apureniallsource · 8 months
callawaygolfeu: “This driver is insane!” When @niallhoran 🤝 the new Ai Smoke Driver. 💙
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elnur · 2 years
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Aujourd'hui, nous marquons les événements tragiques qui se sont produits il y a trente ans, commençant tard dans la nuit le 19 janvier 1990, après la démolition de la station de télévision centrale et l'arrêt des lignes téléphoniques et radio par les forces spéciales soviétiques, 26 000 soldats soviétiques sont entrés à Bakou sur ordre du Kremlin. Cette tentative finalement ratée de sauver le régime communiste et de mettre fin à l'indépendance de l'Azerbaïdjan, a fait environ 800 blessés et, selon les décomptes officiels, la mort d'au moins 147 civils azerbaïdjanais. ——- Mikhail Gorbatchev - un meurtrier de 147 personnes innocentes. L'agression soviétique contre l'Azerbaïdjan pendant 70 ans s'est terminée par la tragédie sanglante du 20 janvier 1990. Ce jour-là, les habitants de Bakou sont descendus dans la rue pour protester contre les actions agressives de l'Arménie, fortement soutenues et protégées par le gouvernement de l'ex-URSS, soulevait des revendications territoriales sans fondement contre l'Azerbaïdjan. Plus tard dans la nuit, le président de l'ex-URSS Mikhaïl Gorbatchev a ordonné à 26 000 forces spéciales soviétiques d'entrer à Bakou pour commettre des actes de férocité contre le peuple azerbaïdjanais. L'invasion de la paisible capitale a été lancée à minuit et 147 personnes innocentes ont été brutalement assassinées sans pitié pour les enfants, les femmes et les personnes âgées. La même année, le 15 octobre 1990, le président de l'ex-URSS Mikhaïl Gorbatchev a reçu le prix Nobel de la paix. #blackjanuarybaku #gorbachev #nobelprize #20january (à Azadlıq Meydanı) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cnnc7GgDP8f/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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stephensmithuk · 10 months
The Disappearance of Lady Frances Carfax
Part of His Last Bow, this was published in 1911, this another one that is not titled "The Adventure of".
Turkish baths had become very popular in London by this time. Most of them have closed over the decades, but there are still a few around, including the Casa Spa on Edgware Road.
Scholar consensus is that Watson was born in 1852. They agree less on the setting of this story - 1901 not 1902 is the consensus - but Watson is pushing 50 here.
Crédit Lyonnais was the world's largest bank by total assets in the early 1900s. It merged with Crédit Agricole in 2003, with the retail branches bearing the name LCL to this day.
It was actually three pence a word for a telegram to Switzerland in 1902 with a minimum 10d charge. Germany and France were 2d each. It would be a shilling or more to the USA, depending on which state the message was going to. (Source: January 1902 Post Office Guide: https://www.gbps.org.uk/information/sources/po-guides/Post%20Office%20Guide%201902%20(1st%20January).pdf)
Lausanne in Switzerland is home to the International Olympic Committee and a 28-station metro system, the smallest city in the world (population c.140,000) with one.
The general consensus of scholars is that Baden refers to what is now Baden-Baden in Germany, not Baden in Switzerland.
A mob cap is a round pleated bonnet with a caul to cover the hair, typically worn indoors.
Barberton in the Mpumalanga province of South Africa was home to a short-lived gold rush from 1884 onwards.
"Pensions" are small guest houses that will offer full-board (all meals) or half-board (all meals except lunch) to guests.
The requirement of foreign visitors to register with the police is still a thing in some European countries, although if you are staying at a hotel, campsite etc. they will take care of that for you - that's why they take a copy of your passport. Britain actually had it for some foreign arrivals until 2022, when it was finally abolished.
The Sea of Azof - or rather the Sea of Azov today - is the small inland sea to the north of the Black Sea, surrounded by Ukraine and Russia.
The average life expectancy for a woman born in 1901 was 52.4 years and a man 48.5; this was still a period of high infant mortality. However, it was entirely possible for someone to live into their 90s with luck - Queen Victoria's son Arthur lived to 91, dying in 1942.
Senility is now known as dementia.
Workhouses often served as de facto care homes for those without the money or family to stay in their own homes. Even after the abolition of workhouses in 1948 and the creation of the NHS, many of the buildings remained in use for that purpose, with over 50% of local authority accommodation for the elderly being former workhouses in 1960 (https://www.bgs.org.uk/resources/the-elderly-and-the-workhouse). One can only imagine how many elderly people were taken to those buildings with terror in their minds.
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eisforeidolon · 2 years
https://ain.capital/2023/01/17/atomic-heart-will-be-released-in-february-its-a-russian-game-backed-by-ex-gazprom/#:~:text=It's%20a%20Russian%20game%20backed%20by%20ex%2DGazprom,-17%20January%2C%202023&text=Recently%2C%20PC%20Gamer%20released%20a,gaming%20curiosities%20over%20the%20years needless to say , folks are upset he’s involved with this
So are we also boycotting every video game that uses US military propaganda now, too? Or any other country's military that has done some dubious shit at any point? Or just this because Russia is the topical one right now? Asking for a friend.
Like, maybe I just don't get it. But this isn't even about Russia's current regime. So far as I can tell from glancing at a synopsis, it's a retro future sci-fi 50's AU setting that decides to have its disastrously mad scientists be from the USSR rather than other popular options like the US or Germany. But it should be boycotted because some people involved worked on projects with vague ties to state agencies in the past, they got funding from dubious large corporations, and they *gasp* did a matching retro theme party for the release?!
We should apparently expect the studio to want to both proudly proclaim their connections to Russia (given the current socio-politico climate) and actively denounce the current regime in Russia (given everything about what said regime is like). I think taking a political stance can be brave and powerful, but acting like it should be obligatory is ... something else.
Like, yes, I'm aware there are underlying ties of Putin yearning for ye olde glory days involved in his bullshit invasion. But unless I'm missing something big, this seems to be outrage looking for a reason and/or scapegoats, IMO.
Which doesn't even get into the SPN fandom specifics of it all, where even if there was something to be outraged about? There's no indication Jensen would have been aware of it, since the company is apparently obfuscating their Russian origins and this is such a bog standard sci-fi concept.
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tfc2211 · 2 years
Gypsy Flamenco Masters – Layla The Rolling Stones – I'm A King Bee Captain Beefheart and His Magic Band – I'm Glad Sun Ra – Dreaming Allah-Las – On Our Way Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds – More News From Nowhere Rory Gallagher – Wheels Within Wheels Derek And The Dominos – Layla
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Explaining one of VTMB paintings (part 14)
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The Music Lesson, oil on canvas (1877) by Fredric Leighton
Sir Fredric Leighton, 1st Baron Leighton (Dec 3 1830 - Jan 25 1896) was a British Victorian painter, draughtsman and sculptor born in Scarborough, Yorkshire. He was educated at the University Collage School in London. He designed the tomb for the English Poet Elizabeth Barret Browning in English Cemetery,Florence in 1861. He was the first President of the Commitee commissioning the Suervay of London which was in charge of documenting public works of art and architecture. He was knighted at Windsor in 1878 and made Baronet of Hollow Park Road in the Parish of St. Mary Abbots, Kensington in 1886.
A Victorian painter refers to the distinctive art style of painting in the UK during the reign of Queen Victoria (1837-1901). Specifically the academic art style coming from mainly the Royal Academy of the Arts with Leighton being one of the most recognized of this style. Focused on Christian, British Royalism and Imperial with an overall optimistic tone and close attention to even the smallest of details. The biggest change was the shift away from the traditional focus on storytelling and moralizing subject matter as the subjects of art. Instead choosing subjects based on aesthetic appeal which contrasted their contemporaries Pre-Raphaelites. [1]
The Architecture depicted in the background of The Music Lesson is based on Leighton study of architecture from his trip to Damascus, Syria in 1873. The black and white stripes of the stone building are a style of Islamic architecture ablaq. In Syria Ablaq is often used to decorate arches of Mosques, palaces and Sufi lodges. The technique of ablaq may have originated from Syria or the Byzantine Empire. One of the first written records on the use of ablaq masonry was found regarding repairs done to the northern wall of the Great Mosque of Damascus in 1109 [2]. The musical instrument that is the center of the lesson is a Baglama (sometime called a saz) which is a type of long necked seven string lute used in both Turkish and Azerbaijani folk music [3]. The choice of architecture and instrument are most likely based on their aesthetic beauty and to give the work a small amount of exotic flare. The two British models depicted in the painting appear in a number of Leighton works. The younger girl is Connie Gilchrist( Jan 23 1865-May 6 1946) who as a child was a rather famous art model, actress and singer that work with a number of other artist including Frank Holl, James McNeil Whistler and author/photogrpher Lewlis Carol (author of Alice in Wonderland). As an adult she married Edmond Walter FitzMaurice, the 7th Earl of Orkney (Orkney is a archipelago in the norther isles of Scotland) making her the Countess of Orkney. [4]
[1]“Frederic Leighton.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 1 Oct. 2023, en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frederic_Leighton.  [2]“Ablaq.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 22 Oct. 2023, en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ablaq#:~:text=Ablaq%20(Arabic%3A%20أبلق%3B%20particolored,architecture%20in%20the%20Arab%20world.  [3]“Bağlama.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 15 Oct. 2023, en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ba%C4%9Flama.  [4]“Connie Gilchrist, Countess of Orkney.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 30 July 2023, en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Connie_Gilchrist,_Countess_of_Orkney#:~:text=Connie%20Gilchrist%20(23%20January%201865,Lewis%20Carroll%20and%20aristocrats%2C%20Lord. 
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silvestromedia · 2 months
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Saint of the day July 23
Sts. Rasyphus and Ravennus, 5th century. Martyrs. They came from Britain, fleeing the islands upon the invasions by the Anglo Saxons. Settling in Gaul, they became hermits and were martyred, perhaps by Arian Goths who were advancing through the West. Their relics are enshrined in the cathedral of Bayeux. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rasyphus_and_Ravennus#:~:text=Saints%20Rasyphus%20(Rasiphus)%20and%20Ravennus,in%20Gaul%20and%20became%20hermits
Martyrs of Bulgaria, Roman Catholic Martyrs caught in the war between the Byzantine Empire and the pagan Bulgars. Many were slain in battle, while others were put to death for the faith. Feastday July 23 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martyrs_of_Adrianople#:~:text=The%20Martyrs%20of%20Adrianople%2C%20also,Orthodox%20Church%20on%2022%20January.
Saint John Cassian (c. 360 – 435 AD), John the Ascetic, or John Cassian the Roman was a Christian monk and theologian celebrated in both the Western and Eastern Churches for his mystical writings. Cassian is noted for his role in bringing the ideas and practices of Christian monasticism to the early medieval West. Feastday July 23 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Cassian
St. Bridget of Sweden (1303 – 23 July 1373); born as Birgitta Birgersdotter, was a mystic and saint, and founder of the Bridgettines nuns and monks after the death of her husband of twenty years. Outside of Sweden, she was also known as the Princess of Nericia[1] and was the mother of Catherine of Vadstena. She is one of the six patron saints of Europe, together with Benedict of Nursia, Saints Cyril and Methodius, Catherine of Siena and Edith Stein. Feastday July 23 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bridget_of_Sweden
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the-firebird69 · 2 months
September22 Abraham Lincoln - Google Search
"President Lincoln issued the preliminary Emancipation Proclamation in the midst of the Civil War, announcing on September 22, 1862, that if the rebels did not end the fighting and rejoin the Union by January 1, 1863, all slaves in the rebellious states would be free"
He issued this September 22nd and it was we Believe 1862. And they would not this is one of the dates and one of the reasons why they're going after John remillard then he was born not too much long before this it was in the early 1700s
Thor Freya
It might be an action to reaction thing as Nathan Hale was hung in the 22nd of September and Lincoln free the slaves after Nathan Hale was hung that was himself
Zues Hera
It's quite a price for doing this job they wanted me to do and I was thinking that I guess someone shot me
Trying to tell you that and the same idiot is bothering me and it's Mr Maserati it's not BG it's not you it's not Tommy F it's a Mac and Nathaniel Hawthorne and he's probably the one who wants to piece those ships together. Probably the same s*** head that held a gun in the low desert trying to blame Tommy f and tried to threaten for Stuff
Zues Hera
We got to tell you we think it might be him and straight out that he's running around shooting people all the time
You're a little s*** with a puny little brain as a Mac you should run these matches these Mac proper are going to waste your ass and find out it's you doing all this dumb s***
Zues true too Hera
We have to get to the bottom of it no we know who it is and it is this Mac and it's idiots and they're imitating Tom no they're irritating John reimillard and his and they're trying to get away with it all the time and people are catching them and boy at least stupid
Thor Freya
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thenightling · 6 months
The Velveteen Rabbit (The latest Mandela Effect)
I have discovered a new example of the Mandela Effect. A startling number of people remember The Velveteen Rabbit (children's book from 1922) as having a bleak ending. They are so convinced that they read one where the rabbit burned up that some insist to even having the version with the bleak ending and then are startled to find that is not the ending at all.
For those who never read The Velveteen Rabbit here's a synopsis for you. First, the full title is The Velveteen Rabbit or How Toys become Real. The "or How Toys become real" is important here.
The story is about a toy rabbit made of velveteen (false velvet). He is given as a gift to a little boy and in the playroom he is consoled by an old rocking horse who tells him that a lot of the modern wind up toys break and are forgotten but a well-loved toy has magick and can become real from the love of the child who is dear to them.
When the child gets scared during a storm, the rabbit is retrieved by his nanny to keep him company and the boy fast becomes attached to the rabbit, like a teddy bear.
The boy starts to consider the rabbit real but some wild rabbits see him and mock him for not having hind leg and call him a fake rabbit. He's actually kind of a pillow with upper limbs and a rabbit head. A soft, squishy cuddle toy.
The little boy who loves The Velveteen rabbit gets sick with Scarlet fever and the rabbit is with him all through the long illness and through it all the rabbit gets really tattered.
Now here's the false memory / Mandela Effect:
it appears that lots of people misremember and think that the rabbit burned in the bonfire that had been set for everything the boy handled while sick.
And yes, the rabbit was condemned to this fire after the boy got well.
Here's the real ending.
The Rabbit and all the bedding were carried off to be burned but that night, as the rabbit waited to be burned he managed to shed a real tear out of love for the boy and heartbreak.
And the tear conjured a fairy who took mercy on him and made him into a real rabbit. (There's a very pretty song for this in the animated version from 1985.) https://www.youtube.com/watch?si=TgYkWltBkDorQaIm&t=1218&fbclid=IwAR3DRc6dTCABPiJt3zoK72I6VFUYReZtoJkwo0sHJot5jPDnClGQ5Eq6Dnw_aem_AeZsP-5GbrMmffWQfb3fjAaBXjiSAPtfbzxFf9-VUXbbwJ1X12HpJwogLLJYRF-FQ1EKN4L9yy_NJLOi1X8QfETX&v=cKJLrgJ8B-U&feature=youtu.be
It's a bit like the toy version of Pinocchio.
The fairy takes him to the real wild rabbits and he joins them. Some time later when the boy is playing outside he sees a wild rabbit that looks a great deal like his old toy. It's The Velveteen Rabbit.
The rabbit comes close to the boy but not close enough to let him pet him. He scurries off to join the other rabbits. https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/The_Velveteen_Rabbit#:~:text=This%20work%20is%20in%20the,cutoff%20of%20January%201%2C%201929. ________________________________
The full title is "The Velveteen Rabbit or how Toys become real."
There was even a sequel published some years ago where the rabbit returns and is jealous of the boy's new toy bunny.
The original is 102 years old and I can tell you with certainty that there is no alternate dark ending because the first illustrations were by the author's own daughter and they included the fairy queen and the rabbit's transformation from a velvet toy (with no back legs, he was kind of like a pillow with a bunny head and upper arms) to a real rabbit.
Also the moral was about belief being strong enough to alter reality, the power of love, and how love is what makes us who we are truly meant to be. That moral would be lost if the rabbit died.
The fairytale where a toy IS burnt is The Steadfast Tin Soldier.
The only alternate version of The Velveteen Rabbit is the cell animated Rankin / Bass Easter special "The First Easter Rabbit."
It's roughly the same story as The Velveteen Rabbit but the child is a little girl instead of a boy and besides becoming real, the rabbit is tasked with becoming the first Easter Rabbit by the fairy. Oh, and his name was "Stuffy."
But other than that there is no version with a dark ending no matter what you think you "remember." It doesn't exist. I assure you, I've looked. 1922 is not as far back as you think. It wasn't in the public domain (world wide) until recently. No one could re-write the ending until recently.
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gmanem · 8 months
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telavivdelhi2 · 9 months
New Administrative Capital - Wikipedia
"In January 2021, Egypt signed a contract with Siemens to construct a high speed rail line that extends from the northern Mediterranean city of El Alamein to Ain Sokhna city on the Red Sea passing through the new capital and Alexandria. The 450 km (280 mi) line is expected to be finished by 2023."
Ezen röhögni merészeltem... a nemetek építenek El Alameintől vasútat
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apureniallsource · 2 years
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orthotv · 1 year
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🔰 ASSICON 2024
🗓️ Date : 18- 20January, 2024
🔆 Post Conference Workshop: 21st January, 2024 | The Westin Mumbai Powai Lake, Mumbai
▶️ Click here to register : https://www.assicon2024.com/cadaveric-course.html
👨‍⚕️ Organising Secretary : Dr. Vishal Kundnani
♦️ SPINE BOOT CAMP (For Spine Fellows & PG students)
♦️ A2Z about - Things Never Taught in Books/lectures Hands-on Modules
🔥 Only 100 Seats. One Faculty: 10 Delegates
🗓️ Date: Thursday, January 18, 2024 ,Time: 8.30 am - 11.45 am
🔸 Instruments in Spine Surgery (30 mins -10 tables) 🔸 Crutchfeild / Mayfield / Gardner Wells Tongs (15 mins) 🔸 Spine Surgery OT set up (90 mins)
o OT Table / Positioning o Anesthesia Considerations
o Bleeding / Hemostasis in Spine Surgery o C-arm - Intra op Imaging & Radiation in spine o Microscope in Spine Surgery - Basics o Bone Drilling equipment's in Spine surgery
🔹 Soft Skills / Career options in Spine Surgery (60 mins)
o Communication skills in OPD / Ward / OT o How to make an effective PowerPoint / Presentation?
o How to start writing a research paper? o Spine Fellowships - National & International
o What after Fellowship? How to set up practice?
👨‍⚕️ Organising Chairman : Dr. Ketan Badani 👨‍⚕️ Scientific Chairman : Dr. Gautam Zaveri
🤝 Media partner: OrthoTV Global
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mrsdawg4908 · 1 year
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San Bernardino County Sheriff's office has confirmed the death of Julian Sands after human remains were found on Southern California's Mount Baldy.
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shit-talk-turner · 2 years
Here he briefly explains what a European citizen can and cannot do after Brexit came into effect in January 2021. The various requirements and more are listed
..... This doesn't change our argument
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