#8. saw a friend after a reallllly long time. we got food and then went to this game centre. ive neved been before but it was fun
apricotluvr · 2 years
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Dec 2022
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itssydvicious · 8 years
random tag!
I was tagged by @calithildes! Thanks! <3
1. who are you named after?
I was named after the actor Sidney Poitier! He was in this movie that my mom and dad liked called ‘Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner’; it’s about this Caucasian girl who brings her African-American fiancé (Sidney Poitier) over for dinner. Their relationship in the movie was similar to my mom and dad’s, since my dad is African-American and my mom is half Caucasian, half Japanese. Anyways, Sidney Poitier has the same birthday as my mom, and has a daughter named Sydney, so they decided to name me that. But my mom wanted a 5-letter name, so she changed it to Sydni. Also, my middle name is 愛 (Ai), which means ‘Love’ in Japanese!
sorry that was a long explanation let’s move on
2. last time you cried?
I honestly don’t remember but it was either from two things: from laughing waaaaaaay too much with my friends over something stupid one of us said or from thinking/watching/reading about something related to FMA. 
Actually, now that I think about it, it was probably from watching ‘Twinsters’. It’s a great documentary about these two girls who look the same and found out about the other over that internet and they start talking and they do a DNA test to see if they’re related and OH GOD IT’S SO EMOTIONAL OK?!
3. do you like your handwriting?
For the most part, no. It’ll go from print to cursive just in one word, so most of the time you can’t even read what it says. >.<
4. what is your favorite lunch meat?
Probably ham or salami, but that’s because that’s the only lunch meat they have in normal supermarkets that is actually sliced. i miss baloney... T-T
5. do you have kids?
Umm, no. I’m always kinda hanging out with little kids, since my mom is a Preschool teacher, but yeah I would loooooove one or two or three in the future.
6. do you use sarcasm?
yep, all the freaking time.
7. do you still have your tonsils?
yep. i was looking forward to getting them removed tho, cause then I could eat all the ice cream i want and not be judged for it.
8. would you bungee jump?
HELL NO omg this and skydiving too, I mean you could promise me $10 billion dollars if I do it, and I would say ‘NOPE’. but i mean if you promised me that i could meet josh and tyler from tøp, then I might reconsider
9. what is your favorite kind of cereal?
I love any kind of super unhealthy cereal like Cinnamon Toast Crunch lol. But, again, normal supermarkets in Japan only have Frosted Flakes, so that’s what I always eat.
10. do you untie your shoes when you take them off?
Unless it’s actually impossible to take it off without untying the laces, I will continue to murder my heel by stepping on it until the shoe comes of.
11. do you think you’re strong?
Physically, sort of. I mean I can give piggy back rides to my skinney friends without trouble, but that’s about it lol. Emotionally, I’d like to think so, but I also cry in my bed once a week just thinking about FMA sooooooooo
12. what is your favorite ice cream?
Either Chocolate Chip cookie dough or Cookie n’ Cream. yum
13. what is the first thing you notice about someone?
Probably the clothes that they’re wearing or their face.
14. football or baseball?
Hmm, I guess baseball??? When I went back to America last summer, we saw a Yankees game and that was awesome but football is pretty cool too.
15. what is the least favorite thing about yourself?
my inability to speak my mind
16. what color pants are you wearing right now.
brown lol (it’s pajamas, ok?)
17. favorite smell?
Vanilla, cinnamon, and this ‘Strawberry Sparkles’ shimmer mist from B&BW
18. who was the last person you spoke to on the phone?
My mom, but tbh I never call anyone I just text.
19. favorite sport to watch on tv?
Figure skating (i wonder why)
20. hair color?
Dark brown, which is boring af
21. Eye color?
Also dark brown, which is also boring af
22. favorite food to eat?
Sushi! Omg especially salmon cheese mmmmmm it’s sooooooooo good. I probably eat sushi with friends or family at least once a week.
23. scary or funny movies?
Probably funny movies but I also reallllly love scary movies. Well, actually, here’s the thing about me, I LOVE gorey movies. Anything with zombies and brains and guts in it is amazing. But as soon as a possessed child or a creepy doll shows up, I have nightmares for a week, so yeah I hate those kinds of movies
24. last movie you watched?
‘The Intern’!! It was such a good movie! I really loved it! The comedy in it was the kind that I love so yeah it was great!
25. what color shirt are you wearing?
light pink 
26. favorite holiday?
Thanksgiving!! It was really nice back in America cause everyone would bring a dish to the family house (ours was always my mom’s broccoli casserole yum) and we’d eat and afterwards the adults would talk about who knows what while the kids went out and played and yeah I miss it. TT-TT But this last Thanksgiving was pretty cool since my brother and I got to invite some friends over and eat with them! <3
27. wine or beer?
Neither. Honestly, I don’t see what’s so good about alcohol in the first place and why everyone wants to drink it. I think it’s pretty easy to have a good time without alcohol but what do I know? I’m only 15 and I’ve never had alcohol before >.< but I guess as long as you’re of age and you’re not hurting others or yourself, it’s fine with me lol
Thanks again for tagging me!
i tag:
@smol-gryffindor, @natieland, @avatarmerida, @doyouevenhavetoask, @halfbakedbagel, @ohmytheon and whoever else wants to do this!!
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