#28th amendment
liberalsarecool · 1 year
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Ending gun violence happens in steps. Democrats want to create those steps.
Republicans don't even want to acknowledge gun violence, let alone have a conversation.
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California Gov. Gavin Newsom proposed Thursday adding a 28th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which he said will address the country's gun violence crisis.
The amendment would raise the minimum age to purchase a gun from 18 to 21, mandate universal background checks, institute a reasonable waiting period for all gun purchases and bar civilians from purchasing assault weapons, according to a statement from the Governor's office.
"This will guarantee states as well the ability to enact common sense gun safety laws, while leaving the Second Amendment intact, and respecting America's gun owning tradition," Newsom said in a video statement. "The 28th Amendment locks in the common sense constitutional protections that Democrats, Republicans, Independents and gun owners overwhelmingly support and ensures NRA-owned politicians can never strip those protections away."
6 in 10 Americans, including 4 in 10 gun owners, said controlling gun violence is more important than protecting gun rights – the highest percentage in a decade – according to a national poll released last month.
Newsom told Politico and NBC the move was inspired in part by the rollback of gun safety measures by the courts.
The move comes amid speculation that Newsom may run for President, which grew after he won a second term as Governor, which ends in 2026, and dropped $10 million on a new political action committee. Newsom has denied planning to run in 2024 or 2028, saying he supports President Joe Biden and wants Vice President Kamala Harris, a fellow Californian, to be President.
The move has drawn opposition from gun-ownership groups. A spokesperson for The National Rifle Association said in a statement to USA TODAY that the majority of Americans reject Newsom's "California-style gun control.”
“Newsom’s latest publicly stunt once again shows that his unhinged contempt for the right to self-defense has no bounds," the statement said. "California is a beacon for violence because of Newsom’s embrace of policies that champion the criminal and penalize the law-abiding."
Erich Pratt, senior vice president of Gun Owners of America said "Newsom's proposals will fail miserably to control crime."
"It's a foreign concept to wealthy anti-gun political elites like Mr. Newsom that the common people have a right to possess arms for self-defense and repelling government tyranny, so it's no surprise to us that he hopes to butcher that right with a new Constitutional amendment," he said in a statement to USA TODAY.
Adding a constitutional amendment requires either a two-thirds majority vote by both houses of Congress or a constitutional convention convened by two-thirds of State legislatures, according to Thomas Donnelly, chief content officer at the National Constitution Center. None of the 27 amendments to the Constitution have been proposed by a convention and the last time the Constitution was amended was in 1992, he said.
Three-fourths of the states must ratify the proposed amendment in order for it to become part of the Constitution, Donnelly said. Donnelly declined to speculate on the likelihood of Newsom's success. But he said the process is "meant to be difficult."
"The Founders really wanted to limit new amendments to those that can actually secure the broad support of the American people, so for them, they would have said 'an idea that would transcend faction,'" he said. "Today, we would say it's often something that's going to transcend partisan politics."
Given the impact of the Supreme Court's landmark ruling on gun control last year, "something like a Constitutional amendment may seem absolutely necessary," according to Michael Waldman, president and CEO of the Brennan Center for Justice at NYU Law.
Waldman, author of "The Supermajority: How the Supreme Court Divided the Country," called Newsom's approach, which leaves the Second Amendment intact but allows for "common sense gun laws" that may be palatable to some gun rights supporters, creative and interesting. He said Newsom's amendment "is not likely to happen, but it's important to think about it."
"Constitutional amendments seem completely impossible to do until suddenly they seem doable, and that's how it's worked all throughout our history," Waldman said. "If the Court's doctrine is so misguided and the carnage on the streets is so undeniable, you might get a surprising outcome."
Newsom acknowledged how challenging the process would be, saying "this fight won't be easy, and it certainly won't be fast."
California State Sen. Aisha Wahab and Assemblymember Reggie Jones-Sawyer will introduce a joint resolution to make California the first state to call for a convention, also called an Article V Convention or amendatory convention, according to the Governor's statement.
Newsom will then work with "grassroots supporters, elected and civic leaders, and broad and diverse coalitions across the nation" to get similar resolutions passed in the 33 other states required to convene the convention, the statement said.
"California will be the first but that's just the beginning," Newsom said in a statement.
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whenweallvote · 6 months
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“Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of sex.”
Today in 1972, the U.S. Senate passed the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), sending the legislation to the states for ratification. For an amendment to officially become part of the U.S. Constitution, at least three-fourths of the states must vote to adopt it. 
In January 2020, Virginia became the 38th state to ratify the ERA — and members of the Congressional Caucus for the ERA are still working to officially recognize and publish it as the 28th Amendment.
🎨: Refinery29
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kp777 · 1 year
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sentencedtobefrail · 2 months
Commercial Pilots are forced to retire at 65
Here’s a bunch of congress people who are too old to fly a commercial airliner:
Nancy Pelosi (74), Mitch McConnell (82), Bernie Sanders (82), Henry Cuellar (68), David Trone (68), Sheila Jackson Lee (74), Maxine Waters(85), Virginia Fox (81), Rosa DeLauro (81), Jim Clyburn (83), Bennie Thompson (76), Tom Cole, (75), Chris Smith (71), Steny Hower (85), Burgess Owens (72), Gerry Connolly (74), Joe Manchin (74), Chuck Schumer (73), Mitt Romney (77), Elizabeth Warren (75), Rick Scott (71), Sherrod Brown (71), Jon Tester (67), Marsha Blackburn (72), Tommy Tuberville (69), John Neely Kennedy (72), Susan Collins (71), Dick Dirbin (79), Mike Braun (70), Tim Kaine (66), Lisa Murkowski (67), Jackie Rosen (66), Charles E. Grassley (90), John Cornyn (72), Ron Johnson (69), Ben Cardin (80), Mark Warner (69), Richard Blumenthal (78), Ed Markey (70), Shelly Moore Capito (70), Sheldon Whitehouse (68), Ron Wyden (75)
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I propose a 28th Amendment to the Constitution of the U.S.: Mandatory Voting º Will require everybody living, working, or otherwise existing on any land called "The United States of America" to vote and upon having done so, will be given a receipt to be used as evidence of having done so, which will also serve as proof of Right to live on this land until the next election unmolested by State or Federal Statute, Act, Code, or Case-law in accordance with the Bill of Rights as Amended to this Constitution of the U.S. º Further, as a means of Identification, each Voter will be required to give only the following information, which will be recorded for and on the record as well as on the receipt and serve as Identification to verify that each Voter has cast only a single Vote: 1. Name (the more the better) 2. Date of Birth 3. Date of Birth of Mother 4. Date of Birth of Father The receipt may have a photo of the Voter and the cost of this receipt will be paid by the Federal Government º Finally, every election, having required the MANDATORY participation of Voters will supply on every ballot a list of the names of all candidates from which the Voter may cast a single vote and the last option on each choice of each items is to be the following: [ ] NONE OF THE ABOVE *
*- When A majority of voters choose "NONE OF THE ABOVE" the office/position will be eliminated completely and deemed as unnecessary to the well-being of the general public
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realmikecurley · 2 years
Wrote this in 2012 in defence of being able to maybe get back access to my then missing son. 10 years ago now, not much changed except for the facts over guns! It was just an idea at the time, but it took me a while to come up with! MDC
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davidpasqualone · 2 years
Gene’s 2nd Bill of Rights: The 11 “Amendments of Accountability”
Gene’s 2nd Bill of Rights: The 11 “Amendments of Accountability”
[et_pb_section fb_built=”1″ _builder_version=”4.18.0″ _module_preset=”default” background_color=”#000000″ global_colors_info=”{}”][et_pb_row _builder_version=”4.18.0″ _module_preset=”default” global_colors_info=”{}”][et_pb_column type=”4_4″ _builder_version=”4.18.0″ _module_preset=”default” global_colors_info=”{}”][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.18.0″ _module_preset=”default” hover_enabled=”0″…
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genevalentino · 2 years
Gene’s 2nd Bill of Rights: The 11 “Amendments of Accountability”
Gene’s 2nd Bill of Rights: The 11 “Amendments of Accountability”
[et_pb_section fb_built=”1″ _builder_version=”4.18.0″ _module_preset=”default” background_color=”#000000″ global_colors_info=”{}”][et_pb_row _builder_version=”4.18.0″ _module_preset=”default” global_colors_info=”{}”][et_pb_column type=”4_4″ _builder_version=”4.18.0″ _module_preset=”default” global_colors_info=”{}”][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.18.0″ _module_preset=”default” hover_enabled=”0″…
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ratlicker69 · 1 year
Rat licking is protected by the constitution look it up idiot
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thefunkfactory · 2 months
The Orders
Wyatt and his boyfriend Tate were watching the 2020 election results on TV as they cuddled together on the couch. They both believed that the election would be a landslide for the Democrats but after they had dozed off they had heard a loud announcement from the news anchor waking them both up, “It’s official! Donald Trump will continue serving this country as President of the United States of America!”. A sense of dread came over the two, “How could this have happened?” Wyatt sorrowfully asked, Tate just sat there in silence and held Wyatt closer.
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Over the next few months life stayed practically the same even though Trump was acting like a dictator, all news channels were banned minus FoxNews and other right wing stations, Trump forcibly created the 28th Amendment which repealed the 22nd Amendment making it so that term limits vanished, and he had somehow managed to make it so that one of his children would take the Presidency if he ever stepped down or died. One day as the boyfriends were making dinner together the TV, which was playing the news for some background noise, ran a segment that sent chills down their backs. “Trump just declared that homosexuality is now criminalized in the United States of America. All homosexuals must go to their nearest police station and turn themselves in, immediately”. Hearing this they knew that they had to flee the country as soon as they could. Running to the bedroom Wyatt began packing up a suitcase for both him and Tate. While his boyfriend was rushing to pack in the bedroom Tate heard a knock at the door, he looked through the peephole and saw police officers standing on the other side of the door. “wyatt! what do we do? there are police at our front door!” Tate whispered to Wyatt after he ran to the bedroom. “ummm uhhhh I dont know!” Wyatt said fearfully as he heard a louder and more aggressive knock at their door. The two boys decided to hide in their own apartment and wait until the police hopefully leave.
The knocking continued until eventually they heard an officer yell at the other police officers “Alright thats it!” Thinking this meant the coast was clear Tate got out from under the bed even though Wyatt begged him not to. “Babe it’s fine they are leaving, didn’t you hear them?” Tate said to calm down his worried boyfriend. Tate walked out of the bedroom and into the living room when suddenly the front door was kicked in, “OH SHIT” Tate yelled out. Tate tried to flee but he heard a voice from the front door yell “THERE’S ONE! GET HIM!”. Before Tate could take more than two steps, 3 police officers ran in and took him down to the ground. Two held down his arms flat on the ground and one officer who was especially buff held down Tates legs. Tate heard someone slowly stepping into the apartment. He watched as this big, masculine police officer, obviously the leader of this mission, stepped over Tate’s restrained body. “What do you wan-?” Tate was cut off as the officer began to monologue, “Know what I hate? I’ll tell you what I hate, I hate people who bring down this beautiful country we have. It’s a shame that you were able to be such a stain on this great nation for so long, but now that Trump has given the orders, you and your…friendsss” the officer made a disgusted face as he said that last part “Well you all won't be a problem anymore”. “FUCK YOU!” Tate proclaimed with fire in his eyes. “Hahah awwww it’s cute when they have this much fire in ‘em it makes it so much more fun to see it drainnnnnn out” The 3 other police officers all laughed in sync, the same monotone laugh. The officer standing over Tate looked annoyed “We’re still working out their old personalities, these ones were fixed early this morning as soon as we got the order. Whoever made them “better” didn’t do the procedure right so we had to wipe their minds and start fresh.” The officer rolled his eyes. Tate was puzzled and asked “What do you mean “fixed”?”. “Huhuhuh oh buddy you really don’t know do ya? Police and Military across the nation have been given these” The officer held up a baggie with a bunch of red pills that looked like M&M’s and shook it, “to get rid of the gayness plaguing this nation. Some of my officers gave them to your “friends” this morning but they came out…wrong” As he said that he placed his right palm down on one the officer’s head who was holding down Tate’s arm. “This dumbass and the idiot behind me used to be a gross married couple. Good thing my men got to them before they could indoctrinate some kid or something” Said the officer standing above Tate. “No…no what did you do to them?!” Tate cried, “Oh don’t worry my dumb little gay boy, you’ll see”
Wyatt, with his hands clasped around his mouth, watched as the officer above Tate pulled a little red pill out of the baggie he held up earlier. He squatted down and pulled apart Tate’s clenched mouth and forced him to swallow the red pill. Wyatt watched as his boyfriend began to seize on the floor as the 3 other officers continued to hold him down. Wyatt was forced to watch as his boyfriend’s hair became shorter, thinner, and lighter, his fluffy brown hair had just dissolved into the dirty blonde mop now on his head. Wyatt watched as his boyfriend’s face gained some softer features, a rounded nose, a soft round jaw, but his brow bone became more prominent and his lips grew thinner. His boyfriend stopped shaking and calmed down but was now making animalistic grunts every few seconds. It was obvious he was trying to resist whatever was going on in his head. The officer looked down at Tate and saw that no progress had been made past his head, “Tsk I hate having to do this, you should just give into the right side”. The officer untied his boot and took it off, he gave it a whiff and recoiled his head “Oooof huhuh you’re in for it now!” the officer swatted over Tate and placed the boot right over his nose and mouth. Wyatt heard his boyfriend’s animalistic grunts get louder as the boot approached but as soon as it covered his face the grunts died down, becoming sparser than they were before the boot was lowered. This is when the real changes happened, Tate’s arms began to bulk up and his already hairless armpits stayed that way but still being able to proudly pump out pungent B.O., his chest grew two soft pillows as his pecs exploded with muscle. Tate’s stomach stayed lean while gaining some muscle and his thighs began to get girthier and girthier. Tate began to grunt loudly as he tried to push off the mindless officers holding him down, the officer who had been in charge of all of this removed the shoe and mockingly said “Awww you were doing soooo good.” He grabbed another red pill and forced it down Tate’s throat.
Tate quieted down quickly as his body continued transforming. Tate felt his ass twitch and tingle when suddenly it ballooned up like a life raft and was now a nice soft cushion. His legs grew a nice layer of hair that spread to his newly minted ass cheeks. Lastly Tate’s feet began to expand, “Ooooo this is the best part!” the officer in charge proclaimed. Tate’s feet grew bigger and meatier, a soft wafting stink began to float off of them which quickly evolved into a rotten smell of pungent cheese. Wyatt watched as his sweet sensitive boyfriend was left a sweaty and smelly mess on the ground. The officer said to himself, “Time to clear out his block, gotta make sure we get all that homo stuff out”. The officer bent down and placed his hand into his own armpit and then proceeded to place his hand right under Tate’s car, “Yea…smell that manly stink. Thats what you smell like now. You are a stinky, straight jock; nothing more, nothing less.” Tate began to grunt even more animalistic now but it wasn’t him trying to escape…Tate was moaning… Tate was thrusting the air and flip flopping between moaning and grunting as the officer continued his speech about Tate’s new form. Tate kept going and going until a wet spot appeared in the sweatpants Tate was wearing.
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He was gone, sweet, innocent Tate, the guy who would always go along with the love of his life, Wyatt, the guy who accepted everyone, the guy who was a proud gay guy, all of that was now just a damp stain in his sweatpants, right in the crotch region. The officers turned the TV station to an obscure channel no-one would flop to on their own, it was just a looping video of a hypnotic spiral. It taught important truths about how evil gay people are and how much better it is to be straight as an arrow, and now Tate’s mushy, brain-drained mind was being forced to watch it. The officers stayed in the apartment for an hour as Tate was indoctrinated into the Republican party, the entire time Wyatt kept hidden under the bed. Once the officers left, Wyatt emerged and saw Tate still staring at the spiral and drooling, the officers had left him to sit through the spiral even longer than he needed to. As drool dribbled down his chin, Wyatt couldn’t help but feel awful for the smelly himbo that used to be his boyfriend. He grabbed a tissue and went up to the brainless giant to wipe away the drool when suddenly Tate looked at his and said “What do you think YOU are doing GAY BOY?!” his breath reeked something awful and Wyatt tried to back away. “Nah come here bro!” Tate lifted his armpit and grabbed Wyatts head and forced him deep into his noxious B.O. factory…
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To Be Continued…
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aztrosist666 · 17 days
proposed 28th amendment: try it, bite it, lick it, spit it, pull it to the side and get all up in it, kiss it, bite it, can i fit it (charli likes boys but she knows id hit it)
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foone · 5 months
Under the 28th amendment, all elected officials must be trans.
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katblu42 · 11 months
I've been working on a little project since the middle of September. My first attempt at crocheting a creature. Also my first experience using fluffy yarn.
Here's how it started back on 16th September.
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Ugh, Magic Rings. They seem to be way harder with fluffy yarn. But that's okay, this pattern only requires 8 Magic Rings before I'm finished!!
Anyway. Attempt one of the head seemed to be getting a bit . . . weird. And way bigger than I thought it should be.
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So, I ended up frogging the whole weekend's worth of work and starting again, this time with a running stitch marker to help me keep track better (because it's really hard to count rows, let alone individual stitches with a fluffy yarn!!).
Attempt 2 of the head was completed around 8th October, and I did amend the pattern a little to keep the shape how I liked it.
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Since I was really only able to work on him on days I wasn't working, I didn't get the body done until 22nd October.
I probably need more practice sewing the pieces together - he kind of ended up slightly wonky. But I think it gives him character!
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(Yes, my house is a mess - sorry!)
The weekend of the 28th and 29th October saw him get his arms.
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Then on the 2nd November I finished his legs.
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I left his ears until last because I was afraid I might run out of the brown yarn . . . which I did, so I got a bit creative, and I kind of like the way they turned out.
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The ears were completed yesterday, along with the finishing touch - his scarf.
So, as of yesterday I have a completed teddy bear.
Meat Mr Pinkerton.
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palestaticexchange · 10 months
Welcome To The Pale Static Exchange
Fill in this form to be included in the draw. On December 4th I'll post a link to an incognito draw link and you need to click on your own URL to see who you've drawn. I will also post a link to a PDF grid of everyone's likes/ dislikes. Everyone will be tagged on the post so hopefully nobody misses it when it goes live :)
This is new information, if you've listed something on the form you'd rather not have other people see for whatever reason, then please let me know and I'll amend it for you.
The draw has now been posted! If you've signed up access it: HERE
To see people's likes/ dislikes then DM me (on this blog) and I will send you the access link
You have until December 28th to create something; be that art, writing, music, ect. On the 28th you then post your work and @ tag @ your partner in it! You can also submit it to this blog if you like, however I will likely share everyone's works once they're live.
There's a grace period of one day due to timezones, etc, but if you've not posted by the 30th then I will GET you (kidding of course, but if you fill in the form then PLEASE do try to create something for your partner, even if it's something small)
Obviously things do come up, so if it's looking like you won't be able to create something then please get in contact ASAP so that I can sort something out.
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sgiandubh · 5 months
The 28th Amendment?
After a long silence, Sleeping Beauty's social media seems to be (somewhat) back to life, with this story:
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This is part of a national public awareness and lobby campaign organized by a US NGO, Equal means Equal, aiming to promote the formal inclusion of a 28th Amendment (the Equal Rights Amendment) in the US Constitution.
This is the current state of play: what is needed, according to Equal means Equal, is a final push, in order to make something started in 1972 a reality. This state of play is unthinkable, to an European, by the way: gender equality became effective on our ravaged, postwar continent for many reasons, including the most practical you could think of. Those are usually related to voting rights, the acknowledgement of women's contribution to the war effort, the economic and social reconstruction process and even a faux-equalitarian ideology, like in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union (loudly promote gender equality, but at the same time, take away any legal guarantee and protection of private ownership of anything, from houses to shops to banks).
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The final push for success is a public appeal to POTUS to act on it, launched as a side event at the New York FOCUS Art Fair, a contemporary art rendezvous' with a strong Gen Z flair:
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C is a part to this event with a signed copy of Reserved, an independent media outlet with a clear progressive flair and all the bells and whistles of a Gen Z future icon:
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I was particularly intrigued by this: 'Once a magazine, Reserved has evolved into an annual hardcover print edition collector’s item'. It immediately made me think of one of my favorite things in the art world, Franco Maria Ricci's FMR Magazine (https://www.francomariaricci.com/en). A mythical thing, the stuff of legend - to each generation its own, I suppose.
Time to make an important point, though: the Reserved copy up for silent auction was not donated by C herself, but by Jules Wood:
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Meet Jules Wood, editor-in-chief of Reserved and fashion director of Ellen von Unwerth's VON Magazine :
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Pretty much sure this is an old acquaintance, too.
In the couple of hours since I began writing this post, bidding started from 500 USD and has now risen to 2000 USD, thanks to a generous soul, who wishes to remain Anonymous:
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You don't say. Anonymous, huh?
Cue in the Stans who will surely bitch it's 'just her US friends' (primarily BIF barking and/or Anon being dropped in Fascist inboxes in 3, 2, 1...) But hey, we have a different view, don't we?
And it's quite alright.
PS: Pics in that Reserved copy are taken from C's photoshoot for Ellen von Unwerth , sometime before June 2021:
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