#45 minutes later the cops show up and you can tell they’re ready to go and deal w a body
momofaddict · 4 years
The Story of the End
November 26, 2019, Melody and I has planned a girl's day out. I sent the baby to the sitter, I had the day off from work, we ran a few errands, then enjoyed a nice lunch downtown. I had $150 cash in my purse from selling the laptop that she kept hawking for drug money, so my last errand was to deposit that cash and get it the hell out of my purse.
When we got home around 2pm, she said she was going to meet one of her best friends at the condo, who was already there waiting. She's a pot head and occasional Xanax user, but not an addict. I told her I loved her and she left about 2:30p. The condo is 10 min from my house.
She was supposed to pick up the baby at 5p. My son's ex who I'm still close with had been group texting Mel and me around 4:30. I'd been responding, but Mel hadn't. Not terribly unusual, but I got that oh so familiar sinking feeling, heart palpitations of worry started.
Just after 5p I text Melody and asked if she'd picked up the baby yet. No answer. I called a couple of times, no answer. She always got mad at me when I worried & blew up her phone, so I was trying to not do that. I texted again around 5:30 asking if she wanted me to pick up the baby. At this point I knew she'd used. No answer. I called a couple more times, straight to VM. I called the sitter at 5:45p. Nope, Mel hadn't picked up the baby. I'm on my way...
It was rush hour so I skipped the highway and took back roads. Mistake! Every light took forever, every driver was going half the speed limit. This only exacerbated my anxiety, which was starting to skyrocket. I prayed, "Please don't let this be it. Please let her be asleep and pissed at me for overreacting. Please don't let her OD and die!"
I got to the condo, & saw her car (was hoping I wouldn't, which would mean she's out and about). I parked in the fire lane, ran up to her condo and entered with my key. The place was tidy and quiet. I thought maybe she'd left with her friend that she was meeting there. I looked all over the house, seemingly no one was there. I walked to the back of the condo where there first a vanity area, then past that, a door to the tiny room with a toilet and shower. Then it hit me... I think the TV is missing. I ran out to the living room and confirmed it was gone. Initially I was pissed.
I'd left my phone in the vanity area and went to retrieve it... And suddenly realized the toilet room door was closed. I went to open it - locked. Insert major sickly adrenaline rush of complete terror. She'd never OD'd before so I was fucking scared.
I started beating on the door and screaming at her. Nothing. I looked under the door as best I could, I saw shadows. Was it her? Was it just dirty clothes on the floor? Why was the door locked if she wasn't there? So many thoughts and questions running through my head. I got a hanger to try to break into the door and called 911. I continued to try to break into the door with no luck whatsoever. Kicking, banging, screaming. It looked like one of those easy doors that all of us at one point in our lives have broken into, a knob with just a hole in it that you can stick a metal hanger in there and easily unlock. It wasn't coming open. Divine intervention, I've now concluded.
What seemed like forever, but was probably about five minutes later, a cop showed up. He too could not get the door open. A couple minutes later EMTs show up and I am escorted into the living room, but I didn't want to be by the bathroom anyway because I was so afraid of seeing something I could never unsee again.
They got the lock open, but something was against the door. it was like they were trying to be careful pushing open the door and we're taking forever doing it. I wanted to scream at them to break her bones if needed, I don't care just get that fucking door open!
At this point the babysitter who lives in the same complex rushed over when she saw the ambulance out front. I was a goddamn mess, screaming and crying harder than I ever had before. I told her to go look. She said Melody's head was in the toilet and she's blue. They pulled her out and I kept yelling at them I HAVE NARCAN RIGHT THERE BY THE BATHROOM!
Ms W, the sitter took me outside for air & one guy came out saying she's breathing. That was it for me, she's breathing and there's Narcan, she'll make it.
I went back in and the cops just kept asking me questions and asking me questions and I was in no mood for any of that bullshit. They had Melody laid on the bedroom floor. I couldn't see her, but the door was cracked and I could see them working on her. I swear to God it took them 15 minutes to finally administer narcan. Surely that was their second try?? But then I saw the thing that I did not want to see, CPR. I fucking flipped my lid!
They moved me to a spot where I couldn't see inside the bedroom anymore & about 10 minutes later they said they were going to transport her to the hospital. I asked if she breathing several times. All they would say is that they're working on her. They told me to wait outside while they transport her to the ambulance. I had my back turned in my ears plugged with my fingers because I didn't want to hear or see anything that would make me lose hope. I wanted to know that there was some hope that my baby was going to live. While I was waiting for them to get her in the ambulance, I called my son and told him to meet me at the hospital, that Melody had overdosed. He was on his way. I did breakneck speed to get to the hospital that was approximately 10 minutes away.
When I got to the hospital I waited for about 5 minutes until someone came and got me. They escorted me, not to my daughter's bedside, but to the "family room", a small, private room with couches and tissues. I stood in the doorway shaking my head, telling them no, I don't want to go in there, but eventually relented.
The first person that talked to me said they're still working on her, which of course gave me a small glimmer of hope, but why in the fuck was I in that little room?
Within about 5 minutes the EMTs, cops, and medical staff that have been working on her all flooded into that room. This was it, I knew it. They explained how hard they tried. I stopped them and said no I don't want to hear it, it's not true! I was bawling needless to say, head in hands. Finally I looked up and just said is she...? He just said I'm sorry. I lost it. Ms W (babysitter) came in about that time and I held on to that woman as tightly as I've ever held anybody in my life. I told her she's gone she's gone she's gone, my baby is gone! Everyone left the room that wasn't family except Ms W and a "counselor", who, long story short, it wasn't helpful even a little.
The counselor left the room at one point for about 5 minutes and my son walked in. I was trying to read his face to see if anyone had told him anything. He hadn't even had a chance to sit down and the counselor basically followed him in the room. I hadn't had a chance to say anything to him yet, when she extended out her arm for a handshake, introduced herself and said, "I'm so sorry for your loss." OMFG! My son looking at utterly and totally confused said, "Wait, what?" immediately started bawling. I asked everyone to leave the room and he and I just held each other and cried as hard as we've ever cried in our lives.
I went outside shortly after for some air. By the time I got back in, Melody's dad was there, my ex. We cried and held each other. It was by far the worst day of my life. At one point they asked if I wanted to see Melody. I decided I did not. My son and my ex saw her.
I had arrived at Melody's condo at 6 p.m. . By 8:45 p.m. I was leaving the hospital no longer a mother of a daughter. Goddamn heroin took her away from me.
Ms W kept the baby and we all went our separate ways. I thought I would want to be alone, but pretty much as soon as I walked into my empty house and Melody's cat walked up to me, I knew I didn't need to be alone. I called my best friend and neighbor and she came over immediately. She stayed for about an hour, I was exhausted, and thought I was ready to be alone. Nope! Being alone with my brain at that time just wasn't a good place to be. So I called my sister who lives fairly nearby. We'd been out of sorts lately because she had a mental breakdown a few months before, basically because my druggie daughter had a baby and she can't have children. She had literally told me that as long as Melody is in my house, she won't be there. But she and her husband rushed right over. We talked until I couldn't stay awake anymore.
Then came all of the busy work of trying to figure out arrangements for my daughter. How was I going to pay for a funeral when I just shelled out the last of my available credit card money to her grandmother's funeral one month before? That's a whole other story I'll save for another day.
The story doesn't end there though.
Two days later, Thanksgiving Day, D (the baby's father) came up on a train. As you know D has never been anybody's favorite person in this family. But he was so emotionally distraught, we tried to embrace him and help him as much as we could. Even my son who pretty much loathes the man hugged him and told him if there's anything he needed... The only people there were my son, my ex, the baby, D and me. We did our best to have a small Thanksgiving dinner together, because we didn't want to ruin things for the baby and we knew Melody would want us to continue with Thanksgiving.
The next day, D and I were the only ones at my house other than the baby. I tried to give him as much time as possible with the baby. We all also had to go to the funeral home that day and start trying to make arrangements. I wanted those closest to her to have an opinion on the arrangements. that was a total cluster fuck because after spending four miserable hours up there picking this and picking that for the arrangements, just for the funeral alone they wanted $16,000. That does not include burial, headstone, in a myriad of other things. Fuck that. But we picked a burial plot, because no matter the price, I needed her grave to be at that location, which is very close to my house. My sister helped me pay for that, $5800 (without the headstone), so at least that much was done. The $3000 headstone was purchased later. My God, these people really take advantage of people in mourning.
The next day was Saturday, two days after Thanksgiving. D had obviously been day drinking and was just going off at the mouth about how he's going to be okay, he's going to move back up to my city, get a job, get his life together, so he can take care of his baby. The thought of that sent shock waves down my body because I knew he would never be in a position to really take care of the baby. But I also knew he was talking out of his ass because he's getting drunk. he just kept talking and talking and saying the same things over and over. I think he was trying to convince himself.
Then randomly out of the blue, I'm standing in the kitchen washing a baby bottle and he opens my freezer and takes a giant gulp of vodka that I had in there. He turns to me and says, "Take care of my boy." It took me a full two or three seconds to realize what he just said and I said "what did you just say to me?" Take care of my boy. I immediately burst into tears grabbed hold of his jacket and I said what the fuck don't talk like that! He said there's nothing that I could do to stop him. I told him he's a fucking liar for all the stuff that he had said earlier that day about taking care of his own son. He goes yeah that's right I'm a fucking liar, just take care of my boy and he yanked away and went for the front door. I just said D don't do anything stupid, please, at least for your son. He started crying and saying how he's going to get the motherfuckers that killed his girl, & walked out the front door.
I'm not going to lie, at this point I thought it was a bunch of addict, drunk bullshit. Yeah right, he's going to set off on foot to go do something to these dealers? I gathered his things from my house, put them in a bag, set it on the front porch and locked the door. My daughter just died and he wants to pull this bullshit on me? I don't think so.
I had plans to run to Target and then go to my son's for dinner, so I continue with my plans with the baby in tow. Target is pretty much around the corner, and since it was Black Friday weekend, there was a cop car sitting in front of Target. I went up to the cop car and told the cop inside what just transpired, and told him I felt he was a danger to himself and potentially others. I told him he was on foot so he couldn't be far. He entered some stuff in his little cop car computer and said that they'd keep an eye out for him. I said I didn't care if it was jail or someplace else, he just needs to be taken off the street and put it somewhere safe.
As the baby and I were then on our way to my son's house, my phone starts blowing up with people saying that D is posting some pretty sick shit on Facebook. He had cut up his arms really badly & was showing them off on various pictures. Then he apparently got a hold of a roadkilled possum and wrapped it around his neck and posted one video naming his dealers by name and saying they're going to pay. Then he posted another video where he was literally eating or tearing apart this dead possum with his teeth. He had officially lost his mind. His last video talked about me and my ex and my son, thanking us for all we had done for him, but that it just wasn't enough, among other things. So while all this was going on, I decided to call 911 and let them know what's going on.
A couple of investigators called me while I was at my son's within 30 minutes of me calling 911. They just wanted more information about him. I found out later that they were trying to identify his body.
I got home from my son's house about 2 hours later and a cop was waiting in front of my house. He came inside and proceeded to tell me that a man fitting D's description was hit by a car while appearing to cross the interstate. They performed surgery on him but he did not survive. We later found out that he was on a bridge leading from one highway to another that was actually on the way to the dealer's house. The unfortunate person who hit him with their car said that he appeared to jump in front of her car. In that moment in time when the cop was telling me all of this, I was pissed. The baby was right there in his little jumper while I'm getting this terrible news, plus I just couldn't get my mind off the poor people that hit him with their car.
D's last FB post said, "Stop crying, it's a wrap, imma ghost." No question, he killed himself.
But there was that voice that said, that's it, no more addicts in my life. I never really considered that D would be a big part of the baby's life anyway. But now he's going to have no part and someday I have to tell this child what happened to his parents. And that's what I cried for.
As I've mentioned before D's family are pretty much pieces of shit. there was no way that I had the mental capacity to try to set up arrangements for his memorial too, nor did I have the money. I was still trying to raise money for Mel's funeral! So his ex from 11 years ago, the mother of his other son, bless her heart, took the lead on trying to make arrangements. His family did nothing to help. She set up a GoFundMe for $6,000 and only raised $2000. D had burned a lot of bridges and his short life. But she found a funeral home that would do the service, the embalming so he could have an open casket service before being cremated, the cremation itself, all for $3,000. I pitched in the other $1,000 out of my GoFundMe for Mel and a small service was held for him. The only family that came from Ohio and Georgia for his service was his sister. Oh but his mom left lots of sad face emoticons on Facebook, so she's clearly grieving horribly. Ugh. Wretched family! I felt so bad for his sister though. And even the mother of his other son. They were both tore up at the memorial. My guess is about 20 people showed up. D's other son, JC, was as sad as a little 11 year-old boy could be. That shit hurt my soul and I vowed to make sure that he and Melody's baby will be in each other's lives moving forward.
While making these arrangements, JC's mother and I also ordered matching necklaces for D's sons to wear that would have D's ashes in them. And just last week we spread some of his ashes on Melody's grave so JC, who really loved Melody, and Mel's baby (P) could have a single place to visit Mel and D.
This is what opiate addiction has done to my family and many, many families across the country. I am forever changed by this and I don't know what normal is supposed to be anymore. I said it before and I'll say it again, thank God for this baby. While I'll be 70 years old when he turns 18, he will have a stable home with lots of love, and I have that little piece of Melody with me forevermore.
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everlarkficexchange · 6 years
Practical Strangers
Author: @hutchhitched
Prompt 45: I answered your oddly specific craigslist roommate ad as a joke and now we’re living together… [submitted by Anonymous]
Rating: E
Summary: Under duress, Katniss advertises for a new roommate. The first person to respond is practically perfect for what she wants. He’s also a total stranger.
  “Good morning.”
I jump and spill coffee down my front. Sputtering and shooting daggers from my eyes, I turn and face the source of the deep voice that startled me out of my early morning funk.
“It was,” I say wryly, “until someone scared me, and I spilled coffee on my interview outfit. What are you doing up so early, anyway? I expected to have the kitchen to myself.”
“Baker hours,” he explains with a shrug. “When I was in high school, I used to help my dad get the dough prepared for the morning loaves.”
“Your dad’s a baker?” I’m reminded again how little I know about this man, Peeta Mellark, my new roommate.
“He was, yes,” he answers with downcast eyes and crosses to the coffee maker.
“No,” he mumbles. “Dead.”
“Sorry,” I murmur, but he shrugs again.
“No way for you to know.” He motions to my stained shirt and says, “You should change. Don’t want to be late for your interview.”
I open my mouth to reply but snap it shut quickly. He’s right, this stranger who now shares my apartment. I need to go. I need this job, so I can’t afford to be late.
I rush to my room and frantically paw through my closet for something clean, unwrinkled, and at least somewhat professional. I grab a dark green shirt and tuck it into my black pencil skirt. Taking a quick glance in the mirror, I smooth down my thick braid and slip on my black flats. I have exactly two minutes to get out the door before I’m pushing it with traffic and other unexpected delays.
“Good luck,” he calls as I hurry through the rooms and head to the door.
I send a thank you over my shoulder but don’t stop. I barely know this guy, and I don’t have time to make small talk so I can spare his feelings when I have a job at stake. I’ll talk to him later, I think as I make a beeline to my car and drive to Panem Manufacturing for my meeting with Mr. Heavensbee.
“Please let me get this job,” I breathe. “Please, please, please. Let something go right today.”
Peeta slips through the front door later that night, so quietly I would have missed him if I hadn’t been curled up on the couch staring at the blank space right above the TV. I haven’t moved since the early afternoon when I returned home after my interview and immediately changed into flannel pajama pants and a faded gray sweatshirt my best friend gave me from his days as a college football walk-on.
I don’t say anything, and Peeta nods as he crosses to his room and closes the door. I’m not sure why I’m disappointed. I’m certainly not in the mood to talk to anybody after the reception I got from the head of sales at the factory. Even if I do get the job, it’s going to be tough to get excited about working with such grumpy employees who seem to care about nothing except a fat bottom line for the company.
I’ve barely finished the thought before Peeta rejoins me. He’s changed into threadbare jeans that cling to his powerful thighs and a soft navy t-shirt that makes his bright blue eyes even deeper than they already are.
“What are you watching?” he asks and picks up the remote to hit the info button.
“Nothing really,” I mumble. “Just have it on for sound. Feel free to change it.”
He plops down onto the cushions, only a couple of feet away, and glances over at me. “Any suggestions?”
“Whatever is fine,” I assure him. “I’m not really into too many shows.”
He flips through a few channels until he lands a local station. “News okay? I try to stay up on current events.”
We sit in silence for a while as the anchor relates the day’s events with gravity laced with a touch of humor. On the first commercial break, he turns to me and asks, “How was the interview?”
I want to answer him, but the words stick in my throat. I’m probably not going to get the job, and months of unemployment stretch before me, taunting me until I feel like I’m going to vomit. When I don’t answer, he reaches over and puts his hand on my forearm and gives it a comforting squeeze.
My skin tingles when he pulls away, and I stare at him for a few moments before he turns back to the television. With his eyes facing forward, I study him carefully. He’s got a strong jaw that frames an attractive face with full lips, a slightly upturned nose, and startlingly blue eyes. His shoulders are solid atop a torso that would make most girls drool. His legs stretch out in front of him, and he crosses his feet at the ankle as he slouches on the couch. He seems to know exactly who he is, and I suddenly realize how insanely attractive he seems, this man who also lives inside my small apartment. It’s almost tiny with his muscular body crowding against mine.
He answered an ad I placed on Craigslist. That’s how he found me. My best friend Gale and I were drunk one night, and he teased me about both the empty bedroom in my place as well as my own vacant bed. He dared me to advertise for someone to share both but to put it in one notice. He didn’t think I could or would do it, but I woke the next morning to a splitting headache, enough regret for four lifetimes, and a voicemail message.
“Hi, Katniss,” it said. “My name’s Peeta. I’m new in town and saw your post online. I’m a guy, in case you couldn’t tell from my voice. I’m quiet and neat and am good at making beds. I can bake, which is what I’m guessing you meant by putting stuff in the oven, and I’m ready to move in right away. I’m starting a new job, and I haven’t had time to do anything more than check into a hotel. Temporary is fine, if you want to give this a trial run. Let me know when you can.”
Too embarrassed to explain anything, I returned his call immediately, and we’ve been living together for the past two weeks. He’s been true to his word so far. We’ve barely interacted, but now…
“Do you have to work tomorrow?” I ask suddenly, and he jumps slightly. I blush at the realization that my question was overly loud, but I stare at him until he shakes his head.
“No, I’m off tomorrow. Why?”
“Do you drink?”
He nods, and I bound from the couch to grab a couple of bottles of booze and some shot glasses from the kitchen. When I return to the living room, he shoots me a quizzical look, but I simply pour him some vodka and nudge it toward him.
“It’s been a shit day, and I could use some company,” I offer in explanation and throw back my head. I relish the burn of alcohol down my throat.
Three shots later, I’m feeling a lot more relaxed. Peeta’s tolerance is clearly higher than mine, but I don’t care. I’ve got a half-smile on my face, and I’m sure whatever I’m saying is fascinating. He nods along and mixes something for me that tastes a hell of a lot better than the vodka shots. I take the drink from him gratefully and let my fingers graze against his for longer than necessary. His eyes darken but otherwise acts like nothing happened.
I learn a lot about Peeta through the haze of alcohol. His job at the local newspaper as a photographer helps him fund his true love of art. He’s hoping to find a studio in town and get back to smearing paint on canvas as soon as possible. He’s from a small city several hours away and has two brothers whom he adores, a mother he hates, and a father who passed away from a massive heart attack a few years prior. He hasn’t dated in a while, and he admits with a sheepish grin that he’s a little bit frustrated with his social life.
“What about you?” Peeta asks and points his shot glass at me. “I’ve been talking for the past hour, and you’ve done nothing more than sit there and drink what I’ve given you.”
“And you’re very good at that,” I compliment him as I snuggle into the blanket that’s draped over my shoulders. “I haven’t been this relaxed in a looooooong time. Not since Gale and I…”
I trail off, and Peeta leans toward me. “Since you and Gale what? Gale’s that guy who was here the day I moved in?”
I nod, and he hands me another drink.
“We’re not together, you know,” I say firmly, but the effect is ruined when I hiccup.
“Nope,” I insist and take another sip, hoping it will help me speak normally. “We’re best friends. Have been for years. Now that he’s a cop, he looks out for me. He ran your info before you moved in. I had to know you weren’t a serial killer or something.”
“Oh, good,” Peeta quips. “Seems like my juvenile records are still sealed then. He didn’t find the triple homicide conviction from when I was thirteen.”
Laughter bursts from me, and I admire the humor in his blue eyes. “You’re funny,” I tell him, and he smiles, pleased with himself.
“I try.”
“You’re very good-looking, too,” I add and clap a hand over my mouth.
“Thank you,” he answers, completely nonplussed. “So are you.”
“Noooooo… I’m not. I just look better with alcohol.”
“Well, I’ve had a lot of it,” Peeta reminds me, and I nod along with him.
We settle into a comfortable silence. The TV is set to a movie channel now, although neither of us are paying any attention to it. We’ve been too wrapped up in each other to care, and I suddenly have a craving for something a little more intimate.
“That t-shirt looks really good on you,” I tell him, and he rolls his head to the side to look at me under eyelashes that won’t quit. They’re incredibly long, so long they should tangle, but somehow, they don’t.
“It’s nothing special,” he drawls, and I fight the urge to reach over and run my hands across his chest.
“Looks pretty special to me.”
I’m slurring at this point. I know I’ve had too much to drink. I know I should stop, but the feeling of complete abandonment, total freedom to do and think and speak as I please, is as intoxicating as the liquor. Peeta doesn’t seem to mind, either, so I hand him my empty cup and watch as he fixes me another.
This time his fingers slide over mine as I take the drink from him. He stares at me as I raise the glass to my mouth and run my tongue along the lip. I swallow and watch as his eyes slide down my neck and down my body to the way my thighs stretch my flannel pants.
“You know that oven thing wasn’t exactly a request for a roommate who bakes,” I say.
“It seemed kind of odd,” he answers, and I laugh. The sound’s throaty and scratchy, and he shifts uncomfortably. I don’t miss him covering his crotch with a pillow and grin. Maybe I’m having some sort of effect on him.
“And yet you answered the ad.”
He nods slowly, and his eyes grow misty and unfocused. “Something told me to. I don’t know what it was, but I felt a pull when I read it, and now here we are.”
“Here we are.”
“Half-drunk and sprawled on a couch together.”
“In a mostly dark apartment.”
Our eyes lock for several seconds, and then things happen so quickly I can’t think. He scoots across the couch and catches my face in his hands. His lips find mine, and my mouth opens under his. He’s solid muscle under that cotton shirt, and I twist my fingers in the fabric, tugging and pulling as he kisses me so thoroughly my head spins. His breath is hot against my skin, and I struggle to hold in quiet moans at the feel of him against me.
“Katniss,” he groans against my neck, and I rake my fingernails up his back.
I don’t want to think. I don’t want to listen to the voice in the back of my mind telling me I’m being really stupid. I don’t want to be responsible or smart or cautious or anything that stops me from taking this man’s clothes off and running my hands over every inch of his warm, sculpted body.
Peeta’s not showing any signs of stopping. His mouth moves over my exposed skin, and his hands paw at my shirt. His palms burn against my bare back, and I arch into him.
“You smell amazing,” he murmurs as he runs his teeth along my collar bone. My skin pebbles, and he grunts as I shift underneath him and his hips bump against mine. I don’t hesitate to wrap my legs around him and thrust upward.
Our simultaneous moans sound like music, and he rocks against me. I respond in kind, and I kiss him as we dry hump like teenagers in a backseat. He’s hard, deliciously hard, and he’s found exactly the right spot that sends shivers of pleasure rocketing through me. I try to stay quiet, but, before long, I can’t stop the cries that gather in the back of my throat.
“Peeta,” I pant. “Fuck, this feels good.”
His response is to fumble at my waistband and slip his hand inside my pants. My back arches as he teases my entrance, and he holds my gaze as he slides his fingers into me.
“You like that?” he asks, his voice gruff.
I give up on remaining coherent and clamp my legs around his hand. I chase the heat coursing through me and urge him to keep going. He curls his fingers inside me, and I throw my head back and scream.
“Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes,” I chant, the word becoming increasingly louder as he drives me to the edge. “Keep going. Keep going.”
He presses into my leg repeatedly, and I’d feel sorry for him if I wasn’t so caught up in my own haze of sexual tension. He’s hard as iron inside his jeans, but it’s his hand working magic between my legs.
“Ahhhh,” I wail as the string finally snaps after several minutes of frenzied torture. My walls contract around him, and he continues to pump and curl as I thrash and shake. My climax ebbs into waves of molten metal. My skin burns and my blood boils, and nothing feels better than what we just did together.
He’s trembling in my arms, and I realize it’s taking every ounce of his strength to hold back. I will my arms to move and tug his shirt over his head. His chest—oh my hell. It’s gorgeous, solid muscle and incredibly broad. I push him off me and frown at the way his fingers glisten from my arousal. He’s been remarkably generous to me, a practical stranger, and I want to return the favor. Not that it won’t be amazing for me too.
It takes a few minutes to extricate myself from him, and he doesn’t protest at all. He’s a gentleman, I realize, and that makes it even more gratifying to grab his hand and pull him down the hall after me to my bedroom.
He closes the door behind us and draws me into his arms. We kiss for several minutes, and then I pull back and stumble toward my bed. He’s rumpled, his hair askew, and his cock straining against his jeans. His chest heaves, and his eyes are dark and glow with desire.
“Come join me,” I offer, and he crosses the room quickly.
The next several minutes pass in a flurry. Our clothes fall to the floor, and he rips the foil packet I hand him from my bedside table. We exchange a mumbled conversation, and then he’s inside me, pumping and grinding so hard I have to bite my lip to keep from screaming.
Peeta’s so enthusiastic it’s hard not to be completely caught up in our coupling. He’s got incredible stamina for a guy in a dry patch, which allows him to shift into new positions every few minutes. If he wasn’t so smooth, it would be jarring, but we change from missionary to cowgirl to reverse cowgirl with almost no pause in pace or intensity. The man’s a master.
I’m bouncing on top of him, back arched, eyes closed, when he grips my hips roughly and slows his thrusts. I wish I could see his face, but I’m facing the other way. Instead of his closed eyes and parted lips, I study the way his feet scramble against the mattress and his thigh muscles bunch and contract as he pumps into me.
“Peeta?” I pant, but his name comes out as a question. I can’t think, and I’m trying not to. I just want to feel—him inside me, the way my blood sings in my veins, how alive I feel.
“I’m almost there,” he grunts. “I’m trying to wait, but I can’t much more.”
I chuckle in disbelief. He’s trying to hold off, to make this last longer, to make me feel better. I glance over my shoulder at him and pull his hand around to rub my clit. My fingers interlace with his, and we stroke together as he shouts and falls apart.
The world shatters around me when I climax, too. The feel of him pulsing inside me and the condom filling with his ejaculate. His thick fingers wrapped around my smaller ones and covered in moisture. His inability to remain quiet as his orgasm shoots from him. My abandon as I buck on him wildly. Too much. Everything. All I can comprehend is these random sensations. No coherent thoughts. Nothing but us and burning heat. I’m on fire.
Finally, I slump into a heap beside him, and he leaves me by myself for several minutes. I assume he’s cleaning up since I hear water running in the bathroom, but I’m too exhausted to do anything other than float on a cloud of post-coital joy and alcohol-induced stupor. I’m still drunk, and my limbs are heavy.
“You okay?” he asks softly, and I startle. I nod, and he crosses to the bed. “Can I help you up?”
My cheeks burn, and I wonder how awkward this is going to be in the coming days. I can feel his hesitation as he offers me his hand, and I take it and stagger to the bathroom. After several minutes, he knocks on the door.
“Katniss? Can I get you anything?”
“I’m fine,” I answer, choking with emotion. I splash water on my face and wrap a towel around myself. The thought of emerging from the bathroom and standing in front of him naked is too overwhelming.
His face is a mask of chagrined kindness when I finally emerge. He’s fully clothed, but his cheeks glow pink, and he can’t stop twisting his hands together. He’s trying hard to pretend he’s under control, but he’s failing. I can tell he’s uneasy.
“Uh, hi,” he mumbles awkwardly, and I grip my towel harder.
“We saw each other naked,” I blurt and immediately regret it. Peeta stares at me, unsure what to say, and my face burns with humiliation.
“You look good that way.”
“So do you,” I admit and duck my head to avoid his gaze. He extends my discarded clothes to me, and I turn my back on him to redress. He pretends not to watch, but I can see him in the mirror. He can’t stop himself from sneaking a few glances as I tug on my sleep pants and ratty sweatshirt. At least the gray material matches my eyes.
“Look,” he finally says when I’m redressed and facing him again, “this is awkward as hell, but I’m not going to pretend I didn’t enjoy every second of that. You’re sexy, Katniss, and you are amazing in bed. I’m not a prude. I’m a grown man who’s new in town and in between girlfriends and really enjoys good sex. What happened tonight doesn’t have to again, but I won’t be upset if it does. We do live together. We’re both single adults. If you want to uh…go to bed with me another time, well…all you have to do is let me know.”
And with that, he sweeps from my bedroom and marches down the hall. He unmutes the television, and I hear glass clinking. It takes several minutes before I follow him and rejoin him on the couch. He sloshes some liquid into a glass and hands it to me. We sip together as time passes. At midnight, he says goodnight and heads to his room.
I wake a few hours later, sweaty and unable to get back to sleep. It’s no surprise that Peeta’s door is unlocked when I test it, and it’s not shocking he welcomes me into his bed with unbridled enthusiasm. I wake the next morning cradled in a stranger’s arms.
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couldthisbetrue · 6 years
Kara Sevda - A few thoughts
Kara Sevda is the first ever Turkish TV show I managed to finish (relying heavily on the fast forward button of course!) 😉…  
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    Each episode (of most Turkish shows) is about two hours and twenty minutes long – give or take a few minutes – yep you read that right, each episode is film length, so relying on the fast forward button (for the last 40 something episodes at least) was a must for me.  
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 But to be fair though, I actually appreciated them being that long during some episodes and it was refreshing to veer away from the 45 minute per episode format that I was used to.
  Okay, anyway, on to the reason for my post, I just have to share my thoughts! It’s now been about a month since I finished watching Kara Sevda and I finally feel like I can articulate myself without turning into a stuttering mess 😂…
  There will be spoilers after this (and this was supposed to be a short post but turned into quite a lengthy one) so if you’re thinking of watching Kara Sevda anytime soon I’d recommend stopping here.
  THAT ENDING. I MEAN... I CAN’T. Even thinking about it now I’m like WHAT THE…? But I’ll come back to that later. Let me start from the beginning.
  When I first started Kara Sevda I was like why is it going so fast? And then I realised that the way it was looking, they weren’t going to end up together and it looked like the storyline would have Kemal leave, come back as a rich man and show Nihan what she missed out on.
 I was so here for that but it didn’t turn out that way.
 I mean yes, he came back a rich man but the whole show-Nihan-what-she’s-missing thing, only lasted a few episodes and I was disappointed. The only time we got even marginally close to what I was hoping for, was post-jail Kemal. I just wish – again - that it had lasted longer (and there’s something to be said for a bearded Burak Özçivit am I right?  😉)
 Also can the casting directors or whoever has final say in casting actors, please start using age-appropriate actors for past scenes and so on? I was watching maybe episode two or three and I was like “Why do both Nihan and Kemal look so… odd?” Then we’re told they’re supposed to be in their early twenties or thereabouts but everything looked so… off. That’s when I realised that it wasn’t the way Kemal or Nihan looked. the actors just couldn’t pass for the age they were trying to portray and I think that most of that was down to the fact that – even though I love both Burak and Neslihan – neither actor could pass for a twenty year old. It would’ve been a lot better if they used different actors to play young Nihan and Kemal instead of using make-up and costuming to (try and) make Neslihan and Burak look younger.    
  Which brings me to the continuity, mostly in flashbacks; the continuity was always off especially in the later episodes.
  Whenever we were shown a Nihan and Kemal scene, Kemal always had a beard (the same beard he had in present day scenes) and at first I thought they were present-day scenes but then I’d rewind or they would reference/say something that would let me know that it was a flashback. You can clearly tell that the flashback scenes (to earlier on in Kemal and Nihan’s relationship) were recorded/added in later as needed. I think it would’ve worked better if all the flashback scenes had been recorded in advance (or even at the same time as Kemal and Nihan’s first meeting scene was filmed, where Burak Özçivit was clean-shaven)
 And maybe that was the reason I wasn’t feeling Nihan and Kemal as a couple for most of the show. The only time I got even close to wanting Kemal and Nihan together (apart from the very beginning) was the last few episodes, after Nihan returned from London.
 Zeynep and Tarik… How many times were they going to side with Emir over Kemal?! I mean I got whiplash from going back and forth between how many times they both dobbed poor Kemal in it.
  And Zeynep… When the whole Emir and Zeynep angle started I was all for it, I was waiting for Emir to fall irrevocably in love with Zeynep and for him to let Nihan go. But when it became clear that Emir wasn’t going to do that even after he admitted to Zeynep that he felt something for her (Zeynep) -  and then everything he put Zeynep through -but Zeynep still went back to Emir time and time and time again? By the end of it I was ready to scream “Leave him already!” at the TV in frustration. The whole relationship was just problematic and Zeynep should’ve dumped his backside long before she actually did.
 I’ve gotta give it to the writers though, they sure know how to write an antagonistic character. Emir was an out and out antagonist. No redemption arc for him, oh no. Unlike most other TV shows (where the bad guy is redeemed through something he does – or you realise he wasn’t actually all that bad) Emir stayed the same as he had been portrayed to be all the way through the show. I mean yes, he had his moments (with regards to his mum and Deniz and even at one point – very briefly - with Zeynep) where his “softer” side – if you can call it that – came through, but it never lasted. He always went back to the Emir that we had come to know.   He was (and he stayed) unashamedly Emir.
  I hope Kaan (the actor who plays Emir) gets cast in ALL THE ROLES and doesn’t just get typecast as the villain, because he played Emir with such finesse. I want to see him stretch his acting muscles in different roles, give me Kaan as the full-on romantic, as the slightly bumbling hero in a rom-com, as someone serious in a heart-breaker, just all the genres.
  I loved Kemal, Ayhan and Zehir scenes! They were like the Three Musketeers, I just adored their bromance! I kept waiting for the other shoe to drop, for Zehir (and later Ayhan) to go to Emir’s side (like every other character seemed to do) but I’m so glad they didn’t! I wasn’t really sure about Ayhan’s character when he first appeared in Kemal’s life but I like the direction the writers went in with his character. Leyla and he were so adorable together! I didn’t think I would ship the two together – I was firmly on the Leyla and Önder train before Ayhan - but I did (I even gave up fast-forwarding their scenes 😂)
  That Ozan and Önder twist was a game-changer! It took Kara Sevda in a completely different and unexpected direction. The storyline did start to drag at times (A LOT of the time if I’m honest) though. That’s the only downside to two hour long episodes, I think the writers started running out of ideas/storylines and a major portion of Kara Sevda dragged on. I was so grateful that I was watching it on Youtube and could fast forward 😂… I can only imagine (and sympathise with) everyone who watched live/when it aired because at least I could forward all the drag-y bits.
 THAT ENDING. That ending was a cop out if I ever saw one. I’ve thought about how/if they could’ve ended it differently and yes, I can see how it would’ve been difficult to do but it wasn’t impossible.
 I get that with a name like Kara Sevda and everything that happened with/to the characters, that ending might have felt like the way to go, but to me? It was just the writers being lazy.  They could have come up with at least five different ways to end the show without ending it the way they did. If you’ve seen the show you know how many times the writers came up with unique ways/twists to get Kemal (and Nihan) out of a bind, so why couldn’t they have done that this time?  I would have appreciated the show a lot more if it/we were given an ending we weren’t expecting at all. You know the kind of ending that makes you think “WOW. I WASN’T EXPECTING THAT AT ALL.” and has you walking around in a daze/having the same reaction every time you think of it?
 That being said though, even though I knew what was going to happen, even though I thought I was ready for whatever Kara Sevda threw at me in the last episode, I WAS NOT READY FOR THE ONSLAUGHT OF EMOTIONS I FELT AT THAT END MONTAGE. (and when the credits rolled) I WAS NOT.
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the-firebird69 · 3 years
We hear as I did and what he's doing is probably the east coast and it and it's not falling just like you did last time but we can send enough I only take the West Coast and we're starting there the circular with silicon valley la and a couple other places and it's going to fall and he said the cage you out it will and we know that so going to do that.
We ordered it the spice is to go to the mouth and that's what it's for and he said I thought it was to go to the womb so we're doing that and said you do that and the store up a bunch and you get ready to raise the way to start raising the other part because it's probably getting close and we said yeah but the womb is probably still got a bunch in it and that's another thing I'm saying it wrong I know how it is and he's saying it right I think something like kind of dumb or something but there's no game I want to play there so someone's having to say it I said that's a good idea and they're making me from here by threatening people in them she understands it it's just going that way it's awful so we go ahead and do that and the raisimg them. Have to he says they won't fit out he won't or she won't fit out that's actually why so we're moving it we got to go in there and we hear these guys here screaming out loud we were to do it stupid stuff like that and I said no more of this so we stopped them later on this afternoon we heard one of them saying this we actually can't F this up more than we have no that's wrong we're still doing it and it was Justin he's mad already he said you people are a bunch of failures I'm working at a job with a bunch of complete deadbeats for messing with me so much I can't tell what I'm doing at all and this is what we're supposed to be doing I said why you guys want to lose I can't win anything anyways so I started asking around and they said we're in charge here and we do the dope stuff you don't like he doesn't like it either I said you mess with my personal life too much but the rest of it is fine you're just dumber than hell so you got really mad and said fine we're messing with your personal life a little yeah she don't get anything so Justin was happy because he knows it's true the idiot starts arguing and he's arguing in space he's standing there in the middle of a parking lot like yelling stuff one of us hasn't going like an hour people started calling the cops calling them mental people he's getting louder and louder he bursts out crying I can't stand it anymore you have everything and won't let us have anything and all sudden it took me a minute but I heard someone saying you don't have anything what's that in your hand and he had something to look like a weapon but it looks like a stick or something and he goes it's a gun it's a gun started of screaming it he's screaming and screaming it, then he fell over his laying on the ground rolling around and the cops showed up and this is idiot bjA and he's at the mall where he failed. He screams at them leave me alone or I make you disappear and they said you might be a little bit delusional it goes why you don't think I have the power instead of screaming at him don't worry he can't stand you no one can stand you want to be arguing with secondly they don't want to be arguing with about their son in front of everyone with you in space arguing so he started screaming the woman from the movie made me do it and he says then he says he's laughing at me and the guy goes isn't a man or a woman he said now you're laughing at me and he got real angry he's going to shut the f****** you pigs, then out of nowhere he pulls out an actual gun and we were surprised too and they just binoculars and they said he's got a gun and this is what they're like they sound like assholes juveniles retards metal patients all sudden your life is in danger so he starts to squeeze the trigger and they shot him up and it was a gun fully loaded 45 caliber and he's gone you shot him right in the head and he's dead because he sits there and argues with someone and would not stop
Thor Freya
0 notes
riverdaleroundup · 7 years
Riverdale Roundup: 2x06 “ Death Proof”
Okay so here we are, back at it.
So first of all does Jughead just live in that white tank top now? I just don’t dig it and I honestly need him to put a proper shirt on. I get that he lives in a trailer park or whatever but it’s just trying too hard for me.
So Betty is racing down the street to the five seasons and you know she’s frazzled because her hair is down. She arrives to the St. Clair suite to see Nicky just chillin in a bathrobe with his fucked up face and she’s honestly shook that he isn’t dead yet. I don’t get what her plan was here? Did she think she was going to burst in to find his dead body or like the black hood mopping up blood stains? If she was going to stop the murder wouldn’t the first step to have been to call Sheriff Keller? Thankfully Sheriff Silver Fox is already on the premises ready to take names. Despite the drama of this whole scene I just can’t get past Nick in the bathrobe, he looks like such a little bish. He should not be brooding with that much ankle exposed so casually, it’s just not fitting.
By some mercy of God Betty has learned how to put her phone on silent and I am so very very grateful. I could not take one more round of “ lollipop”.  Archie texts betty “ You up?”  like the true Fuck Boy he is but honestly it’s like mid morning at this point so like what’s the game arch?
We see Penelope sitting down with the Lodge Loons to discuss the Nicholas issue and she’s such a stone cold bitch and like not in an iconic Alice Cooper way. What a heartless Wench. Also how is her face not fucked up? How is she not completely messed? From the first episode I thought that she was going to be bedridden but like she’s fine. Not even a scratch. Okay we see that her arm is burned later but like come on? Did Mark Sloan himself come back from the grave to reconstruct her horrible burned face back to sheer perfection?  
Toni and Jughead are having breakfast and she’s all like “ Yeah we aren’t going to happen. I don’t want to be your rebound” even though the second that Jughead was like “ Betty isn’t in the picture anymore “  she was all up in his business. So like what’s the truth Toni?
Archie and Betty are coming to Pops and Betty claims she won't be answering the blackhoods calls anymore but I mean come on that sounds fake. She also claims that the people “ at the farm” are going to help Polly disappear for a while. What kind of farm is this that they take in Wayward pregnant teens and also double as a projection program? They see Toni and Jughead eating breakfast together and it’s honestly drama.
There’s an emergency meeting at the cooper house where Alice basically tells everyone that their kids are trash and huge whore’s but that Betty is an angel. Kevin learns that Bughead is no more and is honestly shook. It’s so going in his blog.
Josie’s mom is ready to lock her in a tower for taking “ jj” and decides to clear out the south side in retaliation. Archie races to South Side high to be Jugheads knight in shining armour, but Jughead just assumes he’s there to break up with him again and is v pissy about it. The cops burst into the school ready to arrest anyone wearing leather and Archie basically has to drag jughead out of there by his ear.  Also Sheriff Keller and his boys are pure fashion in those hats.
Veronica doesn’t want to tell her dad about Nick getting handsy with her because she knows that Daddy will straight up murder him and not even think about it. Kevin is very disloyal to Betty honestly. I get that he’s friends with Veronica as well and that Betty was super bitchy to her but he’s only known V a few months and Betty is supposed to be like his ride or die. Could he not at least hear her out for a minute before slaying her with alliteration?
Black hood calls Betty and she obviously picks up even tho she said she wouldn’t because she’s a fucking liar. Black hood is like “ Infiltrate the dealers. Find the supplier.” sending betty out in search of the Sugar Man.  For once Betty realizes that she isn’t in the FBI and is literally a fresh 15 and reminds BH that she’s “ Just a high school reporter” and he’s like “ I don’t give a single fuck. Infiltrate the dealers. Find the supplier.”
Archie is willing to break up with Jughead for Betty but he wouldn’t get back together with him for her so he tell’s Jughead to go talk to her.
Betty rolls up to the new Thorn Hill to find Cheryl lounging in a bathing suit, reading a book and enjoying a little spread. Here’s the thing. What month is it? There was literally just snow everywhere and Sweetwater River was frozen. School hasn’t been in session that long. In theory is should be like November/ December ish if that.  But here Cheryl is in a bathing suit, everyone's walking around without jackets,  and everyone shows up to the race in like tanktops and shorts. What is good!?! What month is it? On the subject of months how many months pregnant is Polly? She was with the sisters for like 5 months right? And she’s been home for a good while so when are the children of incest going to vacate her womb and enter riverdale where they will probably be accused of murder or something by the time they’re 6 weeks old.
Betty asks Cheryl about the Sugar man and Cheryl is like “ Duh Betty he’s a scary story my crazy ass mom created. Try to keep up.”  Cheryl proceeds to rip Betty a new one about trying to ruin literally all of her childhood memories and shoos her away so she can enjoy her trail mix in peace.
Papa Andrews tries to make sure that Archie is taking care of Jughead and Archie is like “ yas i’m trying but it’s fucking hard”, meanwhile Jughead is slithering into the Goolies lair where Tall Boy  is chilling saying they should all be BFFs.
Cheryl goes through a box of her and Jason's old stuff and finds a crayon drawing of Sugar man and decides that he’s real. But like??????? How is that proof?
Betty and Keller chit chat about the Sugar Man and Sheriff says that Old Clifford was the Sugar Man so now it could be anyone and  they are shit out of luck.  Veronica is lurking in the background so she and Betty share some milkshakes and Betty comes clean about the black hood calls. She enlists Veronica to help her find the Sugar Man and now they’re tight again.
Jughead is pacing the trailer ranting about the Goolies and it’s really dark so I did not see Archie sitting there and I honestly thought he was just ranting to Hot Dog and I was like okay how very relatable. I bitch at my dog all the time. He’s a great listener. Archie suggests they go to FP for advice and i’m like yas I miss you come back.  He says they should challenge them to a street race and i’m like are you sure we shouldn’t just have another rumble at midnight. That worked very well the first time.
Cheryl tries to talk to her mom about the sugar man but her mom just calls her a crazy bitch and reminds her that she literally burned down their house so maybe she should just shut up.
The gang has to clean up this nasty ass park and Kevin is so disgusted by it that even he wouldn’t troll for stray dick there. Reggie and Josie awkwardly flirt and i’m like ohhh this is a thing now? Veronica ruins their romantic banter by demanding the number of Reggie's dealer. Infiltrate the dealer, find the supplier.
So Veronica rolls up to the south side to get the JJ from one of the Goolies goons. I get that both gangs couldn't just wear straight leather but having the Goonies wear studs and animal print really just makes them look like jokes.
“ What about my change Asshat?” This wouldn’t happen if the dealers were kind enough to take credit.
So we see some of the Jingle Jangle production and they’re literally putting these things together with hot glue and i’m dying.
There’s a truly tragic exchange of Veronica, Betty, Archie, and Jughead all saying each other's names and then saying “ what are you doing here “ in unison and i’m like again with the scooby doo?
Jughead and Archie gotta take their bitches and skanks and get the fuck out, but Jughead having been a serpent for a solid 45 minutes decides he has the authority to bet the family farm and offers up their bar and the trailer park as collateral on this race. A bitch is ballsy.
Nick shows up at Pops and calls Nick “ Sharon” and I literally want to vom. Nick tries to play all innocent.  Although the “ Desperate tart from a truck stop town” was a pretty solid insult he’s still a huge douche canoe. At least he paid for her lunch.
Betty is helping Jughead fix Reggie's car and I know she said she used to help Hal fix cars but I have a ton of trouble picturing Hal in his tight sweaters fixing a car. Oh shove it Hal. Jughead calls Betty out on being heartless and  dumping him via Archie and she’s like “ Ohh i can explain but like not now” and i’m over here being frustrated as hell like bitch you’ve been sitting in awkward silence just tell him it won’t affect his driving skills. You know what will tho? THE FACT HE’S 15 AND DOESN’T KNOW HOW TO DRIVE.
Cheryl finds the hush money cheque in her mom's room and i’m like yass that’s what people do with cheques for large amounts of money. They hide them in their underwear drawer and hope that the cash just magically appears in their account. So more likely Mrs Blossom is above going to the bank and took a picture of the cheque to deposit it and now Cheryl is just holding a piece of meaningless paper hostage.
Veronica and Archie are lounging in bed together and i’m like where is Fred? Does he allow this sin under his roof? Cheryl kills the mood by telling Veronica that the St.Clairs are still investing in SoDale so she goes to Daddy and Daddy promises that he’s going to fuck shit up.
So we come to the drag race and everyone has put on their fourth of july best. Kevin is pissed that Ru Paul isn’t there but is glad that there is a lot of eye candy. He clearly has a thing for gang members.
Instead of offering Jughead a lock of her hair Betty gives Juggie her declaration of love and some driving advice. Cheryl tells Toni/Cha Cha  to stuff it because this is her moment and the race is on. In what world would the Goolies  race that old ass car that was never made to go more than 25 miles an hour?
Archie is a little baby and pulls the E break which should basically guarantee that they lose but Archie called Sheriff Keller with a hot tip ahead of time. Everyone is pissed at Archie but I mean they won so……
Penelope threw that cheque that i’m convinced now that she already cashed in the fire and finally spills the tea to Cheryl. Cheryl calls Betty with the intel about who the sugar man is and like a fucking sane normal girl who doesn’t live in fucking Rosewood she calls the police. The Black Hood is pissed and we find out the Sugar Man is Charles Fucking Percy, whose name in this is like Mr Phillip or some bullshit I really don’t care.
Betty is threatening the black hood being like I’ve solved all these mysteries so I can totally catch you and i’m like Betty maybe like back the heck up, I say again you are 15.
So does Fred pop pills on the regular now? Is this going to be a story line?
So the Lodges ran the St. Clair car off the road  and they all sit around and smile about it while playing chess. Not at all menacing.
Despite all Betty's best efforts, the Black Hood is still putting a hit on Percy/ Aka Robert Phillips/ Aka The Sugar man. So sad… but….not really.
That’s it.
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getseriouser · 6 years
20 THOUGHTS: The Beatles, Come Together
WHAT a perfect 24 hours coming up for the AFL 
Two big Melbourne-based heavyweights in front of a full MCG tomorrow night, the following afternoon the sport’s latest toy is full as it hosts a bumper prelim in glorious Spring sunshine.
No superstar having his nude snapchats in the tabloids, no players suddenly retiring from the game and driving home at halftime, no .
And no matter the results of the Prelims the next couple of days, we’re in store for a belter next weekend. It’s either the top two teams playing off, a repeat of an epic Qualifying Final, two Yarra Park neighbours renewing their Anzac Day Eve rivalry or a return of the original rivalry from the 20th century.
Strap yourselves in, this is the best weekend of footy all year and it doesn’t get any better.
Mind you, JLT Cup in 4K telly does look pretty good but I digress…
 1.  Gunston kicks straight last Friday they probably win. He had eight shots on goal but only kicked the three. Melbourne had a spooked moment, possibly the spooked moment they would have sometime in the finals series and the Hawks would have been close enough, possibly even in front with an opportunity to manage out a win.
2.  Quick one on the rules from that game, Brayshaw turned and went for the footy, same with Lewis, yet both copped frees against for contact below the knees. The rule was because Thomas (and Goodes) would 'slide' in, so those two should be play on, the rule should change for sliding in only.
3.  Looking forwards toward Saturday, the differences between the Round 22 sides to what we expect, for the Demons, two probably, Jack Viney replaces Dean Kent and then likely to see Joel Smith come in for Bailey Fritsch for extra height down back. As for the Eagles, Schofield will replace Sheppard but last time there was no Kennedy, he will be there instead of Ah Chee, that’s a big swing.
4.  Jordan Lewis plays his 7th prelim this year on Saturday, mind you at AAMI Park the night before Cam Smith plays his 10th prelim in 13 years for the Storm, absurd.
5.  Preliminary finals experience this weekend then while we are at it, Richmond obviously given last year have got 19 players, West Coast 13 (many from their Grand Final tilt three years ago), Collingwood 6 (only three from the two Grand Final years plus Mayne, Greenwood and Varcoe), Melbourne just the one with Jordan Lewis.
6.  The Dees are playing the sort of footy than can not only win a third final in the same month but even a fourth. But, even though all things even you like Melbourne over West Coast, their form, their game style, their talents, there's one thing I can't escape.
The Eagles, surely, won't let the Demons come over twice in a month and upset them both times at home. Surely. It's one thing to go over and with merit get over the line at the hardest place to play in the comp, but a second time? What's that about lightning and -striking twice?
7.  Matchups wise, the Pies showed the Dees the way in Week One, they just lost it in that last quarter for composure when the Eagles pressure picked up. The efforts of Yeo, Shuey, Ryan and Rioli in that last term were massive, especially forward of centre. The decision making with the ball but more importantly without the ball of Jetta and Hibberd then will be huge. We back the Melbourne midfield do go well and the forward line should be able to produce a score, but if the Dees small backs can hold up under fire, be clean and not allow their opponents too much latitude on the ground they're in it up to their eyeballs.
8.  Mind you, if the Eagles can’t stop Viney, Oliver, Brayshaw and Jones playing well, then the Eagles and whoever plays in the Granny the week might not be able to do too much about it. The most impressive midfield quartet since the Eagles sides 10-15 years ago perhaps, although talent wise, possibly on par – those four are all guns. Who’s the weak one, Jones? He’ll retire a champion.
9.  Over to our other Prelim, firstly Collingwood – the worst the Pies have played in a long time last Saturday, played the first quarter but didn’t kick straight, then played the first five minutes of the last, that’s it. In a sense lucky. But better to have a nominal ‘off’ game in a semi-final win then up against the reigning premier the week after.
10.         For the Tigers-Pies compared to Round 19, Richmond will have Houli, Conca and Graham in, Ellis, Baker and Townsend played that day but likely won't tomorrow. Collingwood though, decent differences between then and last week's semi final, De Goey, Treloar, Goldsack, Aish and Sier in for Moore, Scharenburg, Daicos, Brown and Murray. The Woods are better no doubt, not much, but they are.
11.         As we keep hearing the Pies have been seemingly shown promise in the prior two meetings with Richmond in Round 6 and then Round 19. This is true, but its approaching the midway of the last that it goes pear shape. In Round 6, Collingwood trailed by eight points at quarter time, then led by four at the main break, trailed by 11 points at the last change, but that margin was three goals five minutes in, four goals ten minutes later and blew out to 43 points by the end.
Round 19, similar pattern, three goals down at the first break but got it back to eight points at half time, four points at three-quarter time, but again three goals was the margin five minutes in, four goals by the middle part of the term and it stayed at 28 points.
12.         So two things for the challengers Friday, repeat the dose, stick with the reigning premier for as long as they have before, but have enough in the tank that when the whips are cracking they can be competitive this time around in the last and avoid the avalanche.
If you combined both fourth terms Richmond outscored Collingwood 84-28. The other three quarters all tallied up though? The Pies have been only off by a kick. If they can be within a goal at the last change Friday, the idea that the third time's a charm is live.
13.         For Collingwood too it’s about making the most of their opportunities. The Pies can't afford to kick a score like 9.15 again, whereas if they can convert say 15.9, that's every chance to get it done. De Goey, Mihocek, Cox, whatever shots they get need to be capitalised.
14.         Richmond averages five more inside 50s a game than Collingwood, and they go at 45% scoring once inside 50. That might be two or three extra goals on the night which the Pies defence can't afford to leak.
Goldsack goes to Riewoldt, who only took two marks against Hawthorn but it didn't matter, the Tigers went inside 50 way too many times (66) and had 30 shots regardless. It’s when the ball hits the deck and Riolo, Castagna, Caddy, Graham pounce. Langdon, Howe, Maynard, Crisp, they have to be as tight as can be, in the air but more importantly on the ground.
15.         When Grigg rucks will be crucial too. It was as clear as the needle in your strawberry when Nankervis had his rest in Round 19 it looked ominous for the surging Pies. They didn't make the most of it and it showed in the result. Again, in week one, you saw a chance for Hawthorn too but they stuffed it. With the fittest, first choice midfield the Pies have had all year, if they can hit the scoreboard with Grigg in the ruck, that will be worth its weight in gold.
16.         Richmond looked vulnerable to an extent and the Hawks looked good and arguably in it for a half two weeks ago, but upon reflection were Hawthorn really in it? The Dogs tested them in Round 23 but the reigning premier has been coasting for so long its hard to tell. The Pies are up against it, they may well do better than Round 19, they might be really gallant and play super well, but that's still well short of earning victory against a rampant Richmond.
So what does this all mean? We've said that there would be three teams to derail the Tigers, or there's three teams that 'could'. Hawks first up, nope, we over-flattered Clarkson's talents, and five goals flattered the Hawks in the end.
We had the Pies in that group, and "if" the performance of the second and third quarters in Perth two weekends ago can appear tomorrow night, then it’s possible. If the type of football that had them within a goal after three quarters in a belter Round 19 clash can repeat itself, then they are in it up to their necks. But that’s a lot of "ifs". If De Goey goes off and the Pies engine room dominates, its 50-50. But if is a powerful word, if Hilary had won the last US Election then the mushroom from Mario Cart wouldn’t be in the news this week.
It’s looking more and more like that midfield quartet from Melbourne will need to produce a Norm Smith quality performance next week to stop the back to back, and providing the Tigers and Demons face off next week, that’s a genuine possibility. Trouble is, can the Dees get over West Coast first? Possibly not.
17.         Away from the Prelims now, how about the SANFL? North playing the Eagles, winner gets to play Norwood this weekend in the Grand Final, the Eagles were up by as much as eight goals before the Roosters stormed home to get up by five points but as we know, for almost four minutes in the last North had an extra man and scored 1.2 to 0.0.
As weirdly three teams turned up to training Monday readying themselves in Grand Final week, it went to a tribunal that night where the judge deep down wanted a replay as overturning the result and sending Woodville-West Torrens through he saw as “draconian”, but doing so in the time wasn’t feasible. Ironically, the AFL discussed what they would do in the situation, and it was viewed their rules would have indeed overturned the result. The SANFL’s rules essentially aren’t as up to date, but you can bet your bottom dollar they will be for next year.
18.         Some trade stuff, Trade radio had an almighty launch this week but wow, what tickets on itself?! All for nothing the launch, Tom Lynch, didn’t reveal anything new, surprise surprise, Dan Hannebery going to St Kilda, tell us something we don’t know, all for weeks of meaningless radio when the newsworthy stuff will amount to an afternoon’s worth of content! Credit to Hutchy for having his product seem bigger and more important than it actually is.
19.         Sydney is up to something. Like bringing someone in on one million plus a year, big fish style. No question. Watch that space.
20.         No way Steven May ends up at Collingwood, surely, unless Darcy Moore is traded and the return on traded helps satisfy Gold Coast. But it looks like Ryan O'Keefe to the Hawks six years ago, the player was keen and the clubs tried but no dice.
(originally published 20 September)
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After Harvey hit, one Texas nursing home evacuation began with a gun drawn
ARTHUR, Texas – The front doors to the Lake Arthur Place nursing home were locked when Ben Husser and his team of volunteer rescuers arrived on boats. He knocked, and when somebody cracked open the entrance, he pushed his way in.
The hallways smelled like feces. An old woman in a wheelchair was trembling, her feet dangling in nearly 12 inches of floodwater from Tropical Storm Harvey.
"What’s going on here?" Husser asked a nurse. "Why is she shaking? Is she cold?"
Find a rheum who listens
Husser, a 45-year-old audio engineer who had hurricane relief experience with the Louisiana Air National Guard, had borrowed a friend’s boat and come to help. He made his way inside and tracked down the nursing home’s administrator, Jeff Rosetta. Husser was with the "Cajun Navy," he told Rosetta, and ready to evacuate the patients. Empty boats were waiting.
What unfolded next was one of the most surreal scenes in Harvey’s already extraordinary assault on Texas.
In the coastal refinery city of Port Arthur, the storm – which originally hit Texas as a Category 4 hurricane – overwhelmed emergency responders with 26 inches of rain in a single day, more than double the previous record. Two nursing homes filled with 184 residents were flooded with nearly a foot of water. Even deeper waters surrounded the facilities.
And at the moment, the only rescuers in sight were a ragtag band of volunteers on fishing boats.
"You don’t understand, I can’t give these people to you," Rosetta said, according to Husser. "I can only give them to the National Guard." He ordered Husser to leave.
"Well, that’s not the way it’s going to work, man," Husser replied. "These people are leaving."
Words turned to physical blows. At one point, Husser drew a gun.
"I had to do what I had to do," Husser later explained. "We had to beat the crap out of Jeff – at least, I did."
Some degree of chaos may have been inevitable amid the record-shattering rains of Harvey. The storm made landfall on Aug. 25 as the strongest hurricane to hit Texas in 56 years, and four days later brought its full drenching force to Port Arthur.
But the crisis at Lake Arthur Place was also the result of decisions made before the floods by the company that owns the nursing homes – Dallas-based Senior Care Centers – and by local officials caught off guard by the storm’s strength.
Police raided Lake Arthur Place for evidence two weeks after the floods to better understand why it had not been evacuated before the storm hit, according to a criminal search warrant filed as part of an investigation of possible elder abuse.
"There were several days of warning, and several days to prepare," a detective wrote in an affidavit.
Nursing homes try to avoid evacuations if at all possible.
Studies have shown that leaving can be deadlier for residents than staying, probably because of the stress it places on those who are elderly and weak. Federal safety guidelines for nursing homes recommend that "evacuation should only be undertaken if sheltering in place results in greater risk."
To make that determination in Port Arthur, Senior Care Centers rely on Jefferson County officials, according to Andrew Kerr, the president of the company. If the county issues a mandatory evacuation order, a contract with a local ambulance service kicks in to move residents to a safer location, Kerr said in an interview.
Two of the company’s nursing homes in Corpus Christi had been evacuated after receiving mandatory evacuation orders. But in Jefferson County, that order never came.
The county official who would have given it, Jefferson County Judge Jeff Branick, said he was closely following the weather forecast, which initially suggested that Port Arthur would be spared the worst of the deluge and receive no more than 15 inches of rain over a week.
As the days passed, the forecasts started calling for closer to 20 inches of rain in southeast Texas, then 30 inches. Still, Branick said, "We thought up until the last night" – Aug. 29, a Tuesday – "everything was going to be OK."
That night – four days after landfall – National Weather Service meteorologist Roger Erickson called Branick to warn that Harvey had shifted: "Hold on: You’re going to get hammered with rain."
By then it was too late to evacuate, Branick said. The escape routes around the area had flooded. There was nowhere to evacuate to.
That evening, Tonya Cox, whose 63-year-old mother, Gay Olsen, was a resident at Cypress Glen, talked to a nurse there on the phone.
"Houston’s flooding, it’s headed y’all’s way, do you have an evacuation plan?" asked Cox, 32, of Carlsbad, N.M.
"We do not have evacuation plans at this time," she said she was told, with no explanation offered.
As the rain intensified, it seemed like it would never stop. Parts of Jefferson County would get nearly 50 inches of rain from the storm. About 15,000 of the county’s 81,000 homes got flooded.
By midnight, water had entered both nursing homes, according to Senior Care Center officials.
The nursing staff started calling local and state officials to request a rescue.
Roxie Johnson, 61, of Nederland, Texas, whose 79-year-old mother, Dorothy Premeaux, was a resident in Cypress Glen, said she received a phone call from one of the nurses at 12:30 a.m. The nurse, she said, was "telling me they were evacuating because they started taking water in."
"Where are you going?" Johnson said she asked the nurse.
"I don’t know," came the reply.
"How am I going to find her?"
"I don’t know."
But an immediate evacuation would not be happening. The county was overwhelmed. Several of Port Arthur’s fire trucks and garbage trucks were already lost in the flooding. With 911 calls coming nonstop, there was no way to respond to most of the rescue calls.
"I finally told the staff to quit telling people that you’re going to take their name and number and tell them people are coming," said Greg Fountain, the Jefferson County emergency manager. "Tell them the truth. … There’s nobody coming in the next five minutes and the next five hours even. Do what you’ve got to do to survive."
Nearly every natural disaster draws legions of volunteers eager to help in the rescue effort. The self-styled Cajun Navy attracted military veterans and fishermen and participated in rescue efforts after Hurricane Katrina in 2005 and the Louisiana floods of 2016.
As Harvey bore down on Texas, Husser borrowed a friend’s boat and drove from his home in Hammond, La., to Texas.
Soon after he launched into the floodwaters of Port Arthur, two other boaters told him that nurses were abandoning patients at a local nursing home. That turned out to be untrue, but Husser decided to check out the situation.
He was wearing a military tactical vest when he entered Lake Arthur Place with other volunteers. "Everybody thought I was a police officer," Husser said later.
Almost immediately, the situation became even more tense.
The water inside the facility rose "a few inches" when the volunteers removed sandbags and opened the doors, the director of nursing, Andrea Coleman, said in a sworn statement she gave to Port Arthur police.
Coleman said she walked into Rosetta’s office and saw Husser and two other men cursing at the administrator. Rosetta’s shirt was ripped, he had several cuts on his head and one of his eyes was bloody, she said.
"Jeff Rosetta told Ben and the two other men to get out of his nursing home," Coleman told police. "Ben physically pushed me out of the way and I hit the wall. Ben then removed his gun from its holster and pointed it at Jeff Rosetta’s chest."
"Oh, you going to shoot me now?" she said Rosetta asked.
In tears and afraid for her life, Coleman told Husser not to shoot anybody.
"We cannot just turn over our residents to anyone," she said in her statement. "We have a responsibility to them and procedures that have to be followed. I was hesitant to let our residents go with the Cajun Navy after the behavior Ben displayed."
Husser said in an interview that Rosetta had started the fight by shoving him, but he denied shoving Coleman. He defended his decision to draw his gun.
"You’re damn right I did, but it was strictly because he was in a tirade, screaming and hollering," Husser said.
Husser also said that he initially thought Rosetta had a weapon on his desk and was reaching for it, and that he holstered his gun when he saw that Rosetta was unarmed.
The volunteers left the office, but soon two Port Arthur police detectives arrived and concluded that the facility needed to be evacuated.
By then, Rosetta apparently was trusting no one. According to a police affidavit, the administrator became argumentative and told one of the uniformed detectives, Mike Hebert, that "his badge appeared to be fake and he was a fake cop." He ordered the detectives to leave the building, at one point shoving Herbert, according to the affidavit.
The detectives handcuffed Rosetta.
With the blessing of police, the amateur rescuers began evacuating the residents.
At both nursing homes, the volunteers tried to make sure the seniors had their records and their medications with them before lifting their wheelchairs and beds onto their boats. They took the residents to a local community theater, which became a triage center staffed by local nurses, some of whom showed up on boats in flip-flops.
Many of the seniors had "face sheets" containing basic medical information, according to Lisa Perkins, a surgical nurse who came to volunteer at the triage center at the Port Arthur Community Theater after her home was flooded. But some did not.
Some patients had dementia and didn’t know their own names. "And you’re trying to figure out how you can help them," Perkins said. "They’re freezing cold, they’re getting rained on – these people were scared."
Johnson, the daughter who had received the late-night phone call about an evacuation, found her mother at the theater with nothing but two dirty gowns in a trash bag and no identification or medication. Using a ballpoint pen, Johnson wrote her mother’s name and a telephone number on the woman’s arm.
By nightfall, the nursing home residents had all been evacuated out of the city by military helicopters, though it took a few days for some family members to track down their loved ones.
The extent of the crisis’ impact on the health of the seniors is still not known.
A 2012 study in the Journal of Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine found that nursing-home evacuations resulted in higher death rates in the 90 days after a hurricane. And those were from when efforts were undertaken before, not during, the disasters.
Port Arthur police wrote in a search warrant that "medical documents will show some of the individuals sustained injury as a direct result of the catastrophic flooding and the evacuation finally orchestrated at the last minute by citizens." But those injuries were not described, and police did not respond to interview requests.
A spokeswoman for the Texas Department of Health and Human Services also declined to provide information about the case, citing its own ongoing investigation into the nursing homes.
Lori Langford Davis, who helps run a Facebook group for family members of residents at the two evacuated nursing homes, said she had heard about "several cases" of pneumonia in the aftermath of the flood. Her own 94-year-old grandmother, who was at Lake Arthur Place, emerged with bruises and open sores on her arms.
But she doesn’t blame the amateur rescuers, whom many regard as heroes. Some family members are signing up with attorneys to consider suing the nursing homes.
"I hope we can put this corporation out of business," Davis said. "This is what you plan for, the worst-case scenario."
Senior Care Centers President Kerr said, "The most critical thing for us is the safety and security of our residents." He blamed the chaotic, last-minute evacuation on "an unforeseen catastrophic event beyond anyone’s expectation."
Rosetta, the nursing home administrator, was not arrested during his confrontation with police. But investigators said in their search warrant that he was under investigation for possible criminal negligence in electing not to evacuate before the storm.
Rosetta’s lawyer, Ryan Gertz, said the nursing home administrator was understandably confused during the altercation with people whose identities were unclear.
Rosetta was "punch drunk and rationally questioning the authority of the officers," Gertz said. "While it’s easy to rush to judgment, ultimately Jeff Rosetta and the excellent staff of the Lake Arthur Place nursing home will be vindicated."
After the evacuation, Cox decided nursing homes were no place for her mother and took her home to New Mexico to live.
Despite severe dementia that requires round-the-clock care, she said, her mother hasn’t forgotten the evacuation.
Told about an upcoming trip to the store or other outing, Cox said, she often asks: "Are we going by boat?"
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meanwhileinoz · 7 years
911 Operators Share Ridiculously Stupid Calls Ever Received That Are Too Funny To Read
911 is a guarantee of safety
You have an emergency, you call 911 and a police officer will be there soon. It means that the moment you hit those three digits on your phone and call, you will be safe. To avoid people thinking that they can handle it themselves, we often tell ourselves that 911 can handle any emergency.
It would seem that we did it too well. A lot of people call the emergency help line for very peculiar and almost dumb reasons. Some are even heartwarming. But either way, just kick back, relax, and read these amazing conversations.
Not an operator, but my boyfriend who called in. He usually worked a late shift, walking home about 2 am. This shift he got off work a few hours late… BF: I’d like to call and report a fire. [We live in a fire prone area and it was the season.] 911: Where is it located sir? BF: On the hillside just East of [City]. 911: Can you be more specific? [Typing away in the background.] BF: Yes, [gives a more detailed location]. Oh god, it’s getting bigger! The whole top of the hill is on fire now! 911: Stay calm sir, we’re sending somebody out. BF: It’s getting bigger! Doesn’t anybody else see this?! It’s lighting up the sky around it…it’s huge! Oh god! Oh…oh, wait… 911: Sir? BF: I am SO sorry…I’m not usually out this time of night, I just got off work late…that’s, that’s the sun… 911: … BF: I am so, so sorry for wasting your time, there is no fire, that’s just the sun rising. Never mind. I’m really embarrassed… 911: That’s fine, Sir. I will cancel the call, thank you for calling.
Had another woman call saying her cat was stuck in a tree. I just knew she wanted the fire department to come save the cat, so I got my “that’s only in movies/TV” speech ready. Then she said “…so my husband climbed up to get the cat and now he’s stuck too.”
A quite pregnant (don’t remember exactly how far along, but definitely past 30 weeks) woman calls to say that her doctor told her to refrain from having sex for the rest of the pregnancy and she didn’t understand why. I looked at her file, and saw she was having pre-term contractions, so I explained that sexual activity can cause contractions, so it was safer to abstain so the baby could stay inside as long as possible. She tearfully exclaims, “But how will I feed the baby?!?” Me: “I’m sorry, ma’am, could you repeat that?” Patient: “How will I feed the baby if I can’t have sex?!?” The patient was convinced that her baby was living off of her boyfriend’s semen, and that it would starve if they stopped having sex. I explained about the umbilical cord, etc. but she refused to believe me until I asked her about single moms, lesbian moms, etc. and asked how she though their babies fed and grew. After a moment of silence, she thanked me, and started to hang up the phone, but not before I heard her screaming her boyfriends name. That man had a good thing going for a while there. I honestly wasn’t sure if I felt more sorry for him, or a baby growing up in that household.
Just after I got cut loose from training, I received a priority one (meaning immediate response) animal ordinance call. Usually, this call is reserved for animals in traffic or vicious animals, where there is the potential for immediate threat to life. The reporting party was a parent attending a school function. Caller advised there was a raccoon loose in the school. I dispatched two officers to the call and they made it on scene. The officer then broadcasts the “suspect” description via radio. “Suspect is small, fast, and wearing a bandit mask. May have robbed a couple of trash cans. We lost him in a foot pursuit.”
One woman called because she thought her house was being shot at. Turns out she forgot about her eggs boiling on the stove and they exploded. I wanted to give her a hug though, she was just a little old lady.
A woman dialled 999 to say there were men in her house trying to take her away. The men in question were police officers who had come to arrest her
One guy called FRANTICALLY saying that he saw the dead body of a young woman, early 20s, wearing nothing but shorts. He gave a detailed description, hair color, skin color, body position, the whole bit and said she was by the side of the interstate (in the middle of an affluent suburban area at rush hour) so we figured this had to be a really fresh crime scene. We started scrambling together officers to get there ASAP, a big hassle considering it’s rush hour and they’re all dealing with accidents and stuff like that. On top of that, we can’t say what the issue is on the radio is because we have too many busibodies who monitor police radio, then call us to try to get juicy details, or othewise meddle. So we have to get these officers to their cars to read the computer, leaving other issues, etc. And these are suburban cops in the Midwest, a murder is a damn big deal. The guy calls back a few minutes later. “Uh, I checked again, it’s a dead deer.” Peeved, I announce on the radio that the trip is cancelled, “it was a deer”. An officer sarcastically calls back: “With shorts on?”
The best story I have is a guy who called about a bobcat in front of the library. He called up out of breath and said there was a wild cat intimidating people so they could not enter or exit the building. I was fairly close so I started to run over. I asked if anyone was injured and he said no. I was expecting a group of people held up at the entrance by a huge cat hissing at everyone. I told him to keep away from it and stay on the line. When I got there I found a tabby cat perched on a bench. I verified the caller and the cat he called about. I went over to the cat with him and started pet him, he rolled over and let me scratch his belly. The guy was shocked and said “oh, someone has domesticated it.”
“911, what is the address of the emergency?” “I need an ambulance” “What’s going on?” “I just, I need an ambulance” “Can you tell me why?” “My dick is stuck in the wall OKAY?!” “Please stay on the line for Fire/Rescue”
Me: 911, where do you need assistance? Drunk guy: At the convenient store. This guy won’t sell me beer. Me: Ok, why not? Drunk guy: I can’t show him my ID because I am not 21. Me: Without an ID the clerk can not sell to you, especially if you are under age. Drunk Guy: But other clerks let me bribe them before. I told him that and he still won’t take my bribe and sell to me. Make him take the bribe! Me: We won’t force the clerk to accept your bribe. And definitely won’t let him sell to a minor. Do you want to wait there and I can have an officer come talk to you in person? Drunk Guy: Yea, I will sit outside and wait for you.
Not a 911 operator, but I do work for a kids helpline. I recently got a call from a panicked 11-year-old boy who thought he had locked himself in a wardrobe while home alone. I was on the phone with him for a while before I suggested sliding the door instead of pushing it out like you would when entering or exiting a room. I heard a few sniffles on the other end of the line and then a quiet “Oh yeah, I forgot the door went like that.”
Paramedic here, Once we had a young woman call 911 around 2am saying that her legs were turning blue. Turns out she had worn a new pair of jeans to the club that night.
One of my personal favorites was someone who called and it went like this: “I know this is not an emergency, but there is a person in a giant monkey suit running down the road humping all the fire hydrants” I had to hold back my laughing as best I could – turns out he was right, when I sent the police there there was a kid in a monkey costume humping every hydrant he came across.
I’m not a dispatcher, but back in my EMS days I was dispatched on a call of a child being poisoned. Upon our arrival we find a 14 year old male and his mother. The mother was insisting we take them to the hospital so he could have his stomach pumped because he had swallowed chewing gum. The child was looking at us as if to say, “I’m sorry my mother is crazy.” One year later, same address, same family, called for poisoning. Upon arrival we find the same kid and mother. The mother wanted to be taken to the hospital because the kid had admitted to his mother that he had taken a hit of marijuana when he was visiting friends the week before. The kid had the same look on his face.
Guy who called to swear out a complaint against his roommate because the guy stole his heroin. Yes, they both got a ride.
Long story short. Helped a little girl do her math homework.
My uncle was a dispatcher in a suburb of Minneapolis/St.Paul, and would tell me stories whenever I saw him. My favorite goes like this: Uncle: 911, what’s your emergency? Caller: Yes, I’d like to report two suspicious vehicles passing something back and forth in Potawatomi park. Uncle: Ok, we’ll send an officer out to assess. Uncle: Dispatch to car 45, two suspicious vehicles in Potawatomi park, passing items back and forth. Car 45: Uhhh…car 45 to dispatch, that’s me and Officer Somethingerother, passing Cheetos… Uncle: 10-4
One woman called saying that every time she went outside the frogs said mmm pussy.
One time, some guy called 911 because he had multiple women in his bed that he didn’t know and who refused to leave.
“911, what’s your emergency?” “THERE IS A GODDAMN ROCK ON MY LAWN. A ROCK.” “Um… A rock?” “DID YOU NOT F*CKING HEAR ME? THERE IS A ROCK ON MY LAWN. SOMEONE DID THIS ON PURPOSE. A GODDAMN ROCK IN MY LAWN. I HAD TO DRIVE AROUND IT ON MY LAWNMOWER. A GODDAMN ROCK.” “What’s your address?” “You’re f*cking 911 and you don’t know my goddamn address? What the f*ck are my taxes paying you for? F*cking useless. Goddamn rock.” “Sir, what is your address?” “LOOK AT ME ON GOOGLE EARTH YOU CAN SEE ME BECAUSE THERES A GODDAMN ROCK IN MY LAWN!” At this point, the map finally correlated with his location and he was in the next county. I let them deal with it. I don’t know how it turned out.
I’ve had someone call 911 to wish me a merry xmas when I was working at 3am on on Christmas Morning.
A friend who used to be a police operator once told me she had a hysterical call from a Chinese lady, who was unintelligible but clearly distressed. They sent an officer round, apparently she’d found a hedgehog in her garden and had no f*cking clue what it was – assumed it was an alien or something and freaked out.
Me: “911. What is the address of your emergency?” Caller: “Turtles…in Georgia” M: “Yes, ma’am. Turtles are an indigenous species to the state of Georgia.” C: “Really?” M: “Yes, ma’am.” C: “Huh. Well what do you do when there is one in your yard?” M: “Leave it alone.” C: “It’s driving my dogs crazy!” M: “Is the turtle endangering your dogs?” C: “No.” M: “Are the dogs endangering the turtle?” C: “No. They’re on the other side of the fence.” M: “Well then just leave the turtle alone and he’ll go along on his merry turtle way.” C: “Ok. I guess so.”
Caller: A deer just swam across the river behind my house. Me: Okay? Caller: Well I am worried it might be cold. Me:…….Well there is nothing we can do about a deer being cold. Didn’t it run off after swinning the river? Caller: Yes. Me: Well ma’am it’s a wild animal and I’d guess it’s going to be fine. Caller: ok
“I want to report an attempt murder. I asked them not to put mushrooms on my pizza, as I’m allergic and they forgot, so it’s attempted murder”
Someone called 911 about a “machine gun mounted on a car”. It was the Google maps car…
6:30 Christmas morning. 9-1-1 goes off. “9-1-1. what’s your emergency?” Breathless, panicky voice “How do I get the cranberry sauce out of the can without it coming out in chunks?” “Open the other end and slide it out on a plate.” “OH! THANK YOU! You are brilliant!” I wasn’t considered so brilliant once I had to dispatch an officer over there to educate her on proper 9-1-1 usage. Merry Christmas, here’s your citation. source: 4 years as 9-1-1 dispatcher/supervisor in rural Alaska
Got a call from a man that someone vandalized his snowman.
My mom is a 911 operator, she gets some insanely stupid calls. I remember a few years ago, there was a huge pileup involving several cars and fatalities. Clearly it caused miles of traffic. A woman called 911, insisting that she get escorted out of the traffic by a trooper, because she “had to get home”, and it was “ridiculous that she should be stuck like that”. Like, people are dead, lady, sorry you’re not gonna make it home for Jeopardy.
Also had one a couple of years ago where a dad called to ask for an ambulance because his 17 yr old daughter had a candle stuck up her anus. He tried to explain that she said she had gotten out of the shower and slipped and fell “butthole first” onto the candle… Medics said they found KY jelly with the candle so I think we all know what was going on there.
Entitled rich brat demanding an officer drive her back home because she spent her travel money partying; she felt since her father was a well-known surgeon, and a “higher taxpayer” she should get a break and get a ride. I told her no and hung up on her.
Guy calling to argue that his crystal meth is legal because he made it with store-brought products with his own hard-earned money.
Caller: My boyfriend took my dog! Me: And why’d he do that? Caller: Because he’s an asshole! Me: No, I mean what possessed him to take the animal? Caller: Cause he’s a f*cker! Me: …… Why does he have the dog… Caller: Cause he’s a piece of shit! Me: ……… Alright, I’ll send an officer out to talk to you.
Had a guy call asking if it was legal to shoot his neighbor because his hedges were hanging over his property and he considered it tresspassing.
I had someone a few months ago call 911 to ask if a tablespoon was the big spoon or the little one.
Got a call from a guy wanting the police to come to his address because the guy he sold a bag of weed to wouldn’t pay him Gave me his name, address and date of birth and the name, address and phone number of the other guy as well. Both got a visit from unit soon afterwards.
Cameron McManus
I have been in the 911 biz for over 22 years. If a caller starts the call with “I swear I’m not crazy” then you need to buckle up for some insanity. A guy started a call with those words after escaping from his apartment and running to the closest 7-11. He swore that his roommates were turning into giant crabs. The was going to show the officers that they were currently in giant cocoons transforming. As you might expect he was tripping balls.
Had a drunk person call to report he was being harassed. Truth was….. He was being arrested by our officers for throwing pizza at people. All I heard in the background was one of my officers saying to him “that better not be our dispatcher on the phone” followed by some muffled talking and my officer taking the phone and saying “he will be taking a ride with us now” and hung up.
Me: 911, Whats your emergency? Lady: My smoke detector is going off, and I think there is a HAZMAT GOING ON! Me: Is there fire or smoke in your home? Lady: No Me: Is it chirping? Maybe it’s a low battery sound? Lady: No! Me: Did you damage the detector at all? Lady: NO!!! I took it off the ceiling, unplugged the hard wires and took out the battery….It’s still alarming! Me: Ma’am how is that possible? You are telling me that it it’s alarming with no power source…? And what were you mentioning about a Hazmat? Lady: UGH!!!! THE NUCLEAR POWER SOURCE, DO TO MERCURY INJECTION FROM THE POWER PLANT IN THIS DETECTOR, IS MAKING THIS THING GO OFF! IT WONT STOP! HEAR! HAVE A LISTEN! Me: ….(hears no sound but her heavy breathing)…. Lady: I WANT TO TALK TO THE KING NUCLEAR EMPORER HOMER SIMPSON OF SPRINGFIELD. Me: …(Holds mic away from face laughs uncontrollably)… Lady: HELLO!? SIR!? ARE YOU LISTENING?!?! Me: Yes ma’am, total emergency, the Fire Department is on the way to help assist you… Night shift at 911 always got the best calls.
Caller: I’ve been poisoned. Me: Ok, we’re sending an ambulance. Tell me what happened. Caller: I’ve overdosed Me: What did you take? Caller: Pot Me: Marijuana? Caller: Yes. I’m dying. Please hurry. Turns out. She was just super high.
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canaryatlaw · 7 years
Well, today was pretty chill. It's been a pretty relaxing few days off thankfully and tomorrow I go back to work for the "summer" internship lol. I'm not terribly confident they're gonna put me back on the same calendar which I'm kind of sad about because I liked them a lot but I mean whatever happens hopefully I'll be getting to handle cases and it'll be good, so yeah. But today. Woke up to my alarm at 9, got ready and hopped on the bus, bus to the train, then finally up the street to where our new church meeting place will be for the month of May. I knew it was down the same street so it can't have been very far, and I found it pretty quickly. The place where they're doing the kids ministry is actually in a totally separate building that's kind of like, diagonally across the block from the school we'll be in, but there's like a parking lot you can cut through so it's not bad. Of course there's plenty of volunteers making sure everyone gets everywhere cuz they're good like that. I have a few minutes so I head to the make shift volunteer lounge, which is the cafeteria haha which makes sense for food serving purposes and had a donut while chatting with people for a few before heading into the service. The service was REALLY good, and I can actually remember most of it this week haha so that is definitely progress. Basically we started in worship with this one really simple song that I've known for eternities but recently have been kind of fixated on just because it's so simply beautiful and perfect and sums up all I'm feeling in such wonderful words. So I was already in a good place with that. Then we started the message, kicking off a new series called "neighboring" which is focused on, you guessed it, loving thy neighbor, which, if you actually pay attention to any of my religion-related rants, you know is pretty much the thing I focus on more than anything and it's something I think the church has to get a lot better at if they want to stop losing people. So we went through the story in Luke with the young douchey guy being like "but who is my neighbor?" and that's what Jesus tells the story of the Good Samaritan, and in the end asks "who acted like the neighbor to the injured man?" with the answer of course being the Samaritan, when Samaritans were reviled and mocked by their people- but a priest and a Levite (which, for a short explanation, is kind of like a knock off priest) passed him without even stopping and immediately my mind flips to the homeless people I see on the streets every single day that are passed by by so many people without a second thought. How many priests, how many pastors have been among them? How many have been going to teach a lesson on religion while fundamentally forsaking the greatest tenet of that religion, the foundation upon which it is actually based on? On that note, our pastor said something I liked about the two commands- love God and love your neighbor- that they're inextricably linked, that you cannot fully love God without loving your neighbor and vice versa. And that makes a lot of sense to me. This stuff....obviously, as you can probably tell by the unintentional rant I just went on, this is something I have a lot of feelings on and it's an area I think the church is failing in now more than ever and their hypocrisy in it is at its most obvious when you have callous statements being made about people's lives directly being compared to what the bible says. People aren't stupid. They're not gonna want to go anywhere near a religion where all the public figures they see representing it are giant hypocrites. How much influence could we actually have if we lived up to those biblical promises? Just.....just give me one republican politician that gives a damn about the child welfare system and I'll vote for them, promise. But honestly, with that and many similar issues missing from their platforms, their campaigns come off as nothing but hot air. I'm getting off track though. Anyway. As the service ended I went right over to the kids building to help with the transition between services. We ended up having 3 helpers and 5 babies, which wasn't bad at all. Most of them were fine, but there was one little boy that cried. The. Entire. Time. And we texted his parents and they didn't fucking respond or come. Seriously, over an hour of crying. Finally during the last like twenty minutes someone had the bright idea to give him his bottle and that shut him right up for the rest of the time, lol. I didn't end up holding him though, I was mostly with a 7th month old and an 8th month old, both I've had before and just kind of bouncing back and forth between them and entertaining them. Neither of them could quite sit up on their own yet, and at one point they were both fussing so I was trying to get them both balanced on my lap, and as I was trying to get the little girl balanced the little boy kind of fell over onto the mat right next to us haha he was totally fine, just cried for a moment, of course I felt bad about it but he really only fell a few inches so he was fine. I ended up just with the girl for a little bit and walked around with her and looked out the windows which she seemed to like, so we did that. It was funny, because every like 20 minutes or so the lady over babies would pop her head in and be like "how're we doing Rachel?" and it always either like, complete silence, every baby playing content and calm, or like, 4 children are screaming, something's on fire, two helpers have fled for their lives and one baby is just sitting in the corner laughing maniacally (okay that might be a little bit of an exaggeration, but mostly only with the fire, and there is a very cute little girl who has the most maniacal giggle and it's hilarious). But yeah, overall not bad. I kind of de facto got recruited into packing up the room and moving everything back downstairs to the u-haul because we needed to be out of the building like immediately because it's actually a children's theatre that had a production of Pinocchio going up at 2 (and church generally runs till 1:45.....) so that was, interesting to say the least, but we did it. Walked to the train, got off and there was a wait for the bus with still a bit of a chill in the air (ugh) so I went inside the donut shop to get some tea and my second donut of the day, lol. It didn't take too long for the bus to show up thankfully. So I got home and wanted to set to work making cookies because we're having a kids ministry coaches movie night tomorrow to get to meet our new family ministry director and I wanted to bring something. I was fairly sure I had all the ingredients for at least one of my two go to cookie recipes (that being my vanilla pudding cookies and my smores cookies) but I must've used the box of vanilla pudding I try to keep on hand at some point and never replaced it, and I didn't have any graham crackers or chocolate chips (although I was prepared to replace those with Christmas m&ms). So either way I needed to make a store trip quickly, so I decided on the vanilla pudding cookies just because it feels like it's been a while since I've made them and that I've been making the smores cookies somewhat frequently lately. So I throw my coat back on (brr) and run to the grocery store down the block from me. For some inexplicable reason they do not have normal vanilla instant pudding mix, so I end up with one of the fancy organic and shit ones that's vanilla bean that I figured would taste good since I was planning on adding vanilla bean paste anyway. I also grabbed a bag of shredded mozzarella, because I was gonna make my creamy Parmesan chicken pasta for dinner and that goes well with it. So I went to the check out line with those two items, and the lady in line behind me is like "I love your boots they're so cute!!!" and I completely blanked on the name of the designer haha I even checked the bottom of the boots but it wasn't there (I later remembered it was Steve Madden). So I get back and home and make some cookies which of course turn out very nice, and then go pretty much into making dinner, and then I ate some dinner and settled into watch the rest of the first season of APB (it was only 12 episodes, so it wasn't gonna take long). I really liked the show and idk if it was just because I was so bitter over Chicago Justice being a crapshoot that it was just like a breath of fresh air or what haha but I did really like it (spoilers ahead, duh). They definitely had multiple endings written for the end of the last scene with the mayor depending on the status of the second season at that point. If it was gonna get renewed, they would've saved the mayor. If it was gonna get canceled, they probably would've had the mayor get shot but then add some sort of finality, and then there's the "they haven't renewed it or canceled it yet" option which is what we got, so the mayor gets shot and everything is going crazy and then they just cut to black because that way they can either do a second season or not and get away with it. I hope it gets renewed though. It's definitely different than your average police show. It's funny that some people on the show were like "they're infringing upon on rights!" with the technology when I really didn't think they were at all, meanwhile in crim pro I was always like "this is bullshit!!! This cops shouldn't be allowed to do this!!!!" Lol, the difference probably is that I actually can enumerate those rights for you whereas for the average viewer they can get away with saying they're infringing on our rights when they're really not at all. We did have a huge essay question involving drone surveillance on our crim pro I final, and it was actually an extremely well thought out question that brought into play a ton of different cases and doctrines and was actually really cool to answer (yes I am a major dork sometimes, I know). But anyway. I did that along with my back exercises interspersed in there (side planks are beginning to grow on me, I may start doing more of those for abdominal strength and yeah, then I made my lunch for tomorrow (so excited to be back to only having to cram one meal into my lunchbox!) and got ready for bed. Whenever I wasn't watching tv or doing something else throughout the day I was listening to the up and vanished podcast, and I made it through to just after the arrest was made and I have to say, I am SO curious about how they arrested this guy after openly admitting he wasn't on their radar at all until a few days before and then they got a tip and within days they had made an arrest in a 11 year old cold case. Like that's crazy. I also think it's funny that the podcast (and the GBI for that matter) were going in depth on all these theories (and some fan theories involving fairly big conspiracies) and they were literally all completely irrelevant to what actually happened, haha. I'm kind of endeared to the podcast though, I'm really enjoying it. In the first episode where the host was like "I'm gonna hold a contest for people who subscribe, and whoever wins I'll send some of my grandma's cowboy cookies!" I like couldn't stop laughing because that was the most adorable thing I've ever heard haha but he definitely upped the professionalism and actually got an idea what he's doing and I'm looking forward to listening to the rest of it. I'm assuming his plans for the rest of this season (and possibly season 2?) are toast now, being that we may have an active trial to cover here, so it'll be interesting to see where they go from there. Okay, that's all I got. I'm gonna have to adjust my sleeping schedule if I'm gonna be waking up at 7 am 5 days a week and not falling asleep at my desk (hopefully, anyway). So basically I have to be up in 6 hours and I should get to sleep now. Goodnight lovelies. Hope your Monday is as great as a Monday can be.
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canaryatlaw · 7 years
Well, today was kind of blah, mostly because I'm still in the same shitty mood from yesterday. And now that I'm back here even though I have a handle on most of my things I still feel ridiculously stressed out and can't stop my mind from racing and I could really use some fucking Xanax right now (I only say that because I'm awaiting my prescription for it from the company, I don't normally throw around comments like that). Ugh. But anyway. My alarm went off at 9:45 and I got up, got my things together and got ready, then ate some breakfast and my dad took me to the airport. I made it through all my goodbyes okay, despite having the feeling in my chest that tears were lurking right below the surface, waiting to be set off at the smallest trigger, but it somehow subsided and I was okay. The airport is small, so I made it through security and to the gate in no time. The first flight was fine, nothing spectacular. I mostly worked on my appellate brief, fixing citations and breaking up sentences (because I have a habit of making 4 line sentences, grammatically proper but I know my prof won't appreciate it) and just generally trying to get my word count up. We landed in Baltimore pretty soon and my next flight was in an hour, with the gate pretty close by to where I was. So I grabbed some sushi that looked appetizing from one of the places then sat at the gate and took advantage of the free wifi I finally managed to hack into without actually paying (it's not actual hacking, it's just knowing how to navigate the system). And with that wifi I looked up and downloaded the rest of the cases mentioned in the trial court fake opinion so I could use them for the second section of my paper. Flight boarded soon, and when we were in the air I started reading cases and working on them, and made a solid amount of progress. Landed after not too long, took for-fucking-ever for our bags to come, and then my uber app flipped out on me and kept saying my request wouldn't go through so I'm like fine whatever I'll use Lyft, so I do and the driver gets there a lot quicker than they usually do since the airport makes them wait in a special lot until they get a pick up. So I get in the car and we started chatting, apparently they had been leaving the airport after another pick up planning on going home but had their app on to see if they'd get anything going north towards where they lives and they got me haha so they turned around and so we went. And then I get a notification saying my uber driver was arriving now and I'm like ????? I bring up the app and it doesn't even have a trip going, so I'm like wtf....and then a few minutes later the poor guy calls wanting to know where I am and I'm just like....I didn't order an uber?? Haha it was strange. But my driver and I established pretty early on that we're both tumblr people, so that kind of set the level of understanding of each other for the rest of the conversation haha. So we talked about a lot of things, they talked about figuring out that they were non-binary and picking a new name, and of course we eventually got into religion and it's social effects and I was happy to hear that they were still actually a Christian even after having grown up in a crappy conservative Christian environment and dealing with all that shit. So they were telling me how much they love their church and I in turn told them how much I love my church, and yeah, it was nice. Got home soon enough, and as expected my white canary boots had arrived, so I had to try on my whole costume to make sure they work of course, haha (I'll post a photo when I'm down here). They fit, thankfully, and they match the costume pretty well- they're a little darker than the actual suit, but the jacket is a darker gray so with them together they just look awesome, so I'm very happy about that. So I settled in and started catching up on my tv shows, which I'll try to comment on if I can remember what I watched, lol. But I kept working on my appellate brief until I had about 4700 words (out of the maximum 5000). I had one more case I was gonna cover but the opinion was so confusing and its relevance to our case really tenuous, so I said ah screw it and called it there. Hopefully I can make up the last 300 or so words in final edits and adding transitory and other necessary things. I'm not worried though, which is good. I've said this a million times before, and I fucking hate it so much, but every single time I have to write something I get scared I won't be able to write as much as needed, even though I pretty much always exceed the word count and being too short is almost never an issue, and while knowing this, I still think it, and 5000 words was looming over me this whole week as some unattainable goal, so now that I'm a lot closer to it I'm feeling better about it. So yeah, tv. I initially picked out my recording of powerless, only to find out the dvr had actually recorded the premiere of trial and error. Okay, well I wanted to watch this anyway, so I might as well keep watching, and holy Jesus this show is amazing haha I already love it so much, although I know the legal inaccuracies are gonna kill me even when I'm telling myself it's a comedy ffs (but in the episode they were pulling shit like "oh homosexuality as a crime was never repealed here" and I'm like uh bullshit Lawrence v. Texas much???? Lol). But I enjoyed that a lot. I think I went to Designated Survivor next, which was a thoroughly epic episode, fairly major spoilers ahead (you've been warned) but ahhh I can't believe just like that MacLeish is dead??? The Vice President is dead?? And how that's just gonna look so much worse for president Kirkman and not just that MacLeish was a dirty traitor....ugh. I was glad to at least see my girl Hannah FINALLY getting vindicated cuz I was like ahh yes you go girl cuz I've hardcore been pulling for her this whole time, lol, so that was cool. But yeah, really intense and awesome episode, I liked it a lot. Riverdale next I think, and holy shit that episode was so sad???? Like dang man, Jughead's life is really fucking depressing. I was of course calling major bs when the sheriff supposedly took him in on literally no evidence and then had his school record because that's not fucking illegal or anything?????? Ugh. I'm glad he's at least living with Archie now though. Veronica continues to be awesome, and with the whole Betty and Polly situation I was thinking the whole time yo do not trust the Blossoms they evil AF so of course I was right there. Good episode though. Then I started last week's episode of Time After Time, which I managed to start in time to finish right before this week's episode started without actually meaning to at all haha so I watched the two episodes back to back. Continues to be an intriguing show, I think it's still finding its footing a bit, but the twists have been very interesting so far. I'm not sure how sustainable it is in the long run, like I'm not sure I can see it going more than one season really, which is unfortunate because it's clever, the plot just doesn't really allow for it. They also love killing people off haha I guess that's what happens when you have a show featuring Jack the Ripper. HG Wells continues to be an gem ("he came over right after world war 2" ".....there was more than 1???????") and the rest of cast does well too. So when that was over I knew I had just missed the live episode of Chicago justice, but I didn't really have much else to watch at this point so I watched the second episode. It wasn't bad, annoyed me less than the first, though that's likely just because they spent less time in the courtroom, lol. They're not quite mastering the time jump thing yet, where they go from crime to investigation to trial in one episode, without any real inference to time passing, which makes it feel like it all happened over like 3 days, which isn't just unrealistic, it's confusing, because they're like "oh who are we gonna bring to the grand jury?" and then the next scene is "the grand jury returned an indictment!" and you're just like da fuck?? Lol. The episode itself was interesting though, I wish they tied in their twist a little sooner, it seemed like too much of an afterthought with the entire plot they had come up with, but it was a well-thought out and well-played twist for sure. It kind of annoyed me that through the entire episode everyone was like "oh you know any cop who gets put on trial is gonna be found guilty" when that's pretty much categorically false, as cops are almost never convicted for officer involved behavior?? Lol, like I get that they're connected to Chicago PD or whatever but they gotta get that down a bit better. And yeah, when that was over I let the news play for a bit while I finished up the queue for the week on the company tumblr. Throughout the night I also wrote my "speech" (it's like a paragraph and a half) for the PAD election speeches tomorrow- so needless to say I decided that I would run. I had kind of come to that decision last night and was gonna text the justice (president) but I was already falling asleep, then I woke up and started doubting it again, but then came back to that conclusion and went for it. I'm not running for justice though because I know that would be too much, so I'm running for service chair (my current position) and vice justice. I don't know the current state of people running, but I have to imagine it's not gonna be all that many. I guess we'll see tomorrow though. And yeah, that's about it. Tired and about ready to fall asleep, back to real life tomorrow. So goodnight friends of mine. Hope you had a relaxing weekend.
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