4kurra · 2 years
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SYNPOSIS Talking to strangers wasn't your thing. Especially since you liked to spend most of your alone time in the art studio that your art teacher owned. The same teacher who surprisingly had a daughter of her very own. A cute one at that who resembled a puppy.
Pairing: Ahn!Yujin x Fem!Reader
Genre: fluff, romance, friends to lovers (sort of), wlw, males dni
Word count: 2.9k+
Authors Note: I know nothing about art if you could tell <3
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You took your paintbrush, dipping it into the wet pastel color on your palette. Taking it out once again and brushing it on the newly already traced canvas, and repeat. You've been going at it for what seemed to be forever, unknowing to the curious gaze of another person. Truth be told, drowning yourself in art makes you forget that reality had been a thing. Well — at least that was what your art teacher had told you. Finally finishing up your piece and smiling at it in satisfaction, a voice interrupts your quiet atmosphere.
"I didn't know my mom taught talented students." You jumped, looking to find the owner of such a delicate voice.
Turning around, you made eye contact with a girl. Looked to be around your age too. She looked like a puppy but what caught your eyes the most was the beret on her head. Seems quite like a fashionable person. Probably an idol if you may.
"Mrs Ahn has a daughter?" You looked quite perplexed.
The latter smiled, nodding her head to your question. She tried to lean against the chair beside her without even looking at what was on it, jumping at the same when you shouted for her to not lean on it but it was already too late. Blue paint was now her hand and she looked as though she was now filled with nothing but regret.
"The blue paint is washable if that's what you're wondering." She wordlessly nodded at your words.
"I guess I had been caught blue handed?" She wore a dorky grin, making you chuckle at a joke that you would have been judging if someone else said it.
It was rude to go back to painting while a guest was here — specially Mrs. Ahns daughter. The woman was basically like a mom to you too. She taught you to paint at such a young age. Hell you even once had a time where you'd go straight home just to fangirl at the thought of your favorite artist(who had retired at the time), teaching you things that not a lot of other artists could. In your eyes, she managed to capture the beauty of nature — which you had admired for as long as you can remember.
"What are you trying to paint?"
The sudden question made you wince, cursing yourself for getting so jumpy. You looked at your own painting before looking back at the puppy-like latter. "Whatever comes to mind." A simple answer, but you managed to make it work because now, she looked even more interested in the piece of artwork. "Looks like the park around here. Do you mainly focus on painting nature?" She asked once again, a soft smile replacing her curious gaze.
You were honestly speechless, unsure as to why she was curious about your artwork. If anything, she was the first person to actually take an interest by asking questions. Everyone else? They only admired it, simply only for the beauty of it and not for the meaning behind it.
"I do. I think it captures the meaning of life very well." You tried to sound so sweet with your tone, not wanting to sound robotic.
The sweet smile on your face made her eyes dilate, slowly reddening her neck. She had heard about her mom's favorite art student her whole life, training as an idol before becoming one and now that she was able to meet you, she felt a little too conscious about herself because you were honestly the most prettiest person she's ever laid her eyes on. Your hair had been blonde, looking freshly dyed because it looked as though it had been glowing. It makes sense, honestly. Being an artistic person must mean you feel the need to color everything the way you want it to look. It complimented you well, she thought.
"Have you ever decided to hang your paintings on the white walls of a museum?" She cursed herself eternally for wording it that way.
You pondered for a few seconds, nodding afterward. "Yeah. I have two hung currently in the museum downtown."
Her eyes widened, knowing exactly what museum you were talking about. "No way.. wait. Is it the riverish one with the cute koi fishes?" Riverish one? Koi fishes were on spot thought. You raised your brows as she fished out for something out of her pocket. "I actually took a picture of that a few months ago." She proudly stated, showing a picture of your art piece.
What caught your eyes the most was how pretty she looked, smiling besides your art piece. Your cheeks reddened, realizing how the both of you had been admiring the wrong thing.
"I guess I can call you a fan?" You joked.
She immediately nodded, happy to meet the person who created the art piece that made her smile for days. She didn't know what you laced into that art piece but it made her happy, seeing the koi fishes and the happy-like atmosphere. Plus the color looked more happier than the rest of the paintings in there. No offense to the other artists but it looked bland, emotionless and as though the only effort they made into it was to make it look good. She was no artist herself but she believed that you painted your whole emotion into your canvases.
"I actually adm—" Before she could finish, the door opened. "Oh! I see the two of you have already met each other. Yujin why didn't you tell me that you were gonna drop by?" Mrs. Ahn asked, a faux disappointed look on her face.
"I wanted it to be a surprise?" She answered, although it was more of a question.
A smile adorned your lips at their interaction. It was truly what they called a mother-daughter bond. Mentally sighing, you wondered how your life would have been if your mother wasn't so busy with the company that she had worked so hard on to form. It was big yes. Which you hated because even until now from your childhood, the only time she'd talk to you was when it was a reminder on how she needed a heir and not a "street" artist. How endearing of her. You began to pull at the corner of your canvas, feeling somewhat unsatisfied.
"Y/N?" You paused your action, turning to face Mrs. Ahn. "You can take a break. How about the two of you roam the city and have fun?"
A smile broke out. "I'm fine with that. I think I've been in this studio for too long."
"What time did you get here? I forgot to add but I'm Yujin by the way." Yujin asked, including the important detail last.
Yujin. You let it roll off your tongue. What a pretty name.
"I'm Y/N, and I got here around five in the morning." She looked shocked, her mom having a neutral reaction because this was a usual thing for her.
"Impressive." Yujin acted as though her schedule didn't include waking up at that time in order to get ready for her fully booked schedule. "Real impressive. Up for getting soft drinks?"
A giggle entered her ears as though it was music to her ears. What are you planning to be now? A music artist? "I actually prefer milk tea. Taro specifically." She nodded, mentally noting it down.
With that, the two of you made your way to your new destination. Her mom offering to stay in the studio in order to do a few cleanups.
The peaceful atmosphere was the only thing that caught Yujin off guard. She had expected a cute café to contain a lot of customers but then again — you seemed like the extroverted types who liked to indulge themselves inside a quiet and peaceful atmosphere. Tapping her finer against the table without even knowing, she looks around in awe of the whole place. Maybe she should bring her members here.
"Are you gonna wear that forever or?" You jokingly asked, taking a long sip of your drink.
Yujin tried to ask what you were even talking about before feeling the mask on her face. Since there wasn't that much windows surrounding the two of you and because everyone looked to be in their own world, she took it off without hesitation. "Here's your drink." You smiled as she smiled back at you, muttering a 'thank you'. You took your seat in front of her. "So.." You began. "Do you always wear sunglasses and a mask whenever you go outside or is it just a one time thing?"
It was a joke obviously but that didn't stop Yujin from choking on her soda. She apologized, taking the handkerchief that you had offered before harshly wiping it against her face. "I thought you knew?" A frown formed. Clueless as to what she meant by that.
"Cute." She chuckled. "But I'm an idol basically."
The way she said it so casually made you feel small. Of course, you thought she was fit to be one. Just never expected her to actually be one.
"Why didn't I realize that.."
It was honestly the first time that a person she interacted with didn't know what her job was. You intrigued her. Leaning against the palm of her hands, she studied your features as if you were an art piece of her own. Clearly, you were made with time.
"I'm flattered. You find me interesting, but my eyes are up here." You interrupted her thoughts, causing her to discreetly cough because she was, in fact, not looking at your eyes but your lips. "I know. I was just admiring your collar. Very cute design." She tried to brush it off.
Your collar did look cute. She liked your fashion. It wasn't basic, definitely unique. It was almost as though you had just come straight out of a fairytale. Her clothes were exactly the opposite. So modern and so expensive looking. You would have thought that she was a runaway model if she hadn't exposed her actual job. As time with each other grew, she began to notice your small habits that you didn't even know you had. You poked your tongue through your left cheek whenever you'd feel flustered. You'd bite your lips whenever you were thinking. Your pupils dilated whenever you talked about something that intrigued you, and what caught her eyes the most was when you smiled at every dorky joke she made.
You radiated sunshine energy, and she wasn't complaining. She herself would radiate that energy — at least that was what most people told her, but you were so different. She wanted to be with you. Possibly — if she could, then she would. Your sweetness was overfilling her more than her soda did.
"I've actually created a lego flower, actually," you said in a proud tone, fishing your phone out of your purse. "I think it took me three days?"
She admired the pretty Lego set, eyes not missing out on a single detail. You looked so proud, too, that it would have been horrible of her to not show a single smile. "It's cute. Who was it for?" She unintentionally asked.
"For?" You laughed in a non offending way, of course. "I'm single as one can be. I don't think the thought of dating would be too good for me, honestly."
I'm curious.
You froze, wondering why she was even curious. "Uh.. I've actually never thought about it. I usually spend my time in the studio. Or at home when I have to."
She expected for you to have someone in your arms by now. But you being single made it honestly worse. Your beauty was out of this world and she knew that. Pretty sure she spent most of her time listening to your voice instead of talking. That is — unless she was the one who was questioning you for what you liked and what you disliked.
"Then would it sound selfish of me to say that I'd like to keep that lego flower for myself?" She became straightforward.
You didn't catch onto her intentions, leaning towards the action of rubbing your hands against your nape. "I don't know why you think it'd be selfish. I'd obviously like to gift it to you." Her cheeks reddened, feeling even more satisfied with your answer.
"I'll keep an eye out for it, okay?" She wanted to feel assured that you would send her the Lego flower that spent days just to finish. "Okay."
Obviously, she was not gonna sit back and take away your progress without giving you something in return. Maybe a new set of palettes, along with paint, would do just the right gift. Yet again, you seemed to have a lot judging from how you basically grew up painting. What would you have liked? She thought.
It was simple. You obviously wanted someone who you could call a friend.
"Should we go now? I'm finished." You sent a dopey smile.
Yujin immediately nodded, taking your drink in order to throw it in the recycle bin. The two of you began to head out, trying to think of more things that you could do with each other. Just like in the animated shows, a light bulb formed above Yujin's head, showing that she, in fact, had a good place to go to.
"Let's go," She took your hands and interlocked it with her before speeding up her pace. "Follow me."
You did so, cheeks once again reddening at the sudden physical contact.
"The park?" You looked around, wondering why she wanted to go here.
It was pretty. It was totally your thing, but it was also random. Yujin hurriedly made you sit on the bench, hoping that you had also brought along the items that were needed in order for her plan to work.
"Did you bring your paint kit..? Or however you cute artists call it." She asked with sparks in her eyes.
You chuckled, nodding before taking out the things that she had requested. Your notebook and a pen. It was obviously not a 'painting kit', but she obviously wanted something that involved art. "I expected a paint brush and a canvas.. but that'll do." She clapped her hands together in excitement.
"Okay, can I borrow those?" You gave it, forgetting that you were supposed to be protective of it because it held every precious memory that you drew. From your childhood even.
Yujin stood up in front of you, trying to think of where she should start. You let out a 'ahh', finally realizing what she had been trying to do the entire time. First, she looked at your eyes. A sketch added. Your jawline. Another sketch added. It went on for what seemed like an eternity until she got to part where she had been waiting to draw because it allowed her to stare freely at it without you thinking she was weird. Which you obviously would never think. Yujin stared right into your lips, pausing her sketch because now — she had been tracing it in her mind. Her strong gaze sent chills down your spine, wondering what stopped her from sketching.
"Uh.. yeah right!" She awkwardly laughed, continuing on with her sketch.
Finally finishing it up, she showed it to you with a proud smile. You were an artist and had high expectations, but the sketch that she presented in front of you made you giggle. With a fake huff, she hid her sketch of you behind her back. "I was expecting a compliment.." She pretended to act as though she was annoyed by your reaction.
You couldn't help but to snort. "Yeah. It's cute."
"Because it's a drawing of you," She lazily smiled, "which I dare to say that a drawing of you from an unexperienced beginner like me would make it seem as though it wasn't my first time."
It was a compliment. She was complimenting your unearthly looks. You couldn't help but turn red, looking elsewhere in fear of having to see the stars in her eyes whenever she spoke highly of you.
"I think that if I was an art created by you, I'd be the one admiring you back instead." Sincerity had been evident in her tone.
You usually had no trouble flirting back — but the girl was on a whole nother of leaving you speechless. Butterflies that you didn't even know existed were now all over the place. Was she doing this on purpose? You didn't know but you liked it.
"Well," She smiled innocently, asking if it she hadn't just made your insides flutter, "We should head back to my mom's studio. I'm sure she has a few students already."
You nodded as she handed your notebook with a wink. She was about the become the death of you.
"How'd it go?" Mrs. Ahn asked.
You had been a blushing mess and Yujin had been the cause of it. Yujin simply smiled, "It was great. I get why she's your favorite student." The sudden urge to run out of the room was big.
Yujin's mom smiled, showing a resemblance of Yujin's smile. "I'm glad. She really doesn't like to go out often with other people around her age."
"Oh?" Yujin looked over to you with a cocky grin.
You jokingly rolled your eyes at her, not wanting to raise her confidence. "I'll be with the other students.. um, helping out with their painting skills." You informed.
"I'll get going too mom," Yujin sent a smile at her mom before hurrying up in order to catch up with you who made sure to take big steps so she wouldn't.
"Eh? When was she able to paint?" Mrs. Ahn asked, clicking her tongue after realizing that her daughter was now head over heels for her favorite student. What a troublemaker.
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silantryoo · 1 year
To the Yujin Anon:
I have spent q alot of time scouring tumblr for yujin fics, here are some of my favs(excluding Silan bcos if you're here you've prob read silan's fics), as well as some of the new ones Out of my league by @perfectsunlight
can't you see me?(i've seen you.)by @forhereyesonlyyy
new year superstition by @sserajeans
for recent ones
a yearning to be loved by @trsrina
heartbeat by @4kurra(not 100% sure if this was recent)
the world can wait by @rd0265667
Also, @writingficsblog has so many yujin fics, too many to list here, but if you're looking for yujin fics, these are ones you can read(if you haven't)
(I would tag the fics here but I don't think I can while being anon)
the fact that i've read all of these....
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