#4 ongoing titles at the same time just sounds scary tbh
kara-zor-els · 1 month
unstoppable force (my love for superman comics) vs immovable object (me being too intimidated by the triangle era)
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mxmeiyun · 4 years
Doctor Who season overviews
My friend is embarking on the wonderful journey of watching of “Doctor Who” and asked me for a rundown of what episodes she absolutely has to watch, my favorites, and ones that can be skipped. I thought I’d share them here in case anyone else was interested. Also I’m curious what anyone else’s thoughts on some must-view episodes.
(Will be updating as my friend reaches each season.)
Series 1
Definitely watch 1 because it’s where everything starts and you start to get a vibe for how the show goes. A fantastic place to start, if you will.
2 is a fun one with a plethora of aliens. If you’ve seen gifs of the Doctor jamming to “Toxic” by Brittany Spears, this is where that’s from.
3 is the first “historical” episode of the revival. Ok episode overall. Has ghosts and a bit an unintentional easter egg for future episodes/series.
4-5 are a bit silly but also I think have some good characterization of the Doctor and why sometimes he needs a friend to keep him in check.
6 introduces you to a classic DW alien so you should watch it.
7 is good to watch because it sort of sets up some stuff for the finale but I also find the guest characters kinda annoying.
8 is good if you want to learn more about Rose and that becomes more important to later stories and the next season.
9-10 is an all around fan favorite (certainly one of mine) and introduces a re-occurring fan favorite character. The reason why gas masks will forever make me uneasy.
11 follows up after the events of 4-5 (all three could be skipped if you want to go along faster).
12-13 are the finale and should be watched.
Series 2
0 (the Christmas special) is the first one with David Tennant as the Doctor, a muse-watch in my books. (Also, some things happen that become very important in later stories but I won’t say more because spoilers.) Introduces a new important character and re-introduces something
1 has cat people.
2 is a fun one and has an easter egg of sorts for future stories/characters but isn't necessary for major plot line. It’s one of the ones I like to rewatch.
3 sees the return of an old fan favorite companion from Old Who (before this still ongoing revival).
4 is skippable unless you like some fancy French aesthetic or are into automatons.
5-6 you should watch. Re-introduction of another classic Who monster.
7 is kinda weird.
8-9 are a good, kinda creepy story. Sees the introduction of the Ood, which are one of my dad’s personal favorites, who will also pop up later.
10 is literally one of the dumbest eps ever.
11 I literally don’t remember at all but the internet tells me it involves a small child, and Doctor Who does have some good, creepy episodes playing on stereotypical childhood fears.
12-13 are the two part finale so you definitely have to watch those. Prepare for some serious emotions, though.
Series 3
0 (Christmas special) introduces Donna Noble. Must watch, but I won’t say why.
1 introduces the new companion. Also introduces a kind of goofy alien that will pop up again.
2 is a fun one with Shakespeare and witches.
3 sees a return to New New York on New Earth (same setting as 2x01). Should watch because of [spoilers redacted] at the end. (Hint: think of who mysteriously disappeared in that previous episode.)
4-5, as the titles suggest, feature Daleks and imo all Dalek episodes should be watched.
6 is ok. Honestly kind of predictable plot-line.
7 is also ok. Not particularly memorable, but it is the first episode written by Chris Chibnall, who took over as show-runner for Series 11 (first season with Jodie Whittaker, the first female Doctor).
8-9 is a two-parter and is a fan and personal favorite.
10 is unusual because the main characters are not actually the Doctor and Martha, but this is another much-loved episode. Also introduces one of my favorite and most scary (imo) aliens.
11, 12, and 13 all kind of go together. Sees the re-introduction of an important character from the show’s original run. All pretty memorable and Martha is a total badass.
Series 4 (tl;dr: watch all of this series)
0 (Christmas special; you get the drill) is a good one. Sometimes there are episodes where the Doctor meets someone where you just know they’d be a fantastic companion.
1 is a must-see because [spoilers redacted].
2 is another must-see. It’s a solid episode of Who, is yet another good example of why the Doctor shouldn’t travel alone, and as a fun fact, we see two actors who will pop up in later series.
3, as the title implies, sees the return of the Ood! Watch this for some foreshadowing.
4-5 we see a new-to-New-Who alien who is another one that will come to pop up again over time. Honestly the plot and guest characters follow some predictable tropes BUT we also get to see some of [redacted]’s family, which is always good fun.
6 I think is only an okay episode. But meeting the “Doctor’s daughter” (not a spoilers bc its the episode title) is kinda fun. And I think it gives us some interesting insight into companions post their travels with the Doctor. 
Also, weird DW fun fact: David Tennant and the actress who plays his daughter is the real-life daughter of actor Peter Davison, who played the Fifth Doctor back in Classic Who, are now married with kids.
7 isn’t integral to any major plot lines, but it’s no doubt a fun one, especially if you like murder mysteries or Agatha Christie.
8-9 are another must-see two fan and personal favorites for many reasons why, but I can’t go into because spoilers! Some good spooky eps that are really downright chilling at times, but not completely without some good comic bits. Love watching this with friends who are watching it for the first time.
10 does an excellent job of being creepy, which is good if you’re into it, but you can skip it if not.
11 is a good one with a timey-wimey plot. Also yay because [spoilers]!
12-13 are an excellent two-part series finale and that’s all I can say.
The Specials (mini series between Series 4 & 5)
1 is good if you like Cybermen
2 has a spunky one-off companion who is a lot of fun
3 is creepy af
4-5 are a must-watch two-parter. If you liked the Series 4 finale (and let’s be real, how could you not), you’ll enjoy this. Also, it’s the last episodes with Russel T. Davies as show-runner.
Series 5
1 introduces the new Eleventh Doctor and their companion, so definitely have to watch that. (Side note: fish fingers and custard is a weird combination but, speaking from personal experience, it’s not terrible.)
2 is a good one with debatable ethical questions and some good insight into the Doctor.
3 is another Dalek episode, but it’s only okay as far as Dalek episodes go. It’s a historical one, if you like those. Fun fact: it’s written by Mark Gatiss, a collaborator of new show-runner Stephen Moffat and guest star from “The Lazarus Experiment.”
4-5 you have to see because spoilers. But it’s very good. Also, has some plot points that are related to the overall story of the Ponds.
6 you get the gist from the title and honestly it’s not terribly exciting. Some fun bits about the new group’s dynamic.
7 is a pretty weird one tbh but should be watched we get companion character development.
8-9 introduces some fun characters that will pop up again every now and then and has a very important plot point. (Fun fact: this one takes place in the year 2020!)
10 is one of the more emotionally-driven episodes and deals with mental health. One of many fan favorites.
11 is lighter fanfare after some honestly pretty heavy episodes that precede it. Not really important to the overall plot, but it’s a fun comedic one. 
12-13 are the finale, so obviously definitely watch that. Gets a little timey-wimey.
Series 6
0 is fine, as the Christmas specials go. I’m a little tired of the “man makes it his purpose in life to save his dying love who is kind of helpless in her own story” but the ending’s alright.
1-2 set the stage for the whole series, so those have to be watched.
3 has pirates, which is fun but not necessary to the main story line.
4 has such an intriguing title, so how could you not watch it? Will we finally find out if River and the Doctor are married? Spoilers.
5-6 are key plot points. Love a good doppelgänger.
7 follows immediately after 6, so I can’t say much about it.
8 is a pretty weird one but hold on to your butts for a wild ride.
9 is a properly spooky one. Like, actually low-key terrifying. But not related to the main plot line.
10 is emotionally painful but in a good way.
11 is another creepy one that plays on common fears. Inspired by some Greek mythology, which is fun.
12-13 are the two-part finale, so you know the drill.
Series 7, part I
0 is another only-okay Christmas special. They’re just not as fun as they once were, in my opinion.
1 you have to watch for plot reasons. It’s a good one because [spoilers redacted].
2 is pretty much what it sounds like. We are now also accompanied by Rory’s father, which is pretty amusing. Sees the return of a previously-met alien species. (Fun fact: one of the guest stars is David Bradley from, among other things, the Harry Potter movies.)
3 has some fun moral quandaries.
4 is fun because we see the Doctor having a go at normal Earth life, as well as thee return of some familiar arguably badass faces.
5 is a must-see for plot reasons (and the return of one of my favorite on-again-off-again companions).
Series 7, part II (don’t read below if you haven’t finished part I)
5.5 you have to watch and is a sort of mid-season Christmas special. Sees the return of an Old Who monster as well as several New Who faces.
6 follows up the events of the above special, so you have to see that, too.
7 is good because gives some backstory to Clara.
8 sees the return of another Old Who alien, whose species will pop up later in New Who. I didn’t particularly like nor dislike this one.
9 is a ghost story, which we haven’t really seen in Who for a while. It’s ok.
10 is also only ok but you should watch it for overall plot points.
11 we see the return of the Paternoster Gang, who I find quite amusing, but otherwise I didn’t really like this episode. It’s a little gross.
12 is written by Neil Gaiman so you should watch it. It’s also only fine, but better in my opinion than most of the other episodes in this part of the series.
13 is the series finale and has a rather intriguing title and wraps up this half of the series’ major story arc. Honestly I’m not a fan but you should watch it anyway.
Series 8
1 sees the return of the Paternoster Gang and more dinosaurs, but is also the first episode of the new Doctor and as such should be watched. Also have to keep an eye out at the end for some important scenes.
2 introduces a friend of Clara’s and reintroduces the Daleks but with a bit of a weird twist. Not super key to any main plot lines.
3 is pretty much what the title says it is. “Robot of Sherwood.” It’s meh.
4 is a little timey-wimey and develops some intercharacter relationships but overall isn’t exactly mandatory viewing.
5 is a robbery heist with some sci-fi twists. It’s alright.
In 6 we see Clara trying (and failing) to compartmentalize her life with the Doctor and her regular human on Earth life. It’s decent and there’s a snippet at the end that hints at some overarching plots.
7 tries to make some arguments about ethics but isn’t too convincing. The plot’s kinda fun, though.
8 is another one where the title, “Mummy on the Orient Express” pretty much sums it up. It does have a couple small throwbacks to older New Who seasons.
9 isn’t key to major plot lines but it’s a decent and kind of spooky episode.
10′s kinda dumb but has some weak environmental messaging.
11-12 wrap up the season’s major plot lines.
Series 9
0 is like a Christmas-themed reworking of a previous episode but I won’t say which one because spoilers.
1-2 are a pretty strong two-part season opener, I think. We see the return of some of the Doctor’s oldest friends/enemies.
3-4 are a properly timey-wimey, fairly creepy story. It’s a good one that honestly I wouldn’t want to watch by myself late at night with the house to myself.
5-6 are also timey-wimey AND introduce a character played by Maisie Williams (of “Game of Thrones” fame) who is actually pretty complex for a female character created by Stephen Moffat.
7-8 sees the return of, no surprise here, the Zygones. And also UNIT and Osgood, who is fan service personified but I’m ok with that.
9, in a way, is about the evils of capitalism but in space!
10 is important for plot. (Sees the return of some new old friends.)
11-12 has some good timey-wimeyness and a healthy dose of angst. (Also, the ending is gay and you can’t convince me otherwise.) It’s frustrating, but in an understandable way? I guess?
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