#500 follower drabble weekend
the-monkeies-girl · 3 months
What to Expect This Coming Week ( June 25th - July 2nd. )
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The Customary Series. ( Chapter Eleven to be Posted 6/25 )
Climbing the Echo Ruins With Noa, Anaya and Soona. ( Oneshot. ) Aiming to have posted June 26th.
Noa x Pregnant!Human Reader. ( Aiming for a collection of 5 Drabbles total, they're going to be similar to Caesar's edition. ) Aiming to have posted June 30th.
Noa x Reader - Mating Ceremony. ( Nearly complete oneshot. ) Aiming to have posted June 29th or 30th.
Noa x Reader - Eagle Bonding ( Reader picking an egg with Noa, oneshot. ) Aiming to have posted July 1st.
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Caesar x Reader Part Three - War Paint. ( Oneshot baby. ) Aiming to have posted July 1st.
Caesar x Reader - Traveling together and sharing a Tent. ( Oneshot, forced proximity is my favorite thing don't touch me. ) Aiming to have posted June 30th.
Caesar x Reader - Reader having Caesar's biological child. ( On the fence if this is going to be a oneshot or a drabble series. ) Aiming to have posted July 1st.
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Blue Eyes.
Blue Eyes x Reader Imagines ( Part One, includes three separate Oneshots based on requests I have in my inbox. ) Aiming to have posted by June 26th.
Blue Eyes x Reader War Paint Part Two. ( Oneshot. ) Aiming to have posted July 1st or 2nd.
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Koba x Reader Imagines. ( Part One, will include three separate oneshots based on requests I have in my inbox. ) Aiming to have posted June 27th.
Koba War Paint. ( Oneshot. ) Aiming to have posted June 28th.
Koba x Reader Courting Imagines. Aiming to have posted June 30th.
Other Things:
Working my way through the intimacy Prompts ( I'm trying to aim for 500 words each but I get carried away LOL. ) Will be scattered between bigger pieces of work.
Actual NSFW Headcanons and Imagines for the following: Noa, Koba, Blue Eyes and ( Considering at the moment ) Anaya. Should have Noa's ready by the weekend following the rest next week. ( Will update once I know more when I get them written out. )
Harold Lauder x Reader. ( I got a request and I am hungry hungry )
Smaller requests / Headcanons / Ideas that have been floating in my inbox. ( I am sorry, it takes me a lot of time to get through messages AH. )
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forest-hashira · 3 months
Day Off
hi everyone! this is my first request fic for @ficsforgaza, requested by the lovely @yutaleks! he asked for a day off with maki + flustering her a little. as i tend to do, i got carried away, so this is over 2k words instead of being a 500-700 word drabble, whoops. i hope you guys enjoy!
read on ao3 | wc: ~2.1k | cw: no pronouns used for reader but sort of implied fem!reader, fluff, maki & reader spend the day at the arcade
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“Kugisaki, come on, Maki’s waiting for us!”
You’d been knocking on your classmate’s door for over five minutes, and that was after you’d spent ten minutes trying to get her to answer her phone. You’d both agreed to meet Maki at the entrance to campus, since it was the weekend and none of you had a mission to complete, but now your fellow first year was apparently ghosting you.
“Go away!” she shouted from within her dorm, not bothering to open the door. “I look awful! Itadori fucked up my hair, I can’t be seen in public like this!”
An exasperated groan escaped you, your head thumping against the door; there was no use arguing with her, and you knew it. It would be a miracle if anyone saw her out of her room for the next six business days. “Fushiguro and I told you not to let him near your hair with bleach.” Yuji meant well, he always did, but when the words “I’ve never done this, but how hard could it be?” had left his lips, Nobara should have thought twice.
Whatever. She was dealing with the consequences of her decision now.
“I’m going to meet Maki now,” you told her, already stepping back from the door. “I’ll see if I can find you a hat that goes with your uniform while we’re out.”
“Don’t you dare get me something ugly!”
“Yeah, yeah!”
Already running late, you hurried out of the dorm building and down to the torii gates, where your senpai was waiting, phone in hand. You called out to her, waving as you jogged over to meet her.
She looked up at the sound of your voice, glancing behind you and arching a brow when she realized you were alone. “Where’s Kugisaki?” 
“Not coming,” you sighed. “She thought it would be a good idea to let Itadori help her touch up her roots last night.”
The expression she made in response was borderline comical, her nose crinkling up and her brows furrowing together as she frowned. “What made her think that?”
“No idea, Fushiguro and I both told her not to but she didn’t listen.” You shrugged slightly, stepping past Maki to make your way off campus. “I promised I’d buy her a hat while we’re out.” You made it down the first couple steps that lead off campus before you realized she wasn’t following you, and you paused.
“Aren’t you coming?” you asked, turning to face her.
“We’ve never gone anywhere without her,” she replied, glancing back in the direction of the dorms for a moment.
You arched a brow slightly. “What, you afraid I’ll bite without Kugisaki around to keep me in check?” 
Maki turned back to face you as you spoke, and when she saw your cheeky grin, she rolled her eyes. “If either of you needs to be kept in check it’s her.” Finally, she walked forward to join you, and you made your way down the stairs side by side. “Just feels weird leaving her behind, is all.” 
“A little bit, yeah,” you hummed in agreement. “But without her here, we don’t have to spend all day shopping. We can go somewhere else for once.”
“Like where?”
There was a brief silence as you took a moment to consider her question. Your first thought was the movies, but you were fairly certain that was where Yuji had dragged the others for the day, so you reconsidered. “The arcade?”
Maki looked as if she was going to argue, so you were quick to keep talking. 
“Come on, it’ll be a good time! I’m really good at the claw machines, I’ll win you something nice.” Your words were punctuated by you batting your lashes at your senpai. “Besides, I’m sure you’d smoke all those lame high scores on the dance games.”
The look she gave you was confused, though when you batted your lashes at her, she quickly looked away, picking up her pace a little, getting a few steps ahead of you before you fully noticed. “Fine,” she agreed. “We’ll go to the arcade, but only if you can keep up with me the whole way there.” 
She paused when she reached the bottom of the stairs, glancing at you with a smirk tugging at her lips. “Ready?” she asked, but before you were able to give a response, she took off in the direction of the arcade – not at her top speed, but certainly faster than you could maintain over that much distance.
“That’s cheating!” you shouted after her, smiling despite your irritation as you raced after her, eager to catch up with her. 
You did manage to catch up with her eventually, but only because she had reached the arcade first and was waiting for you.
“Your speed could use a little work, y’know,” she teased, smirking down at you as you braced your hands on your knees, trying to catch your breath.
“Screw you, Maki,” you groused, lifting your head enough to glare at her, though the effect was lost because of your breathless state. “Sorry we’re not all gifted like you are.”
She laughed at your words, giving a slight shrug. “Guess you’re right,” she agreed, then tilted her head towards the doors of the arcade. “Shall we?”
Having finally caught your breath, you stood upright again and nodded, walking into the building with your schoolmate. You looked around for a moment, trying to spot the claw machines. After a moment, you noticed them along the back wall. “C’mon!” you said, beaming at Maki as you grabbed her hand and pulled her after you.
“Wha— where are we going?” she asked, stumbling for a step as she went with you.
“I’m showing you my claw machine skills!” Your bright smile had yet to fade, and you stopped once you reached the wall of claw machines. “Pick one.”
“Pick a machine,” you repeated. “And then pick a prize. I’m gonna win it for you.”
Maki looked skeptical, but when your earnest expression didn’t change, she finally turned to look at the array of claw machines. Most of them held various kinds of plushies, one looked like it held some gaming consoles, or something, but one, tucked away in the corner, seemed to be full of rhinestone bedazzled accessories, including a denim newsboy-style cap. “You said you were gonna get Kugisaki a hat, right?”
Following her gaze, you also saw the hat in the claw machine, and you couldn’t help but laugh. “Oh my god, yes! She’s gonna hate it, I have to get it for her.” You hurried over to the machine, wanting to make sure you would be the one to claim the prize you were after. You examined the placement of the cap in the machine for a few moments, leaning around the sides of the machine as much as you could to get a good look. Once you were satisfied, you fished the coins out of your bag, sliding them into the slot.
A grin broke out across your face as it beeped to life, but once you had control of the claw, your focus sharpened, zeroing in on the cap. Maki was a little shocked to see the focus that came over you, and she watched in amazement as you carefully maneuvered the claw over the cap, picked it up, and deposited it in the prize basket on your first try.
“Damn,” she said, grinning when she saw the cap in your hands. “Maybe you do have some claw machine skills.” 
“I have mad claw machine skills, thank you very much,” you corrected. “I’ll prove it to you again later by winning you a prize, but right now I believe you promised me a round on the dance games.” You tucked the hat into your bag as you spoke, not wanting to lose track of it.
“I made no such promise, and you know it,” she said, crossing her arms over her chest.
“Hmm, do I?” you asked, feigning innocence as you tapped your chin, as if in thought. “I definitely remember you promising me a dance off, so let’s go!” 
Once again, you grabbed her hand to drag her across the arcade to the dance games, and once again, you missed the way her eyes widened and the tips of her eyes went a faint shade of pink. 
The Dance Dance Revolution machines – two of them, side by side and both unoccupied at the moment – weren’t far from the claw machines, and you grinned when you reached them. “Alright,” you said, shooting Maki a grin, a glint in your eye. “Time to see how your skills translate to this.” 
Releasing her hand, you stepped up onto one of the platforms, scrolling through songs for a moment as your upperclassman stared at you like you had spontaneously grown a second head. You turned over your shoulder when you realized she wasn’t on the other machine yet. “C’mon, Maki, please? Just one song, then you can go back to being boring.” When she still seemed reluctant, you batted your lashes at her. “You’ll probably kick my ass. Don’t you want bragging rights?”
Though your words were partially meant as a joke, they seemed to do the trick. Maki rolled her eyes at you, but she had a hint of a smile on her lips, and the tips of her ears still burned a light pink. “Okay, fine. One song. And I’m definitely going to wipe the floor with you.”
You couldn’t help but laugh at her words, throwing your head back for a moment before returning to the task of finding a song. Eventually you picked one of the songs ranked “medium” in difficulty, and once you were both ready, you clicked start.
At first, it looked like Maki might have to eat her words about wiping the floor with you, having a rather unceremonious start and missing the first several steps almost entirely while you got most of them on beat. She was quick to recover though, getting a feel for both the game and the song, landing every step perfectly on beat, not missing a single one for the rest of the song, and she didn’t even seem to be breaking a sweat.
She was annihilating you, and you barely managed to keep from watching her instead of trying to keep up. In the end, she was right: she did wipe the floor with you, her score almost twice what yours was. 
“That was fun,” she said, turning to you with a grin of her own. “Wanna go again? I wanna try one of the harder songs.”
You felt like your eyes were going to bug out of your head. “I think I’ll pull a muscle if I try to keep up with a harder song. But I’d love to see you smash it.” As you spoke, you stepped off the platform for your machine, not wanting to hog it if someone else wanted to play.
“Embarrassed?” she teased, narrowing her eyes playfully at you. “I gave you a warning, you can’t be mad at me.”
“Not embarrassed,” you corrected. “Practical. Because as much as I would love to be your damsel in distress, I doubt you want to carry me back to campus, and it would be embarrassing as hell to explain to Shoko that I hurt myself playing a video game.”
It was Maki’s turn to laugh then, her ponytail swishing as she shook her head at you. “Fine, fine,” she conceded. “Pick a song for me, whatever difficulty you wanna throw at me.” She shot you a wink, and you quickly looked towards the game screen to hide your burning cheeks.
After a few moments of clicking through to the higher difficulty songs, you eventually picked the hardest one, just to see if Maki would be able to keep up. As the countdown for the song began, you stepped back, eager to watch how everything was going to unfold. Like before, it took a moment for her to get into the rhythm of the song, but unlike the first song, it only took her about three seconds to get into it.
Watching her move was fascinating. Sure, you’d seen her fight gracefully in training and on missions, but this was different; this was fun, and it came across in the way her body moved to the beat. You couldn’t help but cheer in excitement as she got a particularly quick, tricky set of steps all in a row, your cheeks beginning to ache from how wide you were grinning as you watched her. 
Soon enough, the song was over, and Maki had unsurprisingly claimed the top score for it. She turned back to you with a smirk, her expression brightening slightly when she saw your lingering excitement. “I think I want you to win me something from the claw machine for winning that.”
“Anything you want.”
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this was my first time writing for maki, so i hope she doesn't seem too ooc. either way i had a lot of fun, thank you so much for requesting this aleks! i hope this fulfills your expectations 💜
taglist: @mitsuristoleme @sugurei @peachdues @ghost-1-y @witchbybirth
@marinnnnnnnnn @dr-runs-with-scissors @entirelysein-e @yutaleks @ficsforgaza
divider credit to the ficsforgaza blog
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stayfortwominutes · 1 year
📝 collision | bangchan
disclaimers; petnames, insecurities. no depictions of the members' personalities, actions or thoughts reflect their true character.
pairing; bang chan × female reader
content; angst, hopeful fluff | word count; 500+
synopsis; after the fourth ring, will you pick up?
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romantic 했던 추억 회상 소각 i look back on our romantic memories and they disintegrate 하늘로 흩어져 버린 매연 같다 like smoke disappearing into the sky
*beep beep beep beep*
chan could feel his pulse in his throat, his fingers tense around the phone, as he waited out the dial tones. he sat on the floor hunched against his bedroom wall, and clutching his phone anticipating y/n to answer.
an explosive argument.
the raising of voices, insecurities, and unspoken truths manifested themselves into three long, dreadful weeks of silence. the disagreement sparked from y/n asking chan to take a weekend away from work. this was not unreasonable to y/n. whenever they spent their Iimited time together, chan's laptop was always sitting in the corner; the lid halfway up. at first, it wasn't the problem but gradually, every spare minute chan accumulated, he'd open up his laptop. y/n saw just how consumed he was by work. obviously, chan protested and claimed he had to work hard, and while y/n was not denying his cause, she just wanted him to shut down for once, not roam the dorm till the ungodly hours of 4 am in an attempt to piece together tracks.
as the fourth dial tone dragged out, a crackle sounded, followed by the smallest voice, "hello, christopher?"
silence naturally followed, and chan sat bewildered at hearing his name being called out, nothing affectionate in his mind. "is everything alright?"
why you acting like a fool? 알잖아, don't be so rude you know, don't be so rude call me 'Baby' like you used to 원래 그랬던 것처럼 like you used to
"baby, what happened to us?" chan breathed out slowly. for another minute, he was met with a dead end, he could hear the white noise of the fan in your apartment.
"chris. you know what happened. we both needed time to cool off. a lot of what we said was in the heat of the moment... i have been thinking and..."
there it was, the inevitable end. chan rolled his head back, still tightly gripping the phone with his right hand and his left index and thumb working at the tension in his temples. a sigh escaped his parted lips as he stared blankly up at the ceiling.
"baby, let me finish." chan snapped back to reality. he didn't intend for the conversation to switch, but his mood back flipped as soon as it felt as though there was an end in sight.
"mmmhh." chan sounded, the corners of his lips tugging up as he gulped lightly. there it was... baby.
"we need to properly sit down and talk. i know i avoided communicating my feelings, and i don't want what we have to end. but i also needed time to reflect on the things we both said. don't misunderstand me, this isn't the end of us. but it's also not something we should sweep under the carpet." chan could only nod in response, his throat long dried up.
"baby, what do you think?" there it was again...
the one word he missed hearing. even though it wasn't said as sweetly as he remembered, 'baby' still felt familiar, in it's affection. it felt like home.
"baby girl, i'm so sorry..." a shaky breath escaped from chan as his shoulders relaxed before he continuted. "let's sit down and talk. it's been hard without you, a-and i want you to know that i will do better for the both of us."
consider reading more: masterlist
note; please let know if you enjoyed this drabble. ♪ i believe in collision and han-heartbreak-song supremacy ♪ credit to hyunloversclub on twitter for the lyric translations. © stayfortwominutes ; august 07, 2023.
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congrats on 500!!! :) maybe for the prompts fluff or angst for stewy hosseini with 1. "You love me?" 5. "It's always been you." 7. "You were my first love."
The Place Where It All Began.
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1. "You love me?" + 5. "It's always been you." + 7. "You were my first love."
Author's Note - this is a drabble written as part of my 500 Followers Celebration!! I love writing soft stewy :((
Pairing - Stewy Hosseini x Childhood Bestfriend!Female Reader
Age Rating - 18+
Warnings - none. just very soft sweet sappy stewy
Word Count - 880
Masterlist. 500 Follower Celebration Masterlist.
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You swore you'd never attend your high school reunion.
And yet here you are.
You're fake smiling like your life depends on it, walking around the gymnasium and wishing you were invisible.
As you step into the hallway to take a breather, strong arms wrap around your middle and hoist you into an empty classroom. You go to scream, but something in you tells you not to. You recognise that strength.
Stewy Hosseini.
Your high school best friend. You met in science class, mandatory lab partners. You'd had an instant connection - constantly laughing, teasing, joking around until the teacher gave you both a warning look.
You were inseparable. He only lived a couple of blocks away from you, which meant you got to spend a surplus of time together. You'd hang out after school, on weekends, during holidays. You weren't you without Stewy.
And then, as they always do - things changed. You went your separate ways for college, promising to stay in touch. Communication became harder and harder, until suddenly, it was impossible. Sure, you sent each other the odd message, called if you had the time. But things were different. You weren't joined at the hip any longer, and his absence was an unwelcome adjustment.
You never expected to be face to face with him at your high school reunion, that's for sure.
He finally lets you go, and takes a step back to look at you properly.
"Goddamn. You look good," he whistles lowly, eyeing you up and down.
"You don't look so bad yourself, Mr Businessman."
You jump into his arms, inhaling the scent of his expensive cologne. Despite the fragrance, he still smells like your Stewy.
"I've missed you," he whispers into your hair.
"I've missed you. So much," you whisper back.
You finally break away, and sit on the edge of a desk. He joins you, pressing your legs together like you did when you were kids sitting on a park bench.
"Didn't think you'd have time for something like this, Hosseini. Thought you'd be in Paris, or Dubai, or London," you tease, nudging his shoulder.
"I've always got time for you," he says earnestly. His tone makes your heart flutter.
"Did you see Derek James? He looks exactly the same," you laugh.
"He does? I never liked that guy. Didn't trust him."
"Of course you didn't. I thought he was cute - he used to flirt with me in math. I always wondered why he never asked me out."
"Because I told him not to."
Your head turns so fast it almost flies off your shoulders. You grab his leg in disbelief, willing him to explain.
"Wait, what? Why would you do that?"
"Because I loved you. You were my girl."
You pause, processing his words.
"You loved me? Like... loved me?"
"Are you kidding? You were my first love."
"I always... I thought that - I just never knew if you felt the same way."
Now it's his turn to process, turning the words over in his head.
"You loved me back? And you never said anything?"
"Stewy, we were teenagers! Teenagers don't just confess their love for each other!"
"We could have!"
He looks at you for a moment, and then laughs.
"Okay, maybe you're right. Teenagers aren't good at feelings."
"No, they're not. God knows we weren't. I think everyone could see how we felt except for us," you smile.
"You think we're any better at feelings now?"
"As adults?"
He nods.
"Yeah. I think we should be, anyway," you chuckle.
He turns his body so he's facing you fully, and moves a hand to rest on your jaw, cradling your face.
"Okay. Then, here's me being a mature adult that's good at communication," he pauses, and takes a steadying breath. "I only came here tonight because I saw on the email that you were coming. And not a day has gone by since we graduated high school that I haven't thought about you."
You go to interrupt, but he continues persistently.
"Something is missing from my life. I've felt like this for a while, and I could never put my finger on what it is. And then I saw your name, and I just knew. It's you. It's always been you. So I came here to tell you I love you and I've loved you ever since that day in science class that you broke the thermometer and cut my hand. It's you. You're what I've been missing."
You're stunned into silence. You weren't expecting to see Stewy tonight, and you especially weren't expecting him to confess his decades long love for you.
"You love me?"
"Are you kidding? You're the only person I've ever loved."
"How embarrassing that it took us this long to figure it out," you laugh. "I've loved you since I was 14 years old, Stewy Hosseini. You're it for me."
He surges forward, capturing your lips in a time stopping kiss. It's gentle and loving and so sweet that it makes your heart ache.
You break away from him, both of you grinning. Out of the corner of your eye, you catch sight of the periodic table on the wall. You quickly look around, and realise where you are.
The place where it all began.
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[a/n: thank you!!!! This is also a practice in me trying to limit my word count and the first drabble of this weekend I finish on exactly 500 words lolol.]
Din Djarin x F!Reader
Warnings: non descriptive violence, cursing
Word Count: 500
Dialogue Prompt #59: "I need your help." + "Why do I feel like this is more than a small favor?"
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“I need your help.”
The request tumbled out of your lips in a jumbled heap as you fell into the seat right across from him. Din paused in cleaning up the mess Grogu had made of his dinner to stare at you. You were a regular at this cantina, which Din didn’t fully understand considering what a scud hole the cantina was, but Din was now a regular because of your frequent visits. Anytime he was in Mos Espa, or even near it, he stopped by. In the multiple visits he had collected, all Din knew about you was that you were clever smuggler, you were a witty smooth talker, and you were the biggest trouble magnet on this side of the galaxy.
Din took note of the sheepish tilt to your lips and energy crackling in your pretty eyes. He blew out a sigh, “Why do I feel like this is more than a small favor?”
“It’s a medium favor at best, Mando.” You reassured him in the least reassuring way. Everything about your life was a hurricane of chaos and disasters. Two things Din typically tried to stay clear of, yet he found himself more and more drawn to you. “When the guy with a bad haircut comes over with his Trandoshian buddy, I need you to say yes.”
“Why am I saying yes?” Din demanded.
“Because we’re best friends, obviously.”
“You don’t even know my name.”
You pointed at him. “Hey, that’s not fair. I only don’t know it because you won’t tell me. So, not my fault.” You nodded a head toward his son who chirped in excitement at seeing you again. “Grogu wants you to help me.”
“Buir help.” Grogu repeated the word from your mouth.
He let out an irritated grumble, but it came from a growing grin under his helmet. Seconds later, two men stormed over. They kicked over chairs and shoved aside other cantina regulars. The first man, a human with a haircut so extraordinarily bad that Din wondered if it had stemmed from an assault of shears, slammed his hand on the table. “Hey!” He growled. “You serious about this!?”
“Yes?” Din offered.
Both men bristled, and you jumped out of your chair to shove the human. “See? I told you my boyfriend was gonna kick your ass, you sleemo piece of shit!”
“Wait, what??” Din blurted. Grogu, without pause, hit the button on his pram and the doors slid shut just as the Trandoshian threw the first punch. The cantina crowd cheered as Din ducked under the punch, retaliated, then was tackled by the human into the table⏤ the furniture collapsed in a pile of splinters and debris. As Din wrestled the human, he spotted you sneaking over to the Trandoshian to rummage through the guy’s vest. You pulled out an unfamiliar item, sliding it into your own pocket, and shot him a bright grin with a solid thumbs up.  
You were chaos incarnate, but Maker did Din want you.
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sailor-aviator · 11 months
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Hello one and all!! I am so excited to announce that I have hit the amazing milestone of 500 followers! It genuinely blows my mind that so many of you enjoy my work and musings enough to have clicked the follow button, and it brings tears to my eyes as a grateful writer to know that people actually enjoy my work.
It’s been such an amazing month and a half! Yes, that’s right! This blog has only been around for about a month and a half! That’s how long I’ve been writing fan-fiction! Anyway…
To celebrate us getting here, I wanted to do a little celebration of sorts, so we’re going to do a sleepover weekend! The weekend will start tonight at approximately 4pm Central Time and will last through Sunday night! That’s four whole days to participate and join in on the fun! But what is sleepover night?
Sleepover night includes:
Positivity! Send in shoutouts to your favorite authors and fics that you’ve read!
Drabble/One-Shot Requests! You guys can send these in throughout the next couple of days, and I will try to get to them when I have time as well as some of the other requests sitting in my inbox!
Headcanons! What are some headcanons you have about Top Gun or my work? Send them in!
Thoughts/Thots! You can send in some general thoughts or spicy thoughts you have about my work! Let’s discuss!
New Ideas! Have some AU ideas that you’d like to see? Send them in and we’ll talk about them. Maybe you’ll even inspire a new series!
Literally whatever you want! This is by no means a comprehensive list, so if you want to send something in that’s not on here, go ahead! The sky’s the limit!!
Again, thank you guys so much for being here through this journey. I love you all so much, and I hope you’ll stick around until the day I’m an actual, bonafide author!
Can’t wait to see you at the sleepover! 🎉
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roses-for-rosalyn · 6 months
Holding myself to a new chapter of Cowboys this weekend!! Also maybe some smutty Drabble just to keep yall fed 😈
Also there’s over 500 people following me and I have no idea how that happened but I love each one of u 🫶
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recurring-polynya · 5 months
Request Time!
I am sure this is a categorically terrible idea, but I am too squirrel-brained to pick a writing project to work on, but also I'm tired of not writing and additionally, I am puffed up on my own hubris from hitting 1M words on AO3, so let's gooooooooo!
I am taking requests from now until I get tired of this! I promise I will write at least one thing! I do not promise when that will be!!
This is a fanfic event
I will do the ones that speak to me the most. It’s not first-come, first-served! If you have a good idea, send it in! It's fine to send in more than one!
I delete the requests that I don’t accept.
No theme this time! Anything goes!
Here are some tips:
I do have anon asks on, but if you log in, it means I can ask questions if I need to, plus it makes me feel like we’re friends when I get a name with the request.
Ideally my short fiction comes out between 1k and 2k, so we’re usually talking just a scene or two. I am notoriously bad at sticking to this.
You can see all my previous short fiction here. (Each yearly volume has a table of contents in the first chapter). Try not to request things that I’ve done before, unless it’s explicitly a continuation. Alternatively, you can check out some of my previous request tags like 500 Follower Drabble Weekend or What If Requests
You can request extra scenes from my existing fanfics.
The best requests are specific enough to be inspirational, but not so overconstrained that you’ve basically written the whole thing yourself. Specifying a set of characters is okay, but it’s better if you add a setting or a scenario or a mood. Think about what the description would be if you had to post it to ao3 yourself.
If you read my blog and/or my fanfic, you will probably get a good idea of which characters I love and the kinds of things that delight me and the things that do not. I primarily do these requests for the benefit of my regular readers, so if this process is biased towards them, that is by design.
Here's a list of stuff I am probably going to say no to. If you feel like you know me really well and have a killer idea that you think I'll love, go ahead and hit me with it, but otherwise, please don't.
Reader/x (this is a hard no, don't even ask)
Any ships that are captains/their lieutenants or Karakura Kids/shinigami. No Aizen ships period.
The only endgame romantic ship I will write for Renji or Rukia is Renruki. I might be open to some explorations during their separation years or like some weird AU thing that's Wrong on Purpose, but in both these cases, you're getting undercurrents of Renruki for free, whether you want them or not. The only Byakuya ship I will write is Byahisa. Friendships and other kinds of non-romantic relationships are always welcome!
Anything featuring Sternritter, aside from as villains. Actually, same goes for Nnoitra and Szayelaporro. Mayuri also on extremely thin ice, but I have a lot of Mayuri-loving pals on this site, so I might be convincible with the right prompt.
I am not explicitly ruling out NSFW, but you gotta give me a good hook, I’m only good at writing smut if it’s weird. The only smut I will write is Renruki. Also, my smut is always super consensual, no exceptions.
Send your requests to my Askbox!
Aug 24: Requests are now closed! Thanks everyone!
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aphroditestummyrolls · 8 months
I'm trying to inject a little structure into my life for the weekend and upcoming week. I'm thinking that a nice writing distraction will help both my productivity and help me eat regularly without spiralling into a panic (I just ate dinner and I want to tear myself apart with my own hands <3 doing great). So! If you've been following me for a while, you know what this means!
🎉The WIP Game🎉
Put a WIP title in my askbox and I’ll write you a 200-500 word drabble
Between Hope and Desperation (first two chapters on AO3 here): Jesper and Wylan are kidnapped, and Kaz, Nina, and Inej have to find them before it’s too late.
Time for a Spare Prayer (first three chapters on AO3 here): Colm Fahey is searching for his lost son when he ends up acting as a Good Samaritan for a young man named Wylan, who’s been shot in the street. He takes him back to a place called “The Crow Club” to be healed, and runs into a familiar face.
Jesper Whump Oneshot (it lives in my little head and in my little google doc, nothings been posted 😂): Jesper ends up narrowly escaping a honeypot mission gone wrong. And, of course, as he’s sleeping off the drug in his and Wylan’s room, a stranger comes to call. The constabulary pointed him in the direction of the Crow Club— he’s looking for his son, Jesper? Cue a lot of very anxious crows.
Engagement Series (there’s a few oneshot stories up here, here and here, and there’s like, a billion more in my docs 😂👍): post canon series of loosely linked stories following Jesper and Wylan as they settle into the Geldstraat and start their future together! From fluff to angst and back again!
I know I've been slow lately, even in replying to asks and forgetting to reply to dms and stuff, but it would really help me post some new writing/updates and take better care of myself if you played! I'll do my best to be prompt <3
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daigina-3 · 2 years
Also absolutely wild to me that two little drabbles I banged out in like a weekend got over 500 people to follow me the power of Corroded Coffin… unmatched
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that-sarcastic-writer · 2 months
4k followers celebration
Wow okay well the fact that there's 4k people who liked me and my work enough to follow me is actually so incredibly crazy to me! Like I can't even describe how grateful i am! So I thought I'd do a lil smutty weekend celebration! As a little thank yog
It goes without saying that minors dni beyond this point. I'll be open to doing the following:
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Smutty goodies
Pick one-three of the following smutty lines for a 500-1k word drabble.
"Arch your back for me."
"You look better with my hands around your neck."
"Swallow it. All of it."
"God, you feel so fucking good."
"Suck on it."
"Open your legs for me, baby. I wanna see you."
"Don't hold back."
"That noise...keep making it."
"Wrap your legs around my waist."
"Let's make this quick."
"Don't close your eyes, baby. Look at me."
"You're mine."
“Faster—ah shit—harder…”
“Huh…uh…keep going."
"Don't be gentle with me—I like it when you're rough."
"One more time! Please!"
"Fuck—uh! I love it when you touch me like that."
❛ you can't expect me to do all the work. i want to see what that pretty mouth of yours can do. ❜
❛ do you really think you’re in a position to give orders? ❜
❛ we're going to fuck right here? what if someone sees us? ❜
❛ do whatever you want with me, i'm yours. ❜
❛ you keep your hands where they are or i'll tie them up. ❜
❛ you want gentle? wrong fucking address. ❜
❛ have a little trust in yourself, i know you can take it. ❜
❛ i'm waiting for your permission to let me have my way with you. ❜
❛ i don't care if someone sees us. i need you, now. ❜
❛ i can see you enjoy having the upper hand for once. ❜
❛ let me come in you, please. i want to fill you up. ❜
❛ now, i'll ask again, are you going to be good for me? ❜
❛ we both know how much you're going to enjoy this. ❜
❛ i'm sorry, what was that? i can’t hear you over all that noise you’re making. ❜
❛ so good for me. look how much you came. ❜
❛ i can take care of you. you won't need anyone but me. ❜
❛ i'm simply enjoying the view. it's not every day i get to fuck someone so pretty. ❜
❛ you're so good for me, so fucking good around me, fucking made for me. ❜
❛ you came so fast, i barely even touched you. ❜
❛ as much as i'd love to have you choking on me, i'm impatient and there's something else i want more. ❜
❛ missed my touch that much, did you? ❜
❛ someone's needy. ❜
❛ you taste like heaven. ❜
❛ i'm going to put that mouth of yours to good use. ❜
❛ you're fucking gorgeous like that, spread out like a good girl who just wants to be eaten. ❜
❛ you'll be begging for me by the time i'm through with you. ❜
Smut prompt credits @delusionisaplace & @nightprompts
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What do you kink
Pick a character and their kink(s), and I'll tell you about them. Either headcannons or drabble.
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Wild card
A combination of both above, NSFW alphabet, what they're like as bfs, headcannons or just any of your filthy thoughts you'd like to share with me!
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Characters I'm open to writing: Leon Kennedy, Dean W, Soldier Boy, Russell Shaw, Billy Russo, Matt Murdock, Armando Aretas
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Anyone is welcome to participate! I only ask (and implore) that you are 18+, I do not want to write spice requested by minors.
I'll be open to requests until Monday! It'd mean the world to me to share this milestone with you guys!
Happy sinning.
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divinehedons · 1 year
i was gone for the weekend and i come back to 500 followers? you guys are amazing, thank you so much! ♡
i'm back to writing and it's... :>>
feel free to keep me company with drabble ideas, please!
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:DDDD What an accomplishment, thanks Tumblr
No, wait, actually thanks to the GTA fandom for being here 💕
Also noticed that I just got 500 followers, hello to all the new people! Reminder that my inbox is open right now if you wanna talk about something or send asks :3
I'm also thinking that I could write a couple of drabbles this weekend, so if there's any prompts, you can send them my way!
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Shye’s 200 Follower Flash Fiction Marathon Masterlist
Not Reader Insert
🎶 Lacrimosa Aphrodite - Reginald Hargreeves x Grace
Slow Dancing - Hazel x Agnes Rofa
🎶 Bad Things Coming - Allison Hargreeves x Raymond Chestnut
Reader Insert
Allison Hargreeves
“You don’t destroy the person you love.”
Ben Hargreeves
“I dreamt about you last night.”
“I’m never going to be good enough for you, am I?”
“You still wear my hoodie?”
Diego Hargreeves
🥵 Hiding
Kissing in the Rain
🥵 Thighs
🥵 “Do you think they could hear us?”
Kissing on the stairs
Kiss, Interrupted
Kisses exchanged while sitting on each other’s lap
Kissing away a pout
Kisses distracting one person from their work
“Close your eyes and hold out your hands.”
“Stay over.”
“Look both ways.”
Nose kisses that turn into soft kisses
“Here, drink this. You’ll feel better.”
“Come here. Let me fix it.”
Klaus Hargreeves
Argument Leading to Kiss/Sex
🥵 Go Blind
🎶 Best of Wives and Best of Women
🥵 Heels
Bathing Together
🎶 The People’s Common Sense Medical Advisor by RV Pearce, MD (🥵)
Luther Hargreeves
🥵 “We can’t do that here!”
Vanya Hargreeves
“I’m Scared”
Hargreeves and Pets
Hargreeves and Ice Cream
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Dark!Joel Miller x Reader
Warning: violence, non descriptive death of a faceless attacker, beginnings of attempted sexual assault (not by Joel), planned manipulation, significant age difference, power imbalance, i have no specific timeline in mind but Ellie is not involved in this or even mentioned so maybe pre-TLOU
Word Count: 721
Summary: A chance encounter leads to a fated partnership. You were destined to be by Joel's side regardless of your opinion on the matter.
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[a/n: this is a 2130 celebration request from someone who wanted to stay anonymous but apparently you can't send pictures when you send an anon message?? I didn't know that, but anyways this is for you non-anon!anon. Side note, I told myself I would allow myself one cheating drabble that can exceed 500 words as long as it stays under 1000 and here it is. 12 hours into the weekend and I'm already using my cheat pass lolol]
The meeting had been by pure chance alone. You were trying to find shelter from a storm and wandered into the same abandoned gas station that Joel had chosen that night. The initial plan to form, as he held you at the end of his rifle, was to send you packing. He wasn’t quite sure how someone as pretty and soft as you had survived this long out in the wilderness anyways. Especially alone as you were. However, you opened your mouth and won him over. You were charming and funny. Witty enough to keep him intrigued, and Joel found himself hypnotized by your smile. He didn’t think people could smile like that anymore. Not in this world. 
So, Joel let you stay. There was enough room in the hollowed out building and as the night wore on he likened you to light itself. Warm, energizing, and addicting. Everything about you seemed to brighten his heavy mind, and these days that was quite the feat. When morning came, when the storm passed leaving a foggy cloud of damp, warm air, you thanked him. Joel’s own words had caught him off guard, but he found himself offering you company. Safety in numbers, after all. He was even more surprised when you said no. You preferred to be on your own. You thanked him once more, said good-bye, and gave him one last blinding smile before turning on your heel and disappearing into the forest. 
The second you were gone, the second you took that light with you, Joel’s feet were moving. He followed. Far enough away to not be seen, but close enough to watch and wait. The world ending had changed Joel. Losing Sarah had changed Joel. The years since had only worsened and twisted that change further and further. He didn’t recognize the darkness in his mind, but it felt like an old friend these days.
Saying no to him had been incredibly stupid of you. Joel didn’t offer his experience and skill to many. You should’ve felt honored. He acquitted that to your age. You were young. Not even thirty yet. Still so much to learn. It wasn’t your fault that you didn’t realize he wanted to be the one to teach you⏤ to protect you.
As the day went on, Joel saw you glance around nervously every once in a while. Good. The fact that you could feel his gaze on you made him applaud your senses. They needed to be fine tuned considering you had yet to actually spot him, but the raw skills were still impressive. 
The sound of running steps filled the air and if Joel wasn’t convinced that his actions were the right path then fate was sanctioning his every thought. Three men, raiders, were tearing through the trees right for you. Joel watched as they fell upon you. They underestimated you, just as he had, and their arrogance cost them. You managed to shoot the first two in the chests, but the third tackled you to the ground with menace in his eyes. Joel could see the intent from where he stood and he locked his jaw. He didn’t like watching another man touch what he already considered his own, but a lesson needed to be taught.
You screamed, the sound piercing, as the man continued to rough handle you. Even with the odds against you, you fought and fought. The raider clamped his hand over your throat and when his hand began to tug at your clothes, Joel chose that moment to step in. He stalked over calm and deadly. Those raiders were not the most dangerous creature this forest held⏤ he was. Joel swung his rifle around and fired a single shot clean through the man’s head. 
The raider slumped on top of you and Joel watched as you scrambled to try and shove the body off. He swung his rifle back around and jogged over. Joel ripped the body off of yours and you stared up at him with wide eyes as your chest heaved for air. Your pretty features were splattered with your attackers’ blood and Joel offered himself once more. An outstretched hand and comforting word. This time not as a stranger, but as your savior. With time, you’d learn not to say no to him.
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sailor-aviator · 11 months
SORRY I’M LATE, I was searching for my bunny slippers and it’s dark here in your walls and none of these termites can hold a flashlight for SHIT
I wanna start with a drabble request (bc of course) for DHTN (bc OF COURSE) and I want Jake’s POV of the arrest bc we don’t actually know how that went down and I just know his thought process as he realizes he’s going to be taken away from Scout is gonna BREAK me. Also did he see Isaac as he was being led out of the saloon?????? SO MANY QUESTIONS, but hey we’re here for the weekend~
CONGRATS AGAIN ON 500 FOLLOWERS, LIZ!!! I love you so so much and I’m so proud of you!!! It’s such an honor and pleasure to be your friend 🥺❤️
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Of all the posse members, Bob was the last person Jake would have guessed to go starting fights. Though, start was probably not the correct word to use in this case. From what Bradley had told him, a group of men had been making comments about Bunny. Something about her past in New Orleans, and the bespectacled man had not cared for their choice of words. At all.
Bradley and Jake had just arrived outside the saloon when all hell broke loose. Jake watched as Bob reared his fist back, sending it flying forward into an older man's nose. A sickening crunch sounded throughout the street, and he was scrambling forward just as the rival posse launched towards his friends.
Fists were flying everywhere, and Jake heard a woman scream as he elbowed his way through the frenzy. His heart was beating a mile a minute as his eyes landed on Javy, who was grappling with another man. Jake ran up, shoving the man before grabbing Javy's arm and dragging him towards the sidelines.
"Grab the others," he ordered, eyes darting around as he spotted Bradley already grabbing for Mickey. "Help Rooster, and get everyone out of here as fast you can, got it?"
"What are you going to do?" Javy shouted, struggling to be heard over the noise of other men joining in. Jake shook his head.
"Don't worry about me. Now go!"
He shoved Javy back towards the fray, eyes scanning the streets when he spotted Ice making his way towards the chaos, a dark haired man at his side. He searched frantically for Bradley, eyes spotting the brunette before jogging towards him.
"Get the others out of here," he told him, eyes still on the two approaching figures. "No reason for all of us to get caught."
Bradley followed his line of sight, a frown tugging at his lips when he saw the approaching U.S. marshal.
"Jake," he started, but the blond shook his head.
"There's no time," he shouted, seeing Javy lead Bob and Reuben towards the back of the saloon, brown eyes starting at him worriedly. "Grab Bob and go."
Bradley pressed his lips into a thin line before grabbing the back of Bob's shirt, hauling the bespectacled man away from the fight.
Jake stood in the middle of the chaos, watching different men fight each other. He wasn't even sure who some of these men were, but more than likely they were just men taking advantage to settle old scores.
He knew he couldn't just leave, not after it was one of his friends who started the fight in the first place. They'd come after all of them then. No, Jake would stay to give his friends a chance to flee. They'd figure something out. They always had before.
Jake's green eyes met black ones as a gunshot rang out, and a stillness washed over the street, so quiet you could hear a church mouse squeak. He focused on the devious smile that adorned Isaac's face, smug satisfaction seeping through every pore as the two men stared at each other. Jake's jaw clenched. Of course. Of course this had all been a trap.
Jake turned to watch Ice lower his pistol, holstering it back at his side as his gaze drifted over the crowd, blue eyes settling on him. He could practically hear the sharp inhale Ice gave as he looked at the younger man. He blinked before looking away.
"What seems to be the commotion?" He asked, frowning at the rest of the men gathered.
"It was the Dagger Posse!" Someone shouted, no doubt one of Isaac's lackeys. "They're the ones that started the fight! One of them is standing right there!"
Jake's shoulders stiffened as all eyes turned to him, including that of U.S. Marshal Simpson. A cry rang out amongst the crowd at the accusation, but the damage had already been done. Simpson casted an indecipherable look before making his way towards Jake.
"No, it wasn't the Daggers!" Someone else shouted. "The Hunter Posse is the one that started all this!"
"Say that again, and you're a dead man."
"It was those no good, spineless cowards in the Hun-"
"Quiet, Hanson," Ice snapped, never taking his eyes off of where Simpson stood in front of Jake. "Don't need to add your sorry ass to my list of problems right now."
Jake squared his shoulders. He knew he was caught, but like hell he was going down without putting up even the illusion of a fight. He swung his fist out, just clumsily enough for the marshal to dodge it, gripping his arm and slamming him up against the wall of the saloon. Jake winced as his arms were forced back, cuffs clicking around his wrists. Simpson grabbed him by the collar, hauling him back so hard that Jake stumbled slightly.
"Is this all really necessary?" He drawled, earning a scowl from the dark haired man.
"Yes," Simpson snapped, pushing Jake forward as they began to walk. Jake's eyes scanned the crowd for any sign of his friends. If they were smart, they'd be long gone from the scene. What he wasn't expecting to see, was you standing at the front of the crowd, eyes wide and shining with unshed tears as you watched him.
He felt his heart crack at the sight. He didn't want this. He didn't want to be the reason you cried, and you had cried more than enough over him to last a life time. He just got you back, and now you had to see him like this. Chained like a dog and paraded down the street. He stopped in front of you, trying and failing to jerk his arm out of Simpson's hold.
"Hey, sweet girl," he cooed. He cast a glance back at the marshal, who eyed the two of you wearily. "Everything is going to be alright, yeah? Don’t you worry about a thing. I’ll be out as a free man before you know it."
“You shouldn’t lie to her, Hangman,” Simpson said, casting you a sympathetic look. “We all know that this is the end of the line for you.”
Jake frowned. He wanted to argue, he really did. But, just as he opened his mouth to do so, Simpson pushed him forward once more, ending the conversation. Jake supposed Simpson was trying to do you a favor in his mind, saving you from what the marshal surmised were empty promises from the captured outlaw.
He cast one last look over his shoulder at you, committing you to memory. As if he could forget. He offered you a tight-lipped smile before Ice slammed the door behind him, cutting him off from the outside world.
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