diabeticmama-blog · 10 years
Getting my butt in gear
Today marks my second day of project get fit and healthy. I know my diet for the most part is good. We try to eat as clean as possible but I am taking the extra mile and adding exercises to tone muscles so as promised months ago I have starting photos something I have never done. I posted them on facebook and got an awesome response from the no excuse moms page and I feel a lot better about my resolve to do this. I am only two days in but u feel great I have stuck to mostly plant based diet and low simple carbs to try and reset my body a little. I have done two days of a ab challenge, arm challenge and squat challenge a little sore but I'm working my way into it. My blood sugars have come down and I feel more motivated to do numbers. It helps to know that if I don't I won't feel good enough to so what I need to do to reach my goals. Time to get my grrr face on. Woop woop! 🙌🙌👊👊
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princess-flirt-blog · 10 years
I'm 10 days into my 30 day workout challenge and I'm already starting to feel the difference. There's a shadow when I flex my biceps because of the push-ups, my core is tighter when I flex it, and my legs are feeling solid from wall sits and squats 👌
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