killerkitsch13 · 6 years
My birthday is on July 31. Smack dab in the middle of Leo. Born on The Day of Loki. Each year I’ve been making a promise to myself, not really a resolution, but a way of making myself and the universe happy. If you have read my post about Me Made, you will know what I’m talking about. It’s all about creating my own clothing. All of it!
This year I have decided to add a promise and for it to begin on August 1st. My plan is to make one garment a week, whether it be a top, skirt, dress, jacket, foundation garment or something I knit or crochet, these outfits will all count towards my 52. I have also decided to include anything I make during knit-a-longs and sew-a-longs as an item on the list. Heck… I’ve actually started a spreadsheet to track my progress and list the garments I make. The other part of this and the bigger part for me is that I also need to post a photo of me wearing the outfit once it is completed. As a matter of fact, at some point soon I am going to do a little photo session for all of the things I’ve made in the last year and a half. I have no excuse. I just need to get into the routine of doing it!
So… I know a few of you are wondering why I’m calling it a promise rather than a challenge… well… let me tell you why. For me, this is a lifestyle change. I’m going back to traditional dressmaking, I’m creating. I love creating my own garments and I always have. At one time I was going to study fashion design but chose graphic design instead. I also know how to self-draft as well as create printable patterns. I have always been madly in love with every single facet of dressmaking and now that I am back to it I am feeling empowered. I love that I not only make my own clothing, they fit well and I am proud to wear them. For me this is fun and adding the word challenge to it, will make it less than fun and really, who wants that.
Now… onto the next question. Would anyone else like to join in on this challenge with me?
52 in 52, AKA – A Garment a Week My birthday is on July 31. Smack dab in the middle of Leo. Born on The Day of Loki.
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shkarim · 8 years
Week 31 - Shadow
Week 31 - Shadow by Sogs Karim Via Flickr: Arrow slits are common feature of an Ayyubid fortification. They are wedge-shaped opening that narrow to a slit allowing giving the archer ideal perspective to attack the intruders.
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kidzhub · 9 years
SBN #52for52 Interview with @TheMaddieRose @mitchellakelly
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shkarim · 9 years
Week 16 - Celebrations
Week 16 - Celebrations by Sogs Karim Via Flickr: A house in Goa, India decorated with festive lights. 
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shkarim · 9 years
Week 10 - Fresh by Sogs Karim Via Flickr: 
  "How about some fresh tea?" What a tea-riffic idea! 
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shkarim · 9 years
Week 9 - Detail by Sogs Karim Via Flickr: 
The small detail creates the big picture.
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shkarim · 9 years
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Week 8 - Silhouette by Sogs Karim Via Flickr: 
  "Look inside yourself, You are more than what you have become." The Lion King
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shkarim · 9 years
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Week 7 - Hope by Sogs Karim Via Flickr:
“Let your hopes, not your hurts, shape your future.”― Robert H. Schuller
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shkarim · 9 years
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Week 6 - Minimalism by Sogs Karim Via Flickr: 
  Oh look, it's coffee o'clock!
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shkarim · 9 years
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Week 4 - Knowledge by Sogs Karim Via Flickr: 
  “What we know is a drop, what we don't know is an ocean.” ― Isaac Newton
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shkarim · 9 years
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Week 3 - Passion by Sogs Karim Via Flickr: 
“Traveling - it leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller" Ibn Battuta
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