violeblanche · 2 years
7gold con l'ospite d'onore: moggi
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istitutofemminile · 2 years
Domandare è lecito, rispondere è cortesia.
Onore e gloria a 7Gold che giovedì sera 28 luglio alle 23.30 trasmetterà 'Brivido caldo', noir anni '80 diretto da Lawrence Kasdan
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antennaweb · 11 days
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micro961 · 27 days
Mati “Musica sulla mia pelle”
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La giovanissima artista emiliana pubblica un inno alle emozioni condivise colorato da uno stile pop-reggaeton
«Una delle particolarità che più mi piace di questo inedito è la semplicità del testo stesso, proveniente da alcuni pensieri che mi vagavano in testa pochi giorni dopo la fine dell’estate: un amore desideroso, probabilmente non ricambiato, che si traduce in deliziose melodie risuonanti in tutto il mio corpo.» Mati
"Musica sulla mia pelle” è il terzo singolo della giovane cantautrice Mati, un brano che cattura l'essenza di un amore desiderato attraverso melodie avvolgenti.
"Il tempo passa e non passi tu" è il mantra quotidiano di Mati, che vive con il costante desiderio di incontrare l'oggetto dei suoi pensieri. Nonostante gli ostacoli che impediscono il loro avvicinamento, l'attimo in cui i loro sguardi si incroceranno promette un'adrenalina paragonabile solo alla musica stessa.
"Musica sulla mia pelle" è un brano parla all'anima di molte ragazze, un inno alle emozioni condivise colorato da uno stile pop-reggaeton.
Mati, vero nome Matilde Levizzani, ha 17 anni. Nata in provincia di Reggio Emilia, vive a Sassuolo e frequenta il liceo a Modena. Ha pubblicato tre singoli e ha partecipato al programma “The Coach” sul canale 7Gold dove si è esibita come interprete di cover. “Musica sulla mia pelle” è il suo ultimo singolo pubblicato il 15 marzo 2024 in tutti i digital store e in rotazione radiofonica dal 17 maggio.
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rugantino7 · 3 months
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Con la mia splendida collega
@giovannacuratola , coach di canto, durante le registrazioni della trasmissione televisiva The Coach 6 😎🌷
Ps: lo so, in foto mi è venuta un'espressione un po' "così" hehe 😅
#messina #messinabedda #sicilia #siciliabedda #sicily #sicily🇮🇹 #italia #italy #italy🇮🇹 #danielebattaglia #danieleantoniobattaglia #rugantino7 #actors #attori #attoriitaliani #actores #presentatori #showmen #tvshow #talentshow #thecoach #7gold #cantanti #canto #danza #artist #artistsoninstagram
#artists #recitazione #coaches
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spiritsoulandbody · 6 months
#DailyDevotion We Love The LORD Because He Hears Us
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#DailyDevotion We Love The LORD Because He Hears Us Psalm 116 I love the LORD because He hears me call and plead. 2Because He turns His ear to me, I will call on Him as long as I live. Some people who are so pious they of no earthly use might complain we should love the LORD just because He is the LORD. They should perhaps chew on this verse a while and learn a little humility. It's ok to love the LORD because of what He does as well as who He is. David here loves the LORD because the LORD hears his call and pleading. He loves the LORD because He turns His ear to him. It is the justification of calling on Him as long as he lives. We should follow suit. To love the LORD yes, but we should call upon the LORD as long as we live. Jesus has promised us as much as David says here about himself. In Matt. 6:7 He says, “Your Father knows what you need before you ask Him.” In Matt. 6:32 He says, “Your Father in heaven knows you need them all.” In chapter 7 Jesus says, 7“Ask, and it will be given to you. Search, and you will find. Knock, and the door will be opened for you. 8Anyone who asks receives; anyone who searches finds; and anyone who knocks, the door will be opened for him... 11Now if you, as wicked as you are, know how to give your children good gifts, how much more will your Father in heaven give good things to those who ask Him?” 3The snares of death came around me; the distress of the grave took hold of me; I experienced anguish and grief. 4So I prayed in the LORD's name: “Please, O LORD, rescue me!" 5The LORD is kind and righteous; our God is merciful. 6The LORD protects the helpless; He saved me when I was weak. David experienced a rescue from the snares of death. These verses seem to come from Psalm 18 which David prayed when the LORD rescued him from his enemies and the hands of Saul. On the one hand, I don't think we can say the LORD is going to rescue us from every peril. We just don't know how our death will serve Him. A faithful death may serve Him more than a rescue from it. Nevertheless, these words of David encourage us to cry out to Him when we are experiencing some peril of life. David bases his words on the name of the LORD, from Ex. 34:6 when he says, “The LORD is kind and righteous; our God is merciful.” We should rely on these words and the words that follow, “The LORD protects the helpless; He saved me when I was weak.” It is the very nature of the LORD to be kind, righteous, and merciful. But we do not always experience that when we are living contrary to His will. Then we experience His discipline, if we are so blessed, or His righteous anger and wrath. Even if we seem to be experiencing His discipline, anger or wrath, and we are certain that we have been faithful, the LORD may be testing our faith, purifying it, even as He did His servant Job, the Israelites in the wilderness, and even the apostles in their ministry. For we have been joined through baptism and faith to Jesus' suffering. Jesus has called us to bear our crosses with Him. He told Pastor Ananias concerning Paul, “I will show him how much he has to suffer for Me.”(Acts 9:16) In 2 Cor. 1 Paul writes, “As Christ's sufferings overflow to us...” Peter tells us, “7Gold is tested by fire, and your faith, when it is tested, should be found to be much more precious than gold, which perishes. This is how you will have praise and glory and honor when Jesus Christ appears again.” So whether God delivers us from our trials or not, we should call upon the LORD trusting His mercy, kindness and righteousness. When we turn to Him in faith we know He hears us and will do for us what is best. We might not like the answer but we know the answer is in His love. Merciful and Kind Father, hear us when we pray in our trials and do for us what is good and right according to Your loving-kindness. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. Read the full article
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2023jo · 11 months
岸谷惣次 ボドゲカフェ7Gold代表@消費税廃止 きしたにそうじ @soikiiai 2023/07/12 9:17:52 現奈良県知事の山下さんも、生駒市長選挙において、
「基準の異なる数値を引用」(後に訂正) 「HPにある直近の改善した数値を掲載しない」
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pionchan-blog-blog · 1 year
Film erotico trasmesso su Telenorba e 7Gold
Il film parla di una ragazza bionda, che ha una rubrica che tratta di relazioni amorose su un quotidiano, e che partecipa ad appuntamenti al buio. Tra questi, un fotografo.
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lucidtrust · 2 years
Dungeon defenders 2 terraria eye of cthulhu
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#Dungeon defenders 2 terraria eye of cthulhu free#
#Dungeon defenders 2 terraria eye of cthulhu free#
If it has not been defeated before the night is over, Skeletron will attack and kill the player in one hit, despawning afterwards.ĭefeating Skeletron will stop the Dungeon Guardians from spawning, allowing free access to the Dungeon. Its hands can be attacked and defeated to make the battle easier, although this is not required. Skeletron will alternate between attacking the player with its hands and performing a spinning attack. Skeletron is summoned by speaking to the Old Man NPC at the entrance of the Dungeon and activating his curse at night. In Expert mode, the boss is able to shoot dark-green projectiles at you called Vile Spit, similar to those fired from Corruptors, another Corruption exclusive enemy. Due to how helpful corrupted items are, this will probably be the second boss faced in worlds that have Corruption, rather than those who have Crimson.Įater of Worlds is the only source of Shadow Scales in the game, and drops a large amount of Demonite Ore, which can also be sold for over 7Gold Coin/stack, making this technically the best pre-hardmode boss for farming in the game. To defeat this boss, every section must be brought down to less than two body parts to be killed (the smallest possible section is a head and a tail with no body pieces). The Eater of Worlds can be a challenge even for intermediate players, as it is a large worm-type enemy that travels through tiles, and is made up of multiple sections that can each attack separately (with separate heads, no less) when they are cut off. If it manages to escape the Corruption, it will flee and disappear. The Eater of Worlds can only be summoned in world containing Corruption, and can be summoned at any time of the day. Once within range, Shadow Orbs can be destroyed with a Hammer or explosives. Shadow Orbs are found in the Corruption chasms, surrounded by Ebonstone, which requires a Pickaxe with 65% power or higher to mine, although explosives or Purification Powder can be used to bypass this. The Eater of Worlds will appear after every third Shadow Orb is broken or after Worm Food is used. In Expert mode, King Slime has much more health and can summon Spiked Slimes, that are similar to the Spiked Jungle Slime and Spiked Ice Slime. King Slime does not provide access to game-advancing items upon defeat, but outside Expert mode will drop one Gold Coin, one or two piece(s) of Ninja clothes, and one of several slime-related items. On the Desktop version Desktop version, King Slime gains the ability to teleport to the player if they get out of its reach for too long. King Slime is a good challenge for a beginning player, and can be easily defeated by tactical use of terrain. As with all enemies that can spawn naturally, the King Slime has a better chance of spawning while standing near a placed Water Candle or while under the effects of a Battle Potion. It is summoned with a Slime Crown, after killing 150 slimes during a Slime Rain, or can also rarely appear in the outer thirds of the map completely by itself. King Slime is a giant blue slime with 2,000 / 2,800 health.
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sinapsimagazine · 2 years
E’ il coach vincitore della quarta edizione di The Coach, che ha portato al trionfo anche la giovanissima Marisol Castellanos. Parliamo di Luca Taverna, che ha lasciato il segno nel talent show di 7Gold ideato da Marco Garavelli e Luca Zarotti e condotto, per il quarto anno consecutivo, da Agata Reale. Un’esperienza di cui abbiamo parlato col diretto interessato in questa intervista. Ecco che…
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dothedunk-12 · 4 years
Slam Dunk
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Se sei un appassionato di basket, non puoi non conoscere Slam Dunk. Questo è uno, se non addirittura l’unico, esempio di doppiaggio italiano che non edulcora o censura eccessivamente. Anzi! In alcuni casi, il doppiaggio ha aggiunto degli insulti o delle parolacce non presenti nella versione originale, rendendo l’atmosfera molto più giocosa e comica. Queste modifiche, quindi, si amalgamano…
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mrdima · 4 years
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Dove #Andiamo? con l'opera di Carmine Susinni dedicata all'amico Lucio. La panchina di #luciodalla negli studi di @7goldsport seguiteci su #Instagram #Facebook e #Youtube #7gold #Bologna #visitbologna #4marzo (presso 7Gold Emilia Romagna - Sestarete) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9Rf4N4I8F8/?igshid=12llvfk58fq7t
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micro961 · 5 months
EBIM RECORDS a Casa Sanremo
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EBIM Records fa il suo ingresso ufficiale a Sanremo come partner di Casa Sanremo
Nella settimana del Festival (dal 6 febbraio 2024 al 10 febbraio 2024) lo staff di EBIM, capitanato da Emanuela Bongiorni (editrice musicale, performer e fondatrice del progetto), farà conoscere a tutti gli addetti ai lavori il suo progetto editoriale e discografico.
EBIM Records è un’etichetta specializzata nella produzione di cantautori, band e cantanti che desiderano entrare e affermarsi nel mercato discografico. Nella sua sede di Lodi, offre percorsi formativi in songwriting, questi ultimi volti alla creazione di brani funzionali alla partecipazione a concorsi nazionali e internazionali.
La sede di EBIM è una vera e propria “factory artistica”: al suo interno, oltre a ospitare due studi di registrazione e un’aula canto, presenta anche un grande spazio polifunzionale dedicato alla creazione di videoclip e shooting artistici.
Con più di mille brani pubblicati sulle piattaforme, circa cento artisti nel suo roster e collaborazioni con autori multiplatino, EBIM Records è sempre alla ricerca di nuovi talenti, con l’obiettivo di cambiare il mondo una canzone alla volta. Nella settimana del Festival, EBIM lancerà il suo nuovo progetto: 300 Note, un magazine di approfondimento dedicato alla cultura musicale in tutte le sue sfaccettature.
A guidare l’etichetta discografica EBIM Records c’è Emanuela Bongiorni, artista poliedrica dalle mille esperienze. A partire dal 2010, Emanuela ha prestato la sua voce in diversi brani nel programma musicale Sing Ring, presente sul portale web Virgilio, mentre la carriera live l’ha portata a partecipare a diverse trasmissioni televisive su 7Gold Musica e Canale Italia. Nel 2012 è diventa cantante e corista di Fiordaliso. Nel 2013 Emanuela ha fondato la sua band, con la quale ha iniziato a fare serate in giro per l’Italia (circa 160 eventi all’anno). L’anno seguente è partita la sua collaborazione con Luca Sala, pluripremiato autore di artisti del calibro di Emma Marrone e Tiromancino. Nel giugno 2017 è stata ospite del programma Mediaset Quinta Colonna, dove si è esibita interpretando alcuni successi di Mina e al termine dello stesso anno ha pubblicato l’album Veleno.
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rugantino7 · 6 months
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With awesome colleagues for the talent show we did last summer. "'The Coach" family. 🎉🎊🦐🍾🍻🍺🍹🥃
#messina #messinabedda #sicilia #siciliabedda #sicily #sicily🇮🇹 #italia #italy #italy🇮🇹 #danielebattaglia #danieleantoniobattaglia #rugantino7 #actors #attori #attoriitaliani #actores #presentatori #showmen #tvshow #talentshow #thecoach #7gold #cantanti #canto #danza #artist #artistsoninstagram
#artists #recitazione #coaches
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spiritsoulandbody · 1 year
#DailyDevotion How Do You View The LORD's Instructions?
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#DailyDevotion How Do You View The LORD's Instructions? Psalm 19 10We want them more than gold, more than plenty of fine gold. They're sweeter than honey, even when it flows from the honeycomb. 11Your servant gets light from them. If we keep them, we get a great reward. Here David sings about and praises the LORD for his instructions to us, the Torah, i.e. first five books of the bible. It's not all commandments. There is plenty of Gospel (what God has done, is doing and promises to do for you). Yet for the man that is born of God, even the commandments are a delight to him. This is a much shorter praise of the Torah than Psalm 119. The sentiment is the same. God's word, both Old and New Testament is something we should want more than gold and plenty of fine gold. Why is that? What do the scriptures say about gold (and all other worldly wealth)? 1 Peter writes, “7Gold is tested by fire, and your faith, when it is tested, should be found to be much more precious than gold, which perishes,” and “18knowing that you were freed from the worthless life you inherited from your fathers, not by a payment of silver or gold, which perish,...” Gold and worldly wealth perishes. 1 Peter also tells us, “25but the Lord's Word lives forever. This Word is the good news you have been told.” The Word of the LORD is sweeter than honey for those who fear the LORD and have faith in Jesus Christ. It lightens our hearts and enlightens them. For in this word, in these instructions (Torah) we see God's will for us, that it is good. He wants to save us and he wants us to be kept from the hardships of the world that always promise an easier, softer way, but it is not. Whatever commands God gives us, they are to make our life better. If we listen to them and do them we have a clean conscience. If we fail, we have the cross of Jesus Christ which will give us a clean and pure conscience before God. 12Who can know his unintentional errors? Cleanse me from hidden faults. 13Above all keep Your servant from proud sins; don't let them get control over me. Then I'll be blameless and innocent of any great wrong. 14May what I say please You and what I think be what you like, O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer. Speaking of failing, we often sin and don't even realize it. We are often justified in our own eyes in what we do. Yet the LORD looks at our hearts and knows we have acted selfishly. Our flesh is so sinful at times it is blinded to its own state. We appeal to the LORD Jesus Christ to cleanse us from hidden faults. Not sins we keep hidden here, but sins that are hidden from us by our own spiritual blindness (we still ask Him to cleanse us from our faults we know about as well). On top of that, we need the LORD to keep us from proud sins, i.e. sinning when we know we are wrong in doing them but do them anyway. We pray here with David for the LORD to give us His Holy Spirit so we may will and do all that the LORD commands us. Only when the Holy Spirit cleanses us with the word of forgiveness and makes us His dwelling then we may say with David, “Then I'll be blameless and innocent of any great wrong.” We cannot do this by our own power and strength. Through participation in the Word and Sacraments of our LORD Jesus Christ do we know our hearts are pure before God, our conscience is clean at the judgment, and we will not go out and commit any great wrong. We ask Him to have our thinking and speaking be pleasing to the LORD, our Rock and Redeemer. Heavenly Father, give us your Holy Spirit so we may hear, listen, believe, speak and do your word in all our life. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. Read the full article
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nonsolomodanews · 4 years
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La panchina di Lucio Dalla #luciodalla #7gold #panchina #brunoangeloporcellanaph #nonsolomodanews #igersitalia #igers #igersworldwide #igersmilano #igersbologna (presso Centro Congressi 7Gold) https://www.instagram.com/p/B840CkRI5Su/?igshid=hy389p1gwamw
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