#6.35 spoilers for loporrit quests
forgetsrotation · 1 year
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(SOUND WARNING - there is music!)
A video I put together from a little art/dance party I "hosted" (aka was there lol) - Super fun! We also had a drawing room mural. :D It made me super happy to see ppl partake in the drawing room!! ; v ;
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Yeah bud, I know that feeling v_v
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fourteentheart · 1 year
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(6.35 tribe quest spoilers) Shakingway, your dance partner is here!
I’m quite enamored with these tribe quests. Very Makoh’tocore!
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finalrespite · 1 year
I'm on hiatus from Twitter for the time being and I know the community is going to be sharper tongued about this than I so I'm glad I'm not there
Mind you I'm having fun with the buny quests, but seeing that the Loporrits have a little dance of their own and as far as I can tell that's not the emote reward we're getting, just the ear flop? I feel that was such a sorely missed opportunity?
It's a cute emote they do, but seeing what it (inevitably perhaps) does on Viera is sooo... it's disappointing?
Also I was already in a frame of mind where I just want them to always add more persistent dances? This comes off the Little Ladies' Dance not looping on its own, and the Lali Hop IS like the last actual dance we got in the game. idk. Just a bit weird I guess. 😔
Also we're basically at a club and the Loporrit dance could be called Dream Feet like come on 👀 🥺
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tishinada · 1 year
Newest tribal quest spoilers...
Bwahahaha! I love this...
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A Loporrit nightclub! And I want some of those decos lol.
I’d wondered about how they’d react to losing their primary purpose (I have to admit, I was thinking Venat would want us to help them find their own purposes now), so I’m glad they’re addressing it beyond Urianger and his treasure vault project.
And you know, I couldn’t help imagining our departed ancient friends watching this unfold, and picturing Venat laughing in delight, Hythlodaeus clapping, and Hades with his head in his hands :D
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balladingbard · 1 year
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Same energy.
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dechamberre · 1 year
oh the villain in the loporrit tribe quests is someone who trained and spent their whole life thinking they'd be a counselor to humanity but the opportunity was taken from them abruptly and their dream died and they have no interest in doing anything else so they just want to sleep forever instead haha okay cool 🥲
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gunbun · 1 year
Dreamwalker: Deliberately Amateur
6.35 Spoilers!
So the loporrit tribal quests have come out and the background music of their area, Dreamwalker, and it’s a sort of electronic dance track and is quite the lil bop. So I did what every FFXIV player does and I went to find a nice loop of the track to listen to when I’m not otherwise at Hoper’s Hold.  In the comments, someone was commenting about how electronic music is in 4/4 time, which means that musical phrases should be 24 16 or 32 (thanks to the commenter whose username immediately left my head) "beats” per musical phrase.  I’m not versed enough in music theory terminology to explain it in depth, but I did learn from a fwb in university who is a DJ that electronic music “goes on 4s”.  every change in the music or bass drop should occur when the 4/4 time goes through itself on multiples of 4. Changes in Dreamwalker are happening every 22 beats instead.  The YouTube commenter seemed to indicate that this is evidence of a kind about Soken not quite knowing much about electronic music
to which i say not only no, but HELL no. Here’s the thing: Dreamingway decides that they want to do music.  They learn about it from the resources fuckin Sharlayan sent them. A loporrit made things to make music with, and started vibing.  A loporrit who didn’t have a DJ friend to explain to them that electronic music goes on 4s. And a composer who’s good enough to not only arrange a song like that, but still have its discordant time measure work.
Soken deliberately made Dreamwalker sound a little unproduced and amateurish because that is what it is.  It is the music this little loporrit had the cojones to create for no other reason than they felt like it. Masayoshi fucking Soken knows electronic music goes on 4s. Dreamingway doesn’t. Soken wrote the song that Dreamingway wrote, exactly as they would have written it. that’s cool as hell
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aotopmha · 1 year
FFXIV thoughts:
Loporrit quest intro and Hildibrand.
(6.35 spoilers.)
These are fantastic.
Hildibrand especially is currently in top form. I think Hildibrand is best when it is as out there and high energy as possible and the Endwalker quests do such a great job at leaning into this while also maintaining a strong direction towards an actual story endpoint, something I think ARR and StB Hildibrand kind of struggled with. It's a blast.
I think by the end of it we might have the origin of the strength of the Manderville family actually revealed since the relic quest is also tied to Godbert and part of that questline is him doing research involving his family.
I love the dry humour in the Loporrit quests. Just like the Omicron quests, it's some meaningful social commentary and a thematic continuation of the themes of Endwalker in a coating of (sometimes pretty dark) dry humour, yet it still manages to have pathos.
As said, these are pretty solid!
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