clementjoletters · 6 years
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Day 10 #30daysofbiblelettering For we walk by faith, not by sight. 2 Corinthians 5:7 Walk with God.🚶🏼 @stefankunz @30daysofbiblelettering Tags ⤵ #art #illustration #artist #sketch #paper #artsy #instaart #instagood #letteringdaily #ligaturecollective #lettering #creative #tyxca #typography #instaartist #graphic #graphics #artoftheday #art #illustration #draw #sketchbook #paper #instaart #instaartist #graphics #posca #micron #designinspiration #typeyeah #30daysbibleletteringchallenge #stronglettering @lettering_daily @typography_and_calligraphy @ligaturecollective
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wendysign · 7 years
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#30daysofbiblelettering catch up: 30/30 Philippians 4:8 (NLT) "And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise." . Wow! 30th post, the last scripture for this challenge and... The 300th post!:) TYJ!! . . . #30daychallenge #30daysbibleletteringchallenge #letteringinspiration #letterthegospel #biblescripture #communityofchristiancreatives #christiancreative #scriptureart #goodnewsfeed #scriptingscripturedaily #handletter #handlettering #typespire #letteringinspiration #thedailytype #typedaily #typography #shewrites #shewritestruth #bible #encouragement #JoyOftheLord #phillipians #prayalways #prayer #love #pray #GodisGood #WenDysign
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wendysign · 7 years
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#30daysofbiblelettering : 12/30 Psalm 147:3 (NKJV) "He heals the brokenhearted And binds up their wounds." . He heals! . . . #30daychallenge #30daysbibleletteringchallenge #letteringinspiration #letterthegospel #biblescripture #scriptureart #goodnewsfeed #scriptingscripturedaily #handletter #handlettering #thedailytype #typedaily #typography #shewrites #shewritestruth #bible #encouragement #psalm #prayalways #prayer #love #pray #GodisGood #WenDysign
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clementjoletters · 6 years
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Day 9 #30daysofbiblelettering The Lord himself will fight for you Exodus 14:14 Whatever be the situation, give yourself upto God and he'll fight for you!💪🏻 @stefankunz @30daysofbiblelettering Tags ⤵ #art #illustration #artist #sketch #paper #artsy #instaart #instagood #letteringdaily #ligaturecollective #lettering #creative #tyxca #typography #instaartist #graphic #graphics #artoftheday #art #illustration #draw #sketchbook #paper #instaart #instaartist #graphics #posca #micron #designinspiration #typeyeah #30daysbibleletteringchallenge #stronglettering @lettering_daily @typography_and_calligraphy @ligaturecollective
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clementjoletters · 6 years
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Day 4 #30daysofbiblelettering The Lord is on my side, I will not fear. Psalm 118:16 Even I am 2 day behind the other challengers, I'm intended to complete it! 😊 @stefankunz @30daysofbiblelettering Tags ⤵ #art #illustration #artist #sketch #paper #artsy #instaart #instagood #letteringdaily #ligaturecollective #lettering #creative #tyxca #typography #instaartist #graphic #graphics #artoftheday #art #illustration #draw #sketchbook #paper #instaart #instaartist #graphics #posca #micron #designinspiration #typeyeah #30daysbibleletteringchallenge #stronglettering @lettering_daily @typography_and_calligraphy @ligaturecollective
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wendysign · 7 years
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So... Honestly, i think i have never completed a 30 days challenge until now. Haha. :) Feeling really thankful somehow and definitely a great joy to letter each verse. I am blessed! I pray you are too!❤ #30daysbibleletteringchallenge #30daychallenge #letteringinspiration #shewritestruth
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wendysign · 7 years
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#30daysofbiblelettering catch up: 29/30 Joshua 24:15 (NKJV) "And if it seems evil to you to serve the Lord , choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." . Second last of the 30 days Bible lettering! . . . #30daychallenge #30daysbibleletteringchallenge #letteringinspiration #letterthegospel #biblescripture #communityofchristiancreatives #christiancreative #scriptureart #goodnewsfeed #scriptingscripturedaily #handletter #handlettering #thedailytype #typedaily #typography #shewrites #shewritestruth #bible #encouragement #JoyOftheLord #Joshua #prayalways #prayer #love #pray #GodisGood #WenDysign
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wendysign · 7 years
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#30daysofbiblelettering : 28/30 Psalms 92:5 (MSG) "How magnificent your work, God! How profound your thoughts!" . Two more days! Wow! I am actually finishing this. 😭 . . . #30daychallenge #30daysbibleletteringchallenge #letteringinspiration #letterthegospel #biblescripture #communityofchristiancreatives #christiancreative #scriptureart #goodnewsfeed #scriptingscripturedaily #handletter #handlettering #thedailytype #typedaily #typography #shewrites #shewritestruth #bible #encouragement #JoyOftheLord #Psalms #prayalways #prayer #love #pray #GodisGood #WenDysign
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wendysign · 7 years
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#30daysofbiblelettering : 27/30 Psalms 90:17 (NIV) "May the favor of the Lord our God rest on us; establish the work of our hands for us— yes, establish the work of our hands." . It's almost finish! 😍 . . . #30daychallenge #30daysbibleletteringchallenge #letteringinspiration #letterthegospel #biblescripture #communityofchristiancreatives #christiancreative #scriptureart #goodnewsfeed #scriptingscripturedaily #handletter #handlettering #thedailytype #typedaily #typography #shewrites #shewritestruth #bible #encouragement #JoyOftheLord #Psalms #prayalways #prayer #love #pray #GodisGood #WenDysign
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wendysign · 7 years
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#30daysofbiblelettering catchup: 25/30 1 Chronicles 29:12 (NLT) "Wealth and honor come from You alone, for You rule over everything. Power and might are in Your hand, and at Your discretion people are made great and given strength." . In God and God alone ☝ . . . #30daychallenge #30daysbibleletteringchallenge #letteringinspiration #letterthegospel #biblescripture #communityofchristiancreatives #christiancreative #scriptureart #goodnewsfeed #scriptingscripturedaily #handletter #handlettering #thedailytype #typedaily #typography #shewrites #shewritestruth #bible #encouragement #JoyOftheLord #Chronicles #prayalways #prayer #love #pray #GodisGood #WenDysign
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wendysign · 7 years
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#30daysofbiblelettering catchup: 24/30 Exodus 15:26 (NKJV) "........ “If you diligently heed the voice of the Lord your God and do what is right in His sight, give ear to His commandments and keep all His statutes, I will put none of the diseases on you which I have brought on the Egyptians. For I am the Lord who heals you." . Jehovah-Rapha: The God Who Heals. . . . #30daychallenge #30daysbibleletteringchallenge #letteringinspiration #letterthegospel #biblescripture #communityofchristiancreatives #christiancreative #scriptureart #goodnewsfeed #scriptingscripturedaily #handletter #handlettering #thedailytype #typedaily #typography #shewrites #shewritestruth #bible #encouragement #JoyOftheLord #Exodus #JehovahRapha #prayalways #prayer #love #pray #GodisGood #WenDysign
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wendysign · 7 years
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#30daysofbiblelettering catchup: 23/30 Isaiah 26:3 (ESV) "You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you." . No worries... Just focus! . . . #30daychallenge #30daysbibleletteringchallenge #letteringinspiration #letterthegospel #biblescripture #scriptureart #goodnewsfeed #scriptingscripturedaily #handletter #handlettering #thedailytype #typedaily #typography #shewrites #shewritestruth #bible #encouragement #JoyOftheLord #Isaiah26 #prayalways #prayer #love #pray #GodisGood #WenDysign
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wendysign · 7 years
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#30daysofbiblelettering : 22/30 Psalms 139:5 (NLT) "You go before me and follow me. You place your hand of blessing on my head." . Caught up! Yayyyyy! . . . #30daychallenge #30daysbibleletteringchallenge #letteringinspiration #letterthegospel #biblescripture #scriptureart #goodnewsfeed #scriptingscripturedaily #handletter #handlettering #thedailytype #typedaily #typography #shewrites #shewritestruth #bible #encouragement #JoyOftheLord #Psalm #prayalways #prayer #love #pray #GodisGood #WenDysign
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wendysign · 7 years
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#30daysofbiblelettering catchup: 21/30 Isaiah 46:4 (NLT) "I will be your God throughout your lifetime— until your hair is white with age. I made you, and I will care for you. I will carry you along and save you." . . . #30daychallenge #30daysbibleletteringchallenge #letteringinspiration #letterthegospel #biblescripture #scriptureart #goodnewsfeed #scriptingscripturedaily #handletter #handlettering #thedailytype #typedaily #typography #shewrites #shewritestruth #bible #encouragement #JoyOftheLord #Isaiah46 #prayalways #prayer #love #pray #GodisGood #WenDysign
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wendysign · 7 years
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#30daysofbiblelettering catchup: 19/30 John 14:1 (NKJV) "“Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me." . Guest appearance... @needforfood Hahaha . . . #30daychallenge #30daysbibleletteringchallenge #letteringinspiration #letterthegospel #biblescripture #scriptureart #goodnewsfeed #scriptingscripturedaily #handletter #handlettering #thedailytype #typedaily #typography #shewrites #shewritestruth #bible #encouragement #JoyOftheLord #gospelofJohn #prayalways #prayer #love #pray #GodisGood #WenDysign
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wendysign · 7 years
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#30daysofbiblelettering catchup: 18/30 Genesis 35:3 (NLT) "We are now going to Bethel, where I will build an altar to the God who answered my prayers when I was in distress. He has been with me wherever I have gone." . . . #30daychallenge #30daysbibleletteringchallenge #letteringinspiration #letterthegospel #biblescripture #scriptureart #goodnewsfeed #scriptingscripturedaily #handletter #handlettering #thedailytype #typedaily #typography #shewrites #shewritestruth #bible #encouragement #JoyOftheLord #Genesis #prayalways #prayer #love #pray #GodisGood #WenDysign
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