#323 familia
japanesecarssince1947 · 4 months
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1987 Mazda 323 Familia Convertible
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hirocimacruiser · 4 months
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What are old cars like to drive now?
Mazda Familia 3 door full time 4WD1600DOHC turbo review.
The second generation FF Familia tends to be overshadowed by the success of the first FF Familia. The Familia underwent a Key Concept model change in 1985, and the sports version of the 1.6 (twin cam turbo + full-time 4WD) became popular. Yasushi Shimono drove to Osaka for the later model after minor changes.
Text | Yasushi Shimono Photos Chihiro Abe
The other day, I rented a Familia car in Takamatsu, Shikoku. If you see Nippon Rent-a-Car, Toyota Rent-a-Car, and Nissan Rent-A-Car lined up at the counter in the airport lobby, if you're a car fan, you should probably rent a Mazda Rent-A-Car at this time of year.
It's a personal choice, but the Familia 1500AT I rented was actually very nice. The engine and suspension have the solid feel of a German car, and it feels great. Even though I've already driven over 20,000km, I can barely see any wear and tear.
During my summer vacation two years ago, I took a Familia rental car at the station in Tsuruoka, Yamagata Prefecture, and it was a great ride, and my family was happy with it.
For test drives, members of the media always ride in the manufacturer's so-called PR vehicles.
However, when they later try the same car in a rental car, they are often disappointed to varying degrees. I don't have the space to write about the reasons in detail here, but Familia is an extremely rare example of people rediscovering their charm through rental cars. It feels like a very seriously made car.
I am holding this.
In downtown Osaka, I was given a ride on a nostalgic Familia. 1988 model 3 door twin cam turbo 4W.D. It is a full-time 4WD high-performance model that was part of the second-generation FF Familia series that debuted in 1985.
I splurged on expensive 200,000 yen 0Z racing aluminum wheels for the car I bought this spring. There is a bright red mudflap in the wheel arches.
The guard hangs down. The hobby of the owner, Mr. M (35 years old), who really wants to drive a Lancia Delta Integrale, seems to be depicted on the outside.
The inside can also be customized.
It is. The front seats are BRIDE bucket seats. The handle is MOMO's Prototipo. At the tip of the shift lever is a plastic shift knob that looks like a white ball.
The main body of the 1.6LDOHC turbo engine has not been modified, but the muffler and air cleaner have been replaced with "HKS''. The suspension also uses Mazda genuine sports springs combined with GAB dampers. I'm not Kiyoshi Nishikawa, but I get the strong impression that he was trying to do things one by one, starting with what he could do. Mr. M, who works as a tire wholesaler, is a pleasant young man. It is the year of the year. When I pushed in the tape whose head was peeking out from the set, it played Mr. Children, which doesn't really suit Osaka (?).
However, once it started running, the Familia Integrale was a much more radical car than the standard.
First of all, the suspension is much harder than you might imagine from the specs. The ride quality is almost that of a competition vehicle, reacting honestly to the bumps and undulations of the road surface and transmitting short, jerky vibrations.
I didn't think it was power steering at first either. I slowly turned the steering wheel to turn off the engine and realized for the first time that it had power assist. That's how responsive it is. Basically, the normal engine is so energetic that it's hard to believe. Power is already 140 yen on NET display. However, it is more powerful than the face value, and at the signal Grand Prix the acceleration of all four wheels is like that of a rabbit.
I'll show you.
Even though it is a turbo, it starts to crash immediately after idling.
Delivers comfortable torque. The response in the low rotation range is also not bad. Tachometer red zone from 7000rpm. However, the latest 4-valve It's not as smooth and light as the unit.
It has been replaced with an air cleaner for competition. So, at the top end of 6500 or higher, the engine noise, mainly the intake noise, becomes louder.
Air conditioner control panels, air vents, and
-Dark areas where stereo units, ashtrays, etc. are crowded.
There was a designer who once described the center part of the dash as ``the most expensive part of the car's interior,'' but this car has a panel that says ``FULLTIME 4WD'' embedded in part of it. There is. It was kind of noisy. There is also a shiny silver switch inside the spring, and this is for locking the center differential. The owner once benefited from being muddy.
Apparently there is.
The turbo is effective without any noticeable bumps.
It starts to work, and what's more, it works like a turbo. I miss the way the green snail lights up in the instrument panel every time the turbo kick explodes. What's more, every time I shift up and release the accelerator, I hear the resonant whine of the turbine, which is nostalgic. I wasn't able to do it this time due to time constraints, but I was able to drive on mountain passes and some dirt roads, and it still looked really interesting. Manly and sweaty, a perfect masculine noun.
It's Luma.
Of course, the current Familia, which no longer has a sports model in its lineup, is not such a macho car. However, the Familia has always been a car that has not had a fancy feel to it for generations. Fancy is something like ``a womanly thing that a man has come up with.'' I like the character, which is unusual for domestically produced vehicles, but I'm sure there are people who say that's why it doesn't sell well.
The second generation FF Familia underwent a full model change in January 1985. It has a 3/5-door hatch and a 4-door sedan body. Initially, it started with 1.3ℓ and 1.5ℓ NA and turbo units, but a 1.6ℓ turbo unit was soon added. The photo is of the later model. The body size is: total length x width x height = 3990 x 1645 x 1405mm. Wheelbase 2400mm.
The steering wheel has been replaced with "MOMO" and the seat has been replaced with "BRIDE". When the New Familia was announced, the company emphasized the improved quality of the interior, saying, ``If the packaging is the same, the quality of the interior is important.''
With minor changes in 8 years, NA unit
The remaining old E-type units were wiped out and replaced by B-type units. Photo of 1597cc 16V DOHC turbo with 140ps @ 6000rpm and 19.0kgm torque @ 5000rpm
Mr. M's Delta Familia has a majestic red mudguard. The ``GAB'' and ``HKS'' stickers and white OZ wheels clearly reflect the owner's taste.
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okosen · 10 months
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templeturkey · 1 year
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a qquick photoshoot of my Mazda 323 BF with a FE3 engine swop. Here are some of the mods done to it:
Imported Fe3 motor with oem Mazda 323 200i parts, FE5A cams. 63mm stainless exhaust with v bands, flex joint, resonator, and apexi muffler. Big aluminum radiator.
200i front and rear brakes (disc conversion), steel braided hoses, poly bushes, front and rear strut braces, 200i front sway bar, yellow speed coilovers, 15" ssw wheels.
Custom side splitters and Mazda OEM roof and rear diffuser, oem Cressida front lip
Bride bucket seats, stripped rear interior, Defi oil pressure and oil temp gauges.
Interior and underbody have been rubberized.
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Mazda Familia Turbo Sport, 1984. The high performance version of the BD series 323/Familia for the Japanese market
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Teatro. “Cómo crecen los árboles”, de Eduardo Adrianzén
Título: Perú: un país sin pasado y sin raíces
Bajada: Cuando toda una generación se niega a conocer la historia de su país, la sociedad se desmorona y no tiene ningún norte.
La obra nos presenta a una familia de clase media, donde la madre, Maritza (Ebelin Ortiz), trabaja en una ONG, defendiendo los derechos humanos. Su único hijo, Dante (Renato Piaggio) es un estudiante de gastronomía que sueña con inventar una nueva receta que lo lleve a la fama, mientras su novia Vania (Tania López) es una muchacha que dirige cortos en los que trata de expresar, sobre todo, la belleza de un escenario idílico o perfecto. Los personajes más jóvenes miran con simpatía a Paulina (Flor Castillo) la mujer ayacuchana que realiza las labores domésticas en la casa, pero lo ignoran todo sobre ella, casi como lo ignoran todo sobre el Perú. De hecho, se plantea cómo las nuevas generaciones no tienen interés alguno en conocer la historia del país y, mucho menos, su pasado más truculento, como los episodios de terrorismo, y prefieren vivir en la burbuja suave que les proporcionan las comodidades y la superabundancia de información que les ofrece la red, aunque consuman muy pocos productos con un valor cultural verdadero. Esta ignorancia del pasado los desarraiga y provoca en ellos problemas de identidad, son como veletas a merced del viento, con una dirección siempre cambiante, con nada que les surja de las entrañas porque no tienen raíces, no les importa conocer su pasado familiar y mucho menos el pasado inmediato o remoto del país.
Por otro lado, la obra presenta también a personajes con un carácter marcado, como el de Maritza, quien defiende los derechos humanos, pero es feminista y está a favor del aborto, con lo que su discurso provida se vuelve endeble, pues defiende los derechos humanos un poco desde la tribuna, cuando estos no le tocan de cerca ni la involucran.
Asimismo, vemos a un personaje como el de Paulina, una campesina que viene a Lima desde su natal Ayacucho, que, aunque es vista con cierta condescendencia por los citadinos, no logra establecer un verdadero diálogo con ellos. Ambos bandos se miran el uno al otro, sonrientes, pero como separados por un abismo insalvable, sobre todo, porque lo provinciano es visto por la mayoría de limeños como algo que les provoca bostezos, pues no se dan la oportunidad de conocer profundamente el país.
Hace su aparición también el personaje de Tomás (Gustavo Mayer), quien es el padre de Dante, un militar retirado que incursionó con su tropa en la comunidad de Yauyos, Ayacucho, ajusticiando a decenas de pobladores, ya que habían sido acusados de terrorismo. Tomás alega que tuvo que hacer el trabajo sucio para que ahora las nuevas generaciones lo señalen con el dedo y le llamen asesino, cuando viven en medio de la paz y la prosperidad (en la época en que se escribió la obra, en el año 2014), gracias justamente a los militares y los policías que detestan.
Como bien se ha dicho, “Cómo crecen los árboles” es el único drama en que es el padre quien busca al hijo, pero este último no quiere ser encontrado, lo cual parece simbolizar cómo nuestras generaciones más jóvenes no quieren saber nada con el pasado y viven metidas en una burbuja irreal, en un mundo feliz que, lamentablemente, ya no existe.
La obra señala una crisis generacional, cultural y política, en la que el Perú se divide en dos bandos irreconciliables: los conservadores y los progresistas, que entablan discusiones donde nadie se escucha. Y un país dividido no camina hacia ningún lado, porque no puede forjar un futuro en común.
Recuadro: “Cómo crecen los árboles” va del 26 de mayo al 11 de junio, en la Asociación de Artistas Aficionados (Jirón Ica 323 – Cercado de Lima), viernes y sábado a las 8 p. m. y domingos a las 7 p. m. Entradas en Joinnus o en la boletería del teatro.
Por: Evelyn García Tirado
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halesiarpg · 6 months
Duda, se podrían saber las edades de los herederos de las familias reales para que los que tenemos personajes no herederos podamos ajustarnos? Gracias
Ahí tenéis:
Heredero de Avaloria: 35 años Heredera de Ellesmera: 554 años Loryen no tiene herederos. Heredera de Azgeda: 323 años Heredero de Wyrm: 267 años. Heredero de Searolon: 56 años.
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agendaculturaldelima · 7 months
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🎭 Teatro: “LA PIEDRA DEL MAL”👺
✍️ Dramaturgia: César Carrión
🗯 Argumento: En las calles de Lima, un demonio ancestral tratando de escapar de la procesión del señor de los Milagros queda encerrado en una piedra. Dejando un escrito para que alguna persona ingenua lo lea y así pueda liberarse de su encierro. Años después, Martín, un adolescente muy descuidado, lo hará volver poniendo en peligro a su familia. Este será el momento para que el demonio nos perturbe con sus mentiras y engaños.
👥 Elenco: César Carrión,  Víctor Collantes, Ana María Chocano, Yamely Moorth, Gladys Monrroy, Alonso Parrales, Pablo Ramirez, Elizabeth Santillana y José Ticse
📢 Dirección: César Carrión
© Producción: Butaca Roja Teatro.
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📌 TEMPORADA: Del 23 de febrero al 03 de marzo
📆 Funciones: Viernes y sábado 🕗 8:00pm. / Domingo 🕖 7:00pm.
🏪 Teatro Ricardo Roca Rey de la Asociación de Artistas Aficionados (jr. Ica 323 - Centro de Lima)
🎫 Adultos: S/.40
🎟 Estudiante y Jubilados: S/.20
📱 Reservas: 955 134 875 [Whatsapp]
👀 A tener en cuenta: Obra recomendada para mayores de catorce años. (14+)
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miranovelas · 7 months
Todo por mi familia capitulo 323 lunes 19 de febrero del 2024
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japanesecarssince1947 · 7 months
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1981 Mazda 323 Familia 4-door Hatchback
My tumblr-blogs:
www.tumblr.com/germancarssince1946 & www.tumblr.com/frenchcarssince1946 & www.tumblr.com/englishcarssince1946 & www.tumblr.com/italiancarssince1946 & www.tumblr.com/japanesecarssince1947 & www.tumblr.com/uscarssince1935
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hirocimacruiser · 1 year
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Main equipment Front strut tower bar 2 Potenza RE71 195/60R1485H steel radial tires & 14-inch aluminum wheels FM/AM electronic tuner + full logic cassette deck + 4 speakers Large bucket seats Power windows with one-touch mechanism Power door locks Dual Exhaust pipe ●Split (6:4) folding rear seat ●Graben glass ●One-touch air conditioning switch
Center differential with viscous LSD ● Rear differential with viscous LSD ● One-touch electric retractable remote control type colored door ami
Roof spoiler with LED high mount stop lamp Intermittent time adjustable front wiper GT type
Responsive power steering ●Tilt steering ●Rear package tray ●Rear 3-point seat belt ●One-touch intermittent rear wiper and washer
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okosen · 11 months
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codigo-urbe · 1 year
Plan Nacional de Distribución de Proteína Animal en Libertador atendió a unas 5 mil familias
Según el Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Alimentación (Minppal) unas 5 mil familias fueron atendidas con el Plan Nacional de Distribución de Proteína Animal en Libertador. El Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Alimentación (Minppal) a través de la Productora y Distribuidora Venezolana de Alimentos (Pdval), realizó este jueves la distribución de alimentos para abastecer a unas 5 mil 323…
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Mazda 323 EV, 1983. An experimental electric version of the BD series 323/Familia
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3dprintableshop · 1 year
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santosyancarlocoach · 2 years
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Que si es para ti? #claroquesi y empezar un #año2023 sumando a tu vida, aprendizajes y desaprendizajes que te llevarán a crear: #comunicacióndevalor #relacionessanas #abundancia #dinero #familia #autoestima #superacionpersonalsiempre y #nuevosamigos RESERVA: (323) 810-0132 o (323) 533-1961 https://www.instagram.com/p/CnCSj4uLO6v/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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