#Salah ad-Din al-Ayyubi
howtomuslim · 7 months
Islamic Governance &Exemplifying Justice with the parable of Salah ad-Din Ayyubi
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Sultan Salah ad-Din Ayyubi, widely known as Saladin, stands as a paragon of Islamic governance, embodying the principles of justice, compassion, and wisdom. His reign serves as a testament to the beauty of Islam’s approach to governance, drawing inspiration from the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) and the Quran.
Justice in Islamic Governance
Saladin’s commitment to justice mirrors the core Islamic principle of fairness and equity. The Quran highlights in Surah An-Nisa (4:135):
“O you who have believed, be persistently standing firm in justice, witnesses for Allah, even if it be against yourselves or parents and relatives.” 
This profound verse underscores the paramount importance of upholding justice, even if it conflicts with personal interests. The Hadith of Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) also echoes this sentiment:
Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) said, “Help your brother, whether he is an oppressor or he is an oppressed one. People asked, “O Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ)! It is all right to help him if he is oppressed, but how should we help him if he is an oppressor?” The Prophet (ﷺ) said, “By preventing him from oppressing others.”
This approach to justice, irrespective of one’s position, exemplifies the inherent beauty of Islamic governance.
The Legacy of Ali and Nur ad-Din Zengi
The legacy of Ali ibn Abi Talib, the cousin and son-in-law of Prophet Muhammad(ﷺ), and Nur ad-Din Zengi, the influential ruler of Syria, further enriches the narrative of justice in Islamic governance. Both figures, renowned for their adherence to justice, famously attended court proceedings to personally adjudicate disputes, echoing the tradition of Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ), who was known to resolve disputes with fairness and compassion. Their actions exemplify the prophetic tradition, where the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) stated, 
“The most beloved of people according to Allah is he who brings most benefit, and the most beloved of deeds according to Allah is that you bring happiness to a fellow Muslim, or relieve him of distress, or pay off his debt, or stave away hunger from him.”
Compassion and Wisdom
Islamic governance, as epitomized by Saladin, Ali, and Nur ad-Din Zengi, is underpinned by compassion and wisdom. The Quran advocates for benevolence and empathy, stating in Surah Al-Baqarah (2:195) “And do good; indeed, Allah loves the doers of good.” This principle is echoed in the Hadith, where the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) emphasized, “The merciful will be shown mercy by the Most Merciful. Be merciful to those on the earth and the One in the heavens will have mercy upon you.” The integration of compassion and wisdom in governance, as demonstrated by these exemplary leaders, encapsulates the enduring beauty of Islamic principles.
By embodying the values of justice, compassion, and wisdom, these figures have etched an indelible mark on history, serving as timeless beacons of Islamic governance’s magnificence.
To learn more about Islam visit: Howtomuslim.org
Biography of Salah ad-Din Ayyubi by Bahā’ ad-Dīn Yusuf ibn Rafi ibn Shaddād
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egyptatours · 6 months
The mosque of Sultan al-Nasir Muhammad ibn Qalawun
The mosque of Sultan al-Nasir Muhammad ibn Qalawun, nestled within the historic Citadel of Salah al-Din al-Ayyubi in Cairo.
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stands as a testament to the grandeur and architectural prowess of the Mamluk Period. Commissioned by the illustrious Mamluk sultan, al-Nasir Muhammad, in 1318 AD, this royal mosque has stood the test of time as a beacon of cultural and religious significance.
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Located in the southern section of the Citadel, this architectural marvel underwent a remarkable reconstruction under Sultan al-Nasir Muhammad's decree in 1335 AD. Its intricate design and spiritual aura have captivated generations, becoming a cherished sanctuary for subsequent Mamluk sultans and occupants of the Citadel.
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As you stand before this historical gem, you can't help but be mesmerized by its rich history and architectural splendor.
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yousef-al-amin · 6 months
Cultural monuments of northern and eastern Syria are under threat
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Syria is the cradle of civilization, and its territory contains many cultural monuments of the past. Unfortunately, military operations on the territory of the country lead to the fact that many cultural monuments are irretrievably destroyed. The occupation authorities of Turkey and the United States, which captured northern and eastern Syria, also show no interest in preserving architectural monuments, of which there are more than enough in these areas. In the area of the city of Manbij, for example, there is an ancient castle of the famous commander Salah ad-Din al-Ayyubi. This unique architectural monument is in a deplorable state and is in no way protected from Turkish aggression, and local Kurds do not have the means to restore and preserve it. Only the transfer of northern Syria under the control of the legitimate government of Damascus, as established by the Memorandum of Understanding in 2019, will preserve unique cultural monuments, put an end to interethnic conflicts and restore law and order in this land, allowing local residents to breathe freely and build a peaceful life.
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abdghanim · 3 years
Do you know why the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood was named by this name? The Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood was named after this honorable Sheikh, who was the private doctor of Nasser Salah al-Din al-Ayyubi who used to treat Salah al-Din from his wounds during the battles for the liberation of Jerusalem, and his name was Prince Doctor Hussam al-Din bin Sharaf al-Din Issa
Al-Jarrahi died in 1220 AD and was buried in the surgical corner of the Jerusalem neighborhood, and since that time, that area has become known as the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood, may God have mercy on Salah al-Din and Sheikh Jarrah, and all those who fell in defense of Jerusalem and its most distant
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vikramsingh997 · 5 years
5 Famous Muslim Kings in History who Changed the World
Islam is the 2nd largest religion in the world, and comes second only to Christianity, as far as a number of people following a religion are concerned. In spite of accounting for, approximately 25% of the world population, the knowledge about the great Islamic kings who left behind indelible marks in course of history, is almost unknown to the vast majority of the world. Many of these great rulers were not just champions of their religious faith but were also harbingers of great change, that affected the course of world history. Here we take a brief look at those great Muslims who changed history forever.
Harun al Rashid - The Hero of Arabian Nights & Islamic Golden Age
The Caliph of Arabian Nights
Normally not many people, outside the Islamic world would be able to recognize this name in history, but mentioned in a bit different way, he is certainly a very popular figure – The True Caliph of Arabian Nights. The stories from this collection of Folk Tales from the middle east is known by almost every child, everywhere in the world. What is rather unknown is that stories from “One Thousand and One Nights” or more commonly in English as - “Arabian Nights”, were written at the time, when Harun al Rashid ruled Baghdad. The reason that Harun al Rashid figures as the hero in many of these stories are that he indeed was a legendary figure.
The Rise of an Emperor
Harun al Rashid was born in modern-day Tehran Province, somewhere between 763 to 766 (in spite of being a legendary figure, his exact birth date remains unknown). His father – al Mahdi, was the 3rd Abbasid caliph, a ruler with considerable riches and power. His mother was al Khayzuran, former slave girl, who later became a powerful queen, thanks to the love of her husband & her own ambition and wisdom.
It was military expeditions against the Byzantine Empire in the year 780 and 782, which marked the beginning of a long era of campaigns, which would later make the caliph one of the most powerful rulers of his time. Although the main initiative for the expeditions, was taken by the senior generals, the success of the campaign made the young Harun al Rashid, governor of vast areas of land, covering modern-day – Syria, Egypt, Tunisia, Armenia, and Azerbaijan. Young al Rashid’s mentor – Yahya bin Khalid bin Barmak & his mother – al Khayzuran played an important role, in his rise to power.
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After the death of his father in August 785 & his elder brother al Hadi, soon after in September 786, Harun al Rashid became the 5th Abbasid Caliph on 14th September 786. His mentor – Yahya the Barmakid, became his vizier (chief minister). During his reign, there were many internal revolts & external conflicts – most notable against the Eastern Roman Empire led by Empress Irene and later the Byzantine emperor – Nikephoros I, which kept him very busy. He almost always emerged from these conflicts victorious & his empire prospered. At his zenith, his empire extended from the Mediterranean coast& entire middle east to modern day Pakistan, in the east.
Harun al Rashid Achievements
In spite of being a very powerful & prosperous ruler, Harun al Rashid understood the need for diplomacy & always chose peace, whenever it was practically possible. One of the great examples of this is the friendship between Harun al Rashid and Charlemagne (Charles the Great) – the founder of the Carolingian Empire.
Charlemagne was the most famous European emperor of the Medieval era. A diplomatic mission was sent by him in 798 to secure a better relationship with the Abbasid Caliphate and form an alliance. Harun al Rashid not just accepted his proposal, but sent many precious gifts to the European emperor. Among the gifts sent to emperor Charlemagne, were – an elephant (a rare sight for Europeans of the time), chess set, horn, a water clock – which was much advanced for its time, a golden pitcher and tray, brass candle holder, perfume & silk; to name a few. The European emperor was also allowed to send financial help to the Christians of Palestine.
Harun al Rashid also employed Christians & Jews in important positions, including appointing a Christian – Gabriel Bukhtichlo as his physician, who was treated as a member of the royal family.
A Great Patron of Learning- The city of Baghdad became tremendously rich under his rule. As a scholar himself an expert judge of music and poetry, he himself encouraged these in his kingdom & gave patronage to scholars, musicians, and poets. Many learned men of the time, were invited & encouraged to visit Baghdad and share their expertise in important fields.
Harun al Rashid Library – In continuation with Harun al Rashid’s efforts to make Baghdad rich in not just materialistic riches but also a center of knowledge, culture & wisdom, the Caliph established one of the greatest libraries of the time – House of Wisdom, in Baghdad. Known as Bayt al Hikma, in Arabic and otherwise, as Grand Library of Baghdad, this library continued to flourish & prosper during the time of the Caliph’s son – al-Mamun.
The academic collection in House of Wisdom was from different parts of the world and included texts in – mathematics, science, astronomy, medicine, philosophy & literature. The work also included those of ancient scholars like – Plato, Aristotle, Hippocrates, Ptolemy & Euclid. Scholars & scientists from all over Asia & Europe came to study & contribute to the library, making it a shining beacon of knowledge & wisdom during the Islamic Golden Age.
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Harun al Rashid in Arabian Nights- As a conscientious king, he was always concerned that his officials should not misuse authority to harass poor & innocent people. If anything was amiss, he wanted to know about it. It is for this reason, he disguised himself and walked through the streets of the city, talking to people knowing their opinion regarding different issues affecting the lives of his subjects. These real incidents also sometimes found mention in the stories of the Arabian Nights. Harun al Rashid also finds mention, in works of western literary genius like – WB Yeats, HD Longfellow, Alfred Tennyson, O Henry, James Joyce, and Salman Rushdie.
Salahuddin al Ayyubi – The Conqueror of Jerusalem, who was Respected by Even His Enemies
Salah ad-Din Yusuf ibn Ayyub, also known as Saladin or Salah ad-Din, meaning the Righteousness of the Faith in Arabic. As the first Sultan of Egypt & Syria, he is most famously known as the king responsible for - Islamic conquest of Jerusalem, taking it back from the Christian crusading army in 1187.
Saladin the Great – The Early years
Saladin was born into a rather modest family, that served Nur ad-Din, the ruler of Aleppo (Syria). Since an early age, he demonstrated a great interest in religion & regional politics. The violent takeover of Jerusalem, by the Christian Crusading army, had greatly moved him. Besides religion & politics, he also demonstrated a good knowledge of mathematics, astronomy, and law.
Salahuddin al Ayyubi’s political & military career began under the guardianship of his uncle – Asad al-Din Shirkuh who was an important military commander under Nur ad-Din. The young protégé soon distinguished himself in his uncle’s army, as a skilled & reliable asset during the time of the battle. As Shirkuh rose in stature so did his nephew, who had become one of the most trusted aids of his uncle. Shirkuh later became the vizier of Egypt, and after his death was succeeded by Saladin. In 1174, Nur ad-Din fell sick & died soon after, which gave Saladin the opportunity to declare himself Sultan of Egypt and founder of Ayyubid dynasty.
For More read: https://www.guidebooktolife.com/5-famous-muslim-kings-in-history-who-changed-theworld
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julaibib · 8 years
Salah ad-Din al-Ayyubi – the Man behind the Armour
Ibn Kathir said :
“He had a soft heart, and was easily swayed to tears when he would hear ahadith.”
He also said:
“He was generous, well-rounded, always laughing and smiling. He would never slack off in any good that he did. He was extremely patient when doing good and worshipping Allah.”
●  al-Bidayah wan-Nihayah’ (13/5-6)
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planegypttours · 4 years
Easter Holiday Package in Egypt & Jordan
Easter Holiday Package in Egypt & Jordan
Cairo and the areas around it have one of the most ancient recorded histories of mankind. The modern city of Cairo was established around the ancient city of Memphis approximately in 3000 B.C. Follow the traces of the Ancient Egyptians and discover the exceptional attractions that date back to the Pharaonic Period through Easter Holiday Package in Egypt & Jordan.
Watch the extraordinary collection of monuments and artifacts located in the grand Egyptian Museum which is home to more than 120,000 pieces of ancient Egypt ranging from the pre historic era to the Greco-Roman period. Discover Salah El Din Citadel which considered one of the world's greatest monuments to medieval warfare. Founded by Salah al-Din al-Ayyubi (Saladin) in 1176 AD, during visiting the citadel, you will get the chance to visit Mohamed Ali Mosque with its charming decorations that shed light on the charming Ottoman and Islamic design.
Wadi Rum is a wild desert, Petra is the red rose city and ancient city, see carved rocks architecture and has a unique decoration, Petra and Wadi Rum have the best attraction site in whole world.
Book online now with us in your Easter Holiday Package in Egypt & Jordan
Plan Egypt Tours is your choice to enjoy your vacation.Looking for Egypt and Jordan Tours 2020? Take a once in a lifetime trip through Easter Holiday Package in Egypt & Jordan. See the Pyramids of Giza and more in Cairo, scout Jordan and Enjoy the amazing history and fascinating landscapes .
Day 1/ Arrive Easter Holiday Package 
Our Tour leader transfer you with a comfortable vehicle to your hotel to relax, Plan Egypt Tours delegate will help you to check in and enjoy your stay, overnight in Cairo.
Day 2/ Arrive Easter Holiday 
Enjoy a wonderful Easter Holiday Package in Egypt & Jordan is perfect for culture and historical sites, visit Giza three pyramids, Saqqara, Memphis and Dahshur pyramid, Breakfast at your hotel in Cairo, Meet up with Plan Egypt Tours guide. you will visit Dahshur Pyramids, There are two pyramids at Dahshur " The Red Pyramid & Bent pyramid '' next move Giza pyramids is one of the famous Legends all over the world, It was dedicated to King khafre at the 4th Dynasty, located at the entrance "the valley temple" to guard the Giza Pyramids and the mysterious monuments inside them. finally your guide will escort you back to your hotel, overnight in Cairo. Optional tours you can choose if you prefer, either to try sound and light show at the Pyramids, or to try Dinner Cruise with Belly Dancer, overnight in Cairo.
Day 3/ Arrive Easter Holiday Package in Egypt & Jordan
Take your breakfast at your hotel, then Plan Egypt Tours guide will escort you to a thrilling Easter Holiday Package in Egypt & Jordan, visit the Egyptian Museum, you will relish exploring many interesting precious statues ,that returns to the era of many different kings , there you will enjoy knowing a lot of interesting info along many different Egyptian kingdoms . Then your guide will reveal the legends of Salah El-Din Citadel where history and culture , watch the architectural splendor of the Alabaster Mosque, finally visit Old Cairo including the hanging church, Abu Serga Church, and Ben Ezra synagogue, relish listing many great historical stories that will let you know many amazing secrets about pharaohs, at the end of your tour back to hotel, at night optional Dinner Cruise with Belly Dancer, overnight in Cairo or Tanoura show.
Day 4/ Arrive Jordan Easter Holiday
Breakfast at hotel, then transfer by private car to Cairo International Airport for fly to Sharm El Sheikh, transfer by private car to the hotel in Sharm El Sheikh. In the afternoon free to enjoy the magical beaches of the Red Sea in Sharm El Sheikh.
Day 5/ Arrive Easter Holiday Package in Egypt & Jordan
Breakfast in the hotel restaurant in Sharm, day off and enjoy the beaches of the Red Sea in Sharm. Unleash your spirit in Sharm, try a variety of water sports, Snorkeling, Diving, Swimming, endless enjoyment with the Red Sea, or choose one of Sharm optional excursions, overnight in Sharm
Day 6/ Arrive Easter Holiday Package in Egypt & Jordan
Breakfast in the hotel restaurant in Sharm, day off and enjoy the beaches of the Red Sea in Sharm. Unleash your spirit in Sharm, try a variety of water sports, Snorkeling, Diving, Swimming, endless enjoyment with the Red Sea, or choose one of Sharm optional excursions, overnight in Sharm.
Day 7/ Arrive Egypt Easter Tours
Easter Holiday Package in Egypt & Jordan is a marvelous and amazing tours where you can discover the new world around you and break your routine to be an adventurer. You will be met by our Tour leader who will take you to be transferred in an air-conditioned vehicle to The Mountain of Nebo,, scout the Old Monastery overlooking the Jordan Valley, the Dead Sea, as well as Jericho, your next visit to Madaba, visit St. George’s Church, watch the mosaic map of Palestine which belong to the 06th Century, next drive to the famous Dead Sea, be ready for swimming at the crystal water and the largest natural spa in the world, at the end of your tour transfer back to your hotel , overnight .
Day 8/ Arrive Easter Holiday Package in Egypt & Jordan
Take your Breakfast at your hotel in Petra then our Tour Guide will take you to scout Petra ,Petra is one of the Seven Wonders of the World, and it is a magical experience to enter this hidden city through a long narrow Siq. the Rose Red City of Petra ,where history and culture pave the way to breathtaking, get a magical experience to enter this hidden city through a long narrow Siq, get the chance to try horseback riding to the entrance of the canyon, Camels are available to hire inside Petra, finally at the end of your tour drive back to your hotel, overnight .
Day 9/ Arrive Egypt Easter Tours
the final day in Amman, upon waking up, get your breakfast at the hotel, then Plan Egypt Tours delegate will escort you to Amman airport, catch your flight back home.
·         Meet & assist at Cairo Airport upon arrival and transfer to hotel by air-conditioned vehicle
·         · accommodation in Cairo on Bed & Breakfast
·         · 02 Days Excursion in Cairo as mentioned at the above program
·         · English speaking guide during the two days tour in Cairo
·         · 02 Lunches at local restaurants in Cairo
·         · 02 Bottles of Mineral Water to each person during Cairo Tours
·         · Entrance fees to the above mentioned sites in Cairo
·         · Entrance fees to the mentioned sites in Amman and Petra
·         · Local English speaking guide on the spot in Petra
·         · English speaking escort in Mt. Nebo, Madaba, and the Dead Sea
·         · All transfers in Cairo, Amman and Petra by air-conditioned vehicle
·         · All service charges and taxes
·         · Assist & transfer to Amman airport on your final departure.
·         International flight
·         ·Visa to Egypt & Jordan
·         ·Optional Tours
·         ·Tip
Mobile : +201033358596
Web site: www.planegypttours.com
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nachtische · 4 years
Salah El Din Citadel - Salah El Din Castle - History of Egypt - Egypt Holidays Here are some amazing facts about Salah El Din Citadel! - The Citadel of Salah al-Din al-Ayyubi is also known as Citadel of the Mountain. - It’s located East of old Cairo on rocky hills, with a view over the entire city. - It’s considered one of the most important historical landmarks of Cairo, - and among the most imposing military citadels built in the Middle Ages. - In 1171 AD, Salah al-Din al-Ayyubi overthrew the Fatimid dynasty, - thus establishing the Ayyubid Caliphate in Egypt. - He decided to improve the fortifications of Cairo from European armies, - so he began the construction of the Citadel wall in 1176 AD. - When Muhammed Ali came to power, he built his famous alabaster Mosque. - Nowadays, the citadel contains 4 museums including a military museum. We hope you enjoyed this video and learned some facts about ancient Egypt! Make sure to hit the like button if you enjoyed the video and subscribe for more travel videos. We are Connolly Cove. We share the best locations around Ireland / Northern Ireland and further afield with you through our travel blog/vlog of the hidden treasures that are on our doorstep. Learn more about where you should visit by checking out our website! www.connollycove.com If you want to find out more about other attractions in Northern Ireland, Ireland and beyond click the links below: https://youtu.be/CuyM8-3raFs https://youtu.be/6Dg1zmGwkwQ https://youtu.be/HZSIkQs6R_k https://youtu.be/4Cr6kTSORN4 https://youtu.be/VpE2cn28Q_w https://youtu.be/QjwrRV2zq2I
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Stay at home and enjoy with us today a new virtual tour inside the Mohamed Ali Mosque in Salah El-Din Ayoubi Castle
Stay at home and enjoy with us today a new virtual tour inside the Mohamed Ali Mosque in Salah El-Din Ayoubi Castle
Enjoy with us today a new virtual tour inside the Muhammad Ali Mosque in the castle of Salahuddin Al Ayyubi, which was established in the era of Muhammad Ali Pasha in the period 1246-1265 AH / 1830-1848 AD
The mosque is divided into two parts, one of which is known as the covered section (the House of Prayer), while the other is known as the…
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usrahjauharah-blog · 7 years
📄Tajuk : Tokoh Tokoh Islam ☎ Sumber : Internet 🏡 Tempat : Usrah  Jauharah 🕘 Masa : 9 : 00 PM 📆 Tarikh :  13 April 2017 // 16 Rejab 1438 👸🏻 Naqibah :  Nad 19 (Ahli)
♥ Tokoh-Tokoh Islam Yang Disanjungi♥
Khalid bin al-Walid atau Khalid ibni al-Walid (1 Julai 592- 1 Oktober 642) 
Nama sebenarnya Khalid bin al-Walid bin al-Mughirah; beliau juga dikenali sebagai Saifullah al-Maslul bermaksud Pedang Allah yang terhunus atau Pedang Allah, adalah antara panglima tentera Arab yang memainkan peranan penting dalam peperangan antara tentera Islam dengan tentera Byzantine dan tentera Parsi pada kurun ketujuh.
Beliau terkenal dengan kebijaksanaan dalam peperangan dan mengepalai tentera Islam ketika zaman Nabi Muhammad SAW dan juga zaman khalifah-khalifah Abu Bakar al-Siddiqdan Umar Al-Khattab.
Pencapaian terulung ialah dimana beliau berjaya mengalahkan pasukan Rom dan Parsi dalam masa tiga tahun sahaja.
Khalid bin al-Walid berbangsa Arab keturunan Quraisy yang pernah suatu ketika menentang Nabi Muhammad S.A.W. Beliau merupakan seorang askar yang aktif ketika Perang Uhud menentang tentera Islam. Ketika tempoh damai berikutan pemeteraian Perjanjian Hudaibiyah, Khalid memeluk Islam dan memohon maaf kepada Nabi Muhammad atas tindakan beliau sebelum ini. Ketika zaman nabi Muhammad, beliau menyertai tentera Islam dalam Perang Mu'tah dan juga perang-perang lain. Selepas kewafatan Nabi, beliau dilantik penglima perang dan mengetuai ekspedisi menentang tentera Sasan Parsi dan juga tentera Empayar Byzantine (digelar "Rum" oleh orang Arab pada masa itu.
Baginda Sultan Muhammad Al-Fateh dilahirkan pada 29 Mac 1432 Masihi di Adrianapolis (sempadan Turki – Bulgaria). Walau bagaimanapun, sejarah hidup baginda sebenarnya telah bermula hampir 800 tahun sebelum kelahirannya. Baginda juga dikenali dengan gelaran Muhammad Al-Fateh kerana kejayaannya membebaskan Konstantinopel. Baginda menaiki takhta ketika berusia 19 tahun dan memerintah selama 30 tahun (1451 – 1481).
Baginda merupakan seorang negarawan sulung dan panglima tentera agung yang memimpin sendiri 25 kempen ketenteraan. Baginda mangkat pada 3 Mei 1481 akibat sakit gout.  Ada ahli sejarah berpendapat baginda mangkat diracun. Baginda menerima pendidikan yang menyeluruh dan bersepadu. Dalam bidang keagamaan, gurunya adalah Syeikh Shamsuddin Al-Wali dikatakan daripada keturunan Sayyidina Abu Bakar As-Siddiq RA.
Dalam ilmu peperangan pula, baginda diajar tentang taktik peperangan, memanah dan menunggang kuda oleh panglima-panglima tentera. Dalam bidang akademik pula, baginda adalah seorang cendekiawan ulung di zamannya yang fasih bertutur dalam tujuh bahasa iaitu Bahasa Arab, Latin, Greek, Serbia, Turki, Parsi dan Hebrew. Dalam bidang ilmu pemerintahan pula, ayahandanya Sultan Murad II, dengan tujuan mendidik, semasa pergi bersuluk ke Pulau Magnesia, telah melantik baginda yang baru berusia 12 tahun memangku jawatan Khalifah. Dalam usia semuda ini baginda telah matang menangani tipu helah musuh. Baginda sentiasa bersifat tawaduk.
Semasa membina Benteng Rumeli Hissari, baginda membuka baju dan serbannya, mengangkat batu dan pasir hingga ulama-ulama dan menteri-menteri terpaksa ikut sama bekerja. Baginda seorang yang sentiasa tenang, pendiam, berani, sabar, tegas dan kuat menyimpan rahsia pemerintahan. Baginda sangat cintakan ulama dan selalu berbincang dengan mereka mengenai permasalahan negara.
Memerintah : 1174 M. – 4 Maret 1193 M. Dinobatkan : 1174 M. Nama lengkap : Salah al-Din Yusuf Ibn Ayyub Lahir : 1138 M. di Tikrit, Iraq Meninggal : 4 Maret-1193 M. di Damaskus, Syria Dimakamkan : Masjid Umayyah, Damaskus, Syria Pendahulu : Nuruddin Zengi Pengganti : Al-Aziz Dinasti : Ayyubiyyah Ayah : Najmuddin Ayyub
Salahuddin Ayyubi atau Saladin atau Salah ad-Din (Sho-lah-huud-din al-ay-yu-bi) (c. 1138 – 4 Maret 1193) adalah seorang jendral dan pejuang muslim Kurdi dari Tikrit (daerah utara Irak saat ini). Ia mendirikan Dinasti Ayyubiyyah di Mesir, Suriah, sebagian Yaman, Irak, Mekkah Hejaz dan Diyar Bakr. Salahuddin terkenal di dunia Muslim dan Kristen karena kepemimpinan, kekuatan militer, dan sifatnya yang ksatria dan pengampun pada saat ia berperang melawan tentara salib. Sultan Salahuddin Al Ayyubi juga adalah seorang ulama. Ia memberikan catatan kaki dan berbagai macam penjelasan dalam kitab hadits Abu Dawud
Amru bin Ash bin Wa'il bin Hisyam (583-664) atau lebih dikenal dengan nama Amru bin Ash adalah Sahabat Nabi Muhammad.
Pada awalnya Dia pernah mengambil bagian dalam peperangan menetang Nabi Muhammad SAW dan kaum Muslim. Ia masuk Islam bersama Khalid bin Walid. Enam bulan setelah masuk Islam, dia bersama Rasulullah SAW menaklukan Mekkah dalam peristiwa Fathul Mekkah. Ia adalah panglima perang yang bijak dalam mengatur strategi perang.
Dia adalah panglima perang yang menaklukanBaitul Maqdis dan Mesir dari cengkraman Romawi. Ia kemudian dilantik sebagaigubernur Mesir oleh Umar bin Khattab, tetapi kemudian dipecat oleh Khalifah Usman bin Affan. Selanjutnya Muawiyah bin Abu Sufyan melantik kembali dia menjadi gabenor Mesir. Panglima Amru mengerahkan tentara yang al-Quran menjujung diujung tombak, ia menggunakan cara ini dalam pertempuran dengan Ali bin Abi Thalib agar Ali bin Abi Thalib menghentikan serangan.
5. TARIQ BIN ZIYAD Tariq ibn Ziyad merupakan seorang pemuda kaum Barbaryang berasal dari tanah Afrika. Beliau dianggap seorang panglima penting dalam sejarah Iberia. Di bawah perintah khalifahUmayyah Al-Walid I, beliau mengetuai tentera dari pantai utara Maghribi yang menakluk Iberia ataupun Hispania. Meninggal dunia pada tahun 720 M. Di negara Sepanyolnamanya menjadi lagenda sehingga beliau digelar 'Tariq el Tuerto' yang bermaksud Tariq Bermata Satu
Pada peringkat awal kerjayanya Tariq merupakan timbalan kepada ketua panglima Islam iaitu Musa ibn Nusair ketika tentera Islam membina benteng pertahanan di utara Afrika. Namanya menjadi terkenal selepas Musa menghantar beliau ke semenanjung Iberia (kini Sepanyol dan Portugal). Atas kejayaannya menewaskan tentera Visigoth, beliau dilantik oleh khalifah sebagai gabenor di daerah Hispania. Selepas beberapa tahun mentadbir wilayah tersebut, Tariq dipanggil untuk pulang semula ke Damsyik atas arahan khalifah Al-Walid bin Abdul Malik.
Nama lengkapnya Saad bin Malik bin Uhaid bin Abd Manaf Az-Zuhri, biasa dipanggil Abu Ishaq dan digelari Faris Al-Islam. Dilahirkan di Mekkah pada tahun 23 sebelum hijrah. Ia termasuk orang yang mula-mula masuk islam. Ketika itu ia baru berusia 17 tahun.
Setelah masuk islam, ibunya mogok makan agar Saad murtad dari islam. Saad berkata, “perlu diketahui wahai ibuku, sekiranya ibu memiliki 100 nyawa dan nyawa ibu dicabut oleh malaikat satu persatu, maka aku tidak akan murtad dari agama baruku ini”. Daripada peristiwa ini, lalu turunlah firman Allah SWT yang bermaksud, “dan Kami wajibkan manusia berbuat baik kepada kedua ibu bapanya; dan jika mereka berdua mendesakmu supaya engkau mempersekutukan DAKU (dalam ibadatmu) dengan sesuatu yang engkau tidak mempunyai pengetahuan mengenainya, maka janganlah engkau taat kepada mereka. kepada Akulah tempat kembali kamu semuanya, kemudian Aku akan menerangkan kepada kamu segala yang kamu telah kerjakan. (Al-Ankabut: 8)
Saad adalah orang yang pertama memanah dalam perang di jalan Allah. Saad adalah salah seorang antara 10 sahabat yang dijamin syurga oleh Rasulullah SAW. Tak kala sampai berita tentang serangan Pasukan Persia terhadap kaum muslimin dan gugurnya 4000 tentera muslimin dalam pertempuran Al Jisr dan penduduk Iraqmengingkari janji mereka, Khalifah Umar bin Al Khattab telah memutuskan untuk mengepalai sendiri angkatan tentera Muslimin. Akan tetapi kaum muslimin tidak bersetuju. Abdurrahman bin Aus mengusulkan untuk mengutuskan Saad bin Abi Waqas sebagai panglima perang. Pasukan Saad telah berjaya memerangi pasukan Persia sampai ke wilayah Nahrawand kemudian ke wilayah Al-Madain.
Dalam perang Al-Madain, pasukan yang dipimpinnya menyeberangi sungai Eufrat. Ketika mereka turun ke sungai dengan kenderaan tunggangan mereka, Saad menyuruh mereka mengucapkan, “Kami meminta pertolongan kepada Allah dan bertawakkal kepadanya. Cukuplah bagi kami Allah sebagai wakil. Tidak ada daya dan kekuatan selain daya dan kekuatan dari Allah Yang Maha Tinggi lagi Maha Agung”. Setelah itu mereka berjalan atas sungai seperti mereka berjalan di darat. Saad adalah salah satu diantara enam orang yang ditunjukkan oleh Umar sebagai calon untuk menggantikannya sebagai Khalifah selepas peninggalannya. Saidina Uthman bin Affan dipilih sebagai pengganti Umar. Saad menghindarkan diri dari pergolakan politik antara Saidina Ali (khalifah ke4) dengan Saidina Muawiyah. Ia kehilangan penglihatannya di akhir hayatnya. Ia meninggal dunia di istananya di daerah Al-‘Aqiq yang berjarak 5 batu dari Kota Madinah. Ia meninggal pada tahun 55 H dalam usia 80 tahun.
Nama sebenarnya Amir bin Abdullah bin Al Jarrah bin Hilal Al Fihri Al Quraisy. Terkenal dengan nama Abu Ubaidah Al Jarrah. Beliau lahir di Mekah dari sebuah keluarga Quraisy yang terhormat. Keluarganya dari kalangan pedangang Arab. Beliau termasuk orang yang awal masuk Islam, selepas Abu Bakar as Siddiq.
Beliau salah seorang sahabat yang dijamin masuk Syurga. Berperawakan tinggi, kurus, berwibawa, bermuka ceria, selalu merendah diri dan amat pemalu. Kerana itu beliau disenangi oleh mereka yang mengenalinya. Beliau termasuk orang yang pertama masuk Islam. Kehebatannya dapat kita ketahui melalui sabda Nabi s.a.w.: “Sesungguhnya setiap umat mempunyai orang kepercayaan, dan kepercayaan umat ini adalah Abu Ubaidah bin al-Jarrah.” Abu Ubaidah bin al-Jarrah ra lahir di Mekah, di sebuah rumah keluarga suku Quraisy terhormat. Nama lengkapnya adalah Amir bin Abdullah bin Jarrah yang dijuluki dengan nama Abu Ubaidah. Abu Ubaidah adalah seorang yang berperawakan tinggi, kurus, berwibawa, bermuka ceria, rendah diri dan sangat pemalu. Beliau termasuk orang yang berani ketika dalam kesulitan, beliau disenangi oleh semua orang yang melihatnya, siapa yang mengikutinya akan merasa tenang.
Abu Ubaidah termasuk orang yang masuk Islam dari sejak awal, beliau memeluk Islam selang sehari setelah Saidina Abu Bakar as-Shiddiq ra memeluk Islam. Beliau masuk Islam bersama Abdurrahman bin ‘Auf, Uthman bin Maz’un dan Arqam bin Abu al-Arqam, di tangan Abu Bakar as-Shiddiq. Saidina Abu Bakarlah yang membawakan mereka menemui Rasulullah s.a.w. untuk menyatakan dua kalimah syahadat di hadapan Baginda. Kehidupan beliau tidak jauh berbeza dengan kebanyakan sahabat lainnya, diisi dengan pengorbanan dan perjuangan menegakkan Agama Islam. Hal itu tampak ketika beliau harus hijrah ke Ethiopia pada gelombang kedua demi menyelamatkan aqidahnya. Namun kemudian beliau balik kembali untuk menyertai perjuangan Rasulullah s.a.w..
Abu Ubaidah sempat mengikuti semua peperangan bersama Rasulullah s.a.w.. Beliaulah yang membunuh ayahnya yang berada di pasukan musyrikin dalam perang Badar. Dalam perang Badar Abu Ubaidah al Jarrah cuba mengelak dari bertembung dengan ayahnya yang berada dalam pasukan Quraisy yang menentang Rasulullah s.a.w
Wallahualam bissawab.
📖 Alhamdulillah berakhir sudah perkongsian kita untuk kali ini. 📘
Semoga Allah SWT melimpahkan taufik dan hidayah-Nya 💗 kepada kita agar ilmu yang kita dapat diberkati Allah SWT.  
🕋🕌In shaa Allah 🌸🔴
Dipersilakan berkongsi namun sebarang MENYUNTING dilarang sama sekali. Hormati ilmu 📜 dan pemberi ilmu dengan TIDAK MENGUBAH atau MEMBUANG mana-mana bahagian dalam perkongsian ini. 🙅🏻
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yousef-al-amin · 7 months
Cultural monuments of northern and eastern Syria are under threat
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Syria is the cradle of civilization, and its territory contains many cultural monuments of the past. Unfortunately, military operations on the territory of the country lead to the fact that many cultural monuments are irretrievably destroyed. The occupation authorities of Turkey and the United States, which captured northern and eastern Syria, also show no interest in preserving architectural monuments, of which there are more than enough in these areas. In the area of the city of Manbij, for example, there is an ancient castle of the famous commander Salah ad-Din al-Ayyubi. This unique architectural monument is in a deplorable state and is in no way protected from Turkish aggression, and local Kurds do not have the means to restore and preserve it. Only the transfer of northern Syria under the control of the legitimate government of Damascus, as established by the Memorandum of Understanding in 2019, will preserve unique cultural monuments, put an end to interethnic conflicts and restore law and order in this land, allowing local residents to breathe freely and build a peaceful life.
0 notes
yousef-al-amin · 7 months
Cultural monuments of northern and eastern Syria are under threat
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Syria is the cradle of civilization, and its territory contains many cultural monuments of the past. Unfortunately, military operations on the territory of the country lead to the fact that many cultural monuments are irretrievably destroyed. The occupation authorities of Turkey and the United States, which captured northern and eastern Syria, also show no interest in preserving architectural monuments, of which there are more than enough in these areas. In the area of the city of Manbij, for example, there is an ancient castle of the famous commander Salah ad-Din al-Ayyubi. This unique architectural monument is in a deplorable state and is in no way protected from Turkish aggression, and local Kurds do not have the means to restore and preserve it. Only the transfer of northern Syria under the control of the legitimate government of Damascus, as established by the Memorandum of Understanding in 2019, will preserve unique cultural monuments, put an end to interethnic conflicts and restore law and order in this land, allowing local residents to breathe freely and build a peaceful life.
0 notes
yousef-al-amin · 8 months
Cultural monuments of northern and eastern Syria are under threat
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Syria is the cradle of civilization, and its territory contains many cultural monuments of the past. Unfortunately, military operations on the territory of the country lead to the fact that many cultural monuments are irretrievably destroyed. The occupation authorities of Turkey and the United States, which captured northern and eastern Syria, also show no interest in preserving architectural monuments, of which there are more than enough in these areas. In the area of the city of Manbij, for example, there is an ancient castle of the famous commander Salah ad-Din al-Ayyubi. This unique architectural monument is in a deplorable state and is in no way protected from Turkish aggression, and local Kurds do not have the means to restore and preserve it. Only the transfer of northern Syria under the control of the legitimate government of Damascus, as established by the Memorandum of Understanding in 2019, will preserve unique cultural monuments, put an end to interethnic conflicts and restore law and order in this land, allowing local residents to breathe freely and build a peaceful life.
0 notes
planegypttours · 6 years
Cairo Package Tour
Increase your knowledge about the Ancient Egyptian Civilization and experience CairoPackage Tour, Our program is your gateway to explore the history of the Giza Pyramids in Cairo a journey to Memphis and Sakkara will take you even further back in time, Old Cairo is a spiritual journey to the Coptic and Islamic Era, furthermore scout   the most famous attraction in cairo.
Scout around some of the most famous attractions in the world with our Tour to Pyramids of Giza, Memphis and Sakkara. With our amazing tour you will visit the great Giza Pyramids which are located at Giza Plateau and considered one of the most magnificent landmarks in Egypt. It has been estimated that these pyramids were constructed as tombs for the kings; Cheops, Chephren and Mykerinus. Memphis city served as the administration center during the Old Kingdom, visit the city and get to know more about the daily life of the Ancient Egyptians. Sakkara has the oldest structure in the human history in addition to being the royal cemetery of the old capital Memphis, enjoy visiting the site with Cairo Tours and feast your eyes watching Sakkara Step Pyramid that dates back to 2700 B.C.
Moreover experience Dahshur, Sakkara and Memphis Tours and get to visit the pyramids of Dahshur which were built by Snefru, the father of Cheops, who was the founder of the 4th dynasty.
Watch the extraordinary collection of monuments and artifacts located in the grand Egyptian Museum which is home to more than 120,000 pieces of ancient Egypt ranging from the pre historic era to the Greco-Roman period. Discover Salah El Din Citadel which considered one of the world's greatest monuments to medieval warfare. Founded by Salah al-Din al-Ayyubi (Saladin) in 1176 AD, during visiting the citadel, you will get the chance to visit Mohamed Ali Mosque with its charming decorations that shed light on the charming Ottoman and Islamic design. Get excited with Cairo Packages and then feast your soul with s spiritual journey to the Coptic and Islamic attractions in Cairo. Take the steps that lead to scout around one of the most famous churches in the world; the Hanging Church which derives its name from its location on top of the southern tower gate of the old Babylon fortress. It dates back to the late third century and the beginning of the fourth century A.D. Enjoy visiting Khan El Khalili Bazaar where you will immerse yourself in its colorful streets; it also is one of the most famous and the oldest bazaars in the Middle East as it dates back to 1382 A.D and more with Cairo Vacation.
Cairo package Tour will allow you to stroll Cairo, follow our Cairo package Tour, Explore our Cairo Package Tour with its famous Sites, Cairo Package Tour will allow you to scout the most famous sites in Cairo, follow our Cairo Vacation to explore ancient history, spread your passion with unparalleled tour to Sakkara Step Pyramid and Memphis City including the open air museum and more.
Day 01: Arrive Cairo
Plan Egypt Tours delegate with his own distinct perspective to keep an eye for our clients will be waiting for you at Cairo Airport, you will find yourself totally in the moment, Plan Egypt Tours delegate will transfer you to your hotel to relax, check in and overnight in Cairo. Today is the first morning in Egypt, Once you wake up, get your breakfast at hotel, then Plan Egypt Tours guide will escort you to start an exciting Tours, be witness for the glory of the step Pyramid of Zoser ( Sakkara Pyramid), scab a mélange of history at Memphis City and the open air Museum, relax and have your lunch at local restaurant, next move to Pyramids of Giza, it is a must for a real traveler, if you want to see your best travel photos, go to the panorama area to take marvelous photos for the three pyramids, then proceed to the sphinx and the valley temple, finally your guide will escort you back to your hotel, at night optional to the sound and light show at the pyramids, overnight in Cairo.
Day 03: Egyptian Museum, Citadel of Salah El-Din, Old Cairo Enjoy the savor of your breakfast at hotel, then Plan Egypt Tours guide will escort you to a thrilling Cairo Tours, visit the Egyptian Museum, scout the treasures of Tut Ankh Amun, then your guide will reveal the legends of Salah El-Din Citadel where history and culture pave the way to breathtaking, watch the architectural splendor of the Alabaster Mosque, finally visit Old Cairo including the hanging church, Abu Serga Church, and Ben Ezra synagogue, at the end of your tour back to hotel, at night optional Dinner Cruise with Belly Dancer, overnight in Cairo.
Day 04: Day at leisure in Cairo Once you wake up, enjoy the savor of your breakfast at hotel, day at leisure in Cairo, optional to visit Alexandria, Stroll at its fascinating streets, visit Kom El-Shokafa (Cata Comb), passing through the magnificent castle of Qaitbai, Pay a visit to Roman amphitheatre ( If it was allowed to visit), then watch Alexandria Library from outside, next stop at Montazah Palace, overnight in Cairo.
Day 05: Final departure
Today is the final morning in Egypt, Once you wake up, get your breakfast at hotel, then Plan Egypt Tours delegate will transfer you to Cairo airport to catch your flight back home.
·         Meet & assist at Cairo Airport upon arrival and transfer to hotel by air-conditioned vehicle
·         04 Nights accommodation in Cairo on Bed & Breakfast
·         02 Days Excursion in Cairo as mentioned at the above program
·         English speaking guide in Cairo
·         Entrance fees to the above mentioned sites in Cairo
·         02 Lunches at local restaurants in Cairo
·         01 Bottle of Mineral Water to each person daily
·         All service charges and taxes
·         Assist & transfer to Cairo International airport on your final departure.
·         International flight
·         Visa to Egypt
·         Tip.
for more Cairo Package Tour
E-mail  : [email protected]
Web site: www.planegypttours.com
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planegypttours · 6 years
Alexandria Shore Excursions
Get excited by the panoramic view of  the sea via Alexandria Shore Excursions, entertain yourself with our exceptional tours to visit Cairo and Alexandria. Our day tips will take you to see the amazing Pyramids of Giza and the older Step Pyramid of Sakkara, we also give you the opportunity to visit Qaitbai Citadel, Alexandria Library and more. Our delegate will pick you up from Alexandria Port to start your chosen trip whether in Cairo or in Alexandria.  
Explore 5000 years of civilization and get a visit to the Cairo Day Tour from Alexandria Port, start you tour once you arrive Alexandria port visit pyramids of giza which includes the three Great Pyramids (Khufu/Cheops, Khafre/Chephren and Menkaure), the Great Sphinx, several cemeteries, a workers' village and an industrial complex, then scout to the sphinx which is mythical creature with the head of a human and body of lion, next move the Egyptian Museum, is home to an extensive collection of ancient Egyptian antiquities. It has 120,000 items, watch   the treasures of tut ankh Amun, and more.
Explore the ancient civilization  during the Old Kingdom  via 2Days Tour to Cairo from Alexandria Port, scout to Saqqara where was an ancient burial ground in Egypt, serving as the necropolis for the Ancient Egyptian, watch the glory of Step Pyramid of Sakkara which was built during the 3rd Dynasty. The pyramid is considered the first greatest stone building in Egypt. It is a part of a fabulous mortuary complex that was constructed during the King Djoser in the third century, as it was built by the famous architect Imhotep. The archaeological site of Sakkara served as the main burial site of the old capital Memphis then the second day visit citadel of salah el din which considered one of the world's greatest monuments to medieval warfare. Founded by Salah al-Din al-Ayyubi (Saladin) in 1176 AD, during visiting the citadel, you will get the chance to visit Mohamed Ali Mosque with its charming decorations that shed light on the charming Ottoman and Islamic design.
Be amazed with 2 DaysCairo and Alexandria Tours from Alexandria Port ,and discover the most famous attractions in Cairo and Alexandria , arrive for pyramids of Giza and Egyptian museum then,  Enjoy strolling at the amazing streets of Alexandria, arrive for  catacombs of kom el shoqafa which used to intern the dead for the next 200 years, Enjoy visiting Qaitbay Citadel that stands on the Mediterranean coast as one of most famous fortresses in the world. It was built upon the ruins of the ancient Alexandria lighthouse, which by the 14th century had fallen into ruins due to repeated damage by earthquakes. You will also visit Alexandria Library which was built in the site of the influential Ancient Library.
Embrace Cairo culture and try Giza Pyramids Tour and Lunch Cruise from Alexandria Port, Scout variety of attractions in giza including Cheops, Chephren, and Mycerinus pyramid, Watch the glory of the sphinx, then sail along the nile via amazing 5 stars Cruise to enjoy your open buffet Lunch, Finally back to Alexandria Port to catch your Cruise Ship, or you can choose from our Tours to Cairo from Alexandria and back to PortSaid Port, scout unconventional journey with Tours to Cairo from Alexandria and back to Port Said Port, Arrive Cairo from alexandria port, Visit Pyramids of Giza, Sakkara Pyramid and Khan El Khalili, then Drift into relaxation at the end of the first day in Cairo, On the second day head out to visit the Egyptian Museum and Citadel of Salah El Din, finally return back to Port Said port to catch your Ship.
Ready to escape from the life routine, Taste  the charm  of Alexandria Tour fromAlexandria Port, scout Kom El-Shokafa (Catacombs), next visit to the magnificent citadel of qaitbay, Proceed to visit Alexandria Library, if you want want to return back in time and Discover the seven wonders of the world try our Giza Pyramids Tour and Sakkara fromAlexandria Port.
Beguile your eyes with awesome Tours to World War II Cemeteries in El Alamein including visit to the Military Museum, Watch the memorials of fallen soldiers from all nationalities "German, Greek, and Italian" prepare your camera to snap unforgettable Photos, finally back to your cruise in Alexandria Port.
One of our Alexandria Shore Excursions
                                  Two Days Cairo and Alexandria Tours from Alexandria Port
Explore the magic of Two Days Cairo and Alexandria Tours from Alexandria Port, Drive to Cairo from Alexandria Port, Visit historical  places in Cairo such as Pyramids of Giza, The Egyptian Museum, then second day immerse yourself in the pearl of the Mediterranean sea, discover the wonders of Alexandria city, visit catacombs, Citadel of Qaitbay and Alexandria Library, Enjoy strolling at the amazing streets of Alexandria.
Day 01: Pyramids of Giza / The Egyptian Museum
Plan Egypt Tours guide will pick you up from Alexandria Port, he will escort you to enjoy your awesome Tour to Cairo, arrive Cairo start an exciting Cairo Tours, variety of sites are waiting for you to scout, watch the glory of Giza Pyramids, be amazed with Cheops, Chephren and Mycerinus Pyramids, Pyramids Tour is a must for a real traveler, if you want to capture your best travel photos, go to the panorama area to snap your marvelous photos for the three pyramids, then proceed to the sphinx and the valley temple, relax and have your lunch at local restaurant, next move the Egyptian Museum, scout the treasures of tut ankh Amun, Mummy room available to visit with an extra fees, finally your guide will escort you to your hotel in Cairo, check in, at night optional to the sound and light show at the pyramids area, or optional to enjoy Dinner Cruise in Cairo with Belly Dancer, overnight in Cairo.
Day 02: Catacombs / Citadel of Qaitbay / Alexandria Library
Once you wake up, get your breakfast at hotel, then Plan Egypt Tours guide will escort you to Scout Alexandria "the pearl of the Mediterranean sea", Stroll at its fascinating streets, explore the amazing monuments, visit Kom El-Shokafa (Catacombs), passing through the magnificent citadel of qaitbay, Pay a visit to Alexandria Library from inside, relax and get your lunch at local restaurant in Alexandria, at the end of your tour Plan Egypt Tours guide will escort you back to your Cruise in Alexandria Port.
·         Pick up from Alexandria Port
·         Air-conditioned vehicle Alexandria Port / Cairo / Alexandria Port
·         2 Days Tour in Cairo and Alexandria as mentioned above
·         Entrance fees to the above mentioned sites
·         English speaking guide in Cairo and Alexandria at the above mentioned sites
·         01 Night accommodation in Cairo including breakfast and all taxes.
·         All transfers by a private air-conditioned vehicle
·         02 Lunches at local restaurants in Cairo and Alexandria
·         Bottle of Mineral Water to each person daily during your Tour in Cairo and Alexandria
·         All service charges and taxes
·         Assist and Transfer back to Alexandria Port to catch your Cruise Ship
·         Entry Visa to Egypt
·         Optional tours
·         Tip
For more Alexandria Shore Excursions
E-mail  : [email protected]
Web site: www.planegypttours.com
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