weeblmaodotcom · 10 months
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I 7hink I Have Problems... , Meme by Weeblmao.com
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grafitti-translator · 4 months
babybel wrapper!!!
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Hell yeah we are! We're gonna pick up weird mu2hroom2 on 7he way 7oo /:)
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78 IS MY LUCKY NUM8ER1!!!!!!!!!!1!! i7 8rings me good dluck!!!!!! :D i used 7o have a differen7 qirik 8ut i wa s7old i7 was 8ad so i changed i7. now i7s good! i saw i7 in a for7une cookie!!!!!! SO YEAH!!!!!!!!!! LUCKY NUM8ERD!!!!!!!!! :D
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securitycapecreature · 9 months
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you a2ked and i deliver, @remdiel congra7ula7ion2 on ge77ing my mo27 elabora7e drawing in a WHILE, lova ya
you asked and i deliver, remdiel congratulations on getting my most elaborate drawing in a WHILE, lova ya
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gigolohifumi · 2 years
hello who r u ?
hh1 1m 5araswati 4nd. yy3ah 1 dd0nt kkn0w hh0w 7o dd0 ppr0per 1ntroductions
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cutlasscreature · 2 years
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My ki2me2i2 killed me 7rying 7o 7urn in7o a god (af7er I 2pecifically 2aid I didn'7 wan7 7ha7) and 7ha7 me in7o a ve22el of no7hingne22 and I 7hink I almo27 27opped exi27ing for a bi7, now i72 being con7rolled by 7he dark force2 I warned i7 weren7 7o be 7ru27ed and I'm no7 2ure how 7o feel abou7 7ha7
We were al2o rai2ing a wriggler 7oge7her and I'm no7 2ure how 7o explain every7hing 7ha7 happened 7o her
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eldritch-spouse · 1 year
How about me and Fank-E watch 2001: A Space Odyssey?
[I'm sorry, this is so fucking dumb.]
You thought it'd be an interesting night, if nothing else. Watching a cinema classic with your boyfriend, who may or may not share some similarities with one of the supposed antagonists of the movie. It'll be fun, you thought, he's going to enjoy it.
How come it devolved into this.
" i 7HiNk H3 w45 JU57IFi3d. " Fank-e crosses his arms.
You stop munching on the snacks he brought, your leg has yet to stop tapping, but then again, you probably shouldn't have accepted "the special energy drink" he offered you.
" Seriously dude? HAL was a rogue. He went haywire, jeopardized the mission and basically killed the entire team. "
" oh Y3ah 5uR3, h3 MAD3 Som3 m15TAk3S. " The robot waves, as if those mistakes hadn't been utterly disastrous. " Bu7 H3 0nLY W17hh3lD 1Nf0 Ab0U7 'AE-35' 70 PR073c7 73h Cr3w! "
Now you're mad. " That's still an egregious breach of trust! If he had told the crew there was a fault going on, they would have taken the necessary precautions. Instead, they had to find that on their own and look what happened! "
" N0! >:[ " Fank-e wiggles a finger at you. " H3 h4D k0nTR4d1C71NG D1R3C71V3Z 4Nd h3 H4d 70 M4k3 4 CH01c3! "
" Fank-e, they died because of him, he could have prevented it, if only he- " You're interrupted by a petty outburst as the robot raises his arms.
" oh 9OD FOr81D 4N AI Do 4NYth1ng!!! >:/ "
The argument starts to die down naturally while the credits finish rolling. The atmosphere isn't tense but it also isn't amicable, just weird.
" ... So like, if you wanted to, could you make like a voicebank out of HAL and use it? "
" 0MG Y3S! :U "
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therewillbenoromance · 2 months
i keep seeing things about typing quirks and i, being the trend follower i am (/j), had to come up with one of my own
i was 7hinking of some7hing like 7his? considering i sometimes fum8le my b's and t's
th!s !s cool too tho! urrrgh ! rly c@nt dec!de tbh :<
okok th!s !s n£at? y£ah th!s !s nic£ :3
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quadrant-polls · 3 months
1'v3 b33n l00k1ng thr0ugh y0ur bl0g a b1t and 1 th1nk 1v3 f0und a fav0r1t3! 1 d0n't uzually wr1te f1c but 1t l00kz t0 b3 a th3m3 h3r3 z0 1'll g1ve 1t a try XD
zh1p: vp x gt
quadrant: pal3
gt waz zcr0ll1ng thr0ugh grumblr th1nk1ng ab0ut th3 atr0c1t13z that had happ3n3d t0 h1m... wh3n h3 r3al1z3d that 1f h3 d1dn't try t0 zt0p vp fr0m k1ll1ng tr0llz, 1t w0uld 0nly happ3n m0r3! z0 h3 w3nt t0 xyr r3zp1t3 bl0ck t0 g0 hav3 a v3ry 1mp0rtant talk w1th 1t. h3 kn3w h3 c0uldn't l3t th1z c0nt1nu3.
"GT.. why are y0u here?" vp zp0k3, qu3zt10n1ng h1z act10nz. "im here becau2e you need my help" h3 ztat3d, g3tt1ng ztra1ght t0 th3 p01nt. "1 d0n't need any0ne'z help," zh3 r3fut3d "1'm d01ng juzt f1ne 0n my 0wn." "ju27 becau2e you don7 7hink you need help doe2n7 mean i72 7rue" h3 c0unt3rargu3d.
vp waz l00k1ng pr3tty p0uty by th1z p01nt. x3 kn3w that zh3 n33d3d h1z h3lp but zh3 d1dnt want t0 adm1t 1t. z0 1nzt3ad 0f f1ght1ng a l0z1ng argum3nt, gt zat d0wn n3xt t0 h3r and papp3d h3r ch33k. x3 crumbl3d w1th a z0b and ztart3d cry1ng 1n h1z lap.
"1'm z0 z0rry." x3 cr13d, "1 never meant f0r 1t t0 get th1z bad." "2hhhh, i72 ok" h3 lay3d h3r d0wn 1n h1z lap "every7hing2 gonna be ok, im here now" and th3n th3y ztay3d th3r3 f0r a wh1l3 unt1l gt put vp t0 zl33p.
h0w waz my f1rzt f1c XD l3t m3 kn0w 1n th3 c0mm3ntz!
§ aaaaa >////< thi§ i§ perfect §
§ they totally work pale §
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arcaneeradicator · 3 months
Grea7 minds 7hink a\ike!
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grafitti-translator · 5 months
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<3< Che1racanth1um 1ncluzum. n0 further c0mment.
If you're no7 gonna explain im gonna 2pecula7e
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No7 a2 dangerou2 a2 people believe (necro2i2 i2 cool I wan7ed a necro2i2 2pider)
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HELL YEAH A HUN7ER! ac7ivaly doing 2hi7 in27ead of wai7ing pa22ively
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Dumba22, ju27 go back 7o 7he one you made la27 7ime! Why 2o many ne272
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securitycapecreature · 10 months
7ran2 ma2c Dave, 7ran2 fem June i2 7op group dinamic
All girl2 one guy bu7 we're 2wi7ching i7 around
Trans masc Dave, trans fem June is top group dinamic
All girls one guy but we're switching it around
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marsti · 1 month
why are your anons always so bad 😭
im afraid 7his is jus7 wha7 happens when youre a 7rans person online, i don7 even pos7 7he wors7 of 7hem jus7 7he ones i 7hink are funny/can be a lesson like 7ha7 las7 one 7ha7 was obviously a fed
my inbox is kind of a 7rash fire and ye7 i keep hope 7ha7 one day i7ll s7op. a bo7 can dream :')
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lmakesartig · 2 months
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Mesmerizer/メズマライザー/ - Satsuki/サツキ
Real emotions, don’t ever think of!
Do you pretend to not notice?
The actual truth and one’s heart 
This safety zone is shrinking up!
Selling your wounds piece by piece
This such feeble cry is so shameful I say
Hey! Got a recommendation 
Until you will get out
Even from a sweet trap?!
I can’t even get by without feeling insane
In this world, pretending and giving up is the solution, I guess?
If words could dress up these flowers bloomed
If they could steal one’s heart, is it actuality?
Everything seems to become tainted
Will you be at the event with me?
You’re tailor made for this era, yes you!
And your vulnerability, don’t think about it too!
You’re fooled only by this acting of ours
Your heart beats like it’s on doors!
Your extra lives are being lost quick! ;-;
Durability is being worn away, it’s a trick!
Dodging any matters in front of you, see
Everything’s a burden on life!
“You’re getting sleepy now”
A shallow hypnosis spell
You’re whole head and body are muddled down
Woah! So many tricks?!
Dangling a coin before your eyes
You become still, I find
“This is fine”
Even you, of all, can be forced to shut down
“You’re getting sleepy now”
A shallow hypnosis spell
You’re whole head and body are muddled down
Woah! So many tricks?!
Dangling a coin before your eyes
You become still, I find
However, you survived this day, a journey 
It’s so unrewarding everyday
You’re still stuck in a bot like cycle
Still moving from inertia
Even if you have no luck or hope though
It’s more pointless, just know
If you don’t get it still, then give up!
Playing with the leftovers will be your fate now!
You’re tailor made for this era, yes you!
AnD your vu1neR@bili7Y, d0n’T 7hInk @bOut it tOo!
YOu’re f0ol3|) onLy by tH*s &ct!nG of our$
Y0uR h3?ert |3eAt? lIke i7’s 0n DOor$!
Exaltation has lost its full meaning
This charisma was all fake at the beginning 
Staring directly where reality starts at
You’ll go straight blind!
So, do it in moderation (^^♪
 - END -
Written by L on 5/1/2024
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hemoachromatic · 5 months
Which of 7he 3 fuch2ia2 do you 7hink will 2urvive 7o get 7he 7hrone?
* wait =u=? w=at? =old on lemme c=eck draamaaaalert *
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