#30 minutes drying are 1000 won
tardis--dreams · 1 year
Started doing laundry (it's in the machine now). Pray for me (i.e. my clothes)
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thebittahwizard · 5 years
Damn Right, It’s Women’s Work: A Random Literary Recommendation
Wow, a whole goddamn day for little ol’ us-es? Well, let’s not waste it. In honor of International Women’s Day and my English B.A., here’s a rec list of all the works created by kick-ass women that helped shape my life. 
Literature is What You Make of It
Don’t ever let anyone tell you that the book you dogeared, accidentally dropped in the tub, left to yellow in the sun, and read year after year doesn’t qualify as “literature.” The entire industry of the written word is completely subjective, and as long as a work is everlasting to you, it counts. 
It fucking counts.
Here’s a list of the works that helped shape my life, for better or for worse:
Murder at the Vicarage by Agatha Christie 
My mom started me early with both Miss Marple and Hercule Poirot in print and on TV. Every time I read one of Christie’s works or see an adaptation onscreen, it’s a nostalgia blast straight to my solar plexus. 
The Second Sex by Simone de Beauvoir
This is basically something every person should read to help understand the history of feminism. It’ll help you think about things differently. Or at the very least, you’ll get a head start on your university’s Gender Studies 101 reading list.
Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret. by Judy Blume
All works by Judy Blume are 100% recommended for young teens, but this one pushed the envelope by frankly discussing both religion and sex. I think teens could use a little more openness in these areas. 
Oryx and Crake by Margaret Atwood 
I read this during my junior year at university on a whim. People kept telling me to read Handmaid’s Tale, but I didn’t just to be a contrary bitch (and also because the topic of HT frankly freaked me out with its eery believability). Oryx and Crake is also a little eery, but it’s definitely worth it.  
Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson 
Seventh grade was an interesting time to read this, but it honestly helped me discover the uncomfortable truths of being a girl in this world in a healthy way. This is a trauma novel and you should go into it understanding that for the context of its nonlinear structure. 
Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston 
This is a story about a black woman’s desire for love in a world designed not to give her any. It’s raw and charged with issues of race, sex, violence, and gender roles. You can’t go wrong with a slow read-through of this novel.
The Giver by Lois Lowry
This book wasn’t actually my favorite. It was a forced read for my eighth grade English class, and it was a bit of a dry end product for what the concept could have been. However, I really do like the novel’s symbolic use of color (and the absence of it). 
Bridge to Terabithia by Katherine Paterson
I’m not fucking crying, you’re fucking crying. Seriously, I thought the book was bad enough, but that goddamn movie? Jesus Christ, that was an early lesson in masochism. 
A Vindication of the Rights of Woman by Mary Wollstonecraft
This is one of the earliest works of feminist philosophy, and it’s definitely worth the read. Not just to admire, however, but to understand where it falls short and to contextualize how long the feminist movement takes to intersect with other important aspects of life. 
Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
She is the mother of science fiction and, arguably, horror. It’s rather short but packed full of a poetically creepy plot. And just so you know, it’s actually the Frankenstein monster. Frankenstein is the doctor. /s (I understand that this is actually a common misconception, but Jesus tapdancing Christ do you know how many nerds have said this to me? Take your condescendingly raised pointer finger and shove it.) 
Uncle Tom’s Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
Read this because it’s fucking history, bros and brosettes. Also, it really gets you thinking about the integrity of the average white liberal. 
The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas 
Yes. Alllll the yes. Do it. 
Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte
Move over Emily, the better Bronte is coming through. No seriously, move over because Wuthering Heights was so goddamn dreary I need to take a depression nap. 
Sandy Keyes and the Hotel Thief by Wendelin Van Draanen
I read every single book in this series. Sandy Keyes was a sassier Nancy Drew and I was here for it. These books filled every spare minute of my elementary and middle school years. I hope other younglings keep her alive. 
A Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry
Money, family, poverty, gender roles. This play has everything. I highly recommend reading this work or watching a performance. 
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by J.K. Rowling 
J.K. Rowling may be a no-good fucking TERF, but the bitch knows how to write an engaging fantasy world. It was a flip on whether she’d go on the Dishonorable list or not, but Harry doesn’t deserve that. Also, the third novel will always be my favorite. 
To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
I still remember so clearly in my mind my freshman English teacher (whom I hated) in high school asking the class what this book was about. Everyone kept answering with the obvious: racial conflict, the limitations and successes of the law, family, Scout growing up, etc. She kept saying no and then after 10 minutes of guessing and having us squirm she smugly said, “It’s about Jem breaking his arm.” Then she lectured us for 30 minutes about close reading. It’s irrational, but I’ve hated this book ever since. 
The Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan
The structure of this novel is absolutely fantastic, and it’s a great insight into the relationships between Chinese-American women and their families.  
The Help by Kathryn Stockett
That goddamn pie. It gets me every time. 
I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou 
All Works By Maya Angelou Will Always Be Recommended. 
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen 
Jane Austen isn’t really my favorite author, but this is my favorite work of hers. I’m a rather basic bitch that way.  
Just Listen by Sarah Dessen
I cried. I was 14 years old and thought I was long past crying over a book. I was not. 
The Complete Poems of Emily Dickinson by Emily Dickinson
Her diction, syntax, and rhythm are wild. Also, John Mulaney was 100% correct. 
The Street by Ann Petry
I read this during my senior year of university in my Black Existentialism class. It was a bit mundane and a little bit sad. Definitely worth a read, though. 
Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda by Becky Albertalli
Believe it or not, this was my first foray into LGBTQ+ literature. I have my own reservations about the book itself, but I’ll always be thankful to this novel for knocking me over the head and leading me down a path that I hadn’t thought to discover. 
The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman
This shit was crazy. Literally. 
The Outsiders by S. E. Hinton
The names of the characters are 1000% cringe. And why did you have to do Johnny dirty like that, Susan? Also, am I the only one that kind of hated the movie? 
The Awakening by Kate Chopin
This whole book was so goddamn boring. But when understanding exactly what the book was about and how it ended, I feel like it’s appropriate that it was. 
Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell
This one is cute and sweet and fit for any teenager to peruse at their leisure. 
Feminism is for Everybody by bell hooks 
Another Gender Studies 101 required reading to knock off your list. You won’t regret it. 
(Dis)Honorable Mentions
Jesus Christ, but I hated everything I ever read by these authors. But I still read them. Blurgh.
Stephanie Meyer. She tried, but it all was just so, so bad. I still read each fucking book in the Twilight series, though, so who really won this battle? 
Ayn Rand. Fuck you, Ayn. Nothing further to say, really. 
Cassandra Clare. Her works weren’t actually that bad, but her behavior online soured my grapes until I couldn’t read another page of her Infernal Devices series.
Anne Rice. You made vampires boring to me, Anne. Me, an angsty teenager. And you somehow made vampires boring. Congratulations, I guess. Also, fuck off with your holier than thou shit. Ya make boring books, Anne. 
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die-t-hin · 6 years
⚘79 tips💌
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1. Always eat breakfast. Studies prove that those who eat breakfast tend to make better food choices   later in the day. You don't want to skip off a breakfast of 100 calories for a 500 calorie slice of cake at desert. Besides, breakfast gets your metabolism revved up for the day ahead.
2. If you drink a lot of water on an empty stomach it just makes you gassy. Never fun. Small sips throughout the day is better. You'll also have to pee a lot.
3. If you have things you shouldn't (think diet pills, tape measures, thinspo, bag of spat out food, etc.) make sure you hide it. Leaving it below the bed or in your undies drawer is a surefire way to get those things found.
4. Overuse of laxitives and/or diuretics are bad for your body. Over time, abuse of laxitives and diuretics cause incontinence, and embarassment for you. And if you overuse laxitives, when you stop, your body won;t be able to have a proper bowel movement. Use them only on an as-needed basis, as defined by 'normal' people. As in, only when constipated. 
5. If you sleep less than 6 hours a day, your metabolism goes down between 10-20% depending on the person. And your body produces more of the hormone that makes you feel hungry. So even though you can burn more calories by staying up all night on the exercise bike, opt for the sleep instead if you don't want to overindulge the next day.
6. Don't deprive yourself of anything. That just leads to bingeing. If you want chocolate cake, have it, even if it's on your list of 'bad foods'. BUT, only have a few small bites. That way, you can enjoy what you want without ruining your diet. 
7. Smaller meals throughout the day help keep your metabolism up, burning more calories.
8. Your body burns about 8 calories per glass of ice water trying to get it up to a temperature in which it can be processed. That's 64 calories a day, translating to about 6 or 7 more pounds burned off in a year. Make ice your new best friend.
9. Fiber keeps you fuller longer, and helps keep your digestive system in good shape, thus reducing the need for all those laxitives.
10. Smaller dishes make it seem like you eat more. You often times eat by eyesight, not by stomach fullness. Studies have shown that in 2 groups, with the same amount of food, but one group using large plates and the other small plates, the group with the small plates reported feeling fuller.
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11.Horizontal stripes and light denims make you look larger. Avoid them like the plague (Or maybe not)
12. Purging too hard can rupture your esophagus. You might die alone and in pain hunched over your toilet. Just saying. 
13. If you're having a food craving, and smoke, light up and the craving goes away. However, in a short time, that craving will return with a vengeance.
14. If you have a large binge, then your stomach expands massively, and the pressure kills off blood cells. Over time, this leads to a severely damaged stomach that may rupture. Once again, just like a ruptured esophagus, this could lead to you dying in pain. 
15. The negative calorie foods actually only burn about  10% of whatever they put into you. A stick of celery at about 2 cal will only burn off 0.2 cal. 
16. Purging doesn't get rid of all of the calories. You still have about 1/3 or 2/3 of those calories left in you, depending on how soon after you eat you decide to purge. 
17. If you wait more than an hour to purge, then there's no point in doing it. Even if food comes back up, your body will have already absorbed all those calories.
18. Your body doesn't register the calories from liquid the same way as it does calories from food. Your stomach won't send the same 'stop eating' signals to your brain like with food.
19. A good substitute for soda is ICE Sparkling Water. It has pretty good flavor, small amounts of B Vitamins, and green tea extract, all for 0 calories.
20.  Prolonged fasting/starvation messes up your metabolism. 
21. Take a multivitamin every day. Yes, even if it has 5 calories. 
22. If your body hits a plateu, a 'binge' helps. It makes your body think that you've stopped starving yourself. In fact, make it a goal that you have a day a week in which you eat at least 1000 calories if you want your metabolism to work properly (meaning it actually keeps burning calories and digesting food).
23.  Blotting greasy foods like bacon and pizza with a napkin can save you about 100 calories.
24. Whole-grains have fiber and make you fuller longer. 
25.  Take the stairs instead of the elevator.
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26. Alcohol is calorie dense. Say goodbye to going out drinking with friends unless you plan to be the designated driver.
27.  If you chew and spit it out, you're doing just as much damage to your teeth as vomiting, maybe even more, because saliva has acid like that in your stomach, that starts digestion. 
28. Over time, purging depletes tooth enamel. Yes, dentists can recognize it. 
29.  If you cook pasta, don't use butter. But you get sticky pasta. 
30.  When your periods stop, osteoporosis sets in. You could be a 12 year old girl with the bones of an 80 year old woman. Sometimes, your bones never regain the proper density. You'll become prone to stress fractures and breaking bones. Calcium supplements are gold right here. Buy the ones for elderly people with osteoporosis if you can.
31. Brushing your teeth right after purging causes the enamel to wear off, making your teeth decay faster. Chewing gum or mints releases saliva, doing the same. 
32. Drinking a lot of water can make it seem that you weigh more, which can help when visiting the doctor. If a lot of liquid is consumed in a short period of time, you might cause yourself brain damage, swelling of the brain, water logging of the brain.... So be careful about waterlogging.
33.  Dehydration speeds up tooth decay, because you won't have enough protective enzymes in your mouth to prevent the saliva from doing damage to your teeth. Don't restrict liquids.
34. Make yourself lunch. A nice big sandwich with a juice and pack of chips. Then when you get to school, give it away to someone who forgot theirs. 
35.  If you hide food that you were supposed to have eaten, make sure you do something about it ASAP. Same with the bag of puke in the closet. 
36. Be prepared for all the questions of 'have you lost weight' and 'are you eating'.
37. You can only make the excuse of food poisoning a few times before it becomes fishy.
38.  Laxitives don't affect calorie consumption. 
39. The more that you insist that you're fat, the more likey people are going to become suspicious.
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40. Don't use thinspo with people showing bones. It raises eyebrows.
41. Denying things just makes people get more suspicious.
42. Running to the bathroom right after you eat makes people assume that you're going to go purge.
43. Hot water fills you up more, but cold water burns  more calories.
44.  When you go into ketosis, your breath is going to smell like hell. Mints are your buddies.
45.  Your body often mistakes thirst for hunger. 
46.  Track progress by measuring tapes, not scales or mirrors. Your eyes will show you a hippo, even if you're a skeleton with a skin covering, and scales get affected by everything, and I mean everything.
47. If you take too many diet pills, or even just one on an empty stomach, it gives you some pretty nasty side effects. Make sure you take one with something food. Like a few bites of an apple.
48. The artificial sweeteners like those in diet soda have been shown in studies to promote the body storing belly fat. And some have been linked to brain tumors. 
49. Eating on a dark blue or black plate has the effect of making you eat less.
50. If you want to prevent a binge, just buy the food that you need for the day if you live by yourself.
51. Frozen foods take longer to eat, so you feel occupied longer, and you might feel fuller. Oh, and your body has to burn calories to get it to a temperature that it can be digested, so win all around!
52. If you get bad headaches, it's probably because you're dehydrated or your blood sugar is too low.
53. If you don't eat enough, your blood sugar drops, and then you start feeling weak and dizzy and get horrible headaches.
54. Don't take aspirin on an empty stomach. It'll make you puke.
55.  Be careful about sitting with your legs crossed, they might fall asleep and cause you pain, and if you're thin enough, you might pinch something, leaving you in pain or unable to walk.
56. If you don't drink enough, you'll get dehydrated, and then your muscles will hurt like a bitch. And no, painkillers probably won't do anything for this.
57. It takes about 20 minutes for your body to feel full from the time that you first put a bite of food into your mouth.
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58. Some sugar free gums have 3 calories, and some have 5. Even though you aren't swallowing it, you should count these.
59. Get really good at math. That way, you can easily mentally add up whatever you've eaten for the day, without having to write it down. People get suspicious if they come across a food diary.
60. Dress warmly enough to keep warm without making it obvious. People get suspicious if you're wearing a coat in 90 degree weather, or complaining about being cold while they're ok or even too hot.
61. Spicy foods and seaweed boost the metabolism. Seaweed soup (35cal) with 1 tbsp soy sauce(10cal) and hotsauce (5cal) makes a great dinner. 
62. Eating cabbage to lose weight is good, but smelly.
63. Eating in front of the TV or computer distracts you from feeling full.
64. Eat while standing burns more calories than eating while sitting.
65. Talk a lot and eat very little at lunch or dinner and people won't notice.
66. Keep food spread out and close to the plate and people will think it's more.
67. Your skin will turn gray or yellow if you don't eat right. Tanning might help counteract this.
68. Your hair will get super dry and maybe even turn gray in places. Have extra strength conditioner and hair dye on call.
69. Your nailbeds are going to get blue from lack of nutrients. Find a pretty color nailpolish that you like.
70. Every 20 minutes or so when sitting, get up and take a short walk if you can. 
71. Delete your browsing history. It's hard to explain away your sudden weight loss when there's all the pro ana tricks in your computer.
72. Weight lost slowly will stay off, whereas weight that is lost rapidly will come back, with more, when you start eating even somewhat normal.
73. If you lose weight too fast, you also lose muscle. When that happens, you burn off calories more slowly. 
74. People with more muscle burn off more calories doing the same activities as people with less muscle.
75.  If you burn off too much muscle, then your body burns calories more slowly.
76. Only eat when people are going to notice. And then, only have something small.
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77. Excuses will be your new best friend. Use them like a cheap whore.
78. Lack of nutrients make you depressed. 
79. Fasting for days on end makes your metabolism go down and increases cravings.
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tangenciales · 4 years
The croupier Irina reveals 3 insidious traps of the casinos
Gaming halls use a series of tricks to encourage players to lose more and more money. "It's not just the buffet and the free alcohol that keep customers in the game," Irina, a croupier with 12 years of experience, was quoted as saying by Standart. In their desire to win, everyone relies on the chance to be on their side, but unfortunately the odds do not depend even on the croupier. Games have their own world. They are well-calculated math problems in favor of the casino. So play in 우리카지노
& nbsp; The European roulette algorithm is such that if we bet on one of the 37 numbers, our chance of winning is 2.7%. The payout of the profit is in the ratio of 1:35, writes <a href="https://www.standartnews.com/balgariya-obshtestvo/v_kazinoto_bezplatniyat_alkohol_e_nayskapiyat-297548.html" target="_blank"> <span style = "color: rgb (128, 0, 0); "> <strong> & quot; Standard & quot; </strong> </span> </a>. strong> <br /> It reflects the information about the fallen numbers - how many black and how many red. "The biggest illusion for the players is that something depends on them," laughs Irina. With the release of the ball, everything starts from the beginning, no matter what is written on the board.The probability of the number 10 falling is the same as before: 2.7%. The misleading information makes roulette players dream, and this is exactly what the casino wants. When it comes to dreams and money in the gambling world, things get out of hand. Other simpler strategies for the game are betting on black and red, where the probability is 48.6%. It is not 50%, as most thrill seekers believe. Zero is not placed by chance. It changes the odds in favor of the gaming hall. The payout is 1: 1. And while engineers and ordinary people are wondering how to cheat the casino, a new trap is emerging behind them. It is tall, well set and delicate. The danger is the attractive waitress who offers free alcohol. <br /> <br /> <strong> Trap: 2: The sexy ladies on the staff </strong> <br />They take care not only of the dry throats of customers in the casino. The waitresses smile at the players, create a feeling of calm in them. They guide them in choosing a game, but they do not fail to play a sexual joke. <br /> <br /> <strong> Trap ?3: Solid fuel </strong> <br /> Cup one, cup two and the player forgets about the value of the money. It never occurs to him that he has children, a wife ... <br /> <br /> <u> <em> Gambling-type rules </em> </u> <br /> Point one: Why am I going to the casino? I want to have fun and have a beer. <br /> Point two: Casinos lose money, not win. <br /> & quot; The atmosphere in the casino is designed to make you lose track of time. One enters with BGN 10 and leaves with a debt to moneylenders " ;, says the croupier. By playing, one can win an amount that is greater than the amount initially invested. He will want to win even more, but instead will lose, gradually investing a serious amount. After losing everything, the feeling of anger pushes him to turn to the moneylender. & quot; His handshake is not friendly & quot ;, Irina shares. <br /> <br /> <strong> Traps from the past </strong> <br /> An interesting practice of the casinos in 2006 was to bring people into the hall. to stock the players. One of them is an attractive lady in her 30s with straight black hair. She is tall, but with a delicate body. Her task is to glance at the players in the hall as if flirting. She flirted with them without saying a word. It was all in her posture and demeanor.The manager of the casino let her spin some 1000 leva. During this time, she enjoyed the game and the gentlemen who admired it. And they were waiting for her to come to them. They so sincerely wanted to touch her sophisticated world that they lost sight of what was happening in the game in which they were betting. The money just disappeared. <br /> <br /> <strong> The characters </strong> <br /> <br /> <em> The Eternal Gambler </em> <br /> At the beginning of her Friday night shift, Irina everyone times she came across the same character - Uncle Ivan. He is a bachelor. His salary is high enough to afford to lose BGN 500 at the end of the working week. His game hadn't been about money for a long time. It is important to feel the thrill of the rising adrenaline. "For mosquitoes, money is like newspapers," Irina said.According to the story of the experienced croupier, sworn gamblers have a special relationship with slot machines. They talk to them and & quot; seem to feed them & quot; and then wait for the big jackpot. Gambling types live to win. The time is 20. Before entering the gaming hall, Ivan withdraws BGN 200 from the ATM, which is accidentally positioned next to the casino. Then he sits down in front of his favorite slot machine, and two waitresses greet him and take his usual order - vodka with a car and ice. In this casino, players have individual cards that are placed in electronic devices and earn points according to what is played. The more points they have, the bigger bonus they get from the casino. For & quot; Hello! & Quot; Ivan receives a BGN 100 bonus. By the time he plays a hundred levs, he is already drunk. Then he starts playing with the money withdrawn from the ATM.On what principle does he play? & quot; What he said above will be given to me & quot; he does not hesitate. The only action Ivan does is push the button and drink. His eyes wander the screen, and the virtual drums of the & quot; one-armed bandit & quot; they line up instantly. After 00 o'clock Ivan drank a dozen glasses with his favorite cocktail "B and K", but his money ran out. To the delight of the player after midnight, he can withdraw more money. & quot; In an hour he will come out of the casino crawling, as always & quot ;, says Irina. <br /> <br /> <em> Young minors </em> <br /> & quot; I don't cover them at all & quot ;, laughs Irina . & quot; Being in a casino is an event for them - they expect applause & quot ;, she added. No matter who Daddy is, these kids are in the gym betting.Confused in the style of & quot; misunderstanding & quot ;, the boys measure their merits, as well as the modest knowledge of gambling seen in Hollywood movies. According to her, up to 20 years, men are small for the universe of gambling. They are still young and cannot control their emotions. They want everything to happen right away and they don't feel how fast the money is flying. "And if they teach their minds to gamble from now on, they will suffer for life," Irina warns. Playing Black Jack, they think they can count the cards, but forget that in small casinos they are confused by a machine. & quot; Keep one thing in mind when playing against a computer system & quot ;, warns the croupier. If you play this game, never sit down if there is a & quot; shuffle & quot; machine (Shuffle). You will be convincedthat in less than a minute you will lose 20 leva. In the real casinos, which in Sofia there are two, the cards are placed in plastic or metal stands - Shoe. The casino employee confuses them, and before the hand is dealt a red card with which the player can split the deck of 4 decks. To make the counting partially meaningless, the croupier deals 30 cards that are not played. This is how the game begins. Everyone is playing against the croupier. If he loses, everyone wins. If you lose one, you win the casino. If the dealer's top card is 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6, then he has a better chance of losing. And the probability of winning is higher if his top card is 7, 8, 9, 10, Vale (J), Queen (Q), Pop (K) or Ace (A). The croupier must stop when he makes 17. While playing, you must make sure that you turn the rules in your favor. Let's say,that you are in the middle of the game and the deck is already halved. You know how many cards have passed from the respective honorers and numbers: 10, J, Q, K. The croupier has 4 and you have 8. You get nine (sum 17). Stop (the probability of losing is 68% because 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, J, Q, K or A can fall and you lose). Leave this to the croupier. He starts to draw small cards: 2, 4, 6, (sum of 16) - he can't stop. Take 7 (sum 23) and you're done, you win. An unwritten rule is that if you have an A, you have a 52% advantage over the croupier and you have to double. If you receive a Black Jack, your bet is multiplied by 2.5. But beware, the dangers of the casino continue to lurk. Don't give in to them. <br /> <br /> <em> The two friends with BGN 10 </em> <br /> They have a total of BGN 10. They drink and eat on their stomachs and have real fun.All night they spin the slot machine with a bet of ten cents and flirt with the waitresses. & quot; They are the coolest customers. At least you can joke with them & quot ;, says Irina. Recently, this type has begun to disappear. The experienced croupier says that compared to previous years, the level of players has dropped a lot. <br /> & quot; They shout, shoot and curse me and my colleagues, and we just give away! & Quot ;. Her recommendation to casino players is not to come with a desire to win. & quot; To bring 20 leva and an ID card, nothing more! & quot ;. Because of this type of entertainers, there are no more free cigarettes in the capital's casinos, and the minimum bets have been raised as follows: a slot machine 30 stotinki per spin, blackjack 5 leva per hand. <br /> The casino is not just a place to lose money. This is another world,known for a specific type of entertainment, but achieving euphoria should not be in self-forgetfulness and waste. <br /> <br /> <strong> Super Profits </strong> <br /> <br /> $ 656 million - 2012 in Illinois <br /> 648 million dollars in California <br /> 113 440 leva in Lovech <br /> 600 000 euros - Dimitar Danchev, the first <br /> poker millionaire in Bulgaria (2011) <br /> 4 345 183, 36 euros won a Dutch woman in Sofia in 2015 <br /> <br /> <strong> Curious </strong> <br /> <br /> Roulette - known in France since the XVII century <br /> < br /> Slot machine - developed in 1891 by Americans Sitman and Pete in Brooklyn <br /> <br /> Poker - Joseph Crowell first documented <br /> the game in 1829 <br /> <br />Black Jack - Known in seventeenth-century French casinos <br /> <br /> Casanova is building a hall in Venice <br /> <br /> There are no clocks in Las Vegas casinos. The goal is to make customers feel freer and more detached from reality in order to bet more money. <br /> <br /> The first casino was built in Venice in 1638. It was raised by the legendary Casanova - as a place for its various adventures. <br /> <br /> The word & quot; casino & quot; comes from the Italian & quot; cash register & quot; - a small villa for pleasure. There was dancing, music and betting. a. The goal is to protect locals from debt.They can work there, but not play. <br /> <br /> Roulette is believed to have been invented by the French mathematician Blaise Pascal. It was not for betting purposes - he wanted to assemble a machine that would stand still.
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Human Teddybear; Bruised Gentleman
Requested a lonngggg time ago. 
The phone doesn’t ring nearly as often as you’d think it would. He usually does most of his work over email and text. I had almost forgotten we had a home phone until it jolted me awake. I ran around our bedroom in my underwear- a mistake, because it was very cold- trying to find the handset, wherever it was.
I was shivering by the 5th ring but I found the phone. It was under a pile of paper on Hunter’s desk across the room. I answered it as I flung myself back to the warmth of the bed, huddling under the covers. “Uh… Babe?” His voice was tense.
“Hunt?” I glanced up to the clock on the side table. “Its like 3 am. Where are you?”
“uh… well… here’s the thing…” He started.
“Hunt? You’re scaring me.”
“I’m at the county jail. You gotta come get me.” He muttered.
“This is the most unfunny joke in the world, Hunter.” I rolled my eyes. “Come home please.”
“I wish it were a joke. I’ll explain when you get here. I’m really sorry. Just come get me.” He sighed into the phone.
“You’re serious?” I blinked and sat up, suddenly no longer cold.
He cleared his throat. “Yeah. They wont let me leave of my own volition. I have to have someone verify that I’m ‘stable.’” He sneered the word.
My heart stopped. “Hunter, what happened?”
“I’ll tell you when you get here, I promise.” He paused. “And bring my checkbook please. They wont let me use my card.”
The phone clicked off. I blinked at it in the dark of the room. I ran a hand through my hair. “Oh my God.” I breathed and leaped out of the bed for the second time in the middle of the night. I pulled on my clothes from yesterday, too worried to dig through my closet for anything clean. I had to search multiple spots in the house for his checkbook. I couldn’t begin to know where he kept it. I hadn’t ever seen him use it. I was borderline frantic by the time I found it in his desk. Racing out, I realized I probably didn’t even lock the front door or turn out the lights but I wasn’t about to waste time going the fifteen steps back to fix my mistake.
I only realized I was speeding as I got closer to the jail. The presence of extra police cars reminded me that I was going 50 in a 25 zone. I slowed down as much as my body would let me before I whipped into the parking lot and slammed the door. I had the presence of mind to lock my door here. I virtually ran inside.
I was met with a ridiculously small waiting area. There were numerous flyers on the wall for drug rehabs and needle exchange programs and dry cleaners and seamstresses and all the community programs a person could imagine. There was an actual payphone and a steel bench bolted to the floor. You’d think the place would be empty at 3:30 in the morning but you’d be wrong. An older lady sat on the bench, clutching a bible. Next to her sat a man in a hoodie that smelled terrible and next to him was a woman who looked like she was somehow 15 and 55 all at the same time. I looked at them, wondering if I was supposed to talk to one of them.
The bible lady looked the easiest to approach. “Do you know where I’m supposed to be going?” I asked her.
“Do I look like yer receptionist?” She narrowed her eyes at me.
I blushed. “Uh.. no sorry, I just. Don’t know where I’m going. What I’m doing. I don’t – I’m kinda freaking out-“ I stuttered.
The hoodie man cut in. “There’s people behind that mirror.” He pointed across the wall. “There’s a button to talk through. They can help you.” He reeked. But he was helpful. I thanked him and turned to the reflective wall. The button made unnecessarily obnoxious beeps and kept beeping until the voice cut it off.
“Can I help you?” She sounded clipped, both from the metallic talk box and in her tone of voice, as if she was put out by talking to me.
It was strange talking to my own reflection, so I aimed my eyes at the floor. “I’m here to pick up my boyfriend?”
“Are you asking or telling?” I envisioned a blonde lady with a nail file chewing gum. That’s the kind of feeling I got from her faceless voice.
I tried not to roll my eyes. “I have no idea. Listen, I’ve never been here. It’s 3 in the morning. I have no idea what’s going on and my boyfriend, who is the closest thing to a human teddybear I’ve ever found, just called me from here and said to come get him. Help me out, wouldja?” I breathed.
There was a pause. “Name?”
“His or mine?” I frowned. The pause was longer this time. I decided not to wait for an answer. “I’m here for Hunter Hayes. I’m Autumn.” I cleared my throat.
“Just a minute.” Her voice was so bored that I was glad I couldn’t see her face for fear I’d want to hit her across it. Here my boyfriend was, behind this glass somewhere, in a jail, in the middle of the night, and no one’s telling me what’s going on or being helpful in the slightest. I was on the verge of a meltdown.
“Autumn… Hunter Hayes…” I whirled. Snippy Bible Lady was staring at me but she wasn’t the one speaking. I frowned and looked to the third person on the wooden bench; Ageless Wonder. She looked up at me. “I knew I recognized you. My daughter’s obsessed with you.” She smiled. Her teeth had holes in them.
“With Hunt, you mean?” I nodded.
She stood up and shook her head. “No. With you. She likes him. But you’re her favorite.” She pulled a flip phone out of her pocket. “Can I get a picture with you to send her?”
“Uh…” I blinked. “Here?” I squeaked.
“Oh. Too good for jail, are ya?” Ageless Wonder cocked an eyebrow.
“Uh well… No.. I mean.. Yeah but no… I mean… I’m just really flustered right now. She’s a fan of mine? Why me?”
“Says you’re ‘normal’” She curled her fingers over the word. “She goes on and on about how you guys would be good friends in another life where you weren’t dating a celebrity.”
“That’s…. Kind of wonderful actually.” I felt myself start to smile. “What’s her name?”
“Julie.” She grinned again, showing off her rotted teeth. “I don’t see her much but when I do, you and your boyfriend are all she talks about.” She held up her phone. “I figured maybe if she thought I knew you, she’d see me more often.” She said quietly.
I sighed. “Here,” I took the flip phone from her hand. “I’ll add me to your contact list.” I put my number in. “You can have her call me next time you’re together.” I smiled. “Just maybe… don’t tell her where we ran into each other?” I squished my face up. “I have no idea what’s going on yet.”
“If he’s anything like Jules says,” Ageless Wonder flicked her hand nonchalantly, “then its nothing to worry about. Probably a speeding violation or something.”
“Actually,” Said a uniformed officer from a steel door that opened from nowhere. “Physical assault.”
I spun to see him, all the color draining from my face. Hunter stepped out from behind the officer. He had a quickly blackening eye. I gasped. “My God, what happened?” I started toward him but the officer stepped in between us.
“Don’t cross this line.” He pointed to the ground. “I need to see some ID and have you fill out some paperwork before we can let him leave the premises.”
“Oh. Uh. Sorry.” I muttered.  “What happened exactly?”
Hunter cut in. “I punched a guy.” I stared at him, silent and wide-eyed. How am I supposed to respond to that? He sighed. “He said something horrible. I lost my cool. I pushed him. He pushed me back. Ended up on the ground and getting punched so I punched back.” He rolled his eyes and then flinched at the pain, reaching his hand up to gingerly touch the bruise on his head. “He won.”
“I need your ID.” The officer wasn’t interested in waiting for my shock to lessen.
“Right. Sorry.” I scrambled through my wallet to fish it out and handed it to him.
He barely glanced at it. “Follow me.” He turned on his heel. “You,” he faced Hunter, “sit there. Don’t move.”
“Yes’sir.” Hunter dropped onto a steel bench and squished his mouth closed tightly, staring at the floor in front of him.
I felt my face heat up. Hunter is a polite guy but I’ve never seen him act so pitifully compliant before. “Fill out this form.” The officer was walking around the side of a desk. I could see out the mirror now. The lady from earlier was speaking to me now. She was in fact blonde and had a nail file. I stared at her. She shoved a paper towards me. “And this one. And then there’s bond…” she tapped at the keyboard in front of her. “1000 dollars.”
“A thousand?” My eyes widened.
“I don’t make the rules honey. I just follow em, unlike ya boyfriend over there.” She popped some gum. I gritted my teeth and kept silent.
Reading over the first form she had given me, I began to feel overwhelmed. I started rushing through it all, not really paying much attention to the legal jargon. It wasn’t until I got to ‘description of incident’ that made me stop. I felt like I had been involved in the fight; like the wind was knocked out of me. I turned to the officer who was watching the three people in the lobby through the two-way mirror. “This is what happened?”
“That’s the report, yeah.”
“And you still arrested him?” I frowned.
“Breaking someone’s jaw is breaking the law.” The policeman looked at the ground and then back to me. “No matter how much it was deserved.”
My eyes widened. “You broke his jaw?” I asked my boyfriend.
Hunter blanched. “I didn’t think I did.”
I sighed and signed all the papers I was given, wrote a check from his book, and took it over to Hunter for him to sign. “I can’t believe any of this.” I muttered as we walked out of the room and back into the area.
“Does it help if I say I’m sorry?” He was saying.
“What did you do?” Snippy Bible Lady couldn’t feign disinterest now. She and Ageless Wonder seemed to have been chatting in our absence.
Hunter looked at her, blushing. His mouth opened and closed a few times. “Is that any of your business?” He finally asked.
I smirked. “He was being a gentleman.” I shrugged. I looked at Ageless Wonder. “A paparazzi said …something awful…. about me and there was a fight.”
She showed her rotted teeth again. “See, I knew it wasn’t anything big. You’re not a troublemaker. That’s why my kid loves you guys.”
“Oh its something big alright.” I narrowed my eyes at my boyfriend. “He broke the guys jaw.” Hunter hung his head in embarrassment.
“Ay, yo. Mad respect.” Smelly Hoodie Guy stood up and held out his hand to Hunter. “That’s how you stand up for your girl, bro.” He pulled him into a cliché bro-hug, giving Hunter little choice in the matter. “I didn’t know who you were before but I’m definitely gonna go listen to your music now just out of mad respect.”
Hunter gawked at him. “Uh… thank you?” He looked at all the people on the steel bench and then looked at me. “Can we go now please? Because I would really like to ice this.” He pointed to his face. “I have a show in three days.”
I laughed at him. “You have a court date in four.”
a/n I FINALLY WROTE A REQUEST AND I FINALLY REMEMBERED IT WAS MONDAYYYY i’m so proud of myself. I mean i had to be reminded (yall can thank mars) but i didn’t forget and i wasn’t late and i got a request finished that i’ve had for months and months. I’m very very proud of me. I hope you liked this. thank you for reading it. Youre all dollbabies and i adore you Kaythanksmateloveyoutoobye
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1st May 2017
The delightful Monday moring. It wasn't bank holiday here (thank God) like it was at home so Steve was up and out for work at 0600. I stayed in bed and woke up around 1000. I decided to miss breakfast. There isn't anything really that healthy and I'm starting my serious health kick today - I know, I said that 2 weeks ago, but I mean it this time. I don't fit into any of my clothes and I don't have money to buy more. I was woken up by a man checking the firealarms and windows in our room. I know it needs to be done, but why in the morning when I'm still sleeping? I got up and started to clean under the bed. It was level 10's deeper clean again so nothing can be on the floor. I went through my clothes and put all the 'summer' stuff away. I sorted my box out and then sorted Steve's. I put all the diry washing into our washing bag which is a pillow case - thanks Mum. I sorted out my locker, putting things away making it more neat. This makes my mind feel tidy which is strange but never mind. I went into the shower for a quick wash and got dressed. I went to reception to buy a wash and dry for $5 plus the $10 deposit which is hugely annoying. I went back up to level 10 to put our washing on. The majority of it was Steve's work clothes and they smell so bad. It's not ideal because we can't afford to keep on paying for washes so often, so sometimes he has to wear the same stuff. Wash on, room tidy, clothes sorted - time for breakfast. Somehow it was already 1300. I made a bacon and onion omlette. The food shop was next on the list. I sat on my own with a cup of tea. Everyone was at work except me - AKA the funemployed. I am going to work tomorrow though. I've suck it up and I'm going to the call centre job. I don't want to run out of money and worry about having a roof over my head like Meg and Dan so I have to go. Tomorrow is my first day and I don't get paid for it which is RUBBISH. I also don't get paid until the 3rd week of work which is even more RUBBISH. It'll be worth it when it's payday... I washed up and went upstairs to get the washing out of the washing machine. The wash only takes half an hour whereas the dry takes an hour. I moved them into the dryer and then got my shoes and coat on. I left the hostel and went to Aldi. It's about 5 stops on the tram so I got on - it's free afterall. I got there and walked around picking up all the bits we needed. The bag was super heavy and my hands were bright red. I paid $30 for a full shop which wasn't too bad, especially when we once paid $60 in Coles. I walked out of Aldi but realised I wanted to look at the price of something else and went back in. They had to check all my bags and receipt in case I stole something which was a right pain the behind. I walked to the tram stop hoping my wrists didn't dislocate. I didn't have to wait long - 3 minutes. It was packed so I couldn't sit down until 3 stops in. I got back and sorted our food bags out. We have one fridge bag and one dry food bag. Shopping all away, time to get the washing out. I folded our washing and put them away. 1500 and I felt like I've not stopped when really I haven't done much at all. I was quite peckish so I went downstairs and had some celery. Mel and Sophie walked in from work and sat down with me. We had a cup of tea together and Sophie had bought brownies with her. I didn't have any which was good - she saved one for Steve. It got to 1700 and I started dinner. Steve came in and went upstairs to shower. He wanted curry for dinner and I had bought a butter chicken simmer sauce a while back. I had mine with vegetables and he had his with rice. 1830 came around straight after dinner which means one thing only on a Monday... Bingo! Mel, Soph and I went in and got front row seats. Mel got bingo twice and I got balls once. So Mel won two packs of TimTams, marshmallow coconut jam things, extra large bar of dairy milk, large pack of sweet chilli sensations and I can't remember what else! I won a beer which is disgusting in taste, wooo! Hopefully next week... I went upstairs and sat on my bed. My dad FaceTimed me which was good. I managed to speak with Ange and Craig too. I went downstairs and sat with the girls until 2130. I looked at my emails and saw that Rebecca from an admin agency emailed me. She wanted me to come in for an interview on Wednesday to possibly sign me up to their recruitment company. I wanted this email for about 5 weeks now. WHY now that I'm meant to be starting work tomorrow!! Typical. I have sorted out going in tomorrow to the call centre for my induction and I'm starting on Thursday. I'll have my interview with Rebecca on Wednesday. At least if I work for the call centre until Friday it's almost $600 that I'll be getting on three weeks time... Alarm set, lunch ready, dreading tomorrow.
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sbknews · 2 years
Ducati 1-2 on Friday as Rinaldi leads Bautista and Razgatlioglu, Rea 4th
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Setting a best time of 1’32.468s, Michael Ruben Rinaldi topped Friday’s timesheets, finishing ahead of teammate Alvaro Bautista. Alvaro Bautista finished 0.029s behind his teammate in Friday’s running. Toprak Razgatlioglu took third place with a best time of 1’32.625s, 0.157s behind Rinaldi. Jonathan Rea was fourth 0.735s off Rinaldi’s fastest time. Michael van der Mark was the lead BMW rider in fifth. The opening day of MOTUL FIM Superbike World Championship action in Indonesia has come to an end and the order has left us all intrigued going into Saturday. Despite Ducati never having won at the circuit before, their pace from Australia has been carried to the Pertamina Mandalika International Street Circuit, as Michael Ruben Rinaldi (Aruba.it Racing – Ducati) ended the day on top and led a factory Ducati 1-2, with teammate Alvaro Bautista second. It was a dry first day of action and with humidity high, although rain is forecast for parts of the weekend.
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It was a strong start for Ducati and particularly Michael Ruben Rinaldi, who, having topped FP1 despite a Turn 10 crash, repeated the achievement in FP2 although this time, without a tumble. Rinaldi continued his strong showing from Phillip Island and with a Friday clean-sweep and a Ducati 1-2 but in reverse order to Australia, the Bologna bullets may be the ones to beat. Reigning World Champion Bautista set strong lap times throughout the course of the session, despite suffering a Turn 1 crash. After a brief stint in the box, Bautista went back out on track and improved his time, although not enough to overthrow his teammate. Doing a 16-lap run but returning to the box and stating that he was struggling to turn into the left-hand corners, Toprak Razgatlioglu (Pata Yamaha Prometeon WorldSBK) went for a time attack in the closing stages of the session and placed third. Back in the mix after a Sunday to forget in Australia, Jonathan Rea (Kawasaki Racing Team WorldSBK) kept his powder dry on day one, opting not to go out in FP1 until the final 17 minutes as the track cleaned up and rubbered in. Rea was in the mix throughout the session and was right behind the Ducatis for most of it, on his way to P4 overall. It was a late burst up the order for Michael van der Mark (ROKiT BMW Motorrad WorldSBK Team), with the Dutchman just less than three quarters of a second away from Rinaldi’s top time. The #60 was only 0.010s behind Rea directly ahead of him in fourth, as he showcased the BMW M 1000 RR’s potential at Mandalika, a circuit where it’s been on the podium – back in 2021 in the wet with van der Mark. WorldSBK action resumes on Saturday with FP3 from 08:30 (Local Time), followed by Tissot Superpole at 10:40 and Race 1 at 13:30.
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WorldSBK Combined Results after FP2 1. Michael Ruben Rinaldi (Aruba.it Racing – Ducati) 1’32.468s 2. Alvaro Bautista (Aruba.it Racing – Ducati) +0.030s 3. Toprak Razgatlioglu (Pata Yamaha Prometeon WorldSBK) +0.157s 4. Jonathan Rea (Kawasaki Racing Team WorldSBK) +0.735s 5. Michael van der Mark (ROKiT BMW Motorrad WorldSBK Team) +0.745s 6. Remy Gardner (GYTR GRT Yamaha WorldSBK Team) +0.906s
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P1 | Michael Ruben Rinaldi | Aruba.it Racing Team | 1’32.468s “Today has been a positive day despite the crash after a few laps in FP1. I immediately felt good on the bike. It’s a strange track here because every session and every lap, the surface changes. There are not many motorcycle races here so there’s no rubber on the asphalt and outside the racing line is dirty, so you can’t make a mistake. From FP1 to FP2, we improved a lot the times and the feeling with the bike changed. I’m happy to be first but the conditions changed quickly, and I think it doesn’t really matter if we are first today. Tomorrow, we will come back to the track and maybe it’s a different story. We need to be calm, humble and try to do our best job.
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For sure, it has been a positive Friday, but you cannot think Toprak or Jonny will not be there. They will be there for sure. During the winter tests, I think our team did a great job and our base is solid. The track changed a lot from FP1 to FP2 and tomorrow will be different. Maybe with more grip, we don’t know whether our bike is working better or not.” For more info checkout our dedicated World Superbike News page World Superbike News Or visit the official World Superbike website WorldSBK.com Read the full article
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ajaegerpilot · 7 years
I copy-pasted my lecture notes in my ecology class today because I literally started crying in class. if ur interested to learn some factoids, I wrote down what was written from the slides and tried my best to transcribe my proff’s lecture (yes this is the same proff that spent 2 minutes making sure we understood how big blue whales are)
there is at least an explanation on why polar bears are being affected, which I didn’t know
Seven things that threaten global ecological processes that you should understand bc u took this ecology class
We all need fresh air and water. It doesn’t matter if you’re studying it, you need it.
1. Human population growth
There are 7.2 billion ppl, there will be 9.6 billion by 2050 and 10.9 by 2100 (exponential growth. Almost double what it is now. Troubles we have with food, water, places to live already exist and then add the same number of people on top of that)
We will reach carrying capacity. They think we’re going to plateau at 11 billion.
What kind of quality of life are we going to have even if we squeeze out resources for that amount of people? What about the animals and plants around us?
In 1990 eo Wilson calculated human biomass was 100x greater than any large species including dinosaurs.
But humans are outweighed by ants and scavengers that don’t need the resources humans do.
In the last 50 years:
-          oceans are 30% more acidic
-          atmosphere is 4% wetter
-          earth is warmer (by ~1 oC overal)
-          we know beyond any shred of doubt that biodiversity is declining (species richness, diversity of plants and animals, we’re losing species all the time. We are losing unknown species faster than we’re identifying them. Species going extinct before we discover them by science, gone before we find them. And we may need some of these to survive)
These are likely the consequence of human resource us and population growth
Our behavior of consuming the planet had changed the planet. The more we grow the more demand we have the more we’re driving changes on the planet.
We have to play the hand that was dealt to us.
We used to have ~4 million people on the planet, now we have skyrocketing exponential growth because of food/agriculture, medicine, technology, expansion, tools, increase our survivability. These are good things for us, we’re more successful, but we are doing it at the detriment of the planet. Which is incredibly stupid because where else are we going to live. Capitalism, greed, the message that we must always be better to outcompete the other individual and that this is a good thing: we’ve gone beyond that, it’s not sustainable. We’ve become more powerful than we’ve evolved, we’re monkeys with nuclear devices. We’re still very primitive, our social values have increased a little bit but there’s still a lot of violence in the world. We can’t think of these things and how they impact each other and the planet. Politicians don’t think of long-term survival, they’re trying to win some short-term battle, not the war.
Vaccines, antibiotics, are great successes for us, but our population is getting out of control and will potentially go above our carrying capacity, and the ecosystem will have some kind of effect on us to bring our population back down. Which is not going to be a joyous occasion. Something must happen or we’ll just kill ourselves and go extinct.
Ecological footprint: measures human demands on earth’s resources
How much of the earth’s resources it takes to support your lifestyle
We’re extremely lucky to have been born in this part of the world [canada, tho I think he was thinking of u know all the ppl in the class as opposed to some parts of canada w/ shitty quality of life, only goes to make the point more scary anyhow], we’ve won the geological lottery, good quality of life (schools, food, etc), other parts of the world where people don’t live as well or live at all. If we elevated everyone to that quality of life - If all the world were like me – we would need 3.5 planets. Unlikely.
We’ve found other planets. But if we ever get to them, which we don’t have the technology for, the planets are cells and we are viruses, and we are killing our host cell. Would leaving this planet, if we could, be the solution??
2. Climate change
We are fighting a war against the media and the politicians. It is real, no doubt about it, anyone who tries to instill doubt is misinformed or has an agenda. The theory is supported by the data, we know it’s happening, there’s no doubt the earth is warming.
Climate has warmed ~1oC in the last century (less than that at equator but 2-3 oC at the poles). Across the whole planet, across the whole century. It makes a massive difference against a lot of ecological processes/species.
Reptiles have temperature-sensitive sex-determination – a 2 degrees difference. If we warm the planet by two degrees all the turtles are born female…....................
The warming 2x faster in the last 50 years than the preceding 50 years.
The earth has had many cycles of warming and cooling. At one point on earth the entire earth was covered by snow and ice, there was no life except in the oceans. But, 50 years is less than a blink of an eye in terms of the geological time scale. Our planet is ,what, 6 billions years old. This is a massive jump.
Changes greater than the last 1000 years (we go out to Antarctica/arctic and take ice samples and go through different layers of the ice and determine the temperature at that time based on how the ice is formed).
These changes will have profound social and ecological consequences.
Temperature has a huge role in chemistry as well, thermodynamics.
Concentration of CO2 has nearly doubled.
We developed a global industry, CO2 increased, temperature goes up because the CO2 building up at the atmosphere reflects the heat (from the sun) back to the planet. The amount of heat escaping the planet thus goes down.
Ecologically these changes are:
-          altering growth timing in plants
-          shifting distribution of species (where species live/found is changing. We should be concerned! We’re having an effect)
-          altering species interactions
-          - mismatch (plankton and migrating salmon. Salmon need to eat plankton so if u change environment, if it has effect on plankton the plankton don’t bloom at the same time and the salmon are missing those blooms. They’re no longer migrating at the right time of year because the food is not acting as it usually does)
-          -snowshoe hares colour mismatch (have brown summer fur and white winter fur. The timing where they change their coat colour is not based on temperature, its based on the daylight within that year which is calander driven. X amount of daylight in spring is when it changes fur to brown. But since melting sooner you have white bunny on brown dirt, and this makes them more vulnerable to predators)
-          - mountain pine beetle (native to BC, but it’s getting out of control. Since its warmer, they start breeding earlier and survive better in the winter, not killed. Population grows, attacks pines)
-          - arctic fox out-competed by red fox
-          - polar bears losing ice cover (polar bear loves cold, kind of opposite of most species that eat in summer/spring/fall/whatever and hibernates in winter, goes out onto ice and hunts seals, gets nice and fat, then when its spring go back on dry land and don’t eat, just chillax. Survive off the stores they make in the winter. With climate change, ice is forming later in fall/winter and melting sooner in the spring so polar bears are getting squeezed on both sides of their winter feeding time. So less time to get the food they need to survive even longer without food. Polar bears starving to death. Will they still be in the wild 50 years from now? 100 years from now? Will the only polar bears be in zoos?)
-          - migratory birds (???) <- important issue but we don’t know. They occupy huge parts of the planet in 12 month cycle. A lot that are flying are flying purely on energy reserves so they have to eat a lot. But if there’s any species influenced on change on whole planet, it would be them. If food source is affected, so are the birds. Same with monarch butterflies because  we’re fucking up the environmental cues so they don’t know where to go, they’re dying
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suluses-blog · 7 years
00:10 Setting for PS4 00:25 creating PS4 new user 00:54 Selecting Country (at 09-10 of September check my twitter (SUTV @SerkanULUSES) or my facebook group (http://ift.tt/2iBhAgj) to find out which country is the best choice 02:14 Setting on Xbox 02:30 Changing Country on Xbox (System-Language and location) How to download fifa 18 demo early in some countries fifa demo comes out early and in this video show how to create new user in ps4 with new country setting. Also at xbox video show how to change country settings. at Fifa 15 demo download come out ealry two days before us and uk thats why i shared that video. Contact Links : EA Sports FIFA 18 GROUP (+1000)(All new Videos) : http://ift.tt/2iBhAgj EA Sports FIFA 18 Video Page : http://ift.tt/2wbfOat Facebook : http://ift.tt/2ggVCi6 PS4 id: MarinaSerutu You can find in this channel : fifa 18 skills and fifa 18 goals and ronaldo at fifa 18 also from barcelona messi and neymar from psg, also fifa 18 compilation about goals assists and also how to get fifa 18 full or fifa 18 demo or what newly revealed at fifa 18 or hidden menus also fifa 18 career mode and playable fifa 18 ultimate team with fifa 18 fut and fifa 18 champions league also fifa 18 pro clubs at bpl fifa 18 best squads and bpl spuad also penalty shootout fifa 18 penalty and leaked fifa 18 footage cut scenees also MY SOME OTHER Videos : Worst HUMILIATING Goals Ever FIFA 17 MUST Watch ONCE in LIFE Best OF BEST Skills Goals https://youtu.be/QETM6CePL88 New Fifa 18 REAL NEW Contract Negotiation in CAREER MODE FULL NEW PRO CLUB video REAL New GAMEPLAY https://youtu.be/gLy_SJ_94wg New Fifa 18 New Trailer RONALDO HEEL PASS New skill moves New Driven SHOT https://youtu.be/4m3WnNXlP74 New Fifa 18 New Trailer Air HEEL PASS in Slow motion New skill moves New Driven SHOT https://youtu.be/biYcH5t7_CI Cardio 8 Fifa 17 Victory FUN and RAGE with TOTS MEGA TEAMS FUT Champions league https://youtu.be/kaPk7scOiqs Cardio 10 Fifa 17 SBC done 7 RARE PLAYERS PACKS and WE GOT WALKOUT https://youtu.be/ylzskzs1KyE NEW Fifa 18 First ever NEW CUP Winning New CEREMONY Animation Thropy New Celebration https://youtu.be/ULaidU_uSsw Cardio 11 Fifa 17 DRAFT Mode WON ALL MATCHES and COME BACK against MEGA Team Goals and Highlights https://youtu.be/goZ1CYj5DMo New FIFA 18 First Ever CUTSCENE The Journey 2 Alex Hunter RETURNS Leaked footage https://youtu.be/wG2Z2mDVgOQ New FIFA 18 Alex HUNTER has GIRLFRIEND Buys Car Buys Home in The Journey 2 Hunter RETURNS https://youtu.be/p_DCO8yEWbI New PES 2018 LEGENDS diego MARADONA david BECKHAM ian RUSH Michael OWEN https://youtu.be/PWndBFpjxgA FIFA 18 NINTENDO SWITCH Console with JOY-CON controllers 4 Minutes REAL Gameplay https://youtu.be/92QXJGAQdmg New Fifa 18 HD NEW PENALTY Shootout Indicator System with last 1 minute of Gameplay https://youtu.be/zN1307rIxcs New Fifa 18 FUT DRAFT Mode 93 RATED ICON PACK OPENING https://youtu.be/mG064Ox20hA New Fifa Online 3 Revealed Untouchable MESSi trailer maybe in Fifa 18 Amazing Reverse and Forward https://youtu.be/oohb2lT2odk New Fifa 18 New 3 ADDINGS Ultimate Team FUT GAMEPLAY and New MODES Closed Beta https://youtu.be/60ktG-lxWPA New Fifa 18 GAMEPLAY Addons 3D CROWD Suggested Substitutes and Confirmed Substitutions https://youtu.be/8DSb2NAKzMA FIFA 18 Leaked Ronaldo CUP CEREMONY and PRESS CONFERENCE Messi Warm up BEFORE GAME 3D Crowds https://youtu.be/qOKsgHLbQiM Credits: Kevin MacLeod sanatçısının Level Up adlı şarkısı, Creative Commons Attribution lisansı (http://ift.tt/1bFo3O7) altında lisanslıdır. Kaynak: http://ift.tt/2aBEw9l Sanatçı: http://incompetech.com/ Kevin MacLeod sanatçısının Electro Sketch adlı şarkısı, Creative Commons Attribution lisansı (http://ift.tt/1bFo3O7) altında lisanslıdır. Kaynak: http://ift.tt/2cxMtv9 Sanatçı: http://incompetech.com/ Audionautix sanatçısının Thump adlı şarkısı, Creative Commons Attribution lisansı (http://ift.tt/1bFo3O7) altında lisanslıdır. Sanatçı: http://audionautix.com/ Apricity track by http://www.nihilore.com Creative Commons Attribution licensed under (http://ift.tt/1bFo3O7) Kevin MacLeod artist Cut and Dry - Electronic Hard adlı song, Creative Commons Attribution licensed under (http://ift.tt/1bFo3O7) source: http://ift.tt/1XtG19s artist: http://incompetech.com/
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sbknews · 7 years
New Post has been published on Superbike News
New Post has been published on http://superbike-news.co.uk/wordpress/superpole-roger-hayden-circuit-americas/
Superpole To Roger Hayden At Circuit Of The Americas
Yoshimura Suzuki’s Roger Hayden earned the first Motul Superbike class pole position of the season today at the Circuit of The Americas, the Kentuckian leading the way with a blistering 2:08.184 to set himself up nicely for tomorrow’s opening round of the 2017 MotoAmerica Series. It was Hayden’s second successive pole position at COTA, the Suzuki rider earning pole here a year ago before finishing second in both races to his teammate Toni Elias.
Hayden’s lap of 2:08.184 was impressive and .121 of a second faster than his quick lap from the Dunlop Preseason Test held at COTA three weeks ago. Last year, Hayden earned pole position with a 2:09.151.
“It definitely feels good to be on pole,” said Hayden. “Overall I just feel pretty good on the bike. Yesterday I didn’t feel as good as the (preseason) test, but today we made some changes this morning and I felt pretty good. The lap time wasn’t there this morning as I had a lot of traffic on my last run, but I feel like the bike is working good. Like these guys said, it’s going to be a tough race. I think tire management is going to come into play a lot during the last couple of laps. This place can be pretty hard on tires. I’m happy to be on pole. The new Suzuki GSX-R1000, we definitely want to showcase its ability and putting it on pole is big for them. So hats off to the team and I’m looking forward to tomorrow.”
Second fastest today was two-time defending MotoAmerica Superbike Champion Cameron Beaubier, the Monster Energy/Yamalube/Yamaha Factory Racing team rider just .158 of a second off Hayden’s best. Both Hayden and Beaubier turned their fast laps on their sixth lap in the 15-minute Superpole session.
“I’m feeling a lot better,” said Beaubier, who has been suffering from a head cold. “After first practice yesterday, just sweating a little bit of the cold out helped a lot and I woke up this morning feeling quite a bit better. I’m ready to go racing. We had a good day today. We had a decent pace going on the race tires this morning. We still have a couple of things here and there to work on that we want to try tomorrow, but hopefully it’s dry. I know the forecast said it might rain overnight so hopefully the track is dry enough in the morning to try what we want to try but all-in-all I’m happy. I feel like I didn’t get completely everything out of the qualifier, but I think that’s kind of always the case. It’s almost impossible to put together a perfect lap. But I’m happy.”
Last year Elias swept the doubleheader victory at COTA on his Yoshimura Suzuki – in his debut in the series. Today he was third fastest and not overly pleased with his Superpole session. Elias was .245 of a second off his teammate Hayden’s best lap.
“Qualifying has been not well,” said Elias. “I did some mistakes. Normally it’s difficult for me to make the pole, but I think we did a good job for the race. We have a good pace. We’ll see about the race distance and how the tires will work during the race. I know these guys are really tough and it will be a difficult race. For sure (Josh) Hayes will also be there because on Sunday he always is. Let’s do a good start and a consistent race.”
Bobby Fong showed why he won both of the Bazzaz Superstock 1000 races here last year and today he showed why. The Quicksilver Latus Motors Kawasaki rider put his Superstock-spec Kawasaki ZX-10R fourth on the grid with his 2:09.588 and marginally ahead of Monster Energy/Yamalube/Yamaha Factory Racing’s four-time AMA Superbike Champion Josh Hayes. Hayes’ best lap came on his second lap and was a 2:09.724.
Kyle Wyman was the fifth fastest Superbike and sixth overall, the Motovation USA/Lucas Oils/KWR rider/team owner turning in a 2:09.788.
Garrett Gerloff proved that you can’t keep a good man down as he crashed his Monster Energy/Yamalube/Y.E.S./Graves Yamaha in the final Supersport qualifying session, but got up and went on to earn pole position. The Texan and defending MotoAmerica Supersport Champion turned in a 2:12.676 to best M4 ECSTAR Suzuki’s Valentin Debise by .140 of a second. Gerloff’s best was almost a second slower than his best from the Dunlop Preseason test.
“Today was really good,” Gerloff said. “I felt comfortable and had a very similar setup to the pre-season test,” said Gerloff. “In the final stint of the qualifier I caught a pack of riders pretty quickly and tried to make an aggressive pass while my tires were still in good shape. Unfortunately, I tangled with one of the riders, but luckily the bike was alright. I was pretty fired up and dusted myself off to put in a hot lap and take the top spot.”
Debise has been at or near the top of the timesheets this week and said his focus in the final session was making sure his bike was race ready rather than just going for a fast lap.
“I felt good on the bike, despite the schedule giving us limited time on the track this weekend,” said Debise. “Today, I focused on working towards getting a good lap in during the qualifier and we [the team] put a new tire on that allowed me to drop my time. I’m happy heading into the race tomorrow.”
Gerloff’s teammate JD Beach ended up third, .301 of a second off his teammate’s best with the 2015 MotoAmerica Supersport Champion set to start tomorrow’s 12-lap race from the outside of the front row.
“I’ve made a lot of changes to the bike since the test a few weeks ago here at COTA,” said Beach. “I missed about 30 minutes of practice yesterday due to an issue with the bike, so today I was able to try some new parts for the first time. Some of the parts were an improvement and others were not. The team and I will find a happy medium with our setting heading into the race.”
Today’s Superpole session featured the debut of the new Dunlop evelopment “pre-qualifying” tire that fits between the race tire and the one-lap, yellow-banded Dunlop qualifying tire. The new tire was popular amongst the riders.
“I like that MotoAmerica introduced that pre-qualifier because I feel like it’s kind of a safety barrier,” said Beaubier. “You can go out and get a few laps in on that and still be relatively close to what you can do on a qualifying tire, lap-time wise. That way, if someone gets in the way or if you have a big mistake – run off the track on a qualifier – you’re not on the third row. So I think it’s good.”
Superbike Superpole 
Roger Hayden (Suzuki) 2:08.184
Cameron Beaubier (Yamaha) 2:08.342
Toni Elias (Suzuki) 2:08.429
Bobby Fong (Kawasaki) 2:09.588
Josh Hayes (Yamaha) 2:0.9.724
Kyle Wyman (Yamaha) 2:09.788
Matthew Scholtz (Yamaha) 2:09.877
Cameron Petersen (Kawaski) 2:10.124
Jake Lewis (Suzuki) 2:11.077
Hayden Gillim (Suzuki) 2:11.129
Jake Gagne (Honda) 2:11.155
Sylvain Barrier (BMW) 2:11.728
Supersport Qualifying 
Garrett Gerloff (Yamaha)2:12.676
Valentin Debise (Suzuki) 2:12.816
JD Beach (Yamaha) 2:12.977
Daytona Anderson (Yamaha) 2:15.060
Benny Solis (Honda) 2:15.399
Nick McFadden (Suzuki) 2:16.156
Brandon Paasch (Suzuki) 2:16.840
Lucas Silva (Yamaha) 2:17.312
JC Camacho (Suzuki) 2:17.802
Brandon Cleland (Suzuki) 2:17.858
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