#500th hard court win
bluespring864 · 7 months
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Sarcastic smile.
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More sarcastic smiles.
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Winning smirk.
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Winning smile.
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employlocalfirst · 7 months
Murray drops retirement hint after 500th hard-court win in Dubai
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Story 1: what happened to Sheridan
Journalism, second period of the day, 9:34 in the morning., June 22nd, 2018.
There was a tv on in the class room, we always had the news on in there to help us, "a free cheat sheet if you use it right" as Mr. Haddison would call it. Every now and again people would be mildly interested in what was happening: law suits, politics, and murder for the morbid. A sudden gasp escaped from the girl next to me. Her name was Beth and if you saw her, you’d probably expect her to be a computer club kid. A headband kept her bright orange hair that almost looked fake from falling into her rounded, golden framed glasses, she was the youngest person in this room by about five minutes and she made sure you knew when you walked in, her sporadic and adventure seeking personality was as wild as the bright stickers on her laptop and pins on her shirt which told you every fandom she was in. She tapped me quickly on the shoulder, which was met by a cold “I’m busy,” but her insistent tapping eventually made me cave, as I looked up to what was shocking her, I realized why she gasped so loudly. “How do you lose an entire town?!” I said, or rather screamed. My friend Mikey quickly covered my mouth, expecting me to scream more about something or other, but I was more in shock than anything.  Mikey slowly moved his hand off my mouth and wiped it on his letterman jacket, “Could you be any louder?” he asks sarcastically, which I feel tempted to test but decide against it. Sheridan, Wyoming...”it was just there five minutes ago”, according to one of the people interviewed, a man who left town to grab a prescription from a nearby pharmacy. “Hey, Mike, how far is that” I asked. “Not crazy far-Juni, do you have another stupid idea?” he answered, already knowing what I was gonna say, “Just one...” I respond. “Dumb ideas? Like what, going to the crater formerly known as Sheridan? Juni, it’s gone, I’m sure the police are-” Beth started before getting shot a “shut the fuck up” look from Mikey. “What are the cops gonna do? IT’S GONE! If they plan on arresting us for looking at a hole in the ground, I’m sure a court will easily rule in our favor.” I spit out. “Jeez, fine! If you two are going, I’m tagging along to make sure you idiots don’t get hurt.” Beth said whipping out her phone “What time should I expect Mr. Can’t drive for shit to show up?” Mikey let out a chuckle. Not his “I found that funny” chuckle but a forced one, the kind you do when your sister tells a really bad joke but your mom shot you a look. “8:30, ditch the pink, we’re trespassing and we can’t repeat the O’Reily house incident.” She gave me a thumbs up, punched it into her phone and went back to her work.
The Vallen residence, 8:20 at night.
I looked in the mirror one last time, my jet-black hair an absolute mess but not like I’d ever bother fixing it. I decided to settle on a blue baseball cap to hide the rat’s nest. A black sleeveless jacket and torn blue jeans were my only real protection from anyone spotting my pale ass from a mile away. I checked the film on my grandfather’s, well mine now, camera. I gently trailed my finger over the weird markings that surround the outside of the camera. I heard my phone go off from the other room and darted over to it, slipping it in my jacket pocket and making a break for the door, pulling up my black face mask and hoping in the back of Mikey’s dark red pickup truck. He had some cheerleader girl up front with him and they clearly seemed to be taking a while so I gave the roof a few rough slaps. He rolled his window down and snapped “How many times do I have to say stop doing that before you fucking stop?” I rolled my eyes and laid down as we pulled off. I shot Beth a text letting her know we were on our way and took a nap for the 30 minuets it took to get to her place, she hopped in and checked to make sure I was still alive, trying to keep me awake so I was ready to do my job. I was the group photographer, Mike was the muscle and Beth was our pretty face who got everyone’s attention, I’d do more up-front stuff if it wasn’t for my social anxiety so for now that goes to Beth. “Did you check the film?” she asked, to which I nodded. “Good, good...how do I look?” I crack a smile and give her the trademark Beth Thumbs up ™, curving my thumb slightly to copy hers. She rolled her eyes and made sure her recorder was still working. There was something about the way the light hit her and the look in her eyes that left me stunned. Click! I snapped a quick picture of her and waved the film around, checking it. Perfect. I slipped it into my jacket pocket hoping she didn’t see me take it as the truck comes up on what was Sheridan.
Sheridan, Wyoming 8:50 at night.
We slowed to a halt a few inches away from the crater. “God, does he want us to get stuck in there?” I mumbled to Beth before hoping out, tapped on the window and gestured for him to back up. The vehicle rolled back and just as quickly as he reversed, he slammed down on the breaks, most likely giving poor Beth a major concussion. Mikey got out from the front, telling Sherri or Cherri or Cherry or whatever her name was to wait there, Beth started her audio recorder and we started our search. We walked around the perimeter of Former Sheridan, snapping photos of weird shaped rocks that seemed placed by something to hold the dirt back from reaching the middle and flowers that were left in the crater by those who thought everyone there was dead already, sitting in between all those flowers were four glowing blue rocks. “We should go in.” I blurt out, “I mean, when have we ever been scared to go into something? We’ve been in hospitals during outbreaks for Christ's sake!” Beth and Mikey look at each other, have a quick whisper debate that seems to end in Beth winning and sends Mikey back to the truck to grab some climbing equipment and set it up at the spot we were standing near. Beth offered me the rope and I accepted, sliding down all the way to the bottom of the crater, about 15 feet deep. “what the- HEY GUYS GET DOWN HERE!” I shouted, and started snapping pictures of a hole dug into the side of the crater...no, dug is wrong. There were bite marks on the outside of the hole. As if provoked by my camera, a gray, eight legged, slimy, insect shaped...CREATURE came charging out. It’s lack of eyes was amplified by it snarling, four toothed jaw. If you took of the tail of a scorpion and made it the size of a small building, you’d have this thing. The creature started stomping around the crater screeching. Legs brought up dust, chomping it up in the air. “WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?!” Beth screamed down into the hole and honestly, I didn’t know. I snapped a few more quick photos and broke for the rope, not wanting to be down there any longer. On my way up, I noticed the writing on the outside of the camera glowing, now readable as “Midnight watch committee.” As whatever the fuck that was screeched after us, we hoped in the truck and booked it, leaving cheer girl in wonder as to what we saw down there but we didn’t even have the sanity in that moment to describe it,.
Vallen residence, Midnight.
This thing was like something right out of some old country children’s tale. “Wait a minute...” I thought to myself, I flung open every filing cabinet in the attic, trying to find the old book my grandfather use to read to me from. My mom always hated it and time and time again told him to not read it to me, but he never listened. “The world’s a scary place,” he would say “nothing wrong with teaching her what to expect.” After maybe the 500th cabinet filled with pitch blackness, my hands bumped into the large leather-bound book. I blew the dust off it, remembering the last time I had ever had this read to me was when my mom was still alive. As if like magic, I open the book up to a random page and saw exactly what I was looking for, “The Earth Eater.” My jaw dropped reading everything in there, all the lives it had taken...but what really threw me off was...the book mentioned Sheridan’s disappearance. Did the author know? Was this some kind of joke? I set the book down on my Grandfather’s dark colored oak desk and went to bed, my mind still racing.
Bus ride from Vallen residence to Big Horn high school, 6:15, June 23rd, 2018
It was a cold early morning, but if you were up then, even in the pitch blackness, you would’ve seen the way the ground exploded near us as the Earth Eater rose from the ground, sending the bus flying. It felt like everything happened so quickly yet so slowly at the same time. I got sent flying into the seat next to me, like many others, and hit my arm against the seat hard enough to hear a loud cracking sound. It felt like every single nerve in my body dedicated itself to making me feel nothing but pain in my arm at that moment, as I tried to move it, I realized just how badly it had truly broken. The creature charged toward the bus, its none existent eyes locked on me I imagine, and for one last desperate attempt to make a story out of this, I pointed my camera at it the best I could through a window. A soft Click! Filled the air, followed by a vrrr as the camera pushed out a Polaroid, by the time the photo had made it to me, Earth Eater was gone, back to maybe one day return from whence it went, or maybe not at all.
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sussex-nature-lover · 4 years
Tuesday 28th July 2020
I forgot yesterday, I was going to say, has anyone else been bitten a lot lately? I have a scar on my leg from the Horse Fly bite and on my right ankle now have three bites close together and one just underneath plus one on the inside of my other foot. Boy have they itched. I think they’re Mozzie bites. I know I shouldn’t scratch as it only makes them worse, but they’re torment and it’s so hard to keep your mitts off. Infact I didn’t keep my mitts off during the night or today and consequently my ankle is V Attractive being an angry red colour and quite swollen. Woe is Me.
I’ll spare you photos.
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This is not right now, it’s just a photo I have looking across the lane - and I like it
Well, I’ve had a lazy day - again. In mitigation I can tell you I/We thoroughly enjoyed listening to the final day of the International Test Cricket brought to us courtesy of TMS, which, frankly, in my humble opinion, reigns supreme in the world of sports commentary and of course, when we win, all the better. The weather permitted (minor miracle after yesterday) and Stuart Broad took his 500th test wicket. HOORAH that man. We now have the Wisden trophy in the Lord’s Museum: from here the trophy is retired and the new one will be the Richards Botham Trophy. If we’d lost, or it’d been a draw, the West Indies would’ve retained the trophy.
We did a tour of Lord’s a good few years back and it was absolutely fantastic.  I recommend it. We saw the Museum with the actual original (miniscule) Ashes trophy, the stands, the Media Centre, Nursery Ground, dressing rooms - it wasn’t a match day and The Long Room <swoon> Amazing. We also ate at the Lord’s Tavern and that was memorable too. We both had a curry and it was Tip Top. Happy Days: this is the kind of day that’s right up my street.
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The Media Centre at Lord’s
Tangent Fact - it’s quite amazing when you see for yourself, the slope of the pitch at Lord’s
Later that day we went to a world Gin tasting, courtesy of the Fever Tree Malaria No More campaign, It was held at the Chelsea Physic Garden and that was wonderful too, although my feet Were. On. Fire. No joke. It should’ve been a two day thing. We walked from Sloan Square tube station, down Hospital Road past the Chelsea Hospital home of the Chelsea Pensioners and sat on a bench beside the Thames. Shoes were OFF and if I could’ve dangled my feet in the river water, I’d have happily taken my chances. The gardens are very lovely and the range of Gins on offer was incredible. It really opened my mind - and my tastebuds too. You taste the Gin neat in a little thimbleful and eat dry crackers in between to cleanse your palate.Once you’ve tasted the craft Gins you don’t go back to generic.
Skipping forward to this evening, the BBC One Show had some fantastic footage of a Kestrel nest just before 19.30hrs so if you’re in the UK and can get i-player look that up. I learned that Kestrels, like Swans (mind your arms) mate for life, which I always find endearing. Anyway, it was a really good bit of film. 
The nest has reared five healthy chicks. 
Below are the two chicks from our local nest.
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I was actually placing on line food orders while I was watching and have some stuff coming tomorrow from Tesco - the only slot I could get until next week, so I did a smaller shop and snagged Morrisons for the weekend. They seem to have an awful lot more availability. 
Later on the TV was a very old Rick Stein programme that had Chalky in it - RIP Chalky, I still miss you. I’ve just looked him up and am shocked to the core that he’s been gone for 13½ years now. That’s taken be aback and then some. Lovely Chalky and some River Cottage stuff that was interesting. Beetroot’s on right now, one of my favourites and Brown Shrimps. We were spoiled when we lived in Parkgate as Brown Shrimps were a local catch and very tasty too. You can see mention HERE,
I loved Parkgate <waves to friends> and loved shrimps in garlic and parsley butter on toast. Oh yeah. I’m a big fan of fish and some sea food.
Sidenote: going back to River Cottage, the best Beetroot I’ve ever eaten was a side dish at the old incarnation of the Launceston Place restaurant. I’ve never quite recreated it. I really should give it another go as Beetroot is such a terrific vegetable. We used to love that restaurant and then the head chef changed and the menu became one of those silly things that says eg Sea Bream: Lovage: “Rose”: Kolhrabi and you think ??? am I going to like that - or not? Far too pretentious for me. I eat with my imagination and my eyes as well as my tastebuds and, call me old fashioned, but I have no time for obfuscation
I do have some photos from the garden to download, but frankly am too weary, so a quick snapshot
Lots and lots of young birds still being fed by a parent.
4 buds on the Magnolia Grandiflora.
Daisy Waldron magnificent in residence - have seen evidence of ‘courting’ including an interesting ‘three way’ branch hopping <cover my eyes/cover my mouth>
Outside links in bold type are not affiliated to this Blog
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Top 10 Fittest Male Athletes in the World 2017
*Update 04/10/18: After careful consideration, the Health Fitness Revolution team has concluded that professional mixed martial artist Conor Anthony McGregor will be removed from the list of the “Top 10 Fittest Male Athletes in the World 2017” based on the incident that occurred during UFC 223 Saturday night (April 7, 2018) at Barclays Center in Brooklyn. 
“McGregor’s unprofessional behavior that endangered people’s health through violence is not worthy of a professional athlete who is supposed to be a positive example to younger generations. I’m tired of seeing athletes behave badly without any consequences! It is time to stop this madness and hold them accountable for their actions! I truly hope that this will be a powerful lesson to McGregor and he will learn to control his anger through any means necessary including (but not limited to) legal action and medical assistance.” -HFR founder Samir Becic
With hundreds of professional sports out there and thousands more professional athletes to choose from, Samir Becic and the HFR Institute put in 500 man-hours to compile this list of the 10 most all-around fit athletes. The list started with hundreds of professional athletes from various sports and was eventually narrowed down to the fittest 10. The list, though difficult to narrow down, was a result of extensive research by the HFR institute.
The research included various analyses of the demands, strengths and weaknesses of the different sports each athlete hails from. Furthermore, we took into account personal habits, such as on and off-season training regimens, diet and nutrition intake, and their involvement in promoting health and fitness in their communities.
“It’s not important who the fittest athletes in the world are,” Samir Becic said. “What’s important is that all the athletes spread the message of having a healthy lifestyle. With a healthy lifestyle, physical fitness, healthy nutrition, mental, social and spiritual balance, we can control, manage or completely avoid over 70% of all illnesses known to mankind.”
Our list placed swimming powerhouse, Michael Phelps on top due to his success at this years Olympic Games, which he still dominated despite having only come out of retirement 2 years ago. “Michael Phelps is one of the most successful atheletes in the history of the Olympic Games. And I actually mean, THE most successful athlete in Olympic history, period.” said Becic.
He continues “McGregor, making our list for the first time, is the biggest surprise. Usually, someone so new to the world stage doesn’t cut it. But, an extraordinary personality and unbelievable fitness regimen makes him deserving of this feature. Another well-deserved addition to this years list is Zlatan Ibrahimovic, an extraordinary athlete with an equally extraordinary personality who, even at 35, is making the soccer world crazy. Congratulations also to Andy Murray for a great comeback and year!”
Finally, Becic says “for the second year in a row, Michael Schumacher, the F1 mega-star, is an honorary champion. Schumacher- if anybody can do this, you can do it!”
We weighed several physical statistics including:
cardio training
training regimen
diet and nutrition intake
and promotion of sports, physical fitness, healthy living and community involvement
Here are the Top 10 from Health Fitness Revolution and author of the book ReSYNC Your Life Samir Becic:
1. Michael Phelps, Olympic Swimmer
A photo posted by Michael Phelps (@m_phelps00) on Dec 20, 2016 at 10:08am PST
Youngest member on the US Olympic team at age 15
Broke the world record in the 200 meter butterfly in 2001 at the age of 16
2003: Phelps won 4 gold medals, 2 silver medals and broke 5 world records at the world championships in Barcelona
2005: Phelps won 5 gold medals and a silver at the world championships in Montreal
2007: Phelps received 7 gold medals in the world championships
From 2004-2012, he won 22 medals at the Olympic Summer Games in Athens, Beijing and London—18 gold, two silver and two bronze—and setting the record for the most medal wins by any Olympian
After retiring after the 2012 Olympic games, he came out of retirement in April 2014, stating that this time, he would be swimming for himself- not the medals, fans, or fame.
At the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, he won 5 gold medals and one silver.
He is the most decorated Olympian of all time with a total of 28 medals, 23 of which are gold.
Workout and Fitness:
Works out 6 hours a day 6 times a week, incorporating both swimming and dry-land training
Weight training, cardiovascular conditioning, and swims a minimum of 50 miles a week
Balance between weight training and body-weight training
Community Involvement:
Founded the Michael Phelps Foundation, a non-profit organization focused on growing the sport of swimming and promoting healthy and active lifestyle, especially for children
2. Usain Bolt, Olympic Sprinter
A photo posted by Usain St.Leo Bolt (@usainbolt) on Dec 30, 2016 at 6:02am PST
Regarded as the fastest human ever timed.
Jupiter Award for work with United Way Jamaica.
First Olympian in history to win both 100m and 200m races in world record times.
9 Olympic gold medals.
11 gold medals in the world championships and 2 silver medals.
6 time IAAF Athlete of the Year.
Workout and Fitness:
90 minutes daily – focusing on his core and back
He focuses his time not on building muscle but rather building his explosiveness with leg extensions and hamstring curls
30 seconds on, 30 seconds rest – three sets of each of the following: leg raises, side sweeps, reverse crunches, side plank clams
Diet and Nutrition:
Daily protein intake consists of saltfish for breakfast (traditional Jamaican dish)
Chicken for lunch, and pork for dinner. His carbs include pasta, rice, and potatoes.
Diet contains 60% protein, 30% carbs, 10% fats.
One of Usain’s nutritional secrets is yams – a good source of vitamins C and A
Community Involvement
Founded the Usain Bolt Foundation
Focuses on providing a healthy and safe environment to children in need
Also creates educational and recreational opportunities throughout the Kingston community
Supports Small Steps Project (humanitarian organization)
3. Cristiano Ronaldo, Professional Soccer Player
A photo posted by Cristiano Ronaldo (@cristiano) on Dec 20, 2016 at 9:05am PST
UEFA Best Player in Europe
Ballon d’Or (World’s best Footballer of the Year). He received his fourth Ballon d’Or in 2016, the most for a European player in the history of the award. One year earlier, Ronaldo had scored his 500th senior career goal for club and country.
FIFA World Player of the Year.
4-time European Golden Shoe award winner.
In 2016, Forbes named him the world best-paid athlete due to his high marketability.
In June 2016, ESPN ranked him the world’s most famous athlete.
Workout Routine: 
Gets lots of sleep, goes to bed early
Workout consists of a combination of cardio (running and rowing) and weight training to ensure that workouts target all areas of the body and increase both strength and stamina
Considers cardio as key for building up endurance and stamina and staying trim. Aims for cardio workouts at least 30 minutes in length, gradually increasing the number of sessions over time
Listens to his favorite music when working out to keep him motivated (hip hop & reggae)
Daily workouts lasting approximately 3-4 hours each
Workout includes squats, box jumps, broad jumps, jumping lunges, and lateral bounds
Completes up to 3000 sit-ups per workout
Diet and Nutrition
Drinks plenty of water
High protein diet with whole-grain carbs
Enjoys meals with fish; will order a steak with salad when eating out
Lots of fruits and vegetables
Cut out alcohol
Avoids sugary foods
Community Involvement
Supports many charities, including UNICEF, Save the Children, and World Vision
Participated in raising funds for the reconstruction of Aceh, Indonesia after 2004 earthquake and tsunami
Donated $83,000 to pay for 10-month old Erik Ortiz Cruz’s brain operation in 2012
4. Andy Murray, Professional Tennis Player
A photo posted by Andy Murray (@andymurray) on Nov 20, 2016 at 1:04pm PST
“Earlier in my career I used to spend a lot of time practising my tennis on court,” Murray says. “Now I’ve learned that it’s better to do just a couple of hours on court and two gym sessions a day. That’s what’s made me fitter and stronger.”
Currently ranked #1 in men’s singles.
3 time Grand-slam tournament winner.
2 time Olympic champion.
Davis cup champion
Winner of the 2016 ATP World Tour Finals.
Following his run to winning the 2016 Paris Masters, Murray became world No. 1 on 7 November 2016.
He was named a Knight Bachelor in the 2017 New Year Honours list.
Has won the BBC Sports Personality of the Year award a record three times.
Workout Routine: 
Says he spends most of the year maintaining his fitness, that he has very little time to actually improve his fitness.
During the few short breaks in the year, he combines relaxation and rest with running the track and spending time in the gym.
A full time tennis writer for Men’s Health said his training is so hard it borders on brutal and that Murray puts literally nauseating effort into his sprint sessions, as he aims to improve his speed and endurance.
Does some 400m repetition running for endurance on the court.
Lifts weights in the gym.
Does a lot of core stability to work to improve his balance.
Pays very close attention to details and perfection in his training.
Is a huge boxing fanatic and even sees some clear parallels between the two disciplines. “When you train, it’s a lot like tennis,” he says. “You need to have agility, speed, aggression, co-ordination, tactics – there’s a lot of similarity between the sports.”
Diet and Nutrition
Drinks 6 liters of water a day.
Eats a varied diet.
High protein diet with whole-grain carbs.
Is said to eat 6000 calories a day.
Avoids alcohol and sugars at all costs.
Eats 6 meals a day.
Community Involvement
Murray is a founding member of the Malaria No More UK Leadership Council and helped launch the charity in 2009 with David Beckham.
Often participates in charity tennis tournaments for various causes.
As a result of his various charitable exploits, Murray was awarded the Arthur Ashe Humanitarian of the Year award for 2014.
5. Zlatan Ibrahimović, Professional Soccer Player
A photo posted by IAmZlatan (@iamzlatanibrahimovic) on Nov 21, 2016 at 1:55pm PST
“Football is everything. It is made up of many small parts to make it whole. It is being healthy, being happy and something I love. For me, it is passion.”
Swedish Bosnian player who made his international debut on the Swedish national team 2001 and served as captain until his retirement from international football in 2016. He still plays for Manchester United.
He is widely regarded as one of the best strikers in the game and one of the best footballers of his generation.
His remarkable bicycle kick for Sweden against England won him the 2013 FIFA Puskás Award for Goal of the Year.
In December 2013, Ibrahimović was ranked by The Guardian as the third-best player in the world, behind only Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo (who is also on this list).
In December 2014, the Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter named him the second-greatest Swedish sportsperson of all time, after tennis player Björn Borg.
Workout Routine: 
Thinks talent accounts for about 30% of success, that the rest is hard work. Has said “Talent doesn’t mean you will win. Talent is something you are born with. You see the opportunity of somebody with talent, but if you don’t work hard, this talent is a waste of time.”
Sleeps very late after a game. Has said that after a match he cannot go to sleep due to the adrenaline. That if he does manage to fall asleep, it is usually at 5 or 6 in the morning, even though he does try to go to sleep at a reasonable time.
Has a black belt in taekwondo, a disciplinary training which has undoubtedly helped his soccer training and skill. He has said of the sport “It (taekwondo) is a sport that requires control and is also a great way of releasing aggression. I am a black belt and I am often asked if I will be a judge at the biggest tournaments in the world.”
Says he listens to reggae while he trains intensively, it keeps him calm.
Does a lot of cardio, including running on the treadmill.
Lifts weights for strentgh training.
Does core work for stability.
Diet and Nutrition
Has said that at the beginning of his career, he didn’t pay attention to what he ate, but he is now very conscious of what he puts in his body. He says what he eats is directly related to how active he is.
Community Involvement
In February of 2015, Ibrahimovic temporarily tattooed 15 names of people starving in an effort to raise awareness about world hunger. He said at the time on PSG’s official website “Saturday evening against Caen, when I took off my shirt, everyone asked what these new tattoos were. I had 15 temporary tattoos on my body. They were the names of real people who suffer from starvation in the world. Even if the tattoos are gone today, these people are still there. There are 805 million starving people in the world. I want you to see them, through me, to help the World Food Programme.”
This was the first time he publicly worked with a charity.
6. Novak Djokovic, Professional Tennis Player
A photo posted by Novak Djokovic (@djokernole) on Nov 8, 2015 at 9:58am PST
Twice named US Sports Academy’s Male Athlete of the Year.
4 time ATP Year-end Number 1.
Best Male Tennis Player in Serbia.
12 Grand Slam titles: 6-time winner of the Australian Open, 3-time winner of Wimbledon, 2-time winner of the US Open winner, and 1-time French Open winner.
As of August 2016, he holds the best match winning rate (83.00%) in Open Era.
2012, 2015, and 2016 Laureus World Sports Award for Sportsman of the Year.
2011 BBC Overseas Sports Personality of the Year.
Novak Djokovic was named the fittest male athlete on our list in 2015.
Workout and Fitness:
Warm-up consists of explosive stretches and resistance band work.
Workout includes fast-paced exercises with focus on plyometrics, reflex movements and balance.
Off-season training includes implementing yoga.
Diet and Nutrition:
Coffee or tea, grapefruit, gluten-free bagel with low-fat cream cheese, eggs
Salad, grilled lean hamburger, gluten-free bread, iced tea or coffee
String cheese
Salad, oil and vinegar dressing, salmon prepared with lemon, brown rice and vegetables
Gluten-free chocolate chip cookies
Community Involvement:
Raised $1,400,000 for early childhood education
Founder of the Novak Djokovic Foundation, dedicated to creating a lasting change in the lives of Serbian children in need by promoting healthy eating, early education, constructive parenting, and becoming involved in exercise and sports
Leader of a campaign against child labor
He is also a UNICEF Ambassador in Serbia
Arthur Ashe Humanitarian of the Year Award
7. LeBron James, Professional Basketball Player
A photo posted by LeBron James (@kingjames) on Dec 12, 2016 at 10:26am PST
12-time NBA All Star.
3-time NBA Champion.
4-time NBA  MVPs.
2-time NBA finals MVP.
2 Olympic Gold Medals.
Led Miami Heat to a 27-game winning streak – the longest winning streak in NBA history.
Cleveland Cavaliers all-time leading scorer.
No. 1 draft pick in 2003; 2004 NBA Rookie of the Year
Workout and Fitness:
Ices back and feet prior to workouts.
30 minutes of combines stretching and yoga.
Incorporate Pilates reformer into his cross-training.
Various gym and ball-on-the-court workouts.
Off the court workouts consist of pilates, boxing, cycling, sprints.
Cool-downs consist of stretching, as well as actively stretching throughout the day.
Diet and Nutrition:
Meal 1, 6:25 a.m.:  Whole wheat bagel with 1 tbsp of peanut butter, 1/2 cup of strawberries, 1/2 cup of cottage cheese
Meal 2, 9:30 a.m.: 1 cup orange juice, 1 banana, 1 scoop protein powder with 1 cup of low-fat milk
Meal 3, 12:00 noon: Lean roast beef with whole wheat bun, lettuce, tomato, 2 tbsp of mustard, low fay cheddar cheese and 1-cup of low-fat milk.
Meal 4, 2:30 p.m.: 1/2 cup of blueberries, 1 cup low-fat natural yogurt, 1/2 glass of milk, 1 granola bar.
Meal 5, 6:00 p.m.: 1 cup strawberries, 1 cup milk, 1 cup orange juice, 1 cup  low-fat strawberry yogurt, with optional 1-2 tablespoons of honey.
Meal 6. 8:30 p.m.: 1 1/2 cup small broccoli, 1/2 cup rice, 1/3 cup
Community Involvement:
Founded the LeBron Family Foundation.
Is active in Wheels for Education, Boys and Girls Club and the I Promise Network.
8. Floyd Mayweather, Jr., Professional Boxer
A photo posted by Floyd Mayweather (@floydmayweather) on Aug 22, 2016 at 8:08am PDT
First championship belt won in 1998 at 21.
Record 49-0, 26 knockouts.
WBC super featherweight champion, WBC lightweight champion, WBC light-welterweight champion, WBC light-middleweight champion.
He is a two-time winner of The Ring magazine’s Fighter of the Year award (1998 and 2007)
Three-time winner of the Boxing Writers Association of America (BWAA) Fighter of the Year award (2007, 2013, and 2015), and a six-time winner of the Best Fighter ESPY Award (2007–10, 2012–14).
In 2016 Mayweather peaked as BoxRec’s number one pound for pound fighter of all time; as well as the greatest welterweight of all time.
In 2016, ESPN ranked Mayweather as the greatest pound for pound boxer of the last 25 years.
Workout and Fitness:
Favorite pre-fight workout is shadowboxing.
Drill work includes sparring, speed & heavy bag, neck workout w/weights, 200 sit-ups, pull-ups, dips, jump rope, and 5-8 mile run.
Diet and Nutrition: 
Personal chef Quiana Jeffries said Mayweather only eats organic fruits/veggies and focuses on high levels of protein, low carbs, and no pork!
Community Involvement:
Founded the Mayweather Foundation, which empowers and encourages community alliances, impacts youth leadership and strengthens family foundations through community development, entrepreneurialism, and education resulting in a healthier community.
9. Conor McGregor, Professional MMA Fighter – REMOVED
A photo posted by Conor McGregor Official (@thenotoriousmma) on Dec 24, 2016 at 6:49am PST
“There’s no talent here, this is hard work. This is an obsession. Talent does not exist, we are all equal as human beings. You could be anyone if you put in the time. You will reach the top, and that is that. I am not talented, I am obsessed.”
He is the reigning UFC Lightweight Champion and former UFC Featherweight Champion.
He has competed as a featherweight, lightweight, and welterweight.
Has fastest victory in UFC title fight history- 13 seconds into the first round.
Became the first fighter in UFC’s history to hold titles in two divisions simultaneously.
He is known for being the biggest pay-per-view draw in MMA.
Workout and Fitness:
Does not adhere to a strict schedule, but as soon as he wakes up, he’s moving.
Said he is self-taught and nothing is done by the clock.
Does yoga every day and believes that balance is imperative- anything that doesn’t improve his core is not beneficial in his opinion.
Does jiu-jitsu.
Jump ropes.
Lifts weights.
Dead hangs from objects.
According to him, however, his most valuable skill is intangible. “My belief is my best asset, and I have a stronger mindset than my opponent,” he says.
Diet and Nutrition: 
Drinks water first thing in the morning, even before coffee.
Tackled his sweet tooth by substituting his cravings with cinnamon instead.
Has a notorious “Eat Clean” diet.
His coach posted a picture of the fridge his McGregor’s house and the entire contents of it included: salmon, chicken, steak, fruit and veg.
No bread.
Doesn’t eat fast food.
Has said “I have a sweet tooth — that would be where I’d put on some weight out of fighting is somebody brings in a pack of cakes and coffee. But the majority, I’ll eat good-quality meats, good-quality greens, good-quality carbohydrates like sweet potato and butternut squash, and that is it.”
Community Involvement:
Has done various appearances to raise funds for the homeless charities in Ireland.
In 2015 he donated €50,000 to two of Ireland’s homeless charities: Simon Community and Focus Ireland.
10. Wladimir Klitshko, Professional Boxer
A photo posted by Wladimir Klitschko (@klitschko_official) on Sep 22, 2016 at 5:08am PDT
Former Heavyweight Champion, holding WBA, IBF, 2-time WBO, IBO, and The Ring championship titles.
Ph. D in sports science.
He is known to be a highly strategic and cerebrally-minded boxer, and is considered to be one of the greatest heavyweight champions of all time.
He is among the hardest punching knockout artists in the history of the division.
Klitschko has fought in 28 heavyweight title fights, more than any heavyweight champion in the sport’s history.
He also holds the record of having defeated the most boxers with an undefeated record, at 12.
Workout and Fitness:
Recently launched a fitness program focused on total body performance.  The app matches a workout regimen and nutrition plan to the user.
Diet and Nutrition: 
Loads up on carbs the week before fights. He eats a lot of oatmeal and pasta, and red meat for iron. He says this helps him perform at his highest levels.
Does not consume meats any less than 6-7 hrs before a fight.
Community Involvement: 
Supports Laureus Sport for Good Foundation & UNESCO
Charities focus on at-risk youth, children, education, human rights, literacy, poverty, and sports.
On 29 March 2012, during a charitable auction in Kiev, Ukraine, Wladimir auctioned off his 1996 Olympic gold medal to a buyer who bid $1 million. Klitschko said he would use the money to help the dreams of hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian children. After the sale, the buyer immediately returned the medal out of respect for Wladimir and because he wanted it to remain with the Klitschko family.
Honorary Fittest Athlete in the World
Michael Schumacher, Formula 1 Driver
A photo posted by Michael Schumacher (@michaelschumacher) on Dec 19, 2016 at 3:09am PST
Since Michael Schumacher’s skiing accident on December 29, 2013, the 7-time Formula 1 world champion has been fighting for his life and I have kept him in my thoughts. I grew up in Germany and Michael was a living legend and inspiration to people everywhere said Samir Becic, 4-time world’s best fitness trainer. This accident affected me in a way I had not anticipated – it brought to mind my own vulnerability. Considering that Michael Schumacher is fighting for his life, and he’s not giving up, and considering he was one of the fittest Formulate One drivers in the history of the sport, the Health Fitness Revolution team is honoring him as the honorary fittest athlete in the world.
Michael, get well soon!
Seven-time Formula One World Champion and is widely regarded as one of the greatest Formula One drivers of all time
He was named Laureus World Sportsman of the Year twice
He holds many of Formula One’s driver records, including most championships, race victories, fastest laps, pole positions and most races won in a single season – 13 in 2004 (the last of these records was equalled by fellow German Sebastian Vettelnine years later)
In 2002, he became the only driver in Formula One history to finish in the top three in every race of a season and then also broke the record for most consecutive podium finishes
According to the official Formula One website, he is statistically the greatest driver the sport has ever seen
Workout and Fitness:
Michael Schumacher trained up to six hours a day for improving his physical strength, reaction time and coordination
 The sports training concentrated on improving his physical strength, his reaction time, his coordination and flexibility
Is a legendary workout freak who became quicker, stronger, and fitter than his competition by outworking them in the weight room
Spent hours in the gym honing himself into a lean, light and strong performance athlete, with a combination of endurance training and core strength exercises
Diet and Nutrition Intake:
A journalist once said that his interview with Schumacher was interrupted every 45 minutes by Michaels’ nutritionist, who would hand him his next handful of calorie-controlled, nutritionally-balanced mixed nuts and berries
Formula 1 drivers know the importance of a strict diet and fitness, which can sometimes be a matter of life and death. An F1 nutritionist says that drivers must eat proteins (meat — even better if white — eggs), carbohydrates (pasta, bread), vitamins and fibers (cereals, fruits, vegetables). They should of course, avoid too much fat, carbohydrates, and alcohol.
Michael has his own health instructor and dietician who help him in charting out the right diet plan and regulating his carbohydrate and protein intake.
During race weekends he eats food with lots of carbs like pasta and bread. This helps in keeping the energy levels up.
Before and throughout a race he drinks lots of water to avoid dehydration. A F1 driver loses about 3kgs of weight in every race
Community Involvement:
The former Ferrari driver is a Special Envoy for Education and Sport and donated €1.5 million to the organization
In a 2002 interview with the organization, he explained his dedication to funding projects: “I really want to help the ones people don’t know about. Nowadays, certain projects attract lots of donors. Then there are others you never hear about. Those are the ones I’m interested in.”
He also once told F1 magazine that: “It’s great if you can use your fame and the power your fame gives you to draw attention to things that really matter.”
In 2002, Schumacher funded the construction of a school in a poor slum in Dakar, the capital of the West African state of Senegal
In 1997, Schumacher opened a clinic for child victims of the Balkans War. The clinic provides artificial limbs for amputees as well as psychological support.
In 2002, he funded the construction of a ‘Palace for the Poor’ in Lima, Peru which caters for homeless children and provides education, food and medical treatment for street children.
Along with his two sons, Schumacher’s bodyguard lost his life in in the 2004 Tsunami following the Indian Ocean earthquake. Schumi donated over €7 million in aid which meant that he gave more money than many individual countries, sports entities and organizations.
Schumacher is also known to support UNICEF and Childline, as well as road safety campaigns.
  Health Fitness Revolution by Samir Becic Foundation is a 501(c)3 organization, to make the world a healthier, fitter place, please donate!
[Read More ...] http://www.healthfitnessrevolution.com/top-10-fittest-male-athletes-in-the-world-2017/
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Top 10 Fittest Male Athletes in the World 2017
*Update 04/10/18: After careful consideration, the Health Fitness Revolution team has concluded that professional mixed martial artist Conor Anthony McGregor will be removed from the list of the “Top 10 Fittest Male Athletes in the World 2017” based on the incident that occurred during UFC 223 Saturday night (April 7, 2018) at Barclays Center in Brooklyn. 
“McGregor’s unprofessional behavior that endangered people’s health through violence is not worthy of a professional athlete who is supposed to be a positive example to younger generations. I’m tired of seeing athletes behave badly without any consequences! It is time to stop this madness and hold them accountable for their actions! I truly hope that this will be a powerful lesson to McGregor and he will learn to control his anger through any means necessary including (but not limited to) legal action and medical assistance.” -HFR founder Samir Becic
With hundreds of professional sports out there and thousands more professional athletes to choose from, Samir Becic and the HFR Institute put in 500 man-hours to compile this list of the 10 most all-around fit athletes. The list started with hundreds of professional athletes from various sports and was eventually narrowed down to the fittest 10. The list, though difficult to narrow down, was a result of extensive research by the HFR institute.
The research included various analyses of the demands, strengths and weaknesses of the different sports each athlete hails from. Furthermore, we took into account personal habits, such as on and off-season training regimens, diet and nutrition intake, and their involvement in promoting health and fitness in their communities.
“It’s not important who the fittest athletes in the world are,” Samir Becic said. “What’s important is that all the athletes spread the message of having a healthy lifestyle. With a healthy lifestyle, physical fitness, healthy nutrition, mental, social and spiritual balance, we can control, manage or completely avoid over 70% of all illnesses known to mankind.”
Our list placed swimming powerhouse, Michael Phelps on top due to his success at this years Olympic Games, which he still dominated despite having only come out of retirement 2 years ago. “Michael Phelps is one of the most successful atheletes in the history of the Olympic Games. And I actually mean, THE most successful athlete in Olympic history, period.” said Becic.
He continues “McGregor, making our list for the first time, is the biggest surprise. Usually, someone so new to the world stage doesn’t cut it. But, an extraordinary personality and unbelievable fitness regimen makes him deserving of this feature. Another well-deserved addition to this years list is Zlatan Ibrahimovic, an extraordinary athlete with an equally extraordinary personality who, even at 35, is making the soccer world crazy. Congratulations also to Andy Murray for a great comeback and year!”
Finally, Becic says “for the second year in a row, Michael Schumacher, the F1 mega-star, is an honorary champion. Schumacher- if anybody can do this, you can do it!”
We weighed several physical statistics including:
cardio training
training regimen
diet and nutrition intake
and promotion of sports, physical fitness, healthy living and community involvement
Here are the Top 10 from Health Fitness Revolution and author of the book ReSYNC Your Life Samir Becic:
1. Michael Phelps, Olympic Swimmer
A photo posted by Michael Phelps (@m_phelps00) on Dec 20, 2016 at 10:08am PST
Youngest member on the US Olympic team at age 15
Broke the world record in the 200 meter butterfly in 2001 at the age of 16
2003: Phelps won 4 gold medals, 2 silver medals and broke 5 world records at the world championships in Barcelona
2005: Phelps won 5 gold medals and a silver at the world championships in Montreal
2007: Phelps received 7 gold medals in the world championships
From 2004-2012, he won 22 medals at the Olympic Summer Games in Athens, Beijing and London—18 gold, two silver and two bronze—and setting the record for the most medal wins by any Olympian
After retiring after the 2012 Olympic games, he came out of retirement in April 2014, stating that this time, he would be swimming for himself- not the medals, fans, or fame.
At the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, he won 5 gold medals and one silver.
He is the most decorated Olympian of all time with a total of 28 medals, 23 of which are gold.
Workout and Fitness:
Works out 6 hours a day 6 times a week, incorporating both swimming and dry-land training
Weight training, cardiovascular conditioning, and swims a minimum of 50 miles a week
Balance between weight training and body-weight training
Community Involvement:
Founded the Michael Phelps Foundation, a non-profit organization focused on growing the sport of swimming and promoting healthy and active lifestyle, especially for children
2. Usain Bolt, Olympic Sprinter
A photo posted by Usain St.Leo Bolt (@usainbolt) on Dec 30, 2016 at 6:02am PST
Regarded as the fastest human ever timed.
Jupiter Award for work with United Way Jamaica.
First Olympian in history to win both 100m and 200m races in world record times.
9 Olympic gold medals.
11 gold medals in the world championships and 2 silver medals.
6 time IAAF Athlete of the Year.
Workout and Fitness:
90 minutes daily – focusing on his core and back
He focuses his time not on building muscle but rather building his explosiveness with leg extensions and hamstring curls
30 seconds on, 30 seconds rest – three sets of each of the following: leg raises, side sweeps, reverse crunches, side plank clams
Diet and Nutrition:
Daily protein intake consists of saltfish for breakfast (traditional Jamaican dish)
Chicken for lunch, and pork for dinner. His carbs include pasta, rice, and potatoes.
Diet contains 60% protein, 30% carbs, 10% fats.
One of Usain’s nutritional secrets is yams – a good source of vitamins C and A
Community Involvement
Founded the Usain Bolt Foundation
Focuses on providing a healthy and safe environment to children in need
Also creates educational and recreational opportunities throughout the Kingston community
Supports Small Steps Project (humanitarian organization)
3. Cristiano Ronaldo, Professional Soccer Player
A photo posted by Cristiano Ronaldo (@cristiano) on Dec 20, 2016 at 9:05am PST
UEFA Best Player in Europe
Ballon d’Or (World’s best Footballer of the Year). He received his fourth Ballon d’Or in 2016, the most for a European player in the history of the award. One year earlier, Ronaldo had scored his 500th senior career goal for club and country.
FIFA World Player of the Year.
4-time European Golden Shoe award winner.
In 2016, Forbes named him the world best-paid athlete due to his high marketability.
In June 2016, ESPN ranked him the world’s most famous athlete.
Workout Routine: 
Gets lots of sleep, goes to bed early
Workout consists of a combination of cardio (running and rowing) and weight training to ensure that workouts target all areas of the body and increase both strength and stamina
Considers cardio as key for building up endurance and stamina and staying trim. Aims for cardio workouts at least 30 minutes in length, gradually increasing the number of sessions over time
Listens to his favorite music when working out to keep him motivated (hip hop & reggae)
Daily workouts lasting approximately 3-4 hours each
Workout includes squats, box jumps, broad jumps, jumping lunges, and lateral bounds
Completes up to 3000 sit-ups per workout
Diet and Nutrition
Drinks plenty of water
High protein diet with whole-grain carbs
Enjoys meals with fish; will order a steak with salad when eating out
Lots of fruits and vegetables
Cut out alcohol
Avoids sugary foods
Community Involvement
Supports many charities, including UNICEF, Save the Children, and World Vision
Participated in raising funds for the reconstruction of Aceh, Indonesia after 2004 earthquake and tsunami
Donated $83,000 to pay for 10-month old Erik Ortiz Cruz’s brain operation in 2012
4. Andy Murray, Professional Tennis Player
A photo posted by Andy Murray (@andymurray) on Nov 20, 2016 at 1:04pm PST
“Earlier in my career I used to spend a lot of time practising my tennis on court,” Murray says. “Now I’ve learned that it’s better to do just a couple of hours on court and two gym sessions a day. That’s what’s made me fitter and stronger.”
Currently ranked #1 in men’s singles.
3 time Grand-slam tournament winner.
2 time Olympic champion.
Davis cup champion
Winner of the 2016 ATP World Tour Finals.
Following his run to winning the 2016 Paris Masters, Murray became world No. 1 on 7 November 2016.
He was named a Knight Bachelor in the 2017 New Year Honours list.
Has won the BBC Sports Personality of the Year award a record three times.
Workout Routine: 
Says he spends most of the year maintaining his fitness, that he has very little time to actually improve his fitness.
During the few short breaks in the year, he combines relaxation and rest with running the track and spending time in the gym.
A full time tennis writer for Men’s Health said his training is so hard it borders on brutal and that Murray puts literally nauseating effort into his sprint sessions, as he aims to improve his speed and endurance.
Does some 400m repetition running for endurance on the court.
Lifts weights in the gym.
Does a lot of core stability to work to improve his balance.
Pays very close attention to details and perfection in his training.
Is a huge boxing fanatic and even sees some clear parallels between the two disciplines. “When you train, it’s a lot like tennis,” he says. “You need to have agility, speed, aggression, co-ordination, tactics – there’s a lot of similarity between the sports.”
Diet and Nutrition
Drinks 6 liters of water a day.
Eats a varied diet.
High protein diet with whole-grain carbs.
Is said to eat 6000 calories a day.
Avoids alcohol and sugars at all costs.
Eats 6 meals a day.
Community Involvement
Murray is a founding member of the Malaria No More UK Leadership Council and helped launch the charity in 2009 with David Beckham.
Often participates in charity tennis tournaments for various causes.
As a result of his various charitable exploits, Murray was awarded the Arthur Ashe Humanitarian of the Year award for 2014.
5. Zlatan Ibrahimović, Professional Soccer Player
A photo posted by IAmZlatan (@iamzlatanibrahimovic) on Nov 21, 2016 at 1:55pm PST
“Football is everything. It is made up of many small parts to make it whole. It is being healthy, being happy and something I love. For me, it is passion.”
Swedish Bosnian player who made his international debut on the Swedish national team 2001 and served as captain until his retirement from international football in 2016. He still plays for Manchester United.
He is widely regarded as one of the best strikers in the game and one of the best footballers of his generation.
His remarkable bicycle kick for Sweden against England won him the 2013 FIFA Puskás Award for Goal of the Year.
In December 2013, Ibrahimović was ranked by The Guardian as the third-best player in the world, behind only Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo (who is also on this list).
In December 2014, the Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter named him the second-greatest Swedish sportsperson of all time, after tennis player Björn Borg.
Workout Routine: 
Thinks talent accounts for about 30% of success, that the rest is hard work. Has said “Talent doesn’t mean you will win. Talent is something you are born with. You see the opportunity of somebody with talent, but if you don’t work hard, this talent is a waste of time.”
Sleeps very late after a game. Has said that after a match he cannot go to sleep due to the adrenaline. That if he does manage to fall asleep, it is usually at 5 or 6 in the morning, even though he does try to go to sleep at a reasonable time.
Has a black belt in taekwondo, a disciplinary training which has undoubtedly helped his soccer training and skill. He has said of the sport “It (taekwondo) is a sport that requires control and is also a great way of releasing aggression. I am a black belt and I am often asked if I will be a judge at the biggest tournaments in the world.”
Says he listens to reggae while he trains intensively, it keeps him calm.
Does a lot of cardio, including running on the treadmill.
Lifts weights for strentgh training.
Does core work for stability.
Diet and Nutrition
Has said that at the beginning of his career, he didn’t pay attention to what he ate, but he is now very conscious of what he puts in his body. He says what he eats is directly related to how active he is.
Community Involvement
In February of 2015, Ibrahimovic temporarily tattooed 15 names of people starving in an effort to raise awareness about world hunger. He said at the time on PSG’s official website “Saturday evening against Caen, when I took off my shirt, everyone asked what these new tattoos were. I had 15 temporary tattoos on my body. They were the names of real people who suffer from starvation in the world. Even if the tattoos are gone today, these people are still there. There are 805 million starving people in the world. I want you to see them, through me, to help the World Food Programme.”
This was the first time he publicly worked with a charity.
6. Novak Djokovic, Professional Tennis Player
A photo posted by Novak Djokovic (@djokernole) on Nov 8, 2015 at 9:58am PST
Twice named US Sports Academy’s Male Athlete of the Year.
4 time ATP Year-end Number 1.
Best Male Tennis Player in Serbia.
12 Grand Slam titles: 6-time winner of the Australian Open, 3-time winner of Wimbledon, 2-time winner of the US Open winner, and 1-time French Open winner.
As of August 2016, he holds the best match winning rate (83.00%) in Open Era.
2012, 2015, and 2016 Laureus World Sports Award for Sportsman of the Year.
2011 BBC Overseas Sports Personality of the Year.
Novak Djokovic was named the fittest male athlete on our list in 2015.
Workout and Fitness:
Warm-up consists of explosive stretches and resistance band work.
Workout includes fast-paced exercises with focus on plyometrics, reflex movements and balance.
Off-season training includes implementing yoga.
Diet and Nutrition:
Coffee or tea, grapefruit, gluten-free bagel with low-fat cream cheese, eggs
Salad, grilled lean hamburger, gluten-free bread, iced tea or coffee
String cheese
Salad, oil and vinegar dressing, salmon prepared with lemon, brown rice and vegetables
Gluten-free chocolate chip cookies
Community Involvement:
Raised $1,400,000 for early childhood education
Founder of the Novak Djokovic Foundation, dedicated to creating a lasting change in the lives of Serbian children in need by promoting healthy eating, early education, constructive parenting, and becoming involved in exercise and sports
Leader of a campaign against child labor
He is also a UNICEF Ambassador in Serbia
Arthur Ashe Humanitarian of the Year Award
7. LeBron James, Professional Basketball Player
A photo posted by LeBron James (@kingjames) on Dec 12, 2016 at 10:26am PST
12-time NBA All Star.
3-time NBA Champion.
4-time NBA  MVPs.
2-time NBA finals MVP.
2 Olympic Gold Medals.
Led Miami Heat to a 27-game winning streak – the longest winning streak in NBA history.
Cleveland Cavaliers all-time leading scorer.
No. 1 draft pick in 2003; 2004 NBA Rookie of the Year
Workout and Fitness:
Ices back and feet prior to workouts.
30 minutes of combines stretching and yoga.
Incorporate Pilates reformer into his cross-training.
Various gym and ball-on-the-court workouts.
Off the court workouts consist of pilates, boxing, cycling, sprints.
Cool-downs consist of stretching, as well as actively stretching throughout the day.
Diet and Nutrition:
Meal 1, 6:25 a.m.:  Whole wheat bagel with 1 tbsp of peanut butter, 1/2 cup of strawberries, 1/2 cup of cottage cheese
Meal 2, 9:30 a.m.: 1 cup orange juice, 1 banana, 1 scoop protein powder with 1 cup of low-fat milk
Meal 3, 12:00 noon: Lean roast beef with whole wheat bun, lettuce, tomato, 2 tbsp of mustard, low fay cheddar cheese and 1-cup of low-fat milk.
Meal 4, 2:30 p.m.: 1/2 cup of blueberries, 1 cup low-fat natural yogurt, 1/2 glass of milk, 1 granola bar.
Meal 5, 6:00 p.m.: 1 cup strawberries, 1 cup milk, 1 cup orange juice, 1 cup  low-fat strawberry yogurt, with optional 1-2 tablespoons of honey.
Meal 6. 8:30 p.m.: 1 1/2 cup small broccoli, 1/2 cup rice, 1/3 cup
Community Involvement:
Founded the LeBron Family Foundation.
Is active in Wheels for Education, Boys and Girls Club and the I Promise Network.
8. Floyd Mayweather, Jr., Professional Boxer
A photo posted by Floyd Mayweather (@floydmayweather) on Aug 22, 2016 at 8:08am PDT
First championship belt won in 1998 at 21.
Record 49-0, 26 knockouts.
WBC super featherweight champion, WBC lightweight champion, WBC light-welterweight champion, WBC light-middleweight champion.
He is a two-time winner of The Ring magazine’s Fighter of the Year award (1998 and 2007)
Three-time winner of the Boxing Writers Association of America (BWAA) Fighter of the Year award (2007, 2013, and 2015), and a six-time winner of the Best Fighter ESPY Award (2007–10, 2012–14).
In 2016 Mayweather peaked as BoxRec’s number one pound for pound fighter of all time; as well as the greatest welterweight of all time.
In 2016, ESPN ranked Mayweather as the greatest pound for pound boxer of the last 25 years.
Workout and Fitness:
Favorite pre-fight workout is shadowboxing.
Drill work includes sparring, speed & heavy bag, neck workout w/weights, 200 sit-ups, pull-ups, dips, jump rope, and 5-8 mile run.
Diet and Nutrition: 
Personal chef Quiana Jeffries said Mayweather only eats organic fruits/veggies and focuses on high levels of protein, low carbs, and no pork!
Community Involvement:
Founded the Mayweather Foundation, which empowers and encourages community alliances, impacts youth leadership and strengthens family foundations through community development, entrepreneurialism, and education resulting in a healthier community.
9. Conor McGregor, Professional MMA Fighter – REMOVED
A photo posted by Conor McGregor Official (@thenotoriousmma) on Dec 24, 2016 at 6:49am PST
“There’s no talent here, this is hard work. This is an obsession. Talent does not exist, we are all equal as human beings. You could be anyone if you put in the time. You will reach the top, and that is that. I am not talented, I am obsessed.”
He is the reigning UFC Lightweight Champion and former UFC Featherweight Champion.
He has competed as a featherweight, lightweight, and welterweight.
Has fastest victory in UFC title fight history- 13 seconds into the first round.
Became the first fighter in UFC’s history to hold titles in two divisions simultaneously.
He is known for being the biggest pay-per-view draw in MMA.
Workout and Fitness:
Does not adhere to a strict schedule, but as soon as he wakes up, he’s moving.
Said he is self-taught and nothing is done by the clock.
Does yoga every day and believes that balance is imperative- anything that doesn’t improve his core is not beneficial in his opinion.
Does jiu-jitsu.
Jump ropes.
Lifts weights.
Dead hangs from objects.
According to him, however, his most valuable skill is intangible. “My belief is my best asset, and I have a stronger mindset than my opponent,” he says.
Diet and Nutrition: 
Drinks water first thing in the morning, even before coffee.
Tackled his sweet tooth by substituting his cravings with cinnamon instead.
Has a notorious “Eat Clean” diet.
His coach posted a picture of the fridge his McGregor’s house and the entire contents of it included: salmon, chicken, steak, fruit and veg.
No bread.
Doesn’t eat fast food.
Has said “I have a sweet tooth — that would be where I’d put on some weight out of fighting is somebody brings in a pack of cakes and coffee. But the majority, I’ll eat good-quality meats, good-quality greens, good-quality carbohydrates like sweet potato and butternut squash, and that is it.”
Community Involvement:
Has done various appearances to raise funds for the homeless charities in Ireland.
In 2015 he donated €50,000 to two of Ireland’s homeless charities: Simon Community and Focus Ireland.
10. Wladimir Klitshko, Professional Boxer
A photo posted by Wladimir Klitschko (@klitschko_official) on Sep 22, 2016 at 5:08am PDT
Former Heavyweight Champion, holding WBA, IBF, 2-time WBO, IBO, and The Ring championship titles.
Ph. D in sports science.
He is known to be a highly strategic and cerebrally-minded boxer, and is considered to be one of the greatest heavyweight champions of all time.
He is among the hardest punching knockout artists in the history of the division.
Klitschko has fought in 28 heavyweight title fights, more than any heavyweight champion in the sport’s history.
He also holds the record of having defeated the most boxers with an undefeated record, at 12.
Workout and Fitness:
Recently launched a fitness program focused on total body performance.  The app matches a workout regimen and nutrition plan to the user.
Diet and Nutrition: 
Loads up on carbs the week before fights. He eats a lot of oatmeal and pasta, and red meat for iron. He says this helps him perform at his highest levels.
Does not consume meats any less than 6-7 hrs before a fight.
Community Involvement: 
Supports Laureus Sport for Good Foundation & UNESCO
Charities focus on at-risk youth, children, education, human rights, literacy, poverty, and sports.
On 29 March 2012, during a charitable auction in Kiev, Ukraine, Wladimir auctioned off his 1996 Olympic gold medal to a buyer who bid $1 million. Klitschko said he would use the money to help the dreams of hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian children. After the sale, the buyer immediately returned the medal out of respect for Wladimir and because he wanted it to remain with the Klitschko family.
Honorary Fittest Athlete in the World
Michael Schumacher, Formula 1 Driver
A photo posted by Michael Schumacher (@michaelschumacher) on Dec 19, 2016 at 3:09am PST
Since Michael Schumacher’s skiing accident on December 29, 2013, the 7-time Formula 1 world champion has been fighting for his life and I have kept him in my thoughts. I grew up in Germany and Michael was a living legend and inspiration to people everywhere said Samir Becic, 4-time world’s best fitness trainer. This accident affected me in a way I had not anticipated – it brought to mind my own vulnerability. Considering that Michael Schumacher is fighting for his life, and he’s not giving up, and considering he was one of the fittest Formulate One drivers in the history of the sport, the Health Fitness Revolution team is honoring him as the honorary fittest athlete in the world.
Michael, get well soon!
Seven-time Formula One World Champion and is widely regarded as one of the greatest Formula One drivers of all time
He was named Laureus World Sportsman of the Year twice
He holds many of Formula One’s driver records, including most championships, race victories, fastest laps, pole positions and most races won in a single season – 13 in 2004 (the last of these records was equalled by fellow German Sebastian Vettelnine years later)
In 2002, he became the only driver in Formula One history to finish in the top three in every race of a season and then also broke the record for most consecutive podium finishes
According to the official Formula One website, he is statistically the greatest driver the sport has ever seen
Workout and Fitness:
Michael Schumacher trained up to six hours a day for improving his physical strength, reaction time and coordination
 The sports training concentrated on improving his physical strength, his reaction time, his coordination and flexibility
Is a legendary workout freak who became quicker, stronger, and fitter than his competition by outworking them in the weight room
Spent hours in the gym honing himself into a lean, light and strong performance athlete, with a combination of endurance training and core strength exercises
Diet and Nutrition Intake:
A journalist once said that his interview with Schumacher was interrupted every 45 minutes by Michaels’ nutritionist, who would hand him his next handful of calorie-controlled, nutritionally-balanced mixed nuts and berries
Formula 1 drivers know the importance of a strict diet and fitness, which can sometimes be a matter of life and death. An F1 nutritionist says that drivers must eat proteins (meat — even better if white — eggs), carbohydrates (pasta, bread), vitamins and fibers (cereals, fruits, vegetables). They should of course, avoid too much fat, carbohydrates, and alcohol.
Michael has his own health instructor and dietician who help him in charting out the right diet plan and regulating his carbohydrate and protein intake.
During race weekends he eats food with lots of carbs like pasta and bread. This helps in keeping the energy levels up.
Before and throughout a race he drinks lots of water to avoid dehydration. A F1 driver loses about 3kgs of weight in every race
Community Involvement:
The former Ferrari driver is a Special Envoy for Education and Sport and donated €1.5 million to the organization
In a 2002 interview with the organization, he explained his dedication to funding projects: “I really want to help the ones people don’t know about. Nowadays, certain projects attract lots of donors. Then there are others you never hear about. Those are the ones I’m interested in.”
He also once told F1 magazine that: “It’s great if you can use your fame and the power your fame gives you to draw attention to things that really matter.”
In 2002, Schumacher funded the construction of a school in a poor slum in Dakar, the capital of the West African state of Senegal
In 1997, Schumacher opened a clinic for child victims of the Balkans War. The clinic provides artificial limbs for amputees as well as psychological support.
In 2002, he funded the construction of a ‘Palace for the Poor’ in Lima, Peru which caters for homeless children and provides education, food and medical treatment for street children.
Along with his two sons, Schumacher’s bodyguard lost his life in in the 2004 Tsunami following the Indian Ocean earthquake. Schumi donated over €7 million in aid which meant that he gave more money than many individual countries, sports entities and organizations.
Schumacher is also known to support UNICEF and Childline, as well as road safety campaigns.
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nbafunnymeme · 7 years
Tony Parker comes off Spurs' bench for first time since 2010 playoffs, Dejounte Murray starts
SAN ANTONIO — San Antonio Spurs point guard Tony Parker met with Gregg Popovich before Sunday’s 94-86 loss against the Indiana Pacers, and the coach told him he “thought it was time” to go with someone else in the starting lineup.
So, with second-year man Dejounte Murray hitting the court with the starters at point guard, Parker came off the bench for the 21st time of his 17-year career (postseason included), and for the first time since the 2010 playoffs against the Dallas Mavericks.
“I was like, ‘Oh, no problem,'” an upbeat Parker said of his reaction to Popovich’s decision. “Just like Manu [Ginobili], just like Pau [Gasol], that day’s going to come. And if Pop sees something that is good for the team, I’ll try to do my best. I support Pop’s decision, and I’ll try to help [Dejounte Murray] out as best I can, and try to be the best I can in that second unit with Manu [Ginobili] and Patty [Mills].”
After undergoing surgery to repair a torn quadriceps tendon last May, Parker spent seven months working through the rehabilitation process, and returned to the lineup Nov. 27 in a win over the Mavericks. Throughout Parker’s return, the Spurs have worked to manage the veteran’s minutes. But Parker admitted to “hitting a wall” recently, saying “I’m just more focused on my leg because I know I [still] have another two months before I feel 100 percent.”
“It’s getting there. I just have to keep working on it, and just be patient,” Parker added. “[Cavaliers guard] Isaiah Thomas, he talked about that. When you first come back you have the adrenaline. I had all the energy, and the first 10 games I was feeling great. Then I hit that wall. Because for seven months you’re working so hard on your rehab to try to come back, and you have the adrenaline, and you have the juice. The last seven or eight games, I felt like I was hitting a wall because I worked so hard to come back fast. At the same time I was hitting the wall, I twisted my ankle. So, I felt like it was just bad timing with everything. But at the end of the day, you have to find a way to produce, and I have confidence in myself. I was talking to my doctor, and he told me that’s normal that you’re going to hit the wall. It’s at 10 or 11 months that you’re really, really back. They always say the second year, you’ll play even better than the first year back. So that’s why I have to be patient.”
In the four previous games before the team’s loss Sunday to Indiana, Parker had connected on just 9-of-32 attempts for 22 points and 15 assists. The battered Spurs, already playing without star forward Kawhi Leonard, Rudy Gay (heel bursitis) and Ginobili (thigh contusion), had also just played six of their past seven games on the road going into Sunday’s matchup at the AT&T Center.
Coming off the bench against the Pacers, Parker scored 12 points on 5-of-10 shooting to go with five assists. Parker also knocked down his 500th career 3-pointer. Parker is now one of just four players in NBA history with 500 3-pointers or more to go with 18,000 points or more and 6,500 assists or more, joining the likes of LeBron James, Gary Payton and John Stockton.
“I’m still planning on being very productive. I think I showed it tonight,” Parker said. “I’ll try to be productive, come in and run the team with whoever’s in the second unit and try to be the best I can.”
Popovich, meanwhile, said “we’ll see” when asked whether he planned in the future to continue to use Murray in the starting lineup with Parker coming off the bench.
San Antonio envisioned Murray as the heir apparent to Parker when it selected him with the 29th pick in the 2016 draft.
He contributed eight points on 3-of-8 from the floor with seven rebounds, four assists and three steals in addition to committing four turnovers in his 15th start of the season.
Spurs shooting guard Danny Green said he learned about Popovich’s decision “right before the game,” but wasn’t told why.
“It’s above my pay grade, it’s above my head,” Green said. “At the start, it was different. But I think Dejounte did a great job of coming in and pushing the pace. I think that’s what they wanted him to do [with] working Tony in with the pick-and-roll game. But Dejounte gets it up the floor. He’s kind of the road runner. So, we’re using him efficiently with obviously matchups defensively; his long arms, his athleticism and rebounding. And offensively, just pushing the pace and trying to give us more movement. I don’t know, I just had to guess. But you’d have to ask big boss.”
The Spurs committed 20 turnovers against the Pacers in losing their second outing in a row. San Antonio hadn’t lost two in a row since Dec. 12 and Dec. 15.
“It was not something expected,” Spurs center Pau Gasol said of the switch in the starting lineup, “but at the same time, we’ve played with both point guards before. Dejounte’s been playing well. We have to worry about ourselves and do our best to understand where we are at, play hard and play together as always. That’s what is keeping us alive.”
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boloorsportsmania · 7 years
#492 World number 2 badminton players Srikanth and Sindhu stunned in National finals; Srikanth ruled out of China open due to injury;Just shows the depth in Indian badminton; India outclass NZ in final T20 ; Chahal and Bumrah are the stars; Mayank, Murli and Pujara score massive centuries in Ranji; Nadal and Federer set for final showdown in ATP finale and more...:-)
Prannoy stunned World number 2 Srikanth Kidambi in 3 set thriller 21-15 16-21 21-7 to win Nationals. Last set demolition of Srikanth  would give Prannoy lot of confience. After back to back wins in Denmark and France, Srikanth could have got exhausted as well. He has in fact withdrawn from China open due to injury. Could he have skipped nationals as he had genuine chance of reaching world number had he won China open??  In womens finals, Saina beat Sindhu 21-17 27-25 . Its a big morale booster for Saina who has not found her range since world championship. 
In World ATP finale, Nadal would face Goffin in first match. Dimitrov and Thiem are other 2 players in his group. Federer has SOck, Zverev and Cilic in his group. Federer is favorite to win World ATP finale as its played in indoor courts where he is pretty much unbeatable. Nadal has never won this tournament. WIth injury still at the back of his mind, it would be intresting to see how far he progresses.
In Ranji, Mayank Agarwal scored another big century (176) as Karnataka made a massive score of 649 against Delhi. Mayank was runout for 176. It was another flawless innings from Mayank who had scored a triple ton in just last match. Binny scored a century. Mumbai were playying their 500th Ranji match. They are struggling this season . That continued as they were dismissed for just 171 by Baroda. Prithvi Shaw who had scored centuries in last 2 matches was dismissed for a duck. Baroda were 376-4 by end of day 2. Mumbai need miracle from here on. Pujara scored a massive 182 to put Saurashtra on control against Gujarat.Murli Vijay, Aparjith and V Shankar scorec centuries as TN declared at 530-8.  
In final Tt20 match against NZ, match was reduced to 8 overs due to rain and wet outfield. NZ won the toss and put India to bat. Southee and Dhawan were dismissed of consecutive balls by Southee.India 15-2. Santner and Sodhi then controlled the middle overs. India could hardly hit them consistently. Kohli , Manish and Pandya hit few fours to take India to 67-5. India didnt get even 1 over in excess of 15 runs which showed how good NZ were. Their fielding was exceptional as well. But ball was gripping and spinners was difficult to hit against on this sluggish pitch. India dismissed both Guptill and Munro in first 2 overs. Rohit's catch to dismiss Munro was top class. India 8-2. Bhuvi an Bumrah had given India bright start. Chahal added pressure by just giving 2 runs in first over. Pandya ran Williamson out which gave India huge confidence. NZ 28-3. 41 was needed of 21 balls. Grandhomme and Phillips tried hard. Chahal and Bumrah bowled brilliant 6th and 7th over where they just gave 10 runs between them. 19 was needed of last over. Pandya bowled well to give India another series win. India won by 6 runs. Bumrah and Chahal were stars.
India would play their first test against Lanka on 16-Nov in Kolkatta. India have rested Pandya from first 2 matches considering India have SA series coming up where he would be very much needed at his best. It would be intresting to see if Kohli goes in with additional spinner or batsman against Lanka. It would be between Kuldeep, Vijay and Rohit.
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