hasnasminds · 3 months
best day ever
it was 2nd june, on sunday night after having a good kangkung dinner at home, we are going to sleep. The day was perfect, we were gardening at kangkung green house with friends and it's cheap yet very fresh. Strolling around the garden, having some chit chats with friends. I was on my 32w3d pregnant that time. I've been experiencing a light cram throughout the week but everything's fine, i do a normal hustle in home and even i do a little yoga and exercise. Suddenly on midnight, my water breaks. I was on my sleep, but i realized something's wrong because i felt wet on my butt. When i wake up and standing, suddenly plenty water like about 1/2 bucket breaks up to the floor. I thought it was pee. But strangely i can't hold my pee and it was soo many. You know the day before i just finished packing my stuff for the hospital bag, and i just bought some baby diapers for it in the convenience store nearby. And i was explaining about labor/delivery emergency procedure to my husband on the night, on 9 o clock before this happened. It was so coincidence right? Maybe it's my clue for having the baby earlier? My water breaks then my husband panic. He already knows every procedure i told him about water breaks. Then he called an emergency taxi for pregnant women
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youareubiquitous · 4 years
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mysistersairman · 7 years
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I'm not going to lie; I've been struggling with body image issues and self confidence during this pregnancy. If you were to ask anyone close to me, I hate having my picture taken and I always ask that they be deleted/not posted (for creeper reasons as well - there's some weirdos out there!). BUT I know I'll want to look back on these when I no longer have my little chica in my belly (I'm already sad thinking about not feeling her little movements inside of me) and that she'll appreciate seeing them when she's older (like I do seeing pictures of mi mami pregnant with me in my baby book). SO despite how absolutely gigantic and unattractive I feel, here's yours truly in all of my 3rd trimester glory! *Please be nice **Seriously, everything makes me cry these days ...😅😂 #pregnant #pregnantAF #32w3d #thirdtrimester #babyanderson
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dungeonsndiapers · 8 years
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32 Weeks (+3 days) Today is the second day in a row I have had to take a nap. I can't make it through the day lol. We've been super busy getting the house ready for the shower on Saturday and she hasn't been as active today. She's having a lazy day. Packages have been coming in from Amazon all week and I'm trying to restrain myself from opening all of them. Of course I peek at the registry and I know what's coming... but the satisfaction of opening the boxes are so tempting! I must resist! Bill and I are going out of town on Monday. Just to Laughlin for a few days. It's about a 3 and a half hour drive and we can take Liza with us. Bill really needs a break.
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This bump is out of control. I can’t believe I still have 7.5 weeks to grow lol. Baby’s heart rate was 142, I’m measuring right on track for 32 weeks. I’m up 18 pounds total and hoping I can deliver before that number gets too much higher than 25. But either way, I know I’m growing a human and I am proud of that and my pregnancy shouldn’t be defined by the number of pounds it added to my body.
I talked to the doctor a lot today about epidurals and birth plans and all of that fun stuff. He said I should keep an open mind and follow my body’s cues. If I can do it without an epidural, great. But if I feel like I need one, I should listen to that and get it and not be ashamed. It felt good to have him reassure me that it’s okay to not have a solid plan and he actually said that’s how people end up the most disappointed. (Which lines up with everything y’all have told me too!)
I’m so stinkin ready to meet this little boy.
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emmasangelwings · 5 years
Twice a week testing
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Today started my twice weekly appointments. I’m only 32w3d but since I deliver at 37w3d they wanted to start my twice weekly testing early.
My twice weekly testing includes NST (non stress test) and a BPP (biophysical profile) the NST is a boring test where you sit in a nice comfy chair with 2 monitors strapped to your belly while they monitor baby’s heart rate and movements. The BPP is the…
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andalittlebitmanic · 8 years
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Baby kicks (: 32w3d
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pandori3 · 7 years
仕事行ってる間の様子を垣間見たけど、ずっとFFしてるがな・・・・!(・д・`) まぁ、座っている分には大丈夫との事なので、ストレスが溜まらん様に好きな事をさせる。 (本当は出かけたいらしいが、それはNG)
育児に対して自分は「何が出来るか」ではなく、「どうありたい」んだろう。 今まで「どうありたいか」という点についてあまり考えたことが無くて、「何をすればいいか」のみに特化してきた生き方だったのかな、という点に気づいた。
まず当人に「どうしたい?」と問える親になりたいなぁ。 (「こうしたい」に対して、「〇〇だからダメ、××をしろ」しか返ってこない家だった) 勿論道徳・モラル?に反する動きが無い様な自制出来るヒトに育つような働きかけはするけど。
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Just had a scan to see where the placenta is in relation to the cervix. In previous scans the placenta has been totally covering the cervix which means that the baby would have to be delivered by caesarean.
Turns out that the placenta has moved 5.5cm away from the cervix which means a natural delivery is possible!
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Feeling soo disconnect from everyone and everything. I feel like I haven’t had time to breathe this last month and now I really won’t till little man is here. I feel horrible for not keeping in touch with people. I honestly get so distracted sometimes and forget to respond to text or even talk to people in person. I’m sooo out of it. I haven’t slept much at all lately. 😫 I know right now my head is just filled with thoughts of baby baby BABY! Which I’m sorry to my friend and family. But I waited so long for these moments that I’m cherishing every little bit of being pregnant. Now It’s going to transition to just things around our little man but I will learn to balance everything out but for now to my friends, Please be patient with me. I’m still here and care a lot about you all,I’m just learning to balance everything. Soo.. My mom and aunt are planning my shower and I really don’t know anything. I’m not a huge party person. (Hence why I didn’t have a wedding. Also it gives me anxiety to make sure people are enjoying themselves.) so my mom said if she and my aunt could handle everything without me. I had no hesitation because my aunt has AMAZING taste. My mom is mainly just the financial side of it. Lol. So I was fine. Today I saw the hall they rented and found out how many people they invited. I was shocked!! Some family I haven’t seen for years!!! But I won’t complain because I’m thankful they are doing this for me. This is my moms first grandchild so she’s going big. I’m a very shy person and I know it’s going to be hard having all the attention on me. It’s getting closer and closer and I’m so nerves. I hope it all goes well. I’m still in shock that our little man is going to be here next month!! How has time gone by so fast???
life has been sooo good lately and I’m unbelievably blessed. Well I hope to update more often and stay connected with my tumblr ladies. I hope everyone is doing great!
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heyjudeamia · 11 years
Always uncomfortable
I can't sleep on my back because I can't breathe when Jude is squishing my insides. I can't sleep on my right side because if anything touches where Jude's feet are, she pushes on and kicks it. Hard. I can't sleep on my left side because my hips are out of whack. I can't sleep on my stomach for obvious reasons. Also, sciatica is a cruel mistress that makes sitting, standing and laying down painful.
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thecupcakefiles · 11 years
can't tell if nausea or heartburn
but I think it's nausea, which is weird because I thought I got over all that a couple months ago =/ it's not like the 'if I look at food I'll keel over' nausea either, it's the 'if I eat a piece of toast it might fix it or I might throw up it could go either way' kind
ugh what a yucky feeling 
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