Who do you think is the warmest among the rfa? Like a heater radiating warmth. Im torn between Saeyoung and Zen. It’s gotten so cold lately, stealing jackets won’t do, I need to cling to them for dear life so I can stop shivering and sneezing !!
I think our answer is somewhere between Zen and Saeyoung. I don't really know what it is but they seem like they'd run at a hotter body temperature.
I suppose in the case of Zen it has to do with how much he works out, how fast his body metabolizes, and how long he can last in the winter wearing nothing more than a tracksuit. Yeah, his winter clothes never seem to be that thick when we glance at them. Yet, he is the one that wears the most layers apart from Jumin. 
He is comfortably warm but not overwhelmingly warm. You can shove your hands into his jacket and it would be warm but it wouldn't scald you. 
Saeyoung, on the other hand, might be a furnace. It likely has to do with the fact that his brother is always freezing, so, in contrast, we’d imagine that Saeyoung would be the opposite, right? He doesn't wear many layers and what he does wear is pretty loose. It's nothing that's going to overheat him.
For some reason, I can see him as somebody that doesn’t need to wear a blanket most of the time and it's not just because he would say that you deserve it more than he does. It's just because he gets overheated in his sleep easily. He is hot. Literally. 
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brighteststar707 · 2 years
Hello!! So glad you got your account back, congrats again on 100 followers !!
I’d say my favorite way to spend time with someone is during my routinely haircuts, I’d love to share a moment like that with SE Saeran. Often I’ll jump straight into it without preparation meaning there’s a mess of hair everywhere when I’m done but I don’t care about that. I like silence but it’s also nice to have causal conversation about whatever’s on our minds. I’ve thought about how fun it would be to cut his hair too, if he’d let me of course
Hi!! Thank you <3 I'm suuper relieved to have it back!
Saeran's favourite form of quality time with you is any time you can spend together just living life. Do you need to do your groceries? He’ll join. Are you tidying up? He will gladly help you out. He doesn't need fancy dates or outings, he is content to sit with you as you do whatever needs to be done in the moment. He likes to experience your life with you.
He's sitting with you flipping through a book when you decide that it’s time to to cut your hair. He has never seen you do this before, so he's intrigued, and very happy to keep you company. He's used to doing his own hair, but he has never seen someone else's process.
He will stand behind you, so that you can see his face in the mirror and you can talk face to face. He doesn't talk a lot, instead he just watches you work. Though, if you start a conversation (about anything), he will join in. He likes having conversations with you about anything that comes to mind.
Like I said before, he has done his own hair for most of his life. He doesn’t trust anyone enough to give them control like that, and definitely isn’t comfortable having a stranger touch him. He has stopped bleaching his hair, and now just gives himself a trim when his fringe starts falling into his eyes. In fact, your routine reminds him when he needs to fix his hair too.
You are probably the only person he trusts to give him a haircut. When you finish your own hair one day, you turn around and offer to give him a trim. There's hair all over the floor that needs to be cleaned up anyway, so what's some more? He nods, and pulls up a chair to sit in.
It surprises him how relaxed he feels as he puts his head in your hands (literally). You gently run your fingers through his hair, and he finds himself closing his eyes and subconsciously leaning back. This is the closest he has come to letting go in a while.
It’s moments like this that remind him that he’s going to be alright. With the sound of the scissors snipping and your voice softly talking to him, life starts to feel a bit normal.
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k0kichiimagines · 3 years
Happy birthday !!! I hope you have a good day~
I enjoy seeing you on my homepage 💜 🎂 and your art is so cute like what, how do you do that it’s so pretty.
thank you so so much i hope you have a lovely day as well!!! also ee thank you im glad you like it :)!!! <33 joy and happiness ty ty
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I cannot for the life of me imagine Saeran’s voice in english but for some reason I can imagine it perfectly in spanish??? English is my first language so it’s a bit weird but imagining him talking in spanish is so ¥%+>£<£<<¥*% it’s solely a him thing cause I can imagine everyone else in english like what
I don't think it's that weird. I had a hard time imagining what he sounded like in English in my head for the longest time until the game added a Ringtone for it. Now I even can't shake it from the back of my head when I'm thinking about dialogue for him in a story. It sounds like the English adaption I've heard now.
So, maybe you picked up the idea of him speaking Spanish somewhere in the back of your head from hearing or seeing something, and now you can't unhear it. He does take you on a trip to Mexico al a Passport Passage, so it's plausible he's been studying a bit of Spanish!
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I wish I had the free time to play mm I miss chatting with the rfa😭 I mean I’ve had a bit of time on weekends to play through the christmas dlc and get all the endings but it can’t beat the original story. I’m counting down the days till I can start another route and maybe things will get less chaotic for me, until then I’ll settle for falling asleep to the calls so I can at least hear their voices .. and fanfics ofc, still lurking here cause I love this fandom sm but I do wish to be more active soon
School and work can make it hard to keep up with the game as much as you want to. You're almost halfway to the holidays! You'll be able to play a lot soon. I find that if I can't play during the day, going through the chat history can feel just as exciting! Besides, if you can't manage to do that, you've always got fan content! We're always here waiting to chat when you have the time to share thoughts and content! The RFA is never gone from your side! Just like your fandom.
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Ray making sure you’ve eaten even though he doesn’t stop to care for himself <\3 No!!! I WILL make him a nice breakfast and I WILL feed it to him because he needs to know he is loved and needs to stay healthy too. No more caffeine pills and vitamins I’d drop whatever I was doing to make sure he eats especially if he’s going to bring up healthy diets then say he just had a chocolate bar 😤
Exactly. I cry whenever I think about his eating habits that he details in his diary. You can see him painstakingly take out meal times to do his work and then calculate how much candy or caffeine he can use to supplement his needs. It breaks my heart to watch him doing that because you know he's tired, sluggish, and weak. Even when he's got time to make a meal, he only makes you one. He hardly stops to do a meal for himself. I think what you need to do is make sure that he is sitting down before he can make a break for it in the morning. Share your breakfast with him.
Remind him that he needs the energy, too. You can reason with him by saying that a team works better together when they've got time to spare and meals to share!
Diary under the cut:
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Surely we can’t just stop at eyeliner, what about painting Unknown‘s nails 👀
Happy new year btw
Unknown certainly doesn't have the patience to sit there for hours while you try to work on his cuticles and make sure every single inch of paint is in a row each time you do it. He wouldn't let you do it purely out of pleasure. Everything that he lets you do is because he wants to test you or bait you into doing something. He wants to see how far he can push you until you cry, or if you surprise him in some way that he's not expecting.
He never knows what to expect with you so he kind of just let's it play by ear each time. It's one thing if he makes a suggestion but it's another thing as you do it. He wants to know what you're thinking when you think that you can get under his skin. He may know quite a bit about you but that doesn't mean that he knows what's inside of your head.
If he could hack into your brain to take it apart, but he wouldn't very well do it. He wants to know what it feels like to be in control of something for once in his life and with you by his side, that gives him the opportunity to do that.
By all means, if you think that you have the audacity and determination to get back at him for all of the things that he does to you, if you're willing to take a shot at it and see where it gets you then by all means he's not going to stop you. He wants to see how this plays out. Are you going to crack under the pressure? 
Are you going to be able to even finish what you started even when he's antagonizing you and trying to make you prove your point? These are the things that are burning through his head whenever you've tried things like this. If you think that you're going to beat him then you've got another thing coming.
Go ahead, insist on taking his hand into yours when he go to take a break because there's nothing that he could do. Hacking is a waiting game most of the time because you can't work the rest of them fast enough. He may act like he's busy but he's not as busy as he seems. 
You're free to hold on to his hands, it's a lot colder than you'll expect because he's clearly dealing with circulation issues. For some reason his hands are soft. You can feel where the calluses are from where he spends all day typing but the rest of his hand is surprisingly smooth. It doesn't make much sense. If you inspect anything, he is going to scold you about it or shame you for doing it. Remember that he's never going to let you do something. That's the point.
He'll catch you in a line. "Fantasizing about something, filthy assistant? Make no mistake, there are plenty of things that these hands can. But I wonder what it is you're thinking about. Tell me, are you the deplorable one, or am I? Now, now, don't leave me waiting."
Try not to smudge the polish.
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Post therapy ice cream dates with SE Saeran sound so nice. Something to think about after a session that’s not screaming? Yes please.
SE Saeran is never excited about therapy sessions. He knows he has to go and work on himself, but unpacking what he's been through by the hour is never easy. It leaves him exhausted most of the time, and that's not what he wants to deal with.
He likes it when you offer to try and do something to decompress before he has to go back into the bunker. He's never looking forward to going back into that bubble if it means that he has to be around his brother after a hard session. So, if he can avoid that and be with you? He'll take that option first.
Imagine sitting across from him at an ice cream parlor and his hand reaches across the table to rest against the top of yours while you'd both be sharing a milkshake blended with your favorite flavors just for the sake of it. It's quiet, he never talks much, but you don't need words to enjoy the comfort of each other today.
Maybe if you're lucky, you can curl up in his jacket since it's a little chilly inside and he's too prideful to admit that he probably needs that for himself. He'd rather you be happy.
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If I see Saeray napping on the couch I’m taking his hand and doodling flowers on it so we can match. He’d probably let me do it if I asked but it’ll be a fun surprise when he wakes up.
What you really shouldn't imagine is dozing off against the side of the couch with his hand wrapped in yours. He would wake up sometime after you fell asleep, because the feeling of your body so close to his was enough to rose him awake. He would roll onto his side and peek at you through his disheveled hair. Then, he would look at where your fingers were intertwined with his.
The sight of flowers and doodles on his fingers and open palm are enough to make him smile ear to ear. You might've had fun at his expense but the joke is on you because he's not going to wipe away the marks of ink against his hand. He'll search around for your pen and give you the same treatment, drawing you, him, and a lot of cute flowers onto your palms to match him.
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Normally I see people associate umbreon with Saeran, especially unknown so I think the leafeon take you have is really cute~
I’d like to think Unknown would have a sylveon that he found after it was abandoned by its original trainer (cause some people accidentally wind up with sylveons because the eevee knew a fairy type move) and he felt a kinship with it being thrown away for not being what was desired of it. Anyway throwing down some Pokédex entries now that have been sitting in my notes for the longest time
•When this Pokémon sights its prey, it swirls its ribbonlike feelers as a distraction. A moment later, it pounces, (perfect for luring people in because who would suspect a cute little fairy Pokémon to attack? Or simply catch people off guard so unknown can strike)
•It sends a soothing aura from its ribbonlike feelers to calm fights.
•It wraps its ribbonlike feelers around the arm of its beloved Trainer and walks with him or her.
I hc his sylveon would stay by his side when he’s dazed from the elixir and ground him during panic attacks/dissociation. Hed also have a hisuian zorark because it kinda looks like him
Alsooo just imagine Ray/GE’s Pokémon helping him around the garden or baking together. Or Saeyoung building gadgets with his rotom. Pokémon aus are so fun to explore
God. Don't do that to me tonight! I'm a Fairy Trainer. I specialize in using them like a Gym Leader and don't get me started on Gen 8 because Bede stole my dream job. Sylveon evolve because of high love stats for their trainers, whereas Umbreon and Espeon evolve from high friendship stats. It hurts to imagine someone abandoning a Sylveon just because it's covered in pink and ribbons. A lot of Fairy types are really good for therapy and could make really good service animals, and emotional support animals.
I think you can get some leverage out of this idea, though. Can you imagine if Unknown found a shiny Eevee that someone abandoned because it wasn't "perfect"? God, and if it evolved into a Sylveon at any point during the SE... GOD. His Eevee evolving during one of his breakdowns and it does this because it loves him and wants to help him. Cries. I have a Sylveon on my team and now I'm gonna have a lot of brainrot about this.
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Ray would love to spoil you today, treating you like a princess. A walk in the garden is what he would start the day with. The morning air is chilly and he’s quick to lend you his magenta coat.
You turned to admire the blooming flowers when you feel a small weight fall on your head. You pull it off to inspect it and you’re greeted with the sight of violets and irises beautifully woven together to form a crown that fit perfectly on your head.
“They’re your birth flowers,” Ray smiled as he grasped your hand, “They compliment your face well. I knew it, just as lovely as always.”
You smiled as he stroked your cheek. Ray always made you feel special. You’re his princess after all, he’d do anything to see your precious smile, to hear your soft laughter.
“I have a lot planned today, princess. I paid extra attention to your likes and dislikes to make this day perfect. I’ve never been happier than when you came to paradise, I’m okay as long as you’re here. So please, allow me to show you how much you mean to me,”
He led you to the back of the garden. His hand gently around yours as he guided you behind a few tall rose bushes. There lay blanket and picnic basket. Ray urged you to sit and carefully grabbed your chin. He leaned in close to whisper gentle words only meant for you.
“Happy birthday, My Kaitlyn.”
That makes my heart flutter! I love him! I love that boy so much! He's too precious. I can imagine him working all through the early morning to weave a flower crown. That stuff isn't easy, trust me. Oh, to kiss his fingers as he clearly rubbed them raw against thorns and petals. I'd just die on spot. AND IF I GET MY PICNIC WITH THIS PRINCE, THAT'S ALL I CAN ASK FOR. Cheritz may not give my picnic with Ray or Saeran, but I'm sure as hell manifesting it as we speak. This is exactly what a birthday needs. I'm going to feed him so much cake... what? We have to share!
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Kait Kait Kait~ I finally got around to reading Iris and lemme tell you, I’m HOOKED. I haven’t read many multi chapter fics but this one is sooo good!!! Im reading it nonstop in my free time.
I appreciate how you build the twins’ relationship and Saeran’s struggle to adapt to the world, not just that but the flashbacks of Mint Eye and Iris’ relationship to Unknown. I’m in love with how you write the characters, you really bring them to life and make their actions believable to their character. Fjjdsjajdbsns I just love everything about it hehe
I’ve been reading for a little over a day and I just finished chapter 14. It was definitely the hardest hitting chapter for me so far, but I think my favorite moment was in 13 when Saeyoung and Iris comforted Saeran during his breakdown. His PTSD and guilt is definitely something he’ll be dealing with for a long time. It’s good that he can lean on Saeyoung and his MC when it comes down to it.
Reading this on AO3 I noticed all the chapter names Ice cream flavors right? I think that’s cool. You need to know how in love I am with this story like I did not know how much I needed it in my life until I picked it up.💜💜💜💜
Iris is a story that I wanted to tell since I met Unknown in 2016, but it took me a while to get the energy to write it the way that I wanted to. I'm glad that I waited because it gave me time to practice and get my skills to where I wanted them to be. In many ways, I relate to Saeran in a very personal way and this Saeran specifically means a lot to me because his emotional journey helped me at the worst time of my life thus far back then. Being able to describe the recovery and process that comes with it is tough but... it's cathartic, too.
Iris is a mesh of past and present. I wanted to entangle the feeling of what flashbacks feel like... not just the bad ones but the ones when it haunts you late at night. Mistakes, problems, good choices, failures, success, and more. Life is hard like that. You can leave the pain but a memory always stays. Saeyoung and MC are there for Saeran, but he has limits. Iris is there, too, but he's got guilt.
His journey here isn't like GE Saeran. They're different and the way that they handle things is clear. You'll see that process in the story and by the end. It's not a picture-perfect ending, but it's one that is realistic and human for what happened to Unknown. I'm glad that the moment in Chapter 13 stood out. Nobody ever talks about how SE Saeran feels knowing that his gun killed V. Even if he hated him by the end, the weight of that action is... well, you can't deny it. I really wanted that moment highlighted. It was important to me.
And yes! Each chapter of Iris on AO3 is titled after a flavor of ice cream. There's a theme to it that you'll figure out in the middle of the story and I'd urge you to think about it for fun. I like adding in little hints here and there for the readers to figure out. Thank you for this comment! It makes me smile. I hope Iris treats you well and you love the story and the way it concludes.
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God, I just finished Iris and I’m tearing up. I loved every moment of the emotional rollercoaster this story sent me on. It’s been a while since I cried but as I was reading the last few paragraphs tears would not stop flowing.
Personally I have only known SE Saeran since March of last year but I immediately found myself attached to him. I took comfort in the familiarity I felt with him upon playing the secret endings, I just knew he was my favorite. He got me through some rough patches in my life. It’s not hard to see why he means so much to a lot of people.
You know, your writing has always been a huge comfort to me, it’s helped me out a lot more than I’d like to admit. And I know I’m not the only one who feels that way. It’s amazing how much fiction can impact us and how much we can feel for our favorite characters.
Iris was beautifully written, showcasing the good and the ugly parts of recovery. It’s hard and the memories do follow you around. Even the good ones can be tormenting to remember. But it’s okay to move forward and learn to live with yourself with the people you cherish.
I truly loved reading Iris, it now has a special place I’m my heart. I’m excited to see what you decide to do next now that you’ve also completed Asphodelus Albus. Thank you for sharing your talent with us, I hope you have a wonderful day and please take care of yourself 💜
SE Saeran is just one of those characters that tug at your heart. A lot of people find a sense of comfort in him because you see his pain and you know his pain. It's a pain that you can relate to even if you're not going through his specific trauma. His story is a sense of grief in many ways, but I always hated that he seemed to lose control over a lot of choices, even if some of them were for his safety after Mint Eye and this story was... a trip in trying to give him power back and let his heart heal... if only a little bit.
Because pain stays with us but it doesn't have to consume us. We don't have to forgive to make peace, but we don't have to let the pain destroy our new lives, either. SE Saeran isn't like GE Saeran. His path is different. But, he can find peace, too, and I think that message is a very important one. Because a lot of us struggle to believe, and if he can do it and try... maybe we can try, too.
Like I said at the end of the story, be the Iris that you want to be, and be willing to let an Iris into your life. Even if it seems hard, it's worth trying to see our tomorrow, and if you give it a chance... well, things might work out in ways that you never could've imagined. As long as that story touched your heart, I'm happy to hear it. I'm getting ready to start my next story but I needed a tiny break from my emotional state which has delayed me a little bit in terms of getting it out soon. But, thank you for cheering for the next one!
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