#sometimes you need to draw a sweetie
Helluva Boss Characters Reacting to You Asking for a Hug
Tbh this series is just for my own enjoyment at this point lmao
I’m so normal about them, I swear.
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Honestly, it depends on what type of relationship you have with him
Familial relationship? Best BELIEVE he’s coddling the shit outta you rn
^ def a cheek pincher
“Hey sweetie? Do you need me ta fuck someone up for ya?”
But if y’all are platonic, or SATAN FORBID
R O M A N T I C ?
Ur not getting Shit
Well, until you start crying
“You’re a fuckin’ baby, you know that?”
Very casual hugs
Always sits his chin on you
Will complain the entire time
But you both know he loves you
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“Oh shit, you good?”
She’s blunt, not heartless
Honestly pretty touched that you asked for a hug instead of just going for one
Like her adoptive dad, very casual hugs
Usually just slings an arm over your shoulders
Won’t talk to you about it
Y’all just sit in comforting silence
Don’t let anyone point out that she’s letting you touch her
Will get v flustered
Depending on how you both feel - may let you play with her hair to self regulate
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“Sure thing, hun!”
Doesn’t matter who you are, or why you need a hug, she’ll take it
Physical affection is her top love language idc
Squeezes super super tight
Like, you can barely breathe
Gushes over how sweet you are
Will probs pepper your face in kisses too (doesn’t matter what ur relationship with her is)
((Millie is a strong believer in non-romantic kisses, she told me herself))
Will probs ask Moxxie to bring y’all a drink
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“Uhh, you sure you want a hug from me?”
Yes babe I’m sure
Doesn’t think he’s the best one to be comforting you - will palm you off to Millie if he can
But will be offended if anyone else says he can’t look after you
^^ Gets all huffy about it
Distraction is his new best friend
Will tell you a mixture of stories and fun facts to try and make you feel better
Will also make you a hot drink
If you want to, will talk out your feelings with you
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Babes just blinks for a hot minute as your words register with him
Has the softest smile
“Of course, dearest. Come here.”
A hug isn’t enough for him, you’re in for a full blown cuddle sesh now
Likes the feeling of having you fully wrapped up in his arms
Forehead kisses. Forehead Kisses.
Will sometimes swaddle you in blankets like a literal baby
Hums softly for you
Tries to ask what’s wrong, will def push the subject
He just wants to fix it, okay?
Will just,,, smother you in affection until you’re okay
And then some
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Judgemental eyebrow raise.
Judgy, judgy girl
Y’all gotta be CLOSE for her to hug
((But not really, she’s so touch starved its not funny, but we don’t talk about that-))
Long, comforting hugs
If u end up crying, will fix your makeup for you
Don’t mention it though
Like, literally don’t mention it or it won’t happen again
She probs just breathes a sigh of relief when y’all hugs
Holds on a little too tight, for a little too long
If you ask first, she’ll start coming to you for hugs now too
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Baby. Baby, baby man.
Will wrap his arms around you several times over
Another really tight hugger
You had shit to do?
Sike, not anymore
Now you’re spending all day with Fizz
Your fault, you started it by asking for a hug
Is super worried about you, but tries to play it down
Will do stupid shit just to see you laugh
Will ALSO flirt with you until you can’t stand it anymore
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Immediately concerned, does not try to hide it
Much like his bf, cancels all plans for today
Y’all are gonna be chilling in bed and cuddling now
Just kinda,,, scoops you up?
Definitely plays with your hair
Gives a SOLID head massage
So so gentle and sweet
Just lays you on his chest
Draws pictures on your back and makes you guess what he’s drawing
^^ he does this to help ground you
Tbh he’ll probably drag Fizz to bed too, so know they’re both looking after you
Mans isn’t gonna let anyone get left out
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wolfiesmoon · 2 months
Genshin guys as dads 🤭
in honour of finally getting off my ass and finishing mondstat, i bring you genshin men as dads <3 i decided to challenge myself and write for characters i haven't written for at all yet
the reader is gender neutral (u can interpret that the kid was adopted or u can interpret that the kid is biologically yours)
Yk the more i read these guys' lines to get a better idea of their characters the more i think they need a therapy session stat
Characters featured: Diluc, Alhaitham, Childe, Ayato
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౨ৎ‧₊˚ ⋅ Diluc Ragnvindr
"Diluc! Diluc, are you in here?" you knocked before opening the door to his office, assuming he's probably there. You were finally returning to the winery late in the evening and wanted to see how your daughter and husband were doing.
Tonight, they should both be at the winery.
But to your surprise, the office was completely empty. You haven't heard a single peep from your daughter yet, either. Usually she'd be running around and yelling, even if she wasn't with Diluc.
You went upstairs to check your bedroom and were met with a most adorable sight when you opened the door. Your daughter was very peacefully asleep, drool and all, on Diluc's chest. Diluc did not seem very pleased with this arrangement, however.
"Welcome home." he sighed upon seeing you walk to the side of the bed.
"Looks like someone's on pillow duty." you teased him, petting your daughter's head.
"Don't make fun of me. She's been running around all day with seemingly no end to it. Sometimes I'm surprised at what her tiny legs are capable of." he leaned his head back, looking up at the ceiling.
"She said she's not tired at all. But she fell asleep almost instantly when she sat on top of me to, umm... bother me." to anyone else, Diluc would seem like he hates this kid with how much he says she bothers or annoys him, but you know that isn't the case.
Whenever she runs up to him to show him something she did, he pats her little head lovingly. He keeps the drawing she made of him in his office, even if he is a bit concerned at how grumpy he looks in her artistic interpretation.
"I wasn't making fun of you... Okay, maybe a little bit." you leaned down, cupping Diluc's face and kissing his cheek. He hummed in dissaproval, but his cheeks turned pink anyways.
"Would you mind joining me? If I can't... I want to know that you're safe, atleast." his eyebrows were creased in worry. You don't know what for, exactly, but you gladly joined him on the bed, hugging him too.
"Is your aim to suffocate me further?" the combined weight of about a quarter of your body and his daughter was not the most freeing in the world.
"No, I just happen to understand the appeal of sleeping on top of you." and you really do. It's always so warm and homey.
"You've worked hard today, dad." you moved some stray hairs out of his face. His tired eyes met yours for a moment before they slipped shut. Hehehe, you need to take a photo of this.
౨ৎ‧₊˚ ⋅ Alhaitham
(let's pretend you live together with him now instead of kaveh haha)
"Dad doesn't love me!" the sudden accusation had you turning your head fast, wanting to know what was going on. "What did he do, sweetie?" the little pout on her pudgy face was adorable.
She ran up to you and hugged your leg. "You still love me, right?" she seemed very worried about your reply. It seems like she isn't in the mood to give a proper answer to your question, though.
"Of course I do. You're very very very special to me." You pat her head gently. She seemed satisfied with your reply, giggling happily at you before running off to play.
When Alhaitham returned home that day, he attempted to interact with his daughter, as he tries to every day, but he was utterly ignored.
He looked to you, hoping you'd know the reason, but you just shrugged. "She says you don't love her anymore."
"Hm..." was his only reply.
"That's because he doesn't! I told him 'I love you' yesterday but he didn't say it back!" Your daughter crossed her little arms, scowling at her dad before turning around so she didn't have to look at him.
"So it was that." Alhaitham seemed like he understood the situation properly now. And you realised what happened too, because it happens to you occasionally.
"Sweetie, listen. Your dad likes to wear these thingies in his ears. And when he wears them, he can't hear a thing." You explained in the most child friendly way you could.
"Not even an explosion?" Your daughter finally turned back to look at you and Alhaitham, though her eyes were fixated firmly on you.
"Nope. Nothing at all. When he didn't say 'I love you too' yesterday, it was because he was wearing them and couldn't hear." Your daughter turned her head back with an annoyed 'hmph', but you knew she was listening to you.
"So I propose a hug attack. Whenever you see him wearing them." You smiled evilly, glancing at Alhaitham who shot you a dissaproving glare in return.
"Leave me alone." Your daughter huffed, stomping off down the hallway. Oh well, kids don't always think critically, do they? You have a feeling she's already forgiven him a little, though.
"Children make no sense to me." He admits, and you finally greet him properly with a little welcome home peck.
"That's the fun in it, though." You smiled at him and to your surprise, he smiled right back. As awkward as he can get with the kid, he loves her a whole lot.
౨ৎ‧₊˚ ⋅ Childe
"Mhhhh... what is it?" he mumbled in annoyance when he felt his hand getting shook. His voice sounded quite raspy now.
"Dad... Dad..." turns out it was your son who was pulling on Childe's arm. He looked like he was about to burst into tears any second, now.
As soon as he saw the distress on his son's dimly lit face, his attitude changed and he was overcome with the sudden urge to take revenge on something or someone. Maybe it's the dad instinct.
"I had a nightmare.... I'm scared..." your son sobbed.
By this point, even you woke up, but your body was still mostly asleep, so you were just listening in.
"Come up here." Childe tapped the bed and your son awkwardly climbed up into his arms.
"Was it a scary monster?" Childe asked in an exaggerated scary voice. Your son nodded, gripping onto the front of Childe's shirt.
"In that case... you don't have to worry at all. I always love a challenge." you could practically see the smile on Childe's face. You turn over, opening your eyes slightly. You have to admit, the sight in front of you is adorable.
"What do you mean, dad?" your son sniffled, rubbing the snot away with his tiny hand.
"I'll fight the monster, of course. Oh, how wonderful it would be to see the b-" he winced a little bit when he felt the light slap on his face.
"Ajax, you'll scare him even more." you warned, your own voice raspy. You moved your other hand to ruffle your son's hair to comfort him.
"Ow, clearly, someone doesn't appreciate me enough." Childe rolled his eyes playfully.
Without warning, you lean forward and peck him on the lips. "There. Now I've evened out the slap."
"Just one peck? Well, I suppose we can't do much more right now... Hehe." Childe turned his attention back on your son, stroking his back gently to calm him down.
"Why do you have that look on your face?" you noticed he was smiling strangely.
"What look?" your accusations have been denied. But he sure does have a plan for you later.
౨ৎ‧₊˚ ⋅ Kamisato Ayato
"DAD! Look at where I am!" Your son shouted from somewhere in the tree that was stood in the beautifully maintained garden.
Being the little rebel he is, he climbed the tree despite you telling him multiple times not to.
"Please get down from there. It's unsafe." Ayato tried to reason with him calmly upon noticing him in the treetops.
"Nah, it's so cool up here! I can see the whole estate!" Sometimes, your son's stubborn nature made it hard for him to get along with Ayato. This is one of those cases.
"This is not a joking matter. You could get seriously hurt." Ayato doesn't think he could properly live with himself for a bit if his kid got hurt when he could have prevented it.
"What's going on here?" You joined in, happening to pass by the garden.
"He won't come down. I'm... worried about him." He admits, crossing his arms. Though you do sense a bit of annoyance behind his voice, too.
"Come down. I told you not to climb that tree so many times." You crossed your arms firmly. Your son looked at Ayato's face, then yours and sighed, beginning to descend from the tree. He'd rather avoid a scolding. But his little foot slipped and he suddenly tumbled to the ground.
"Son!" Both of you immediately ran to his side as he started wailing. "Call for healers. Immediately." He seemed fine, looking at him initially, but he might have a broken leg or something.
Both of you stayed by his side the whole time, offering him words of comfort (and a bit of a scolding). It seems like something like this happens almost every week, now. The Kamisato household has certainly gotten livelier ever since getting blessed with your son.
"Well, that was certainly an afternoon." You huffed, sitting down behind the table across Ayato.
"I wish he wasn't so reckless and disobedient, sometimes." Ayato held his cheek in worry. He let his son get hurt, again.
"He got that mischief from you." You smiled innocently, sipping your tea.
"Whatever do you mean, dear?" He smiled innocently back.
"I miss days of solitude. We only have moments now. I suppose my life hasn't been a calm one for a long while now, though." He sips his own tea, looking outside at the sunset. Working as hard as he does every day is taxing on the soul.
"Guess we gotta make the most of it." You stood up, sitting back down next to him and playfully pecking his cheek.
"Oh, I see what you mean." He returned the mischevious smile you know and love. Just as he grabbed your waist, though...
"LOOK WHAT I HAVE!" Your son burst into the room, holding a sword. His sword.
"Aren't you supposed to be resting?!"
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princessbrunette · 4 months
good morning princess!!!! or evening or afternoon!!!
i fell asleep last night thinking about sleepy sex with jj, maybe he came to bed late or you just had a nap but the thought of him just sliding into bed behind you, all warm and soft, pressing kisses to your sleep-warm skin, pulling your ass back against his hips <333 murmuring in your ear between kisses about how warm you are n how much he missed you and how he much he NEEDS YOU !!
needless to say i had a great sleep teehee
good afternoon!
⊹ ׅ ۫ ꒰১ ˖ ˚ ♡ ˚ ˖ ໒꒱ ۫ ׅ ⊹
with jj, he wants you to suggest it. even if he’s dying to get himself inside of you— his pride will always make him touch on you just enough so that you come across more eager than he does. he wakes you when he climbs into the bed— drinking up as much of your warmth as he can as he stuffs his chin in the crook between your shoulder and neck whilst pushing his hands up your camisole. the weight of his bulge on your ass is comforting and familiar almost, and your half awake brain doesn’t really process his intentions when he pushes it against you.
“so, i did not mean to be gone all day.” he apologises, an octave above a whisper. “are you mad?”
you ask yourself, and you’re not— honestly. sometimes things just come up, it also didn’t help that you were barely awake, the feeling of his body against yours making it hard to be mad at anything.
“no, just glad you’re back.” you whisper, and he kisses your cheek in relief, pulling you even tighter against him. you think that’s gonna be the end of conversation and he’s going to let you doze off once more but he speaks again.
“i missed you today, real bad. kept turnin’ around thinking i was gonna see your lil face beside me and then i’d remember you weren’t there.” he chats quietly as his fingers dip into your waistband. he doesn’t go lower, just keeps his hand tucked there, drawing back to press a kiss to your back.
“mhm.” you respond clearly half asleep, so a hand creeps up towards your tit.
“missed touchin’ on you, mama.” he presses another kiss, and then you start to wake up. something else wakes up too, and now you’re pushing your ass back against him. “there she is.”
“m’sleepy.” you remind him, and he gently rolls you onto your back, pressing kisses in the dark to your tired parted lips.
“oh i’ll be so gentle. treat you like a real princess.” he continues kissing and touching until its like his body finds your passcode and your legs fall open for him. “just so warm… how can i be expected to resist this? just cruel, babydoll.” he murmurs, dragging his lips down your chest making you arch a little off the bed.
“just take it.” slips out your mouth on his descent downwards.
“hm?” he coo’s, focused on massaging your hips and slowly dragging your panties down.
“j’st take what you want.” you mewl, shuddering now that the blankets had been taken away from you. he licks his lips, glancing up at you once your panties are down past your knees.
“you know just what i wanna hear, dont’cha sweetie?”
⊹ ׅ ۫ ꒰১ ˖ ˚ ♡ ˚ ˖ ໒꒱ ۫ ׅ ⊹
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cinellieroll · 3 months
☆ random obey me headcanons part 3!
beelzebub, belphegor and solomon ♡
part one (lucifer, mammon and simeon)
part two (asmodeus, levi and barbatos)
part four (satan and diavolo)
cw: slight spoilers again if you haven't played the recent lessons
small note: thank you again for the likes and reblogs. also, happy 20 followers! yippeee :^D also sorry for the delay i was being silly the whole day so..yeah
☆ beelzebub:
- doesn't listen to music that much which is kinda weird like wdym you don't vibe to hard ass beats everytime you work out? on the bright side a cupid playing a harp melody does start playing in his head when he sees food
- some days his resting bitch face goes so hard you think he'll start biting your neck off if you even try to talk to him
- he does a lot of unintentional things it's actually so hilarious. like no he didn't mean to mindlessly draw an icecream on your hand and start licking it. it was an accident! he swears!
- when you cry he tries to cheer you up with jokes but it always end up being horrible because deep down he's panicking inside on what to say. the bitch starts saying "why did the chicken cross the road" jokes while watching you bawl your eyes out with snot bubbling out your nose
- so instead of the horrible jokes he decides to hug you instead while picking you up and gently sways you left to right <3 and during those situations he's willing to do anything you want. you want him to carry you to your room? gotcha. you want him to buy you food from hell's kitchen? he promises he won't eat it. (he actually didn't but you could see his drool staining the paper bag once he gives it to you)
- there was one point in his life where he was the smallest and fattest out of all the brothers when he was still younger. his older bros, especially mammon would always pinch and bite his cheeks because of how he looked <3
- watches hells kitchen while eating food from hells kitchen. mans obsessed with the show
- has dimples and an eye smile
- he likes it when he holds your hand and look at it from time to time. he just likes to see how big it is compared to yours.
☆ belphegor:
- doesn't really use his phone a lot and resorts to watching TV instead so he doesn't have to use his hands
- slept while candy was in his mouth and woke up choking once. safe to say lucifer banned candies for a whole month after that and everyone else was NOT happy.
- since he is the youngest out of all the brothers he's pretty spoiled in a way. he wants to be the one you hang out with the most and if he needs to pull out the moves just so you'll give him cuddles he won't think twice
- "what do you mean you have plans with asmo today? didn't you know? he ditched cooking duty last night and lucifer told me to do the job instead. i deserve your attention more than he does."
- he thought you were attractive the first time you two met
- takes reaction pics. it's mostly him in a dimly lit room with his eyebrow raised or replicating a funny photo of his brothers
- wasn't interested in shows like hells kitchen until he saw you and beel watching it. he occasionally watches drag race too
- during car rides or road trips he always has to be the one in the back just so he could lay down and sleep
- you can't rely on him for notes because it's always covered in drool when he sleeps in class. although he mostly never takes notes at all he just relies on stock knowledge and good memory
☆ solomon:
- he never caught up with the recent trends in the human world so you really had no one to relate or talk to about your favorite shows, songs, etc
- decided to catch up for you anyway. what a sweetie pie ^_^
- a tear rolled down his cheek when raphael confessed that he liked his cooking for the first time.
- when he's drunk he starts singing love songs and starts going on a ramble about how lonely he is when he isn't with you. and yes, his voice WILL crack.
- sometimes he points things with his lips it's SOOOO HOTTTT
- he gets sad when you get suspicious of him when he's doing a nice gesture for you. he's aware that everyone else think he's shady, and he is! but mc, he just wants to do something nice for you!
- he's an asshole and will constantly tease you especially if you guys are seated together in class. he'll write a note on your notebook saying something like "remember when you *insert embarrassing moment here* or will start writing something subtly flirty like "wanna come over after school?"
- he buys you a lot of expensive things out of nowhere. like there was no ocassion whatsoever but he gifted you the recent iphone like what?
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restinslices · 5 months
Ahhhh after some thought I’ll choose the earthrealm men with a lovey dovey s/o 👉🏻👈🏻
back to requests a mere 6 days after saying I was gonna take a break. Was that post a little unnecessary? Yes, but I didn’t want anyone to get mad at me for not posting everyday and not getting to requests immediately. ANYWAY, back like the flu.
Johnny Cage
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Johnny “Loves Attention” Cage is having the best time 
Do y'all remember how much of a cornball this man was in the game? He has no shame 
So a significant other who also has no shame? He's getting on one knee as soon as possible 
He tries to out cornball you 
He loves it all. The stupid nicknames, the cuddling, the gifts, the giggling, all the adoration, he's just in love
Definitely returns the favor. If you buy him smth, he's buying you smth (let's ignore that debt), you give him a nickname so he gives you one. It goes on and on
All this lovey dovey shit might exhaust some people. Johnny is not some people. 
The nicknames are probably his favorite part. He makes the most atrocious nicknames up because you won't be upset 
Some real dumb shit like Oogy Boogy Sweetie Weetie Cutie Patootie Kissy Face- yeah all that shit is one nickname. Why? Because it's funny to him and you'll laugh 
The type to get y'all dumbass matching shirts 
“If found return to stupid” “I'm stupid” 
Those type of shirts 
Everyone hates you because it becomes a competition of who can be the most corny. It's tortuous for anyone near you 
Cannot express enough how much this man enjoys the attention you give him. If one day you decided to ignore him as a joke, he'd actually be so sad and notice immediately 
He just adores having a corny lovey dovey partner. The best thing to happen to him. 
Kenshi Takahashi 
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He doesn't hate it but he definitely needs a breather sometimes 
Having a lovey dovey partner isn't terrible to him. All the touching and nicknames and being spoiled is definitely cute to him, but being lovey dovey also means you're on him a lot. Kenshi doesn't give me huge extrovert vibes so I think because you're so extreme(?) that there's times when he needs a break 
He thinks it's adorable though. He likes feeling wanted so he likes how outwardly you are with your love 
Idk if he likes all the nicknames though. I can see him easily cringing if you go overboard 
Idk how he'd feel about you spoiling him. He doesn't hate it but he feels like everytime you give him a gift, he has to give you one and he ain't got that shit on him. His own thoughts are running him dry 
When his social battery is recharged I think he'd like how physical and sweet you are
He enjoys how loved you make him feel. He's just not sure how to respond sometimes. I can see you saying something really corny and although he thinks it's cute, his brain doesn't move fast enough and he ends up just staring at you 
He rolls his eyes a lot too so it can give the appearance that he's annoyed by you but it's definitely not that 
You want some corny shit he'll definitely like? Matching jewelry. He'll eat it up like it's a cookie 
Also draw over his tattoos. He loves it 
Loves the corny shit his brain just legit shuts off sometimes 
Kung Lao
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Like Johnny, he enjoys the attention 
Idk if he necessarily enjoys all the corny things. I don't get a strong feeling from him. Maybe it depends on the day 
Likes the attention and spoiling but all the corny nicknames and shirts and just being a total sap makes him a little uncomfortable at times 
Once again, it depends on the day. Sometimes he's all for it and sometimes he's like “let's calm down for today”
Gets you a matching hat but without all the sharp shit because he doesn't trust you with sharp objects 
He's a mix of Johnny and Kenshi tbh
He refuses to wear those corny matching shirts. You'll have to kill him 
That applies to other things too
Those corny nicknames Johnny would make up? He'd prefer a beating from a serious Spiderman 
“Aw my Snookie Wookie-” “I'm gonna shoot myself right here right now. Please stop”
It's cute and he acknowledges that it's how you show love but certain things just ain't gonna work with him
Especially in public certain things just won't work with him because he has an ego and thinks certain things will make him look weird. It's giving insecure teen 
Don't doubt his love for you though. He loves his little sap. Just take it a bit slow 
At some point a switch would flip and he'd go from being embarrassed to thinking “wow, I'm so great my partner is willing to look silly in front of others!”
Now he feeds into your corny bullshit
A win is a win
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I fully believe him and Liu Kang are romantics, therefore he loves it 
He gets flustered easily so tons of affection makes his face go red and all that cute shit 
His brain also short circuits like Kenshi's. He's so bad at pretending he's not flustered 
“Are you blushing?” “...” “...” “...” “Raiden?” “Of course not”
Likes the consistent physical contact 
Spoiling him also makes him short circuit. He's trying to think of how to thank you but all that comes out is “oh!”
Adores you just as much as you adore him 
He likes gift giving. And idk mean just jewelry, I mean “you got me all these gifts so I'm gonna bring you a bunch of produce and hey, maybe we can cook later”
We saw him collecting cabbages like Cabbage Man from ATLA in the beginning of the game, he gotta still have the hook up
Loves receiving cheek kisses 
Man is so weak in the knees. Kung Lao can yell “STAND UP!” all he wants. That shit is not happening 
Play with his hair. Once again, weak in the knees 
He's having a great time. Sure he's easily embarrassed but it's not like “omg, you're being weird. Stop”. It's more of a “I love this but I feel like everyone's looking”
You two are super lovey dovey but not as obnoxious as you and Johnny. Johnny is like “you can't out corny me” and Raiden is just tryna vibe and love on you since you love on him 
All the embarrassment he feels is so worth it to him 
Liu Kang
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A romantic so all that lovey dovey shit? Heaven to him 
Liu Kang has so much love to give and he's never allowed to share it because his life is ass in every timeline 
So a partner that adores him and shows him how much they adore him? Did the Elder Gods hand craft you for him?
He's honestly a mix of everyone. He wants to love you all the time like Johnny, he loves how much you love him like Kenshi, he loves how much you outwardly adore him like Kung Lao and he's a huge romantic that loves how much time you spend together like Raiden
He's so love deprived so he loves everything you wanna do 
Matching shirts, jewelry, socks, whatever the fuck? Absolutely. 
Spoiling him with random shit? He'll take it all
Telling him how much you love him all the time? Yes. 
Giving him the dumbest and corniest nicknames? He'll take that too 
He's also lovey dovey so the feeling is very much mutual 
Enjoys quality time so you wanting to be on his hip is very much welcomed 
You're a breath of fresh air since you're so kind and loving to him. Remember he has all the memories of the past timeline, then this timeline gets fucked up. He's used to constant smoke and destruction so someone being so nice and sweet to him and relaxing with him is heavenly to him
Doesn't matter how corny it is. It's all he wants 
Real quick, two things. Firstly I wanna make more MK1 intros so y’all should give me ideas. Secondly I think it would be fun if we as a unit made an MK1 oc. I’d make polls, you’d vote on certain things and then we use the same results but tinker it to our individual liking. For example maybe we know they’re Edenian but their gender is up to you. It’d be like a bunch of variants. A Multiverse of Madness if you will.
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mooluvs · 10 months
The league of villains with a reader with a croc quirk
requests open | bnha masterlist
requested by @stitched-bones-draws
warnings: none | genre: platonic fluff | fic type: hcs
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Request: How about the lov from mha with a reader that has a croc mutation quirk, that has all the pros and cons of crocs(ei swim speed, and big lungs) and they are very loving, a good baker, loves to play fight/train, but… their way of showing affection is biting.
They love you
You’re super happy to have found people that accept you for you and don’t judge you for your quirk
And they all love having you around, you’re a big sweetie!
And very useful to have around
The biting... took them by surprise
Toga loves it, especially as she also has a unique way of showing affection.
In general she just loves having you around, your really nice and sweet to her.
And you don’t even flinch when she comes at you with a knife!!
She thinks of you as family.
Shigaraki claims he only keeps you around because you’re useful
That’s a lie, he adores you
You’re actually nice to him and never make any judgmental comments about his interests or appearance.
He likes training with you, you’re strong, but he much prefers just spending quiet time with you
Whether it be sat with you while you bake, or just sat at the bar talking.
You’re good company!
And you bring him tasty cakes when he’s gaming
To be honest, they all love your food.
Especially twice
Practically everyone even associated with the league has heard from him about how good your cooking is.
He’s your main hype man
He gives your cakes to Giran, all the time.
Not that the man’s complaining, they’re tasty
He also appreciates how you try and help him when he’s having a rough day mentally.
And how you try and calm him down when he feels like he’s splitting.
He really appreciates that.
He’ll try and help you bake sometimes.
So does Mr compress, and he’s surprisingly good at it.
He appreciates having another mature person around
I mean, you can cook for yourself and that is a hell of a lot than most the others can do
He likes that you’re loving and gentle but could also fuck a man up, if need be.
He enjoys just spending time with you, he likes your vibe and caring attitude
He about shat himself the first time you chomped on his arm
Was never judgemental about it, though
Just scared shitless
Dabi appreciates how strong you are
He lets you play fight him and treats it as training.
You’re a really good training partner, you’re strong and hard to take down
Even if you do fuss over his burns too much
Would never say it but he seriously appreciates how you help him with his burns and stitches
It warms his heart
He tries to repay you by helping you on any missions or getting you anything you need for baking.
Or just stealing stuff for you
It’s his love language, okay
He’s strangely protective of you, even though you could end most people in an instant
He acts almost like an older brother
You and spinner are reptile buddies
You’ve honestly done so much for his confidence
You always hype him up and defend him against any of dabi’s totally not affectionate insults.
You always hype him up
And you’ve been training him to help him improve in battle
You like to talk to him about your quirk and living as a heteromorph
Though your quirks are very different, you’ve had some similar experiences.
And both you have reptile traits
It’s good to find someone who knows the pain of having animalistic instincts and traits.
Also, him and Tomura sometimes grab you and drag you into video game sessions.
The other members don’t know this
Shiggy has a reputation to maintain
In conclusion, congrats on being adopted by a found family of Criminals.
Enjoy being the mom friend!
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suguruilyx · 2 months
yuuji x ftm reader Headcannons! (+ megumi)
-he’ll make you take binder breaks if you haven’t got top surgery!
-If you are feeling insecure about your body, or are being bullied for it, first he’ll beat the shit out of them, then cuddle, and kiss you all over
for example:
“are you ok sweetie?” He kissed you all over your face “my sweet boy, are you?” He asked you that every 1 minute , you nodded everytime, not wanting to worry him any further.
“m’ok yuu..just tired” you sniffed up your snot, that was about to run out, he wiped your tears “ok..ok let’s rest up then, ok?” He kissed your forehead, once again, before falling asleep holding you.
-if you DID get top surgery, without a doubt, yuuji would kiss your scars when you guys are lying down in bed, or he’ll just simply trace them with his finger, or even draw stars on them ^^
For example:
you giggled as you felt yuujis finger trace your scars, him giving them little kisses “yuuji..” you smiled “hm? What is it?” He asked scooting up to your neck, nesting his head into your neck, as he starting kissing it.
“I was thinking about..mh..g—going on a date” you whimpered, as he suckled at your neck “hm….ok” he continued sucking.
— -He shares all his clothes with you, no questions asked, the idea of you walking around in his clothes makes him so happy :D
nsfw! (Skip if needed)
-he absolutely loves the sounds that come out your mouth, it gets him more aroused, slamming himself into you harder, his thrusting getting faster.
-ok this may sound mean but I don’t find yuuji one to last long, probably only lasts like 2-3 minutes, but he has a bunch of stamina…8-9 rounds at tops.
-if you want, he lets you top sometimes, when you do he becomes all submissive as you ride his cock.
-he’s a superrrr soft dom, but if you are bratty, I don’t think he’ll be as caring.
-probably shares you with megumi
-for his cock….hmmm…I’d say 6-7 inches? Hes cock isn’t that big to him so he tries his best to reach your sweet spot, but since he doesn’t think he’s big enough for you he usually puts you in a full Nelson, he’s more of a girthy guy sooo, his girth is 4 inches
for example:
Such a good boy for me,” he kissed your pussy gently, eyes catching yours making you moan, your back arching. “So handsome,” kiss “so gorgeous” kiss
“yuuji….~hng..” you moan, “you taste so good my love, I can stay like this forever,” he said as he continued to rub his thumb on your clit, “y—yuuj-! Mgh!~” you yelped, you were so close, but yuuji stopped toying with you “uh-uh-uh sorry baby, you can only cum when I say so m’kay?” He cooed, your body shaking, your hair started to stick to your forehead, drool started falling down from your mouth, yuuji almost came, you looked you handsome “ how about this my prince, we can cum together, hm?” you nodded so fast, your cunt getting wetter and wetter at the second, grinding on his leg, he didn’t notice until you started mowing louder “yuuj-“ megumi cut off as he saw you two, “Megs! U-uhm..um.” it was silent for at least 5 minutes, you broke the silence with a loud moan, the both of them were confused until yuuji looked down, you came all over the bed, and on yuujis leg, “hey megs, wanna join?” He grinned, megumi looked shocked for a moment but… “sure, why not.” Megumi shrugs.
“y-y-you two are kidding right?! I can’t fit the both of you at the same time.!” You cried out, megumi rubbing your clit, as he chuckled “you’re shaking honey” he kissed your forehead, “he just came fushi” yuuji replied, you were frozen with shocked, until you felt megumis mouth graze your pussy.
“g—gumi?! What are you doing” you shrieked “what does it look like?” He replied, “gah!~ mgh..!” You cried as yuuji slammed his cock into you, “let’s work together, k megs?” Yuuji said, megumi nodded and started to eat you out, as yuuji thrusted in and out.
“W—wait nu!~ s—sensitive…!” You wailed, grabbing at megumis hair, trying to pull him back from licking your cunt, “hes gettin close megs” yuuji moaned as you tightened around him.
“s—stop gumi!! I-I-it’ll go all over!” You whined, and whined until yuuji slammed into you your mouth open as you let out a silent scream.
you came all over megumis face, and yuujis lap “ff-fuck…[name]…you got so tight I couldn’t pull out” yuuji whimpered, “some of your cum got in my eye” megumi grinned.
megumi licking yuujis cum out of your hole, “baby? You alright?” Yuuji asked as your eyes fluttered, one of your eyes half lidded and the other one fully open, they somehow knocked you into sub-space “honey?” Megs whispered “mmh…m’o-ok, m’…” you slurred and your words sounded more short.
“tired…” you murmured before falling asleep in yuujis arms, “ahh..no fair…” yuuji pouted, megumi looked up st yuuji “wanna fuck him till he wakes up?” Oh boy, once you wake up your tummy’s going to be full of their cum. :(
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anonymousewrites · 3 months
Nature of the Human Soul (Book 1) Chapter Seven
Platonic! Hazbin Hotel x Teen! Reader
Father Figure! Alastor x Teen! Reader
Chapter Seven: King of Hell at the Hotel
Summary: Desperate, Charlie invites her father to the hotel. Lucifer is making a visit.
            “Wow, she might actually be losing it,” remarked (Y/N), crossing their arms as they and the rest of the hotel watched Charlie with her giant board of possible angel solutions. She had clearly not slept much and was driving herself up the wall panicking about Heaven coming back for extermination sooner than ever.
            “Don’t understand why it’s not working,” murmured Charlie. “Think, Charlie, think. Think, think, think, think, think. Trust falls….every single morning…”
            “Yikes,” said Angel.
            “Charlie, sweetie?” called Vaggie, concerned.
            “C’mon, c’mon, c’mon, Charlie,” muttered the princess of Hell to herself.
            “You, uh? You good?” asked Vaggie.
            “Nope, no! Not really! Haha!” said Charlie deliriously. “I’ve been up all night trying to figure out why the hotel isn’t working! We’ve done trust falls. We’ve tried sharing our feelings. And at this rate…”
            “Maybe it’s time—” began Vaggie.
            “—to ask—”
            “Don’t say it!”
            “—your dad.”
            Charlie groaned and slumped over.
            “Charlie, I know you don’t want to, but we need every advantage we can get,” said Vaggie, supporting Charlie’s exhausted body.
            “He let the extermination happen to begin with,” said Charlie, annoyed. “They just had a meeting and said, ‘Go ahead and kill everyone!’ ” She stood suddenly. “Wait, that’s it.”
            “Kill everyone?” said Vaggie.
            Angel nodded, and (Y/N) legitimately considered it for a moment.
            “No!” said Charlie. “He could get me a meeting with Heaven.”
            “Didn’t we already try that?” said Vaggie.
            “Well, yeah, with Adam, he was an asshole,” huffed Charlie. “But he isn’t in charge of all of Heaven. We could go to the top.”
            “God?” asked (Y/N).
            “No one sees God,” said Vaggie, shaking her head.
            “There’s sure to be some angels that will listen,” said Charlie, pulling out her phone. She began to scroll and frowned, unsure of herself.
            “What’s the holdup?” asked Husk. “You got daddy issues?” Straight to the point as always.”
            “No, we just…have never been close,” said Charlie. “After he and Mom split, he never really wanted to see me. He calls…sometimes, but only if he’s bored or, like, needs me to do something.”
            “Daddy issues,” confirmed Husk, pleased with himself.
            “Well, I’d like to meet the big dick in charge,” said Angel, grinning.
            “Putting that description aside, I’m curious, too,” said (Y/N). They furrowed their brow. “I heard a lot about Hell and Satan and all of that growing up, so I want to see what was wrong.”
            “What if something was right?” said Husk.
            “Then I’ll go fuck myself, I guess,” said (Y/N), shrugging and putting on a bright smile.
            Really, they’d go and curl up and cry because how were they supposed to deal with their abusers (not protectors, they’d never protected (Y/N), they hurt them, they hurt then, they hurt them) if they were right?
            “The ultimate bad boy,” giggled Niffty. “I bet he’s scary.”
            “You can do this,” said Vaggie encouragingly, squeezing Charlie’s shoulder.
            Charlie straightened and took a deep breath. “Right. Right.” She walked a few paces away and called her father, Lucifer himself.
            The group tried to draw closer to listen in to the conversation, but Vaggie pushed them back to give the father and daughter a moment to speak privately (mostly so Charlie wouldn’t get nervous and could work things out for herself). A few minutes later, Charlie put her phone back in her pocket and turned towards everyone.
            “Well!” she said, trying to seem confident. “We have an hour until he gets here.”
            “Okay, people!” barked Vaggie.
            Everyone straightened formally, ready to listen to Vaggie (especially since last time they’d tried to avoid her she’d thrown them onto a battlefield).
            “Lucifer is on his way,” said Vaggie. “So we are going to get this place presentable, and we are all going to make an amazing impression. Vamonos!”
            Everyone ran for it. Niffty cleaned the hotel from top to bottom and baked cookies. Husk cleaned the bar. Pentious helped with signs and balloons. Angel put on makeup. (Y/N) let Charlie use the roses they created as decorations. Razzle and Dazzle lifted up a sign that said “Welcome, Daddy!” Alastor did nothing, but he did come down to watch in amusement.
            Finally, with not a second to lose, the hotel was prepared, and Charlie stood by the door taking deep breaths.
            “Okay, everyone, it’s showtime!” she said. She reached for the doorknob, and the door slammed open before she could touch it.
            “Charlie!” said Lucifer excitedly.
            “Hey, Da—”
            Lucifer grabbed Charlie in a tight hug. “Oh, it’s so good to see you! Haha!”
            (Y/N) blinked. He was…short. Combining that with his white outfit and energetic mannerisms, Lucifer seemed far less threatening than the tales on Earth told of him. (Y/N) was pleasantly surprised by the turnout. That being said, they weren’t going to let down their guard yet, but they kept a smile on their face.
            “It’s good to see you, too, Dad,” said Charlie awkwardly. Lucifer let go of her, and she gestured to the hotel. “Welcome! To the Hazbin Hotel!”
            Charlie’s cat-demon-pet strolled up Lucifer and greeted him by purring. Lucifer gasped and smiled, petting the cat.
            “Oh, hewwo, Keekee,” said Lucifer. “Razzle! Dazzle!” The goat demons flew up and let Lucifer scratch their chins. “Oh, look how much you haven’t grown! Still fun-sized. You taking care of my little girl? You better be.” He laughed brightly, returning to his “carefree” (nervously delirious) attitude. “Wow, this place sure looks…uh…” He looked around at the strange guests and workers. “Yeah. Uh-huh. It’s got a lot of character.” He noticed the front desk/bar. “Oh, what in the unholy Hell is that?!”
            “Just some of the renovations we had done,” said Alastor, stepping forward with his characteristic smile. “Adds a little bit of color, don’t you think?”
            “Charlie is always talking about rainbows,” said (Y/N), smiling helpfully.
            “Precisely!” said Alastor, grinning at them in return.
            “And you are?” asked Lucifer, looking dubiously at Alastor.
            “Alastor!” Said demon popped up from the shadows behind Lucifer. He grabbed and shook Lucifer’s cane. “Pleasure to be meeting you, sir. Quite a pleasure. It’s nice to finally put a face to the name. You are much shorter—” Alastor pressed his fingers together “—in real life.”
            “Who is this? Who is this now?” Lucifer glared at Alastor. “Are you the bellhop?”
            Alastor laughed mirthlessly. “No! I am the host of the hotel! You might have heard of me from my radio broadcast.”
            “Hmm, nope!” said Lucifer. He chuckled and nudged Charlie. “I guess that’s why Charlie called it the ‘Hazbin Hotel!’ Hahaha!” The laugh was painfully forced.
            “Ha-ha-ha!” mocked Alastor. “It was actually my idea.”
            “Ha-ha-ha!” The fake laughs were flying between Lucifer and Alastor. “Well, it’s not very clever,” sneered Lucifer.
            “Ha ha!” Alastor leaned down towards Lucifer and narrowed his eyes. “Fuck you.”
            “Okay! Okay. Anyway,” said Charlie, pushing the pair apart. Clearly, they weren’t going to get along. “Um, Dad! Look at this lovely parlor where people can get to know each other and share secrets and stories and intimate feelings!”
            “Lots of intimacy,” said Angel, grinning at Husk, who rolled his eyes.
            “Keep that to yourself,” said (Y/N), smiling brightly.
            “Without Alastor,” continued Charlie, which caused Lucifer’s face to fall, “We wouldn’t have been able to pretty it up this much! Oh, and (Y/N) made all of these flowers! Isn’t it nice?”
            (Y/N) gave a little wave in acknowledgement, slightly embarrassed by the attention. They were still unused to positive attention, creating a basis of nerves in every interaction.
            “Charlie has a very unique vision,” said Alastor, strolling up to her. “I’m happy to fulfill her bizarre requests.” He put his hand on her shoulder.
            “Oh, thank you, Alastor,” said Charlie, just seeing legitimate care in Alastor instead of him trying to further annoy Lucifer.
            “Quite an impressive young lady!” said Alastor, his smile sharp and calculating as he looked at Lucifer. “We’re all very proud of her!”
            Charlie’s eyes sparkled at the praise.
            Lucifer cleared his throat angrily. “Charlie, dear, why don’t you introduce me to your other friends?”
            “Oh, yes, of course,” said Charlie, taking him to the table the others were gathered around. First, she pulled Vaggie towards Lucifer. “This is Vaggie. She’s my girlfriend!” Vaggie smiled nervously but gazed fondly at Charlie.
            “Oh ho my golly!” said Lucifer excitedly (and just as awkwardly as Charlie acted occasionally). “You like girls? So do I, we have so much in common! Put er’ here, Maggie.” Lucifer pulled Vaggie (“Maggie”) into a tight hug before letting go. They both laughed awkwardly. “She’s so pretty,” said Lucifer encouragingly.
            “Uh, lovely to meet you, uh, sir,” said Vaggie.
            “And these are Sir Pentious, Angel Dust, and (Y/N), our guests!” said Charlie proudly.
            “Your Majesty!” Pentious bowed (and subsequently slammed his head into the table).
            “Heya, Short King,” flirted Angel.
            “Hello, sir,” said (Y/N), waving from where they were letting more flowers grow around the table.
            “Husk is our bartender, and Niffty is our housekeeper!” continued Charlie.
            Husk lifted his hand in a lazy wave. “Nice to meet you.”
            Niffty ran up Lucifer’s front and grabbed the lapels of his jacket. “Hello. I clean. Heheheheh.”
            Before anything weirder could happen, the chandelier of the lobby fell to the ground with a resounding boom. Everyone coughed and waved the dust away.
            Lucifer laughed and grinned. “Alright, then.” He tapped his cane, and music began to play. It appeared that a song was coming.
(Lucifer) “Looks like you could use some help, From the big boss of Hell himself, Check out Daddy’s glowing reviews on Yelp, ‘Five stars, flawless, greater than great!’ Oh, with the punch of a pentagram, I wap bap boom alakazam! Usually, I charge a sacrificial lamb, But you get the family rate!” (Lucifer and Charlie) “Thanks, Dad!”
            The scene changed to Lucifer and Charlie at a restaurant with Alastor pouring them a drink.
(Lucifer) “Who needs a busboy now that you’ve got the chef!”
            Alastor was knocked backwards and became the food in the frying pan, grinning in annoyance at Lucifer.
(Chorus) “Who-oh-oh!” (Lucifer) “Michelin tasting menu, Free a la carte!”
            Is this just to make a point to Alastor? thought (Y/N), entertained by the song. It was quite catchy.
(Lucifer) “I’ll rig the game for you, Because I’m the ref, Champagne fountains, caviar mountains, That’s just the start!”
            However, while Lucifer was good, Alastor refused to back down, and he popped up behind Lucifer to steal the show.
(Alastor) “Who’s been here since day one? Who’s been faithful as a nun?”
            (Y/N) couldn’t help but laugh. They had never expected to see Alastor in a nun’s outfit.
(Alastor) “Makes you chuckle with an old-timey pun, Your executive producer.” (Charlie (and (Y/N) to the side)) “That’s true!” (Alastor) “I’m your guy, your day-to-day, Your chum, your steadfast hotelier, Remember when I fixed that clog today?” (Niffty) “I was stuck, thank you, sir!”
            Charlie awed as Niffty was given a hug from Alastor.
(Charlie) “Oh, you!” (Alastor) “I’m truly honored that we’ve built such a bond.”
            He spun Charlie around.
(Charlie) “Aww!” (Alastor) “You’re like the child that I wish that I had.”
            For a moment, as he cupped Charlie’s cheek, he saw something else, but he pushed that to the side and focused on his persuasion via song.
(Lucifer) “Uh, what?” (Alastor) “I care for you just like a daughter I spawned.”
            He patted her on the forehead and again forced some other, dangerously sentimental, thoughts away.
(Lucifer) “Hold on now!” (Alastor) “It’s a little funny, You could almost call me, ‘Dad!’”
            Lucifer glared indignantly, and in a brilliant move, he began to play the fiddle in response. Alastor grinned, let a piano fall on Lucifer, and played his own piece of music. Lucifer slipped out from beneath the piano and ruined the moment with an angrily long accordion note. All-in-all, the musical back and forth was…quite a show.
            However, Alastor wasn’t one to give up, so he returned to singing, still very much in the game.
(Alastor) “They say when you’re looking for assistance, It’s smart to pick the path of least resistance.”
            Lucifer refused to give up, either, and, when it came to being his daughter’s favorite father figure, he was willing to give his all in his performance.
(Lucifer) “Others say that in a needy hour, There’s no substitute for pure angelic power! Who just so happens to also be your blood.”
            Alastor shoved Lucifer out of the way.
(Alastor) “Sadly there are a times a birth parent is a dud, They say the family you choose is better.”
            (Y/N) could get behind that.
(Lucifer) “What a bunch of losers.” (Alastor) “Can you butt out of my song?” (Lucifer) “Your song? I started this!” (Alastor) “I’m singing it, I’ll finish it!” (Lucifer) “Oh, you tacky piece of—”
            The door of the Hazbin Hotel slammed open.
(???) “It’s me! Yes, it’s me!”
            A small demon in a flapper dress grinned at everyone.
(???) “I know you were all waiting for me, I’m here, what a gas, Took a while, but I’m present at last! It’s me!”
            Who? (Y/N) furrowed their brow.
(???) “Mimzzzzyyyyy!”
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nyxiswrites1200 · 4 months
Pookie I need MROE sub!sam Winchester I’m literally like going insane clawing at my enclosure foaming at the mouth
I need to see with man because I know deep in my heart that he’s pathetic and dose in fact cry big phat tears in bed and dose that hiccup thing and also whimpers and can’t speak coherently because he’s so stimulated and clawing at your arm.
Anyways I need to genuinely be sedated because I’ve never acted like this towards a man like EVER so excuse me and thank you for your time 🫶🫶
Hope u have a wonderful night 🥰‼️
Babe you are feral and I love it <33 I got such a vivid image with this request 🤭🤭
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~ 𝑷𝒍𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒆 𝑺𝒘𝒆𝒆𝒕𝒊𝒆 ~
Sam Winchester x GN!Reader
Warnings: NSFT, MDNI, Penetration, Teasing, Edging, Overstimulation, Orgasm Denial, Begging, Crying, Pet names, Committed Relationship
Sam lacked so much control in his life. That's why he always took the dominant position in the relationship. You didn't mind that, you liked it even. You loved letting him take care of you and protect you.
However, sometimes you wanted to let him relax for once. You wanted to take care of him and just have him let go.
That's how you ended up here. Alone in the motel room with Sam. Sam laid on the bed, his head thrown back against the headboard as needy moans left him. Your hand wrapped around his painfully hard cock, pre-cum dripping from the tip. You finally rub your thumb over it, smearing the sticky substance all over the head of his cock. The action draws a whiny moan from the larger man.
His hand instinctively gripping your forearm due to the overstimulation you were providing. "Sweetie-..Sweetie, please" he begged, a desperate need in his tone.
"Hm? What do you need, Sammy~?" You ask, playing dumb. As if you haven't edged him twice and gave him so much foreplay he about came in his boxers. "C'mon babe- I need you to let me cum" he rasps.
You move your hand back up and down his length, stroking him just how he likes. Slightly gripping him just a little too tight, making his grip on your forearm tighten up as he lets out a breathy whine.
You don't respond to his plea, you just gently grab his chin and tug him into a sweet kiss. He doesn't hesitate to respond as he kisses you back. It's feverish and sloppy on both ends, a string of saliva follows when you pull away.
You know he's about to cum, you feel Sam's cock twitch in your grip. "Please, don't stop" he groans but it's messy and needy. You can't help but pull your hand away just to test a reaction.
"Nono- fuck, sweetheart..." He whines, you swear you see tears build on his lash line as you deny him again, a small hiccup leaving him. "Awe, don't cry Sammy" you speak gently as you cup his cheek and kiss a line down his jaw. But Sam can't help it, you've got him borderline crying because you won't let him cum. You've gotten him completely unwound in front of you, his sensitive and vulnerable side welcoming your sweet torment.
You decide to spare him anymore heartache.
You push your underwear to the side, baring your more than welcoming entrance to him.
You grab his cock and push it inside, taking him all the way. Sam immediately grabs your hips, his large hands splayed across your figure. He doesn't hesitate to thrust his cock right up into you, hitting that sweet spot with ease.
"Fuck Sammy~" you moan out as you ground yourself against his chest with your hands. But Sam doesn't stop, now that he's got you right here, sitting on his lap with his cock stuffed into you. His hands keep a firm grip on your hips and he fucks you hard, pounding into that sweet spot that makes your eyes roll back.
"I'm gonna fuck you full of my cum, is that what you wanted? Getting me all worked up so I could fill you?" He grunts as he feels your body respond positively to his words.
He let out whiny moans, tears staining his cheeks from how tight and warm you felt. He couldn't help himself, you'd made him so needy and finally gave him what he wanted.
Your brain turned to mush as he sent you over the edge. He kept pounding you until he finally let out a whiny moan as he came, tears spilling down his cheeks from how good it felt to finally cum. He pulls back before slamming every inch back in, fucking his cum deeper into your hole.
You pant, a moment passing of nothing. Sam pulls out of you, making you think he's finished. But then he grabs you, flipping you over in front of him. You were shocked but before you could even turn to look at him, he stuffs his fat cock back inside you.
You bury your face into the sheets as you moan loudly.
"Sam- Sam wait-" you whine as he begins pounding into you again. He holds your hips firmly.
"I'm not done with you yet, sweetheart" he rasps.
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sanshoney · 8 months
father & male!child!reader
reader is 10, father is 38
no plot, just general fluff
shout out to boys who never had a healthy father figure in their life
(intentional lowercase, y/n is not used)
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– being a divorced father with a 10 year old is a bit difficult, william can tell this much. working overtime to maintain the middle class life both for himself and his child is more than exhausting. but at the end of the day, it's all worth it. everything for his darling boy, right?
– sometimes, he can't manage to pick you up from school, so he asks his best friend, jake, to do that. luckily, jake is a sweetheart and you warmed up to him pretty quickly. he's kinda your best friend too, at this point.
– everytime he comes home, tired, hungry and grumpy from work, you never fail to make him smile. the way you jump up from the couch, scream "daddy!" and run into his arms gets him everytime. he lifts you up and spins you around giggling. you always giggle along with him, wrapping your legs around his torso for extra safety. "hi, sweetheart. how's my darling boy doing, hm?" he kisses your forehead and cheeks lovingly.
– he's a busy man, but he always makes sure to have time for you. father-son weekends are a must, where you basically do anything together. the keyword is "together". you could watchim movies, go to the playground, draw together or even cook (you being his "little assistant", as he calls you, because he's obviously not gonna let you near to the stove), all that matters is that you're having a good time with your father.
– in your eyes, he's the one who knows everything. when you have a question, you ask it from him. when he's not around, jake would do, sure, but he's the main source of your knowledge. you always say that everything you know, you know it from him. it doesn't matter that you learnt reading, still learning counting and numbers in school, you deny it all. you always tell will that he's much better than school and you could spend your whole life having knowledge only from him. he only laughs and pats your head, "you're too sweet for your own good."
– he makes sure to raise you right, so you'll turn out a mentally healthy and happy person. he teaches you to refrain and not listen to anything that toxic masculinity contains. "having emotions is okay. everyone has them; everyone cries, laughs or gets embarrassed from time to time. feeling sad it's more than okay, my boy. if you need to cry, let it out. im here for you always, sweetie. please rely on me when needed."
– he teaches you about different races and sexualities pretty soon. he wants you to be a respectful and open-minded person. and if happens, that you're not cis or straight, don't hate yourself but instead accept yourself. he really just wants the best for you.
– he also teaches you that being kind and affectionate isn't feminine. hugging or kissing someone you love and fond of it's just a human thing, not a "girl thing". thats why, he always encourages you to kiss or hug him when you'd like to. of course, he doesn't force you - he said that there are people who simply don't like physical touch and you need to respect that. boundaries are meant to be taken seriously, after all.
– he has a habit of calling you by petnames like honey, sweetheart, darling and anything like those. "petnames are a sign of affection. you can use petnames on your romantic partners, or in our case, familiar bonds too. tell me, if you'd like me use a new petname or want me stop the whole thing," he's just so considerate of your feelings.
– "a good man is respectful, loving and kind. these are the main qualities of a healthy person."
– he makes sure to compliment and praise you a lot. he wants you to have a healthy confidence - you're perfect, after all. in his eyes, at least. "that's my boy", "you did such a good job, darling. im so, so proud of you", "look at you being so pretty in your new tee. you're beautiful, my sweet". he always makes you feel so good and warm. that's why, you compliment him back. "daddy, your new shirt looks really nice on you", "daddy, you look so handsome today".
– but of course, both of you compliment each other's personalities as well. "my boy, it was so kind of you to say that about jake. im so proud to have such an endearing little boy like you". "honey, you are so clever. not many kids know this. you're quick to learn. im very proud of you, dear". there are times, when wills especially emotional. he can give a long, loving speech about his unconditional love for you.
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you're laying on your father's chest, your head burried in his neck. he's slowly rubbing your back and hums a familiar melody. you're not sure what it is tho. you're on the verge of falling asleep, when you suddenly hear wills voice.
"darling?" his voice is soft, gentle in case you're already sleeping. "hmm?" "you know i love you very much, right?" "i love you too, daddy." "and you know im always proud of you? im always gonna be proud of you, no matter what you do. even if you make mistakes, you're perfect for me. everytime i look at you i just... feel so much love towards you. my sweet, adorable boy. you're so kind, clever and affectionate. you're my pride and joy." he kisses your forehead. you feel yourself blushing, hearing your daddy's loving words always being a treat. and you're having a lot of treats. "you're worth every single overworked day, every frown that paints my face less friendly. coming home to you is what keeps me going. feeling your little arms and legs wrapped around my body makes me happy beyond words. im so happy to have a son like you..." his voice cracks and you can see his eyes glisten. he's so full of emotions right now.
you lift your head up from his chest quickly, worried. "please don't cry, daddy... you make me happy too. i love you too. please don't be sad." you say softly, rubbing his cheeks clumsily and looking at him with your doe eyes. he can't help but smile at your sweetness. "baby, im not sad. i feel the opposite, actually. these are tears of happiness."
you frown at him confused. if he's happy, why is he crying? isn't crying a bad thing? you decide, it doesn't matter. you just want to comfort him, like he always does with you. you press soft kisses to his whole face, leaving a bit of your molecules on his skin. he smiles gently and if anything, he just wants to cry harder now. he can't believe he has got such an angel in his life. "you're a blessing. an angel descended from heaven. i can't believe i have such a miracle in my arms like you..." he starts cradling you. "d-daddy..." you blush again. sometimes you wonder what did you ever do to deserve him. "im not an angel..." "you are. my little angel." he grins happily and covers your face in soft kisses, giving you back the favor from earlier. you smile sheepishly, basking in your father's love. it feels almost natural, really.
you can't help but wonder what would it be like, if you had a different parent, someone meaner and crueler. but the thing is, you don't have to worry about that. all that matters is that you have the perfect father, the kinda one shown in tv. and you couldn't be happier.
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hope you enjoyed!! ♡
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dearest-painter · 4 months
If you don't want to do this or you don't feel comfortable please ignore this.
But what if Valentin's daughter reader is dyslexic and she's drawn towards the arts whether that be drawing, painting,music or something else but Husk and Angel Dust somehow find out and they comfort her and its just a lot of comfort and fluff.
Thank you
TW/CW:Yandere behavior, unhealthy behavior, unhealthy relationship, abusive behavior, abusive relationship, I myself do not have dyslexia so forgive me if I described it wrong, tell me if I need to add more
Summary: Reading can be hard sometimes but at least your family loves you still
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You smiled as you on the ground drawing, you’ve always liked drawing. You tried to get into reading but sometimes the words would jumble up or they wouldn’t make sense at all so you stopped trying. You read when you were asked but besides that? You never read, it was way to difficult for you. Angel Dust and Husk had noticed this, at first they thought it was just you being a kid but when they saw you struggle they realized it was deeper
It honestly didn’t take them long to realize what it was after Vaggie asked you to read a book out loud, you kept saying the wrong words and had to be corrected or you would hold the book close to your face as you sounded it out. Angel dust sat beside you as he gently said, “Hey sweetie. I wanna ask something.” You looked up as you smiled. “Yeah mama?” He softly smiled as he looked down at you. “Can you describe to me what happens when you read?”
You pouted softly as you remembered. “The words jumble up or I don’t understand them sometimes, it’s so odd and hard” you reply as you sighed. That was all they needed. Angel Dust softly sighed as he rubbed your cheek and pat your head as husk sat on the other side of you. “That’s fine baby, how about we practice huh?” He softly suggested. Husk joined in. “It’ll be good for you and we’ll help you out”
You smiled as you nod your head and hugged them. You went back to drawing as Angel Dust and Husk decided to make a list of books that would be good beginners for you. They also did a lot of research on how to help you with your dyslexia
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Black Light 12
Warnings: noncon, namecalling, violence, other dark elements. Proceed with caution.
Note: Thank you for waiting! Please let me know what you think as it helps me a lot with ideas and I love interacting with you all.
Part of The Club AU
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You feel a bit dreamy. Well, you always do. You sit in your bed, freshly made, fragrant with fabric softener, as you cut through the pages of old catalogues. Your fingers are sticky with glue as you arrange the images just so.
You can hear your mom downstairs, the bluetooth speaker playing Hall and Oates to her content. Your dad's outside trying to fix the fence post. You can hear him swearing through the crack of your window.
You hold out the scrapbook. You just need that globe right in that little space. Oh, the leather sofa is perfect.
You leave the book open on your bed to dry so the pages don't stick. You put on your dress with the daisies on white and spin in the mirror. Your yellow beret will go perfect. You put the hat on and a pair of matching clunky maryjanes.
You go downstairs and find your mother scavenging in the tupperware container you left on the counter. You squeal as she quickly closes the lid and covers her mouth guiltily. She backs away and giggles.
“I couldn't resist,” she says through a full mouth.
“Mom!” You stick your tongue out as you snatch up the container of cookies.
“You don't need all those,” she accuses.
“They're not for you.”
“I know, so… who are they for?” She tilts her head coyly.
“Someone,” you roll your eyes.
“A boy.”
You harrumph, “he's too old to be a boy.”
“Oh my gosh! That's so cute! Do we get to meet him?”
“No,” you pout and turn your chin up, “it's new.”
“Well, be safe. Don't get into too much trouble.”
“Yeah, yeah,” you drag your feet and stop in the doorway, “mom, can you not tell dad?”
She laughs again, “sure, sweetie, our little secret.”
You smile, cheeks twitching. You don't need your parents nosing around. You're still figuring this all out.
You wait outside the club. It's almost seven. You thought he'd be there by now. The other bouncer is. Lee, that's his name.
You're not weird or anything. You've just been watching from across the street for an hour or two. Not your fault he didn't leave his number.
You cross the road as you see Lee come back out. He sees you and smiles. He's so friendly, you wish August would try that.
“Hi,” you hop over the curb, “is Auggy here yet?”
“Auggy? Nah, he's taking his time,” he eyes the container in your hands, “what's this?”
“Oh, just a surprise. You want one?”
“Depends. What's the surprise?”
You balance the container against the scrapbook beneath it and pop the corner of the lid up. You offer him one of the jelly cookies. They took you hours as you baked and waited to cool before adding the layer of jam and custard.
“Wow, you're a big baker,” he muses.
“Sometimes,” you preen.
He takes one and admires your craftsmanship, “my wife ain't so good about it. But she tries, bless her heart.”
“Oh, you have a wife?”
“Sweetest gal in the world,” he grins, “she's at home with the baby.”
“Ah, just a cat, but she treats him like a child,” he chortles and takes a bite, letting out a hum.
“Ooh, I love kitties! What's his name?”
He swallows, “Hickory. He likes her better'n me.”
“Aw, adorable.”
“Maybe you can come meet em one day. You and Auggy. Like a double date?”
“Really!?” You snap the lid shut, “oh, I'd love that so much.”
You hear grumbles and the tramp of soles as a shadowy figure appears from the alley. Lee turns and throws a hand put derisively, “bout time.”
August stops short as he looks between you and Lee, his expression limned in the early hue of evening. His brows draw together as he coughs. He crosses his arms and glowers.
“What is she doin’ here?”
“Ask her,” Lee says before he tosses back the rest of the cookie and turns on his heel.
He pulls open the front door and disappears as you stand watching August. He drops his arms and marches towards you, past you as he goes to follow his fellow bouncer. You quickly get between him and the door.
“Sweetie, I brought you cookies!”
“What?” He reaches past you as you put your back to the door.
“I haven't heard from you in…. Like three days.”
He glares at you. You open the container and show your wares. He only pulls on the door, jarring you but not dislodging you.
“I got work–”
“And I brought you a surprise! So eat a cookie.”
He narrows his eyes. You stay locked in a stalemate as he tries to pull the door again. You lean into it and plant your heels.
“I'm being real nice here, sweetie, so take a damn cookie,” you feel a surge in your chest.
“Can't you take a hint?”
“Can't you?”
“What– look, I told you, this isn't a relationship or whatever you think it is.”
“I'm not stupid. This is real,” you insist, “get it? Me and you, Auggy Bear, together forever.”
“What are you–”
“Here,” you shove the container at him.
He doesn't move but you jam it into his chest and he finally relents and supports it.
You slide the book from beneath it and open it up, “this is our future. You see? Our home,” you show him the little touches of colour amid the neutral hues, a perfect melding of your personalities, “and our honeymoon. I'm open to change but I was thinking a cottage–”
“Are you insane?” He breathes scratchily.
“Insane?” You repeat and bat your lashes, “don't call me that.”
“We fucked. Once. There's nothing else between us–”
“There is!” You holler and slam the book shut, “and you know it. You would never have followed me home if you didn't mean it–”
“Shhh, shhh,” he waves you down, “hey, lower your voice.”
“That's what you did. You stalked me, sir, so… you want me too. You want me or you wouldn't have done what you did.”
“Please, just… calm down.”
“You won't even eat a cookie!” You accuse.
“Be quiet,” he hisses.
“Eat a cookie!”
“Would you listen, girl?”
“No! No, you will eat a cookie. I spent all day making them and– and– I'm not crazy. I'm not,” you clutch the book tight.
He sighs, his blue eyes gleaming as he slowly lifts the lid. He takes out a cookie, showing it to you before he takes a nibble. He swallows without chewing.
“There, happy? Now go home.”
You scrunch your nose at him, frustrated, “you could at least tell me you love me.”
“Love you?!?” He chokes and nearly drops the cookie.
“Yes, I know you do, because I would never give my virginity to someone who doesn't love me.”
He blanches and glimpses down at the cookie. His throat bobs. He raises his eyes and takes another deep breath, “I didn't realise…”
“That you love me, right?” You sneer as you step closer, “say it.”
“If I do, will you go?” He growls.
You nod and smile up at him, “I'll do whatever you want, pookie.”
‘Pookie… jesus, alright, I love you. Go home.” He nudges you out of his way and grabs the door with his free hand.
“Don't eat those all at once,” you call as you turn to peek inside the club, “oh, and you have crumbs in your mustache–”
The door slams between you and you pout, “love ya too…” you trail off. It's okay, it seems like it's new for him too.
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Welcome Home, Darling!! Part 2 Human Wally x GN Puppet reader
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Drawings are by Clown. I couldn’t find one without writing on it. Tags for this story will be at the end. Love y’all
Part 1 for those who haven’t read part 1
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Home creaks as you step through the tv holding a human in your arms . “Shhhh Home, you’ll wake him up. And we don’t want to wake him up now ,” you shiver in excitement and walk with Wally in your arms to the bedroom. For a puppet, you sure can pick up a lot of weight. You never knew why you had such incredible strength if your plush arms. But you could balance Barnaby on your hand and sometime y’all do acts together with you picking up Barnaby. So like super strength. Back to Wally , you set him in the bed and tuck him in brushing his hair gently out of his face. You sigh smiling and pull your chair over near the bed and pull out a book. Home creaks and groans and you shush them. “Let him sleep. It’s almost morning. Why don’t you sleep Home and you can great our guest in the morning,” you say as you look at the chapter you are on in the book. The house moves a bit like nodding and then it’s silent. Seemed Home decide to sleep now. All that was in the room was you and Wally. You sigh dreamily staring at him. “Oh Darling, I can’t wait for you to wake up so I can look into those eyes,” you smile and read the book. “Oh wait. He is going to need his stuff,” you thought and gently set your book down. You head back to the living room and turn on the tv going back through to get him packed for his move to the neighborhood, whether he likes it or not.
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Wally yawns and rubs his eyes as the sun seemed to be shining into the room from the window. His hair was in all in his face from rolling around so he didn’t really notice where he was. He yawns and sets his feet on floor walking out of the room and to the bathroom ,Home had adjusted themself to mirror Wally home in the real world so that it will be a little harder for him to not think he is in his home. Wally turns on the water and splashes his face rubbing it clean with soap, water, and a soft towel. He gets the lotion on the sink and lotions his face. Got to keep his face from being chapped but also smooth. He searches around for his hairspray and brush not finding them. He groans and heads to the living room cause he usually has an extra box he hides away for when he runs out. As he heads into the living room, you are actually entering out from the tv with luggage and things of him. He gasps and screams , a puppet came out of his tv!!! He runs away and into the bedroom hiding. He was under the bed shaking and hoping this was still a dream
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You sigh and set his stuff down . “I was hoping to get home before he woke up but I guess I took to much time getting his stuff,” you say putting it in the corner with his other items you had gotten throughout the night. You turn off the tv and talk to home. “Home ,sweetie, where is my Darling human?” You ask waiting for answer. Home creaks and groans in which they tell ya he is in the bedroom. “Thank you Home,” you pet the walls in appreciation and skip over to the door knocking on it. “Darling, I am coming in. Please don’t be scared. I just wanna Welcome you to your new Home. I wasn’t wanting to scare you. You will love the neighborhood and we can even get you a place of your own,” you slowly open the door and you say this looking around. Home moves the floor pushing Wally out enough to where you can see his foot. “There you are,” you pull him out seeing him with his hair down in his face, “ don’t you look lovely in the morning. Your stuff is in the living room. I got it for you. If you want to get all dressed and ready for the day. You know where the bathroom is. I’ll go and make breakfast for you,” you say brushing his hair out of his face and leave the door open humming as you head to the kitchen. Home wouldn’t let your guest run out so you had no worries. You start to fix a wonderful breakfast for the man you know as Wally from his art. Apple Juice and apple cinnamon pancakes for breakfast. Wally comes out after doing his hair and getting dressed not wanting to anger the puppet. He sits at the kitchen table as you put food in front of him. He looks at you and asks “What do you want? Why am I here? Why me?” You smile taking a bite of your food just by looking at it. “Why, Wally dear, I just want you to be a part of the neighborhood. Won’t you be my neighbor? You don’t seem to have anyone in your life where you were and here. Everything is wonderful and nice and you will make so many friends. Though I will be your best. So from the bottom of my heart, Welcome home, Darling.”
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That’s my brain with my story idea lol. Thank y’all so much. Tags: @darling-w @chronicbeans @celestia80s @peachesandcremes @hiddencatails
Hugs and kisses to y’all Make sure to tell me if ya like it
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morgansunflower · 8 months
Age reverse! Damian Wayne X Wife! Reader
Warnings:suggestive content, explicit language, angst, and grief
Arthur's notes! Age reverse au. Damian(24), Stephanie(17), Duke(16), Tim(15),  Jason(12), Cassandra(11), Grayson(10)
Damian grieves as he remembers his parents deaths but finds comfort in his family
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Damian was dressed in his winter attire as it was snowing outside. He could not seem to shake away the unpredictable grief that shook him.
He walks down the stairs steps one by one. He curses himself for being detected, as he hears his son running to him from the steps from above him.
He was frustrated not because he did not wish to see him, but he did not wish to cause him worry. Dick had a unique skill that he shared with his adopted mother and with Alfred, of always knowing when Damian was struggling. Wether it be his tone that he tried to keep steady or his eyes that he tried to keep still. The saddened dark knight didn't know how they could see through him.
"hey Dami!"
"Grayson" he greeted
"where are you going?! Do you want to have a snowball fight with me outside?!" Dick pleads with slur from having lost his tooth just the other day
"perhaps another time I'm going for a small walk" Damian said smiling softly to his little boy "I'll be back shortly"
"OK" Dick said watching him walk to the door and leave... Something was definitely bothering him.
Grayson walked to find his mom. He sees his parents bedroom door shut. He gently knocked.
"come in" she answered
Dick opens the door to see his mom brushing her hair. Y/N smiled to her son.
"hey kiddo, how are you?" she kindly asked
"hey Mom. I'm fine.."
"just fine what's bothering you?"
"why... Why is Dami upset?"
Her heart falls to see the overwhelming amount of worry on her son's shoulders "ohh sweetheart, do you remember him telling you about his parents?" Dick nodded "well, when you miss the people you lost, sometimes you need time to let yourself grieve for a little while.. He'll be OK"
"ohh I wish I could make him not feel sad" he sadly said
She holds his face in her hands "oh sweetie you do. You make Damian very happy" she hugs him kissing his head "all of you do"
He hugged her tightly and looks up to her with a wide smile "can I make him cookies?! Cookies make me feel better!" he excitedly asked
She chuckled warmed by her son's sweet nature "of course"
Y/N tied a bow on her apron. Alfred was currently making dinner while Y/N and Dick made cookies.
"smells good in here, what are you guys doing?" Jason asked walking into the room
"hey sweetie!" his mother greeted to which her son smiled
"we're making cookies! You want to help!" Dick asked his big brother
"sure" he shrugged
"Damian go for a walk?" he mumbled to his mother
She nodded to Jason as he cut the cookie with the cookie cutter. Whenever Damian struggled with anything... Damian would draw for a while and if that didn't work he would leave for a walk outside to try to clear his mind.
He watches to see Dick is preoccupied helping Alfred stir the soup.. He didn't want to ask or even say anything.... He looks at Y/N stirring more cookie batter.
"is it something I did?" Jason asked worried something from his past arguments with Damian was causing him turmoil.
"oh Jason he's not upset with you or anyone.. Damian is just struggling right now. Like we all do sometimes"
Jason nodded trying to convince himself what she said was true. Y/N didn't want to overwhlem her son with affection, so instead of a hug. She gave him a gentle rub on his back. Jason tilted his head on her arm.
"I know you're worried about him but he's going to be OK"
"I know"
"AWW IT SMELLS AMAZING IN HERE!!" Steph announced walking in as she breathes in the sweet smell
"come make cookies with us!" Dick said happily
"you can help however you'd like to" Y/N said wide smiled as her daughter hugged her arm
"sounds like fun to me and you simply cannot have fun without the queen of fun" Steph said now tickling the side of Grayson's neck as the little boy laughs
As Y/N rolled out the dough she hears her phone chime from a text message.
"don't mind checking. It's me in the family group chat telling everyone to come help make cookies"
"I guess I'm making more dough" Y/N chuckled
"YAYYY!!" Dick said
Little Cass held onto Duke as he carried her on his back into the kitchen. Y/N was mixing the batter as she smiled seeing the kind pair of smiles. Duke gently put down his little sister as they were greeted.
"hey guys glad you came!" she greeted
"are you kidding? Steph would have drug me here by collar had I not come"
"oh I definitely would!" Stephanie agreed
"I can help you stir Mom" Cass offered
"I'd love your help" she smiled to her daughter
Tim walked in overwhlemed by the amount of chaos, but it wouldn't be home if there wasn't a little bit of craziness going on.
As the day went on into evening. Damian steps to the manor knowing dinner would be ready in just a few minutes. Though deep down he was missing his family.
The dark knight was curious hearing joyous laughter in the kitchen of all places. He stepped in seeing the ingredients for cookies scattered, everywhere. There were dozens and dozens of assorted cookies being made.
They each saw their adopted father and became quiet. Damian softly smiled to his loved ones
"is there enough for me?" he asked
Laughter was among them each as there was far too many cookies but the family were enjoying themselves too much. Which would involve a trip to Gotham's homeless shelter to donate.
Y/N takes off her apron and walks to give her husband a sweet kiss.
Damian wraps his arms around her waist as she lifts her own around his neck. He gave her a tender but soft kiss as unfortunately eyes were among them.
As everyone was sitting in the dining room enjoying dinner. Damian was holding his wife's hand.. He looks at her realizing yet again how much he loves her and his family.... Finally they were done with dinner. The sun was setting.
"your excused I'll shall be down momentarily"
All the children excluding Duke quickly got up
"you crazy night patrollers have fun" Duke said and yawns "I'm winding down for the night"
"your're just jealous because patrolling in the dark makes us more scary" Dick said
"oh it certainly makes you more frightening that's for sure" Duke chuckled
As the couple were alone Damian kisses her with the passion he had carved to since he had kissed her prior.
"I'm glad you're doing better" she smiled holding his face in her hands
He takes her hand to kiss her palm "even in my moments of grief.. You, and our family give me the solace I yearn for"
Much later that night Batman gently rubbed Robin's head as the young child was asleep in his bed. Damian laid the blanket on him and leaves his son's room.
He knew Steph would fall asleep the instant she laid on her bed. Duke would be awake in just a few hours. Cass was a light sleeper but as soon as she was comfortable, she would be asleep. Tim however... Damian steps to his room to hear typing on a laptop....
"lights out Drake!" Damian told Tim through the door
"5 more minutes!" he pleads
"don't push me. You'll thank me for getting a good nights rest and not falling face first into your bowl of cereal"
"that only happened like three times!"
"once is one too many, bed Drake or I'm putting on a, pass code that I know you wouldn't be able to crack"
Jason usually slept well unless he was upset.. Or reading. Damian steps to his room. He slowly pushed the door open.
He sees Jason sleeping while sitting with his knees up against his chest, on the chair with his book in hand.
Damian takes the book putting it on his bookshelf. He lifts the little boy into his arms.
Jason started to awaken, by the contact but kept his eyes closed. He didn't panic as he recognized the feeling of the arms that held him with care. He feels safe....
Damian moved the covers and laid Jason on the bed. He lays the covers on him but not too close to his neck as Jason was claustrophobic.
Damian kissed his son's forehead. He was surprised as his little arms wrap around his neck.
Requested taglist@too-strong-to-losee @asrainterstellar
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lacrimosathedark · 3 months
I have a very specific Hazbin AU idea and no actual plot so I'll throw it out there.
Human AU, specifically with Rosie and Alastor in a marriage of convenience. Alastor finds no interest in anyone but finds Rosie delightful, and Rosie has perhaps been "mysteriously" widowed a few times and need the financial support for The Times.
I don't think Alastor was a cannibal when he was alive, but it's part of Rosie's identity, so maybe when he kills people, he, like...gives them to her? idk cannibalism makes me real uncomfy but I thought it'd be an almost funny dynamic. It's certainly a way to dispose of a body without having to dump it somewhere(and thus getting shot in the fucking face).
Also funny dynamic, queer human Vox really likes Alastor and catches his very fruity vibes, but Alastor 1. has -1000 interest in Vox's very existence, and 2. doesn't understand the "coded language" Vox uses because Alastor isn't really in queer circles. Not that he'd horribly mind, but he's not gonna put in the effort to be in them, yknow? So Alastor is there, completely fucking oblivious with a sinister smile while Vox is fuming in frustration over failing to hit on him.
...and maybe a special little girl and her daddy make him just a little bit better of a person and a lot more happy. Just, y'know, if you wanna.
And teeny Charlie can have Auntie Rosie as the cool aunt she was made to be. They watch musicals together and Rosie is a very exuberant audience when Charlie tries to replicate them as a one-girl show by herself.
Oh, this would also be a fun setting for a certain pimp to maybe lose his head. Figuratively or literally. Preferably literally.
ADDING BECAUSE I THOUGHT OF ANOTHER THING: Rosie meeting Angel and thinking he's an absolute darling, and thn finding out about his situationwith Valentino and going to Alastor like, "Alastor, sweetie, could you be a doll and get me something real special to eat? I've got a very specific craving." Alastor objects solely because he's such a powerful figure that it would draw attention to them, and points out it would also leave a power vacuum and a number of vulnerable people more vulnerable.
So Rosie decides to run a competing brothel out of her Emporium, and ends taking a lot of business and workers from Valentino.
It's so funny to me to imagine aroace Alastor just having casual interactions with like a room full of sex workers, completely unfazed, listening to their sordid tales.
And if the subjects of some of those stories go missing, well, who's to know what happened, right?
But mostly I want QPP Alastor/Rosie without the label being married not cuz they're in love but because society is silly and they're besties. Who maybe sometimes do murders together.
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serasfanfiction · 3 months
Inspired by this Twitter thread.
Part 1 | Part 2
Lucifer had managed to keep his side of the deal, mostly by straight-up avoiding the hell out of Alastor. This sometimes resulted in him walking right back out of rooms he'd just walked into, exiting stage left upon Alastor arriving, and one memorable portalling out of a room when he turned around to discover the red head between him and the only exit to the room.
He was suspicious Alastor had done that last one on purpose, but Lucifer had no solid proof he could actually show, so he'd swallowed his measly dignity and all but literally fled. It had galled him to do it, but he'd done far more embarrassing things for his beloved Char-Char and this honestly didn't even rank.
This little game might have gone on indefinitely, if Charley had not called a Hotel-wide meeting. It sounded like she had come up with a new team building exercise and wished to try it out on the residents.
Lucifer had overheard talk about the exercises from Angel (something about being thrown off a building and trust falls?) while sitting at the bar shortly after moving into the hotel, but had never personally seen any himself. Curious, he'd come down to watch, even if he hadn't intended to participate.
He really should have known better. The moment Charlie spotted him, her eyes lit up with that smile he was so terribly a push over for. "Dad! Come join us!" She near skipped over, snagging his hand. "Pleeeeease? I've already made it up with you included! It'll be so much fun!"
"Uh..." Lucifer glanced behind her, eyes falling on Angel, who had snorted. Husk(er? Was it Husker? or Husk? He really needed to get their names down better) and Maggie (Vaggie?) appeared to be long suffering, but present. Nifty was her usual self.
And then there was Alastor. Alastor, who was watching him like a particularly interesting specimen he was just waiting to see what it would do. Like he was just waiting for their king to make a fool of himself or run away.
Well, fuck that! Yes, he could be socially awkward sometimes and he found large crowds of people overwhelming, but! He could do interactions! And it was supporting his daughter - that was always good, right?
He turned his own smile on Charlie. It was a little too big, but he really meant it. "Of course, sweetie. What are we doing?"
Charlie near squealed, permission given to tug her father over to the rest of the group. She plopped him down beside her girlfriend - noticeably leaving breathing distance between him and Alastor - before taking her place on the other side of Vaggie.
"So, for this exercise, we are going to need to draw names!" She pulled out some folded up pieces of paper, holding them up for everyone to see. She opened her mouth to continue, only to pause as if realizing something. She bit her lip as she looked to the papers to the group of them. Then her eyes fell on her father and Lucifer could all but see a light bulb go off over her head. "Dad! Could we borrow your hat! We can draw the names out of that!"
Lucifer huffed softly, bemused, but handed over the hat easily. A few eyebrows went up from the other members of the group, as if they were surprised he would so easily give up what was for all intents and purposes the Crown of Hell to be used for his daughter's whimsy.
Heh! Jokes on them, because this still didn't even count as the least dignified thing he'd ever done to entertain his kid (because she may be an adult now, but she was a baby once and he may have been absent throughout most of her life, but not even he had been absent during her baby/toddler years. Lilith would have killed him).
Charlie took it, throwing the names into the hat. Carrying on as if there hadn't been a disruption, she explained, "When the hat comes to you, you pull a name out." To demonstrate, she reached in and shuffled the papers. Pulling one out, she proceeded to hand the hat to her girlfriend, who also did the same. As they passed it on, she added, "Once everyone has a name, look who you have! That's who you're going to be saying something nice to!"
Angel, never one to miss an opportunity, leaned against the bar in such a way that every curve was accented. "Oh, I don't need a trust building exercise to find something nice to say about some of you's." His smile was just as suggestive, and while the line seemed to be thrown out to the group in general, no one missed the way he glanced at Husk.
Husk himself gave a slight roll of his eyes in response, but it didn't appear any more gruff then Angel's comment was overtly pushy. If Lucifer wasn't mistaken, he would have said both of their expressions looked fond.
Lucifer tracked the progress of the hat as it made its way around the room, coming to Niffty. Her grin widened and her little hands twitched. "Ooooo. This could use a little polishing." Her single eye peered up at Lucifer from across the room, as she near vibrated with glee. "You don't mind if I polish this do you?"
"Um--" Lucifer's own hands twitch with the sudden need to retrieve his hat and wait. Was she removing one of the strands of his hair caught in the hat and pocketing it??
"Nonesense, Niffty." Alastor's near drawl put an end to her manic episode with ease, his hand coming down to pat her head as if she were a mere child. She certainly smiled up at him as innocently as one as she snagged her paper and held the hat up for him. "I'm sure he keeps all of his possessions nice and clean."
Damn right, he did. So what if he cheated a bit and used magic to do so. The end result was all that mattered.
Alastor gave her one last pat on the head, before locking eyes with his king. Never breaking eye co tact, Alastor placed a single hand under the top of the hat, his smile smug and something close to victorious as he took possession of it, however briefly.
(The image rose in Lucifer's mind, sudden and unbidden, the whisper of a warning, of this sinner wearing the hat - the crown - as if he were born to it. His shadows dark around him, eyes and teeth alight with sinister power.)
Lucifer shuddered. He blinked hard to dispell the vision.
Alastor's smile was all teeth as he plucked out a name. Not even remotely pretending to be pious, he held the hat out to Lucifer. "Your hat, your Majesty."
Lucifier was almost loathe to take anything from the Alastor, his own hat or not. Narrowing his eyes, it was only his promise to Charlie that held his tongue for him (and judging from the little shit's expression, he knew it). Lucifier near puffed himself up, his own smile gracious and over-the-top as he snatched the hat, aggressively pulling the final slip of paper from the hat. He held the smile as he placed his crown back where it belonged, the motion finally chasing away the last of the unease from the vision.
Everyone had either already opened their paper or were in the process of doing so. Lucifier felt it was like being the first to blink - breaking eye contact - but his self confidence wasn't quite so low he couldn't let Alastor have this one. He looked down at his paper, opened it up, and then felt his stomach drop.
Sitting their in his daughter's handwriting, innocent and damning all the same, was the name:
Somewhere, his father was laughing at him, pettily and pitilessly. He could almost hear it all the way down there in Hell.
Lucifer balled the paper up into a fist, eye twitching. He could feel Alastor watching him intently, but he refused to give anything else away. Ignoring the sinner felt like pulling a tooth, but he did it anyway, focusing on Charlie.
"Great! Now that everyone has their name, we can start. I'll go first and the person I have will go next and so forth!" She held up her paper for them to read the name. The hotel's oldest guest's name stared back at them. She turned to him. "Angel, I just want to say how proud I am of you and your progress! We've even found fewer stashes lately!"
Angel leaned on the hand he had braced on the bar, his expression near screaming he thought Charlie was adorable in a way that Lucifer could almost see Charlie suddenly questioning if they were finding less stashes lately because Angel had actually been using less or if he was getting better at hiding them. Just as equally visibly, she shook her head to banish the thoughts as if she found them too mean to think before standing resolute by her statement.
Angel wasn't the only one looking at her like they thought she was just too adorable at that point.
His daughter really was too good for this place.
Still, Angel seemed to soak up the positive feedback, something a little more genuine to the playful smile he turned on the bartender. His little paper read, Husk.
Huh, so his name was Husk? But Lucifer thought he'd heard--
Eh, it was a mystery for another day.
Lucifer tuned back in to Angel saying, "You already know you're my favorite person. You always know just what I need after a long day of work."
As if feeling the awkward tension rising from the rest of the group (curiously, all Husk gave was a grunt, and a highly tolerant one at that), Angel shot a coy look over his shoulder at his audience. "All I meant was a good drink. What did you think I meant?"
Charlie clapped her hands together, shaking off whatever just happened there. "Ooookay! Husk! Why don't you go next?"
Husk didn't look thrilled to have been roped into all of this, but he also have the look of someone who had long ago learned it wasn't worth fighting it. He held up his note, which had Niffty's name on it. "Thanks for keeping the bug population down," he rumbled, just this side of sincere.
Niffty was pleased with it either way. She turned on Vaggie (Maggie?) without bothering to pull out her slip. "I really like your room. It has all the mother bugs in it. I thought they could hide from me, but I found them anyway." She cackled, a kitchen knife appearing in her hand seemingly out of nowhere.
"Thaaaanks..." Vaggie's eye twitched as she reached over and plucked the sharp object out of the maid's hand. It disappeared onto her person, likely wherever she hid her spear. Dangerous object temporarily no longer a danger, she held up her paper. Lucifer, it read.
The devil in question felt a small spike of anxiety. He knew what his reputation was like and how it was perceived in Hell and on Earth. He may have ignored it at the time, but he hadn't failed to hear what Adam had spat at him.
The Most Hated Being in All of Creation.
Vaggie, an angel herself, would have heard all the same spew of lies and truths. He didn't think she thought of him that way, but as Charlie's partner, her opinion actually mattered to him.
As if reading his thoughts (and who knew, maybe she could, he was aware of how expressive he was), her sharper edges softened a bit. "I, uh, I'm glad you're not as terrible as they said you are," she offered, looking away.
Lucifer blinked, refusing to admit there might be tears at the corners of his eyes.
He really, really needed to learn her name. Number one goal after this.
Charlie hugged Vaggie, singer her praises. Vaggie played it off that she wasn't moved by them, but one had to be blind not to see how she melted into her girlfriend's arms.
Caught up in the moment, Lucifer could almost forget that it was his turn. And that meant he'd have to say something - ugh - nice to a certain Hellian. He wanted to live in this nice little bubble for a moment.
Sadly, Charlie herself burst it, turning to her father expectantly.
Oh. Oh, how he really didn't want to do this. It didn't help that when he turned to Alastor, the Radio Demon already knew who he'd gotten.
One day. One day, Lucifer was going to wipe that grin off his face. He could be patient.
He could.
Alastor watched him, waiting to see what he'd come up with. Perhaps still waiting to see if he'd make a fool of himself.
Lucifer forced down the irritation, the anger. Felt his muscles loosen. It made it easier to call up his own brand of charm - the same charm that lured not just Lilith but Eve in as well. (Had lured Adam in as well, but, well, that never made it in the history books.) He looked Alastor up and down, eyes half lidded and smile all teeth.
"With a voice like your's, I can see why they let you be a Radio Host." Lucifer's smile edged a touch bit more towards a grin at the way Alastor's eyes widened ever so slightly in surprise. On a bit of a high from catching him off guard, the little king reached up for his hat, pulling it off with a flourish. He gave his head a slight shake, as a pair of dear ears - blond, like his hair - appeared on top of his head. A movement off to his left caused them to twitch towards the sound before moving back to face forward. "The ears are cute, too."
This was not the first time he had mimicked someone. He'd become a small, yellow version of Ozzie during performances at the House of Asmodeus. He'd fashioned himself white and red wings like Bee's on the occasional party of hers that he had attended.
The times he'd mimicked Lilith... well, he'd leave that one to the imagination.
Alastor didn't respond. At all. He might as well have been made of stone.
Alastor continued to not respond long enough that Lucier was genuinely worried he might have pushed too hard.
For a split second, between one blink to the next, the Radio Demon's eyes flickered with dials. Something unnerving flickered behind that gaze that set alarm bells off in even the King of Hell's brain.
Slowly, as if it were being drawn up by a puppeteers' string, a single one of Alastor's hands rose up. His eyes locked and his own ears - and how had he not known they were ears? - trained forward as all of his attention remained on the ears on Lucifer's head. Claws sharp enough to go straight through metal like tissue paper ran lightly down one of the blond ears.
Startled, Lucifer lost the concentration needed to hold their shape, ears disappearing.
Alastors' fingers withdrew and if Lucifer didn't know any better, he'd say that was disappointment on Alastor's face. "A shame," he said wistfully. "You look good with them."
Lucifier stared, heat rising to his cheeks and it took ever ounce of self control not to leap across the room.
Alastor, as if nothing had just happened, turned to Charlie. Lucifier didn't hear what he said (it made Charlie happy, whatever it was), something between heat and a chill running down his spine as he worked out what he'd seen.
He knew why it had never occurred to him Alastor was a deer. That look had been hunger. A wendigo's hunger, famished and bottomless.
And, maybe, just maybe, an altogether different type of hunger.
Oh, he was absolutely was never using those ears again.
Part 3
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