nyanbinary-catboy · 6 months
Mmhcant atop loogking at the spriral so lpretty
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khepiari · 7 days
I know you’re vocal about the importance of original work and have spoken out against AI-generated content, so I thought you might feel similarly about this situation. Recently, I discovered someone who has copied my writing. While it’s not an exact word-for-word copy, the resemblance is clear, and despite me voicing my disagreement, they still have it up.
I haven’t been writing for a few years, and I really don’t want to draw attention to myself, but it still hurts seeing my hard work being taken without credit. I thought bringing this to your attention might help, as I know you understand how much time and effort goes into creating something original.
I can only imagine the frustration you are going through. If you are certain that someone has taken your work and tweaked it, if it's fanfiction I think you should voice it openly because not all fanfiction readers know every writer or every story. Speaking about it out loud is your way of telling the thief that you are aware, since we cannot bring much repercussion to the person, we can put the pressure of guilt on them.
If one fandom person knows, trust them to spread the word and awareness about the stolen work.
Look, I am a petty person, I would make anyone's life hell if I found my story was being stolen, so I will suggest writing a callout post and putting screenshots of the plagiarized part with the originals. And if you have the screenshots of the OG DMs you sent them, put them in the post too.
Draw the attention, shame them in a court of the public!
If it is an original work, follow this link to protect your work: https://www.dmca.com/FAQ/Report-stolen-content#:~:text=DMCA.com%20does%20its%20best,is%20a%20DMCA.com%20client.
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yestolerancepro · 2 months
Tolerance Project extra The 8 Best Star Wars Rip offs Ranked
Part 1 Krull and The Last Starfighter
Hello there and welcome to a revised edition of a blog that looks at 8 of the best Star Wars film Rip offs. this new Tumblr version will be split into two parts
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This blog entry is inspired by the movieweb article of the same name you can find the original article by clicking here https://movieweb.com/best-star-wars-ripoffs-ranked/#:~:text=The%208%20Best%20Star%20Wars%20Rip-offs%2C%20Ranked%201,2%20Flash%20Gordon%20%281980%29%208%201%20Spaceballs%20%281987%29
One of the first sequences in the Tolerance film is a Star Wars spoof so this article peeked my interest our Star Wars Spoof was a bit less blatant than those featured in the movieweb article all we did for ours was spoof the opening dialogue crawl that opened all 9 of the movies in the Star Wars saga
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You can read about how Star Wars created that original opening crawl by clicking here https://www.slashfilm.com/1322995/how-star-wars-created-original-opening-crawl-using-black-paper/#:~:text=Thus%2C%20to%20make%20the%20crawl%2C%20they%20had%20to,illusion%20of%20the%20letters%20progressing%20up%20the%20screen.
To quote the movie web article Star Wars is one of the biggest and most successful science fiction franchises ever created. Beginning in 1977, the original film became one of many episodic movies now dubbed the Skywalker Saga, told in a trilogy of trilogies.Recounting the galactic civil war between the Rebel Alliance and the Galactic Empire, Star Wars shares the sociopolitical consequences of space exploration and planetary conquest. On the surface, the franchise is a fairy tale told in space. Its formula and genre became so popular, it led to copycats in a galaxy not so far away.
Of the 8 films mentioned I have never seen the man who saved the world 1982 trailer here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jsRV6z-cd-c  and Starchaser the legend of Orin 1985 trailer here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x8UZ2WfLG70
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Krull (1983)
Krull is a science fiction and fantasy adventure film about a royal family who will rule the galaxy as foretold in a prophecy. Playing off the fairy-tale-in-space trope, the film didn't know what to be as it tried cashing in on two genres for the price of one. The rip-off was also released the same year as Star Wars: Episode VI – Return of the Jedi, leading to an early death by comparison. However, it has survived being a box-office bomb and panned by critics with its own cult following.
The website space.com published this short article about the film
Luke Skywalker's well publicized exploits on the Death Star were such a spectacular success that there was an air of inevitability when other Hollywood studios tried to make a "Star Wars" of their own. More remarkable was the fact that their subsequent efforts to milk the cash cow (or bantha, perhaps?) took such different approaches to outer space.
However, most of the wannabes ignored a crucial element of George Lucas's extremely lucrative franchise – for all the spaceships, robots, and lasers, "Star Wars" was actually fantasy in sci-fi clothing, built around a hero whose quest revolved as much around magic (cleverly rebranded as "the Force") as futuristic gadgets.
In the years following "A New Hope," viewers were invited to experience the high camp of "Flash Gordon," the overblown space opera of "The Black Hole," and a Roger Corman-produced interstellar riff on "The Magnificent Seven" called "Battle Beyond the Stars." "Star Trek" also got in on the act with the "2001: A Space Odyssey"-esque grandeur of "The Motion Picture," while T.V. viewers were given a weekly dose of sci-fi in their homes courtesy of "Battlestar Galactica" (arguably one of the best sci-fi TV shows of all time).
According to this article on the Giant Freaking Robot website Krull could be getting a new film Reboot with JJ Abrams directing https://www.giantfreakinrobot.com/ent/exclusive-krull-reboot-jj-abrams.html
Further Watching
To watch a trailer for Krull click here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v6i2par2Fv0
To watch a documentary called 10 things you didn’t know about Krull click here
The Last Starfighter (1984)
The Last Starfighter follows teenager Alex, who is chosen to be a gunner in an interstellar war based on his high score in an arcade game of the same, a secret recruitment tool of the Rylan Star League. Alex is forced to save the dying alien squadron and destroy the enemy fleet, the Ko-Dan Armada.
He later stays to rebuild the league's depleted forces, knowing their overlord survived the destruction of his mothership. Compared to Luke Skywalker, the film takes the glory out of the hero's journey for Alex, who must protect a planet now facing near-extinction
The Fatherley website published this retrospective on the film to read it click here To read a retrospective on the film click here https://www.fatherly.com/entertainment/last-starfighter-retrospective-sci-fi-movie-1984
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My Memories of The Last Starfighter
A very good film I watched it as a 7 year old as my Dad got us to watch it on VHS remember those ? The Star Wars stuff went over my head the Ironic thing here is that I used my Star wars toys to play the last Starfighter for weeks after seeing it I have great memories of the film it was one of the first to use CGI before the term was even known about  
That reminds me I must get a copy of the Bluray and I did the film has just been re-released by Arrow video you can order it from here The Last Starfighter Limited Edition Blu-ray Blu-ray - Zavvi UK
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Further watching
To watch the film trailer for The Last Starfighter click here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NnJCn6lXrXg&t=3s
Click here to watch the teaser trailer for The Last Starfighter https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8tOHLZibvFM
To watch a video called 10 things you didnt know about the last star fighter click here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u-Pzxzp2m2I
Next week more Star Wars homages with Battlestar Gallactica Flash Gordon Battle Beyond the Stars and Spaceballs
Thank you to the following websites for their help Movieweb whose article inspired the blog in the first place Space.com Minty comedic arts for his Documentary on Krull Youtube for the vairous trailers and Google images for the Krull and Last Starfighter posters and Ian Medley for the Tolerance film Screengrab
The Tolerance project Star Wars Dialoge roll
Krull film poster 1983
Last Star fighter poster 1984
If you want to help the Tolerance project after reading this blog please click on the above link
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ludevika · 2 years
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The Cavalry is coming! ... Well, their horses are, at any rate. And Principessa, the grey one, is a force to be reckoned with on her own. Some horse concepts for Vampirony. Designing horses is definetly a favorite past time of mine - for my project, I want to make it a point of having the equines we see actually appear as individuals rather than generic bays or something.
Vampirony is mostly set in mid to late 19th Prussia, so the first step in creating the first pons was to find out what breed would've been most commonly used in the Prussian cavalry. It should come as no surprise that Prussia (being Prussia) had breeding programs for the expressed purpose of rearing horses for military and representation purposes starting in the late 1700s. The 'Gestüt Trakehnen' (situtated in the former provence of East Prussia, existant till 1944; the region is now part of modern Russia) was the most important amongst the stud farms, also becoming the namesake for a breed of horse still popular today - the Trakehner. So it stood to reason to model the cavalry horses after this breed. The most common coat color appeared to be bay, so I went with that. Honestly, for me as an artist it's a quite nice color to work with, simply due to the variety it offers. The exception here is the aforementioned Principessa, the Grey, who is the Rittmeisters/captain's stead - now his design is still in the works, as are his troops, but I hope to introduce you to the boys soon. For the time being, have their horses.
Sources: http://www.trakehnenverein.de/geschichte-Ostpr_Remonten.html (it's in German, sorry) https://www.kulturforum.info/de/kk-magazin/perspektiven/8682-des-koenigs-letzte-pferde-mythos-trakehner#:~:text=Die%20Trakehner%20waren%20urspr%C3%BCnglich%20ausschlie%C3%9Flich,das%20beste%20Kavalleriepferd%20der%20Welt. (and in German again) https://www.kunstkopie.de/kunst/carl_schulz/kavallerie-im-feldzug.jpg (an example for the kind of art I use for color inspiration for the animal designs)
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tayseerme · 10 days
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bills-bible-basics · 13 days
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THE BEST REST -- a poem by Bill Kochman Visit https://www.billkochman.com/Poetry/ to see more. #Christian #Poetry #Poem To see other poems related to this one, go to: https://www.billkochman.com/Poetry/index.html#Rest-in-Jesus "Jesus is Our Sabbath" KJV Bible Verse List: https://www.billkochman.com/VerseLists/verse428.html Article: "The Lord Will Lift You Up": https://www.billkochman.com/Articles/liftup-1.html "Dependence Upon the Word" KJV Bible Verse List: https://www.billkochman.com/VerseLists/verse130.html "Meditate on the Word" KJV Bible Verse List: https://www.billkochman.com/VerseLists/verse047.html "Study the Word" KJV Bible Verse List: https://www.billkochman.com/VerseLists/verse121.html "Soul Food" KJV Bible Verse List: https://www.billkochman.com/VerseLists/verse178.html "Power of God's Word" KJV Bible Verse List: https://www.billkochman.com/VerseLists/verse458.html "God's Wonderful Eternal Word" KJV Bible Verse List: https://www.billkochman.com/VerseLists/verse151.html "The Meat of God's Word" KJV Bible Verse List: https://www.billkochman.com/VerseLists/verse403.html "God and His Word Are Our Constant" KJV Bible Verse List: https://www.billkochman.com/VerseLists/verse234.html Article: "Study, Work and Don't Be Ashamed": https://www.billkochman.com/Articles/study-01.html "Immutability of God's Word" KJV Bible Verse List: https://www.billkochman.com/VerseLists/verse126.html "Sure Word of Prophecy" KJV Bible Verse List: https://www.billkochman.com/VerseLists/verse067.html "Treasure of God's Word" KJV Bible Verse List: https://www.billkochman.com/VerseLists/verse442.html https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/the-best-rest-a-poem-by-bill-kochman/?feed_id=201754&THE%20BEST%20REST%20--%20a%20poem%20by%20Bill%20Kochman
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scontomio · 3 months
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💣 Cats Best - Lettiera per Gatti 🤑 a soli 15,47€ ➡️ https://www.scontomio.com/coupon/cats-best-lettiera-per-gatti/?feed_id=250785&_unique_id=667e4eef86e65&utm_source=Tumblr&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=Poster&utm_term=Cats%20Best%20-%20Lettiera%20per%20Gatti La lettiera per gatti Cats Best 29734 è un prodotto ecologico e biodegradabile, realizzato al 100% con fibre di piante organiche. Leggero e facile da smaltire, è ideale per l'igiene del tuo amico felino. #coupon #catsbest #lettiereeaccessori #offerteamazon #scontomio
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aayam11 · 4 months
Best Books for JEE Main Preparation
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Best Books for IIT Entrance 2024. Explore the best books for JEE Main and Advanced exam. Explore books recommended by JEE toppers.
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whitehartlane · 4 months
i think this perhaps one of the few times i’ll ever say this, but i’m glad tottenham lost today. man city can still win the league which means arsenal tears. also, i don’t know if you heard this, but kai havertz said he’d be the ‘biggest tottenham fan ever’ before the game against man city.
hi!! yeah i saw that and it ticked me off majorly. if our players had been saying shite like that you just know the media would’ve taken the piss out of them for it till judgement day. it’s so weird rooting for spurs to lose and it’s not something i ever want to do again. felt so conflicted the entire day today because i don’t want to be at this point, hoping we lose games so our rival doesn’t win the league, but that’s just the essence of the north london rivalry. they’d be doing the same, as indicated by the millions of arse fans rooting for us to win today. football is strange eh?
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sjanakat · 5 months
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420puertovallarta · 6 months
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airoxitube · 6 months
Preparing Your Existing Shrimp Farming Pond for Restocking
Restocking shrimp in an existing pond or tank requires careful preparation to ensure the optimal conditions for shrimp growth and survival. Whether you're replenishing your shrimp stock after a harvest or introducing new batches, proper preparation is essential for maintaining water quality, minimizing stress, and maximizing productivity. In this guide, we'll walk you through the essential steps to prepare your existing shrimp farming facility for restocking.
1. **Water Quality Assessment**: Start by assessing the current water quality parameters in your pond or tank. Test for pH, temperature, salinity, and dissolved oxygen levels to ensure they meet the ideal range for shrimp farming. Make necessary adjustments using appropriate treatments or additives to create a suitable environment for shrimp.
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2. **Pond Maintenance and Cleaning**: Before restocking shrimp, thoroughly clean and maintain your pond or tank to remove any accumulated debris, sediment, or algae. Use a net or vacuum to clean the bottom and sides of the pond, and perform necessary repairs or maintenance on equipment such as aerators or filters.
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If you have installed aeration equipment like aeration tubes, you need to clean them thoroughly. You can find the proper guide to cleaning aeration tubes on the free resource www.airoxi.com or https://www.airoxi.com/downloads or access it here https://www.airoxi.com/files/catalog/download_brochure/How%20to%20get%20best%20results%20from%20AirOxi%20tube.jpg
3. **Biosecurity Measures**: Implement biosecurity protocols to minimize the risk of disease introduction and spread. Quarantine new shrimp stock before introducing them into the main pond or tank, and monitor for any signs of illness or stress. Restrict access to the farm to prevent contamination from external sources.
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4. **Soil Treatment and Substrate Management**: If your pond has a soil substrate, treat it appropriately to maintain optimal conditions for shrimp. Apply lime to stabilize pH levels and reduce acidity, and incorporate clay to improve soil structure and nutrient retention. Ensure the substrate is well-aerated and free from toxic substances.
5. **Aeration and Oxygenation**: Proper aeration is crucial for maintaining adequate oxygen levels in the water, especially in densely stocked ponds or tanks. Evaluate your existing aeration system and consider upgrading or adding additional aerators, such as AirOxi aeration tubes with blower, to improve oxygen transfer and circulation.
6. **Nutrient Management**: Monitor nutrient levels in the water and implement strategies to prevent excessive nutrient buildup, which can lead to algae blooms and poor water quality. Use nutrient-absorbing materials or biological filtration systems to remove excess nutrients and maintain a balanced ecosystem.
7. **Feeding and Nutrition Planning**: Develop a feeding plan based on the nutritional requirements of shrimp at different growth stages. Use high-quality feed formulated specifically for shrimp farming, and adjust feeding rates based on water temperature, stocking density, and shrimp behavior. By proper planning you can reduce the COD and then good aeration through diffused aeration and blower system will ensure that the BOD and COD both are properly fulfilled
8. **Stocking Density and Population Management**: Determine the appropriate stocking density for your pond or tank based on its size, water quality, and management capabilities. Avoid overstocking, as it can lead to increased competition for resources, poor water quality, and higher risk of disease outbreaks.
9. **Monitoring and Record-Keeping**: Continuously monitor water quality parameters, shrimp behavior, and growth performance after restocking. Keep detailed records of water quality measurements, feed consumption, mortality rates, and any observed abnormalities. Use this information to adjust management practices and improve overall efficiency.
10. **Harvesting and Harvest Management**: Plan for future harvests by implementing proper harvesting techniques and equipment in advance while stocking. If partial harvest is to be done then plan the water gates accordingly. Regularly monitor shrimp growth and size distribution to determine the optimal time for harvesting, and ensure proper handling and processing to maintain product quality.
By following these essential steps, you can effectively prepare your existing shrimp farming pond or tank for restocking. Proper preparation is key to ensuring the success and sustainability of your shrimp farming operation, maximizing yields, and minimizing risks. With careful planning and attention to detail, you can create an optimal environment for shrimp growth and achieve profitable returns from your investment.
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drugastraian · 8 months
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bills-bible-basics · 24 days
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How to Best View Bill's Bible Basics According to Google Analytics, over 80% of traffic to the Bill's Bible Basics website is by people using mobile devices. While the site is designed to be viewed on such devices, nevertheless, for the very best experience and best feature set, the BBB website should be viewed on a laptop, and better still, on a large-screen desktop computer. For your convenience, following is a link to our site: Bill's Bible Basics Main Website: https://www.billkochman.com/index.html https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/how-to-best-view-bills-bible-basics/?feed_id=196700&How%20to%20Best%20View%20Bill%27s%20Bible%20Basics
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