#6ft 6 in of muscles and cute
wingcinna · 5 years
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sketch Muriel x Sajna kiddo, Aralai. surpressing the urge to pet a strangers dog~
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autisticoolatta · 4 years
Brooo!!! Tell me more about character design!!!
ok so. i will tlak ab my science team bcs hyperfixation <3 they range from human passing to so very nonhuman but none of them are really human ! this is going under a cut because it is so very long
darnold is most human , he looks p mcuh normal but he consumes things that should absolutely kill him VXBSB.. hes around 5′7 , i draw him w a square-ish shape language bcs hes intelligent and relatively sensible but round corners cause hes v kind !! i hc he enjoys old-timey fashion so i give him a bowtie & suspenders under his labcoat ! he also gets dimples bc cute. 
gordon is p human at first glance but if u look closer he has slightly pointed ears and his canines are a little longer than average. he also has retractable claws like a cat , benreys like wtf didnt you say it was weird that i had claws ? and hes like nah its weird you cant retract them. also its barely noticeable but gordons hair moves veery slightly when hes emotional becayse heehoo. hes around 5′9 and has a relatively wide rectangle silhouette bcs hes hard-working and trustworthy ! post-game he mostly wears comfortable casual clothes like sweaters and knee-lenght shorts. dresses like a dad :^)
coomer mostly looks like a regular friendly old guy , but he has a buncha cybernetics hidden under his clothing bcs of course he does ! the extendo-arms are visibly metallic but his leg enhancements are mostly internal. hes 5′4 and has a v much circular silhouette ! friend-shaped !! he wears kind grandpa clothes.. shorts , hawaiian shirts , vests etc ! and yes he wears crocs <3
forzen is also pretty human-passing in terms of appearence , though he Can and occasionally Does subtly shapeshift.. and she also consumes things that would be so deadly to humans. like motor oil and rocks :) hes seemingly immune to bullets and has fangs but only sometimes. shes 6ft tall and her shape is p much square ! he wears an outfit v similar to his military uniform bc everyone was like dude get some new clothes wtf. so she was like FINE *buys near-identical red beret , fishing vest , huge backpack , camo pants and boots*
tommy.... WAY too tall 2 be human. hes 7′8. taller than gman. his silhouette is very tall thin oval :) round edges again bcs hes kind ! hes lanky but a lot physically stronger than he looks. he also consumes inedible things like computer keyboards. he has fangs , his eyes glow in the dark and he can use sweetvoice to a basic extent ! he also wears suspenders and bowties along w comfy baggy clothes like sweaters & chunky sneakers or crocs ! he also wears a lot of chew jewellery and he loves patterned socks :) he also uses a cane because being SO fucking tall isnt v easy on yr joints ! he uses crutches on worse days.
bubby is. also very tall but nowhere near tommy. hes 6′5 ! he has noticeably very pale skin & neat rows of pointy teeth (altho some are probably chipped). they also have almost-clawed fingers , v pointy shape language with a tall thin rectangular kinda silhouette. theyr not v physically strong most of the time so theyre pretty scrawny. his strength works on cartoon logic tho so he can be strong sometimes if it makes the situation funnier hebfhebr.. in-game he wears p much exactly the scientist uniform w no added stuff , but post-game hes like oh shit ! i casn do what i want now !! and goes out and buys a shitload of leather jackets and chunky shoes and gets so many piercings. awesome. the piercings & studs on their clothes also add pointiness to his design :^) oh and ! they use crutches because spending most of your life suspended in goo isnt very good for your muscles .
gman ! 7′5 so also inhumanly tall. he has pale greyish skin and is pretty clearly not human , he also has fangs & his eyes glow perpetually he Cannot Turn That Off. he doesnt necessarily eat inedible stuff but he has uncharacteristic reactions to foods , like alcohol doesny affect him at all but he drinks a pint of sparkling water and wakes up in a hollowed out tree stump in the woods at 4am 2 miles from his house. he can also teleport , make himself invisible for a limited time , levitate , and shapeshift ! he has a tall thin rectangular silhouette similar to bubby , but a little wider bcs hes more imposing & strong. when hes not in one of his 50 identical suits , he wears dad clothes also; hawaiian shirts & shorts and of course... socks & sandals.
finally benrey ! he4s so small. simply small as fuck. hes generally around 4′4 , but he doesnt really have a consistent height bcs hes constantly shapeshifting because he can. they also shift their weight occasionally and their hairstyle is never consistent at all. they have pale greyish skin , the face shadow ofc is permanent as are their eyebags , and he also just . doesnt have a nose. he can smell he just doesnt have one. probably has no ears either. he has a round silhouette but sharp uneven teeth & generally p messy hair , cause hes unassuming and laid back but Can fuck u up if he wants to. which generally they dont bcs they dont actually like being in physical conflict much at all. they use a wheelchair post-canon bcs dying does that to u <3 he doesnt mind tho , he and tommy deck it the fuck OUT w stickers. he wears casual clothes like hoodies and sweatpants ,  and has a seemingly endless hat collection... chullos , helmets , ball caps , beanies , you name it ! i usually draw them with a specific hat based on the situation , like im doing an animatic of the callmecarson spelling bee and benrey has a ball cap that says “im a keeper” with a pic of a bee on it. awesome
OK THATS LIKE ALL I HAVE tysm for letting me infodump BSKJKD... if u read all of this im proud of u <3
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blackrosesfanfic · 4 years
Chapter 228
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"Aye, so where did you sleep?" Hidia asks me loud enough for everyone to hear.
"Bitch, don't." I whisper.
She giggles still talking loud. "What?"
"With your man?" Chris asks. "Aye, where Jamaal?"
"Getting his daughter ready. Same fucking place he was last night. With his daughter." I roll my neck. "Auntie Debra got two beds in her room nosey-ness."
Hidia laughs. "Cockblocking from all directions. Where this daughter at? That's why you not feeling Mr. Workman."
I look at Marco sitting next to her. "Oh he just Mr. Workman now?"
"What was he before?" Marco says after seeing me look at him.
"Don't even try it." She says to him putting her hand in his face. "Know your stupid ass can't argue worth a damn."
Chris leans forward on the table. "Well got damn Hiya. I thought you were nice."
"Okay." I laugh.
"I am nice." Her bipolar ass says happily. "I just don't take that shit. You not bout to make me look like I'm fucking cheating when I'm faithful and I know it."
Jamaal sits down at the table looking back. "I thought Lexi would be out of place with a bunch of babies."
"Naw, Hiya got a 5 year old and Leah daughter about... older than 6." Chris says.
"Well she ain't gonna get shit out of my son." Hidia says looking back at him.
I sit up looking at him. "He still won't talk to yall?"
"Hell no." Hidia says. "Marco ass says its cause I talk too damn much."
Marco turns his head towards her making his dreads fall all in his face. He was a light skin mixed fine motherfucker. His mother was Honduran and his father black. He like 6ft and all muscles with a face full of hair. He is fucking worst than Trey when it comes to fucking Hidia. That's why I did that. She complains about it all the time. It's funny how the fine ass motherfuckers can't believe they can keep a woman. So insecure.
"You play ball, Marco?" Chris asks.
Chris makes a face. "No thank you."
I take the whole plate of egg muffin things. Can't think of the name of them but gosh they taste good as hell. I make a face at them.
"What are these?" I snap.
"Vegan frittata." Chris says reaching across the table and snatching the plate before I could think about it. "For vegans."
I suck my teeth. "Christopher..."
He laughs wickedly. "You don't know me, man."
"Vegans don't eat eggs." I look at Jamaal. He looks my way. He always looking at me. I smirk at Chris then whisper. "Take em back."
"What?" Chris scrunches up his face.
Jamaal takes the Frittatas handing them across the table to me. Chris laughs really hard and starts talking shit to Jamaal. I look at Hidia then stand up.
"Bitch." I say to her.
"Damn." She says covering her mouth. She swallows her food. "What the fuck is wrong with you?"
I grab the frittatas and walk away. I only assume she is following me. I go into my room and sit the plate on the bed.
"You okay?" Jamaal asks.
"I'm fine." I snap.
Hidia walks in the room eating her waffle. "I go walking away from the table and Marco's ass sticks his fork in my plate. No. We not sharing shit all that food being supplied on someone else's budget. Now I see if we... Jamaal. We really don't need you, boo."
"Damn, I just wanted..."
"I know, I know. All you men think you matter. Take your butt and your cute outfit back to the table."
"I do have him looking good, right?" I say stuffing a frittata in my mouth.
Jamaal sighs walking out. "Aight."
Hidia waves at him then leans on the dresser. "So what you need a tampon, pad, condom... i don't use those tacky ass cups but the store has them."
"Yeah, you squeeze em and slide them up in your vagina..."
"Umm..." Amber says making a face and kinda closing the door. "Yeah maybe you got it under control."
Hidia laughs. "You one of us. Coochies shouldn't make you uncomfortable, bae."
"The uncomfortable part is having to describe some shit that you squeezing... I don't wanna know if we finding out after 25."
"Oh just come in. I'm talking about those... anyway. Girl, what you need?"
I roll my eyes. "A pregnancy test."
Hidia sucks her teeth. "Oh you fucking lying."
"I got one." Amber says walking out.
"Wait." I say but she had already closed the door.
"What the fuck going on?" Hidia says standing up straight. "Bitch."
I wave my hand. "Don't say nothing."
Amber comes back in the room. "Sorry I got carried away."
"Did you?" Hidia snaps when Amber drops a bag on the table.
"I was like buying these for charity." Amber laughs. "Charity, right?"
I laugh picking one out the bag. "Yeah bitch my name Charity."
"No..." Hidia says pointing to Amber. "Are you?"
"I can't piss without Chris there, better yet spend 5 plus minutes in the bathroom."
"So let's all pee on a damn stick."
Everybody freezes when the door opens. Fadiya stares around the room awkwardly. She had all of us scared. She comes in the room and closes the door softly still confused. I blow breaking the silence.
"Who would think the first time you fuck somebody without a condom your shit disappear? Poof." I say emptying the bag.
"Or fucking your ex baby brother, right?" Fadiya says.
"What?" I snap then whisper. "Bitch you pregnant?"
"By her ex's baby brother. Let's keep the juice." Hidia says grabbing a test. "Oh no. I ain't fucking taking shit with yall. This not high school. This ain't no damn pregnancy pact."
I stuff my mouth then walk toward the bathroom. "Me first. I had to pee 5 frittatas ago."
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A part of me really wanted to open up that box and let Cammie's mother know about what happened to her in college. The other part of me says I'm a coward for drawing the attention to something else. I love my Jayla and who knows what tragedy she will have to relive. I touch her thigh. I got you baby.
"That's selfish of me. This not about them." I say looking at April. You gonna back me up?
"It's about anything that safely comes up." Wanda says.
I shrug. "I agree but we pushing this if she says she doesn't want to talk about it."
"Well then Trey talk about what's going on with you. You say you fine. Do we just let that go?"
"No, cause I'm not fine." I say.
Cammie looks at me. "Why not?"
I shrug. "I just want different things in life and it ain't working."
"Say what?" She snaps.
"I mean..."
She makes a sassy face. "Take your time and say it right. We got time to hear you out."
I chuckle at her attitude. "I'm saying I want to be out there hustling and making moves. I want to be the man on top. Have all the money I can get. You know? But I just want to sit home and be with my family. The pull isn't working. It makes me fucking crazy."
"That's very understandable when you don't set clear realistic goals for yourself." Wanda says. "You know Trey when have you ever just stopped and dealt with everything that has happened in the last year. You got married, had a baby in the hospital, went on a career altering tour, and released an album. Have you dealt with any of this?"
"I've dealt with it. I got through it."
She leans up towards the table. "What made you not take your life?"
I look at Cammie. "I wanted to hear my baby voice."
"Tremaine?" Cammie says tears running down her cheeks.
"Not your son?" April asks.
I shake my head squeezing Cammie's thigh. "No. They have her. They have the best thing for them."
"Me by myself is not the best thing for them jackass."
"Jayla." Her mom says softly.
April whispers something to her. I rub on Cammie's thigh. She blows shaking her head. I mean it was what I was feeling. It was the truth.
"I know different now."
"Do you Tremaine? Was Lane fucking better off before you met him? Was he good not even having a chance to know his father? And you gonna do it to Caden willingly?"
"I wasn't thinking about that."
She sucks her teeth. "Of course because you were being selfish. If something happens to me then..."
"No. We not talking about that shit." I retort.
"Tremaine, yes the fuck we are. I got to know that you are here for my boys and not just me."
I turn to her. "I love the fuck out of my sons. I just don't want to think of losing you."
"They shouldn't have been easy for you to erase."
"Jayla you wouldn't fucking know what drugs will help you erase."
I just said the wrong fucking thing. I wanted to take it back immediately. Gotdamn. I lose all the fucking control I had. She springs up from the table and starts to walk away. I get up on her heels. I stop her.
"Baby, I'm sorry." I say hugging her.
"Get off of me. How the fuck you gonna tell me? Like..."
I hug her close to me against her will. "Jayla, I'm sorry."
"You can't keep doing shit like this."
"I know." I say kissing her head. "I'm sorry."
She hits me. "For what Tremaine? Why the fuck are you sorry? Let me go."
"Jayla." I say not listening.
"Let me go!" She screams.
I let go of her backing up. I always fuck stuff up worse than they were. That's the reason I feel like I don't deserve her. Shit like this. I can't get my fucking self together and its tearing us apart. Painfully and slowly. Ripping everything we could be apart before we even get it together. She walks out of the room. Nobody tries to even stop her. She didn't want me to touch her and that shit had my heart burning out my chest.
"I don't understand." Her mother says. "She is just so angry. So hurt."
"You can really feel it can't you?" Wanda says.
"Oh yes. I am her mother. I can feel her when she is miles away. Just hurting. It just hurts when you have to let go of the person you loved so deep and everything they left behind forces you to let go as well."
I turn around when I hear a chair move. April was hugging her and saying something low to her. I wipe my face defeated. I walk out of the room to find Cammie.
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babyyoudontknowjack · 5 years
You Don’t Know Jack
Chapter 4
I want to backtrack a little bit.
He didn’t come out of nowhere. He just really mattered so little to me.
I got greedy. I wanted my net cast wider than just tinder. At that point I had 364 matches and I was getting to know three boys each week before they cycled out and got ghosted, but tinder really isn’t a place for conversation. I opened up a plenty of fish account at work. As soon as my profile was set up my phone blew up. I thought it would run out of batteries it was vibrating for 5 minutes straight.
James is 5 years older than me, but because of Michael I knew I couldn’t even try to win him over. I was looking for his substitute. On tinder my age range was for four years older than me and up. I was swiping right on guys 6ft and over with nice forearms who liked the country scene. On plenty of fish I hadn’t set that up yet. My inbox was full of guys my age and no’s.
The first profile icon that caught my eye was a blonde, shirtless dude with shredded muscles 🤤. We talked for a bit. He sent me voice messages and I ate that shit up.
“Oh it says you’re 25,” i was 26 at the time.
“Haha so?”
“Kinda younger than what I’m used to.”
“Does it matter?”
“I guess not.”
He stopped talking after that. I probably would have let him fuck me.
The rest of the day was spent typing out, “hey how’s your day going,” to various dudes. Not much work got done that day. A lot of messages went unanswered and a lot of guys were told that I liked tinder way better because I could choose who to talk to.
I’m not entirely sure how it happened. I think I was scrolling through the suggested profiles on top and his profile came up so I clicked on it. He was exactly my type. White with light ‘hockey hair’ and at least 6 ft. My policy is to never message first.
“Hey what’s up I’m Jack,” he says right away.
“Hey I’m Trisha.”
“Nice to meet you sorta,” but his profile was set to 25  and my heart was broken because things seemed to be going well between James and Ms. 12/10. I didn’t feel like responding anymore.
I got off of plenty of fish.
When I got home that day I get a message from George asking how my day went. It had been a week of getting to know him and I was surprised that he really just wanted to talk. Most guys stopped talking to me if I didn’t entertain their libidos, but he was very attractive and not perverted.
It was a picture of him with his hand out, there was a little bird in his palm pecking at seeds.
“I am one with nature,” was all it said. My heart melted. I was quickly figuring out that the world of online dating is full of freaks and the good ones are few and far between.
“You are so cute,”
“Thanks,” and thus our nightly chats had begun. I would text him in the back of Edmund’s car while we were smoking weed. He would tell me he loved beer, called it his adult bottle. He always had some type of chips while watching a show before going to bed at 9 pm. He worked early the next day.
“I told Ms. 12/10 not to expect Valentine’s Day dinner or Valentine’s Day presents,” James didn’t actually call her that.
“Valentine’s Day is overrated anyway,” I say. “You probably should though if you want to get it in.”
“Like what?”
“I don’t know get a chocolate bar from a gas station and a beanie baby.” I was over the conversation. “This guy George has been talking to me and hasn’t even indicated that he wants to go on a date.”
“You ask him out then. Guys like initiative. Could you pick out something for me?”
I got a cookies and cream bar and some stuffed cat animal from Walmart. Not to mention that I was drafting and editing every single text message to Ms. 12 so she was really OUR new girl friend. I even got to peek at the nudes. I took James’s advice and asked George out. We had a date on Saturday. I was way too jaded for Valentine’s Day dates.
The next day I figured I should really focus on working instead of the dating world. There was an audit coming up and I was part of the team, but I knew there wouldn’t be a group hang out that night because of Valentine’s Day. James decided he was into it all of a sudden.
My phone had been buzzing on and off all day.
“Downtoearthguy69 wants to meet you.”
“New message: Tinder Reginald”
“Redbrown sent you a new message.”
“Hey what’s up” was all it said. I suspect he copy and pasted ‘hey what’s up I’m jack’ to every inbox, but he had already messaged me the day before.
There were hundreds of messages in my inbox worshipping me and a handful of guys who were a little further along in the game. Several more thought they were going to be seeing me at some point to do whatever they liked. For me, getting these guys attention was no more rewarding than winning the pot with a pair on a texas holdem game.  
“I’ve never had a ginger before,” was all I said.
“Oh yeah you wanna cross me off your list?”
He added me on Instagram after that. He liked two pictures and tells me I’m actually really hot. Maybe one day I’ll write a book on his formula because it’s really effective. He asks me if I have any more pictures.
“What do you mean? Whatever pictures I got of me is all on my Instagram,” I knew what he meant.
“Yeah I guess you’re right.”
I was toying with him. Older guys don’t have time to text all day, but his responses were fast and frequent. He said he was at work but now I highly suspect that he was unemployed at the time.
He didn’t get a response after that. It usually meant the conversation was over and most guys took the hint, but it didn’t deter him. It never did.
“Not this weekend, but next weekend my parents are going away if you want to come over.”
Ha, parents. Older guys usually had their own place.
Two weeks to mess with him - 14 days to come up with some lame excuse why I can’t make it.
“Absolutely (not),”
“What we gonna do :p”
He gets left on that for 20 minutes.
I take a picture of my desk littered with binders and supplier approval questionnaires and send it to George. It was captioned, ‘ can’t wait for the week to be over.’
I prompt Tinder Reginald to make his move on the chess game we had going.
I don’t hear back from them. Like I said, most of the older guys are focused on their work. It was something I had grown accustomed to. Every guy I wanted to talk to wouldn’t be texting me back until 5:30 p.m. at the earliest.
“U there?”
In our short, torrid love affair I repeatedly told him that this was what set him apart from everyone - why he kept getting responses even though he was just another faceless DM. He had me at ‘u there?’
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