#777 headcanon
annonymouslyannoying · 4 months
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This new transfer from Irk is rather troublesome...
I gave 777 a name, sorry guys.
He's head researcher working on the construction of the Massive. Everyone else is part of the military tech development team.
Tallest Miyuki will surely be by soon to check on their progress, I'm sure it'll go fine.
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schlattsdoll · 10 months
Lunch club schlatt constantly being mean to reader and one day they just finally snap and yell at him and he just remains silent and then when they’re alone he pins them to a wall and is just like “oh you wanna be brave and yell at me,huh? You don’t seem so brave anymore, toots” and just fucks them stupid
◾️i love your brain !!!! minors dni
it was like clockwork for schlatt to bully you. you don’t know why you were even friends with him when all he did was insult you for some reason or another. he caught you on a rough day and you just about had it.
“enoughs efuckingnough johnathan! why do you have to fuckin’ bully me constantly i’m sick of it!” you screamed as he quipped another joke at your expense. he looked shocked but his jaw closed and he smirked, pinning you against the nearest wall. “oh look at you, big tough girl. bein’ all brave. what’s wrong toots? cat got your tongue? you don’t seem so brave now beneath me like this.”
his eyes darted down to your lips as he licked his own. schlatt’s mouth dove down to kiss you fiercely. your body melts into his, as you kiss him back, matching his ferocity. when you two finally break apart, you’re completely baffled. did he bully you because he liked you and didn’t know how to express his emotions? probably
you grabbed his face and kissed him again quickly. “what was that about me not being brave anymore?”
“oh don’t worry doll. when i’m done with you, you’re lucky if you remember your name.”
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shitpostingkats · 4 months
What are your Twewy reaper headcanons?
Okay so if you count Def March (which I absolutely do) there's twelve named Shibuya reapers. Which fits with the fact that every reaper corresponds to an animal of the chinese zodiac.
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I'm just guessing with BJ and Tenho, according to Nomura every reaper has a hidden kanji in their names representing their animal, but I can't read japanese so I took a shot in the dark. Also, fun fact, Minamimoto can't rearrange the radicals in his name to spell boar, like he can with lion, his true noise form. But he's got a lot of boar symbolism, being found in Pork City, and his Leo Cantus Armo form having tusks, which ties into the fact that the Shinjuku reapers all have motifs based on hanafuda suits. MORE ON THAT LATER I AM VERY NORMAL ABOUT HIM.
Ahem. So awhile back I was considering writing a fic on all the Shibuya reapers and how they came to have their current jobs, what their games were like, etc. (Might still write this. I've been busy)
So I sat down to try and come up with headcanons for EVERY named Shibuya reaper, and now I hold every one of them near and dear to my heart.
Kariya is mentioned in game as the oldest reaper, probably having been around for longer than anyone else. I like to imagine there's a huge gap between him and any other current reaper, which drives Mitsuki CRAZY, this chill dude just hangs around and eats candy but also has seniority???? Also he's more powerful than any other reaper save maybe the composer?
The thing that did him in was lung cancer. The lollipop's a replacement cigarette, in much the same way people recommend chewing on hard candy if you're trying to quite smoking. Why did he decide to quit after he died, and he no longer had anything to worry about? Listen the Game's all about growth, and Kariya is possibly the strongest because he is so capable of change, of going with the flow, and learning from his mistakes.
Like every ex-Player, he had a partner when he won his game, and I don't have a whole lot of headcanons for them except 1) they chose to return to life, and 2) Uzuki reminds him of them a lot.
Mitsuki was a woman working her ass off to try and make it in male-led office, until she literally worked herself to death. As you might expect, this royally pissed her off. She was desperate to return to life, but unfortunately, her entry fee came as a pair. What her partner, a simple farmwoman from out of town, valued most was the ability to go unnoticed and unremarked on, while Mitsuki deeply coveted every scrap and morsel of recognition she could get.
So their partnership was cursed so no matter what they did, people's eyes would skate over Mitsuki, dismiss her, and Mitsuki's partner would be lauded with the credit. Mitsuki became almost invisible, while her partner was forced to step up and do most of the talking.
This led her partner feeling more comfortable with being seen, with taking up space, so when the chance came to return to life, she took it with grace. Mitsuki, on the other hand, came to realize she liked working from the shadows. And besides, she could have more power as a reaper than anything a stupid company of the living could offer her...
Higashizawa is pretty simple, both in the game and in my headcanons. He's a cook. Maybe an army cook, but the point is he values food as a part of life, and had to cope with entry fee in the game being unable to eat, despite all the other players, including his partner, being able to.
I picture his partner on the younger side, maybe a cadet, maybe not. They had a very sweet dynamic, very paternal. Even though he couldn't eat, Higashizawa would break into restaurants that didn't have a reaper decal, and "commandeer" their kitchens to make dishes, which, despite only one of them eating them, saved them enough yen and gave enough stat boosts for them to win the game. And led to a spiked increase in reports in "haunted kitchens" for the week they were playing.
Kitanji is TRANS. I know this for a fact. Mr. Square Enix himself told me.
"Megumi" is technically a unisex name but much more commonly a feminine one, something that is actually brought up in the manga, when my dumb cat son tries to nickname Kitanji and Kitanji snaps back that he's very sensitive about his name and was bullied as a kid. This is a trans guy.
He ran a record store in life that unfortunately fell victim to an armed robbery, and Kitanji was killed. His most important thing, his name, was taken from him as his entry fee. This further parallels him to Neku, who woke up in the game knowing nothing but his name. It could also explain why he's so distrusting of Shibuya and thinks the world would simply be better if everyone conformed; after being on the end of transphobic bullying in life, the idea of standing out and embracing the chaos of being a unique soul terrifies him.
MINAMIMOTO is my dumb stupid goth catboy son and I am INSUFFERABLE about him. I have SO many headcanons it's insane.
First off, he died of general exposure, as he was homeless for most of his life. This nicely ties into his habit of collecting garbage, making trash into something brash and artistic, and his general attitude of making himself heard and assertive, while still being so in tune with the flow of the city and people that he has powers unseen in any other reaper. Minamimoto was ignored by the city in life so in death HE IS GOING TO KILL GOD AND TAKE HIS PLACE. WHILE BEING EXTREMELY LOUD ABOUT IT.
So it stands to reason that his entry fee, upon entering the game, was his voice. For the entire game, he was completely mute.
(One of the first things he did as a reaper, was get his megaphone.)
His partner was a diver from the coast who's entry fee was her memories of her home. She knew she had one, she just couldn't remember where, and who was waiting for her in the living world. They developed a series of hand signs for Sho to communicate with, both having a rough grasp of JSL, Sho from some fellow homeless people who were deaf and her from her experience as a diver.
My other big, big headcanon for him is, about 3/4s of the way through the week, she died. Sho, knowing about the seven minutes rule because he picks things up quickly, knew he didn't have long to live if he let her soul energy dissipate and that she would never find out where he home was, but it was MOSTLY about his own survival, shut up, collected up her soul data and tried balancing her equation and a bunch of other Minamimoto nonsense I am not smart enough to write. x = acos(t) and y = asin(t) over root 2 and all that.
He turned her into a noise.
After all, transformation is kinda his thing, and he's notably skilled at manipulating Soul and giving it new forms. He was the one who discovered the loophole that Beat would use to save his sister in week 1. It's what originally put him on Hanekoma's radar as someone to keep an eye on. Hanekoma also made note of the process in case he ever needed it.
After that, Minamimoto went on to win the game, have his partner restored to life, and was now far too curious about studying Soul and Noise to even think of doing anything else but staying in the UG.
His noise form, while originally a boar, he managed to by complete force of will shape into a lion, just because he wanted to be a lion.
He had a short tenure as a wall reaper, where he would ask impossibly long math questions of the "A train leaves Philadelphia at 8:00am traveling 90 mph" variety. This caused him to be promoted to an Officer just to stop him from being a Harrier, and some rules to be laid down regarding what can and can't be a viable quiz for the wall questions.
Def March was a real band before they died, probably in some hilarious way, that killed all three of them. Being Shibuya's only instance of a rare three person pact, their collective entry fee was their memories of knowing each other in life, but they decided to stick together anyways despite having no idea who these random two other guys they woke up in the afterlife with were. Cue clown music as they proceed to become best friends and vow to start a band together once they win the game.
They decided to stay as reapers once they won because none of them could think of anything cooler than a metal band that was actually dead.
Although still very passionate about music, most of their memories of being a band getting erased meant they had some space to explore new hobbies. BJ and Tenho decided to combine their newfound loves of bar trivia and local history into a new method of Harrying, known as the Reaper Review.
Coco wasn't able to see much of the city when she was alive, being hospital bound for most of her life before losing the fight to a chronic illness at a young age. So she took to being a reaper with gusto, diving in to the local trends and culture like she was starving for it. Her entry fee might be considered a paltry thing to most, the ability to see color, but it truly was the thing about herself she valued most. After a life of drab grey walls and sterile surfaces, color was deeply important to her, none moreso than the colors she chose for herself.
She's also the most adventurous of the Shibuya reapers, being the one to actually leave the district and travel to other places in the city, which is how she and Tsugumi became friends.
Uzuki is the second newest reaper, having died recently of a heart attack (see the sprites where she clutches her chest when taken off guard) Like Mitsuki, she was originally deeply annoyed by her life being cut short, but adapted quickly to the new structure of the reapers and is aiming high after realizing how much more being a reaper can offer her. I genuinely have no idea what her entry fee might have been so I am currently in the market for a good headcanon there.
Joshua is the most recent addition to the Shibuya reapers
Okay, hear me out.
First off, I am obsessed with the fanon that Joshua and Fret knew each other in life. Joshua is heavily implied in the first game to have taken his own life, while Fret speaks in the second about losing a friend to what is heavily implied to be suicide. The idea that the loss that set Fret down the path of repression and insincerity was Joshua scratches my brain in such a satisfying way.
Second, he's a prodigy in all things UG related, but has the general attitude and personality of someone actually the age he appears to be. Boy is chronically 15. I think it's much more likely he died a little more than a year or two ago before the start of twewy and rose through the ranks quickly, rather than being some eternally 15 twerp whose been around for years.
It is mentioned he knew Hanekoma in life, and would visit CAT street frequently to talk about the UG, which is something he could see even before he died. He killed himself knowing where he would go, and how he was special.
So I think his entry fee is he got to the UG and couldn't see anything.
No noise, no reapers, no players. Hanekoma was waiting for him, being just enough of a non-game-related entity to at least give him a heads up and see he got a Pact. Joshua himself doesn't know much about his partner, being unable to see them for the entire game. But he did rely on them. Trust your partner. In Josh's case, he had to.
Also, think about the blood vessel Uzuki would pop if she learned that the all powerful composer who wields the power of the entire city with a mysterious anonymity had actually been with the UG shorter than she has.
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inbarfink · 5 months
Anyways my stupidest and most unfounded and least canon Invader Zim Headcanon is that what we hear as a British accent on Alien Characters is actually a Vortian accent.
I mean, yeah, there’s only one Vortian in the show who speaks with a British accent, but that still accounts for 50% of the entire canon Vortian cast of the show! (Compared to the one British Irken we know, who is much more in the minority)
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And since Irk and Vort used to be such close allies, I… think it makes sense they’ll be a lot of Vortians with good Irken (American to our ears) accents, like Prisoner 777. And maybe some Irkens who picked up a Vortians accent over the years. 
If Tak has spent a lot of her formative years on Vort, or even was born on some off-world Smeetry in Vort - that might explain where she picked all the mechanical chops she has (since she basically had to built all of her equipment herself and it’s all better than the standard-issue professionally-made Invader equipment) and why she seems to have a greater sense of individuality then your average Irken (her outfit and personalized logo)
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But maybe it just makes sense to me lol 
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random-iz-stuff · 2 years
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Zim really went through a whole ass character arc before the events of the series.
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jthm-moved · 2 years
what if i made my own nathan lore post what then.
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xcyphoz0a · 6 months
Hi! I can have a headcanon about a reader who love to tease and just spoiling them rotten for Diluc, Kaeya and Childe
Love so gentle like the first breeze in autumn
Gender neutral reader, fluff TW/CW: none? i think Word count: 777 Proofread: Nope | What’s it like to be with you? We never know, but they all know that it’s simply pleasant to be with you. | A/N: ouh… took a lil longer than i thought; here ya go!
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Both your teasing and the tendency to spoil just makes him flabbergasted – in a good way. 
He’s never really been spoilt before nor was he the one subject to teasing. When you first did, he was slightly shocked, but he soon became used to it.
Whenever he comes back late from his ‘nightly duties’ you’re always there, waiting for him with a glass of water. He’s grateful for the littlest of things that you do for him, and he thinks to repay you, but you deny.
Same but slightly different when it comes to you teasing him. He doesn’t really understand some of the pick-up lines you say, but when he does at times, he turns the same shade as his hair, as he mutters incoherent things under his breath, something along the lines of, ‘that was unexpected’
Don’t take it too seriously– he likes them, but sometimes he wishes you tease him in private, because he has many tricks up his sleeve to come back at you– he’s just a little shy when it comes to the public gaze.
When it comes to completely spoiling him, you’re in the loss here. Diluc owns a winery, and he lives in a mansion. He’s probably the one spoiling you from extravagant gifts to the trivial things you like without any hesitation. The only thing you can probably outdo him would be affection, smother him in hugs, kisses and words and he’ll malfunction soon enough.
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Absolutely loves it. Will 100% tease you back and spoil you back. No hesitation, any ‘no’s will not be tolerated, he will somehow find ways to come back at you.
Kaeya finds difficulty with loneliness– so when he found you and both started a blooming relationship, he couldn’t be happier than ever. You always manage to remember the little things he liked and disliked, and he’s eternally grateful for it.
Whenever you go to him when he’s on duty to give him his forgotten lunch or when he comes back, he’s glad that he’s not the only one in his house anymore.
If you spoil him, he’ll gladly do it back, but 2 times the amount. Kaeya loves how you manage to surprise him with your gifts to affection, and every day, its a pleasant surprise for him. He won’t be as extravagant as Diluc for his gifts, but it’s heartfelt– and what matters to you is the thought behind the gift.
Though if you tease him, he’ll tease you back tenfold, no matter the place. Especially in public– he has this suave tone, as he leans on your shoulder, whispering his own lines of tease to your ear as he watches the tip of your ears produce smoke. In private? Completely different– he does get flustered! Especially if you’re both genuine and teasing.
Kaeya’s just happy that he has someone so supportive of him, and loves him for who he is– he’d never ask for more, though if you indulge him a little, he might.
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You spoil him, he’ll also spoil you back, you tease him, he’ll tease you back. This man also loves spoiling and teasing you rotten.
Childe loves and cares a lot for his family as well as his job– but when you came into the picture, you became the similar priority to both. He’s put you in high regard and love, and he does expect the same back– it’s alright if you don’t! Really.
But he just loves how you run up to him and hug him when he comes back from a long mission or just comes back home after a long day. It rejuvenates him and it’s like a breath of fresh air to him.
You can try to spoil him with gifts. Keyword, try. He’ll most likely gift you a house if you give him matching rings and bracelets to commemorate your 1 year anniversary. That’s the minimum he’ll do. Though when it comes to affection, he’ll melt as he cuddles into your arms a little more. You can practically hear him buzzing from the pure affection alone that he’s feeling.
Considering Childe did spend the majority of his childhood in the Abyss, he initially thought the feelings he was feeling when you’d shower him with love was an illness until you had to sit him down and give him a 3 hour lecture on how that feeling is not something to start a fight.
When you tease him, he’ll tease you a lot, leaning on his left foot as he makes a knowing smirk as he says something back to you, as his face turns smug when your face becomes hot like the summer sun.
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ms-scarletwings · 3 months
Scarlet Talks About [Invader Zim]
Highlight reel for the funny green alien show word vomits, HOO-AH! Updated March 2024
General Setting/Lore
• Irkens
- If you behead one…
- On the meaning of defective
- Speculative Insights I : Of Irk and empires
- Speculative Insights II : Diet, maggot skin, & lunch meats of evil
- Speculative Insights III : The Tallest and Control brains as morphic castes within a eusocial species
- Irken senses and edibility
- “Cuteness” through Irken eyes
- Small theory about Irken Hygiene (TBA)
- About auditory communication
• Misc.
- Vortian headcanons
Character Analysis
• Irken Zim
- The Trojan Horse PAK Headcanon/theory
- Top 8 members of his hypothetical fan club
- Tidbit on his strange relationship with prisoner 777
- Chaotic evil wearing lawful evil’s threads
• Dib Membrane
- How he carries a torch his father takes for granted
- In which a big head gives room for an even bigger mouth
- My poor insane antihero
• Zib
- A character autotopsy, figuratively
- A character autotopsy, literally (TBA)
- My poor insane antivillain
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brisquad-unit-4402 · 5 months
luxiem masterpost
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
💌 no reader insert
💜 can be read as platonic or romantic
🧡 platonic relationship
💕 romantic, pre-relationship
❤️ romantic, established relationship
💔 angst
💝 fluff
🗣 humor/crack
🖤 nsfw/sexual, features content not intended for minors
🌟 author's favorite
🎉 request from #100 followers for 4402 event
🎃 trick-or-treat drabble from #4402's halloween 2023 treats
[will add more if needed]
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
luxiem 。・:*˚:✧。
༻✧༺ luxiem and what you call them wc: 402 ❤️
༻✧༺ lost in time with luxiem wc: 6.7k ❤️ 💔
༻✧༺ lost in time with luxiem pt. 2 wc: 9.1k ❤️ 💝
༻✧༺ luxiem zombie au notes and commentary wc: 2k 🧡 💔
༻✧༺ playing with luxiem’s hair wc: 497 ❤️ 💝
༻✧༺ luxiem helping you fall asleep wc: 686 ❤️ 💝
༻✧༺ how i describe luxiem's eyes wc: 325 💝
༻✧༺ pride month headcanons wc: 436 💌 💝
༻✧༺ luxiem and noisy sex wc: 787 ❤️ 🖤
༻✧༺ rating luxiem and noctyx by how good they would be at taking care of bugs wc: 1.5k 💜 💝 🗣
༻✧༺ taking off the engagement ring wc: 3.4k ❤️ 💝 💔
༻✧༺ luxiem as bad sex wc: 859 🖤 ❤️ 🗣
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
🖋 ike eveland
༻✧༺ miku please don't take him just because you can wc: 2.4k❤️ 💝 🗣
༻✧༺ 🌟 slow dancing with ike wc: 1.1k ❤️ 💝
༻✧༺ zombie au with ike ft. luxiem | notes wc: 10.7k 🧡 💔
༻✧༺ carrying ike like a princess wc: 777 ❤️ 💝 🎉
༻✧༺ 🌟 stars above your skin (pliskinverse) | notes wc: 19.4k 💕 💔 💝
༻✧༺ ike realizing his feelings (pliskinverse) wc: 581 💕 💝
༻✧༺ first time with ike (pliskinverse) wc: 926❤️ 💝 🖤
༻✧༺ "how do you kiss hard?" - ike eveland 2023 wc: 1.3k ❤️ 💝
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
🦁 luca kaneshiro
༻✧༺ power couple wc: 689 ❤️
༻✧༺ surprise date, surprise hug, kissing in the rain and falling asleep while cuddling wc: 4.2k ❤️ 💝 🎉
༻✧༺ massaging and teasing wc: 2.5k ❤️ 🎉 🖤
༻✧༺ a trick on halloween night wc: 189 💜 💝 🗣 🎃
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
🦊 mysta rias
༻✧༺ twitching while dreaming wc: 668 ❤️ 💝
༻✧༺ surprise date, surprise hug, kissing in the rain and falling asleep while cuddling wc: 4.2k ❤️ 💝 🎉
༻✧༺ massaging and teasing wc: 2.5k ❤️ 🎉 🖤
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
👟 shu yamino
༻✧༺ 🌟 trading a heart | notes wc: 11.3k 💕 💔 💝
༻✧༺ playing with shu’s hair wc: 436 ❤️ 💝 🖤
༻✧༺ winter cuddles wc: 158 ❤️ 💝
༻✧༺ 🌟 thoughts on shu’s ponytail before 2.0 reveal wc: 417 💝
༻✧༺ being gorgeous wc: 3.6k ❤️ 💝 💔 🖤
༻✧༺ pining shu wc: 570 💕 💔 🎉
༻✧༺ secret relationship during an off-collab and sleepy kisses wearing his clothes wc: 2.9k ❤️ 💝 🎉
༻✧༺ shu x chair wc: 521 ❤️ 🖤
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
👹 vox akuma
༻✧༺ sitting with vox and the truth wc: 907 💜 💔
༻✧༺ christmas cookies wc: 686 ❤️ 💝
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
brainrot/miscellaneous list
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
✧. ┊ rules ✧. ┊ masterlist ✧. ┊ ko-fi
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hardstraykidshours · 2 years
skz & the location of your first time together
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pairing: ot8 x gn!reader
genre: smut, fluff, headcanon, 18+ (minors dni)
length: 777
warnings: profanity, suggestive/sexual content, dom!skz and sub!skz (depending on the member), dom!reader and sub!reader (depending on the member), semi public sex, car sex, shower sex, nsfw 18+ (minors dni)
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as stereotypical as it sounds, your first time would be in his studio, and it would happen pretty unexpectedly. you would hang out at his studio a lot to keep him company since he usually works so late. you’d often be there into the wee hours of the night, long after everyone else was gone. one night, chan was working nonstop for several hours, so you would pull him out of his chair and drag him over to the couch in his studio to force him to take a break. that break would just happen to turn into you straddling him for a steamy makeout session. one thing would lead to another, and suddenly you’re bent over his desk as he fucks you from behind.
your first time with minho would be at your apartment, but he would be using every single surface possible to fuck you on. he would ask if you wanted to hang out and watch a movie at your place and would follow it up with “will your roommate be home?”, and at that moment you would know that tonight was the night. minho would take his time with you and would be softer than normal to make you more comfortable. and he would fuck you eeeeverywhere. if there was a free surface he could fuck you on, he would, so you two would be going at it for hours.
your first time with changbin would be in the shower. you both knew you wanted to have sex, but changbin would be so nervous about initiating it that he would constantly borderline reject you. so you would decide to take matters into your own hands. he'd get into the shower one night after the gym, and you'd join him (consensually of course). let’s just say, your water bill would be pretty high that month since a post-gym fucking in the shower would be an almost daily occurrence.
your first time with hyunjin would be in a bedroom at his place during a party. you'd be enjoying the party for a couple hours but you and hyunjin would find it harder and harder to keep your hands off of each other. he would be just sooooo horny, so you lead him to his bedroom, no one would really notice your absence with the chaos of the party. hyunjin would be an absolute moaning mess when you’re on top of him, so you'd have to keep reminding him to be quiet so people don’t hear.
your first time with jisung would be on the couch. you'd be watching some tv when a makeout session goes a little too far too fast. you would both be so needy that you couldn't even think about pausing for one moment to move to a different location, so you would fuck right there on that couch.
you first time with felix would be in either your bed or his, but regardless of whose bed its in, it is a fully planned event. he would really want to make it romantic and special for you, so he'd lay out rose petals and light candles all around the room. everything about it would be slow and sensual, felix would take his time taking care of you, and you’d do the same for him. 
your first time with seungmin would be in the back of his car, and it's happening somewhere borderline public during the day. you both would like the thrill of it, the potential of getting caught, so you’d both jump right in with something spicy right off the bat. you’d never actually get caught, obviously, but seungmin would like to have a little fun. sometimes he would ram into you a little harder just to elicit a loud moan from you to add a little adrenaline to the experience.
your first time with jeongin would be in the back seat of his car, but he would 100% make sure you were in a dark, deserted parking lot in the middle of the night where no one would see you. he’s horny, so he would quite frankly have sex anywhere, so the back of a car isn’t a big deal for him. another reason why the car in the middle of nowhere would be his go to for the first time is because he wouldn’t even wanna get caught in his own home. he knows that if his roommates heard you two, he would never live it down, so he wouldn’t even want to attempt that just yet, especially not for your first time.
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allastoredeer · 1 month
Archangel anon again! Here for those extended Gabriel headcanons. Okay! Gabriel's the messenger of heaven, so i imagine that it's his's responsibility to convey messages between heaven and hell. That makes Gabe the only sibling Lucifer has been allowed to have simi-consistent contact with since his fall. They're not allowed to have long, deep conversations, but they do try to catch up a tiny bit. I see Gabe as a trickster with a heart of gold. Seemingly a charismatic goofball who takes very little seriously. A fast-talking, smooth-talking, ALWAYS talking jokester who can make you want to tear your hair out one second, then charm the pants off you the next. He's the best liar of the family, incredibly good at playing dumb despite actually being quite cunning, strategic, and above all else, PETTY. He is very protective of his siblings, especially Lucifer nowadays (side-effect of being the only sibling allowed to talk to him) and can hold a grudge like no ones business.
But, the main reason I wanted to give special attention to Gabe is because of his patronage. As I was doing research on Gabriel I made a delightful discovery ripe with potential. Remember how I said Gabriel is the patron of communication services? Well another way to phrase it would be he holds patronage over all forms of transmitting information from point A to point B. This includes telecommunications that transmit information through electrical means. Such as telegraph, telephone, internet, and broadcasting. ALL forms of broadcasting. Including both television AND RADIO.😃😃😃
Do you see? Do you see the abundance of potential that I see?? Gabriel is the Patron Archangel of both TV AND RADIO. He holds dominion over
I cannot begin to describe the joy I felt when I made that discovery! Instantly got the brain buzzing.
Alastor and Gabriel have the capacity for either becoming instant best friends or instant enemies and I can't decide which one I like more... Oh who am I kidding, it's enemies. Imagine Gabriel is visiting Lucifer and Charlie and he inevitably buts heads with Alastor. Either Alastor says something snide about Gabe himself, or maybe Lucifer. Meanwhile, Gabe has gone uncharacteristically quiet and just stares at Al for a long moment. Then, an unreadable smile slowly forms on his face and he laughs good-naturedly, slapping Alastor on the back a BIT too hard but otherwise just says "You got me there, buddy" before sauntering away.
But the next morning, Alastor tries to enter his radio tower to do his morning show, only to find the door is locked tight and there's some kind of powerful ward keeping him from shadow-porting in. Then, every radio in hell suddenly comes alive as none other than Gabriel's loud, bombastic voice comes pouring enthusiastically from the speakers.
Gabriel has redefined the term "pirate radio" by not only hijacking Alastor's radio tower, but also literally every radio in hell. And worse, he's turned Al's show into one of those "zany" morning-zoo radio shows. The kind of shows thar are more annoying than funny that always play on the radio on your way to work or school? I imagine Alastor considers those shows a perversion of his medium. And as the cherry on top, Gabe refuses to relinquish control back to Alastor calls in (the number is 1 777 3625, that's 1 777 DMBK🤭) and apologizes ON AIR for all of hell to hear.🤣🤣🤣
You know what, I'm kind of with Alastor on this one.
If someone messed with my passion like that, I would never apologize. I would double down. I'd never stop pushing those buttons, consequences be damned. You want me to say sorry? Nah, bitch, how about you stop being a wuss?
LOL I think Alastor would take a megaphone, plop himself on a rooftop (or just roam the streets) and do his broadcast like that. He'd find himself a soapbox to stand on. You know, the old fashioned way. I mean, depending on if Alastor can control radiowaves, he might be able to hijack one of the speakers he set up all over Hell. He'd pick a new one every day, and diss on ol' Gabe. He'd go into how Heaven keeps repressing the sinners of Hell, first it was the Extermination, and now Heaven's silencing their voices. When will the tyranny end? How long will they put up with this??
LOL Idk now that I'm thinking about it, the idea of Alastor starting a revolution against Heaven purely out of spite is incredibly funny and I love it.
(Also that is really interesting about Gabriel patron of communication 👀 that has so much potential)
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annonymouslyannoying · 4 months
Random Invader Zim headcanons because I hate you all on an intimate and personal level
•Tallest Red and Purple's actual names aren't Red and Purple. They decided when they were young that they were just gonna keep their names between them because it made them feel superior.
•The smallest Irken ever recorded was just slightly bigger than a SIR unit. They were designed to always be smaller than their master, whoever that might end up being.
•Miyuki's death at the Vortian Military Research Lab was what ended the alliance between the Vortians and the Irkens.
•Zim is 212 in human years.
•It takes Irkens roughly 50 human years to reach young adulthood.
•Dib "ironically" plays Fortnite. He always plays as a female skin.
•Gaz dreams of being a game designer.
(It was actually planned in the show for her to be a creative of sorts and I honestly think it's a shame that we never really got to see that.
•All of the episodes and comic issues I DON'T LIKE never happened because I said so.
•Zim also plays Fortnite and always plays as giant muscular skins. He's the one that got Dib to start playing by just constantly bragging about skilled he is (he isn't).
•There is something genuinely wrong with me
•777 gave Zim custody of his children on purpose
•Zim can speak better Spanish than Dib
•Dib thinks he's better than his anime watching peers even though he legitimately watches reality tv.
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schlattsdoll · 10 months
This has been on my mind for a while (also sorry for bad grammar I'm on mobile using voice type
So you and schlatt are roommates and you recently bought a Bluetooth vibrator and you accidentally connecting his stuff and you messing around with the settings thinking that it just wasn't working and you got scammed and you just leave it on the highest setting not knowing that he is just a mess in his room. 5 minutes later he burst through your door asking if you were the one who was controlling the stuff :3.
Or alternatively
You buy a vibrator not really paying attention to the fact that it's a Bluetooth one. And Perv! schlatt who hears you using it ( and knowing what brand it was because he was snooping through your stuff).
And starts to control it from his room and getting off on the fact that you are unaware that he is the one controlling it
This is probably cringe but what eva 🤷🏿‍♀️
omg the first one ??? minors dni
you’re laying there wearing nothing but your shirt (technically schlatt’s because you stole it) pissed off your new toy wasn’t working. it was an expensive bluetooth one, but little did you know why it wasn’t working.
your remote some how got paired to your roommate’s bluetooth fleshlight. you hadn’t known he had bought the same brand as you and that your toys could pair together. as you’re sitting there, maxing out the vibrations you can hear faint moans from next door, but you chalked that up to schlatt using his at the same time.
you threw the toy in your draw in a huff, quickly getting your bottoms back on. a few minutes later your roommate comes banging on your door. “hey toots, was uh… was that you tryna control something?”
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Headcanon time
When the code attacks or appears, depending on its target, it’ll take the form of it’s targets loved ones (only the shape of them, their figure is just covered in code) and only the target and their family can see the form. Which is why it stuns the parents at first before taking action (and why it adds a bit more angst and anger to the parents as its using their loved ones figures against them).
When it first attacked Leo, the code translated to 777, so it took the form of Vegetta.
When it attacked Tallulah (taking her first life), it took the form of Wiilbur.
When it attacked Pomme, it took the form of Kemeto or one of her parents who where offline.
When it attacked Dapper, it took the form of Skeppy.
When it attacked Ramon, it took the form of Fit (Spreen when Fit is online).
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hoshi-tachimiya · 1 year
Hiya!!! Since reqs are open, could I request the Flambé shuffle unit (separate idols) headcanons with the reader not knowing how to cook or is bad at cooking? I depicted a burning kitchen scene after it was fully announced x'D Have fun & ty
⋆ .* .🔥 Flambé! ⨉ Reader Headcanons
Prompt: Cooking together, except you can't cook. Word Count: 777 (!?) Warning: N/A. Notes: SFW. Gender-neutral reader. Crack. Kitchen failures. Please don't let Niki see this. Comment: H-Help.
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❧ Yuzuru just can't afford to take his eyes away from you due to constant worry. If he were to focus on the cooking more, he's afraid that you would mistakenly use sugar in place of salt. This results in him guiding and correcting you instead of actually doing any cooking.
❧ The cooking process of a simple dish would take much more time than needed, thanks to you. Yuzuru does have moderate patience, which he would rather not waste. A mere sigh indicates he still has plenty of patience, but if you happen to insist on adding energy drink to the soup broth, expect a grip on your wrist with a threatening smile on his face.
"For the sake of you, me, and whoever will eat your cooking, [y/n]-sama, please listen to me and follow the recipe as it is."
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❧ Unlike Yuzuru, Ibara doesn't have the time and patience to deal with the potential disaster of having you cook. Given his tight schedule, he doesn't have time to teach you how to cook properly. He would rather cook for you and Nagisa by himself to save time and effort.
❧ The first and last time he let you make an attempt in cooking, he managed to stop you before you set things on fire. He ushered you to go and wait while he prepares the food, subtly kicking you out from the kitchen to prevent you from making the foodstuffs inedible. As a safety measure, he would never allow you to step into the kitchen again. Never again.
"What the– What do you think you're doing?! This is a kitchen, not a battlefield!!"
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❧ The amount of cooperation you and Subaru have would win you a pair cooking competition... if both of you are good at cooking, that is. The problem is, that's not the quality that you two have. Instead, your ability to come up with wild ideas will only destroy the dish you're making. Hopefully not the kitchen, too.
❧ As long as you have Subaru, edible glitters and gold leaves aren't exclusively used as decoration for cakes any more. It's only a matter of time until he chimes in with more ingredients. The more sparkles the food has, the better. Let's not talk about if it's edible, though.
"[y/n]! I brought sparkling water! It's better than regular water because it's sparkling, right?"
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❧ Tomoya might only be a starter, but he is definitely trying his best. He paid a serious attention to the recipe, measuring everything carefully while avoiding causing any unnecessary mess. Slowly, he got over the overwhelming feeling of learning about different types of flour and measurement utensils, which are confusing at first.
❧ The moment he notices you dumping way too much butter and cream, his expression is immediately filled with dread. He mentally facepalmed at the wrong cups that you use to measure the amount of things you need, before reprimanding you to pay attention and follow the recipe. The way he scolds you bluntly is enough to enlighten you, and yet not to the point of sounding rude.
❧ Fortunately, with the help of Tomoya, redemption for your mistake(s) is not beyond possibility. He assisted you in scooping out the excess ingredients before it's too late. The failures don't discourage him from doing another trial until he gets the food right, but he would appreciate a proper guidance next time.
"It's okay, [y/n]! We make mistakes sometimes. Just don't forget to use this cup to measure butter, okay?"
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❧ This one cooking session with Rinne is, needless to say, catastrophic. Chaos, chaos ensues. Burning kitchen scene, yes. Who proposed the idea again? Of course, Rinne wouldn't pass up a chance to gamble, especially when it can boost his ego. He easily agreed to bet on whoever is more impressive at cooking, especially when he knows you can't cook quite well.
❧ Rinne might have seen Niki cook a few times, but that means nearly nothing if he never actually tried to cook by himself. The whole cooking session is filled with you and Rinne showing off your "impressive cooking skills" instead of making an edible dish, there is no telling that the giant fire plume was actually an attempted flambé. If no explosion happened in the process, then consider it as a miracle.
❧ At this point, the competition is more about who is less bad at cooking. No one would win, by the way. Ibara would ensure that the two of you pay for the damages, and there is no escaping it. Overall, it's absolutely not a recommended bonding session.
"Argh, whatever! Why do you even need to cook when you have Niki around?!"
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random-iz-stuff · 1 year
hey irken culture headcanon person here again. for the specificity i just kinda really want a master doc of headcanons on iz although mainly i’d also like to know ur headcanons on like ethnicities of irkens, if you get what i’m saying. like one of my headcanons for irkens is that they’re bug-based. so different types will classify as different races, like a roach-based irken would be a different race than a moth-based irken and then the species of said bug would count as ethnicity cause a bunch of different irkens probably live on a bunch or different planets cuz invading and all that and im turning off anon cause i need to write abt this on my tumblr and just like share it with the world cause im actually getting somewhere in this au okay IM DONE TALKING
My version of irkens are rather different compared to that.
Because my versions of Irkens don’t have differing types and don’t really HAVE different ethnicities in their culture, at least not anymore. They’ve all been either merged into one singular “Irken” ethnicity or destroyed, both accidentally and on purpose.
I say accidentally because the Irken race has a LOT of destructive wars and culture destroying moments in its past, especially one known as The Unity War, which was a massive nuclear war that almost wiped out the entire Irken race as a whole and ended with all of Irk uniting under a single government that would quickly become the Irken Empire we know today, and on purpose because the Empire went out of its way to destroy, assimilate and merge as many ethnic groups and cultures as possible into one singular ethnic group for control reasons. It’s easier to control a population if said population is made up of one singular group of people instead of many.
Combine that with the fact that all planets with smeeteries on them (Irk may be the Empire’s capital and the planet that makes the MOST smeets, but it’s not the only planet where Irkens are born) are located deep within Irken territory and rather close together on a cosmic scale and you don’t have many (or any) purely Irken ethnicities apart from the basic Irken one.
However, there are many differing sub-cultures within the Empire. They all connect back to the Irken Empire and it’s one ethnicity and culture and share those core values of the Empire with the Empire always coming first, making them sub-cultures of the main Empire culture instead of real cultures of their own, but they do exist and they can be found all through the Empire.
Many things can affect the sub-culture of an area. What other races exist nearby, the general use of that area to the Empire, the presence of other sub-cultures, etc.
Starting with that first thing, “What other races exist nearby”. I can’t find the exact post, but I mentioned in a different ask about Irken romance and courting stuff that Irkens don’t have actual courting rituals or traditions of their own because their own culture related to love and romance has been completely obliterated over time, so they tend to borrow the traditions of other races they encounter and use those instead. It’s the same thing for Irken sub-cultures, but on a larger scale. They have no purely Irken cultures besides the singular one, so many Irken systems located near the systems of other races will borrow some of the the cultures and beliefs of that other race and incorporate it into their own sub-culture.
Due to Irkens and Vortians being really friendly with one another until rather recently with Miyuki’s death and Spork blaming said death on the Vortians because she died in a Vortian Scientific Station, Vortians had a rather large influence on many Irken sub-cultures, with Vortian elements being present in many of them. But it’s not just Vortians that have their cultures borrowed from and incorporated into an Irken sub-culture of some kind. Basically any race besides the Meekrob can and have had elements of their cultures borrowed by Irkens.
This also affects religion. Surprisingly enough, the Irken Empire doesn’t really have many rules against religions. As long as the Irken puts their loyalty to the Tallest and the Empire as a whole first and doesn’t let their beliefs get in the way of efficiency (and the religion in question doesn’t go against the cultural rules and traditions revolving around Irken hands because that will ALWAYS go first), the Irken is free to worship whoever or whatever they want. The Empire CAN get involved if they deem it necessary, but they rarely if ever do.
The closest thing the Irken Empire has to an official religion is worshiping the Tallest themselves, and that doesn’t often get in the way of other religions that worship actual deities. If anything, it helps the Tallest remain popular because religions Irkens will often find ways to fit the Tallest into the religion they worship by themselves like believing that the Tallest are appointed or chosen by the top god of that religion or something like that.
Invaders and other Irken jobs that involve a lot of travelling also help in this regard, as they go all over the galaxy and experience a lot of different cultures and often intentionally or not bring elements of those cultures back with them when they go back to Irken territory.
Secondly, what the area is used for. A system populated by a lot of scientists and scientific stations will have a very different look and feel compared to a system filled with military stuff. And that affects the local sub-culture by quite a lot. A military-heavy area is more likely to borrow and copy the cultures and beliefs of a more militaristic and strength based culture, a science-heavy area would naturally gravitate towards more science based cultures and be more interested in those beliefs, etc.
Thirdly, interactions with other sub-cultures. Sub-cultures, like regular cultures, change over time, borrowing and incorporating new elements, dropping older things that no longer work, merging with other, similar sub-cultures, new sub-cultures splitting off from older ones, the like.
The Empire itself also keeps a close eye on all of its many sub-cultures, getting involved whenever it believes that one of them is getting too far away from the Empire’s core values. It’s very rare that this happens, but whenever the Empire decides to crack down on a particular sub-culture for whatever reason, that sub-culture and everything similar to it is doomed, often being completely destroyed or at least reduced to just a few members in a matter of weeks.
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