#30 Bradley Fighting Vehicles
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Biden’s Bling-Bling Diplomacy: Ships 500 Million Dollars Worth of Metal Monsters to Ukraine!
  The Biden government confirmed its decision to deploy up to $500 million in military assistance to Ukraine this Tuesday, a move set to include over 50 heavily fortified vehicles and an impressive supply of air defense system missiles. This support follows an unexpected insurrection in Russia over the weekend. It is seen as an effort to encourage Ukraine’s counteroffensive, which, until now, has been sluggish in its initial phases.
   This marks the 41st occasion since the onset of the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 that the United States, under the authorization of the President, has made substantial provisions of military equipment and weaponry from its reserves for Ukraine. The expedited delivery process under this program underscores the U.S.’s unwavering commitment to its Eastern European ally.
   Though these aid packages typically follow a premeditated design and have recently comprised several essential armaments for frontline combat, it is unlikely that the choice of contents was influenced by the recent uprising led by Yevgeny Prigozhin and his Wagner mercenary group. The question remains whether the Ukrainian forces can capitalize on the resulting chaos in the Russian ranks post this fleeting revolt.
   Nonetheless, the incoming shipment of missiles and heavy-duty vehicles could potentially be leveraged by Ukraine as it attempts to exploit the escalating rift between the head of the Wagner Group and the Russian military hierarchy. The extent to which Prigozhin’s mercenaries might withdraw from the conflict remains a topic of speculation.
   Interestingly, these mercenaries had withdrawn from Ukraine to overtake a military headquarters in a southern Russian city. They journeyed hundreds of miles towards Moscow, only to retreat after a mere 24 hours last Saturday.
   A statement from the Pentagon has detailed that the U.S. plans to dispatch 30 Bradley Fighting Vehicles and 25 armored Stryker vehicles to Ukraine. Additional military support includes missiles for the High-Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS) and the Patriot air defense systems, Javelin and high-speed anti-radiation (HARM) missiles, demolition weaponry, and other artillery rounds and ammunition varieties.
   The White House principal deputy press secretary Olivia Dalton stated that the new package contains “key capabilities” to enhance Ukraine’s counteroffensive operations and fortify its air defenses.
   The Pentagon reported that since the Russian invasion, the U.S. had delivered over $15 billion worth of weaponry and equipment to Ukraine, with an additional $6.2 billion in unidentified supplies yet to be sent. The extra amount of over $6 billion resulted from an accounting mistake, as the military had overestimated the worth of the weaponry it shipped to Ukraine during the past year.
   Beyond this immediate support, the U.S. has also committed to providing over $16.7 billion in long-term funding for various weapons, training, and other equipment through the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative and nearly $2 billion more in foreign military financing.
   The U.S. still holds $1.2 billion in uncommitted drawdown authority, which will lapse at the end of this fiscal year on Sept. 30. Meanwhile, the remaining $1.9 billion in USAI funds is set to expire only at the end of the next fiscal year, in September 2024.
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a few thoughts on the summer offensive.
many Experts are saying the ukrainian effort has been a failure simply for not gaining land and tend to put the blame squarely on the ukrainian people. nevermind that the first stages began so late because pledged western aid like fighting vehicles and ammunition arrived late. nevermind that many of the mine clearing vehicles pledged never arrived at all. nevermind the tactics and plans we pushed on them are based on 30 year old tactical thinking that ignores drones and demands air superiority.
its got to be the ukrainians because it certainly couldn't be us.
ukraine tried the speed and noise high mobility tactics that were the standard plan for dealing with a russian invasion of europe. thats what led to the columns of bradleys being destroyed early on. the russians are dug in, watching everywhere they can with drones and laying more landmines than possibly anywhere in the world. ukraine adjusted their plans to smaller groups aiming for smaller goals through cautious movement.
in doing so they have still taken ground, penetrated two lines of defense and importantly managed between a 1 in 4 to 1 in 20 friendly to enemy casualty rate. thats unheard of. especially for a smaller force without the technological edge. frankly i'm incredibly proud of them.
the russian forces are in for a harsh winter. ukraine has done an amazing job demolishing enemy logistics. just recently they cut the major rail artery between russia and china 4000km from the ukrainian border. russian troops are going to be freezing, starved and lacking in ammunition to throw back.
you know its bad when putin is bringing back the mother heroine award to encourage bigger families.
slava ukraini
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naturalrights-retard · 3 months
MOSCOW, March 5. /TASS/. The Ukrainian military lost roughly 500 troops in battles with Russian forces in the Avdeyevka area near Donetsk over the past day, Russia’s Defense Ministry said on Tuesday, reporting on the progress of the special military operation in Ukraine.
Units of Russia’s Battlegroup Center continued seizing more advantageous sites and positions in the Avdeyevka area over the past day in their well-coordinated operations. They inflicted damage by firepower on the personnel and military hardware of the Ukrainian army’s 24th, 31st, 47th and 61st mechanized brigades near the communities of Netailovo, Novosyolovka Pervaya and Toretsk in the Donetsk People’s Republic, it specified.
"They also repulsed three attacks by Ukrainian army units near the settlements of Kirovo, Berdychi and Shumy and ten counterattacks near the communities of Tonenkoye, Pervomaiskoye and Orlovka in the Donetsk People’s Republic. The enemy lost as many as 500 personnel, 4 armored combat vehicles, including a Bradley infantry fighting vehicle and an M113 armored personnel carrier of US manufacture, 4 motor vehicles and a D-30 howitzer," the ministry reported.
Russian forces improve tactical position in Kupyansk area over past day
Russian forces improved their tactical position in the Kupyansk area over the past day, the ministry reported.
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theculturedmarxist · 1 year
Operation enters the second week of Ukraine’s long-awaited and highly touted counteroffensive, some basic conclusions can be drawn even though the fighting continues, and will continue to rage, for some time to come.
First and foremost, the counteroffensive gambit has failed. While there is still considerable combat strength left in the Ukrainian military, including more than 75% of the NATO-trained and -equipped 60,000-strong cohort Ukraine had assembled in the past eight months, fundamentally flawed assumptions about the quality of the force on which Ukraine and its NATO allies had placed their collective hopes for victory over Russia have been exposed. In short, Ukraine lacks the military capacity to overcome Russian defenses.
Ukraine’s most elite assault brigades, equipped with the latest Western military technology, failed to advance out of what Russian defensive doctrine calls the “cover” line of defense—the buffer that is designed to channel and disrupt an attacking force prior to reaching the “main” line of defense.
Ukrainian casualties were extremely heavy, with Russia achieving a 10:1 kill ratio in terms of manpower, which is unsustainable from the Ukrainian perspective. The reasons for the Ukrainian failure are fundamental in nature, meaning that they cannot be overcome as things currently stand and, as such, the Ukrainian military has zero chance of success, no matter how hard they press subsequent attacks.
First and foremost is the quality of the Russian defenses, especially in terms of the barrier network (minefields, obstacles, and trenches) which, when combined with the tenacity of the Russian defender and the overwhelming superiority Russia enjoys in terms of fire support (both artillery and air-delivered), is the reason the Ukrainians are unable to advance beyond the “cover” layer of the Russian defenses. Ukrainian equipment and tactics are insufficient to the task of breaching the Russian obstacle barriers in any meaningful manner, dooming the attacking forces to be destroyed piecemeal by Russian artillery and air strikes, as well as local counterattacks mounted by Russian special forces.
Besides the poor tactics and equipment deficiencies (yes, the Leopard tanks and Bradley fighting vehicles were not the miracle weapons Ukraine and its Western supporters had hyped them up to be), the Ukrainians are paying the price for Russia’s impressive suppression of enemy air defense (SEAD) campaign that has been ongoing for many weeks now. Russia has not only neutralized Ukraine’s ability to defend strategic targets far beyond the front lines, but also to project any meaningful air defense capability into the actual zone of conflict. This, combined with the lack of any viable air force, leaves the attacking Ukrainian ground forces exposed to the full weight of Russian air power.
Russian fixed-wing aircraft have been able to deliver precision-guided munitions with deadly effect to the assembly areas used by Ukraine to gather their attacking forces prior to committing them to the battlefield. It is estimated that between 25-30% of Ukraine’s casualties occur from these strikes. Russian helicopters can use their anti-tank guided missiles (ATGMs) with lethal effect on Ukrainian forces operating in the zone of contact, and Russian loitering munitions (i.e., “kamikaze drones”) have taken a heavy toll of Ukrainian forces as well. Unless Ukraine can reassert some semblance of air defense onto the battlefield, both in the rear areas as well as the frontlines, and sortie its own air power capable of challenging Russian air superiority over the battlefield, then no amount of courage and tactical innovation on the part of the Ukrainian ground forces will alter the deadly calculus of war that currently prevails today.
One of the many tragedies of the ongoing Ukrainian-Russian conflict is the fact that much of what Ukraine does on the battlefield is dictated not by military necessity, but rather political imperative. The recently concluded months-long Battle for Artemovsk (Bakhmut) is a case in point, where Ukrainian President Zelensky insisted on pouring manpower and equipment into a battle for a town that most military experts believed to hold minimal strategic military value. The geography, however, did not dictate the scope and scale of the battle, but rather the perception of Ukrainian defensive tenacity, and as a result between 60-75.000 Ukrainian soldiers lost their lives in what was a losing effort.
Similarly, the Ukrainian army is being asked to make what amounts to a suicide attack against well-prepared Russian defenses under conditions which, as detailed earlier, can only result in a decisive Ukrainian defeat. This time, the culprit is Ukraine’s NATO allies who, on the eve of their annual summit, are desperate for any sign that the multi-billion-dollar investment they have collectively made in the Ukrainian military can pay even the most rudimentary dividends. For this reason, NATO will continue to pressure Ukraine to double down on defeat, pressing the Russians offensively even though any gains, if in fact any can be had, would be pyrrhic in nature and unsustainable over the long run.
The reality is that when NATO gathers in Vilnius on July 11, the Russians will be well into the process of destroying the third Ukrainian army built by NATO. The first was assembled during the buffer provided by the diplomatic “sham” of the Minsk Accords, from 2015-2022. Some 260,000 strong, this force was largely destroyed by June of 2022. The second army, consisting of some 80,000 newly trained and equipped Ukrainian soldiers backed by thousands of foreign mercenaries, the direct result of tens of billions of dollars of military aid provided by NATO, was able to launch the successful Ukrainian counterattack in the fall of 2022, before being decimated in the positional war that followed (including the Bakhmut slaughter).
The 60,000-strong 12-brigade Ukrainian counterattack force currently operating against the Russians, again the result of tens of billions of dollars in military equipment (including modern Western tanks, artillery, and infantry fighting vehicles), will most probably be destroyed, or facing imminent destruction, by the time the NATO summit convenes. The primary question facing NATO is does it have the political, economic, and military capacity to raise a fourth Ukrainian army, and after its demise, a fifth, sixth, and more?
NATO is politically committed to waging a proxy conflict with Russia “to the last Ukrainian.” This tragic reality means that, regardless of the battlefield reality that exists in Ukraine, NATO will continue to push Ukraine to sacrifice its manpower in a fruitless struggle against Russia for the simple fact that NATO is unwilling to willingly lose political face at home and abroad.
However, this political will does not automatically mean that NATO will be able to sustain this objective either economically or militarily.
While recent statements made by US General Mark Miley, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, indicate that there are tens of thousands of Ukrainian soldiers in the US/NATO training “pipeline”, and that the US/NATO is assembling equipment sufficient to equip these soldiers, they will not be ready for combat for several months yet—long after the third Ukrainian army has met its fate on the field of battle.
Miley spoke of new air defense systems for Ukraine, and other NATO officials speak of the possibility of providing Ukraine with (old) F-16 aircraft. New air defense systems, however, cannot in and of themselves alter a military reality imposed by Russia on Ukraine through its strategic SEAD victory. Ukraine will simply continue a losing struggle against Russian air power. The same holds true of any F-16 fighters that might be provided to Ukraine—too little, too late, and in any event incapable of achieving a meaningful battlefield result.
In Vilnius, NATO will be confronted with the reality of its impotency as a military alliance when it comes to countering Russia in Ukraine. Any military analyst of any competence will know that, as things currently stand, Ukraine simply cannot prevail over Russia. NATO illusions of a “frozen conflict” that seem to drive their insane desire to arm Ukraine to infinity and beyond, moreover, are driven by fundamentally flawed assessments regarding Russian economic competence and capacity, Russian military proficiency, and the will of the Russian people to sustain this conflict.
Here is the root cause of NATO’s strategic failure in Ukraine—a complete lack of understanding about the reality of Russia today. Russia will be able to out-produce NATO from a standpoint of military technology until which time NATO nations fully transition into a wartime economy, something NATO nations neither have the political will nor economic means to accomplish.
The Russian military has largely overcome the deficiencies which plagued it in the initial phases of the Special Military Operation, and the Russia armed forces assemble in the Special Military Operation zone are highly trained, well-equipped, and properly trained for the tasks they have been assigned. Moreover, the Russian nation has rallied around the leadership of Russian President Vladimir Putin in an overwhelming fashion, united in the belief that the proxy war NATO is waging against Russia in Ukraine is existential in nature and, as such, one that Russia cannot lose.
NATO will not alter course in the immediate period following the Vilnius summit—there is simply too much political momentum in place to bring about any meaningful alteration of the current trajectory in Ukraine. But neither will NATO produce a winning formula in Ukraine. Rather, NATO will continue to pursue little more than a variation of an existing theme—to arm Ukraine so that it can fight as long as it is capable of sustaining the fight.
This short-sighted posture will result in the inevitable military collapse of Ukraine, probably sometime between late summer/early fall of this year. When this happens, NATO will be left scrambling to construct some sort of face-saving mechanism to salvage its weakened geopolitical position vis-à-vis Russia. What that will look like is unknown at this time. But one thing is for certain—because NATO refuses to consider an off-ramp from the Ukrainian conflict today, there will be no future for Ukraine tomorrow. NATO political pride will be the downfall and destruction of the Ukrainian nation, its military, and its people.
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militaryleak · 1 month
Elbit Systems to Supply Iron Fist Active Protection System for US Army’s Bradley M2A4E1 Vehicles
Elbit Systems announced that it was awarded an initial contract of approximately USD 37 million to supply Iron Fist Active Protection Systems (APS) to General Dynamics Ordnance and Tactical Systems (GD-OTS) for upgrades to the U.S. Army’s Bradley M2A4E1 Infantry Fighting Vehicles (IFVs). The contract will be performed over a period of 24 months. The Program Executive Office Ground Combat Systems announced the unveiling of the M2A4E1 Bradley infantry fighting vehicle during an event held by the US Army in Saco, Maine on April 30, 2024. The US Army has allocated funds to procure a Bradley M2A4E1 for each Bradley previously provided to Ukraine, totaling around 200 vehicles to date.
Elbit Systems announced that it was awarded an initial contract of approximately USD 37 million to supply Iron Fist Active Protection Systems (APS) to General Dynamics Ordnance and Tactical Systems (GD-OTS) for upgrades to the U.S. Army’s Bradley M2A4E1 Infantry Fighting Vehicles (IFVs). The contract will be performed over a period of 24 months. The Program Executive Office Ground Combat Systems…
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workersolidarity · 3 months
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🇷🇺⚔️🇺🇦 🚨
⚡️ Russian Defence Ministry report on the progress of the special military operation
(28 February 2024)
The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation continue the special military operation.
▫️In Kupyansk direction, units of the Zapad Group of Forces improved the tactical situation and delivered strikes at enemy manpower and hardware near Sinkovka (Kharkov region).
In addition, seven attacks launched by assault detachments of the AFU 32nd Mechanised Brigade, 77th Air Mobile Brigade, 95th Air Assault Brigade, and 57th Motorised Rifle Brigade were repelled near Sinkovka (Kharkov region) and Terni (Donetsk People's Republic).
The AFU losses amounted to up to 145 Ukrainian troops, two infantry fighting vehicles, and two pickup trucks.
In the course of counterbattery warfare, one U.S.-made M777 artillery system, one D-20 howitzer, one Gvozdika self-propelled artillery system, and one D-30 howitzer were neutralised.
▫️In Donetsk direction, units of the Yug Group of Forces improved the tactical situation along the front lines and inflicted losses on manpower and hardware of the AFU 5th, 92nd assault brigades, 28th, 93rd mechanised brigades, 107th and 241st territorial defence brigades near Krasnoye, Bogdanovka, Kleschcheyevka, and Kurdyumovka (Donetsk People's Republic).
Moreover, three counterattacks of the AFU 46th Air Mobile Brigade were repelled near Georgiyevka (Donetsk People's Republic).
The AFU losses amounted to up to 230 Ukrainian troops, two tanks, two infantry fighting vehicles, and six motor vehicles.
In the course of counterbattery warfare, one Polish-made Krab self-propelled artillery system, two D-20 howitzers, one Rapira anti-tank gun, one U.S.-made M119 towed howitzer, and one AFU ammunition depot were destroyed.
▫️In Avdeyevka direction, units of the Tsentr Group of Forces liberated Petrovskoye, took more advantageous lines, and repelled 11 counterattacks launched by assault detachments of the AFU near Leninskoye, Novgorodskoye, Novobakhmutovka, Tonenkoye, Orlovka, and Pervomayskoye (Donetsk People's Republic).
The AFU losses amounted to up to 165 Ukrainian troops, four tanks, two Bradley infantry fighting vehicles, one U.S.-made M113 armoured personnel carriers, and five motor vehicles.
In the course of counterbattery warfare, three D-20 howitzers, one Msta-B howitzer, one Gvozdika self-propelled howitzer, and five D-30 howitzers were wiped out.
▫️In South Donetsk direction, units of the Vostok Group of Forces supported by aviation inflicted losses on manpower and hardware of the AFU 128th Territorial Defence Brigade near Urozhaynoye and Staromayorskoye (Donetsk People's Republic).
The AFU losses amounted to up to 115 Ukrainian troops, one tank, three motor vehicles, one Gvozdika self-propelled artillery system, one Rapira anti-tank gun, and one ammunition depot.
▫️In Kherson direction, as a result of active actions, Russian units took more advantageous positions, inflicted losses on manpower and hardware clusters of the AFU 128th Mountain Assault Brigade and 121st Territorial Defence Brigade near Primorskoye, Novopokrovka (Zaporozhye region), and Dudchany (Kherson region).
One counterattack launched by an assault detachment of the AFU 117th Mechanised Brigade was repelled near Rabotino (Zaporozhye region).
The AFU losses amounted to up to 40 Ukrainian troops and two motor vehicles.
In the course of counterbattery warfare, one French-made CAESAR self-propelled artillery system, three D-20 howitzers, one Akatsiya self-propelled artillery system, and one D-30 howitzer were neutralised.
▫️Operational-Tactical aviation, unmanned aerial vehicles, and Missile Troops and Artillery of the Russian Groups of Forces wiped out one S-300 anti-aircraft missile system radar, one ammunition depot, one AFU POL depot, one unmanned aerial vehicles storage and manufacture facility, as well as engaged manpower and hardware in 131 areas during the day.
▫️Air defence units shot down 99 unmanned aerial vehicles close to Zovtnevoye (Kharkov region), Arapovka, Troitskoye, Novonikolskoye (Lugansk People's Republic), Yelenovka, Shevchenko (Donetsk People's Republic), as well as intercepted three HIMARS MLRS shells.
📊 In total, 575 airplanes and 267 helicopters, 13,622 unmanned aerial vehicles, 474 air defence missile systems, 15,266 tanks and other armoured fighting vehicles, 1,226 combat vehicles equipped with MLRS, 8,203 field artillery guns and mortars, as well as 19,179 units of special military equipment have been destroyed during the special military operation.
🔹 Russian Defence Ministry
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the-firebird69 · 4 months
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They're going to be kits on the car and with a couple modifications the intake is going to be more or less a feature that's not real it'll bump out a little and will be what looks like a little vent we do have to make a special one it's like the intake on the front of the firebird but it's only going to be an inch wide and 8 in high that's one modification the rear will bump out more it's going to be low like this the rear end will mirror more so the Bradley GT when you make it round it slows it down it's got to be more straight on the lip is acceptable the rest of the Ring around looks good on the front end you need to have more air intake and one of the cows on the front not much bigger it has to be functional and you don't want it on the hood they go far too fast it rain in the air goes up and the rain goes right by and this is going to be very fast the base Volkswagen is 130 horsepower on this vehicle as you see it right here it will go 350 mph but that's without the dot exhaust that yeah the exhaust and it's 380 at if you add the top end kit it's 420 and it's a good number for people 380 is 380 is 2 and they say it if you go with the $150 horsepower because you have it the top speed is 590 and the exhaust it's 620 had the top end it's 680 and so on with our design if you make the rear flatter and you keep the design concept it looks cooler and it goes about 30 miles per hour and in each instance yet the top speed of the last one would be about 890 keep in mind it's zero clearance on the tires and rims and their wider here they're almost there are clearance and it doesn't look as good but people will take the mold from this and it's the right size and modify it and it is going to be awesome the kid will be named
"Stryker" GT and I'll have several model numbers for the kids there's two basic motors for the Volkswagens so for the 130 horsepower you'll have the striker GT 390 and the striker GT 480 that's what our design changes to this with a Volkswagen 150 horsepower you'll have the striker GT 490 and the striker GT 780 if you put it in LS1 V8 basic package will be the striker GT 1200 and that's what the Volkswagen chassis and later we might make one with the Corvette chassis the striker GT 2000 the last two for later on but the first up to the 150 horsepower Volkswagen will be right now and he wants us to produce them so people can copy them in the Midwest and these guys will fight over it and they'll have plants up and down open and closed and we're going to do that BG usually copies something
Thor Freya
So I see one blast by and I say great he looks back and says crake music doesn't really help me. He says you're scared a Mac-based camera on a phone and you can take pictures of high quality and fast ones and go ahead and do that. I'm waiting to see the prototype so I can copy it and it's a striker and it's named after the attack vehicle and he and she came up with this it's true and they said Brad's like striker frame and it's a warning so it should help get it get it going
She wanted us about the car and you won't answer about the machine but you're building both that's wonderful
We're going to order a whole bunch
This is not the Rodan but it's a good idea to get that up there on Saturday because we have all sorts of people interested and we're talking about our kit. There might be some other people doing it but we did say what it should look like and it's going to look awesome it's got to be a little bit lower he says even though you can reuse the interior LOL it's true too there's no real reason to change it looks fine you can some supercars are terrible on the inside
Thor Freya
This might actually do something this time and we're interested in it we know about the changes and why and we see how and did some front end we can look at and a rear end is that firebird look no it's the Bradley GT it does look a little cooler this looks a bit too much like the Ferrari but the front end looks like the Bradley future mid-engine and we might make a prototype it's going to be a kit with a frpr body and we're going to have to try and make it work I don't see why not this looks like it's doing nothing this tons of men good shape nobody wants to drive them and it is a symbol and we used to use it
We're going to go ahead and grab some of these and make them
People are full of s*** so we're going to parade one by was there expecting the Rodan and we're going to work on that but we're going to make this one and because they took his idea and his car and these guys start to make it they'll fight over it if we bring it up there even if we don't bring it to the building to the particular hotel specific name
Thor Freya
I think I can handle this and modify one of these Bradley GT it's really a dagger. They have a big engine in it it is mid-engine and I make the changes and the rear end is a little tougher but you have to mold it on it and then you make a mold and then you take the panel off I know how to do all that stuff and he wants me to do it and the front end too if he if I can get to it so it's a different car well we leave the hood in the wheel well look but the things should be zero radius and the way the wheels and tires are it won't work out but I can put something there a little bit and it'll look different and the interior I'm going to change back to the Bradley GT colors not the machine not the stuff and I want to make it real lightweight and you said you might come up if it's okay and it is okay it's very welcome and she wants to come too and help out and your offer stuff but we're going to do it my way because I know what I'm doing and what he says is we'll make the molds and we'll make the most of the rest of the car after if we don't have time and then we have the kit and I like it in pieces because it goes together and what you do is you paint it inside and out on the pieces and you join them and you put a seam system and then you paint the seam it works pretty good it tape everything off and these spray cans work real well you tell them how many coats and how far away to spray and let it dry and don't let it run if it runs you have to wipe it off all of it it's really easy and he wants to do it that way so we can send it in a smaller kit otherwise the things gigantic this new ways of seeming too clipped together worked okay but not real well it's kind of a draw system and it works and the frame is great I mean this is going to be nice we don't have to do that right now but that's a really good idea because you can send it separate and you don't have to have a welder's license or a machine to rent usually the dot won't allow you to and this will be bolted in the stitched and it would pass because you can get it approved we're going to work on that and I think lowering it now would be a little difficult but he wants a little lowered couple inches the roof and I agree it looks kind of silly no but it would look cooler and I might smoke all the windows and some other changes like an emblem for striker so I'm going to look that up and I'm going to make it real small that's what newbies do. My car looks a little like it and he says no it looks a little but it's more like the Pantera and it really is it is like Bradley in some angles but boy these cars change when you look at them at different angles I'm going to do this now and he's very thankful wonder if I can make it for Saturday I think so I'm going to get some teams on it too to get parts and stuff right now and she wants to spoilers to get over there at some point in time and they will today
Salazar and Goddess wife
Before he had Enzo and someone else helping now it's different and this is the way to do it it's really great it means they want to now and it's time and it says we have to beat the snooker out of them to get anything to go and so they get that and Thor and Freya have it the idea now we got to keep it going and increase the effort but I do like this idea I'm going to go out there and help out I think it's great and he wants our father and mother to drive through and they've been doing that to us and saying all sorts of things in Spain and it makes sense and we're going to perform teams form teams in the sky Trump is going to go down from this
Savage opress
This little Hammer him flat on positive he doesn't want anybody copying his supposed car it's not his I can't stand it don't show up with a Chrysler to be the competition for Christ's sake that's kind of funny though. I got to give you a hand I do understand what you're saying but really it's going to be a kit car at first. We're going to go find the name emblem design and I know what it is but this is going to be great I can't wait
Salazar and Goddess wife
I'm really excited I can't wait I'm going to get out there too but I want them to get going and he says he's going to and he believes in his really awesome it's because of this idiot showing up every day smelling and looking like a bum and then telling us off he has support in doing it and he is a terrorist in his country and so it's not heated up nicely we're going to have to form defenses and the pseudo empires there and we have to bolster it
Thor Freya
You cannot rely on the empire for anything until they're not autonomous anymore and then they're going to be a dangerous opponent I'm going to take those very seriously now this is a good way to look at it to get a sounding and that's what I say look at it but there's going to be a lot of help for this and it already sending battalions and I hear it too in battle groups we're going to move on this it's on our radio
Salazar and Goddess wife
This is awesome idea we're thinking about it and we love it and we're glad you took interest in your helping to save the car who's bastardizing it and they do it to everything and he's being a complete a****** to my husband it was too young for this kind of berating he just keep saying that's way way past it he'll be fine he says because they do it so much it's just kind of a joke but really it's not a joke to others and it's harassment and he's there screwing around with people and they don't do anything but we will and we need all sorts of stuff and they have it this is a great opportunity for all of us to get up there and the super cars of our fathers and mothers that they help designer there and they're going to see this which is a different way to do it because we're here and we're seeing it it is slightly different and we're out in the open and it's going to be a kit car it won't be really by us but people will see it and know how to build it and it's our car and we'll eventually we'll be ours whole and it's about the striker a military vehicle that's used against foreigners usually and we want to control it and then it'll be cold and they're going to work on the code and see what color and work with Salazar and goddess wife and others but mostly him and she and the other family my side to make sure we have the code right
I'm getting excited this is very huge for us it's a very huge thing my car out of the desert in the movie and playing it was very huge back then but now this is definitely my size and it's Robert Gibraltar stuff and he says it really is because of the future and we need it too we need this car we need to drive around some like this cuz we can make it go fast very fast and I do hear his voice
Salazar and Goddess wife
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cyberbenb · 11 months
Air Defence and Tanks — Today, Aircraft — in Future: How Allied Weapons Strengthened Ukraine in 2023
After Russia grossly violated its international obligations to recognize the territorial integrity of Ukraine and refrain from aggression, in particular, within the framework of the Budapest Memorandum, its other signatories responded to the call for help to give us a chance to exercise our right to self-defence. 
The United States and the United Kingdom have shown leadership and helped assemble a coalition of fifty countries that are helping Ukraine. It includes almost all European countries. Russia’s neighbours, understanding its criminal neocolonial ambitions like no other, have acted as defenders and lobbyists of Ukraine, countering the frenzied Russian propaganda.     
The support of Ukraine by sustainable democracy countries presented the Kremlin’s accusations of “Nazism” as ridiculous because it turned out that the whole democratic world was Nazi. However, exposing Russian lies has never stopped Moscow. Therefore, to repel a larger army, which had been preparing for this war for decades, Ukraine needed effective international assistance in various fields, first of all, the supply of weapons and ammunition.
In this article, the Centre for Strategic Communication and Information Security recalls what assistance its allies provided to Ukraine in 2023, and what it saved our country from.   
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Patriot SAM system
Goals for 2023
Ukraine, which suffered from terrorist attacks on the energy infrastructure, started the second year of repelling the full-scale aggression with comforting news. It was primarily about receiving two American Patriot SAM systems. The transfer of this rather high-tech air defence system after months of hesitation by the United States showed that Ukraine was trusted. Serious preparatory work was carried out for the effective use of the complexes.
Moreover, in January, the forthcoming transfer of Leopard tanks to Ukraine, necessary for the long-awaited counteroffensive, was announced.
READ ALSO: From Portable Weapons to Leopard Tanks: 7 Stages of Western Assistance to Ukraine
Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, Western weapons have had a significant impact on the course of hostilities. However, no type of weapon alone could provide a strategic advantage. Despite this, in the mass consciousness, getting a new iconic weapon is always perceived with a certain euphoria and hope for miraculous equipment. We can remember how before the full-scale aggression, Javelin, Stinger, and Bayraktar were idealized in society. This trend was even reflected in the ironic meme “Saint Javelin.”
In the subsequent stages, the breakthroughs that influenced the course of the war were the American howitzers M777, as well as the MLRS HIMARS. The latter also became subjects of endless memes.
But it is obvious that strategically, victory will be ensured by the combination of all elements. One of them is the general consistency and disposition of the people to regularly overcome complex challenges.   
At the end of 2022, Commander-in-Chief Valerii Zaluzhnyi said in an interview that he needed “300 tanks, 600–700 infantry fighting vehicles, 500 howitzers” for the counteroffensive. Thus, the task for 2023, in addition to strengthening the air defence, was the formation of a mechanized “iron fist” to break through the line of defence of the ruscists. In 2023, the allies are helping us to form it. In spring, we received Leopard tanks and other armoured vehicles: Swedish CV 90 IFVs, American Bradleys, MaxxPro armoured vehicles, etc. 
The combat vehicles were not prepared for a parade. As Zaluzhnyi later noted, commenting in an interview with The Washington Post on June 30 on the inevitable losses of the counteroffensive, “a Leopard tank is a target on the battlefield.” 
Western partners helped to compensate for the lost equipment. According to military historian Mykhailo Zhyrokhov, instead of the lost 17 Bradleys, we were given 15. Portugal, for example, announced that it would provide 4 more Leopard tanks. 
What was saved by Patriot and how to close the sky
In 2023, the emphasis was on strengthening air defence. In spring, Patriot began to cover the Ukrainian sky, in particular, over the capital. In addition, the Ukrainian air defence system was strengthened by the SAMP/T complex from Italy and France, the Avenger self-propelled surface-to-air missile system, and the Gepard anti-aircraft self-propelled guns. This new air defence umbrella actually saved the capital during an increase in the wave of shelling in May, when the Russians attacked Kyiv and Kyiv Oblast 17 times.
“During such attacks as in May, we could have been left with the ruins of administrative buildings in the centre of Kyiv and several affected important strategic facilities,” says Mykhailo Zhyrokhov. “In May, the Russians began to massively use Kinzhal aero-ballistic missiles, which we wouldn’t have intercepted with anything but Patriot. At least 13 Kinzhal missiles could have reached their targets. Then we would see, for example, the ruins of the SSU, the General Staff, and maybe the building of the Verkhovna Rada, Bankova. There are also alternate command centres, which are underground and covered with concrete. It was for their destruction that the Russians launched Kinzhal missiles in May. Previously, the ruscists already used these expensive missiles against the ammunition depot in Lviv Oblast. On the day of the Ukrainian Air Force in 2022, 2 missiles hit the disguised command centre of the Ukrainian Air Force. These are the cases that were mentioned in the public sphere. Maybe there were more.” 
At the NATO Summit, it was reported that Germany would transfer two more launchers to the Patriot SAM. 
Russia has also intensified attacks on Ukraine with Iranian Shahed UAVs. A question of the development of air defence precisely to combat kamikaze drones has arisen because this requires other tools than those used to shoot down Kinzhal or cruise missiles like Kalibr. 
“For the war with the Shahed drones, it is necessary to increase the number of mobile groups.” says Zhyrokhov. “Pickup trucks with machine guns and an early warning system because radar stations do not cover them and the main method of detection is visual contact. We need more people who will look at the sky through binoculars or other technical means. If we are talking about nights — we need powerful spotlights, as during World War II.”
In 2023, to strengthen protection against UAVs, Ukraine began to receive Viktor anti-aircraft machine gun systems from the Czech Republic, which are already successfully operating in the north of Ukraine. This is a paired 14.5 mm anti-aircraft machine gun, which is mounted on the Toyota Land Cruiser 70 chassis and, in addition to the UAV, is also useful for countering aircraft and helicopters at low altitudes. 
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Viktor air defence system, photo of the AFU
According to Mykhailo Zhyrokhov, 15 Viktor units have already been transferred to Ukraine, and hundreds more have been paid for by the Netherlands. During the recent visit of the President to the Czech Republic, it became known that the country would also provide Ukraine with attack helicopters. 
Storm Shadow missiles remind about the borders of Ukraine
In addition to tanks and the strengthening of air defence, it was important for Ukraine to obtain a certain number of Storm Shadow long-range cruise missiles with a launch range of more than 250 kilometres.
The Anglo-French Storm Shadow is a long-range air-launched missile. They were provided by the United Kingdom on the condition that Ukraine would not apply them on the territory of Russia. This technological weapon, given its cost and limited number, is suitable for striking the most important enemy targets — command centres, air bases, fuel and ammunition depots, etc. In May, the destruction of Russian facilities in occupied Luhansk was reported. The building of the former Higher Military Aviation School of Navigators, which could have hosted a military base or a barracks with personnel of the Russian occupation forces, was targeted. On June 8, Storm Shadow missiles destroyed the bases for repairing ruscist equipment on the territory of industrial enterprises in Luhansk. Russian Major General Sergei Goryachev was liquidated in Ukraine in mid-June during a strike on the command centre of the occupiers.
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Su-24 of the AFU Air Force, probably with Storm Shadow missiles, summer 2023, image taken from defense-ua.com
According to the reserve officer of the AFU Andrii Kramarov, the rate of Russians intercepting Storm Shadow missiles is only 10-15%. Thus, high-precision weapons remind the occupiers throughout Ukraine that state borders exist in order to be respected. 
The UK also announced that it will transfer kamikaze drones with a range of up to 200 km to Ukraine in the first months of summer. 
Ukraine also expects to receive ATACMS short-range ballistic missiles for HIMARS, which have a range of 140 or 300 km. 
At the NATO summit, French President Emmanuel Macron said that his country was transferring SCALP missiles to Ukraine, which is the French equivalent of Storm Shadow. 
F-16 aircraft — getting started
In 2023, the Biden administration stated for the first time that F-16 aircraft could be provided to Ukraine. The discussion moved to the plane of pilot training, which showed the presence of a principled decision. However, the Pentagon believes that this year, first of all, it is necessary to focus on strengthening air defence, and not on aircraft.    
Great Britain took up the training of Ukrainian crews. Thus, Minister of State for the Armed Forces James Heappey said that his country “will begin basic training for twenty Ukrainian pilots in August.” The Netherlands and Denmark are also cooperating to organize the training of Ukrainian pilots to fly fourth-generation aircraft. Recently, it has been reported that Romania plans to open an F-16 pilot training centre for NATO and Ukraine.  
According to Mykhailo Zhyrokhov, F-16 aircraft will appear in Ukraine no earlier than the beginning of 2024. If the Ukrainian Air Force mentions 6 months, then the West voices much longer terms. 
“The West first sets up the infrastructure, and then it provides the planes. The problem is that we do not have the appropriate airfield equipment because it is all tailored to Soviet models. There are no technicians who could service the F-16 because this is a different philosophy of weapons, which is new to us. Soviet equipment was created as simple, roughly, for anyone, and the Western one implied that it would be serviced by a motivated professional. One F-16 aircraft requires, if I am not mistaken, 12 technicians in different directions. Starting with radar equipment and ending with weapons. Technicians learn longer than pilots. You also need to learn how to use bombs and missiles correctly. In fact, training pilots is the minimum of what needs to be done.
Perhaps in the public field, the emphasis on the F-16 has the logic to keep this process in focus and moving forward. However, from a military perspective, if 24 aircraft are given to us now, they will be shot down in combat operations the day after tomorrow.” 
Yurii Ihnat, the spokesman of the Air Force of Ukraine, drew attention to the fact that F-16 aircraft are needed primarily to intercept missiles that strike regions that are less covered from the sky. 
Tank year of Ukraine
Assistance from the West is comprehensive, and therefore seems slow. Tanks and self-propelled artillery units were not provided until repair depots were established in Lithuania, Poland, and Romania, so that Ukraine could not only use the equipment on the battlefield, but also repair and maintain it in good condition. 
According to Zhyrokhov, the technical infrastructure, developed in neighbouring allied countries, proved its effectiveness. Thus, the self-propelled Panzerhaubitze 2000 is repaired in Lithuania, Krab — in Poland. In Romania and Poland, repair workshops for Western tanks have been created, which are already operating.  
In early summer, the training of Ukrainian forces on the Stryker and Bradley combat vehicles was completed, as reported by the U.S. Department of Defense. Presently, Ukrainians are undergoing training on American Abrams M1A1 tanks, which is likely to be completed by the end of the summer. It is expected that after autumn training, 31 tanks will be provided to Ukraine.  There were reports that Abrams M1A1 tanks were currently being mastered by 200 Ukrainians, whose training would last 3 months. 
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M1A1SA, image taken from defence-ua.com
Moreover, in early June, in the UK, Ukrainian soldiers were trained on AS 90 self-propelled howitzers and Challenger 2 tanks. In the coming months, Ukraine is to receive an additional amount of Leopard 2 and Leopard 1 tanks. At the NATO Summit in Vilnius, Germany announced the transfer of 40 Marder IFVs and 25 Leopard 1 tanks. Germany and Poland should jointly provide training and their maintenance. According to Oryx analysts, in 2023, the Czech Republic supplied Ukraine with 90 T-72 tanks, which were financed by the United States and the Netherlands. 
In total, more than 60,000 Ukrainian servicemen were trained by allies and partners; 11,000 of them were trained by the United States. However, according to Mykhailo Zhyrokhov, training in Europe is not a panacea.  European countries do not have much combat experience. Recently, it has been mostly about peacekeeping operations. Sometimes there are elements in training that are rarely useful in a real war. In addition, the wartime army of Ukraine consists of mobilized civilians, and therefore one should not expect that a person will master, for example, staff experience, which will be practical in Ukrainian combat conditions, in 2 months of the training. These things need to be considered in the future.
On the eve of the NATO Summit in Vilnius, the United States decided to include 155-mm DPICM cluster munitions in the new package of military assistance to Ukraine. This will help the Defence Forces avoid the “ammunition hunger” that accompanies the hostilities throughout the full-scale phase of the war.
Defense Express quotes Joseph Biden: “Unless such weapons are given to the Armed Forces, the civilian population of Ukraine that will indeed suffer, but at the hands of Russian occupiers.” This fuels optimism about the future transfer of ATACMS missiles to Ukraine. According to the latest news, Slovakia will provide Ukraine with 16 Zuzana self-propelled howitzers, and the countries will also jointly produce a new type of howitzer. According to media reports, Poland handed over about 10 Mi-24 attack helicopters to Ukraine. A 155-mm Firtina self-propelled gun is expected from Turkey.
Since the beginning of the full-scale Russian invasion, the Biden administration has allocated more than USD 41.3 bln for security assistance to Ukraine. 
Interesting data was provided by Laura K. Cooper, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Russia, Ukraine, Eurasia, at a Capitol hearing about the contributions of other coalition members. According to her, more than half of all tanks, armoured personnel carriers, infantry fighting vehicles, 155-mm artillery systems and unmanned aircraft systems, as well as about half of Stinger and Javelin missiles, come to Ukraine from other allies.  
If we count not in absolute numbers, but in proportion to our GDP, says Cooper, then the United States comes 12th in the ranking of countries that help Ukraine. Nine European countries have already provided more than USD 1 billion.  
Ms. Cooper noted another important point: allies are beginning to make long-term commitments to support Ukraine. Thus, Germany approved a support programme worth about USD 13 bln over the next 9–10 years. Norway has allocated more than USD 7 bln, and Denmark recently announced assistance for USD 3.2 bln. In cooperation with partners, the industrial production of weapons is growing both to support Ukraine and to replenish the Ministry of Defence, she said.
Another fact was reported to the International Donor Coordination Centre. To date, Ukraine has received about 600 different types of equipment and armed platforms. According to one of the Centre’s representatives, the fact that the Defence Forces were able to skilfully manage and maintain these systems is a testament to Ukrainian skill and ingenuity. After all, such diversity is unprecedented for one country. 
The training of the Ukrainian military takes place at about 40 training grounds outside Ukraine.
A large number of countries that help Ukraine realize that the final say in the war for freedom will be given to Ukrainian soldiers who heroically destroy the aggressor and liberate their land.
The democratic world is showing integrity in defending justice and international law, as well as the principles that were laid down in the Budapest Memorandum when Kyiv agreed to nuclear disarmament. Ukraine highly appreciates this assistance. Overcoming common challenges for the sake of defeating the evil also helps unite the countries of the free world on a new level, which will give rise to new strong partnerships, interaction, and prosperity.   
Centre for Strategic Communication and Information Security
The post Air Defence and Tanks — Today, Aircraft — in Future: How Allied Weapons Strengthened Ukraine in 2023 appeared first on Centre for strategic communication.
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libertariantaoist · 1 year
News Roundup 6/27/2023 | The Libertarian Institute
Here is your daily roundup of today's news:
News Roundup 6/27/2023
by Kyle Anzalone
US News
The first UN investigator allowed inside the notorious US prison at Guantanamo Bay said the 30 remaining detainees in the facility are facing “ongoing cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment under international law.” AWC
The Secretary General of NATO told reporters that the Wagner Group’s rebellion late last week demonstrated that Russian President Vladimir Putin’s hold on power was slipping. The remarks come as US officials say the threat presented by Yevgeny Prigozhin may be ongoing. The Institute
German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius announced Berlin is preparing to move thousands of troops into Lithuania. The announcement comes as Berlin and Vilnius engage in joint war games about 100 miles from the Russian border. The Institute 
Russian President Vladimir Putin on Monday night delivered his first address to Russia after Wagner chief Yevgeny Prigozhin’s short-lived uprising ended, vowing to Wagner fighters that he would uphold his side of the deal that was reached to end the mutiny. AWC
Ukraine has lost over 15 percent of the Bradley fighting vehicles that the US has provided, a US military official told The New York Times in an article published on Monday. AWC
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said Monday that Ukrainian allegations about Russia planning an attack on the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant are “utter nonsense.” AWC
Denmark’s government has said that Copenhagen has started a training program for Ukrainian pilots on US-made F-16s, The Associated Press reported on Monday. AWC
Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Sunday defended President Biden calling Chinese President Xi Jinping a “dictator.” AWC
A National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) written in January which discusses Pyongyang’s nuclear weapons policy for the remainder of this decade was declassified by Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines earlier this month. The Institute 
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#Breaking: Over 60 #Bradley fighting vehicles en route to #Ukraine.
  ⚡️US Transportation Command: Over 60 Bradley fighting vehicles en route to Ukraine. The shipment containing more than 60 Bradleys left North Charleston, South Carolina, last week, the U.S. Transportation Command reported on Jan. 30. Photo: U.S. Transportation Command pic.twitter.com/uQx2ZXX6Ch — The Kyiv Independent (@KyivIndependent) January 31, 2023 Source: Twitter
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marketingstrategy1 · 1 year
Biden Confirms Bradley Fighting Vehicles On Table For Ukraine - White House Reporter
Biden Confirms Bradley Fighting Vehicles On Table For Ukraine – White House Reporter
Faizan Hashmi Published January 05, 2023 | 01:30 AM WASHINGTON (UrduPoint News / Sputnik – 05th January, 2023) US President Joe Biden on Wednesday confirmed that Bradley Fighting Vehicles are on the table for delivery to Ukraine, according to a Bloomberg White House reporter. “Yes,” Biden is quoted as saying when asked if Bradleys are on the table for Ukraine. The statement confirms earlier US…
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blackkudos · 4 years
Rubin Carter
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Rubin "Hurricane" Carter (May 6, 1937 – April 20, 2014) was an American-Canadian middleweight boxer who was wrongfully convicted of murder and later released following a petition of habeas corpus after serving almost 20 years in prison.
In 1966, police arrested Carter and acquaintance John Artis for a triple homicide committed at the Lafayette Bar and Grill in Paterson, New Jersey. Police stopped Carter's car and brought him and Artis, also in the car, to the scene of the crime. Carter and Artis were tried twice for the murders in 1967 and 1976 and convicted; both served time in Rahway State Prison. After the second conviction was overturned in 1985, prosecutors chose not to try the case for a third time.
Carter's autobiography, titled The Sixteenth Round, written while he was in prison, was published in 1975 by Warner Books. The story inspired the 1975 Bob Dylan song "Hurricane" and the 1999 film The Hurricane (with Denzel Washington playing Carter). From 1993 to 2005, Carter served as executive director of Innocence Canada (Formerly the Association in Defence of the Wrongly Convicted).
Early life
Carter was born in Clifton, New Jersey, the fourth of seven children. He acquired a criminal record and was sentenced to a juvenile reformatory for assault, having stabbed a man in self defense when he was 11. Carter escaped from the reformatory in 1954 and joined the United States Army. A few months after completing infantry basic training at Fort Jackson, South Carolina, he was sent to West Germany. While in Germany, Carter began to box for the Army. He was later discharged in 1956 as unfit for service, after four courts-martial. Shortly after his discharge, he was convicted of two muggings and sent to prison.
Boxing career
After his release from prison in September 1961, Carter became a professional boxer. At 5 ft 8 in (1.73 m), Carter was shorter than the average middleweight, but he fought all of his professional career at 155–160 lb (70–72.6 kg). His aggressive style and punching power (resulting in many early-round knockouts) drew attention, establishing him as a crowd favorite and earning him the nickname "Hurricane." After he defeated a number of middleweight contenders—such as Florentino Fernandez, Holley Mims, Gomeo Brennan, and George Benton—the boxing world took notice. The Ring first listed him as one of its "Top 10" middleweight contenders in July 1963. At the end of 1965, they ranked him as the number five middleweight.
He fought six times in 1963, winning four bouts and losing two. He remained ranked in the lower part of the top 10 until December 20, when he surprised the boxing world by flooring past and future world champion Emile Griffith twice in the first round and scoring a technical knockout. That win resulted in The Ring's ranking of Carter as the number three contender for Joey Giardello's world middleweight title. Carter won two more fights (one a decision over future heavyweight champion Jimmy Ellis) in 1964, before meeting Giardello in Philadelphia for a 15-round championship match on December 14. Carter landed a few solid rights to the head in the fourth that left Giardello staggering, but was unable to follow them up, and Giardello took control of the fight in the fifth round. The judges awarded Giardello a unanimous decision.
After that fight, Carter's ranking in The Ring began to decline. He fought nine times in 1965, winning five but losing three of four against contenders Luis Manuel Rodríguez, Dick Tiger, and Harry Scott. Tiger, in particular, floored Carter three times in their match. "It was", Carter said, "the worst beating that I took in my life—inside or outside the ring". During his visit to London (to fight Scott) Carter was involved in an incident in which a shot was fired in his hotel room.
Carter's career record in boxing was 27 wins, 12 losses, and one draw in 40 fights, with 19 total knockouts (8 KOs and 11 TKOs). He received an honorary championship title belt from the World Boxing Council in 1993 (as did Joey Giardello at the same banquet) and was later inducted into the New Jersey Boxing Hall of Fame.
At approximately 2:30 a.m. on June 17, 1966, two men entered the Lafayette Bar and Grill at East 18th Street at Lafayette Street in Paterson, New Jersey, and began shooting. The bartender, James Oliver, and a customer, Fred Nauyoks, were killed immediately. A severely wounded customer, Hazel Tanis, died almost a month later, having been shot in the throat, stomach, intestine, spleen and left lung, and having had her arm shattered by shotgun pellets. A third customer, Willie Marins, survived the attack, despite a gunshot wound to the head that cost him the sight in one eye. During questioning, both Marins and Tanis told police that the shooters had been black males, though neither identified Carter or John Artis.Petty criminal Alfred Bello, who had been near the Lafayette that night to burgle a factory, was an eyewitness. Bello later testified that he was approaching the Lafayette when two black males—one carrying a shotgun, the other a pistol—came around the corner walking towards him. He ran from them, and they got into a white car that was double-parked near the Lafayette.
Bello was one of the first people on the scene of the shootings, as was Patricia (Patty) Valentine, a resident on the second floor (above the Lafayette Bar and Grill). Valentine told the police that she saw two black males get into a white car and drive off. Another neighbor, Ronald Ruggiero, also heard the shots, and said that, from his window, he saw Alfred Bello running west on Lafayette Street toward 16th Street. He then heard the screech of tires and saw a white car shoot past, heading west, with two black males in the front seat.Both Bello and Valentine gave police a description of the car that was the same. Valentine's testimony, in which she initially stated that the car had rear lights which lit up completely like butterflies, changed when she testified during the second trial to an accurate description of Carter's car, which had conventional taillights with aluminum decoration in a butterfly shape. The prosecution theorized that the dissimilarity in Valentine's description was the result of a misreading of a court transcript by the defense.
Investigation, indictment and first conviction
Hours before the triple murder, Carter was searching for guns that he had lost a year earlier. Carter was driving a white Dodge Polara, which was notable for its out-of-state license plate with blue background and gold lettering and taillights with butterfly-shaped aluminium decoration. Ten minutes after the murder, police stopped Carter's car. The police, who were searching for a vehicle with three occupants, let Carter go.Minutes later, the same police officers solicited a description of the getaway car from eyewitness Al Bello. He described the car as white with "a geometric design, sort of a butterfly type design in the back of the car", and as bearing out-of-state license plates with blue background and orange lettering. On hearing this description, the police realized that Al Bello was describing a car similar to the one that they had only moments earlier let go.
When police found Carter's car they stopped it and brought Carter and another occupant, John Artis, to the scene about 31 minutes after the incident. The police took no fingerprints at the crime scene, and lacked the facilities to test Carter and Artis for gunshot residue.
On searching the car about 45 minutes later, Detective Emil DiRobbio found a live .32 caliber pistol round under the front passenger seat and a 12-gauge shotgun shell in the trunk. Firearms Identification later established that the murder weapons had been a .32 caliber pistol and a 12-gauge shotgun. The defense later raised questions about this evidence, as it was not logged with a property clerk until five days after the murders. The prosecution responded to this line of questioning by producing a report lodged 75 minutes after the murders that documented the presence of the .32 caliber pistol round and 12-gauge shotgun shell. The defense was able to show that the bullet found in the Carter car was brass cased, rather than copper coated like those found at the Lafayette Bar, and that the shotgun shell found in the Carter car was an older model, with a different wad and color. In response, the prosecution argued that the metal and make of the retrieved ammunition was meaningless because the ammunition found at the crime scene was also dissimilar. Furthermore, the ammunition found in the car was usable by the murder weapons.
The police took Carter and Artis to police headquarters and questioned them. Witnesses did not identify them as the killers and they were released. Carter and Artis voluntarily appeared before a grand jury, which did not return an indictment.
Several months later, Bello disclosed to the police that he had an accomplice during the attempted burglary, one Arthur Dexter Bradley. On further questioning, Bello and Bradley both identified Carter as one of the two males they had seen carrying weapons outside the bar on the night of the murders. Bello also identified Artis as the other. Based on this additional evidence, Carter and Artis were arrested and indicted.
At the 1967 trial, Carter was represented by well-known attorney Raymond A. Brown. Brown focused on inconsistencies in some of the descriptions given by eyewitnesses Marins and Bello. The defense also produced a number of alibi witnesses who testified that Carter and Artis had been in the Nite Spot (a nearby bar) at about the time of the shootings. Both men were convicted. Prosecutors sought the death penalty, but jurors recommended that each defendant receive a life sentence for each murder. Judge Samuel Larner imposed two consecutive and one concurrent life sentence on Carter, and three concurrent life sentences on Artis.
In 1974, Bello and Bradley recanted their identifications of Carter and Artis, and these recantations were used as the basis for a motion for a new trial. Judge Samuel Larner denied the motion on December 11, saying that the recantations "lacked the ring of truth."
Despite Larner's ruling, Madison Avenue advertising executive George Lois organized a campaign on Carter's behalf, which led to increasing public support for a retrial or pardon. Muhammad Ali lent his support to the campaign (including publicly wishing Carter good luck on his appeal during the airing of The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson on September 7, 1973). Bob Dylan co-wrote (with Jacques Levy) and performed a song called "Hurricane" (1975), which declared that Carter was innocent. On December 7, 1975, Dylan performed the song at a concert at Trenton State Prison, where Carter was temporarily an inmate.
However, during the hearing on the recantations, defense attorneys also argued that Bello and Bradley had lied during the 1967 trial, telling the jurors that they had made only certain narrow, limited deals with prosecutors in exchange for their trial testimony. A detective taped one interrogation of Bello in 1966, and when it was played during the recantation hearing, defense attorneys argued that the tape revealed promises beyond what Bello had testified to. If so, prosecutors had either had a Brady obligation to disclose this additional exculpatory evidence, or a duty to disclose the fact that their witnesses had lied on the stand.
Larner denied this second argument as well, but the New Jersey Supreme Court unanimously held that the evidence of various deals made between the prosecution and witnesses Bello and Bradley should have been disclosed to the defense before or during the 1967 trial as this could have "affected the jury's evaluation of the credibility" of the eyewitnesses. "The defendants' right to a fair trial was substantially prejudiced", said Justice Mark Sullivan. The court set aside the original convictions and granted Carter and Artis a new trial.
Despite the difficulties of prosecuting a ten-year-old case, Prosecutor Burrell Ives Humphreys decided to try Carter and Artis again. To ensure, as best he could, that he did not use perjured testimony to obtain a conviction, Humphreys had Bello polygraphed—once by Leonard H. Harrelson and a second time by Richard Arther, both well-known and respected experts in the field. Both men concluded that Bello was telling the truth when he said that he had seen Carter outside the Lafayette immediately after the murders.
However, Harrelson also reported orally that Bello had been inside the bar shortly before and at the time of the shooting, a conclusion that contradicted Bello's 1967 trial testimony wherein he had said that he had been on the street at the time of the shooting. Despite this oral report, Harrelson's subsequent written report stated that Bello's 1967 testimony had been truthful.
Second conviction and appeal
During the new trial in 1976, Alfred Bello repeated his 1967 testimony, identifying Carter and Artis as the two armed men he had seen outside the Lafayette Grill. Bradley refused to cooperate with prosecutors, and neither prosecution nor defense called him as a witness.
The defense responded with testimony from multiple witnesses who identified Carter at the locations he claimed to be at when the murders happened. Investigator Fred Hogan, whose efforts had led to the recantations of Bello and Bradley, appeared as a defense witness. Hogan was asked on cross examinations whether any bribes or inducements were offered to Bello to secure his recantation, which Hogan denied. His original handwritten notes on his conversations with Bello were entered into evidence. The defense also pointed out the inconsistencies in the testimony of Patricia Valentine, and read the 1967 testimony of William Marins, who had died in 1973, noting that his descriptions of the shooters were drastically different from Artis and Carter's actual appearances.
The court also heard testimony from a Carter associate that Passaic County prosecutors had tried to pressure her into testifying against Carter. Prosecutors denied the charge. After deliberating for almost nine hours, the jury again found Carter and Artis guilty of the murders. Judge Leopizzi re-imposed the same sentences on both men: a double life sentence for Carter, a single life sentence for Artis.
Artis was paroled in 1981. Carter's attorneys continued to appeal. In 1982, the Supreme Court of New Jersey affirmed his convictions (4–3). Although the justices felt that the prosecutors should have disclosed Harrelson's oral opinion (about Bello's location at the time of the murders) to the defense, only a minority thought this was material. The majority thus concluded that the prosecution had not withheld information the Brady disclosure law required them to provide to the defense.
According to bail bondswoman Carolyn Kelley, in 1975–1976 she helped raise funds to win a second trial for Carter, which resulted in his release on bail in March 1976. On a fund-raising trip the following month, Kelley said the boxer beat her severely over a disputed hotel bill. The Philadelphia Daily News reported the alleged beating in a front-page story several weeks later, and celebrity support for Carter quickly eroded, though Carter denied the accusation and there was insufficient evidence for legal prosecution. Mae Thelma Basket, whom Carter had married in 1963, divorced him after their second child was born, because she found out that he had been unfaithful to her.
Federal court action
In 1985, Carter's attorneys filed a petition for a writ of habeas corpus in federal court. Later that year, Judge Haddon Lee Sarokin of the United States District Court for the District of New Jersey granted the writ, noting that the prosecution had been "predicated upon an appeal to racism rather than reason, and concealment rather than disclosure," and set aside the convictions. Carter, 48 years old, was freed without bail in November 1985.
Prosecutors appealed Sarokin's ruling to the Third Circuit Court of Appeals and filed a motion with the court to return Carter to prison pending the outcome of the appeal. The court denied this motion and eventually upheld Sarokin's opinion, affirming his Brady analysis without commenting on his other rationale.
The prosecutors appealed to the United States Supreme Court, which declined to hear the case.
Prosecutors therefore could have tried Carter (and Artis) a third time, but decided not to, and filed a motion to dismiss the original indictments. "It is just not legally feasible to sustain a prosecution, and not practical after almost 22 years to be trying anyone," said New Jersey Attorney General W. Cary Edwards. Acting Passaic County Prosecutor John P. Goceljak said several factors made a retrial impossible, including Bello's "current unreliability" as a witness and the unavailability of other witnesses. Goceljak also doubted whether the prosecution could reintroduce the racially motivated crime theory due to the federal court rulings. A judge granted the motion to dismiss, bringing an end to the legal proceedings.
Post emancipation
Carter lived in Toronto, Ontario, where he became a Canadian citizen, and was executive director of the Association in Defence of the Wrongly Convicted (AIDWYC) from 1993 until 2005. Carter resigned when the AIDWYC declined to support Carter's protest of the appointment (to a judgeship) of Susan MacLean, who was the prosecutor of Canadian Guy Paul Morin, who served over eighteen months in prison for rape and murder until exonerated by DNA evidence.
Carter's second marriage was to Lisa Peters. The couple separated later.
In 1996, Carter, then 59, was arrested when Toronto police mistakenly identified him as a suspect in his thirties believed to have sold drugs to an undercover officer. He was released after the police realized their error.
Carter often served as a motivational speaker. On October 14, 2005, he received two honorary Doctorates of Law, one from York University (Toronto, Ontario, Canada) and one from Griffith University (Brisbane, Queensland, Australia), in recognition of his work with AIDWYC and the Innocence Project. Carter received the Abolition Award from Death Penalty Focus in 1996.
Prostate cancer and death
In March 2012, while attending the International Justice Conference in Burswood, Western Australia, Carter revealed that he had terminal prostate cancer. At the time, doctors gave him between three and six months to live. Beginning shortly after that time, John Artis lived with and cared for Carter, and on April 20, 2014, he confirmed that Carter had succumbed to his illness. He was afterwards cremated and his ashes were scattered in part over Cape Cod and in part at a horse farm in Kentucky.
In the months leading up to his death, Carter worked for the exoneration of David McCallum, a Brooklyn man who has been incarcerated since 1985 on charges of murder. Two months before his death, Carter published "Hurricane Carter's Dying Wish," an opinion piece in the New York Daily News, in which he asked for an independent review of McCallum's conviction. "I request only that McCallum be granted a full hearing by the Brooklyn conviction integrity unit, now under the auspices of the new district attorney, Ken Thompson. Knowing what I do, I am certain that when the facts are brought to light, Thompson will recommend his immediate release ... Just as my own verdict 'was predicated on racism rather than reason and on concealment rather than disclosure,' as Sarokin wrote, so too was McCallum's," Carter wrote. On Wednesday, October 15, 2014, McCallum was exonerated.
In popular culture
Carter's story inspired:
The 1975 Bob Dylan song "Hurricane" proclaimed that Carter was innocent. Carter appeared as himself in Dylan's 1978 movie Renaldo and Clara. In the 2019 film Rolling Thunder Revue: A Bob Dylan Story by Martin Scorsese, Dylan talked about his involvement with the Carter case and Carter was also interviewed in the film, describing his relationship with Dylan.
Norman Jewison's 1999 feature film The Hurricane, starring Denzel Washington in the lead role. The film is about Rubin Carter's accusation, trials, and time spent in prison. Carter later discussed at a lecture how he fell in love with Washington's portrayal of him during auditions for The Hurricane, noting that boxer Marvelous Marvin Hagler and actors Wesley Snipes and Samuel L. Jackson all vied for the role. Washington was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Actor for his performance at the 72nd Academy Awards.
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bountyofbeads · 5 years
Trump asks for military tanks on the Mall as part of grandiose July Fourth event
Tanks. On the Mall. As a "prop for Trump's Salute to America."
Totally normal.
We all knew he would. He was told they would wreck the DC streets. And we all knew he’d seem to drop the issue, only to attempt to “order” it to happen anyway, at the last minute and with zero logistical planning.
Trump asks for military tanks on the Mall as part of grandiose July Fourth event
By Juliet Eilperin and Josh Dawsey | Published July 1 at 7:29 AM | Washington Post | Posted July 1, 2019 |
National Park Service acting director P. Daniel Smith faces plenty of looming priorities this summer, from an $11 billion backlog in maintenance needs to natural disasters like the recent wildfire damage to Big Bend Park.
But in recent days, another issue has competed for Smith’s attention: how to satisfy President Trump’s request to station tanks or other armored military vehicles on the Mall for his planned Fourth of July address to the nation.
The ongoing negotiations over whether to use massive military hardware, such as Abrams tanks or Bradley Fighting Vehicles , as a prop for Trump’s “Salute to America” is just one of many unfinished details when it comes to the celebration planned for Thursday, according to several people briefed on the plan, who requested anonymity to speak frankly.
White House officials intend to give out tickets for attendees to sit in a VIP section and watch Trump’s speech, but did not develop a distribution system before much of the staff left for Asia last week, according to two administration officials. Officials are also still working on other key crowd management details, such as how to get attendees through magnetometers in an orderly fashion.
Traditionally, major gatherings on the Mall, including inauguration festivities and a jubilee commemorating the start of a new millennium, have featured a designated event producer. But in this case, the producer is the president himself.
Trump has demonstrated an unusual level of interest in this year’s Independence Day observance, according to three senior administration officials. He has received regular briefings about it from Interior Secretary David Bernhardt, according to the people briefed on the plan, and has weighed in on everything from how the pyrotechnics should be launched to how the military should be honored.
As a result, the administration has organized a far more ambitious celebration than was originally planned, at a yet-to-be specified additional cost to taxpayers. Twomajor fireworks firms have donated a pyrotechnic show valued at $750,000, for example, but the Park Service will have to pay employees overtime to clean up the remnants of that display. The fireworks have also been moved to a new location in West Potomac Park at Trump’s urging.
Trump has also spurred the use of military aircraft for a flyover, including one of the jetliners used as Air Force One. In addition, the Navy’s Blue Angels were supposed to have a break between a performance in Davenport, Iowa on June 30 and one in Kansas City, Mo. on July 6, but will now be flying in D.C. on the 4th.
The White House declined to comment on the ongoing plans.
Asked about the discussions about using armored vehicles and the projected overall costs of the event, Interior officials also declined to publicly comment. They noted that the department issued an updated itinerary announcing the timing of the president’s speech as well as additional details on the military performance and 35-minute fireworks display.
“This is going to be a fantastic Fourth of July with increased access across the National Mall for the public to enjoy music, flyovers, a spectacular fireworks display, and an address by our Commander-in-Chief,” Bernhardt said in the news release.
Trump has been fixated since early in his term with putting on a military-heavy parade or other celebration modeled on France’s Bastille Day celebration, which he attended in Paris in 2017. Trump angrily backed off plans for a grand Veterans Day parade down Pennsylvania Avenue in 2018 amid concerns from District officials over costs and potential road damage from military vehicles.
The type of armored tactical vehicles under consideration for this year’s Fourth of July celebration can weigh 60 tons or more, and some, such as Abrams tanks, have tracks that can be particularly damaging.
The Pentagon is aware of Trump’s interest in having armored vehicles involved and is weighing having static displays of them during the celebration, defense officials said.
Advocates for the Park Service as well as some Democratic lawmakers and D.C. officials have questioned why the federal government is devoting resources to the event given constrained budgets and other demands.
“It’s irresponsible to ask the National Park Service to absorb the costs of an additional and political event when there are so many unmet needs in the parks,” said Coalition to Protect America’s National Parks Chair Phil Francis, whose group represents current, former and retired Park Service employees and volunteers, in an email. “The men and women of the National Park Service have been asked to do more with less for too long. Funds should be directed to the agency’s highest needs such as operation of the parks and the maintenance backlog and should not be directed to support political objectives.”
Trump’s decision to transform the nation’s long-standing Fourth of July celebration provided an opportunity for firms like Fireworks By Grucci, the family-run Long Island company that has produced shows to celebrate Independence Day in major cities around the world as well as ones at different Trump properties. As soon as the president tweeted about the idea in February, the firm’s president, Felix “Phil” Grucci Jr., recalled in a phone interview, he began sketching out a possible show.
“I made some design renders for what we would do,” Grucci said, adding that he had expected there would be a designated point person for the show, as there has been for other federal observances.
“We were originally thinking there would be an announcement of what the project would be for the event,” he added.
Instead, Grucci — who has teamed up with Phantom Fireworks CEO Bruce Zoldan, a major supplier of consumer fireworks in the U.S. — reached out directly to the White House, along with other federal officials. Grucci said he did not recall the names of his firm’s White House contacts, but said he did not speak directly to the president.
The Park Service already had a multiyear contract with Garden State Fireworks to launch fireworks on the Mall for the Fourth of July. While the cost varies per year, it was $271,374 in 2018.
Administration officials discussed whether they could cancel the existing contract to accept the new donation and save taxpayers money, according to two government officials who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss internal deliberations. But they concluded they could not break off the agreement with Garden State, these officials said, and instead opted to provide a show that will be roughly twice as long as last year’s.
“There was always a question of how the performance we were designing and envisioning how it would integrate with the existing Park Service show,” Grucci said. “We weren’t thinking we were going to replace that performance at any means.”
The upcoming pyrotechnics show will include several new elements, including a massive American flag and the words “U.S.A.” spelled out in the sky.
The only comparable event on the Mall in recent decades is “America’s Millennium Celebration: A Celebration for the Nation,” an effort commissioned by former president Bill Clinton and first lady Hillary Clinton to mark the start of the 21st century. The festivities, organized by their friend and fundraiser Terry McAuliffe and White House social secretary Capricia Marshall, took place on Dec. 31, 1999 and Jan. 1, 2000, and included a concert on the Mall, an appearance by the Clintons, a fireworks show and presentations at multiple museums.
McAuliffe said in an interview that the effort raised roughly $4 million in private donations and was closely coordinated with the Park Service and other federal agencies. But he emphasized that it was different from Salute to America, because the Clintons played only a modest role in it.
“The Clintons did not take over a decades, century-old celebration of the nation and insert themselves in the middle of it,” he said, adding that the president did not weigh in on any of the decisions and Hillary Clinton only initiated the event because other countries were preparing similar celebrations.
“Once she knew it was up and running, she was not involved in it at all,” said McAuliffe, who went on to serve as Virginia’s governor. “They showed up for the day, and were very happy.”
In a phone interview last week, Zoldan said that he hoped the Salute to America would bring people together rather than prove divisive.
“We wanted to do it as a gift to America,” Zoldan said. “We wanted to give back for this special great time to do bring people together again, by celebrating America’s birthday.”
Anti-Trump protesters, including the group Code Pink, are negotiating with Park Service officials over whether a massive “Trump Baby” balloon they want to fly will comply with flight restrictions that will be in place over the Mall during the Fourth.
But at least one protest is going forward: a group of senior citizens living at The Residences at Thomas Circle will hold a singalong at the same time as Trump’s speech, in a gathering they’ve dubbed, “Make Americans Friends Again.”
Dan Lamothe contributed to this report.
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Putin Declares Ukraine's Counteroffensive Failing, Mulls Grain Deal Exit
In rare, detailed remarks on the state of how the war is going in neighboring Ukraine, Russian President Vladimir Putin said Tuesday that Ukraine's counteroffensive is failing, stating that Kiev has at this point lost a total of 25 to 30 percent of the military vehicles which had been supplied by the West, including tanks.
Putin further affirmed that the counteroffensive began on June 4 and has "not been successful in any area" - and claimed that casualties on the Ukrainian side are ten times greater than Russia's.
Here’s what Putin told journalists about Russia’s goals in Ukraine conflict
The Russian president addressed the current offensive, long-term ambitions, and whether a new mobilization will be needed
The goals of Moscow’s military operation in Ukraine have not changed and are in fact being served by Kiev’s latest offensive, Russian President Vladimir Putin told a gathering of war correspondents at the Kremlin on Tuesday.
Putin also addressed Ukraine’s glorification of Nazi collaborator Stepan Bandera, the ongoing fighting on the southern front, and the fallout from the Kakhovka Dam disaster, among other things.
Pentagon ‘unable to confirm’ Ukraine’s Bradley losses
The Department of Defense said it can’t corroborate the demise of at least 16 M2 Bradley vehicles in Ukraine
The US military has refused to confirm the destruction of American-made armored vehicles during Ukraine’s counteroffensive against Russia. The statement came after Moscow released videos of charred M2 Bradley infantry fighting vehicles abandoned by Kiev’s troops. 
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maddyaddy · 3 years
US Cavalry Mechanization in the Interwar and Beyond: A Brief Introduction
Cavalry is not simply “men on horses”. Allow me to clarify this statement. Since the years between the 1st and 2nd World Wars, cavalry the world over has moved away from horseback to riding on various sorts of vehicles. To exemplify this, let us consider the United States Cavalry during this period. By examining its history and interwar development, we can come to a better, more complete understanding of trends in cavalry and reconnaissance.
The First World War was, broadly put, when firepower outpaced mobility. Machine guns cut down infantry and men on horses alike with ease. The counterweight to this was the development of armored vehicles, I.E the tank. These could withstand MG fire (and worse) easily and cross through the hazards of no-man’s land. As such, a trend began to emerge in post-war military thought, as expounded by thinkers such as Mikhail Tukhachevsky, B.H Liddell Hart, and Jean Baptiste Eugène Estienne. This trend is that of mechanization, or the increased use of vehicles in military roles. In the face of this thinking, the US cavalry could adapt or be left by the wayside.
From 1930 on, the US cavalry became increasingly mechanized. The National Defense Act of 1920 prohibited it from outright developing tanks. These were left to the infantry. As such, the chief concerns of the cavalry were armored cars. These were divided into two types. Scout cars were lightly armed, lightly armored. They were intended chiefly for reconnaissance, minimizing contact with the enemy. An example of a scout car is the M3 Scout Car, whose heaviest weapon was a .50 caliber machine gun. “Proper” armored cars had more of a chance in this respect, possessing high caliber anti-tank weaponry and thicker armor. To best see the characteristics of this vehicle type, look no further than the M8 “Greyhound” with its 37mm anti-tank gun. As time ground on, both types of cars increasingly outmoded horse cavalry. However, a distinction emerged between dismounted recon on foot and mounted recon within vehicles.
A note on reconnaissance practices follows. We typically associate the word “reconnaissance” with stealthy, deliberate (plodding, almost) information collection. This is a set of practices informed by the horse cavalry pre-WWI, unable to carry much heavy firepower by its lonesome. The other set of methods is fighting for information - a phrase with broad meaning. It can mean anything from drawing out the enemy by fire to fighting for favorable ground from which to collect information. The former avoids contact with the enemy, while the latter accepts it as a fact of life. Downstream of this is reconnaissance vehicle design. Contact necessarily requires a bigger gun and thicker armor, whereas a stealthy observer needs lighter weaponry and less armor. There has been a see-saw of institutional dominance between these two schools of thought within the cavalry ever since the 1930s, and it will likely persist for some time.
Mechanization has persisted since then. In spite of this, the see-saw still swings to and fro with experiences from each successive US conflict. Horses are now a thing of the past, relegated to parade ground show-offs. The mount of the modern United States cavalryman is not a beast of flesh and blood or even a flimsy, dinky little scout car. It is a 30-odd ton behemoth with a 25mm cannon and TOW missiles. But his methods remain much the same. While he rides from place to place in the M3 Bradley Cavalry Fighting Vehicle, he nonetheless dismounts to observe the enemy. He is not to engage, but to gather information. In many ways, he is emulating his forebears from 80 years prior. This is in stark contrast to even 60~ years or so, when most reconnaissance was conducted mounted within the M113 armored personnel carrier. With each successive conflict, the see-saw swings.
Time will see if this trend persists.
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