gotouda · 7 years
410940 replied to your photo
remember when i didn’t know who u were and u were showing us osmosis jones porn
i do absolutely remember that and i want to make it known by my audience that i no longer have osmosis jones porn on my computer. thanks.
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dykentery · 7 years
answer them all idk how many there are but do 1-the end
hey now u can all blame david for this not me theres fuckin 100 of them fhjfghfgds
1-20: done!!
21. Are you in a good mood?nooo todays been a fuckin time i am STRESSED22. Would you ever want to swim with sharks?honestly? yeah id love this
23. Are your eyes the same color as your dad’s?nah mine are blue his r green or hazel idr24. What do you want right this second?sleep im a sleepy bab25. What would you say if the person you love/like kissed another girl/boy?this is already a thing that happens n im 200% ok w it26. Is your current hair color your natural hair color?sorta!!! i dyed my natural colour over some pink bits so its like 4-5 inches of roots and then 2-3 inches this weird red brown thats actually super ugly but im too lazy to fix it27. Would you be able to date someone who doesn’t make you laugh?honestly i think everyone makes me laugh so if someone doesnt make me laugh thats fuckin impressive28. What was the last thing that made you laugh?idk!!!29. Do you really, truly miss someone right now?yah30. Does everyone deserve a second chance?nah31. Honestly, do you hate the last boy you were talking to?probably idk who it was but i hate boys in general32. Does the person you have feelings for right now, know you do?i have feelings for like 5 people but yeah one of them knows33. Are you one of those people who never drinks soda?i love soda but i dont drink it 2 often bc its sooo sweet34. Listening to?kesha :^)35. Do you ever write in pencil anymore?tbh no i hate writing in pencil a lot BUT i do like drawing in it36. Do you know where the last person you kissed is?yeah!37. Do you believe in love at first sight?not really38. Who did you last call?the lost dogs home lol39. Who was the last person you danced with?probably em? idk40. Why did you kiss the last person you kissed?bc i was saying goodbye and we wanted 2 kiss each other41. When was the last time you ate a cupcake?god this had to have been years ago i hate cake esdfghfd42. Did you hug/kiss one of your parents today?nope43. Ever embarrass yourself in front of a crush?uhhh im never not embarrassing44. Do you tan in the nude?;)
45. If you could, would you take back your last kiss?god no46. Did you talk to someone until you fell asleep last night?i dont think so bc i remember saying goodnight to people47. Who was the last person to call you?the lost dogs home48. Do you sing in the shower?yes49. Do you dance in the car?yes50. Ever used a bow and arrow?at every primary school camp ever51. Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer?god like 6 years ago maybe??52. Do you think musicals are cheesy?no i love them sdfgh53. Is Christmas stressful?yes but i love it
54. Ever eat a pierogi?dont even know what it is!!55. Favorite type of fruit pie?apple and rhubarb!!!56. Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid?director or actor lmao57. Do you believe in ghosts?ghjgfdsfghjfgd idk leav me alone58. Ever have a Deja-vu feeling?god always59. Take a vitamin daily?listen i should but i dont60. Wear slippers?i hate slippers idk why61. Wear a bath robe?yes i love them theyre a blankety alternative to clothes62. What do you wear to bed?uhhh it varies but usually nothing63. First concert?dsfghjgfdsfgh cute is what we aim for lol64. Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart?listen i dont have walmart and targets expensive also i spent $40 at kmart today i think that sums it up65. Nike or Adidas?i literally dont care ngl66. Cheetos Or Fritos?ive never had cheetos and i dont even know what fritos are wertghjgfd67. Peanuts or Sunflower seeds?peanuts but i do love sunflower seeds68. Favorite Taylor Swift song?dear john is a guilty pleasure when im sad69. Ever take dance lessons?yeah!!70. Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing?fucked if i know71. Can you curl your tongue?yeah i can do the three curl too72. Ever won a spelling bee?yeah lol73. Have you ever cried because you were so happy?dsfghfd it always turns into breakdowns does that count74. What is your favorite book?the his dark material series :^)75. Do you study better with or without music?depends on my mood!!!76. Regularly burn incense?i HATE the smell of incense fuck77. Ever been in love?yes!!!78. Who would you like to see in concert?lorde tbh79. What was the last concert you saw?i think it was the wombats??? i dont think ive been to any shows since then idk80. Hot tea or cold tea?i love them both81. Tea or coffee?i love them both but coffee82. Favorite type of cookie?a classic choc ripple or teddy bear83. Can you swim well?god no i have almost drowned like...three or four times its bad84. Can you hold your breath without holding your nose?yeah !! i didnt know this was a thing that ppl couldnt do tbh85. Are you patient?idk it depends on my mood i can wait for things sometimes but i also get real anzious86. DJ or band, at a wedding?sadfghjgfds i like bands at weddings idk why 87. Ever won a contest?yeah i won a competition to see josh thomas bc of an assholish thing i did once which i overexaggurated a lot lol88. Ever have plastic surgery?no but honestly its something im probably gonna do if i have money89. Which are better black or green olives?i hate them both my answer is olive oil90. Opinions on sex before marriage?fuckin go for it idgaf91. Best room for a fireplace?every room ever. bedroom? yes. kitchen? fuck yes. bathroom? why the fuck WOULDNT you92. Do you want to get married?nope dsfghdsfgh
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rhinse · 7 years
410940 replied to your video: me at any given moment
this is giving me bad anxiety
sorry david :(
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stefanoscloud · 2 years
How to convert physical to virtual machines P2V in Windows and Linux
You need to convert an existing physical machine running Windows or Linux to its virtual machine equivalent. This article provides instructions on how to carry out a physical to virtual (P2V) conversion.
Windows Disk2VHD If you are running a Windows 7 or Windows 10 physical machine, you should download the Disk2VHD application from Windows Sysinternals. After extracting the contents of the downloaded .zip file the following executables are available. Run the "disk2vhd64.exe" on Windows 64-bit systems.
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The Disk2VHD user interface lists the available system partitions and offers the following configuration options. Option for MBR partition, does not need the extra bootable partition for the final vhd(x) to be bootable.
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Option for GPT partition, needs also the bootable partition for the final vhd(x) to be bootable.
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Disk2VHD has an option for .vhdx for HyperV or .vhd for compatibility with other hypervisors. There is a also a CLI-based equivalent of the GUI. Details about running CLI commands in Disk2VHD can be found at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/downloads/disk2vhd. Linux In a separate KB article, i have provided instructions on how to use Linux dd to clone a memory card to another memory card: https://stefanos.cloud/kb/how-to-clone-a-memory-card-in-linux/. In a similar fashion, you can first boot your Linux computer with a Linux Live CD, such as Ubuntu Live, Kali Linux, System Rescue CD or any other live CD of your preference. Then you can run the dd command with the necessary parameters to clone a physical machine into a virtual disk (file image), as shown in the example command below. dd if=/dev/hdc bs=4k conv=noerror,sync | ssh -c blowfish sampleuser@sampleserverIP 'dd of=filename.dd' #The below commands transform the created image file above to vhd format by using VirtualBox and VirtualBox Extensions on Linux sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install virtualbox VBoxManage convertfromraw filename.dd filename.vhd --format VHD
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An alternative method would be to make use of the ntfsclone2vhd (https://github.com/yirkha/ntfsclone2vhd) tool in Linux by running the following example bash command. ntfsclone --save-image -o - /dev/sdc | ntfsclone2vhd - /mnt/usb/myfile.vhd Mac OSX In case you are a Mac OSX user, you should follow instructions in the below article for P2V conversion of your physical Mac to a virtual machine. https://superuser.com/questions/870811/how-to-convert-a-physical-os-x-machine-to-virtual-machine. Virtual to virtual (V2V) conversion After you have completed the Physical to Virtual (P2V) conversion process, you may need to further convert the P2V output file to another file format (.vhd), so that it can be supported by a hypervisor other than Hyper-V or Virtual PC. You can further make use of the free Starwind V2V converter, to convert the .vhd file to a vmware hypervisor file format: StarWind V2V Converter / P2V Migrator is a free software for cloning and transforming VMs from one format to another, as well as converting physical machines into virtual ones. It is utilized when migration or Hypervisor Switch is required. Compared to the typical converters built into hypervisors, StarWind V2V Converter / P2V Migrator offers bi-directional conversion between all the major VM formats: VMDK, VHD/VHDX (Windows Repair Mode aware), QCOW2, and StarWind native IMG. Further guidance on Virtual to Virtual (V2S) conversion can be found at: https://www.nakivo.com/blog/how-to-convert-vhd-to-vmdk-a-step-by-step-guide/.
https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/downloads/disk2vhd https://superuser.com/questions/410940/how-to-create-vhd-disk-image-from-a-linux-live-system https://tech.webit.nu/virtualbox-convert-raw-image-to-vdi-and-otherwise/ https://superuser.com/questions/1383079/clone-physical-disk-to-vdi-virtual-disk-virtualbox Read the full article
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dilutedd · 7 years
here’s a list of popular/common users who are aphobes so those of us who don’t want to platform them can avoid them
or in other words, I see these guys casually on posts a lot and want you all who are reblogging them to know they are aphobes (and some of them have done worse yet, such as abuse, rape apologism, transphobia, being anti sj, racism, etc)
tw for: ableism, abuse, abuse apologism, biphobia, body shaming, child sexual abuse, cissexism, conversion therapy, death/violent threats, fatphobia, gaslighting, homophobia, intersexism, lesbophobia, misgendering, pedo apologism, pedophilia, queerphobia, racism, radfems/terfs/swerfs, rape, rape apologism, sex shaming, sexism, sexual abuse, sexual harassment, suicide baiting, transphobia, truscum, whorephobia
edit Last updated: 12/11/2017
[edit] fun fact: I am trans and queer!! thanks for the misgendering, misidentifying, threats, constant use of misogynistic slurs, and suicide bait!
(will exclusionists ever stop misgendering inclusionists and calling them the b-slur? the world may never know)
[edit] Honestly this has now become just a general list of aphobes for people to block, not necessarily specifically of people I “see a lot” that people don’t know about. So with that in mind, here’s an extension that lets you block a list of people at once. (edit: link fixed, sorry!) Unfortunately, it’s only for Google Chrome and I’m not sure if there are other versions out there for other browsers.
[edit] Latest additions, so people can keep track of updates: cadaverjones, captainfunkpunkandroll, captainprism, chainsawpunk, cherryseltzer, chloepricekin, chunke, cisphobepapyrus, clara-the-slytherin-graduate, clarith, clusterc, commanderlotus, commuwuism, confused-alien-on-earth, constowllation, corrgii, courtneyhammett, cozybears, crash-bandisloot, crawlybug, crunchydude, cuckmobile, cybernetyx, cyberni, depechemodemutual, peppermint-dyke, reindeer-ritsu, romansilver, wikdsushi
[edit] Other block lists to take note of: Pedo apologist list and list of other shitty inclusionists, list of anti-sj, anti-feminists, terfs, truscum, and their apologists
[edit] Previous versions of this list. Keep in mind these may contain users that have been removed.
[edit4] Aphobic as in,
don’t believe aro/aces are LGBT+,
don’t think aphobia is real, don’t think ace/aro pride is needed and/or that it is homophobic, don’t think aro/ace issues should be discussed,
think asexuality and aromanticism aren’t real, are “just modifiers”, are “just internalized homophobia”, and/or are fake “special snowflake” identities,
or worse, that aspecs need to be medically/psychologically examined - that being aspec is or is a symptom of a medical disorder or mental illness,
think asexuality just means someone doesn’t like or have sex,
don’t think we should educate about asexuality,
think minors can’t be aspec,
think the A is for “ally” which is particularly ironic while arguing aces don’t belong because they’re “cishet invaders”
think asexuality and/or aromanticism is pedophilia, homophobic, inherently abusive, or nsfw, etc
believe having sex without attraction is bad, mentally ill, abusive, rape, etc (just in general a lot of sex-shaming shit that often pulls in whorephobia), or even think aspecs can’t or shouldn’t date
often don’t even think you can be gay/etc and ace, and make sweeping statements against asexuality in general, so “lgbt aces” is a bunch of lying shit
make and support numerous lies regarding the discourse, such as that MOGAI was “coined by a pedophile” or that aspec was “stolen from autistics”
And most of them are biphobic, such as believing biphobia doesn’t exist, using phrases like “bihet”, and hating on “”””new”””” or “”””fake”””” identities in general, which means many are truscum/anti-nonbinary/exorsexist as well (fun fact: truscum came up with this “the mogais” shit btw), and most of them believing in “straight/cis passing” privilege
And tend to have a habit of shitting on people who identify as queer, or even imply or directly say nobody is allowed to ID as queer, as well as a habit of intersexism on top of that. Many also think it’s inherently homophobic to be triggered or uncomfortable by general pda and related content, including sexually explicit content (there’s generally a lot of anti-survivor and anti-sex repulsed bs).
Annnnd a lot of the cis here keep using “cishet” which is not their fucking word to use! because they have cis privilege! they are not oppressed by cis people! And a lot of them speak over trans people or outright try to educate us about what is “really” transphobic in the discourse. And the amount of misgendering is extreme, if the above big and bold part didn’t indicate that well enough.
Just look at my damned discourse tag ffs.
That being said of course if you see someone on here who is additionally abusive, an assailant, a radfem/truscum, etc, feel free to mention it. Blogs like @regreceipts and @aphobehallofshame and @justaphobethings​ has quite a lot of posts on these people (and others) saying awful things and being nasty.
[edit] Due to the increased harassment, transphobia, and threats, I am now auto-blocking everyone added to this list. If you do NOT believe any of the above and I’ve made a mistake, you’ll have to find another way besides a message or reply to correct this.
[edit] Also, (many) people on here aren’t irredeemable, there have been cases of people changing and being removed from here. There’s also the case of when someone else (often unrelated) takes over the URL and gets removed from here. If that happens, let me know… but again because of the abuse, these blogs are autoblocked, so you’ll have to find a way around that.
[edit5] “Why are there deactivated people on here?”
because regardless of deactivation their posts still exist and their comments on others’ posts also still exist, so, people who don’t want to give aphobes a platform should avoid those posts, that’s the point of this list
16bitdiscourse (also threatens physical violence on aces for coming out)
343-guiltyspark / x2013x (also a terf and makes posts about violently attacking trans people)
6-/-6-6 (remove / for blocking purposes, tumblr autocorrects it to a longer dash)
6c415f (also a terf and biphobe)
9-lovs (also a terf and pedo apologist)
aawb (also a terf, doesn’t believe in biphobia, doesn’t believe that refusing to date or befriend bi people is biphobic, and believes that bi women are privileged over lesbians)
abracababra / discourspicy
accelgors (also biphobic)
acecommunityreceipts (also claims aces can’t be raped for being ace)
aceoppression (also believes calling trans people cishets isn’t misgendering)
acephobia101 (also believes sex ed shouldn’t be taught to children and that you can’t know you’re ace until you’re a teen)
acephobiafreediscourse (also defended discourseprincesa (see below) and protested her outing)
acephobiaisajoke / gonnadeleteafter (also a rape apologist)
acetungldotcom (also suicide baits; wishes death on aces)
aceslation / lesbiandiscordblog (also blames Ace Tumblr TM for lesbian porn)
acoupleofradfems (also a terf)
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aphobe-watch · 7 years
some new aphobes and exclusionists for you:
sumayyahs 410940 aejeung sexxypotato holybcy theoneplatypus zepharsnow mango-s0da sarrzuu gaycherhorowitz etherlunelight feverjam
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Plant-Based Skincare PSODEX Launches New Website with Its #BacktoBasics Approach #Beauty #CosmeticProducts #CleanBeauty #Cosmetics #Indie #Moisturizer #Natural #Organic #Skin #Skincare #Vegan #Onlinemarketing #Digitalmarketing #Socialmedia #Eprnews  #Businesstobusiness #Workspace #SEO #Blogging #Contentmarketing #Marketing #Marketingstrategy #Branding #Startup #B2bmarketing #Socialmedia #Socialmediamarketing #News #Worldnews #Newspaper #Media #Magazine #Photography #Art #Tv #Journalism #India #Advertising #Newsletter #Politics #Radio #Article #BBC #Newstoday #Share #Lifestyle #Publicrelations #Business #Entrepreneur #Marketingdigital #Smallbusiness #Ppc  #Sem #Digitalmarketingagency #Digital #Graphicdesign #Smm #Design #Success #Marketingonline #Website #Webdesign #Webdevelopment #Emailmarketing #Internetmarketing #Ecommerce #Searchengineoptimization #Content #Onlinebusiness #Websitedesign #Brand #Marketingagency #Socialmediamanager #Blogging #Strategy #Technology #Searchengine
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Humminbird 410940-1NAV Humminbird 410940-1NAV HELIX 7 Fishfinder CHIRP MDI GPS G3 NAV
7-Inch screen with 800H x 480V resolution color TFT display Includes Navionics+ (U.S. and Canada) SD card for out-of-the-box map coverage of over 21,000 lakes and waterbodies MEGA Down Imaging: Get unprecedented underwater clarity with coverage down to 125 feet below your boat
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dullhoe · 7 years
@410940 will do but idk what to put as the last name i may have to still think about that 
also does anyone else want a sim done by me the outfits are hilarious..
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gotouda · 7 years
410940 replied to your post: i was about to be like “once time travels invented...
he’s not married because he’s actually dating me
oh...................................i see.....
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dykentery · 7 years
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i stole @410940s thing of taking screenshots of snaps and id say sorry except im really not
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rhinse · 7 years
410940 replied to your post: im starting a melodrama discourse whats your...
i like them all i can’t pick a fave but green light has lost its fun and it’s my least fav rn
this is a mood because as soon as i finished writing my faves supercut hard feelings/loveless and the louvre all popped into my head
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@410940 im ok im just rly bored and hot i hope u get energy to get up soon x
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shitboy96 · 7 years
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Call out post for Davis @410940
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5tawzeef · 6 years
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@410940 oh ofc :×)
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