thewertsearch · 2 years
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Humans have only one form of romance. [...] A single, linear concept. A concept usually denoted by a single symbol.
Looks like the playing-card symbolism is pulling double duty. Let’s see if we can predict what each suit means. 
The club contains three circles, so I think it represents the only relationship which involves three parties by default. In other words, it stands for auspisticism. 
Therefore, the spade is the other blackrom relationship - kismesissitude.
The heart is a traditional romantic relationship, which trolls call a matespritship.
That leaves the diamond for the ‘paler’, less romantic moirallegiance. 
Now that that’s settled, how are these terms formally defined?
RED ROMANCE, comprised of the flushed and pale quadrants, is a form of romance rooted in strongly positive emotions. BLACK ROMANCE, with its caliginous and ashen quadrants, is rooted in the strongly negative.
I thought that blackrom might be a combination of love and hate, but it doesn’t seem as if love is involved at all. Knowing that, I’m not really sure how it qualifies as ‘romance’.
I guess you could argue that it’s still ‘romantic’ in the Byronic sense, in that it’s a sad, cynical type of relationship. 
Those quadrants which are CONCUPISCENT, the flushed and caliginous, have to do with facilitating the elaborate reproductive cycle of trolls. Those which are CONCILIATORY, the pale and ashen, would be more closely likened to platonic relationships by human standards.
It sounds as if the concupiscent quadrants are the ones which involve physical intimacy. 
Considering the nature of the caliginous quadrant, this seems more than a little troubling. Should we really be encouraging trolls to pursue intimate relationships with people they hate?
There are many parallels between human relationships and the various facets of troll romance. Humans have words to describe relationships of a negative nature, or of a platonic nature. The difference is, for humans, those relationships would never be conceptually grouped with romance.
Ah, I think I get it. 
A lot of these relationships aren’t meant to fit the human definition of romance - because on Alternia, ‘romance’ is defined more broadly than it typically is on Earth.
Most humans, looking at a moirallegiance, would parse it as fully platonic. They’d see that fact as contradictory to its romantic nature, and they’d be correct - but only according to the human definition of romance. 
A troll would agree that it’s fully platonic, but would fail to see the contradiction. That’s because to a troll, platonic and romantic aren’t mutually exclusive. They’d say that a moirallegiance is a platonic variety of romance. 
 Establishing those sort of relationships for humans is not driven by the same primal forces that drive our tendency to couple romantically. But for trolls, those primal forces involve themselves in the full palette of these relationships, red or black, torrid or friendly. Trolls typically feel strongly compelled to find balance in each quadrant, and seek gratifying relationships that each describes.
It seems as if trolls are biologically driven to seek out all four types of relationship. It’s not enough to have a matesprit, or even a matesprit/kismesis - you’re still ‘single’ in the other categories. 
It’s interesting that trolls are biologically driven to auspisticism. Do you have an auspisticism ‘orientation’, dictating whether you’re the mediator or the mediatee? 
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albertxylin · 1 year
Briar Fertiliser
I saw you gouge out channels in your arms, Nails tilling fields and churning blood, Finding salvation and distraction through pain In a way that I do not understand.
I cannot be in that space without remembering How mutilation and discipline are cousins, Without feeling your fingers digging into my chest And squeezing the air out of my lungs. You were not the only one scarred that day.
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anisaanisa · 2 years
(augmented) 15: What did you learn from writing this fic?
Hello, Anon! So many things, sososososo many things that you get a bullet list:
How to write.
How not to write.
That writing Dystopian AU's is, in fact, heart-wrenching (shocked pikachu).
That time is a construct, because while I'm sure that you, the reader, feel like it's been forever since I updated it, I, the author, feel like it's been no time at all, what with this universe being rich and very much alive (inside my head).
That there is always a right time for a story. When I started this one, I hadn't done a lick of creative writing since high school, and it showed. It was a big idea for a little noob. Luckily, I feel better equipped now...
...which is how I've cleaned up the outline, tied up loose threads, and now finished 3 more chapters of it, and am very pleased with it's direction. Sometimes letting things breathe is exactly what they need, and while perfection is the enemy of the done, done can be the enemy of happy. The latter works best for me.
Thanks for the ask!
Fic Title Game 💌
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harveyphotography · 2 years
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Quando i pensieri iniziamo a farsi pesanti bisogna andare al mare.
Infatti vorrei che fosse sempre così, con il mare a 5 minuti da casa.
📍Salerno - Pastena
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tmt-sketch-a-day · 2 years
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Sketch a Day 2392-Ralts - 6/20/22    
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quiltofstars · 8 months
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The Eskimo Nebula, NGC 2392 // Thomas Rox
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astronomypolls · 7 months
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lostdrarryfics · 3 months
Hi, ty for all u do! im looking for a creature!fic on ao3. I can't remember what creatures they were, I think H was a werewolf and D either a Veela or Vampire. There's a creature council where each creature has reps, H is a rep for his creature, D is very annoyed at this because he's been trying very hard to become a rep and H didn't have to do much to become a rep. Inter-creature relationships are taboo and illegal and they are trying to change this so they can be out. ty in advance :)
We believe you are looking for The Forsaken by XxTheDarkLordxX (22k, E)
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lallyloo · 1 year
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link-sans-specs · 1 year
These thumbnails...
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Are We Dumber Than Gen-Z?
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kiochisato · 8 months
do u like women
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brigadeirogourmet · 2 years
Resultado da Lotomania de Hoje Concurso 2392 – quarta-feira (16/11)
Resultado da Lotomania de Hoje Concurso 2392 – quarta-feira (16/11)
O Resultado da Lotomania concurso 2392 que ocorre nesta quarta-feira, dia 16 de novembro (16/11) às 20hs no Espaço Loterias Caixa. Veja abaixo os números sorteados. Resultado da Lotomania concurso 2392 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Premiação da Lotomania 2392 O prêmio estimado para este concurso da Lotomania é de R$ 500.000,00. Como jogar na Lotomania Em um volante da Lotomania,…
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haikyu-mp4 · 2 months
When in Rome
word count; 2392 – f!reader
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Moving to Italy as a young adult to work as an au pair through a shady website wasn’t the most reckless thing anyone your age ever did. However, you hadn’t counted on the job being a complete lie and ending up stranded at the airport with nowhere to go.
You strolled over to the large notice board by the taxi section where people promoted anything the tourists might not want to miss. Your eyes skimmed over a few places to eat and cheap Airbnbs, and you sighed loudly until your eyes zeroed in on a laminated note.
‘Professional athlete needs an in-house cleaner and language teacher’ it said in Italian, and you had never been so thankful for taking all those language courses prior to this.
Hurriedly, you called the number and were greeted by an older man’s voice claiming to be a manager for Ali Roma, whatever that meant. You claimed to have experience in anything he asked and responded just quickly enough in Italian that you got the job.
By the time evening rolled around, you were sitting by the wall and leaning on your suitcase. The manager needed time to produce a contract and send it to your e-mail. Thank goodness for airport wifi. You had the contract open on your phone and quickly skimmed through it until you found the section where you would be living in an adjacent apartment by his house, before immediately completing the e-signature.
When you got there for the first time, that manager had been waiting in your new apartment to greet you and go over some details, also making sure you were who you said you were and then introducing you to Kageyama Tobio.
He was interesting, that Kageyama. Not as old as you might have imagined, and ridiculously handsome. Seemingly shy but not against having company. Kind but very direct.
It had been a long day of cleaning, which was the kind of manual labour your body wasn’t so used to performing yet. Finally off work for the day, you were singing to yourself over the stove, trying to read something off a food label when a dark head of hair appeared in your peripheral vision. Jumping in surprise, you held up the pasta packet as if to throw it, only to see Kageyama’s upper body leaning into the doorway with a curious wiggle of his nose. “Kageyama, you scared me.”
“I’m sorry.” The sauce was still cooking as you had forgotten to put on the pasta for boiling, so it would have to simmer for longer, but the smell must have wafted far enough to draw him in. “Did you make that?”
You proudly flourished your hands over the food. “I sure did,” you picked up some sauce on a spoon, holding it up for him with a hand underneath. “Wanna taste?”
The two of you spoke to each other slowly in Italian, adding some English words here and there. “Yes,” he confirmed, coming into the kitchen and walking straight over to you. You expected him to take the spoon from you, but your ears burned red as he leaned in close and ate the sauce right off the spoon. He seemed to consider the taste while all you could do was try to stay focused with him so close. Finally, he nodded and looked at you. “It’s really good, can I have some too?”
Luckily you had made a lot, intending to save some portions for later, so you spent the evening eating with Tobio – he insisted you call him Tobio – in the setting Italy sun.
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Tobio had a lot of practices and seemed to stay longer than planned almost every time, so you would typically have a cup of tea and lounge on his couch, which was much more lavish than yours until you heard the door unlock. The general idea was for you to clean while he was out, so when he stayed longer than what it said in the schedule, you happily enjoyed the quiet luxury of his living room or the heat of Italy from his balcony after finishing the obligatory work. Then when he got home, you would often make dinner, which was not part of the original plan but naturally became part of the routine.
He was funny, in his own way, and the way you both laughed so quietly sat well with you as the sound of the busy city flowed through the open windows in the background.
Over the first weekend, you had done your best to prepare some learning materials that would suit his level, and you two would mostly use conversing as a way of learning, spending a few hours every Saturday. Whenever he hit a word he didn’t know in Italian, he would awkwardly move his hands in the air and look at you for help.
And sometimes, you weren’t sure either. “Oh… I don’t know that, actually,” you admitted, feeling your ears burn red as he was still staring at you expectantly. You chuckled under your breath to relieve the tension and opened up your computer to look it up. When you finally found it, you looked up, only to realise he had scooted closer on the couch to look at the screen too, not noticing how you took in a sharp breath of air at how your arms brushed against each other.
He nodded, seemingly happy with the answer as he tried to say it out loud. “Chiacchierare.”
You repeated it back to him with emphasis on where he struggled with pronouncing it. “Chiacchierare.”
And when you focused back on his face, he was staring at your lips, probably because you were teaching him pronunciation, but it still made you feel flustered. He repeated the word more properly, until he looked back up at your eyes, expectantly again.
“That was… good.” You cleared your throat and glanced at the wall clock before turning back to him. “Did you already go for your jog today?”
Tobio looked at his wristwatch and seemed to frown. “I would rather go later, it’s still pretty hot outside,” he said, getting up and walking into his kitchen now that it seemed you wanted a break. “Do you want anything to drink?”
“Just water, please!” You started packing up the teaching materials you always had lying around for the basic rules when Tobio came back in with two tall glasses of ice water.
“We’re done for the day?” he asked, and your heart skipped a beat at the disappointed look he wore.
“I just thought…” You drifted off because you weren’t sure what you thought. He just looked so ridiculously handsome in his leisure wear, and when he scooted closer, he smelled so good, and…
“Maybe we can do something else?” he asked, putting the glasses down without any coasters, so you added one underneath each glass. “Like go swimming?”
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Tobio started asking you to do more things with him that couldn’t be considered something you weaved into the routine of your job. They were more like… dates. He would take you mini golfing, hiking or to a volleyball court, and then always buy you dinner wherever you wanted to try eating next. Whether it was some exclusive local restaurant or in the next town over, he would get you there.
Obviously, you knew what this might look like, what it might be becoming, but bringing it up brought on the risk of bursting the bubble. You were still keeping up with all the work they expected from you, and your time together never affected his practices or other work routines.
You fell in love with Kageyama Tobio and he fell in love with you.
A right person, right time kind of love.
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It was the most casual evening you finally gave in to it. You were in your own kitchen, once again humming under your breath as you cooked, Italian tunes playing from the radio.
The sunshine came through the windows and lit up the room, alerting you when Kageyama’s shadow crept in. “Hello, there.” You looked up at him and smiled softly, stirring the pasta sauce that had a much better recipe now than it did when you first arrived. Speaking with the locals and making friends outside of work hadn’t been easy, but you got there.
“Hi.” He walked closer until he stood arm to arm with you, picking up the ladle to unnecessarily stir the pasta while you worked the sauce. His hair was damp, telling you he just got out of the shower after practice. “How was your day?”
“Very relaxing, video called my parents and went to the old neighbour for lunch,” you recalled. “She told me to bring you next time, said it’s been too long.” You bumped him with your elbow and he smiled, doing the same back. He didn’t need to know said neighbour referred to Tobio as your partner. “And you? How was practice?”
You couldn’t help but glance at him when he pouted. “It was fine, but I had some trouble with my serves.”
“Serves?” you repeated. “Were you trying something new?”
“Not really, just… had my mind on something else, I suppose.”
You hummed in understanding, then the Italian tunes took over the aura again as you finished the food, putting both the pot and pan on the cold parts of the stovetop.
You both slowed to a stop and seemed to be waiting for the other to choose your next move. In the end, you would never be able to tell anyone the answer to who moved first, because it only took a second for the two of you to be devouring each other.
Tobio had one hand on the back of your head, the other hand splayed across the middle of your back to pull you closer. Your arms clung to his shoulders to make sure he was actually there with you.
Your lips moved in perfect sync, and then either of you interrupted the flow with a different tangent in irregular intervals before naturally syncing back into each other’s pace.
By the time you two snuck back out of the bedroom that night, the pasta was cold, and he kissed you against the kitchen counter as it heated back up.
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This routine you had been trying to piece together eventually blurred into your day-to-day life. Tobio would go to practice when he needed to, and on the days he stayed late, you were sometimes already snoring away in his bed, or sometimes waiting for him with a cup of tea by the time he returned. While he was out, you always cleaned the house, enjoying how it visibly turned into a home for two. Your clothes from yesterday needed to be thrown into the laundry because Tobio had made quick work of them before bed and his finished protein cup was left on the table in the dining room because he didn’t have time for everything in the morning. Every little thing made you smile.
You two eventually spoke almost exclusively in Italian, leaning affectionately on each other while searching up any words you didn’t remember. The neighbours loved you, and you even hosted a dinner for some of the local couples you spent time with.
“Y/n?” you heard called from the hallway. You sat on the sofa with Tobio’s iPad and browsed open positions in the area or online. Even though Tobio said you didn’t need to work to be with him, you wanted something to give your life some extra colour. Something like working with children or teaching language to people of all ages interested you greatly.
“Tobi?” you responded, lifting one arm to let him settle his head in your lap, letting your arm fall back over him while still scrolling.
“Let it go for today. We still haven’t talked to my manager about ending the contract,” he mumbled, closing his eyes to rest. He had early practice today, which left him plenty of quality time that you should be spending on giving him your attention!
You chuckled airily. “Did you do well at practice today?”
“Very well,” he confirmed, giving you that stiff smile that made you laugh more and think of the high school photos he had shown you before. “Hinata will be here in a week, we should settle everything with my manager by then so I don’t have to explain it to him. He’s not very smart.”
As your fingers stroked through his hair, you put the iPad to the side after locking it. “I’ll do it tomorrow,” you said. “For now-“ Tobio opened one eye to watch you, finding a coy smile. “Tell me what you’ll introduce me to Hinata as.”
He wasn’t sure how to take your tone. Was this relaxed attitude real or were you just waiting for him to say the wrong answer? “You’re my- Uhh… I can’t say girlfriend?” he asked and felt some relief at how a bigger smile stretched across your face. Then you leaned over to squish his face and push your lips against his in several small but loving kisses.
“Of course you can!”
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“Tobio?” you yelled when you walked out of the kitchen to greet him at the door. He wasn’t supposed to be home for another ten minutes according to his last message, so you were curious about who else would just walk right in.
You stopped abruptly in the hallway as you saw his manager, staring at you with furrowed brows. You looked down at your bare legs and Kageyama’s hoodie, then back up in horror.
“I was going to ask if you know who Kageyama is seeing.” A silence fell over you where you did whatever you could to not meet his eyes. The heat crept up your neck and over your cheekbones. “But never mind!”
You would both later agree on ending the contract early, as Kageyama wouldn’t need your services anymore in the same way and you wouldn’t need to use the adjacent apartment.
Instead, he would save up some of that money he could have paid you with to buy you the kind of engagement ring that best suited your style.
Tobio wanted to spend the rest of his life with you. You were the right person, and it was the right time.
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harveyphotography · 2 years
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Fonti del clitunno - Trevi (PG)
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vestaignis · 2 months
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Вулкан Бромо на о. Ява, расположенный в национальном парке Бромо-Тенгер-Семеру, взмывает на высоту 2392 м и считается самым активным и «ненасытным» на острове. Последние 20 лет он постоянно «дышит», его огромный кратер диаметром 600 м все время наполнен дымом, а все вокруг, включая тропы и дороги вокруг вулкана, усыпаны густым слоем пепла. Однако это абсолютно не мешает Бромо привлекать многочисленных туристов, которые приезжают, чтобы полюбоваться фантастическими «лунными» пейзажами, посмотреть со смотровой площадки на могучий вулкан на рассвете, когда его склоны окрашиваются в розовые и золотые тона, и, наконец, совершить восхождение к кратеру и пройтись по его кромке на высоте птичьего полета.
Название Бромо происходит от яванского имени бога Брахмы, и находится вулкан посреди песчаной равнины, которую местные жители называют Сегара Веди, что значит «Песчаный океан». Здесь же, у северных склонов Бромо стоит индуистский храм Пура Лухур Потен, построенный из темных вулканических камней. Каждый год, начиная с XV в., тенгеры (яванская народность) целый месяц отмечают праздник Ядня Касада, во время которого они поднимаются к кратеру и сбрасывают в жерло вулкана жертвоприношения богам – фрукты, овощи, цветы, рис, кур и даже домашний скот, причем живьем. Именно поэтому Бромо и называют «ненасытным».
Лучшее время для посещения вулкана - с апреля по октябрь. Сезон дождей длится с декабря по март. Днем здесь прохладно, температура не превышает +20°C.
Mount Bromo on Java Island, located in the Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park, rises to a height of 2,392 m and is considered the most active and “insatiable” on the island. For the last 20 years, it has been constantly “breathing”, its huge crater with a diameter of 600 m is constantly filled with smoke, and everything around, including paths and roads around the volcano, is strewn with a thick layer of ash. However, this does not prevent Bromo from attracting numerous tourists who come to admire the fantastic “lunar” landscapes, look at the mighty volcano from the observation deck at dawn, when its slopes are painted in pink and gold tones, and, finally, climb to the crater and walk along its edge at a bird's eye view.
The name Bromo comes from the Javanese name of the god Brahma, and the volcano is located in the middle of a sandy plain, which the locals call Segara Wedi, which means “Sand Ocean”. Here, on the northern slopes of Bromo, there is a Hindu temple, Pura Luhur Poten, built of dark volcanic stones. Every year, since the 15th century, the Tenggerese (Javanese people) celebrate the Yadnya Kasada festival for a whole month, during which they climb to the crater and throw sacrifices to the gods into the volcano's mouth - fruits, vegetables, flowers, rice, chickens and even livestock. That is why Bromo is called "insatiable".
The best time to visit the volcano is from April to October. The rainy season lasts from December to March. It is cool here during the day, the temperature does not exceed +20°C.
Источник://t.me/krasivye_mesta_turizm,/vsegda-pomnim.com / vulkany/6053-vulkan-bromo-76-foto.html,//photopole.ru/krasivye-kartinki/vulkany-krasivye,/geosocks.com/bromo-volcano/, //thinking.ru/trips/indonesia/vulkan-bromo-na-indoneziyskom-ostrove-yava/,www.pac.ru/guide/indonesia/java/landmarks/mount-bromo/,/www.tripadvisor.ru/Attraction_Review-g297710-d2307699-Reviews-Bromo_Tengger_Semeru_Adventure-Malang_East _Java_ Java.html,//www.tourister.ru/world/asia/indonesia/city/malang/volcano/30191.
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quiltofstars · 7 months
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The Eskimo Nebula, NGC 2392 // Lyaphine
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