz does, instructing him and guiding him bc he knows marcs body best, still, even a decade after they were first together. and bezz watches as vale does things to marc that marc never mentioned to bezz that he likes.. touches marc in ways bezz has touched marc but with bezz they never made marc quiver and react like hes reacting to vales touch… constant pangs in bezzs stomach… but its also like. bezz Notices for the very first time that vale is playing with him. vale wants to make a point vale wants to draw a line for bezz, that this isnt his playground. that BEZZ crossed a line doing this with marc. bezz sees something cold and calculating in vales eyes when he looks at him, hes only ever seen this directed at others never at him, it breaks something in him… he never forgets it ! never forgets how the realization that hes been cast out of the inner chamber of vales heart is so tied to vale instructing him to cum inside marc, and bezz cumming harder than ever before.
on the other hand marc also obviously notices vale being vale about bezz so now marc has genuine sympathy for bezz and starts liking him more. humiliatinggggg for bezz. for vale all is fine with bezz now that he drew that line in the sand :) like he made is point ! bezz "listened", its all good! conflict resolution a la valentino rossi. bezz wishes he could go back to before he and marc ever had sex. YAY
threesome leads to marc and vale having sex regularly... getting back together... vale DOES desperately want to raise that baby with him.
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sofasoap · 6 months
Getting in before the social media clogs up at midnight in few hours of my current time zone.
Thanks to all of you for 2023. Very, very, chaotic year. And sad to say, been the worse year mental health wise for me. But surprisingly the only year I actually achieved my new year resolution ( being bit more creative.. Was going more for the drawing art side but ended up writing tons more than I expected.)
To all the people I met on here this yr, starting from Star wars fandom, to the Call of duty ones, thank you. I always enjoy talking to new people from different places, getting to know new stuff, thank you for letting me barging into your DM or your pages to express my fanatic view about things.
And thank you for those silent lurkers lingering around regularly, although we never talk or interact, I am always happy when I see your notification popping up for liking or reblogging my posts. Thank you. It feels good there's ppl silently supporting you.
Hoping for better 2024. 🧋🧋
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bellybiologist · 6 months
Tallying up the Year
I hope you guys' december (which is almost over already, wtf) is going/has gone well! 2024 is upon us.
This christmas weekend, I mostly found myself thinking about how this year went, and honestly? despite all the things I haven't gotten to do, I still managed to accomplish quite a lot.
Me typing this rambly post out is less anything anyone needs to read, but more to remind myself of Things That Got Done™ than anything else because sometimes... I forget I do be getting shit done! And it's important we remind ourselves of the work we do.
The Things That got Done™
I advocated for my own Health. I scheduled (and went to!) so many doctor and dental appointments this year, holy shit. But, if the last few years have taught me anything, I simply have to put in the effort. I got my colon mostly sorted out, started a new regimen for my skin and hair (after chopping it off) so I'm feeling better, schedule an appointment with the optometrist in January, and even got lots of issues with my teeth fixed. Granted, our broken medical system made it incredibly stressful, and i spent thousands of dollars on the latter that I will be paying off til next july BUT!!!! This section is about the good things.
Started Streaming Again! I've been missing streaming since I stopped way back in I believe 2020. It was a fun way to interact with followers and supporters, so I'm glad I'm back to it on a regular schedule, with many of the old regulars still joining me while I work. Speaking of which:
I finished 43 total stream doodles. While I'm only filling a handful a month, it's definitely adding up! 40+ boys in the span of 5 months is nothing to scoff at, and that's not even considering that I'm doing this alongside normal patreon work.
I finished 39 total commissions this year. I'm definitely still going quite slowly, and I thank everyone who has been extraordinarily patient thus far, but I'm happy to say that my pace has been decent... at least relative to previous years. I got more done in the last 5 months than i did in the roughly year and a half period before 2023!
Replaced SEVERAL appliances that broke down. My computer moniter, my microwave, my refrigerator... all failed on my this year, and it took some work, but I finally managed to get them all replaced! So far, everything is working fine, but next on my agenda is to save up for a new desktop. This one I use for work has been at it since 2017, and it's about time to look into upgrading.
My Google Drive is Looking Nice. It's still not perfect, but I'm still immensely proud of how it's shaping up. There's still some curating of older pieces to do, but I've found a stride where I'm regularly updating it for people to peruse.
Now despite these W's, I still got a long way to go. The things below could be considered resolutions for 2024, but that feels cursed to call them that. They are simply:
Things I Want to GET Done
Adding more YCH Figures. I was definitely expecting to have more to choose from by this point. And I really need to update some of the older ones too, because I think they've aged poorly. I got some neat suggestions and hopefully will find some time this week to showcase them in my discord to collect some feedback before releasing them.
Do more involved pieces/projects. I want to do more things like Comics, or simply pieces that I work on over the course of several sittings, ones where I can experiment and fiddle and practice!!! I rarely ever get to do that these days (I've only finished a few Big Personal Pieces this year), and I need to find time and energy to do them more because those are the things that truly make me feel like I grow as an artist. (and maybe I can find a shading style I actually fucking tolerate.). I also want to get more OC development and stuff done too, cuz I really didn't draw my children a whole lot this year!
Make more fucking Money!!!!! Let's not kid ourselves. I want to get to a point where I'm not just barely meeting the monthly quota. How to get there? I don't know, honestly. Things are so very stacked against artists right now, so it really does feel like the only thing that can be done is Not Give Up. Which I won't do. If/when I go down, I'm making it everyone else's problem. Trust. 😏
Save up to Visit the Boyfriend. I haven't seen him since January 2022! Big goal is to be comfortable enough to where I can fly my ass up there and smooch him. 👏🏽
I won't lie, i'm going into 2024 quite anxious and still scraping by by the skin of my teeth (that I'm still paying for). It's going to be a BIG year cuz oh boy, it's election year, there's plenty of family developments i gotta keep an eye on and work to be a part of... not to mention all the horrible stuff going on still (free palestine!).
Here's hoping shit goes our way this coming year! And let's get ,more strikes going so everyone is getting their fucking money!!! :V
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squirrelpudding · 5 months
January 26th, 2024
I know like every blog I write is about how much I like croomf but I !!!! Idk ! I like having someone to like. I think I like having a reason to look forward to school and stuff, and to try to get out of my normal social circle to try to talk to people. Also, I think it relates to how much I like setting small, achievable goals. Like I completed all of my new years resolutions in 2023, mostly because they were easy, but still made me feel good about achieving them. Like one of them was to put up a calendar in my room before February, and another was to finish a crochet project. Whenever my friends go out, I always set goals, like if we go to a thrift store I think of one or two items to look for. Or when we were at the mall the other day (see previous blog post), my goal was to not feel bad about spending money. I love achievable goals! Most [school] days my goal is to talk to croomf or to talk to someone outside of my main friends. And most days I complete that goal! And I feel accomplished! Anyway (I say "anyway" in every single post because I do not know how to transition to other topics), in yoga we have started to do shout-outs, where at the end of a class period we write down nice things about someone and then the next class we read them. We have only done it twice (including today), but I think it is a really nice idea! The reason I am writing about it is because I got three (!!!!), and I have convinced myself that one of them is from croomf. The first one (see attached photo) I thought was for the other girl named Anna who is in that class, but apparently she was absent last class, so I think my oomf who I mentioned in my last post wrote it. I think it is him because he was my partner for the handstand thing, which I refused to attempt, so I think he is poking fun at that :). The handwriting on the first one kind of matches oomf's vibe, but also it kind of matches croomf's vibe. The second one I thought was from croomf, but now that I am thinking about it maybe not. The first time we did the shout outs I wrote that croomf has cool socks (they had kiwis on them, I think I mentioned them in a different post), and the day where we wrote these ones I was wearing pajama pants with polar bears on them, so maybe he was just matching my vibe. Side note: my inner monologue has started to say "vibe" A LOT, but I rarely ever actually say it out loud. My inner monologue mostly says "I fuck with your vibe" when I see someone who's vibe I fuck with, but I feel like it is a weird thing to say out loud. But I can't stop thinking about it. Okay back to analyzing the notes. The reason I am hesitant about it being croomf's is because the drawing of the cat thumbs up looks like something oomf would draw. I have no evidence or reasoning to back that up, just that I feel it. The third one I think is from other oomf, who I rarely ever talk to but says hi to me all the time when we see each other. I also have no evidence for that, but there aren't that many people in that class that I talk to regularly, so I don't know who else it would be. I don't really care who they are from, I just like thinking about it because I like to know people like me and are thinking of me!
I have also attached two photos of my room because I thought they were cool. They were taken about a minute apart, the only difference is that I used the flash for the second one. These photos were from a few days ago, when it was pouring when I woke up. For some reason, when it rains I always get the urge to take pictures of my room. I think its something about the dark lighting and blueish tint that makes my room look cool. Who knows. Anyway. [insert smiling slightly-blushing happy emoji].
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macabrecabra · 5 months
A Year in Review, A Year to Come
Doing a yearly post to reflect back on the year and set my goals for coming year! 2023 in Review (the good, the bad, and the huh..) - Mental health was a STRUGGLE this year, but feel I'm now through the woods! - I started writing a TON more and feeling confident about writing projects and doing more! - Was a bit anti-social this year a I feel. Just with mental health, wasn't the most social of beans, but needed to settle myself first! - Overall, 2023 happened, a lot changed and didn't change, but I got through it 2024 Resolutions:
Going to lose thirty lbs this year. I lost weight last year, but want to lose this last 30 to be at the weight I want.
Go to the gym more regularly as I really do enjoy going and taking classes there.
Keep improving mental health! Going to own it this year, less freak outs and panic attacks, going to overcome!
Make more friends/join discord servers: going to make a point to find more people I get along with/like RPing and just more people with interests wanting to share ideas c: I feel recovered at last from the shit show that was a "friend" group with a gaslighting fucker at the helm... (may they go down faster than the Titanic this year :I)
More personal art/fanart ! Most of my last year was commission art and fanart if it was finished to a higher level...want to change that for sure this year!
More writing! I just am in a writing kick, the writer's block is gone and I am FREE
FINALLY START MY WEBCOMIC LIVE LAUGH AND LOVECRAFT! This story is living rent free in my head at ALL TIMES and I just want to draw it so bad! So going to make a point to get started!
Set up my patron. Just a small thing for a few extra bucks with a daily reward and a few little rewards once I figure out what is easiest for me to handle with my frantic work schedule
More collab art! I find it fun and want to share more with other creators <3
Learn to Code... I want to learn how to make my own game engine just to see if I can. So going to poke at trying to learn coding
Find the pennies so I can maybe have a vacation this year.... I haven't gone on one in five years now... hoping can get monies for it :<
Get DnD campaigns art and planning done! Trying to get a game setup but it has been hard to find time to get it done, but GOING TO DO IT DAMNIT!
And those are the big goals this year! Hoping I can at least knock out one or two <3
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quincysue-art · 6 years
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[2024] Commissions Are Open 💙💛
• My Art on Tumblr • DeviantArt • Twitter •
(If you're interested in viewing more of my artwork, I suggest taking a look at my deviantart gallery as I regularly update it.)
Introduction ;)
Greetings! My name is Eve and I'm a seasoned digital artist with plenty of experience. Whether you're looking for an original character or a piece of fanart, I'm here to help. I'm currently accepting commissions and would love to work with you to create something special. Drop me an email ([email protected]) and let's get started! :3
If you would like to commission me, simply send an email to [email protected] with the subject 'Commission' and provide the following details:
Commission type: headshot/halfbody/fullbody/reference sheet
Expression, pose, environment:
Headshot: full colored + cell shaded + simple background ($25 USD)
Halfbody: full colored + cell shaded + simple background ($55 USD + $45 USD for additional character)
Knee-up/Fullbody: full colored + cell shaded + simple background ($75 USD + $65 USD for additional character)
Character Reference Sheet: 2 fullbody (side, front) + 3 heads with expressions ($130 USD)
All prices vary depending on character complexity. Wings, Complex Armor/Clothes will be charged extra.
While I don't draw furries with animal heads, I'm happy to create characters with wings, tails, and animal ears.
I'm also comfortable with drawing nudity and erotica, as long as it's not extreme NSFW.
When it comes to robots, I can incorporate some robotic body parts into human anatomy, but complex robots are not my forte.
Payment method: Paypal/Boosty
In order to proceed with any project, I kindly request full payment in advance.
I will review the commission information you provide and let you know if I am able to fulfill your request
Please note that unless otherwise specified, commissioned pictures may be included in my portfolio.
To ensure that your commissioned picture is not included in my portfolio, please inform me before making the payment.
Please be aware that due to my current workload, commissioned projects may take up to 1-2 months to complete.
Once I've completed a sketch, I'll send it over for your review and you can let me know if any changes are needed.
After completing the picture, I'll send you a high-resolution file via email. Feel free to post it anywhere you'd like, but it would be really kind of you to give me credit, even though it is not obligatory.
Please note that all of the artworks are intended for personal use only and cannot be used for commercial purposes. If you require commercial use, please let me know and we can discuss pricing options.
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Story time! It’s long, so my reflections are under the cut. 
TLDR: I’m hopeful but cautious. This may be what keeps the UMC a viable denomination, if it can pass General Conference 2020, because right now we’re a church of divided theology, and neither side is going to compromise their beliefs.
Long before I left my former church, back in 2015, I was at church preparing for the following week’s VBS when I got a news alert on my phone about the Supreme Court’s Obergefell v. Hodges. At the time, I kept my elation mostly to myself - I didn’t know how the pastor at the time would feel about it, and I didn’t want anything to dampen my mood. Just over two months prior, I had defended my undergraduate thesis, which argued that bans on same-sex marriage were unconstitutional, and proposed one thread of reasoning that I thought the Court might reasonably adopt, and while my research advisor and my thesis advisor had both thought I was dead wrong, I was pleased to be proven right (and, of course, pleased that the Court was taking steps to fix what seemed to me to be an ongoing injustice in the United States).
See, I had left the Catholic church, in part, over the same-sex marriage issue. While I’m not LGBTQ+ myself, I felt that the issue was one of fundamental fairness and compassion - and it was important to me that it be resolved. The Methodist church also didn’t support LGBTQ+ rights, but it had always seemed less vehement about it than the Catholic church, so I always kind of just hoped that the change was coming. 
In 2016, with the same-sex marriage issue broiling in advance of General Conference, I took an interest in how the UMC underwent changes for the first time. My pastor’s encouragement of that interest started me on the path toward serving at Annual Conference in my area, but I read news from General Conference 2016 praying for a resolution. The debate, and the protests, left an impression on me, and I had real hope heading into my Annual Conference that year that the compromise - the Way Forward Commission - could actually work.
At Annual Conference, I heard the story of bishops meeting late at night, summoning people from both sides of the debate, to try and find a way to avoid a schism. And at the time, “schism” was a scary word - could the UMC survive a split? I also encountered the Reconciling Ministries Network for the first time. They gave me a rainbow stole; I wore it happily. I also saw my pastor wear one, and for the first time I really believed, not just hoped, that change was on the horizon.
Things stagnated, then, though I had the pleasure of getting to really know a woman who brought their adopted daughter to Children’s Church every Sunday, and occasionally her former foster daughter as well. She was in a lesbian relationship, and especially after I started law school she opened up to me frequently about how frustrating it was for her and her partner to constantly be viewed with more suspicion than an average straight couple. It was one of the reasons, she implied, that her partner didn’t regularly attend church.
In came a new pastor. He was friends with our former pastor, so I had high hopes for him. As my previous posts will display, the hopes were misplaced on a personal level, but we actually had somewhat compatible politics. The Way Forward Commission came out with their three plans.
The Traditional Plan would retain anti-LGBTQ+ language in the Book of Discipline, and strengthen disciplinary measures against gay and lesbian clergy members.
The Connectional Conference Plan would form three sub-churches: one for traditionalists, one for progressives, and one for “unity”-minded churches and clergy. 
The One Church Plan would remove the anti-LGBTQ+ language and permit local churches and clergy to express their conscience on the matter.
And in February of 2019, a special session of the General Conference voted on the Traditional and One Church Plans. I had school obligations those days; I ignored a good chunk of my classes to follow the news. I knew - I just knew - that the One Church Plan would succeed. I had already formulated my arguments to my local church as to why we should embrace our LGBTQ+ brothers and sisters. It was the perfect compromise; I never expected it to fail.
But General Conference 2019 voted it down. At the time, this is what I wrote, and I stand by it today when I think back on it:
“I cannot fathom a church that would choose divisiveness and alienation over compromise and compassion. We waited three years in the hope of progress. The delegates gave us nothing but regression.
The United Methodist Church is dying, at least in the United States. Fewer and fewer people are joining. More are leaving. I don’t understand the reasoning behind choosing to alienate and reject people who are begging for inclusion and acceptance.”
The next day, Reconciling Ministries tweeted that they had been informed by the General Conference staff that the area now had “police with their guns and security with pepper spray (or similar) roaming and ready for action.” What it sounded like - and sometimes appearances are everything - was a violent precautionary measure, aimed at intimidating those who had supported the One Church Plan, and who vehemently opposed the Traditional plan, so that those who wanted inclusion and compassion would sit down, shut up, and take what was coming quietly. I felt sick at the time, and still feel sick thinking about it now.
I was in class during the vote on the Traditional Plan, ignoring my professor as I watched Twitter and Facebook for the news. And by the time I got home, I had recognized why passing the Traditional Plan bothered me so much: John 8:3-11. 
For those who aren’t Bible buffs, John 8:3-11 recounts the story of the Pharisees bringing Jesus a woman caught in the act of adultery, then punishable by stoning. When the Pharisees demand that Jesus tell them what to do, he famously responds: “Let anyone among you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.” Of course, no one could live up to Jesus’s standard. Those hoping to stone the woman disperse and, when the woman observes that her accusers have left, Jesus sends her on her way: “Neither do I condemn you.”
Back in February, I summed it up like this, and I can’t really think of a better way to phrase it now:
“To declare that clergy members who do their earnest best to live the life God calls them to live should be punished because we disagree with their moral determinations is arrogant. We allow liars to be clergy. We allow those who speak unkindly to be clergy. We allow it, even if these sins happen more than once.
Why is the sin of loving the wrong person worse than lying? Worse than being unkind? And even if you believe that the sin is worse, who are we as humans to overrule what Jesus said about justice and mercy?
In my heart of hearts, I can find no rationale for pushing to increase enforcement of the anti-LGBT language in the Book of Discipline other than hatred for that which the Traditional Plan’s supporters do not understand. Jesus calls for compassion; and, as a church, we have no right to ignore that call.”
As time wore on, I observed one more thing: if God calls a lesbian woman, or a gay man, or anyone else, to the clergy, who are we as humans to deny that calling? Who are we to tell God that he called the wrong person? How arrogant and presumptuous must we be under the Traditional Plan?
In February, things were drawing toward the end at my church. But in the days following General Conference 2019, I found myself heartened by the message on the marquee sign outside: “ALL MEANS ALL.” My pastor signed an open letter to the church condemning the Traditional Plan, and one of the women in the church whom I’d thought was genuinely a good friend told me that she, too, was broken over the decision, but had resolved to fight for something better.
My co-teacher and I made the decision on Sunday to talk to the kids about the decision of the General Conference. It was difficult - remember, one of our students had lesbian parents - but, we felt, it was necessary. And I have never been more inspired than when our little kids expressed their confusion and outrage over a decision that, to them, made no sense. One little girl expressed confusion at how something as basic as the freedom to love someone and get married to them could be controversial.
The little acts of resistance, the outrage from the kids, it all came together to reignite my own hope.
In the months that followed, just about everyone expressed their opinions. In the Washington Post, a queer clergywoman summed it up: “We queer clergy begged our fellow Methodists to love us. They voted no.” On Facebook groups, on Reddit, and in person, the heretofore forbidden s-words became more common: splitting. separation. schism.
A prominent minister on the traditionalist side, less than a month after “winning” at General Conference 2019, made clear that unity, compromise, and compassion were never an option. Mainstream UMC posted his e-mail in full - in summary, he gloated over the traditionalist win at General Conference 2019, and suggested that those who opposed it should leave, as their continued presence in the UMC is an embarrassment. 
And talk of schism, and of separation, has continued to simmer, until now. Now, the water’s reached its boiling point. We have a plan. We have the Way Forward we were promised. And at General Conference 2020, at least the way I see it, the delegates have two options: stop the pot from boiling over, or ignore the problem and hope we can clean up the mess in 2024. 
Membership in the Methodist Church in the United States has been dropping for years. Increasingly, young adults looking for churches veer away from churches that preach or even merely accept exclusion and intolerance. Splitting the church, accepting that we cannot compromise on issues of love and compassion, seems to me to be the only way to prove that we mean it when we say “Jesus is Love.” It seems to me that this is the only way to prove that we’re convinced of our own beliefs, that we’re serious about welcoming everyone, that we’re a church of love, and inclusion, and protection of human dignity.
So long as it passes. 
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