#3 below toa
wolfiecutie99 · 10 months
A certain vinyl catch their eye 🤔🎚🎶
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joethehoeee · 1 year
I drew my Changeling oc!
Their name is Kodin <3
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Myyy boyyyyy.
He is a very handsome boy.
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Their Human form isn’t that special and I was a bit to tired to actually put affort in it but I was also too motivated to not draw it so this is all you get for now. I like his Troll form better-
(And yes I tried to spell his name in the troll language and I hope it's right because it's from a canon book I bought so it should be wrong buuut idc XD)
Some Infos about him:
• He is obviously a changeling and he is about 465 years as a Troll and as a human he would be like 19 years. He still is basically a child. (But pls don’t ask me how their age actually works bc idk )
• He is gay and uses mostly he/they pronouns but he dosen't really care about this. They also had a bf but he sadly died about 100 years ago.
• He wears piercings and also has a tattoo on his back as a Human wich goes over to his troll form because of magic but it looks like his white markings. The small cross on his ear was actually a gift from his dead bf and he ALWAYS wears it. He also wears a small mini braid that was matching with his bf.
• He is a very good sword/dagger fighter and also loves to use a bow. He is more of a stealth and distant fighter but he also has good skill if it comes to 1v1 due to the fact that he is very aggressiv and fast. He isn’t really good with big groups but he would never run away from a fight... unless he is forced to.
• He isn’t particular scared of the dead although he respects it. He will die for what his morals and mind stand for instead of trying to save his life by fake loyalty for Gunmar/Bular or Morgana what almost even cost his head. He is a open traitor since the minute Strickler got him out of the darklands.
• He says straight what he thinks and that's mostly insulting or sarcastic because he is really harsh on it and dosen't fear to speak about hus doubts or mistrust in plans or even people. If someone is closer to him he also showes his softer side wich is very playful and somewhat shy but it still won’t save you from his general jokes and honestie.
• He is very animalistic and lets his Troll form very often get the better of him. He loves to sit like a cat or walk on 4 legs If he runs away or hides from something. His Tail and ears mostly show his Emotionens. (ears go up if happy or alarmed, or go down if scared, and on... ) But he still loves to wear human clothes (mostly at home) because they are more comfortable for him. But he wears his mission equipment (the one in the drawing) everytime he is out for safety.
• He is good at stragety and if things gets serious he is the first person to be 100% there for action and making a plan. Even if most people don’t take him serious because he loves to sit on windows or tables or the lean of the couch which doesn't look very professional but that's what he gets most comfortable with.
• He dosen't bond easily with new people since his one and only love died in his arms and because of his parents abandoning him due to the fact that he is impure. That means he gets very attached and protective over the people he eventually bonds with in any way. Even if he questions them he would still follow them because of the fear of being alone.
• He has no socialskills. He mostly makes jokes about his trauma and makes fun of people no matter if he likes them or not. He curses a lot and even more if he is stressed and that happens often if there are more than 4 people in a room. Beside that he is very chill and dosen't get angry very easily if you don’t provoke him. And he can’t really comfort people but he still tries and fails.
• He is scared water. Everything that goes beyond his knees gives him panick attacks. He once almost drowned as a whelp if it wasn’t for Strickler. Strickler gave him a dagger to protect himself after that and he always has it in his side, quite literally it's on his right leg. He also has a small crystal talisman a band around his dagger that is matching with Stricklers. (Fun fact: His parents tried to drown him after they found out that he is a changeling.)
His place if he was in the canon timeline:
To clear that off, he is very loyal to Strickler due to the fact that Strickler looked after him in the darklands and ofc the first time he got into the human world and even until the battle against Morgana. Kodin sees him as some sort of father figure wich leads him to not like Jim and Barbara because he is scared of being replaced since Strickler practically is his only real family (in his eyes ofc). He questions some of Strickler very immorally actions but he still trusts and follows him, maybe even to death. (He also mostly chills in stricklers apartment because he actually does not have a home for himself)
He is also in a state where Angor rot accepts him but they kinda have a hate friendship over the course of the Story because they have some missions together and Kodin actually tries to be nice but fails because he literally has no socialskills. Kodin does not like nore trusts Angor but he still eventually got over it until Angor actually tried to kill Strickler-
Jim and the rest mostly saw him as troll near by in some missions or fights like with getting the stones. But they finally really meet him before the battle of Morgana. His Human form works at the Café with Douxie and they both get really good friends. And he almost acts like Jim if it comes to Stricklake beside the fact that he tries to be far more supporting. If Strickler is happy with her then he will tolerate it.
The actual timeline but short.
So in the first half of season 1 he isn’t very present. He just lives his life. Sometimes he spys or goes on mission for Strickler but it isn’t that special. He reports to Strickler like NotEnrique does. He basically already betrayed Gunmar and the rest of the Gumm-Gumms but Strickler covered it up what leads to Kodin thinking that they are sort of a family now since he never really had someone to care about him. He was in the battle of the Killer bridge but he mostly just tried to help Strickler in the fight and gets him out after the bridge fell onto him.
In the second half, when Strickler gets Angor rot, he is very often send on missions and sometimes even with Angor to keep an eye on him because he is in general very misstrusting towards the acient assassin. (As a side note: Kodin mostly goes with Angor on the missions without Strickler's knowledge and just tells Angor that it was planned...even tho it wasn't. He gets a very serious dad talk after Strickler found out... like a month later) He is in most of their meetings like the ones with Otto and he also was there when they freed Angor rot, he should wait outside but he sneaked in. He hates the binding spell but that dosen't change the fact that he mocks Strickler about it very often wich sometimes sort of makes a playful vibe between them. He eventually almost gets killed because Angor decided to first look at Strickler house first and then go to the place where Strickler actually is (because why should Angor know where he is. Kodin tells him on accident since he at first didn’t knew that Strickler lost control). He fights for a few minutes until Angor had enough and just knocked him out. He didn’t kills him because of the fact that they actually bonded a bit.
Season 2 he mostly just exists, workes at the Café and eventually reunited with Strickler and Nomura who hates him. He hates her too. And yes they just do their thing until season 3.
Season 3 is funny to me because I definitely imagine him just sitting on the kitchen counter when Jim comes home and Jim is like "who tf are you?" and he is like "just a random dude who works for a stupid ass changeling guy that almost killed your mom" and Strickler would just give him the death stare. But yes he would probably help with some missions including the bad coffee ep and the general training for Jim. He could and probably would train Jim the dirty sneak tactics and how to fight on distance. He fights in the battle of Morgana and stays in Arcadia because of Strickler and I hope that Barb would like him too, he would help them with the Babys. He likes Barbara and also Jim by now (even tho he is still a bit scared) and he just wants parents that care for him...
3 below goes on normal, he gets friends with Toby and also helps in the fight and in Wizard he was with Douxie in the Café but he got send home.
For the not canon movie he mostly does what the others do. He stays with Strickler for the Ice titan mission and gets absolutley destroyed by Stricklers death. He stayed with Barbara in the castle until the new timeline starts. (I could also imagine him grabbing something to get down on the ice and search for any life sign of Strickler until he eventually dies because of the immense cold wich would be the death he is most scared of, cold and alone.)
Challenging destiny is canon.
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tiiipper · 7 months
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Claire Nuñez!!!!!!
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kajilychnis · 2 months
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frickmoranis · 5 months
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the blanks are SO underrated
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httydfanatic · 18 days
Goofy little head cannons I came up with for the gang ( the entire gang)
• Whenever Jim is cooking or working on his Vespa or something, he’ll hum some kind of out-of-tune song
• Toby and Aaaarrrgh will build blanket and pillow forts and they’ll just chill up there
• Claire and NotEnrique probably make…Guacamole? It’s probably like a bonding exercise for them or something I don’t know
• Aja and Steve probably move to Akaridian 5 after ROTT and when they move there, Steve starts a fight club for those weird bugs (comment if you know what they are called 🤣)
• Krel visits the local library and rewire’s the computers and turns them into fucking FBI or Janus Order radios
• Douxie and Nemura will spend hours talking about music and other kinds of things like that I know they weren’t the best of friends but I feel like they would converse over this
• This was the one that inspired this post. Toby and Aaarrrgghh would do magic tricks for legally blind senior citizens 🤣
comment if you think I’m a menace to society
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andreacelestemoreno · 3 months
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solstice-system · 2 months
Thinking about how troll Jim would have to adjust to living as a troll and such
(I do not acknowledge the movie at all I’m a hater 😋)
This is basically going off of just trollhunters show canon after part 3
A big thing I think would be his love of cooking. It’s always been his way of showing love to his mom and friends, and now that he can’t properly taste human food without gagging, he can’t properly cook anymore. Blinky would have to teach him proper troll nutrition and Jim would probably feel embarrassed that he’s resorted to eating dish ware 😭
I feel like it’s not really acknowledged how not only can Jim no longer participate in human life and stuff, but people would also notice?? I imagine barbara would have to claim he went off to some boarding school on a scholarship in like the UK 😭 I can’t imagine that his classmates wouldn’t notice he’s gone tbh. Toby, Claire, and strickler probably have their hands full making excuses for Jim’s absence
On the topic of Jim not being able to go to school…. Can we acknowledge that bro is still like 16-17 💀 there’s no way that blinky would let him permanently halt his education! Blinky would read up on grade 12 textbooks and become Jim’s private tutor down in trollmarket. Jim would probably claim that being the trollhunter should take priority over algebra but Blinky (and Barbara) would INSIST that being a half troll is no excuse to become a high school dropout 😌
Strickler would definitely be a big help for Jim. Of course Jim can’t turn back into a human but Strickler still knows what it’s like to be stuck between the nature and worlds of a troll and human. He would talk with Jim through his new emotions and instincts and teach him how to cope with it. Neither Barbara nor blinky would really know how to help in this department because neither of them have had to be anything besides just a human or just a troll
At first Toby would think that Jim’s new form is really cool but he would quickly realize that it’s very hard on Jim and that his daily life with his best buddy isn’t necessarily over but it’ll never be the same. All of Jim’s friends probably have a absolutely butchered sleep schedule from trying to spend time with Jim after dark 💀
Barbara would spend a lot of time talking to strickler and blinky about their basically 3 way coparenting situation of a half troll 😭💞
Arrrghh would help Jim spar in the most pacifist way possible (holding out his hands for Jim to try and punch, be a moving target for Jim to try and catch, lightly roughhousing) since Blinky isn’t really trained in battle beyond teaching from the sidelines lol
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spacelasagna · 10 months
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posting part 1 cause I wanted to prove that I'm alive (still working on Morgana, she'll show up soon dun worry)
massive thanks to all of you lovely folks who suggested a character, it helps me slowly recover from my never-ending art block
filled out only partially in case anyone else feels like requesting their meow-meows, I'm still waiting 👀
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amulet-or-not · 11 months
Ok so I watched rise of the titans and it was... An experience...
The things I loved/liked:
Children of the sun summoning the amulet sequence. It was pretty cool. But it's funny this is one of the things in this category since it was basically ripped straight out of the scene in 1x12. But I don't mind a little self plagiarism if it's satisfying
Toby actually being smart and having a part in the defeat of bellroc
Toby's last moments with Jim. Not to say I liked Toby dying that was fucking horrible but seeing Toby and Jim be close again was something that had been desperately absent for a few seasons. And the idea that Jim even after winning would sacrifice the entire world and take on the burden of going back into the past himself, just to save Toby is kinda sweet even if this movie didn't go in that direction. Cuz it just proves this boy would give up anything for his friends and that's one of his core qualities and why we all love him
The opening sequence on the subway. That was pretty excellent and raised the hype and allowed everyone an equal chance to shine
Aarrrgghh going batshit when Toby dies cuz mood
The taco truck with the little tune entering arcadia and all the government are like 'remove the barricades, let them through!!'
Jlaire was pretty cute in this movie, not the best it's ever been but y'know.
Douxie was pretty good throughout
The things I was ok/unsure about:
Ajas characterisation. I know a lot of people hated it in this movie but it wasn't the worst. She acted like a leader trying to protect two worlds of people, and that's entirely fair tbh. I didn't like how she doubted Jim but as she didn't know him that well especially as neither of them remember the events of d'aja vu it was kinda understandable. And I agreed that they did need a contingency evacuation plan
Krel. He was consistently good in this movie as usual but didn't get enough time to shine individually, same goes for blinky and aarrrgghh
Stricklake getting married was cute, however I didn't like how Barbara was used as a mouthpiece to mediate all of Jim's relationships with the older men in his life, i.e. when her and Jim talked it was either about strickler or James SR. and honestly that's just a disservice to Barbara's own character (and makes me realize that I doubt this movie passes the bechdel test)
The things I disliked:
Eli basically doing nothing all movie and being useless
Having Eli come back after a glow up for the sole purpose of having a moment where Steve is jealous and distrusting of his girlfriend. Actually no this can go in the hate category too ❤️
Jim saying 'i always wondered about dad' to his mom. The only reason this isn't in the hate category is bc it meant we actually spent time on the relationship between Jim and Barbara which is something that was sorely lacking in wizards tbh, and something that really made trollhunters shine. But what happened to 1x17's 'you know I don't care about my father'? Like what is this bfr
Toby being used as comic relief didn't bother me in this as much as in wizards cuz at least he got that important moment at the end but him saying 'moral support is the lamest superpower' what happened to the Toby that cherished supporting his friends and knew that his support was the greatest gift he could give to Jim and Claire just as their support was his greatest gift. Cuz that seemed like a key factor in earlier seasons imo. Also what happened to the Toby that started becoming confident in his abilities in earlier seasons of trollhunters?
The blatant Hollywood stereotyping. The kids kicking the football in Brazil and the fishermen in the South China sea, and then the bright neon lights of anywhere in east Asia at nighttime visual. It's not the worst but I'm tired tbh
The things that I absolutely fucking hated:
This shouldn't matter to me so much, but why when Jim went back into the past, did he wake up at 8.00 instead of 6.00? You could claim it was because it was cuz he was disoriented, but the time of his alarm should never have changed. If I remember that it said 6.00 on the alarm, and I haven't watched the first episode since probably 2018, the screenwriters should've too. It's just lazy. Or maybe it's symbolic of the fact that Jim only used to wake up at 6.00 to make his mom breakfast and all of them lunch, something which was a key part of his characterisation and clearly showed how much he cared for and loved the people around him - something which is very obviously no longer a part of his character since he allowed Steve to bully Eli and manipulated Toby into becoming the trollhunter. But idk. You choose
Nomura's characterisation?? First of all she just seemed ooc, like a stereotype version of herself for some reason. Secondly, her death. She died. In the sun. She's a changeling. The sloppiness of the writing team in keeping their facts straight is fucking astounding.
Stricklers death. Just for shock value and a play on emotions cuz it contributed nothing to the story. Same with nomuras. All it showed me is that the writing team were sitting around a table and someone goes 'you know we should kill off a few characters early on in the movie just to show this is a serious level threat'.
Pregnancy being used as a fucking joke. I wouldn't have necessarily minded the mpreg concept happening but the execution was just. Ugh. Steve being pregnant was treated as a joke and gross and just something to fill in time as comic relief, rather than what pregnancy actually is which is fucking hard work. It just seems like another extended misogyny-as-comic-relief trope again and Steve's character and everything was thrown down the drain
Toby Jim and Claire not having a group moment together. There was a scene somewhere in the movie where Claire was comforting Jim and I was wishing Toby was there too. If they're going to play the moral support joke with him at least have him be there when morals are at the lowest
Toby being stuck to the van. The treatment of his character in general throughout the last half of the franchise, he should've been given proper development as a character since trollhunters ended but fuck that I guess
Getting human Jim back was WASTED. Utterly wasted on this poor excuse for a movie. The peak of Jim's character arc was accepting himself in every form even when his humanity was stolen from him. The 'am I a hero without the amulet' in this and even the corruption storyline in wizards were both forced, particularly the former, as we'd already gone through that part of his arc in s2 (and it was one of the best arcs this franchise has produced frankly). It was really really apparent they couldn't think of anywhere to go with his character but still wanted to use him bc he remained the most popular. Fanfiction writers can and have done better. Fuck this movie
The lack of emotional maturity and depth between a lot of the characters honestly?? I really don't know how to explain this other than anytime this movie paused to have an emotional conversation or moment between two characters it seemed hollow and worthless because none of them were going through true important character arcs
I'm sure I have more things in this category but for now this is all I can think of. Might rb later with more if I can think of more things that really annoyed me :)) time to rewatch trollhunters s1 and remember how good this franchise used to be :))
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aesutaloru · 10 months
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lovinqxskys · 3 months
Aja and Krel icons🩵
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[ Pinterest: Mashirosdivine ]
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I feel like Arcadia Oaks from Tales of Arcadia and Amity Park from Danny Phantom, if they existed in the same universe, would both be weird, but like, in opposite ends of the spectrum.
Like, Arcadia sits on top of a primordial hearthstone, the last one and also the biggest. Magic radiates throughout the town. Everyone who lives there is a little more in tune with nature. Everything and everyone is just a little too perfect. Everyone’s a little to pretty. They live a little too long. Their eyes sparkle with something more. Their streets are too clean and outsiders feel like they’re walking into a dream when they visit. It’s almost eerily enchanting.
Amity Park is on the opposite spectrum. Everything there is off. When comparing the two towns, people will notice a lot of similarities but they can’t quite put there finger on what makes Amity so off-putting. Everyone lives a little too long. Their eyes sparkle with something more. All of these qualities are shared between the two towns, but one is enchanting and the other is terrifying.
Either way, very few outsiders can stand to stay more than a few days.
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dorkstone-toa · 1 year
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Lost in the music
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soapywankenopy · 2 months
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Apollo with a mullet?
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somecallmejohn · 14 days
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While I understand why some people may not like it, Steve's himbofication through the shows was one of my favorite things that happened in the franchise and it really helped him turn from a character I really disliked to basically my favorite character. 3 Below is probably where he was at his peak as a character, however I'd be lying if I said that Wizards wasn't my favorite version of Steve. I also liked him Rise of the Titans until a *certain point* however the less we speak of that movie the better.
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