bharatlivenewsmedia · 2 years
राज्य उत्पादन शुल्कात तब्बल 32.86 टक्के वाढ; नोव्हेंबरअखेर ‘इतके’ हजार कोटींचा महसूल
राज्य उत्पादन शुल्कात तब्बल 32.86 टक्के वाढ; नोव्हेंबरअखेर ‘इतके’ हजार कोटींचा महसूल
राज्य उत्पादन शुल्कात तब्बल 32.86 टक्के वाढ; नोव्हेंबरअखेर ‘इतके’ हजार कोटींचा महसूल मुंबई – राज्य उत्पादन शुल्क विभागाकडे सन 2022-23 या आर्थिक वर्षात नोव्हेंबर अखेरपर्यंत 12 हजार 952.82 कोटी रूपयांचा महसूल जमा झाला आहे. गतवर्षी एप्रिल ते नोव्हेंबर अखेरपर्यंत 9748.96 कोटी रूपयांचा महसूल जमा केला होता. गतवर्षीच्या तुलनेत महसूलात 32.86 टक्के वाढ झाली आहे. राज्यात एप्रिल 2022 ते नोव्हेंबर 2022 या…
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havvkinsqueen · 11 months
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How Difficult vs How Likeable are you?
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(32.86%) Difficult (69.29%) Likeable
(Let's be real she's not difficult because of how cowed she is thanks to her mother)
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Tagged by; Stolen from @r4chelamber
Tagging; @vitaegratis , @edhellfire , @kegk1ng , @zoomingupthathill , @wh1msical , @mystif1es , @miercolaes , @vcnusians , @trusight , @snnydcys
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wexarethewalkingxdead · 11 months
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You are a likable person (67.14%). You are an easy person to get along with (30.71%).
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You are a greatly likable person (84.29%). You are a very easy person to get along with (17.86%).
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You are a likable person (68.57%). You are an easy person to get along with (32.86%).
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You are a likable person (80%). You are an easy person to get along with (22.14%).
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You are a difficult person to like (38.57%). You are a somewhat difficult person to get along with (40.71%).
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You are a somewhat likable person (60%). You are an easy person to get along with (36.43%).
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You are a difficult person to like (32.86%). You are a very difficult person to get along with (68.57%).
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You are a greatly likable person (82.14%). You are an easy person to get along with (24.29%).
tagged by: @careol & @uncxntrxllable tagging: @lunarruled @norvstforthvwickvd (Bo) @savedpeople @sonofsaviors @ghostofwinter @armandlucienduval (Armand & Nick) @rickgrimesdoingrickthings @deputygonebye & anyone else that wants to do this one! It's pretty interesting!
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plasticdreams · 1 year
14: 名無しさん 2023/09/10(日) 19:52:13.06 ID:EeDSJ そこ安倍必要ですかね? 21: 名無しさん 2023/09/10(日) 19:57:32.86 ID:xIB1R >>14 この手の人間に取っては枕詞みたいなもんだ。世相を語る時には切り離せない、50代の高血圧の薬みたいなもんだ
【悲報】サンモニ、ジャニーズ問題を安倍政権下と例える「メディアも萎縮してた。キャスターがたくさん辞めたのと同じ」 : おーるじゃんる
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rainworldroompoll · 6 months
Round 2 starts tommorrow!
For a room to qualify to the next round it needs 15% or more votes!
Slug hunters rememeber, tommorrows deadline! But dw there is only one poll left (day 161) and it will go count to 2nd round if nobody find it until then. And feel free to find slugs in round 2 polls. The cookie winners post will be up tommorow for the day after tommorrow.
Also a lil of fun statistics
Regions ranked by the precenage of how much of them got through to the next round:
Metropolis  64.37% (56 out of 87 rooms)
2. Sky Islands  60.71% (34 out of 56 rooms)
3. Outer Expanse  60.61% (60 out of 99 rooms)
4. Industrial Complex  52.83% (28 out of 53 rooms)
5. Undergrowth  50% (24 out of 48 rooms)
6. Outskirts 49.25% (33 out of 67 rooms)
7. Five Pebbles  48.53% (33 out of 68 rooms)
8. Windswept Spires  48.15% (26 out of 54 rooms)
9. Chimney Canopy  45.28% (24 out of 53 rooms)
10. Suburban Drifts  43.28% (29 out of 67 rooms)
11. Looks to the Moon  41.49% (39 out of 94 rooms)
12. The Exterior  38.71% (24 out of 62 rooms)
13. Silent Construct  37.6% (47 out of 125 rooms)
14. Garbage Wastes (+ past)  36.23% (25 out of 69 rooms)
15. Submerged Superstructure  33.58% (45 out of 134 rooms)
16. Challenge  32.86% (23 out of 70 rooms)
17. Solitary Towers  32.69% (17 out of 52 rooms)
18. Icy Monument  32.08% (17 out of 53 rooms)
19. Farm Arrays  29.62% (16 out of 54 rooms)
20. Shaded Citadel  29.07% (25 out of 86 rooms)
21. Drainage System  28.85% (15 out of 52 rooms)
22. Glacial Wasteland  28.30% (15 out of 53 rooms)
23. Subterranean  28.21% (22 out of 78 rooms)
24. Rubicon  27.38% (23 out of 84 rooms)
25. The Rot  27.18% (28 out of 103 rooms)
26. Arena  27.12% (16 out of 59 rooms)
27. Shoreline  26.04% (25 out of 96 rooms)
28. Primordial Underground  19.74% (15 out of 76 rooms)
29. Waterfront Facility  17.24% (15 out of 87 rooms)
30. Desolate Fields  16.36% (9 out of 55 rooms)
31. Barren Conduits  16% (12 out of 75 rooms)
32. Frigid Coast  13.33% (12 out of 90 rooms)
32. Pipeyard  13.33% (10 out of 75 rooms)
All 848 rooms, 34.56% out of all 2454 rooms!
(if u add the region room numbers together u will get a slightly bigger number, this is because of the gates, when counting for regions all the gates connected to a region count as a room, while when calculating for all i took out the doubles)
Shelters 10.77% (28 out of 260 rooms)
Gates 12.99% (10 out of 77 rooms)
Outposts 55.56% (10 out of 18 rooms)
Traders 14.29% (2 out of 14 rooms)Swarms (batfly rooms) 58.78% (77 out of 131 rooms)
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jaguarmen99 · 1 year
14: プロストラチン(東京都) [TN] 2023/09/22(金) 10:30:00.68 ID:vKlS/jyd0 イスマエル・ラムジー・カリド 金持ちのボンボンだから実名がバレるのがまずかったみたいだな ムスリムなのに豚肉食ってるしアメリカへ帰ってからが地獄だわ 15: イスラトラビル(東京都) [DE] 2023/09/22(金) 10:30:32.86 ID:/RS99+oo0 やっぱ支援してる半日金持ちいるんだろうな 74: コビシスタット(大阪府) [US] 2023/09/22(金) 11:01:18.50 ID:h7Wfgu9J0 >>15 いやコイツ等、タイとかバリでも迷惑かけまくってたし、それが商売になってるだけや
痛いニュース(ノ∀`) : 迷惑ユーチュバー ジョニーソマリ逮捕 NHKでも報道される 「弁護士が来るまで話せない」 - ライブドアブログ
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storyofwhoiam · 1 year
Difficult Person Test
Tagged by: @shieldretired Tagging: @greatrspnsibility @heartsdefine @shcftingpieces @goxinsane
Allie Novak:
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You are a very easy person to get along with (20%).
Risk-taking is the propensity to engage in risky behavior for the sake of experiencing thrills. People high in this trait impulsively seek sensations to overcome boredom, and often get pleasure from shocking others with their adventures and stunts. Risk-takers often make those around them ill at ease since their actions may have consequences for others as well as themselves.
Amy Cameron:
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You are an easy person to get along with (28.57%).
Aggressiveness is the tendency to behave rudely and with hostility toward others. Aggressiveness may be doubly hurtful to others if combined with callousness, since the aggressive person may thus be both intimidating and unfeeling in their demeanor.
Jed Bartlet:
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You are an easy person to get along with (32.86%).
Suspicion is the tendency to harbor a strong and unreasoning distrust of others. Suspicious people often question the motives of even those who act loyally and devotedly toward them. Such people are often reluctant to open up to others and may interpret kind-hearted gestures as attempts to deceive them.
Marie Winter:
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You are a very difficult person to get along with (62.86%).
Dominance is the tendency to put on airs of superiority and talk down to others. Domineering individuals have a strong desire to be seen as leaders and often react with combativeness when they cannot get what they want. They frustrate others by meddling in their affairs and with their attempts to control the decisions of those around them.
Manipulativeness is the inclination to exploit others to derive benefits for oneself. Manipulative people take other people for granted and use them to realize their own wishes and goals, thinking little of interpersonal reciprocity or the rights of others. Such people often exhaust and frustrate those around them, since they give little in return for the services and favors they extract from others.
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tarnishedxknight · 1 year
Difficult Person Test
{out of dalmasca} So... I ended up turning this into a kind of personality meta, haha, because I was so inspired by the results and I wanted to explain them a bit. This was a lot of fun, though, and it actually gave me some better defined perspective on how my muses' minds work. Below the cut for length!
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Basch (his true inner self, which he shows to everyone, all the time): You are a very easy person to get along with (15.71%).
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[ This tells me that Basch is a very calm, genuine, and kind person, which we already knew, heh. What you see is what you get with him. It also shows that he's minorly suspicious of others, which I think could be attributable to him being in leadership positions and not wanting to take things always at face value with regard to war strategy or dealing with internal Dalmascan politics, for kingdom safety reasons. However, Basch does seem to have a bit of an issue with risk-taking, which I interpret as him being a bit reckless with himself. That tracks, since he is one to run head-first into danger to be one of the first to deal with it but also to protect others. As virtuous as this is, it means he is taking a lot of personal risk onto himself. ]
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Ashelia: (her true inner self, which she shows to almost everyone, most of the time): You are a somewhat difficult person to get along with (46.43%).
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[ Welp... Ashelia clearly has an overly-inflated opinion of herself, haha. I think this probably stems from being royalty and being of the Dynast King bloodline. When you are raised with others constantly telling you that you are special, rare, powerful, important, elevated, etc., you're going to believe it. Aggression and risk-taking are also high, which tracks. Ashe is a bit of a hothead at times and she can be impulsive. She also is not afraid of resorting to violence. She does tend to be a bit suspicious of others, but given how various people betrayed her, that's understandable. However, she is not at all a manipulative or callous person, and she seems to still have a rather submissive personality despite the grandiosity and slight aggression issues. She's a difficult one to get a bead on sometimes, but it can be done.]
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Noah (his true inner self, outside of being a Judge Magister; how he is with those he loves, trusts, respects, and/or is closest to): You are an easy person to get along with (32.86%).
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[ I had to break Noah's up because he really does lead a double life, internally speaking. The person he truly is and his honest opinion of himself are a far cry from how he behaves around those who are not a part of his inner circle, and how he behaves as a Judge Magister of Archadia.
This was so interesting to me because if we look at who Noah is on the inside and around those he's most comfortable with (Larsa, Drace, maybe Basch under certain circumstances), he is kinder, more submissive, he has a lower opinion of himself, and he is not at all manipulative. He's more genuine, more on their level rather than thinking himself above them. What remains high is suspicion, which I take as him not believing they actually care about him or being afraid they will betray him somehow. Risk-taking is also high, as Noah is impulsive and reckless with himself, much like Basch. And aggression is very high, so regardless of how close you get to him, he still is a hothead with a volatile temper. That tracks, as Noah is definitely someone with volatile emotions who falls back on aggression, anger, and defensiveness to mask more vulnerable emotions.]
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Gabranth: (the Judge Magister; how he is with other Judges and politicians and within the court of Archadia; who he has built himself up into, the image he puts forth, and the person he wants everyone to think he is): You are an extremely difficult person to get along with (88.57%).
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[ Hooooooo boy, heh. This was so incredibly interesting to compare to his "true self" graph. So this is the person Noah is when the helm is on, his social mask is on, his defenses are up, and he's around people he doesn't trust and/or ones he needs to maintain control/authority over. This isn't really Noah, this is Judge Magister Gabranth.
Look.... at the changes! Aggression, grandiosity, callousness, dominance, and manipulativeness are all essentially maxed out, and suspicion is much higher. Some of those categories were almost at zero for his core self, but here they're maxed. That's... a really extraordinary difference. This means that Noah is significantly changing his core personality on a daily basis in order to maintain his Judge Magister persona. He is more dominant, hardened, callous, authoritative, and manipulative, and frankly that is necessary to maintain order within the Judge Magister rank as he has done. This is a man who, for as far as the other Judges know, is a strong, no-nonsense, imposing figure... and beyond that, he's smart. Calculating and manipulative. Screw with him and he will make you regret it. There's a fear and intimidation factor here that Noah is able to evoke in other by projecting this type of personality. Even his natural amount of background aggression is amplified, which I interpret as him not being afraid to use force to make others around him obey or to enforce orders/the law.
What is most interesting to me... is the risk-taking section. It's much lower than it is for his true, core self. I interpret this as true Noah having little care for himself, having low self-esteem, and therefore not caring if he's reckless... but then Judge Magister Gabranth needs more restraint than that. He cannot be seen as impulsive, erratic, or reckless, because that undermines his own control over others. They will see that as an exploitable weakness. So when he is in Judge Magister mode, he reins himself in considerably in order to maintain good and careful judgement as well as control over various important situations.
This... honestly makes me so sad. Noah is suppressing or changing a good portion of his true self every single day. That has to be exhausting. No wonder this man goes back to his office and falls asleep on his desk, or back to his quarters and just lays in bed and cries. The sheer amount of psychic energy that he's expending on being something he's not, or at least something he isn't naturally, is astounding. It speaks to his intelligence, strategy, reasoning, and adaptability skills, for sure. But it is very sad that Noah felt he needed to be someone else in order to matter, to be successful, and to survive. The even sadder thing is that he may have been right. Someone like Basch likely would not have survived in Archadia with his personality as-is, and Noah I think recognized that a certain type of person could go the distance, and that he had to become that person.
It's also telling that while answering these questions for his core self, I was giving all the lowest rating for questions like "I'm unique and deserve special treatment," "I deserve recognition and success," and "people should treat me like I'm special." But as Judge Magister Gabranth, those questions were all given the highest rating. He feels that being a Judge Magister and having this sort of personality makes him more special and more deserving of good things in life than his core personality. That breaks my heart.
There has also always been this odd dichotomy too within Noah where he is very proud of what he has accomplished and all the work he's put into being a Judge Magister....... and yet he hates what he's become. It's... weird. On the one hand, he has clawed his way to the top and you will damn well respect him for it because he is someone of import and value. On the other hand... he thinks he's a monster and that he's had to degrade himself and sell his soul to get where he is. At his highest moments, his confidence is through the roof and he falls back on the former sentiment, but on his worst days, he defaults to the latter sentiment, and thinks he's absolute garbage. It is both interesting from a psychological standpoint and heartbreaking from a story-telling point of view.
One last thing I'll add is that... I think it makes getting admission to Noah's inner circle even more powerful an accomplishment. Because this man has all the gates barred, heh. He does not let people in easily because he doesn't want them to see the real Noah. So if you've arrived and you're getting the real him, first of all pat yourself on the back for your accomplishment, but also... handle him with care. He's fragile.]
Tagged by: @illbringthechaosmagic Tagging: Anyone who wants to do this! ^_^
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bulgariahistory · 1 day
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Forced Collectivization of Bulgarian Agriculture
Background of Bulgarian Farms
After World War II, Bulgaria was influenced by the Soviet Union, unlike other Eastern and Central European countries. Until 1944, most Bulgarian farms were small or medium-sized and privately owned. It was common for peasant families to own some land. By 1946, about 57.9% of peasants owned between 12.5 and 50 acres of land, while only 3.9% owned between 50 and 125 acres. This shows that land ownership was widespread, with most families having a stake in agriculture.
Characteristics of Farms in the 1930s
In the 1930s, the distribution of farm sizes in Bulgaria was as follows:
Farm Size (acres) Percentage of All Farms Characteristics Up to 2.5 11.78% Very small 2.5 to 5 12.31% Very small 5 to 12.5 32.86% Small 12.5 to 25 28.13% Medium 25 to 75 14.30% Big More than 75 0.67% Large-scale
The Start of Collectivization
In April 1945, the new authorities under the Fatherland Front implemented a policy to create collective farms. This process of collectivization was marked by extreme violence and intimidation. Peasants faced harassment, assaults, and even killings as the government seized their land and farming equipment. This included plows, carts, tractors, and livestock like oxen, horses, cows, and sheep.
Communist Policies Intensify
On July 12 and 13, 1948, a plenary session of the Central Committee of the Bulgarian Communist Party endorsed a Soviet-style economic model for Bulgaria. They called for intensified efforts against wealthier peasants, known as kulaks, and urged a broader class struggle in rural areas. This marked a peak in the conflict between the Bulgarian communists and the rural population, particularly from 1950 to 1954 Guided Tour Istanbul.
The Impact of Collectivization
By 1958, the situation had changed drastically. Collective farms controlled 92% of all arable land, impacting about 93% of households in the country. This transformation altered the landscape of Bulgarian agriculture and significantly affected rural life.
The forced collectivization of Bulgarian agriculture reshaped the country’s farming system, moving from privately owned small and medium-sized farms to large collective farms under government control. This transition was achieved through coercion and violence, deeply impacting the lives of countless peasants. The legacy of this period continues to influence Bulgaria’s agricultural practices and social structure today.
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plotcryptocharts · 25 days
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$BTC: 59005.32 (-4.66%) $BCH: 321.39 (-4.58%) $XRP: 0.5698 (-4.46%) $ETH: 2521.33 (-2.14%) $LTC: 60.76 (-4.22%) $ETC: 18.4392 (-3.96%) $EOS: 0.4848 (-6.44%) $DASH: 23.67 (-4.09%) $ZEC: 32.86 (-8.89%) $XMR: 156.0 (-3.44%) $XLM: 0.0922 (-4.53%) (2024/08/29 03:35:11)
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secretstalks · 27 days
Freshworks Founder Mathrubootham Advocates for Founders to Participate in Secondary Sales
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Girish Mathrubootham, founder and executive chairman of Freshworks, has voiced strong support for founders utilizing secondary share sales to address significant personal expenses and focus on growing their businesses. He argues that many entrepreneurs come from middle-class backgrounds and may find substantial secondary sales—such as $5 million or $25 million—very appealing, especially when such funds can resolve critical personal financial issues like home loans. By alleviating these pressures, founders can concentrate more effectively on scaling their companies.
Mathrubootham made these remarks on August 9 during a panel discussion at the Moneycontrol Startup Conclave in Bengaluru. The panel, moderated by Moneycontrol deputy executive editor Chandra R Srikanth, also featured Mithun Sacheti, former CEO and founder of CaratLane, and was centered around the theme "Chennai Super Kings: Building, Scaling, and Stepping Back: The Founder’s Arc."
The practice of founders selling shares in secondary markets has sparked debate among investors and entrepreneurs. For instance, Nitish Mittersain, founder of Nazara Technologies, faced criticism after selling a 6.38% stake to Plutus Wealth Management, a pre-IPO investor. Mittersain defended this decision, explaining that the sale was necessary to provide liquidity for his family, despite the company remaining under promoter control.
Similarly, Swiggy co-founders Sriharsha Majety and Nandan Reddy, along with other staff members, are planning to sell shares as part of a $65 million employee stock ownership plan (ESOP) liquidity event. Founders of Mamaearth, Varun Alagh and Ghazal Alagh, also sold about 32.86 lakh shares out of their 10.67 crore shareholding in the beauty brand. Additionally, Supam Maheshwari, founder of FirstCry, sold 6.2 million shares before the company's IPO filing in January.
In a related vein, Ashneer Grover, former founder of BharatPe, advised founders in his book Doglapan, published on X (formerly Twitter) in 2022, to prioritize their financial security and capitalize on opportunities to sell stock through secondary markets. Grover suggested that at least 80% of the proceeds from secondary sales should benefit the founders, with the remaining 20% allocated to ESOP holders and angel investors.
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getrend · 1 month
306: 修羅場まとめ速報 2023/01/20(金) 02:39:32.86 ID:e/PgtoDA 俺の勝手なひがみなのは承知で愚痴らせてくれ、弟がうざいというか、見ててモヤモヤする なんつーか弟は追い込みが上手いって言うのかな 高校の時ゲームばっかやってて赤点常連で毎年留年危ないって呼び出されてて高3になっても家じゃゲームしまくってたのに どこで勉強してたのかMARCHにあっさり合格、その後国立も合格 大学出てから4~5年フリーターしてたクセに急に正社員の内定取ってきて今じゃ俺より年収高い 俺もわき目も振らずに努力してきたって訳じゃ無いが、弟は普段ダラダラしてるくせにいざって時にだけ結果は出してくるのがモヤモヤする…
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el3rod · 1 month
أسعار الذهب فى البحرين اليوم 15/08/2024 #أسعار_شراء_الذهب_فى_البحرين_اليوم ❤️عروض رائعة👇 #تخفيضات #خصومات #تسوق #عروض #تخفيض #خصم #كوبون #خصم #توفير #عرض #خصم_خاص #العروض #el3rod #el3rod_bahrain
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amey-inkwood · 2 months
Global Beard Grooming Products Market: Top Picks & Innovations
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The popularity of beard grooming products for men has surged remarkably in recent years. These essentials have become integral to modern masculinity, offering numerous benefits from enhancing the appearance of facial hair to maintaining its health and cleanliness. As beards remain a popular fashion trend, the demand for quality beard grooming products is expected to stay high. Additionally, the rising awareness of the importance of self-presentation and personal hygiene has further bolstered their utility.
According to Inkwood Research, the global beard grooming products market is forecasted to register a CAGR of 7.50% between 2023 to 2032, reaching $48791.31 million by 2032. As the global market continues to grow, innovation and diversity in product offerings are set to propel the Men’s Grooming Products space, providing consumers with tailored solutions for their beard care needs.
Request a FREE Sample of the Beard Grooming Products Market: https://www.inkwoodresearch.com/reports/beard-grooming-products-market/#request-free-sample 
From Synthetic to Organic Products: Why the Shift?
With the increasing awareness of using beard care products, concerns about the after-effects of harmful ingredients are on the rise. For instance, the use of certain chemicals in beard oil and beard balm may cause adverse reactions on sensitive skin, leading to rashes, hives, itching, burning, redness, and other side effects. Consequently, men are shifting to organic beard grooming products without GMOs, pesticides, or preservatives.
Vendors are thus prompted to offer 100% organic and natural offerings to comply with the growing demand for reliable products with ethical standards. For example, the Brighton Beard Company (United Kingdom), a key player in the Beard Care Products Industry, provides organic or natural beard grooming products. Their product portfolio includes beard oils, mustache waxes, balms, combs, and wash bags.
Additionally, with the rising need for skin-friendly products, especially in regions such as Europe and North America, global players ensure their offerings are free from synthetic chemicals. Aligning with this, Inkwood Research estimates that Europe is set to dominate during the forecast period, capturing a revenue share of 32.86% by 2032.
The Men’s personal grooming industry has seen significant investments from key players, focusing on product innovation across diverse regions globally. This strategic approach helps companies differentiate their products while addressing prevailing issues associated with traditional grooming devices and evolving consumer preferences.
Stay Up-to-Date with the Latest Global Beard Grooming Products Market
Notable Beard Grooming Product Offerings and Their Unique Selling Points (USPs)
Natural Ingredients: Beard grooming brands are increasingly using all-natural and organic ingredients like jojoba oil, argan oil, coconut oil, and shea butter. These ingredients provide nourishment and moisture without synthetic additives. For example, the King C. Gillette Beard Oil by Procter & Gamble (United States) is made with natural ingredients such as argan oil and jojoba oil. Similarly, Beardo (India) offers Beard Growth Hair Oil and Beard Wash formulated with natural ingredients to promote beard growth, nourish the skin underneath, and soften the beard.
Sustainability: Several organic beard grooming product manufacturers focus on sustainability by using eco-friendly materials and sourcing ingredients responsibly. Wahl Clipper Corporation (United States) emphasizes sustainable production, appealing to the environmentally-conscious demographic. The company also promotes recycling, including batteries and electronic hardware, instead of disposing of them as hazardous waste.
Hypoallergenic Formulas: Brands focus on developing hypoallergenic and fragrance-free options for individuals with sensitive skin or allergies. Major companies like Honest Amish, Beardoholic, and Smooth Viking do not use artificial chemicals, preservatives, fragrances, or coloring; instead, they use organic and natural ingredients that are gentle and soothing to the skin.
Innovative & Luxury Packaging: Brands are exploring unique packaging designs to stand out on the shelf and reduce environmental footprints. Consumers in developing countries are also observed to be willing to spend more on high-quality beard grooming products due to rising disposable incomes. This has led to the emergence of premium and luxury beard care brands focusing on natural ingredients, unique formulations, and attractive packaging. The United Kingdom, Germany, and Spain are predominant regions for the launch of premium and luxury care products in Europe.
Multi-Functional Products: Innovations in organic beard grooming products include multi-functional items that combine beard oils, balms, and conditioners into one, streamlining grooming routines and reducing product waste. The Utility Wash by Beardbrand (United States) is a multi-purpose wash for the beard, hair, face, and body. Various companies also allow customers to customize their beard care products, providing the freedom to choose specific scents or ingredients based on preferences.
Vegan and Cruelty-Free: The demand for vegan and cruelty-free beard grooming products has led to innovations in creating plant-based formulations not tested on animals. Billy Jealousy (United States), for example, is renowned for its vegan-friendly and cruelty-free product portfolio. The company’s products are PETA-approved and made from natural ingredients.
These innovations in product offerings reflect the growing demand for organic and natural beard grooming solutions, prioritizing both effectiveness and eco-consciousness. With men increasingly investing in their grooming rituals and making facial hair care a priority, consumers are expected to seek out multi-functional products to help them achieve the desired look. Hence, with booming demand and an expanding range of offerings, the global beard grooming products market is set to record significant growth during the forecast period.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) –
1. What is the difference between a beard balm and beard wax?
A: Beard balm helps shape and style the beard while providing hydration. Beard wax, on the other hand, is ideal for taming unruly facial hair and achieving a more structured look. As per our analysis, the cream and balm segment, under the product type category, is set to grow with a 7.14% CAGR between 2023 to 2032.
2. What factors contribute to the notable growth of the North America beard grooming products market?
A: The North America beard grooming products market growth is accredited to key factors such as the rise in per capita income as well as the increasing prominence of social media and the influencer culture.
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