#4. had a little christmas gathering for work. it was ok. there was a photo booth so that was nice
apricotluvr · 2 years
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Dec 2022
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masschase · 9 months
1, 4, 9, and 21 for the ask meme🎄
Christmas Boss ask meme
1. What was Christmas like for your Boss growing up? Do they miss it?
In all honesty Casey probably had some OK Christmases when she was very young, particularly when her Nonna was still alive. Deeply religious but they also would have worked at bringing a little magic to it. But obviously once her mom became neglectful, that kind of overtook the good ones. Her sister would try and make Christmas a little better when she was old enough to do so but Casey's memory of them is overall pretty bleak. She's kind of naive about a lot of Christmas "stuff" until 2020 when I set the DLC, some of it she didn't learn until 2021.
4. How would your Boss react to their partner or love interest (or one of them) walking up to them with mistletoe?
We know Casey pretends she doesn't like "romantic crap" and until 2021 she didn't actually know much about mistletoe because of her general avoidance of Christmas. However she has a significant moment that same year with Matt and mistletoe which was the first moment she kind of let herself realise he was beautiful(she'd been falling for him more subconsciously for a while by this point though).
For that reason alone, if Matt walked up to her with some from the following year when they are dating, she'd probably get an unusually soft smile on her face as he walked up to her. If he took his time she'd probably kiss him before he even got it over her head. Her reactions may not be as immediately passionate as the years go on, but it would always make her smile. 😊
9. What would be the ideal Christmas for your Boss?
Before the events of Christmas 2020 it would have been laying in bed drinking a bottle of scotch from the moment anyone even utters the word "holiday". Cookies optional. Fuck buddy optional. Not that her Saints would necessarily let her have that, but given how secretive she is about her past, she probably managed to sneak away to a hotel room for a few days under the guise of seeing family and do that.
After the events of the DLC she took an interest in learning more about Christmas traditions and in 2021 she asked the Zin to help get everything her Saints might want (with the promise the Saints would do the same for whenever the Zin's next holiday was) to enjoy it. It was obviously a small gathering aboard the ship, a few drinks and movies on Christmas eve and then dinner and presents on Christmas day. There was obviously some chaos going on while Casey was in the simulation getting her pony from "Santa"; when Casey asks Matt if it resembles a British Christmas his thoughts are "No snow, too much booze and a fight." and he's inclined to agree.
The Saints still have a small gathering on Christmas Day for the next few years because they're kind of having to make new traditions after the loss of the Earth. As they grow older with their own homes, partners, families, new friends etc. they do tend to keep some sort of gathering, just not always with everyone and not on Christmas Day.
21. Anything else you want to talk about regarding your Boss and this time of year?
It won't let me upload the damn video but this was one of the moments that made me decide like yeah, why not say she's into Nyte Blayde by this point?
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(Her lipstick always glitches off on the ship for some reason. Also Matt is not at all terrifying in that first one.)
But also something I probably won't get around to drawing but in "real time" she is coming up to around 16 weeks pregnant right now, so I'm picturing part of Christmas 2023 being the Saints setting up a camera on a timer to take a few photos and for the second one she and Matt just pull out this long concertina of sonogram photos to capture everyone's reactions. Some of them already kind of suspected something but she didn't have a noticeable bump yet and for some this was the first indication so... yeah. Probably a very funny photo!
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seventeenlovesthree · 3 years
“Shall we go together?” (23/24) | A Taishirou Christmas drabble countdown
Just a little Taishirou-centric Christmas fic I’ve been meaning to write all year long, so here we are. The plan was to post 12-24 drabbles to complete telling the story and the Christmas spirit succeeded in the end.
Chapters: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24]
Characters: Koushirou Izumi, Mimi Tachikawa, Sora Takenouchi, Hikari Yagami, Tentomon (mentions of other Chosen Children)
Main POV: Koushirou Izumi
Genre: Friendship & romance
Rating: K
Wordcount: 669
A/N: This drabble also has a little callback to a comic I drew back in August - even if the circumstances aren’t exactly the same, I simply had to include a bit of Hikari being a Christmas angel on duty.
December 25th, 08:30 AM
  While Koushirou’s night had been just as disrupted as Taichi’s, he tried his best to work through the tiredness in his bones. Not having slept well for two nights in a row had really messed with his perception – especially since he was still feeling somewhat on edge as well. He frantically typed on his laptop to gather news articles about the events of yesterday – and whenever he heard an unusual sound, he found himself flinching, being awfully sensitive due to his body craving some rest.
  There had been three instances in particular that had increased his heart rate – each of them related to the sound of arriving text messages he received from three different people.
  Mimi’s Christmas greetings had been the first, as they were sent pretty early in the morning due to the time difference between Japan and the USA.  
  “I saw what happened in the news, what the heck was going on there?! 😰 I’m glad you all seemed ok in the end tho, not that I expected anything else. 🤗 HOWEVER, don’t think I’ll let you get away with how you just ditched our pre-Christmas party without giving me a reason, you still owe me an explanation! 😤 Hope to see you at the post-Christmas party soon then, hehe. Merry Christmas, Koushirou-kun, make it count! 🥰“
  He couldn’t help but reread the text a few times, pressing his lips together. Apparently, there were quite a few people he owed an explanation to by now… And whatever she had meant by ‘make it count’, it felt both threatening and encouraging at the same time.
  The second message had arrived a little later; it had been a reply from Sora, whom he had asked whether she had arrived home safe – a few floors above him – as well.
  „All went well, sorry if I was worrying you, I was fine. Just thought I’d give Taichi the chance to make up for what he had said to you. You know, one to one. I hope he succeeded in doing so? 😌Yamato sends his regards too btw.“
This one had made him smile. Both because it seemed more than plausible that Sora had intentionally stayed behind with Yamato for several reasons – and because Taichi definitely had succeeded in making him fall for him even more.
  If only he already got the confirmation…
  The third message that had just arrived was actually the most surprising – and the one that almost caused his heart to stop beating entirely.
  “Merry Christmas to you once again, Koushirou-san. 😊 Please don’t let Onii-chan know that I’ve sent you this, okay?”
  Hikari had sent him three messages to be exact. Two text messages – and a photo.
  A photo of Taichi, completely fixated on the tickets he held in his hand, expression being somewhat between shock, fondness, happiness and confusion.
   “He stormed out of the flat a minute ago and is on his way to you, I thought I’d let you know, because he seemed very excited after seeing your present. 🤭”
  “He did what?”, Koushirou almost shrieked out loud, making Tentomon – who had still rested on his bed – swirl around.
  “What happened?!”
  Panic was overriding all common sense and before he could even form any more words than “An emergency!”, his legs had already pushed him out of his chair. He wasn’t sure whether to stay or to just storm out of his room.
  He knew how fast Taichi could run when it counted – and thus he was certain that he didn’t have any more than five minutes max until the doorbell would ring.
  Panic was then joined by a glimpse of childlike anticipation – he had miscalculated again, but this time, it didn’t really bother him. He should have known that the person he had laid his affections on could be awfully unpredictable – which was one of his best traits.
  Even if it meant he now had to improvise and go off schedule once more – he hoped everything leading up to this point had been worth it. 
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BuB Season 10 Episodes 4-7
It’s a rainy long weekend here, and I managed to catch up on the Bringing Up Bates recaps. From Christmas to making plans for Valentine’s Day, the Bates family is quite busy with four babies on the way and three budding romances. 
*Episode 4: 'Tis the Season For Surprises
Katie is teaching Ellie, Addee and Callie how to curl their hair. Katie says she is the only older girl in the house right now, and so she wanted to do a fun bonding activity. Ellie, Addee and Callie are not sure about learning themselves, but Katie says they should learn now before she leaves. The girls say they will miss Katie, but Callie is looking forward to having her own closet in the girls room. Travis will be coming soon, and Kelly says engagement is inevitable. His sister is recently engaged as well. Kelly asks Katie if they have any timeline, and Katie says she'll know when Travis talks to her dad, since he'll tell her mom and her mom will tell her. Everyone laughs, but agrees that Kelly isn't great at secrets. Kelly says Nathan is bringing his girlfriend as well, and everyone is excited to meet them. Katie is glad the pressure will be shared. The family will be spending Christmas all together, since Alyssa is due in February, they're not sure she can make Valentines.
Meanwhile, the guys get to work decorating the house outside of the house. Jackson is just back from Alert and wants to get the lights up. Jackson is glad to be home for Christmas after Alert, and Zach is there to see Jackson but got put to work on the lights. Nathan pulls up with Esther, and the family is excited to meet them. The work stops, and everyone rushes over to meet her. Esther is excited to meet everyone, and Whitney in particular is glad to meet them. Esther is also from a big family, and she says "the more the merrier!"
The couples (also Trace) gather for a bonfire, and also for a chance to meet Esther. Nathan teasingly makes Carlin move so he can sit next to Esther. Everyone works together to try to start the fire, and John jokes that the fire just needs "more people with more ideas to get it going." Eventually it starts burning, and Carlin asks for Nathan and Esther's story. They met at a mutual friends wedding, and Nathan thought she had the bluest eyes he'd ever seen. A week went by of them chatting, and Nathan wanted to be more than friends, and they kept talking everyday. Esther told him she wanted to be with him as well, and they've been talking for about a year. They waited a bit to go public, but they seem very happy. Carlin says she wanted to support them, and they're all glad that Nathan is so happy. Nathan asked Esther to be his girlfriend on her birthday, and Nathan says they'll see about the timelines but Nathan knows Esther is the one. Nathan genuinely seems thrilled, and the night is a success.
At Zach and Whitney's, they are decorating gingerbread men for a gender reveal. Whitney says she is excited for their fourth baby, and the plan is to give blue or pink cookies as a gift to the grandparents at the Christmas family photos. There is going to be multiple announcements at that time, Zach says. Bradley hopes for a boy, and Kaci wants a girl (shocker). Whitney is excited to tell everyone at the party.
Josie and Kelton arrive at a parking garage to do their gender reveal with Willow. Josie is excited to share that they're having another baby, and they don't know if it is a boy or a girl. They are going to find out by doing a photo shoot with her friend. This time, they wanted it to just be their little family finding out together. So, they twist the poppers and celebrate, but the episode doesn't show the color. They plan to tell everyone at the Christmas party.
It is time for the Christmas party, and Kelly says they have tried to be careful during covid (ok) and so Tori's family is sick and unable to make it, but everyone else was healthy and there. Zach and Whitney get their cookies ready, and then it is time to head out for pictures. The family pictures begin, and then it is time for the big family photo. It is very cold out, but the family gathers together for the photos. Then, it is announcement time. Josie goes first, and gives her father-in-law a gift. It is an ornament, and one side says "Baby Girl" and the other says "Hazel Sloane Balka." Everyone celebrates. Zach and Whitney go next, but Zach gives them one without color first as a prank, and then they get the cookie with the blue frosting. Bradley is so happy to have a brother. Erin is announcing on behalf of Tori and Bobby, and Kelly is excited to learn they are having a girl named Charlotte Raine. Everyone gets out of the cold, and Gil gathers the family to talk about Jesus. The family then sings carols. Gil says there are four new babies on the way, and two new relationships in the works, and there is a lot to celebrate.
*Episode 5: Home Sweet Home & Nathan's Love
Michael is at Tori and Bobby's new house, and Zach, Whitney and kids walk over to knock on the door. They are excited to be neighbors. Bobby says it was time to look for a house, and they haven't had a lot of luck until Whitney let them know the house two doors down went for sale. Bobby and Tori jumped on it, and they got the house since the original homeowners loved Zach and Whitney. The cousins are so excited to be close, and Bradley in particular is excited. Tori has asked Erin and Chad to decorate the house. Bobby has been working from home, so he has a desk in the bonus room that will eventually be Charlotte's. The boys have a room, and then Tori shows of their room. Brandon and Michael are thrilled for the new homeowners, and Bobby and Tori are so excited to be close to the family again.
The family goes on an outing to the zoo, which is one of Kelly's favorite places, for Layla's first birthday. Everyone is wearing masks, and Carlin is excited for Layla to see the animals. The family walks through the zoo. Kelly says the monkeys are her favorite, since they're so active. Carlin says she can't believe Layla is a year old, and she remembers all the memories they have made. Carlin says that Layla is their sunshine, and they are obsessed.
Alyssa and John are getting ready for their new arrival, and Alyssa says you would think they would be ready but technology keeps advancing and they keep getting cooler new items. Alyssa says this time around, she will be in the hospital with a doctor instead of a birth center with a midwife. The hospital rules are strict because of Covid, so Gil and Kelly will have to meet the baby at home. They set up their swing, and Alyssa says they have reversed the order with having kids young so that they will be able to enjoy their adult kids and grandkids younger too.
At the Bates Sisters Boutique location, Chad and Zach are working on getting everything functional for the boutique. Whitney says they are lucky trying to run a small business with all the talents in their family. The sisters arrive, and they are impressed with all the work that has been done. Erin says she has been sick and missed a lot of what has been going on, but she is excited to get to be part of the progress now. They go into another room to discuss the location of the photo shoot wall, since that is very important to their online branding. Erin suggests a location, and talks about how to turn the storefront area into an actual storefront. Everyone is excited by how far the boutique has come in such a short time, and they are excited to see where it will go.  
Zach is back to doing tree work with the family, and he says it is like no time has passed. Nathan is there, and he says he isn't home very much but it is satisfying getting to do tree work with his siblings. Zach says he forgot how much work tree work is, and Zach says he wants to be 56 and moving around like his dad instead of 33 and moving around like he is. Carlin says her dad is getting older,  but he is still the man. Jud and Jeb joke that is is getting too old. The tree job goes smoothly, and the guys start talking about Esther. Nathan says he wants to be with her forever, and he is thinking about the ring. Nathan thinks about a spring engagement and a fall wedding. Nathan says he is ready to change her from a girlfriend to a fiance. Nathan wants to fly her to the Bahamas, and they talk about ideas, but Nathan says he thinks he should run them by some girls to get their opinions. They get back to work, so Nathan can catch his flight out.
*Episode 6: A DIY Date and a Delivery Day
Erin and Chad and Bobby and Tori are on a couples getaway in Gatlinburg. It was a gift to them from Kelly and Gil for Christmas. While there, Erin has brought them to a place called Board & Brush, where you get to DIY home decor. First up, they begin distressing their wood. Then, they stain it. They talk about Tori's pregnancy- she is just about halfway, and feeling good. Chad asks Bobby about having a girl, and they are excited. The instructor spends some time showing them how to use the drill, which Tori thinks is useful for herself and Bobby, but not that useful for Chad. Chad tells them about the boutique project, and they are looking forward to moving in in a week. They complete their projects, and Tori is excited about hanging it up in their house.
Alyssa is preparing for her baby, and she has her daughters pack their bags to get ready for when the baby comes. John comes in to help them, and he says being a girl dad is a lot of fun. Alyssa starts handing out plastic bag filled with outfits for them to go. They finish packing, and Alyssa says they picked the name Maci Jo, Maci they just liked and Jo is for her mother and grandmother Betty Jo. Kelly is super excited to have a grandchild named for her, and says she can't stop saying the name.
Effortless Beauty Co is doing a stylized shoot at Castleton Farms, and they are thrilled about the opportunity. Katie gets to work on makeup, and she makes conversation with the models about looking forward to her wedding. Katie says she is ready for the ring. The shoot goes well, the bride loves her makeup, and Katie says she can't wait until she gets to be in the client chair.
Brandon and Michael arrive at Zach & Whitney's, bearing lasagna and homemade bread. Zach and Whitney are thrilled to get to enjoy Michael's lasagna. Zach & Whit's house is crazy, since the boutique is taking up half their house right now. Michael talks about her sewing business, which took the back burner during school but it is growing fast. Michael is volunteering at children's hospital for now while she figures out what is next. Everyone agrees that it was a fun dinner and they need to do it more.
Alyssa calls her mom, and says she thinks she is in labor. Alyssa wants to give her mom some time to make plans. Alyssa is just in early labor but she wants her parents to start heading their way so they can meet Maci. Alyssa gets everything ready to go, but now she is wondering if it is labor or not. Alyssa starts walking because she just wants labor to get going so she can be done. Alyssa has usually had shorter labors, but this one is taking its time. Alyssa has been having contractions for a while, and so she is heading to the hospital to see if they can help her progress. In the hospital, Alyssa gets an epidural and is making quick progress. The doctor lets John help deliver the baby, and he is thrilled he got to help.  Alyssa is pleased with her hospital experience, but she is excited to go home and introduce Maci to everyone. Gil and Kelly arrive in Florida to meet Maci. Everyone is thrilled for the Webster family and wants to meet Maci.
*Episode 7: Lawson's New Love and the Boutique's New Digs!?
Chad has been working on an old camper since he loved camping as a kid and he wants to do it with his family. The camper is old, but it has good bones and they are completely redoing it. They step inside the camper and talk about what they want to change. Gil and Kelly joke that they are going to make the camper incredible like they always do. Erin says that with 2020, they look forward to getting out there and making new memories all together.
Kelly is preparing for Valentine's Day, but Kelly isn't as prepared as she usually is. Nathan and Lawson walk in, and Kelly says they need to pick about the theme. They debate different ideas, and Katie walks over to get involved. One of the little kids suggested animals, and Kelly facetimes their group text and Zach gets on to share his opinion. They joke that no matter what, Zach will come as a cowboy again, and Lawson jokes that he will be a better cowboy. Zach says he won't, since he doesn't have a girlfriend-and Kelly says Lawson actually might have some news in that department. Zach asks if he is bringing Nathan again, and Lawson says he has upgraded in the beauty department. Kelly says Lawson was traveling a lot to California, and she thought he was working but she then learned that there was a girl in California that he liked. Everyone agrees on the animal theme, and Kelly is glad to start getting to work on the party.
It is Boutique moving day, and there is a lot of clothes being transported to the new location. There was a huge moving sale where 5,000 dresses where sold which enabled them to move. It was a huge group effort to move the product. Trace and Chad load up a truck load to take to the new location, and then the team goes into the new location. Everyone is so excited by the new space- Chad has built a beautiful packaging station for the boutique. There is a lot of work still to go, but they are excited for the new space for their store.
Lawson and Trace are looking for Duke, Lawson's dog. Trace jokes that Duke likes Trace better than Lawson since he is spending more time with him. Lawson is preparing to take him to training for a few months. Jackson comes out on the porch, and he has unfortunately broken his arm snowboarding in Colorado. Jackson had surgery with 13 screws and two metal plates put in his arm.  Trace mentions that Tiffany was on the trip to Colorado, and he has been spending a lot of time in California. Lawson said his girlfriend Tiffany joined him on the trip. Lawson says it is early in the relationship but a great trip. Lawson says she is coming to Valentine's Day, and everyone is thrilled about that. Gil and Kelly are looking forward to spending more time with her. Nathan is glad they're both in relationships at the same time, and they are excited to see how this pans out.
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greatfay · 4 years
since ur answering asks and shit can u explain what u meant by generational differences in communication
Damn it’s like 2015 tumblr when my inbox used to be WET. So if you’re talking about the controversial opinions post, YES, like I totally understand where people are coming from when they say that generational divides aren’t real (because they aren’t, they’re arbitrary) and distract us from real problems and yes they paint past generations as collectively bigoted when Civil Rights protestors in the 60s (who are in their 70s and 80s now) are mirrors to BLM protestors today, who could be of any age, but the most vocal and famous (at least online, especially irt to the founders, like Patrisse Cullors who is 37.
But how we communicate is sooooo different. I really point to the Internet and Social Media as a major influence in how younger millennials (more Tom Hollands and less Seth Rogans—see even there, I feel like there are two different types of Millennials) and Gen Zrs/Zoomers and even Generation Alpha behave and communicate. We live in a world where we grew up either knowing right out the gate or discovering the hard way that what we say and do has permanence, the kind of permanence that prior generations have never experienced until today. The dumb things kids have been saying since forever can now follow them... forever. We have an inherent understanding of how online spaces work. Compare that to, idk, let’s say you posted on your Facebook (for the first time in 18 months) “All these big and bad grown ass Senators going after actual child Greta Gerwig lol ok, you’re so brave for attacking a CHILD over climate change” and then your aunt, who’s turning “forty-fifteen” in May replies to your post with “So happy to see my passionate niece! Much love from us, hope you’re doing well. Paul is doing great, waiting on his screening results. Tell your mom I said we miss her, we need to get together, we forgive her for last Christmas.”
Like... ok there’s a lot going on there, but your hypothetical aunt is oversharing on a publicly accessible post. And even with the most strict of privacy settings, she’s oversharing where your other Facebook friends (which may include classmates, coworkers, etc.) can see. But she’s saying things that would only be appropriate in a 1-on-1 conversation. This Aunt doesn’t have an understanding of such boundaries, she’s not as technologically literate and hasn’t grown up in a world of Virtual Space, she still gets most of her news from TV, she trusts what a reporter on Channel 4 will read off a script more than what actual video footage of an incident might reveal on Twitter, and she has no clue that she’s been sharing her location data with every post she makes.
There’s such a huge difference. I think it even affects how we experience and express stress and frustration. I think growing up partially in online spaces has made me more accustomed to conflict and consequence-free arguing than someone who never had to worry about that. I’ve been exposed so much to harassment and bullying, triangulating and echo chambers in forums and threads, and vastly opposing point of views at such an early age that it’s had an effect on how I see the world. Compare this to a customer I helped two weeks ago who was looking for a specific type of supplement for children. I found it for her, I handed her exactly what she was looking for, even though her description of the product actually matched several different products; to make sure I’d done my job thoroughly and that she leaves happy and satisfied and doesn’t bother me again, I then show her more products that match her description so that she knows she has options. And she proceeds to freak out, saying “NO, NO, I’M LOOKING FOR [X] AND IT HAS TO BE [XYZ]” and when I say freak out, she looked stressed and PANICKED. And being a retail employee wears you down bit by bit, and add COVID on top of it and little shit like this makes you snap, sometimes. So I have to cut her off like “Why are you screaming and freaking out, jfc you’re holding what you said you wanted. It’s in your hands. I gave you what you wanted, I’m just showing you more things.”
That customer is not an exception, she’s not a unique case. She’s representative of a frightening percentage of her generation, the kids who watched Grease and The Breakfast Club and Ghost in theaters when they were originally released. This is how they communicate and process information. She could not, for some reason, register that her need had been fulfilled, and defaulted to an extreme emotional response when given new and different information.
I’ve yet to deal with someone younger than 35 act the same way, the exceptions being the kids of very wealthy people at my new job who reek of privilege I gag when they walk in—but even they are like *shrugs* “ok whatever” and understanding when there’s something I can’t do for them.
Me: “sorry, we are totally out of that one in your size, but I can order it for you, it’s 2-3 day shipping at no cost to you and we ship it straight to your house”
A rich, white, attractive 22-year-old who’s had access to organic food, a rigorous dermatologist, and financial security since she was born: “mmm... sure, I’ll order it”
A 47-year-old of any socioeconomic background, of any race, in the same situation: “AHHHHHHHHHHH”
I just think it’s crazy how three generations of kids and young adults raised in a world where everything moves so much faster, where knowledge and entertainment and communication can be gathered so much faster, are often so much more polite and patient and understanding. Yesterday I told an older man (mid-50s) whose native tongue is the same as mine, as clearly and succinct as possible, that what he’s looking for is “in aisle 4.” He proceeded to repeat back, “Aisle 7?” four time before I dropped everything to show him what he needed in aisle 4, despite his insistence that he didn’t need me to walk him there. 4 and 7 sound nothing alike in English. There’s just something going on up there 🧠 that’s different.
Oh, other generational divides!!! We have different approaches to labor and working. Totally different! I’m a “young” millennial where I’m almost Gen Z, and I’ve noticed an awful trend among my demographic where people actually brag about working 90 hour work weeks. Or brag about how they skip breaks and live on-call to get the job done for “the hustle” like this “hustle, become a millionaire by 30″ culture that’s dominated these kids, idk where tf that came from. Like why are you proud of being a wage slave, getting taken advantage of by your millionaire/billionaire overlords. Compare this to my mother’s generation (she’s a borderline Genius X’er, she and her best friend were a year too young to watch Grease when it came out and had a random older woman buy tickets for her; she went to Prince concerts, took photos of him, then sold the photos on buttons at school, that’s her culture and teenage experience), where she’s insistent on her rights and entitlements as an employee, and these things she instilled me: “whatchu mean they didn’t schedule a break for you and you’re working 12 hrs today? oh no, you’re off, don’t answer your phone cuz you are NOT available!” There are Gen X’ers who entered the workforce at a time that America was drifting toward this corporate world, with more strictly defined regulations, roles, and understandings of labor rights (and also, let’s talk about how the 80s there was so much more attention on workplace harassment, misogyny and gender divides in wage gaps, etc. etc... not that much has changed, but at least it was talked about!). There are young people today who are taken advantage of because they aren’t as informed or don’t feel as secure and valuable enough to claim what belongs to them.
At the same time, those generations (Gen X and older) have a different viewpoint of hierarchies in the workplace and respect irt our direct supervisors. That’s how you get this blurring of boundaries between Work Life and one’s Personal Life that leads to common tropes in media written by their generations, where oh no! I’m having my boss over for dinner and the roast beef is still defrosting :O is such a “relatable thing” for them... meanwhile us younger generations are like I don’t even like that you know where I live, and if I see your 2017 Honda Civic pass my place one day, we’re going to have a problem. I think older generations have a different relationship with the word “Respect” than we do. Like, my grandma, who’s turning 87 (?) this year, and the other seniors in my area, they have a different concept of honor and an expectation of professional boundaries that I, and my mom and her generation, just don’t see (so then there’s something in common with Gen X’ers and the rest of us.) My dad grew up in a world where talking and acting like George Bailey and knocking on someone’s door with a big smile could get you a job, a job that could pay for college and rent no problem. My mom grew up in a world that demanded more prestige, where cover letters and references could get you into some cushy jobs if you’re persistent and ballsy enough. And I grew up in a world where potential employers literally don’t see your face when you apply unless they lurk on any social media profiles you have publicly available and they hold all the cards, and you need all those CVs and reference letters just to make minimum wage... so I feel like I am powerless in the face of such employers.
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wanderingtrash · 5 years
Adore you
Part two to Chèrie
Walk in your rainbow paradise (Paradise)
Strawberry lipstick state of mind (State of mind)
I get so lost inside your eyes
Would you believe it?
There again Y/N found herself. On her oh so familiar white couch that was placed pushed up against the wall of her living room. The walls of her white living room that is. Her body was clad with a baby pink take top and her legs were dressed with a pair of black adida leggings. After such a rough few days she finally got the courage to reply to Harry’s message to her. The voicemail he sent her while she was in the midst of crying and hearing the voice of his ex in the form of a fucking song. Y/N wasn’t going to lie and say she wasn’t hurt or angry. Because she very much was. However Harry did nothing to her-per say. If anything he saved her from pain by breaking up with her until he could get himself figured out and how he was feeling. So he could give that woman as much love as he could without him having to deal with the memories of his ex.
To many that wouldn’t be so great, especially when you loved your ex boyfriend in the months of your relationship. And you DID still love him.
A soft sigh escaped Y/N’s lips. It had been a long day no doubt (not really, but to Y/N it seemed like. Laundry, gym, and then the dishes were quite exhausting if you asked her). Her heart pounded as she saw the flash of Harry’s name across her phone. The wallpaper of her glass iPhone was that of a simple pretty sunflower. It took Y/N a while to figure out how many songs in Harry’s new album were written about her. Or at least the ones she knew of. Sunflower was one and she knew it because that’s the nickname Harry gave her the first month of their relationship. Once he had found out about her undying love of sunflowers that is.
“Why ‘ave you got these things all around your front yard?” Harry chuckled as he entered her home. His dimples smile so bright. He looked happy and content with his life. A bag of groceries in his hand. The smell of vanilla and rose petals embraced his nostrils. His girl did have a way with scents. Especially fruits. The man had come by her house to cook her some dinner as work had infested her day and Harry refused to go to sleep without knowing she ate a proper meal.
“They are not things Harry, they’re my sunflowers. Planted them a couple of day’s ago and they’re already flourishing aren’t they?” Y/N hummed as she lit some candles on the living room. Her obsession with cleaning made for a roomy and welcoming environment in her home. “Besides, it’s nearly that time of month where sunflowers are in season. I’d be a fool not to plant my favorite flowers.” His girlfriend spoke as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“You’re my sunflower all year round though”
Closing her eyes and feeling the pit of her stomach ache as she read the message wasnt something Y/N preferred. She could be snuggled on her couch watching a Christmas movie instead of sitting on her couch nearly wanting to vomit. Her leg shook and she finally unlocked her phone. Clicking on the iMessage app.
‘I’ll be there in a few minutes, traffic in LA is bad today xx H ’
A small roll of her eyes to keep herself from smiling at the small ‘H’ he always put next to his messages as if she didn’t know who has texting her. It was one of those few things that made her love Harry that much more. He was never awful to her. In fact he was the best boyfriend and lover Y/N could’ve asked for. He was amazing in every way. And not just in a emotional type way, but in every physical aspect too.
“Jesus Christ...” Y/N inhaled shakily as she looked up at her clock. It was rush hour in LA, nearly 4 pm. Meaning people were going home from their jobs or even stopping by for some quick lunch or early dinner with their loved ones. What could she reply to him? Hadn’t spoken to him in nearly 9 months. What could she reply? A simply ok would seem too blunt and she wanted to give him an earful when he came for sure. Let him know how pained she was. What she couldn’t tell him before he left for his vacation to Japan after they had broken up. Because now Y/N had time to gather her thoughts, listen to all the songs, and finally learn from a long break of not speaking to him how many issues he himself had been dealing with at the time. As well as just how much of an impact in Harry’s heart Camille’s actions had torn.
There wasn’t much she could do now except hear Harry out. At least in that way she could tell him how she was feeling as well and wouldn’t have to carry a burden of wondering hat would happen if she didn’t get to speak to him.
In what seemed like years for Y/N which was basically only 10 minutes max a knock on her door distracted her from her thoughts. Really her just singing Sunflower for the 100th time in her head (but that was besides the point). A lump in the woman’s throat formed. Tears stung her eyes as she knew who was at the other side. The knock wasn’t rough or loud. But instead soft and gentle. As if the man she loved was trying to let her know that he came with nothing but new energy and a new attitude just for her. Y/N didn’t know that though.
You don't have to say you love me
You don't have to say nothing
You don't have to say you're mine
As Y/N’s knees wobbled and her head felt itself get lighter each second she walked across her living room and her feet touched the soft white carpet under her, it made thinking difficult. She as afraid she would cry all over again in front of him. Because quite frankly Y/N had enough of crying. Her hand finally reached the knob of her front door.
‘Come on Y/N you can do this, stop it’ She mentally scolded herself. With one more huff, Y/N finally yanked the door open. The sun radiated behind the man standing infront of her door. The palm trees moved gently with the LA air too. Harry Styles. The man whom she had loved with her whole heart like it’s the only thing she’d ever done stood at her door step. Wide green eyes full of regret and maybe just a little hope. Wearing a number she wasn’t familiar with as his fashion sense had grown Y/N had learned to see from articles and of course from his Met Gala appearance. It was simple, and so Harry. Y/N hated to admit that she loved it.
His hair had grown out, he looks healthier. Much healthier. He had grown muscles, he had a radiance that she had kind of missed when they were together. He was all in all better. And the pearl necklace around his neck just seemed to sum it all up. Harry Styles had emotionally grown.
Harry could do nothing but offer his ex girlfriend a smile. His eyes crinkled up like she remembered they did and his dimples made deep caverns in his cheeks that were adorned with a stubble. “Hello...” Harry started off. And I’m his point of view the woman in front of him looked Godly. She was amazing in every way and not in just her looks although he loved that about her so much as well. But her overall radiance. He sure had missed her a lot, more than a lot actually.
“Harry” Y/N acknowledged him as she moved to the side. Her hand grabbing the door knob still as if she was using it as a defense mechanism in case she would have to shut the door if things got too much.
Harry placed his hands in his pant pockets as walked in. He didn’t deserve to be back in her home, the same hike in which they shared so many memories. And Harry only hoped they could continue to create many more. Nothing much had changed from what he could see. The curtains were new, but the soft white carpet was still the same, and so were her couches and some of her furniture. One obvious change was photos of them together were no longer up. Even some of the one’s Anne had gifted Y/N of Harry when he was just an itty bitty baby. The man wondered if maybe she had burned them, threw them out, hell maybe she had given them back to Anne. He didn’t know- and Harry wasn’t sure he wanted to know.
They both consciously sat down on Y/N’s couch. Harry looked ashamed and Y/N didn’t look much better. Every fiber of her being and brain was trying to put a hault in her tears as if to warn her that crying would not fix anything. Instead it would just add more fire to a fuel that had been burning for as long as she could remember. Or more specifically 9 months.
“I didn’t come here to ask for you to be in my life again.” Harry spoke after he had coughed into his hand. His fingers rings galore. A H and an S on one hand and a red ruby ring and a rose ring in the other. “I know that’s a privilege that I lost a long time ago when I decided to break up with you in the time that I did. I’m not here to tell you that I love you because as much as I do I don’t think that means shit to you now, and I’m not here to...” Harry sighed and wiped a quick tear away from his eye. It was too late because Y/N had already seen it fall. It made her chest tighten even more. “M’ not here to reminisce in memories that we had, because in my time in Japan while writing this new album I think it was very edvident that I was still thinking about you- amongst other things as well. Y/N I’m just here because I left with no explanation other than the pain that Camille left me with. I didn’t get a chance to pour my heart out to you as my heart at the time was still aching with something else that had absolutely nothing to do with you. N’ it wasn’t fair to keep you in a relationship with me in that state.”
Y/N nodded. Her hands held eachother for dear life, as if she didn’t her whole world would fall apart around her. But she knew it already had.
“I’m so fucking sorry Y/N.” Harry’s voice cracked. His breathing got heavy, swollowimg a heavy lump that formed in his throat only did so much.
Honey (Ah-ah-ah)
I'd walk through fire for you
Just let me adore you
Oh, honey (Ah-ah-ah)
I'd walk through fire for you
Just let me adore you
Like it's the only thing I'll ever do
Like it's the only thing I'll ever do
“I’m sorry for everything, I’m sorry for leaving you with nothing but your own doubts that I loved her more than you, because I swear to you that’s far from the truth.” Harry said sadly. His eyes were already red. His hands played with his rings. “I just had something in my heart from my relationship with her and I didn’t know what is was until I got away from you. I didn’t know how much I wasn’t giving you my all until I heard that voicemail from her again and it made me feel...nauseous. I’m so fucking sorry you had to hear it in that song dedicated to her. I’m sorry. It was the only way I could deal with it and move on.” Harry begged her, and he didn’t know why he was begging her he just was.
It was quite again, for only a few seconds but it was quiet. All Y/N could hear was Harry’s weak sobs and his rings clinking against eachother as he played with them.
Until finally it was her turn to speak.
“I don’t blame you for still feeling the impacts of her and your relationship with her. That’s far from why I was so upset and angry.” Y/N said. She looked up at Harry. His face was contorted with pain and sadness. It was hard to see a man that was always so silly and always so loving be so sad and angry at himself.
“It’s not your fault that you felt the way you did even in our relationship. And I won’t lie to you and say that I didn’t hurt like a bitch because it one hundred percent did hurt to know you still felt some way about her, but that pain was nothing compared to feeling like maybe I wasn’t enough, like our relationship wasn’t enough.” She heard Harry let out a sort of whimper that sounded like it was full of pain. “I asked myself that night you left for Japan what I could’ve done right...when I heard you in that song beg her not to call him baby...I wondered if maybe when I called you that I reminded you of her.” Y/N let a soft sob escape her lips.
‘Way to go Y/N, you’re crying again’ she thought to herself.
“For fuck’s sake Harry, you talked about her in that interview with Zane Lowe just a few weeks ago and for the first time you addressed her as your ex girlfriend. I don’t know what hurts more, loving you so much it hurts even after this or questioning your true love for me after all these months.” Y/N said softly as she looked down at her hands. The poor woman was just broken, and she was so hurt it aches her heart to see him like this but it aches even more to know how much he was hurting in the time of their relationship. “But Harry I realized that it wasn’t me, it was never me. It’s not my fault this happened and that you felt this way. It was a tough pill to swallow to admit that to myself.”
You're wonder under summer sky (Summer sky)
Brown skin and lemon over ice
Would you believe it?
“I know...I know, m’a fuck up. She was the first serious relationship I had. Then you came and you made me view that what I thought was a perfect relationship with her, was nothing of the sort.” Harry croaked out. He fixed his view on the floor and shook his head. A pity laugh at himself escaped his lips. Camille hurt him but he hurt Y/N more. What did that say about him?
When he found out she wanted to break up it stung. Camille had been on tour with him and they had the time of their lives. He truly thought he found the love of his life. After the break up he found out she had been talking to someone the entirety of the tour. And she left him for that Grecian billionaire.
“Harry do you think I’ll just be smiling finding out everything you’ve admired through those fucking songs?” Y/N said angrily. “Saying that you miss her and that you still talk to her friends?!” Y/N yelled. She was in so much pain. So, so much pain. Harry winced but he sniffed and nodded. Those were feelings from long ago, but he had to let her take her anger out. Something that had been coupled up inside her for months. He could name the songs he wrote about Y/N, because as much as she didn’t know most of this songs are about her.
She, is about their secret sexual innuendos in the beginning of their relationship. When her and Harry would have sex at least five times a day in the comfort of some hotel before they went back to their lives, because both of them didn’t want anyone to know. And Harry would daydream about the days until he could have her again.
Watermelon Sugar, is about how amazing she tastes when he would go down on her. And he would suckled on her sweet nectar. The reference to berries is because that’s her favorite fruit. And Harry always told her that’s how she tasted. Told her it made him high especially because her taste was just so amazing. He would often find his hand down his sleeping pants while his head would be tossed back in a hotel room in Japan as he vigorously rubbing his hand up and down his cock thinking about her and the sexual escapades they had together. And after he would feel like absolute shit because he truly does love that woman and she was probably hurting while he was thinking about her in such an intimate way, he had no right.
Adore you, Sunflower, Golden, Canyon Moon, Fine Line. They were all about her. Just that one song Cherry, was about Camille. And Falling had regencies to both of them but mostly Y/N. Because truth be told Harry thought about the perfect woman in front of him throughout his getaway in Japan.
“I don’t deserve you and I know that, I was hurting Sunflower, I don’t know what you want me to say. I-“ Harry paused and looked at Y/N. Who no longer looked angry but she did look like she was ready to kick him out of her house. Maybe it was betrayal what she was feeling, and Harry never felt more like shit in his entire life. “I still love you a lot. I’ve finally gotten over her, I had gotten over her it’s just...she hurt me a lot and I needed time.” Harry mumbled to Y/N.
“I never stopped loving you, you big dummy.”
You don't have to say you love me
I just wanna tell you somethin'
Lately, you've been on my mind
Honey (Ah-ah-ah)
I'd walk through fire for you
Just let me adore you
Oh, honey (Ah-ah-ah)
I'd walk through fire for you
Just let me adore you
Like it's the only thing I'll ever do
Like it's the only thing I'll ever do
It's the only thing I'll ever do
It's the only thing I'll ever do
It's the only thing I'll ever do
It's the only thing I'll ever do
It's the only thing I'll ever do
It's the only thing I'll ever do
It's the only thing I'll ever do
It's the only thing I'll ever do
Harry felt a sigh of relief escape his body at the realization by his love. His heart filled with heaviness was light and suddenly he felt himself smile through through teary eyes. Y/N scooted clsoer to him and she sobbed into his chest.
She just missed him so god damn much.
And he was just so filled with love.
I'd walk through fire for you
Just let me adore you
Oh, honey (Ah-ah-ah)
I'd walk through fire for you
Just let me adore you
Like it's the only thing I'll ever do (Ah-ah-ah)
(It's the only thing I'll ever do, it's the only thing I'll ever do)
I'd walk through fire for you (It's the only thing I'll ever do)
Just let me adore you
Oh, honey (Ah-ah-ah), oh, honey
(It's the only thing I'll ever do, it's the only thing I'll ever do)
I'd walk through fire for you (It's the only thing I'll ever do)
Just let me adore you (It's the only thing I'll ever do)
347 notes · View notes
fortheheavenssake · 5 years
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MM Anon 5
Dec 1
MM ANON, I’m watching series 1 of the crown, BRILLIANTLY WRITTEN AND EDITED. The filming is so accurate and attention to detail. I remember Norman Hartnell designing the Queens wardrobe for the commonwealth tour. My mother was a dress-maker so I watched everything she watched. Methinks the Queen had something to do with this because it’s so accurate. Reason, she’s 92 ‘ what a visual legacy. I can imagine her throwing a ashtray at Philip, and HIS secret dalliances. EPIC!!
Dec 1
MM ANON ……… the king in waiting ……… “Mmmmm , not many diversions left”……… in need of some TLC. ……… financial scrutiny ……… financial mutiny !!! ………… “ Don’t piss down my back and tell me it’s raining!!!!!!”………… “Catherine ‘ it’s HM” ……… “ Catherine, I want your discretion”………… “ it would be my privilege ma’am”……… “ That’s a tough one, old thing” ……… “she can do it!! “…… “makes you proud old thing, he looks the part” ……… “backseat ,a Philip?” ………… “ dot The Is…………”
Dec 2
MM ANON … “when we are born, we cry , that we are come”…… “your RH. that’s why you didn’t go” ……… “Four” ……… ahhhhhrrr , I hate mornings!! ……… “give a dog a bone …” ………… “ yes , we’re all watching it! It’s very addictive “ ……… “ How the f***did they know that!!!”………… “ I told them Philip!!” ……… “bloody snoops” …… At the last count sir , all was Ticketyboo.
Dec 3
MM ANON ……… “Darling’ please pass the Wrinkle cream” ………”she’s on this blog I read”💜……… “ we’ve been invited to the Boxing Day shoot” …… WoW ‘ that’s a beautiful photo Kate …… “he’s to young ‘ good grief William!!”…… ‘This cobra has no fangs ……… “The service, maybe bring C&G.” ……… “ The spring diary ma’am’ was thinking they could do The America’s and Canada” ……… “ the Children too”…… “what say you Philip?” …… “indubitable , old thing” …… “ Settled!!”……” Sidney’ more refreshments”
Dec 4
MM ANON ……… lovers not-on or emerald??…… Alexander McQueen green machine??……… Clean sweep!!!……………Trump wants his ball back…… Banquetiquette ……… “ One has to watch the hot mike Donald!!”……… Meanwhile’ crying in a corner……” a clash of Wills”……… “come on old thing,tell me all the gossip”………” Sydney ‘ gin and Du……” “ Ones a tad exhausted “…… “ you looked stunning Catherine “……… “yes ‘ I saw your killer 👀side eye “…… 👑👑💕💕And so to bed Zebedee!!……… “ Lottie ‘turn your pad off!!”…George’ sleep!!
Dec 5
MM ANON …… “ no, not the service”……… Strip and rip…… IRSt in peace……” I think you’ll find it best ma’am”…… “ exactly ‘ peace and quiet”…… Distant thunder ……… “On Her Majesty’s secret service”…… No!! Not the whole enchilada………… The dossier, almost complete!!…… “Yes!! It certainly is personal”……… “she lived by the sor-did…… “gather thee rosebuds …………”…… “ not a word,old boy”. ……… “ Mmmm, unfortunate name for a club”……… “a sticky wicket,what!
Dec 6
MM ANON … BREAKING NEWS ……… ‘ PGs WRINKLE CREAM FAILED MEGHAN-MARKLE AFTER EXHAUSTING APPLICATIONS. 😱😱😱😱 . Beautician suggests plastic surgery, no hope on skin care ……… laser treatment doesn’t cure problem. 🤣🤣🤣
Dec 6
MM ANON …… megbots in crisis …… megs spotted on ISS…… megs searchers internet for archificial upgrade …… megs still breastfeeding …… frogcott staff witness meg and Harry in screaming row 😱……… meg accused of bugging KP……… meg and archbishop in risqué photo shoot …… Archbishop denies clergy gossip …… meg ,VF interview ‘ I hate my chicken legs ‘…… Harry in GQ interview, I want a divorce ‘…… GQ, shock ‘horror, Harry’s OK’…… meg pens, ‘confessions of my yachting years’. … $20 million advance.
Thank you MM Anon😊❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
MM ANON, todays post is a light hearted look at the relationship between M&H. ……… to all who interprets, my sincere apologies. 🤣🤣🤣 KEEP CALM AND MEGXIT.
Dec 6
MM ANON 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻Prayers for victims of shooting at navy base in Florida. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 God grant the serenity to accept the things you cannot change. God bless the families involved. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Dec 6
MM ANON …… Muffin the mule…… looby loo & Andy pandy …… 95 , time!!…… “no’ not chaz”’……… “ I’m Meghan Markle and I indorse this massage” ……” An American Christmas card”…… betrayal in B&W……… “ it’s HMTQ your talking about!!!”…… “ tell her to PO ‘ it’s the Boxing Day shoot”……… 🎼I’m dreaming of a right Christmas 🎼…… a shortie but goody.
Dec 6
Dec 7
MM ANON …… subpoenaed to swim uphill…… “withdrawal with notoriety”……… “pony!! “ she has no fear Catherine”……… “wherever did she get this wilfulness ?…… YOU!!!!…… “Philip will help me write it!!”……… “caution ma’am”……… “no colourful language”…… “ are you pensive LG”…… “frighteningly apprehensive ma’am”…… “I trust my subjects”………”one communicates with Netflix” ………”OMG😱😱”……”The Diana Years”……” it’s confidential LG!!”
Dec 8
MM ANON …… not an engaging situation …… my LITTLE pony……… WOC-less……… We’re just mild about Harry …… a charitable laundromat ……… expenses,expenses ………”it’s a Multi million business, trim it”…… hangers OFF!!……… ‘‘twas the night before Christmas”……… a conservative Royalist ……… 12th night ……… morning sic -ness……… “ say goodnight Gracie.
Dec 9
MM ANON ……… Re-Hab-itual behaviour ……” Gone In sixty seconds”…… ( six weeks?) ……… no sight, sound or visual,no optics???? …… old photos, photo shops and disinformation!!……… “ there OK, ma’am!!”…… “ones duty is, keep muddying the waters”…… The Peoples Princess, WHAT!!! ……… “capitalise on it ma’am”…… “AMERICA”…… “are you a gambling man LG?”……… “ only on absolutes”…… Charlotte’s wish-list Web 🤣🐴🦄🎼💕……… “what’s that racket basil”… “It’s Brahms, Brahms 4th racket”🤣🤣🤣🤣
Dec 9
MM ANON, Dearest skippy, your blog is a cutting-edge example of investigative information and in depth research by your helpers. This community YOU have created is visited by world tabloids , broadsheets and cable TV. Some even associate royalty and the establishment. How many times “ RIGHT HERE,RIGHT NOW!!” has the SKIPPY 20. been spot on. EPIC POSTING,EPIC INVESTIGATIVE DIGGING. ‘JUST EPIC!! BRAVA SKIPPY.
Dec 10
MM ANON, Soooooo, Nutmeg … The merchandisers whore, has been reprimanded after 2 years of pimping out anything she wears for financial gain …… NO OTHER MEMBER OF THE FIRM DOES THIS, the salacious saleswhore and professional grifter has soiled the monarchy enough!! “ listening H !!! ‘ the public see right through this obnoxious interloper, the gathering of unhappy people are testimony to this couples blatant disregard of royal prerogative. This nonentity must go. ⚖️⚖️⚖️⚖️Justice must prevail.
Dec 10
MM ANON …… Predictions Guaranteed …… W&K increases commitment …… 🎼”no other love have i”🎼……… mummy serves a Christmas ace……4-0-tee-love…… advantage HMTQ …… nutmeg, FAULT!! …… DOUBLE FAULT!!…… Game, Set and scratch🤣🤣🤣…… “ these are actors,as I foretold you “………” thar’s gold in them thar Hills”………… 🎼”HOLLYWOOOOOOOD”🎼……… “An exit strategy LG.”……🎄 seasonal Sandringham🎄…… “I WANT A POOOOOOOOONY” ,please.🎅🎅😘😘😘………… “ ask your father!!……… ask your mother!! ……… ask Gan Gan. !!😂😂😂
Dec 10
MM ANON, The first with the most news breaking!!!! The DOC is with child. PG said back in Nov. did I give a clue????? Can’t remember what yesterday’s riddle was 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I’m a mess of jumbled messages,and perhaps a little nuts. RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW. speculation of course.
MM ANON! ……… TRIBUTE TO TRUTH!! 💜💜💜💜 SALUTATIONS PG. TO SKIPPY AND THE BLOG COMMUNITY OF DEDICATED CONTRIBUTORS AND HELPERS. FOR HMTQ AND GBHMTQAOGC. TO THE curious who visit skippy, royal family,establishment and aristocracy. Thank you for your support. even the intellectually challenged misguided sugars who visit the bloggers blog. SALUTATIONS ALL. the truth will out. 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Dec 10
MM ANON , re-Full work mode. Don’t loose track of the fact that this full on grifting colonial carpetbagger has Sunshine Sucks!! It’s a desperate juggernaut of spin , lies and everything in between. That’s why they call it “pubic relations.” ……… just think ‘ sex lies and video tapes. So PLEEEEEEZ. take this bull$h!t with a pinch of salt. Nutmeg lives and dies swimming in PR turds. It’s the nature of that particular beast. It’s simple physics, shit floats to the surface. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Dec 10
MM ANON …… Dear anon, a big juicy revaluation?????? Well dear friend,I give what ,and all information I’m given by my esteemed sources. Those sources are well under the establishment radar. Total anonymity,TOTAL!!! The wonderful information is sometimes current,sometimes elaborate and embellished sometimes “spot on!!!” So’ I’ll continue to inform and enlighten as is my want and skippy’s indulgence. GBHMTQAOGC
Dec 10
MM ANON. , dear hearts , The loneliness of the long distance grifter, the isolation and contempt of the family “ she never had” and desertion of former associates in crime are deserting her in proverbial droves. The lifetime gravy boat she contemplated has listed ,and is rapidly sinking beneath the sea of turds she created for her self centred indulgence. This is our observation and her reality. NB. There is video evidence of her “ habits” from the , “ good old snorting days”. Allegedly!! 🤣🤣🤣
Dec 10
MM ANON, Trolls have one positive point, they validate the existence of those they resent , they justify that resentment by insults and jibes infantile name calling and illiterate smears. Trolls are degenerate operatives of fallen social climbers,those sad creatures of the ones who once tolerated them but now have nothing left but contempt. Nutmeg is such a creature, an abysmal product of her own greed and failed dreams. How the might have ,have fallen. 🤣🤣🤣
Dec 11
MM ANON, The anomaly that reportedly exists called archificial is a mystery of unfathomable proportions. The vision of it at the Tutu audience is somewhat baffling, nutmegs obvious unease and awkward stance when trying to hold the poor child,who reaches for… somebody it knows. The whole situation has never been experienced within a minor Royal situation. Nutmeg & Harry are causing ripples 🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣’ will the Christmas card explain more?????? Curiosity awaits!!!!
Dec 11
MM ANON ………🎼 jingle smells, jingle smells 🎼……… 🎼” I’m dreaming of a POC Christmas”🎼…… “ no Christmas chemicals or alcohol in re-hab”……… “ on a whiter note”…… “ come on Lottie ‘ aunties found a little pony” …… “ So !!! You caved darling.”…… “well ‘ it’s Christmas!!”……… “not turkey ‘ Dover sole!!”… “ but it’s tradition Philip”……“ f**** tradition !!”…… “I’ll inform Sydney”…… “are you going to announce it old thing?”…… ANOTHER COUNTRY … “He’s a brilliant speech writer” …… “you’ll bloody need it
Dec 11
MM ANON, 🎼she wore blueeeeeeeee velvet 🎼 and the lovers knot,and HMTQ In emeralds
Ok you all! These are hints she gave us….now let’s match to the riddles…..and of note…..she kept talking about the Emeralds….we presumed Kate……she never said Kate…..❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Dec 12
MM ANON ………emeralds should do the trick …… they certainly did…… W&K the lovers knot ………💍 a ring (Rock) of ages…… No Sin-ders you WON’T go to the ball😂😂……… 🎼”re-hab’ I said ,know know know!!!”🎼…… “ we ALL KNOW nutmeg!!”…… “GOD’ she’s in all the papers Philip”…… “ I see, she’s beautiful old thing”…… “she shines Philip”……… Wanta Konta and Kate🎾🎾…… Boris the spider…… “ doesn’t matter who you vote for, the government get in !!”…… sneezing ponytails 🐴🐴
Dec 12
MM ANON, …… Princess Margaret’s Limerick at President Lyndon Johnson’s dinner party ‘ I quote … “ there was a young lady from Dallas, … Who used dynamite as a phallus,… blowing her tits to bits , Her vagina to China ,and her @sehole to Buckingham Palace. …… forgive the colourful language, but it is funny. 😂😂😂😂😂
Dec 12
MM ANON , We all remember Fergie and the toe sucking/ pool screwing photos so for her to aligned herself with nutmeg is probably a “ girl’s of a feather “ both are ageing slappers , and who in God’s dear sweet world takes Sarah bloody Ferguson seriously , really REALLY !!! She’s always been an embarrassment to the firm , hated by PP and PC/Camilla PA. so it’s all a smoking mirrors BS-fest. And her association with Epstein, ……… give me a break!!!!!
Dec 12 - Election Day, UK
MM ANON, …… Princess Margaret’s Limerick at President Lyndon Johnson’s dinner party ‘ I quote … “ there was a young lady from Dallas, … Who used dynamite as a phallus,… blowing her tits to bits , Her vagina to China ,and her @sehole to Buckingham Palace. …… forgive the colourful language, but it is funny. 😂😂😂😂😂
Dec 12
MM ANON, WELL ‘WELL ‘WELL …… nutmeg is apoplectic in re-hab after this mornings papers are FULL of photos of The fragrant Kate and HMTQ in Vlad & lovers knot tiaras. Her sugars are like Lemmings jumping of off Beachy Head 😂😂🤣🤣 and Fergie facedump is identifying with the old slapper because they both caught shagging by the poolside. 😂😂😂. EPIC
Dec 13
MM ANON …… Cor’ bin a long night!!…… “ Darling ‘ it’s an allagee-gee” ……” majori-ty and crumpets ma’am”…… “ “That’s all ,I’m orf to Sandringham”……… George&Kate set and match…”that’s it Lottie ‘ walk on !!”…… “ I did it auntie Zara”…… “ Ducks in a row then Netty?”……… “Nurse!! What’s the bleeding time”?…… A little procedure!!…… “ the lids screwed down ma’am”……… “ones writing ones screech”…… “he’s coming Philip!!” …… “backlash old thing?”………… “it’s a Norwegian Blue Philip 😂😂”
Dec 13
MM ANON, WELL ‘WELL ‘WELL …… nutmeg is apoplectic in re-hab after this mornings papers are FULL of photos of The fragrant Kate and HMTQ in Vlad & lovers knot tiaras. Her sugars are like Lemmings jumping of off Beachy Head 😂😂🤣🤣 and Fergie facedump is identifying with the old slapper because they both caught shagging by the poolside. 😂😂😂. EPIC
Dec 13
MM ANON, NEVER A LONELY CHRISTMAS 🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄Dear hearts , never will the soul that is Skippy abandon you this Christmas ,or her community of spiritual warriors, there love is endless, this is the land of earths angels 👼 and animal amazements. Join the fellowship of friends and hugs. God bless you all ,thank you Dearest skippy, no lonely soul this Christmas. 💜💜💜❤️❤️❤️💚💚💚
Dec 14
MM ANON ……… Blueeeeeeee velvet …… pop pop Poppins ……… she met Mary ………” Mmmmmm , a bit sneeeeezy”……… “ we’ll go and get something really silly for her” …… it’s not a phone, it’s a MPC…… “ it’s all very Cloak & dagger”…… “ Catherine, I’m deadly serious!!”……… “meals on bloody wheels!! piss orf”……… Shut down everything!! ………… “A new broom,old thing”…………… “ well, ones not amused “………… “I’ll inform Sydney”……… From Cromer!!……… “Cromer???”
Dec 15
MM ANON, sidebar’ thank you skippy,my favourite colour ROYAL BLUE / INDIGO mix. or blue velvet ‘ a joy. as you inform all the community in a couple of weeks we won’t remember anything else. I have a question dear heart ❣,are you broadcasting over Christmas 🎄 ? My Christmas is spent with a few friends of likeminded opinions. Belgravia is alive and festive. We shall wander into Chelsea to people watch and mull the wine and mince the tarts. Looking forward to wishing all a healthy Christmas 🎄.
Dec 15
MM ANON ………… 🎼” give a little, take a little”🎼…… “Mary, Mary, quite …………”……FBI , (under the stones)……… “ very succinct old thing”…… “ blunt’ Philip!”……… “its a beautiful yacht ma’am” ………… “ I fear 20, more than 19” ………TO THE VICTOR……”………… a little late dear friend ……… WHITEHALL NOW!! …… only one came ……… IF , dear boy IF”……… “ you were only supposed to blow the bloody doors off”
Dec 16
ANON, OMG’ something every royal father and mother dread…… “ can’t we take them back to our house, it’s HUGE!!” ( homeless inquiry’s by G&C. ) it’s like “ what’s electrickery” …… or “ why is the sky blue?”… so , Catherine’s response, “ I’ll ask Gan, Gan darling, maybe they’ll find a safe space for them ……… “ I know mummy, they could all live in Gan gans house” 😒😒😒😒 side eyes to William, William changes subject to pony’s and tennis.
Dec 16
MM ANON, Sooooo’ Nutmeg And himself won’t be At Wednesday’s Turkey nosh at BP ,Mmmmm , no surprise there Ma’am. The insolent obnoxious self indulgent hoe and her now husband see’s it fitting to snub the invitation. Truth be known everyone is waving flags that she’s staying with her Calipornia besties , if they exist?? The anomaly in this puzzle, no comment from himself?? WHY? One would expect one to” come clean” and stop the speculation, strangely strange!!! On the fence? What’s happening?
Dec 16
MM ANON, praises, salutations, respect, recognition, I stand in awe of the interpretations that anons gracefully post when sifting through the mine field of riddles. It’s an almost psychic melt of another’s thinking 💭 🤔 THANK YOU DEAR ANONS , AND MAY YOU CONTINUE INTO 2020 WITH TENACIOUS DILIGENCE AND APTITUDE. 💜💚❤️
Dec 17
MM ANON , There used to be British comedy called Kevin and Perry…… two obnoxious teenagers, Kevin always used the argument “ it’s soooooo unfair!!” , this reminds me of that self pitying tw** nutmeg crying over perception of her importance!!! HOW CAN SOMEONE WHO IS IRRELEVANT BE IMPORTANT ???? THEIR PR IS IN OVERDRIVE DESPERATELY SEEKING EXPOSURE AND DEAR K&W IS KNOCKING THEM BACK EVERY DAY. nutmeg hiding in a cubicle screaming and kicking “ it’s sooo unfair” 🤣🤣🤣
Dec 17
MM ANON , Methinks anon may be on the right track. Nutmegs Christmas card will be something that flips the bird at the establishment. Giving the middle finger to the royal family and her critics, bet whatever it is it won’t be subtle. The vacuous tart is resentful and insecure so she’ll be out to insult and justify her existence , although we all know it’s irrelevant, expect the unexpected. Tutu, B&W , archificial playing football, tits and bums , expect anything and everything
Dec 17
MM ANON, A very Mary Christmas,has knocked the irrelevant one from the tabloids and broadsheets. W&K are right,left and centre of ALL stories today. What seems to be obvious is that William and Kate come across as relatable and normal, unlike the portentous and phoney nutmegs. Forgive my observation ,himself looks like he’s shot himself in both feet, all the stroking,touching claw holding, is sickening to observe. You could have fooled me he’s not with her. BUT!!! we’ll see at Sandringham.
Dec 17
MM ANON …… The Christmas Royal choreography ……… Homeless hope……… “not just for Christmas”…… quiet compassions ……… Brits rage at nutmeg……… “ it’s Harry Jim,But not as we knew him”……… “ what’s the answer Spock?”……… EST…… “ eat your vegetables!!”……… “ but mummy, that’s sooooo unfair” ……… “no veg, no pony!!”……… “well from a PR standpoint, it’s an annual thing now”………… “ front and centre ma’am”……… “quite agree!!” ……… “Philip ??” ……… “people identify old thing”……… “ The Sandringham songbirds”
Dec 18
MM ANON, Today The HMTQ will retire to the warming confines Of Sandringham. Reunited with PP and relaxing evenings in front of a real log fire 🔥. Sydney will be on call to deliver copious amounts of ones favourite tipple. Writing her speech and watching back episodes of Downton Abbey. Occasionally taking trips around the vast estate in the royal Land Rover. A relaxing few days before the tribe descend on them for the festivities 🥳. CHRISTMAS CARDS PLEASE !!!!
Dec 18
MM ANON …… we are in the age of fast transport. Depending on what mode of royal conveyance Sandringham is one hour from London. ( to anon stuck in the 18th century). A cool Yule to all anons 🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄
Dec 18
MM ANON ……… 🎼tis’ the season’ ……… 🎼……… “Tighter than ones ducks @ss under water ma’am”…… “indubitably LG, send the letters!!”……… “ Netty has it stitched!!”……… I think they were spotted on Elba……… someone saw them in Calvi ……… “Hmmmm, the historical significance doesn’t escape me”……… “ what say you Philip?”……” who gives a sh**, fancy a drinky?
Dec 18
Anonymous asked:
MM ANON, The dynamic trio’ GC&L , these three children are about to embark on their life adventure, and yes’ I can see them taking over the world, first George, moulded by and coached by his father he will be diplomatic and educated in high tech and security of the family ,think oxford illuminati crossed with Bond. He will grow into a handsome man , followed and pursued by bright well educated beautiful women. He’ll be guided by his parents on who is a suitable girl friend, there will be many.
skippyv20 answered:
Oh yes indeed! Thank you😊❤️❤️❤️❤️
MM ANON / Part 2, Charlotte, Now this young woman to be will become the conflict within herself, opinionated and self willed she will be a laser focused neutral beauty of formidable character, mindful of her station she will develop compassion and empathy with her loving public, this will be a PRINCESS OF AND FOR THE PEOPLE, much loved in all circles of society, willing to get down and dirty and attend diplomatic banquets on the same day. Versatile perfection and stunning looks, 👀. Look out!!
MM ANON. Part 3/ Louis, this young man to be will find himself in a singular activity, I can see him as an explorer of his chosen passion. Space will become very important in 2040. and this young man could well be a pioneer in his chosen field. There may be a conflict and he will be part of that environment. No fear this soldier of fortune, And Again a handsome man followed by swooning beautiful young ladies. He will be advised once again to choose wisely. Speculation of course.
Sounds so wonderful! Thank you😊❤️❤️❤️❤️
Dec 19
MM ANON …… Kate’s Christmas present to nutmeg …… Wrinkle cream!!😱😱…… new year getaway W&K……The Firm views pre-recorded QS. ……… A Royal decade, the 20,20s. …… “ up a gear ma’am”…… “ Keep calm and ostracise LG”…… 🎬it’s a wonderful life 🎬…… “ FROZEN mummy!!!”………”STAR WARS daddy!!”……… OMG ‘ it’s her Christmas card ……… “ we never received one” …… “ bloody lucky you!! “…… 🎼bye bye miss American pie🎼……… Kate’s tabloid cull…… “ what’s your 20?”
Dec 19
MM ANON, THE CAMBRIDGE CHRISTMAS CARD. The M/ Cycle is a Triumph engine in a Rickman-Mettisse frame/ sidecar. Circa, 1955 ish’ The Duke being an ardent Biker, (photos of him sitting on a Norton Brietling at the IOM last year.) I’m sure he still goes on “race days at Brands Hatch”. Fast and safe ,all of this is testimony to a visionary CCard to show the world a relaxed and tight family unit. Unportentous and normal. It could be any family in any decade. 
Dec 19
MM ANON, Spending two thirds of your life with your legs open is a consequence of ones occupation, nutmegs stance has been an open book (legs) since we first saw her trundle into KP gardens. At every photographic opportunity she has her legs apart it’s a habit of the life she chose. ‘S’pose life transactions that include money in your hand ,smile on ones face and legs apart can only suggest what your occupation was ?? Yachting takes its toll, only speculation 🤣🤣🤣.
Dec 20
Dec 20
MM ANON ………an unwelcome intrusion ……… “ and it was all going so well” …… “ sweeping the the whole bloody house!! “…… fun and games ……… C&G play charades …… Def-Con 4……… “150 million expected ma’am”…… “ my little Pony”…… mini scrambler,🏍Wow!!…… “grouse for the grown-ups”…… “dial it back ma’am?”……” what happens in Sandringham, stays in Sandringham”…… “Charles, see to the RPOs”…… “ night before Christmas,and all round the house “………… Great Expectations
Dec 21
MM ANON ……… “ it’s a tad cautionary ma’am”……… visiting hours only!!! ……… “ no bloody fuss, piss off” ……… “ and SYDNEY!! no drinks !!!”……… she’s here until January …… Diplomatic immunity…… one way in, one way out!!……… Full cover’ face recognition and sleeper van. ……… “ 🎼the kids are alright!!👀🎼”……… “ to start with’ it’s a 50cc Yam.”……… “ a pony has more torque” ……… “stop worrying Catherine!!”…… “It’s His Decision”……… “ I’ll meet, just say when!! “.
Dec 22
MM ANON ……… George in the mix. …… a royal blackout …… pensive at the Forth Bridge …… “ Royal Bostic sir”…… “ unity ma’am!!”……… Done and Dusted ……… No Card???……… Christmas IG word salad and virtue massage …… …… rapidly dissolving PR……… “ when in doubt use mental health” ……… “we need a distraction ma’am”……… it’s a win, win !!……… “that’s a silly jumper William”
Dec 24
MM ANON …… yesterday’s riddle?? ……… Christmas Eve prayer’s …… 2.09 pm in England …… not on my watch. ………… Father Christmas 🎄 comes to Sandringham …… nutmegs not here 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳…… Mike incognito ……… Lost in Space ………” Yes , but dress them warm”. ……… A long wait for the faithful …… everyone is vetted and counted. …… it begins for little royals……” Andrew!!!”…… “Bloody hell’ I’m here you know!!” ……… “Ahhhh, Lobster 🦞 Bisque!!” ……… “Overtired!!”
Dec 25
MM ANON …… Security , at church service is stitched up like a kipper. RPO is unobtrusive but very present. Notice HMTQ never left alone, always surrounded. GBHMTQAOGC
Dec 25
MM ANON …… Lottie kills it with pink flamingo … 🥳🥳absent madam🥳…absentee ginger …… K&W now it’s a new monarchy!! …… happy Christmas to all our readers …… UK migrant terrorist alert …… PA on silent running …… skippy breaking news about Lottie on Christmas walk way back……… right here, right now!! ……… DM follows skippy …… dogs behind.
Dec 25
It’s the time lag. ……… MM ANON ……… to all on the bloggers blog!! 9.26 am. At time of post. A Very special day to all , Christmas, pets , those flying, those being cuddled. Happy Christmas 🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄💜💜💜💜💜💜💜 skippy Family, 💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻PG💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻LK🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜to all 🙏🏻🙏🏻💜
Thank you dear MM Anon! Merry Christmas💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Dec 25
Dec 26
MM ANON ……… Morning paper!! ……… OMG………… she’s a superstar ………… “ your the one who wanted this” ………… “we’ve started a monster”……… 🎼I’m alumberjackandimOK🎼………… don’t go and tell them……… just friends!! ……… 🎼Substitute 🎼……… tumblr is a crap site……… you’ll miss me ……… stop listening to the static. ………… we need the space
Dec 27
MM ANON …… Right here,Right now!! …………… lots of faithful followers ……… Skippy for news going into New year ……… sales of wrinkle cream skyrockets ……… Vancouver, Smancouver ………… DISINFORMATION …… “ May the force be with you “……… “ Lies, she tells, grifter she is!!”…… hiking,shmiking ……… Archificial in-samination…… happy new lies ……… PR incredulous …… Canada turns its back!!……… “ not another bloody photo!!”…… “ stupid bloody card!,”……… “ another Snifter old thing?”
Dec 28
MM ANON ……… illusions of grandeur ………not in my Restaurant ……… Canada snubbing you. …… Britain will boo you……… LA New Years …… go to Alaska!!! ……… C&G new found fame ……… W&K , curb there enthusiasm ……… mid-wife’s helper……………United monarchy ………New Years at the Middletons. ……… “who said it.” … “he used to be more accommodating” ………… an empty £4,000,000 joke……… “ he’s not impressed” ………… “ that ship has sailed
Dec 28
MM ANON … Many thanks for your input in 2019. Wishing you a happy new year. ❤️❤️❤️
Dec 29
MM ANON, …… Thank you for all you diligently working on the riddles. 💜💜💜❤️❤️❤️ You are the real stars of MM ANON, you are the ones the skippetts look forward to reading. You’re there ( make it easy) day. To understand the riddles and give us the answers is a selfless action of altruism. Thank you all , especially PG and LK 💜💜💜❤️❤️❤️ God bless you all and a happy new year.
Dec 29
MM ANON …… I have a minor task……… Due Diligence ……… 🎼And here you go again 🎼……… “ They will encounter a heavy work load”…………”it’s not impossible”………… The one thing we can’t take for granted ……… SNAKES and ladders ……… “she only comes out at night” ………… A challenging time ahead …… not their best decision ………… They have all the answers ……… The return will be difficult, if they return??………… make or break!!
Dec 30
ANON , On New Year’s Eve Eve , we give thanks for the tribulations of 2019 because without them we couldn’t face 2020. We know what to expect, more two faced lies , action and disinformation via their PR. So expect more of the same and more of us with skippy’s help and the help of anons can plough through the coming year. Mutual support and tenacity demands our continuous vigilance. Joyous new year. 
Dec 31
MM ANON …… “ happy new year to all our readers”…… 20.20. predictions ……… MM implosion ………Keep it quite!!………G&C in the viralsphere …… K&W keep it real ……… C&C relax duties ……… The best of the best……… 🎼if your sweet heart sends a letter 🎼………🎼 keep on runnin 🎼………… lack of vision ……… “ she’s blind as a BAT”……… Times Squared…… “ ring out the old, welcome the new”
27 notes · View notes
supernaturaltfwmeme · 5 years
12 Days of Dean Winchester. -Part 4
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
December 16th
“Sam, I think I know what you’re hunting.”  
That made you sit bolt right up. Dean too
“what is it?” you asked climbing out of bed and going to join Sam at the table.
“Not a what, a who.” Charlie explained.
“Care to elaborate” It was Dean who spoke, approaching the table rubbing his eyes before leaning on the back of your chair.
“I think it someone called Hans Trapp.”
“Never heard of him.” You muttered.
“He’s and anti-Santa figure kind of like Krampus.”  
“Oh great, as if he wasn’t bad enough to try and kill” Dean rolled his eyes.
“You guys killed Krampus? How has this never come up? I mean it’s Christmas for Dad sake, it should of come up.” you couldn’t help but chuckled at Gabriel's outburst.
“It was years ago Gabe.” you told him.
“But still.”
“Anyway Charlie, how do we kill him?”
“I’m not entirely sure.” She admitted.
“Why not?” Dean asked.
“Well the lore I can find says he was a wealthy man, but he was greedy and just down right evil. It doesn’t say why but he was exiled by the catholic church, so sold his soul.”
“Great demon deal, this is getting more complicated by the minute.” You complained.
“It says here that he was basically ran out of town and ended up living in a nearby forest. So, to take revenge I guess on the townspeople he started disguising himself as a scarecrow by stuffing his clothes with straw and kidnapping children to well eat them.”
“That explains the human bite marks in the clothes.” Dean added.
“So, what happened after that.” Sam asked.
“Well it says that god got sick of his evil ways and basically struck him down with a bolt of lightning.”
“How are we supposed to get him to get hit by lightning?” you were just thinking out loud at this point.
“Here’s where it stops making sense though. It says here that like Krampus he teamed up with good old St. Nicholas. Except where Krampus punished bad children, Hans Trapp tried to convince them to change their ways so they wouldn’t end up like him.”
“Well that just doesn’t make sense. Why would he start killing if he wanted children to change their ways?” Sam asked.
“Maybe were dealing with a ghost, you know the longer they hang on the angrier they get, who knows maybe this’ll just be a simple salt and burn.” Dean said hopefully. Maybe his plans to give you the perfect Christmas wouldn’t be completely derailed after all.
“Well that still leads to another problem.” Charlie added. Damn it could never just be simple could it.
“What is it Charlie?” Sam asked
“The legend of Hans Trapp is based on a real guy; Hans von Troth. He was a knight back in the 15th century. In Germany. And he died in a fire. There isn’t a body.”
“How the hell does a German knight who lived 600 years ago end up haunting a small town in Kansas?” Dean asked dropping his head into his hands.
“I think I can help with that.” It was Cas who spoke this time, making Charlie jump a little as he appeared behind her.
“Based on Charlie’s research, I did a google? Is that how you say it?” you all couldn’t help a little at Cas.
“After a while of searching it turns out the town you are in has a Christmas display at a museum, featuring the origins of Christmas legends. They might have something that belongs to this Hans von Troth.”
“that would make sense he could be haunting an object and that’s why there were no murders until a few days ago.” You added.
“Thanks for your help guys.” Sam said before hanging up the phone.
“Guess we better check out that museum then.”
You all got ready and headed out to the museum. When you got there, there was barely anybody inside, the exhibit clearly wasn’t that popular. You and the boys walked around until you found the section on Hans Trapp. Looking over it there was barely anything in it, mainly just the lore Charlie had told you about earlier. However, inside a nearby glass case there was one item that supposedly belonged to Hans von Troth, an old sword.
“Damn she’s a beauty.” You said admiring the sword.
“She shore is, shame we have to burn her.” Dean whisper coming up behind you.
“You guys do realise you're referring to a sword as she” Sam rolled his eyes. Before you could reply you hear a bit of a commotion behind you. It was one of the staff members arguing with a little boy.
“Iv’e already told you no Children without a parent or Guardian” she snapped. Who speak to a kid that way. The boy spoke up in a small voice
“But I am here with an adult.” he lied.
“Really?” The woman sneered. “Then where are they?” She clearly didn’t believe him. You weren’t going to listen to this.
“I'm right here.” You said stepping towards the little boy. “And don’t speak to my brother like that.” you snapped. The woman just glared at you before saying “Well don’t let him touch anything, children just get everything dirty.” She screwed her face up before walking away.
“Are you ok?” you asked the little boy.
“Yeah I'm fine.” He replied “I’m Ollie” he said putting his hand out to you making you smile.
“Well hi Ollie I'm y/n, it’s very nice to meet you.” You said shaking his hand. “What was that all about?”  
“she doesn’t like children.”
“Well I gathered that. But do you know why?”
“No but she doesn’t let us in the museum without adult supervision, but my parents are at work and I wanted to see the exhibit.”
“How old are you Ollie?”
“9” you smiled at him. The kid was smart he reminded you a lot of a younger Sam.  
“Would you like to meet my friends?”  
“OK” Ollie followed after you.
“Ollie this is Sam and this is Dean. Boys this is Ollie.” You introduced them.  
“Hi Ollie” Sam said. Dean just waved.
“The bitch who works here won’t let kids in without and adult so if anyone asks, he’s my brother.” You explained. Ollie smiling and running to look at the Krampus display. Dean couldn’t help but smile at that. He walked over to Ollie looking over the Krampus display with him.
“So kid, what you doing spending winter break in a museum?”
“I like myths and legends.” he said simply moving to a different display. “I like y/n, she’s pretty” Ollie added innocently.
“Yeh she is.” Dean said glancing back over to you as you were talking to Sam.
“Is she your girlfriend?” Ollie asked finally looking up at Dean.
“Err no she’s not.” Dean felt his cheeks flush a little. Awkwardly scratching the back of his neck.
“Why not, She’s pretty and nice. Don’t you want her to be your girlfriend?”  
“jez kid you ask a lot of questions.” Dean tried to avoid the subject. Being an inquisitive kid though Ollie didn’t give up that easily.  
“My mom said if you like somebody you should tell them because you never know if they like you back.” Dean couldn’t help but wonder if he really was that obvious about his feeling that even a kid he had just met could tell.
“Your mom sounds like a smart lady.” Dean commented before turning his attention back to you. You stayed in the museum until Ollie was done, using the time to stake out the security for later. When you were leaving you turned to Ollie and asked “Are you going to be able to get home ok?”
“Yeah I live just there.” He told you pointing at a house across the street.  
“OK well see you later kiddo.”
“Bye y/n, bye Dean, bye Sam.” Ollie called cheerily as he walked away. You watched him until he was inside before climbing into the impala. You leaned forward in your seat and asked the boys “SO what the plan?”
“all the victims have died at some point after 8pm so Come back as soon as it’s dark and they’re closed, they have a pretty simple security system, just a few cameras and an alarms system. It's a duel code system though, one code to disable the door alarms another to disable the display case alarms.” Dean explained
“You know Dean in another life you would have made a great thief.” You laughed.  
“Yeah, the only problem is I only got one of the codes, watched her put the door code in 5639. Hopefully the other code is on the computer somewhere, maybe Charlie could find it.”  
“Gotta say Dean I'm a little impressed.”  
“I’m gonna hang back and try and get into their camera system to disable them while you two break in.”
“Sounds like a plan”
Later that night
You were dressing in all black so was Sam and Dean you parked a little away from the museum as not to draw attention to yourself, and walked over. Sam staying in the car. Before going inside, you walked up to a metal box on the side of the museum, plugging a small device Charlie had built from an old flash drive into the internal paneling. That gave Sam access to the cameras. Dean had a Bluetooth device in his ear to talk to Sam.
“Right Dean I'm not great at this and Charlie will be busy getting into the computer so move when I say.”
“Ok Sammy.”  you started to pick the lock since you were quicker at this than Dean. Within a few seconds you felt the lock click and slowly turned the knob.
“Sam we’ve got the lock you ready with that first camera?” you heard Dean ask after a couple of seconds he gave you the nod to open the door. Dean rushed to the alarm panel and typed in the code before the alarm could go off. You went to walk towards the computer when you felt Dean Grab your hand and tug you back. You turned towards him he nodded towards the next camera. You saw the light was still on. A few seconds later it went off and you moved quickly to the computer.
Sitting down in the chair you powered on the computer and started looking around in the draws before pulling out a post it note and typing int the password. Dean raiser and eyebrow at you.
“What?” you whispered.
“How’d you know the password would be in there?” He asked  
“The man who owns the place is in a photo by the entrance he has expensive clothes but a cheap security system. It's not because of cost but ease. He's terrible with technology, so it was a safe bet he would of wrote the password down and kept it nearby.” you explained. The corner of Deans lips turning up a little.
“I’m impressed Singer.” He said sitting on the edge of the desk.  
“You’re not the only one who’d make a good thief.” you smirked. You pulled out your phone dialing Charlies number.
“You at the computer?” She asked as soon as she answered.  
“Yeah what do I do know?”
“Open up the email and give me the email address.” You did as she said.  
“Ok you should get an email any second from an untraceable account, it’ll contain a link click it. It’s a virus it’ll allow me to hack into the computer and download the virus to find the alarm code.” After a few seconds you saw an email pop up. You almost died when you saw the email address Charlie had picked. your face went bright red and you coughed a little, taking Charlie off speakerphone.  
“Really That’s what you picked?” Dean gave you a weird look but didn’t question it.
“What?” Charlie acted innocent but let out a laugh, you were going to kill her. The first part of the email address was y0u25h0uldk155. Or you 2 should kiss. You were really glad Dean was sat on the other side of the computer. You clicked the link and Charlie downloaded the files. After 30 seconds she half yelled in your ear “ok y/n I've got it. The code is 1309.”
“Dean 1309. Charlie I'll see you later.” you hang up as Dean waits for the camera at the alarm panel to go off before walking back over and typing in the code.
“Sam said we have 90 seconds before the alarm resets.” you wait for the camera pointing at the sword to shut down before walking over and picking the lock. When you’re done Dean carefully removes the sword and shuts the case just as the alarm resets.  
“Let's get out of here.” You said powering down the computer and following dean outside. You grab Charlies device from the camera system as Dean heads towards the car you quickly catch up. Climbing into the car, Sam shuts down his laptop. Dean chucks you the sword and starts the car driving off. You pull up behind your motel in a secluded area. You throw the sword on the ground covering it in salt as Sam pours Something flammable over it. When your done Dean Sparks his lighter throwing it on the sword the thing burning better than you expected. You glace at your phone. 19:59. You'd mad it just in time.
After you’d all got something to eat, Sam decides to call it a night. You were sitting on the other bed when Dean walks over carrying Sam’s laptop.
“What’s that for?” You ask as he sits down.
“Well the case is officially over so, I figured we can actually celebrate Christmas.” He smiled putting on a Christmas movie. It was your favourite. That’s why he had picked it. He moved so he was lying down with the computer in his lap. And pulled you closer so your head was on his chest, Dean playing with your hair. And that’s how you fell asleep.
December 17th
You woke up the next morning to the sound of the door slamming as Sam left to go for a run. You groaned and turned over burying your face in Deans chest. “It’s too damn early.” You muttered annoyed, making Dean chuckle. He just wrapped his arm around you tighter. “go back to sleep then.” That’s exactly what you did.
An hour and a half later you woke up to the sound of the door slamming again.  
“Jesus Sam, can’t you shut the door like a normal person.”
“Guys we have a problem.” his tone instantly waking you and Dean up.
“What is it?” Dean asked.
“Another kid was killed last night.”
“So, we didn’t burn the word early enough.” You said sadly.
“No y/n, the kid was last seen around 20:40. 40 minutes after we burned the sword.”
Part 5
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fantasiesandbooks · 5 years
Tenerife Sea xiii
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I don’t own any of the photos.
Prologue Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11  Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15
Soundtrack 1
Soundtrack 2
You were at the dorms with Chanyeol and the boys planning the dinner for Christmas Eve since this year they didn’t have to work on that day. Everyone was gathered at the living room.  You were sitting on one couch squeezed between Chanyeol and Sehun. Junmyeon and Jongdae were sitting on another one and Jongin and Baekhyun were sitting on the floor.
“You two, keep your hands where we can see them” Baekhyun pointed at you and your boyfriend. -At first you and Chanyeol were trying to figure it out how you would tell the guys about your relationship. You were having thoughts about whether they considered you two rushed yourselves since Chanyeol had just ended up things with Sojin, or, the fact that you didn’t wanted them to think you were very easy to jump into relationships. You knew Baekhyun and Sehun will totally support you, and the others boys too in a certain way but, there was also the fear of being criticized and judge by them. Surprisingly the day you and Chanyeol told the news about you being together they didn’t seem surprised about it. Jongin even told you that, what was surprising was that it didn’t happen sooner. You were relieved once everybody knew about it and by everybody you meant Jackson already knew too about you being Chanyeol’s girlfriend. The boy was happy for you and you still maintained a good friendship since you continued to go to some of your after work classes together.-
You rolled your eyes at your friend. “Do you really think we would do anything with all of you looking at us?”.
“I don’t know about you but Chanyeol likes some weird stuff” Baekhyun said.
“Do I want to know about that?” You asked at the white haired boy “No, let me rephrase that. Do I want to know how you know about that?” 
“You know, we are men and we watch...” Baekhyun was saying when you cut him off.
“That’s enough, I got it” you said.
“Ok guys, we should focus on the dinner” Junmyeon said. 
“Oh and don’t forget someone’s birthday is on Christmas Day” Baekhyun said in a sing-song voice while looking at you.
“Let’s not talk about that right now. Could you?” You said imitating his voice.
“You are literally the only person I know whose birthday is on that day. Surely your mother asked Santa for an Epidural.” Baekhyun said amused.
You rolled your eyes at him but sneered at his joke either way.
“Baek stop. We need to plan this” Suho urged him. “We will discuss y/n’s celebration other day”
“Yes. So what are we eating on Christmas Eve?” Jongin asked.
“I was thinking on having Turkey and Beef Tenderloin” Junmyeon said thoughtfully.
“I can cook some pasta and buy a dessert like a cake or something like that” you offered.
“Yes y/n, that would be great. Thanks” Junmyeon said while smiling at you.
“I can buy the booze” Baekhyun said.
“Me too” Sehun said and Baekhyun high five him excitedly.
“Ok guys” Junmyeon was writing down what everyone was supposed to bring that day.
“So the rest of us have to look for the best place where we can buy the Turkey and the Loin. Maybe a salad would be good too” the leader said to Jongin, Jongdae and Chanyeol and they agreed in unison.
“Ok now that it has been settled you can go. Do whatever you want, I don’t care.” Suho said cheerfully and you laughed at his words.
“That’s not usually the words you say at the end of your speeches Myeon” you said amused.
“I know but after today’s recording I’m so fed up with them. I need a night of freedom and I’m going to take it tonight” The redhead said pleased.
“Aw, I’m so proud of you” you said at your friend tenderly.
“What do you mean with that?. We are lovely” Baekhyun said to you.
“Yes but you five can also be a pain in the ass sometimes. I don’t know how this man” you gestured at Junmyeon “can put up with all your antics at the same time. I mean, I would have lost my mind a long time ago if I was him”.
“Us five? What about Kyungsoo, Minseok and Yixing?” Sehun asked offended.
“They are Angels among all of you.” You said nonchalantly and everyone there started complaining about it.
“I don’t know what you are talking about. Everyone likes my personality” Baekhyun said offended.
“I’m not saying I don’t like it. It's just that you have a special gift to make people want to strangle you when you're annoying” you said and the boys agreed. Baekhyun looked at all of you in astonishment “I can’t believe all of you are saying that” he scoffed. The white haired boy stoop up and went to grabbed his coat from the coat rack dramatically.
“Where are you going?” Jongin asked his friend.
“To have dinner outside. I can even look at you all right now” he said and stormed out of the dorms. Drama queen you muttered and Sehun nodded at hearing you.
“He’s going to come back soon” Jongin said.
“How do you know that?” Junmyeon asked the younger boy.
“Because he dropped his wallet” Jongin said and showed everyone Baekhyun’s wallet. You shook your head amusingly and saw Junmyeon pinching the bridge of his nose.
“See. That is what I was talking about” Junmyeon gestured at Jongin. “Anyway, have fun everyone”. Junmyeon grabbed some of his things and went out the room.
“So are we gonna order some takeout and watch a movie?” Sehun asked to no one in particular.
“Sounds good to me” Jongdae said.
“Me too” Jongin said.
They heard the entrance door opened and seconds later they could see Baekhyun’s head peeking out.
“Mmm guys... did I left my...” Baekhyun was saying when Jongin showed him his wallet. The white haired boy sighed in relief and went to grabbed it.
“Thank you” he said to the blue haired boy “so what are we doing?”.
“Didn’t you are going to leave?” Jongdae look at Baekhyun quizzically.
“Nah! I thought about it and it would be better if I stay here with you, at home” Baekhyun said as he sprawled next to the black haired boy.
“Are you also staying?” Sehun asked you and Chanyeol.
“What do you say honey, do you want to stay?” Chanyeol asked you.
“Sure. I don’t feel like going out tonight. And you?” you asked.
“I’m feeling tired” Chanyeol said. You put a hand on his thigh and nodded “We are staying then” you said and Chanyeol took your hand to intertwined it with his.
“Ok. What are we going to order?” Baekhyun asked.
“I want pizza” you said.
“Me too” Jongin and Sehun said at unison.
“I want sushi” Baekhyun said.
“I think I’ll have the same as you Baek” Chanyeol said to his best friend and everyone ordered their food. After spending two hours chatting and eating, the boys and you had put a Netflix movie. Chanyeol went to the kitchen along with Jongdae to get the popcorn. You were finishing your slice of pizza when Sehun pokes your arm to get your attention.
You turned to look at the boy “what?” You muffled while chewing your food. “Y/n I want to lay on the couch. Can I rest my head on your lap?” Sehun said innocently.
He moved his mouth slightly to one side and you thought he looked like a child in that moment. Sehun was known for having a serious or a bitch resting face most of the time but in reality he was like a little boy and he knew how to play the cuteness card really well. You nodded at him “yes Hunnie” you said and the boy smiled at you.
“Thank you. I don't want to have my neck crooked if I fall asleep” he said and laid on the couch.- He was almost the same height as your boyfriend and although it was a big couch, he ended up with almost half of his legs hanging loose on the armrest.- Chanyeol and Jongdae came back. They were handing over the bowls full of popcorn when your boyfriend looked at Sehun.
“I believe that’s my place, move your head” the taller boy said to the youngest one.
“But y/n let me” Sehun argued.
“Y/n” Chanyeol whined.
“He said that he wanted to lay on the couch. Look at him! Half his body is in the air” you explained.
“Ahg fine” Chanyeol said reluctantly “but don’t get use to it” he glared at Sehun and you. The other boy poking his tongue out at the tall boy. Your boyfriend sat next to you with a grumpy face.
“Don’t be like that” You whispered to him and tried to grab some popcorn from the bowl he had on his hands but he moved it aside so you couldn’t reached it. You look at him bewildered. Sometimes Chanyeol could be really childish, specially when he gets jealous.
“Are you sure you are not going to share with me?” You asked him rhetorically.
“Sometimes you have to give things up” he said and gave you a dismissive look. You scoffed. You were mad at his behavior so you texted him angrily.
“Fine. We are not having sex for a week :)”  That will teach him you though smugly.
Chanyeol’s phone vibrated on his pocket indicating he received a message. He pull it out and read it it. His eyes got round as plates and you turned to look at him satisfied with his reaction. “You can’t be serious” he said to you bewildered. The smile on your face faltered and your face turned serious. “I am, pretty much” “But it’s Christmas on that week. You have to share and be sensitive towards others” Chanyeol countered back.
You raise a brow at him “are you listening to yourself right now?”. Chanyeol purse his lips and gave you the bowl. “Thank you love, you are so kind” you said sarcastically and put a mouthful of popcorn in your mouth.
“Do you want some?” You asked him.
“The nerve” Chanyeol sneered. “No, I don’t want anything”. You shrugged and settled on the couch to watch the movie.
30 minutes had passed since your argument and you thought it was enough time for Chanyeol to quit the tantrum. He had his eyes focused on the screen and had his arms crossed over his chest. You tried to sneak your arm between his so you could have yours and his intertwined but he stiffened his grip and didn’t let you intertwined them.
“Chan” you said quietly, struggling to break his arms crossed but he kept his serious face and eyes on the tv. You gave a frustrated sigh.
After a couple of minutes, Sehun had fallen sleep with his head still resting on your lap and you tried to come up with sutil approaches on your boyfriend like lingering your fingers through his leg or tracing patterns on his thigh with your nails. Chanyeol moved uncomfortably until he grabbed your hand “Stop it” he said quietly. “You don’t like it? It’s uncomfortable?” You asked him amused and heard a shh from Jongdae.
“Yes” The tall boy said seriously but you knew he was lying -everytime you would do that on his legs or arms he had said that he enjoyed they tingling sensation that it produces on his body-.
“You liar” You said and smiled mischievously at him. Chanyeol sighed and put your hand next to your leg. You huffed but decided to leave him alone and returned your attention to the movie.
After a while you had found yourself bored at it and your eyes wandered around the room. You turned to looked at Sehun, his features were soften, he had his mouth slightly open and was breathing through it. He looked like the boss baby from the cartoon movie and you chuckled silently at the thought. You started tracing his features with your fingertips gently, trying not to waking him up. He is like the male version of sleeping beauty you thought to yourself amused. He scrunched up his nose a little bit at your touch and you removed your fingers slowly from his face. You took his hair out of his forehead and started making little braids with his comma hair.
Chanyeol, who had been focused on the movie, side eyed at you since he thought there has been a long time since you had tried to make a move for him to be cool with you again. He saw you were focused on playing with Sehun’ hair. He cleared his throat to catch your attention but you didn’t even lift your gaze. He tried a second time clearing his throat, this one louder than the previous one but the only thing he got was a hush from Jongin and a “drink some water” from Baekhyun. Chanyeol rolled his eyes at you being oblivious of his ways for catching your attention.
Damn it! He thought annoyed.
In that moment, there was a suspense scene on the screen and everyone went still on their places except for you and Sehun. You were so caught up in his black hair when you noticed a frown on his forehead following by a little noice coming from his mouth.
You frowned at him “what did he say?” You thought.
“Ahh” Sehun let out quietly followed by a couple of words he mumbled and you couldn’t understand. Was that a groan or a moan?. You thought intrigued. I hope it’s the first one.
Chanyeol and the others heard him too since the room was too quiet but your boyfriend was the only one who turned to look at Sehun with the same weirded out expression on his face. You looked at your boyfriend frowning but said nothing about it. You shrugged and he looked at the front.
He better not be dreaming about y/n Chanyeol thought grumpily.
A few seconds passed and Sehun said your name in a whisper loud enough for everyone in the room to hear it. Your looked at him wide eyed and heard someone had paused the movie. Everyone was looking at you and him, you raised your hands as if saying I didn’t do anything and said “I just braided his hair” you said innocently.
Chanyeol scowled, stood up from the couch angrily and smacked Sehun’s head in the process in order to wake him up.
“Ahh, what?” Sehun grimaced in pain and rubbed the spot on his head where he received the blow.
“Yeol wait” you said, trying to grab his hand to hold him back but he shook it off and stormed out of the room.
Sehun sat on the couch confused of what had just happened and everyone looked at him quizzically.
“What?” He said harshly.
Most of his friends were looking at him with an amused look on their faces at seen his frowning face and the little braids he had on his hair. The sight of him was comical and maybe you had laughed if it wasn’t for the fact that Chanyeol was fuming in his room. A proof of that was the loud bang you heard from his bedroom door. “Were you having a sexy dream with y/n?” Baekhyun asked teasingly at the black haired boy. You stared at the white haired boy sternly.
“What?! Of course not.” Sehun scoffed.
“You said her name while you where sleeping” Jongin said matter of factly.
“Did I?” Sehun asked surprised and focused his gaze on you. You nodded slightly embarrassed and Sehun cleared his throat.
“I was dreaming that she had given away all my clothes”. Sehun explained. You sighed relieved.
“Come on! Do you really believed I could have one of those dreams with you?” Sehun asked you bewildered. “You are not my type”. You frowned at his last statement “should I feel insulted about it?” You asked rhetorically.
“Nah! He has a weird taste in women” Baekhyun said dismissively and the other boy glared at him.
“Anyway. Now you had to explain yourself to Chanyeol” Jongdae said to Sehun.
“Did he hear too?” Sehun asked awkwardly.
“Yep. Everyone here heard you and he is angry” Baekhyun explained. Sehun facepalmed himself “wait a minute! He was the one that smacked me in the head, wasn’t he?”.
Everyone nodded at him and he sighed “fine. I’ll go and talk to him” Sehun said resigned and you stopped him.
“No. Let me talk to him first” you said and stood up from the couch. Everyone looked at you as you were heading towards the bedrooms.
You were standing outside Chanyeol’s room, you exhaled deeply and knocked on his door.  Since there wasn’t and answer you knocked again “Chan it’s me. Can I come in?” You asked.
You heard a muffled “no” and rolled your eyes at him.
Very well then you thought and you turned the doorknob. Luckily for you the door was unlocked so it opened easily and you came inside. Chanyeol was playing with a little ball, throwing it at his wall and catching it at the rebound.
He didn’t even look at you when he said “I told you you can’t come in”.
“I didn’t hear you clearly enough” you said nonchalantly, obviously lying.
Chanyeol snorted at your comment “whatever. I don’t want to talk to you”. He said and continue throwing the ball. You crossed your arms over your chest, seriousness readable on your face.
“Are you really that mad because of Sehun’s dream?” You said incredulously. The tall boy didn’t answer you. “Well you can stop planning his murder since he wasn’t having an erotic dream with me. He said he was dreaming about me giving away all his clothes and that I’m not his type.”. Chanyeol sneered at that “yeah right”.
“He didn’t seem like he was lying. Everyone would have noticed it. You guys can’t hide your excitement” you said but he was doing an excellent good at ignoring you. You got frustrated at his behavior and went to stood up right in front of him.
“Chanyeol please. I’m trying to have a conversation with you and work this out” you said seriously.
Chanyeol looked at you straight in the eyes. “I’m not only mad because of that. I’m also mad because you were stroking his hair and caressing his face. You were doing it to him the things that are supposed you would only do to me because I’m your boyfriend”. He explained irritated. You were going to say something but he stopped you “and before you said it’s silly and that I don’t have nothing to be worry about let me tell you that I already know that because I know you but still it irks me the way you were acting with him. Think of it this way, would you like to see me caressing another girl’s face and hair even though she was your friend?” Chanyeol added frustrated.
Your mind answered no almost immediately at his question. -You haven’t thought about it in the way Chanyeol had because you saw Sehun as one of your closest friends and you thought you didn’t do anything wrong or out of the ordinary. You had always been affectionate towards them but now that you were in a different kind of relationship with Chanyeol, you understood that your displays of affection would have to change with the rest of the boys.-
“You are right. I would not like it” you sighed and went to sit next to him. Chanyeol turned his face to look at you.
“I thought it wasn’t a bad thing since you know Sehun too and he’s like your brother and also because you know I love the rest of the guys as if they were my brothers too. “ You explained calmly. You grabbed your boyfriend’s hand and started caressing the back of it with your thumb, tracing soothing circles on his skin.
“I’m sorry Yeol. I won’t do that again if it bothers you” you said regretfully. He took your hand, the one that was caressing his and intertwined it it.
“It’s ok. Just keep your hands to myself, would you?” He said and gave you a crooked smile. You couldn’t help but laugh at his request. You nodded and said “Ok then, they would only caress you.” Chanyeol smiled pleased. “Can they caress Toben too or he is in the list with the others?” You joked. “He’s good. Me and him come in a package” He said and you shook your head in amusement.
“You are such a dork.” You said.
“But I’m your dork” he said and smiled at you, you smiled back at him and open your other arm so you could hug him.
Chanyeol leaned over so he let you embrace him and rested his head on your shoulder. His nose slightly touching the place where your neck and shoulder meet. He loved the mix of your body scent and your perfume. 
“Y/n” he said. You hummed in response.
“You weren’t serious about not having sex for a week, were you?” Chanyeol asked you hesitantly. You snorted at his question and he sat straight to look at you with his puppy eyes. You cupped his face and got closer to give him a gentle kiss. You whispered near his lips “I’m serious about it”. Chanyeol had his eyes round as plates when you looked at him mischievously.
“Ahh. That’s a low blow” Chanyeol said and put his hand over his chest near his heart, feigning that his heart ached and he laid on the bed.
You laughed at his antics. “Oh my gosh, you’re so dramatic”.
He reached for one of your hands “Are you going to reconsider it?” He said faintly. You tried to stand up and leave him with his little act but he pulled your hand strongly enough to make you fall on the bed. You gave a little shriek when he hovered above you and caged you between his arms so you couldn’t escape.
“You sneaky weasel” you complained jokingly.
“I’m not letting you go until you come around and say you will reconsider it” Chanyeol warned you. Both were struggling, you with trying to push his body aside and get free and he with trying to get a firm grip of your arms.
After a while you decided to gave up and sighed exhausted “fine. I will reconsider it”. Chanyeol smiled smugly and gave you a peck on your lips.
“Thank you. Now you are free” Chanyeol said, rolled over his bed and was laying looking at the ceiling next to you. You sat on the bed and looked yourself at his mirror. Your hair was a mess with some strands loosen from your ponytail and you looked at Chanyeol annoyed.
“I’m a mess because of you”. You said accusingly.
“A hot mess” Chanyeol joked and you rolled your eyes at his pun.
“Only for that attempt of a joke you’re on the sex ban list.” You said.
Chanyeol groaned “come on”. You stood up and went to the mirror to fixed your hair.
“Let’s go, we have to go back to the living room” you gestured your boyfriend towards the hall.
“Can’t we just stay here?” Chanyeol asked you.
“Why? I thought you were enjoying the movie.” You said.
“It wasn’t that good and It will probably be ended by now” Chanyeol said nonchalantly.
“We could watch another one here. I want to spend time with you. Just the two of us”. Chanyeol gave you a side smile.
“Ok then” you said and started walking towards his bed when something popped up in your head and went back to open the door and leave it half open.
“Why did you leave the door like that?” Chanyeol asked you as you were taking off your slippers.
“I don’t want them to think we are doing something here. It was enough with Junmyeon’s lecture the other day” you explained and laid on the bed next to the tall boy. Chanyeol shook his head amused and opened his arms to cuddled you. You snuggled against his chest and he laughed.
“Do you really think that a door half open is going to stop me?” Chanyeol said and gave you a suggestive look.
" It should.” You nodded. “That was what Baekhyun was talking about when he said you liked weird stuff?” you said quizzically.
“Would you really like to know?” Chanyeol smirked at you.
You broke the embrace and looked at his face “If you are taking out your 50 shades of grey movies, I’m good thanks” you said and he snorted.
“He’s not that kinky” Baekhyun yelled from the living room and Chanyeol and you laughed.
“Weren’t you watching the movie?” You yelled back.
“It has ended already. We are putting another one” Baekhyun answered. “Are you coming or not?” 
“No” Chanyeol yelled this time. 
“Fine, but later you don’t get to complain about us not inviting you to spend time with us” Baekhyun warned.
“Ok” you said while laughing and focused your attention back on the tall boy, watching him shaking his head in amusement.
“Can we watch a Christmas movie?” You asked him excitedly.
Chanyeol grabbed his remote from the nightstand and handed it over to you.
“Just don’t pick Home Alone” He said.
“Aw. Why not?” You said to him baffled.
“You made me watch it it for the whole month of December last year. At least wait until a week before Christmas day” Chanyeol said. You tried to put your best puppy eyes in your face but he only raised a brow at you. You rolled your eyes and started searching for a movie you could find interesting. “A knight before Christmas?” You asked him.
“Sure” Chanyeol said smoothly.
You pressed the play button and went to lay next to him. Chanyeol thought the movie was all right but he was not thrilled about it and every now and then he would looked at you to check if you were enjoying it. Over the course of the years Chanyeol already could tell when you like something or not. When it comes to movies, you would always get twinkling eyes, would squeeze his hand and, he loved to see your features changing by the different emotions you were feeling just by looking at it. Once he had thought that he was the only person he knew that could become super excited at seen a movie but once he knew you he realized he was mistaken. There was a scene in which you got ecstatic about it and threw yourself over his side.
“Get me one of those” you said excitedly, signaling at the screen with your finger. You were pointing at the lead actor.
“You know I’m your boyfriend, right?” Chanyeol said sarcastically.
“Oh yeah” you chuckled “I’m sorry Yeol. It just that I would have liked to live in that time. Wearing that kind of clothes and the way men wooed women, ah I would have loved it” You explained.
“But in that age there was no energy, no cars, men were trained to fight and women had to served them in a way. Plus, if we had lived in that time we would already be married and have 7 children by now” Chanyeol said matter of factly.
“And how do you know we would be together? We didn’t live in the same country until a couple of years ago” you sneered.
“That doesn’t matter. I would have found you no matter what” Chanyeol sounded very confident about it.
You gave him a side smile “I like you, you can have a peck on your cheek”.
You said and leaned over him to kiss his cheek, your lips almost touched it when he moved his head swiftly and gave you a peck on your lips. You gasped slightly at his action and he smiled widely at you.
“Let’s keep watching the movie, ok?” You said to him. Chanyeol sighed but nodded anyway.
It was Saturday night. Chanyeol and you were playing basketball since he had insisted in teaching you and now he was beating your ass with the score. You had never been a fan of that sport, you preferred football, or soccer as some people call it, or another one before basketball but you agreed to make an effort in trying to understand it since the tall boy was too keen on it.
“Bloody hell” you breathed, trying to stop him in getting to your basketball hoop.  He dodged you easily and took off running.
You groaned in frustration and went chasing after him. Reaching the middle of the court you thought it was useless and made a halt, bending over a little trying to catch your breath. You heard the hoop ringing when the ball crashed against it and got inside of it. Chanyeol was cheering excitedly and you were panting nonstop.
This was a terrible idea you thought. You felt the sweat trickling down your forehead and neck, the chilly air hitting on your face. Your heart was burning and beating like crazy. You closed your eyes for a moment to calmed yourself and when you opened them you saw Chanyeol’s legs near you.
“That’s 52-12” he announced smugly. You stood yourself straight again and looked at him.
“I hate this” you breathed. Chanyeol laughted “don’t hate the game, hate the terrible player you are” he mocked. You glared at him.
“I’m done with it” you panted.
“Just two more shots to see who will be the winner” Chanyeol suggested.
“Really?! 52-12 doesn’t tell you anything?” You asked sarcastically.
“Let’s make a bet. The next two shots will be worth 20 points, if you score we would be tied and we would have to make another shot to see who the winner is. If you don’t make them, I guess we already know who will win.” Chanyeol explained.
“And what’s the prize?” You asked him. You knew there was a catch in this bet. Chanyeol thought about it for a second and he smiled wickedly at you “The loser will have to do the house chores of the other without any help from it until next year ”. Your jaw dropped at hearing the madness he was saying. He knew you hate doing chores, that the only reason you do them it’s because you don’t have another choice and now he wanted for you to do them double.
He is mental you thought
“That’s like three weeks and you are having the Christmas party at your house. I will not clean all that mess” you protested. “You are delusional if you think I’m going to accept that”.
”Come on honey. I have thought you would have more faith in you” Chanyeol smirked at you.
You were frowning at him, anger building inside of you. He had touched a soft string, your ego. Although you knew you suck at this you didn’t want to give him the pleasure of winning without your last try. You looked sternly at him and made a silent prayer so the heavens could help you win this over.
“Fine” you muttered. 
Chanyeol smiled satisfied and threw the ball at you. You caught it and let out a deep breath. Chanyeol went to stand in front of you with a defensive pose and looked at you in concentration.
“Remember what I taught you. I don’t want you to say I cheated” The tall boy smirked at you.
You were looking at his feet trying to figure out your next move in your head. - Chanyeol was a very good player you give him that, but he was also very predictable since in most occasions he would started his move from his right side. Ok I can do this you cheered yourself mentally.
You made the ball bounce, you quickly grabbed it with your left hand and ran towards Chanyeol's hoop. You heard Chanyeol grunt and his quick steps behind you but you didn't stop. You felt as if you were running for your life and once you got to the hoop you made the shot. Luckily for you the ball hit the backboard and went inside of the net. You closed your eyes and let out a relieved sigh.
Chanyeol was standing a few steps behind you when you made shot.
“Nice”. He said as he went to pick up the ball. “But that’s not gonna save you from cleaning”.
You rolled your eyes at him “Yeah yeah whatever. Give me the ball”. You said. Chanyeol was on his beast mode for the end of the game but so were you. Both of you stood up in front of the other. You looked at him in full concentration.
I should try for the right one this time you thought.
The ball bounced again and you grabbed it, Chanyeol started walking forward and made you step back. You feigned going for your left when he blocked you. You dodged him again and went for your right.
“Fuck” Chanyeol muttered.
Go go go was all you could think about while running.
You were in front of the hoop and threw the ball without a second thought.
Please please please you said in your mind.
The ball barely touched the rim and entered the net.
“Yes” you said cheerfully.
“That was lucky” Chanyeol said bitterly.
“I don’t care, now we are even” you said happily.
“Only because I have gone easy on you” Chanyeol said.
“There’s one shot left for each of us. Come on” you said and padded his butt.
“Fine. Ladies first” Chanyeol said and urged you to make the shot. 
You were getting ready for it when you felt Chanyeol very close behind you.
Never mind. I got this you thought.
You threw the ball clumsily since you got distracted by Chanyeol squeezing your butt.
“Hey” you whined and saw Chanyeol laughing at your reaction.
“That doesn’t count. You are cheating” you said angrily at him.
“I was trying to show you my support” Chanyeol said while laughing.
You look at him harshly and went to grabbed the ball so you could come back to your shooting position.
“Go over there” you said and pointed at a tree that was a few feet from the court.
Chanyeol rolled his eyes and went to stand beside it.
You felt the pressure of him watching you and took a deep breath. You shoot the ball and went smoothly inside the net. You looked at it astonished and started jumping happily.
“Thank you sweet Jesus” you said while looking at the sky.
Chanyeol sneered at your behavior and went to make his shot. He did it but the ball bounced on the rim and felt outside the net.  He let out an annoyed grunt while listening to your screams of excitement and saw you dancing happily around.
“Thank you for suggesting this bet and get me a Cinderella for the rest of the year”. You said mockingly and smacked his chest slightly.
“You wouldn’t have won in the first place if I wouldn’t have been so merciful with the score”. Chanyeol pointed out and walked towards the bench where all your things were. He took a seat and pull out his water bottle to take a sip. You went to sit on the other side of the bench, you things separating both of you. You took out a towel and cleaned your face and neck.
“Fair enough. What do you want?” You said to your boyfriend.
“What?” Chanyeol said and frowned at you.
“What do you want?” You repeated “I’m not giving up you doing the house chores, you know how much I hate doing them but... I’ll give you another thing”. You explained. Chanyeol smiled and hummed while he was thinking for what he could asked you to do.
“Cook lunch and dinner for me for the next three weeks... and breakfast for when we stayed overnight whether it’s in your house or mine” Chanyeol said.
“Ok. That sounds reasonable to me” you said and extended your hand to sealed the deal. Chanyeol took it and shake it it. You took your water bottle and gave it a sip.
“But I meant it when I said I’m done playing this. Can you just do this with your friends? They’re probably more skilled at this than me.” You said. “Some of them are good and a few of them are worse than you” Chanyeol sneered.
“Then why do they play?” You said quizzically.
Chanyeol shrugged “They get entertained by it”. He said. “I suggested we play because I want to do more things with you”.
You knew he mean well with it but still you felt it like a torture. Nevertheless you thought this is what relationships take, adjusting to your partner’s life and making small sacrifices if that causes them to feel happy.
You sighed “ok, I’ll try to play better so you don’t get all frustrated for not having a worthy opponent”.
Chanyeol smiled widely at you and you hold a finger out to him “but only if you take dancing classes with me”.  You gave him an excited look and Chanyeol scratched the back of his neck.
“Yeah...I think I’d rather play alone” Chanyeol said and you whined.
“Yeol come on. The studio where I take the classes with Jackson has private lessons. We could take one and see if we like it.” You explained hopefully that he will agreed. Chanyeol saw the expectation in your face and he gave in.
“One class” he said, you stoop up excitedly and danced happily towards him. He chuckled at your reaction and you sat on his lap. 
“Thank you” you kissed his cheek and he kissed yours. You sat next to him and checked on your cellphone.
“So when are we going to take the class?” Chanyeol asked you.
“I’m checking the classes hours. Does Wednesday work for you?” You asked him.
“Sure” He said nonchalantly. “Or Tuesday or Friday”. Chanyeol added and took another sip of his bottle. “Tuesday I can’t. I have pole dance class on that day”. You said calmly.
At hearing that Chanyeol choked, spitting some of the water and coughed violently.
“You have what?” He managed to say.
“Pole dance class. Didn’t I have tell you before?” you said doubtfully.
“No” Chanyeol said incredulously.
“They are included in the monthly payment so I said why not?” You said dismissively.
“Why have I just found out about this now?” Chanyeol said baffled.
“I didn’t think it was a big deal and… I take other dance classes too” you said.
“Yeah but that one is like super hot. Why have you prevented me from seeing you dance in a pole?” Chanyeol complained.
“Ok first of all, clear out whatever sexy fantasy you have in your mind right now because I’m not even close to that. I’ve been practicing for two months now and I can barely manage to keep the balance on the pole”. You explained.
“Ok. Just let me know when we need to get one“ Chanyeol said seriously.
“Get one what?” You asked.
“A pole. We can put it in my living room” Chanyeol suggested and you laughed out loud.
“Yeah. I’m sure a pole would be the perfect decoration your living room is missing” You said sarcastically.
“Or we can put it on my bedroom” Chanyeol smiled cheekly at you.
“Chan stop. We are not getting a pole” you laughed and your boyfriend pouted at you
“How are you even going to explain it if your mom or Yoora goes to your apartment?” You smiled smugly at him, knowing you had a point. Chanyeol frowned as he hadn’t thought about that detail. “I haven’t thought about that”. The tall boy went quiet while having that idea still on his mind “There has to be removable poles. I’m not very sure about it but I’ll look into it” he said determined. You snorted and shook your head as if saying I can’t believe it.
“As you wish”. You said, giving up on this subject. Chanyeol could be very stubborn with some things and when some idea got stuck on his head it was almost impossible to convince him otherwise.
Chanyeol looked at his watch and stoop up abruptly “Oh my god. It’s almost 10:00 pm. We need to hurry if we want to see the full moon”. He started picking up your stuff rapidly and you did the same. 
“Are you sure we are gonna make it in time?” You asked him as both of you were walking towards the parking lot.
“Yeah. The place where we are going is about 20 minutes from here. That gives me enough time to set up the telescope” He said and walked hurriedly with you following his steps. You two arrived at his car and got inside of it. He started the engine and you put your seatbelt on.
“Ready?” He asked you. You hummed in agreement as you looked through the window on your side.
It was 11:30 pm when you and Chanyeol arrived at the place where you would be looking at the full moon. It was the first one of the month and the reason your boyfriend was so excited about. You two were standing in the middle of a field. There were trees surrounding the place and a few feet away from you there was the highway. You were wearing one of Chanyeol’s enormous jackets but still you could felt the cold hitting your face.
“I can’t believe you have all this equipment and yet Nini got to capture the weird thing on the sky with his Iphone 7” You said and laughed at remembering that time.
“Ahg. Don’t tell me about it” Chanyeol said, rolling his eyes at the memory and focus his attention back to the telescope. He  was looking through it, trying to adjust it in the right position when he called you excitedly.
“Y/n come” he exclaimed. You went to stand next to him.
“What is it?” You said, trying to warm your hands by rubbing them together.
“You have to look at this” He said and step aside so you could take a look through the telescope. You went to stand in front of it and leaned a littler bit to have a look.
“On your right is Perseus Constellation and if you look down to your left you can see Orion’s Belt” Chanyeol explained excitedly.-You could recognize Orion’s belt easily for all the years they had taught you that at school but you couldn’t recognize Perseus Constellation.-
“I see Orion’s” you announced and looked at Chanyeol.
“Perseus is the one that looks like a twisted antenna. Look” the tall boy said and showed you his book, gesturing at the constellation. You returned your gaze at the sky but couldn’t see exactly which one he was talking about. - in this place you could see the sky full of stars and there were different points in which they seemed to be so closed to each other, that you wondered if all of them were constellations-.
“Ah yeah. I see it” you said as confident as you could sound. Unfortunately for you, Chanyeol knew you too well for him to tell that when you say the ah yeah with that intonation, it means that you are lying.
“You don’t know which one is it, do you?” Chanyeol asked you.
“Not a clue” you said without taking your eye from the telescope.
Chanyeol facepalmed himself but laughed at the end. You turned to looked at him, pursing your lips trying to suppress the laugh but it was inevitable and you joined him.
“You are quite something” Chanyeol said.
You laughed at his statement “I’m sorry. I don’t know all the constellations. If I’m being honest I didn’t even know Perseus has a constellation”. Chanyeol couldn’t believe what he was listening. You went to engulf him in a hug and smiled at him.
“At least I made you laugh” you said.
“Yeah.” Chanyeol said and looked at you. He released his arms from you and surrounded you with them. He was smiling, looking at you tenderly.
“I love that you are my best friend” you said out of the blue.
“I thought we had established we were a couple” Chanyeol raised a brow at you. 
You chuckled “What I mean is that there was a time in which I’d never imagined that I would have a partner that would be both my best friend and my boyfriend. It’s nice” you said and caressed his cheek.
He smiled with his toothy smile you have always loved to see on his face. “To be honest I didn’t thought I would have that either. It’s more than nice. It’s perfect.” Chanyeol said.
“Can you give me a kiss?” You asked him, your smile never leaving your lips.
“You don’t even have to ask” Chanyeol said and leaned over to kiss you.
You felt his soft lips brushing yours, his hot breath joined yours. There was a strawberry taste on his lips thanks to your lip balm that he used earlier because he had said his lips always needed to be ready for the “action”. You smiled at remembering his words while you two continued exploring each other’s mouths. This kind of kisses were ones of your favorite ones. Slow, soft and full with all the love you two felt for each other. The alarm on Chanyeol’s phone rang and made you broke the kiss. It was 12:00 am which meant that you could see the full moon.
“Do you want to see the moon first?” Chanyeol asked you.
“You go first. You are the astronomy fan after all” you said and he chuckled. He went to stand next the telescope and looked through it. 
“Wow. It’s so beautiful” he mumbled. You looked at him and smiled. 
Seeing him like this, without any worries and enjoying his time by doing what he loved the most is was makes you happy. You wondered if Chanyeol had the same feeling when he looked at you doing what you loved. Maybe you would asked him later but now you just wanted to enjoy this moment with the nature surrounding you, the beautiful sky above you, and the wonderful person you get to call your boyfriend. 
Chanyeol, my boyfriend you smiled at the thought.
Thank you for the support and the love. I hope you like the series and enjoy this chapter. I’m sorry for taking so long with this part, I have been very busy lately ;;;. I’ll try to come up with the next one as soon as possible. I hope everyone have a wonderful year. If you have any comments regarding the series feel free to send me a message. I think it would help me a lot.^^
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mysticalenergy · 4 years
Making Up
Sitting outside in the winter sun, I was thinking to myself, ‘This time a week ago, we were happy. We laughed, we joked, we made the poor girl in the lingerie shop blush.’
A lot can change in a week. I’ve hardly seen Tom the last couple of days. He’s gone before I get up, I assume running or working out, then he puts in an appearance very briefly before he either disappears into the office for hours at a time, or goes out. When we do see each other we hardly speak. It’s not that we’re arguing, we just quite literally hardly speak, like strangers living in the same house. I don’t know if it’s him, me, or maybe both.
Diana got an invite to visit with some friends who live out near the mountains and, as she’s probably heading home soon, decided to take them up on their offer and left yesterday morning. I don’t blame her for going. This is my home and even I don’t want to be here at the moment. She’s supposed to come back tomorrow afternoon but, if things are still like this, I think I might tell her to stay longer. I’ve booked myself in to attend a writer’s workshop tomorrow night so she’d be on her own for the night anyway probably.
I hurt. I don’t know how else to put it, I just hurt. I keep asking myself if it’s always been like this when he starts a new job, but I don’t know because I’ve always been working myself. Maybe it’s just me. I’m not used to sitting around doing nothing. Hopefully this afternoon I get the news I’ve been waiting on; I can start to use my leg again after 6 weeks. Tom was supposed to come with me but, I’m hesitant to ask because I don’t know what he’s got going on.
He still has all his papers strewn around the living room and it’s really bothering me. I don’t understand why he can’t take it all in the office, he spends enough time in there. But no, he sits in the living room and spreads everything everywhere knowing it drives me nuts. I think he just enjoys pissing me off.
Heading inside, I put spotify on and went to the kitchen to make a coffee. Looking around I saw the mess and felt the need to tidy it up. Careful not to mix things up, I gathered papers and stacked them neatly, then put all the pens and highlighters in a container and left them next to the papers.
Music is such a wonderful medium and can do so much to change a mood and before long I found myself singing along, loudly, and even attempting to do a bit of a dance on my crutches, laughing at myself and how uncoordinated I am. It’s different when I danced with Tom while on the crutches, he helped hold me up and turn me around.
Still singing, I turned around to go get my coffee and noticed him leaning against the wall, the hint of a smile on his face, “I haven’t heard you sing in so long,” he said so quietly I barely heard him.
“Hey,” I said softly. “Didn’t hear you come in.”
Watching the expression on his face harden, I waited for it. Nodding towards the stereo, he pushed himself off the wall, “I’m not surprised given the volume you’ve got that at. I could hardly hear myself think on the phone.” And, there it was, back to the new normal.
“Sorry,” I apologised. “I’ll turn it down.”
Walking over to the table, he looked down at the piles of papers I’d stacked up. “Didn’t I tell you not to touch them?”
“They were all over the place, I just tidied them up a bit,” I replied.
“Jesus is it too much to ask for things to be left where you put them so you can find what you want when you want it,” he ranted more to himself than at me.
Muttering to myself, “maybe if you didn’t leave your stuff laying around it wouldn’t happen.”
“What the hell are you muttering about?” he said.
“Nothing,” I calmly replied. “Nothing at all.”
“Where’s the highlighter I was using?” he snapped.
Taking a deep breath and counting to five before saying anything, I turned and asked, “Was it the yellow one?”
“No, it was pink with purple spots,” he quipped. “Of course it was the bloody yellow one. You saw me using it.”
“Jesus, alright. Calm down, I was only asking.” I snapped back, leaving him to it and heading to the kitchen.
“What the hell are you doing now?” he asked.
“Getting out of your way,” I answered.
“You can get back over here and help me look for the bloody pen,” he demanded.
“Ok, that’s it,” I stormed. “I get that you’re tired and stressed out but don’t take it out on me. It’s not my fault and it’s in the bloody container on the table with the rest of the pens and highlighters. Open your bloody eyes before you open your mouth.”
He looked down at the container on the table, “Just leave my stuff alone and be a good girl, keep the noise down, I’ve got phone calls to make.”
“You condescending assho...don’t speak to me like I’m a child,” I said, raising my voice. “I said I was sorry. You’re hardly ever home anymore so I thought I was fine.”
Looking at his watch, he went to walk away, “Just keep it down, I’ve got a call to make.”
“Guess, I’ll go on my own then,” I muttered. “Getting used to being on my own.”
Spinning on his heel, he glared at me, “What the hell’s that supposed to mean?” he shouted. “It’s not like I’m doing nothing here you know. It’s called work, not that you’d know about that, we don’t all get to sit around and do noth...” he stopped himself from finishing the sentence.
“Go on,” I yelled. “Say it. You don’t get to sit around doing nothing like I do. Well screw you Hiddleston, it’s not my bloody choice to be doing nothing. I’d love to be back at work rather than putting up with you and your shit at the moment.”
Storming out of the room and heading for the office he stopped and turned around, “Don’t forget we’ve got that dinner to attend tomorrow night, hopefully you’ll be in a better mood. Make sure I have a tie to match whatever colour you’re wearing and if I don’t have one, I’d appreciate it if you could get me one,” he almost spat.
“What dinner?” I asked, “you didn’t tell me about any dinner. I’m going out tomorrow night.”
“Cancel your plans," he said. "I told you about the bloody dinner a couple of nights ago. I meant to tell you last week but it slipped my mind. Maybe if you listened occasionally...”
“You didn’t tell me about a dinner and I do listen,” I retorted. “I’ve got plans, go without me.”
“As my wife, you’re expected to be there,” he shouted, opening the office door.
Angry beyond words, I looked him straight in the eye and quietly said, “But I’m not your wife.”
Standing there glaring at each other, breathing heavily, he shook his head, “You can be a real bitch sometimes,” and with that he went into the office and slammed the door shut behind him.
Going to the door, I knocked, “Tom? Tom, can I come in? I’m sorry.”
“I’m on the phone,” came the cold reply.
Checking the time, I grabbed the keys and headed for the door. Getting into the car, I drove out of the driveway, tears rolling down my face. Deciding that, come hell or high water we were sorting this out tonight, I drove myself to the surgeon’s office for my check up.
The surgeon checked my knee, moving it this way and that, then gave me the news I was waiting for. I could get rid of the brace and start putting a little bit of weight on it. It meant I’d still need the crutches for a bit longer but I didn’t care, I was allowed to walk. Leaving the surgeons office, my first thought was to call Tom but, considering how we’d left things, I wasn’t sure that was such a great idea. I figured he’d see for himself when I got home anyway.
Arriving home, I saw that his car was gone and, feeling very deflated, I went inside. I fed Bobby and Paddy then wandered around the house not knowing what to do with myself. Unable to settle, I ran myself a bath hoping the warm water might calm me. After 10 minutes, I’d had enough and went to the kitchen to make some chamomile tea. Drinking the tea, I turned on the tv and channel surfed but nothing looked interesting so I turned it off again. I picked up my book and opened it, then sat staring at the words, not really reading them. Turning the laptop on, I thought I might write for a while, but after 3 minutes of sitting with a blank screen I gave up and pushed the laptop away. A couple of minutes later, still staring at the laptop sitting on the coffee table, the screensaver started. My screensaver is set to show a slideshow of all the photos I've got saved. Tom and I smiling at the beach, Tom and I smiling while bushwalking, Tom and I smiling at a café, Tom and I sitting on the floor near the Christmas tree kissing...ok, so this wasn’t a great idea. Not knowing what else to do with myself, I decided to go to bed. No point in staying up, God only knows what time he’d be home.
Going into the bedroom, I picked up one of his shirts and put it on. I’d started wearing his shirts simply so I could smell him, this was the 3rd night I’d gone to bed alone. Getting into bed, I tried reading again, but the words were just a jumble. Putting the book down, I looked over to his side of the bed, reached out and dragged his pillow to me and lay there hugging it. Inhaling deeply, I could still smell him. Putting my hand up, I grabbed my phone and typed a message, ‘Hey Boo. I miss you so much xx.’ Reading it twice, I deleted it, put my phone down, then picked the phone up, retyped the message and hit send before I could change my mind.
Turning out the light, I lay for a little while listening to the night noises around the house. The trees rustling in the breeze, a distant bark from somebody’s dog, Paddy or Bobby scratching, the gentle hum of the fridge and the soft ticking of the grandfather clock.
Snuggling down, still hugging Tom’s pillow, my eyes were getting heavy, and my heart felt a bit that way too. I missed him. I missed his stupid jokes, the sexual innuendo, the gentle touches. I missed pissing him off doing things I’m not supposed to, hell, I even missed him groping me at the most inappropriate times. A silent tear fell from the corner of my eye and landed on my pillow. ‘4 months tops’ I said to myself, ‘only 4 months and he’s finished filming.’ This time seemed extra tough, but I knew it would be after spending 6 months together.
I was hovering in that blissful state between consciousness and sleep, aware of the sounds around me but so close to sleep as to not care, when I heard a car. Fighting to stay awake, I listened for the key in the door but I was too far gone and sleep claimed me.
Waking, I looked at the time and discovered I’d only been asleep for half an hour. Rolling over, I settled myself back down on the pillow and was just about to close my eyes when my sleep fuddled brain registered there was a soft glow of light coming into our room. Rolling back over and squinting, I lay quietly listening for any sounds. Not hearing anything, I decided to go see why the light was on.
Barefoot, I made my way quietly down the hallway towards the living room. I knew I’d turned the light out so figured either Diana had come back early, which was highly unlikely, or Tom was home. Entering the living room, I saw him laid back on the chair, earphones in, eyes closed, looking absolutely wiped out.
Walking over to the chair, I slowly reached out and stroked his forehead. Eyes still closed, his hand reached for mine, holding it to his lips, “you should be sleeping love,” he said.
Leaning across the back of the chair, I kissed his forehead, “I’d rather be here with you.” Standing up and putting my hands on his shoulders, I started massaging them. “I’m sorry about this afternoon.”
Opening his eyes and sitting up a bit, he tilted his head back so he was looking at me, “Come here,” he said patting his lap.
Walking around to stand in front of him, he pulled me down in his lap, cradling me in his arms. “You have nothing to be sorry for. If anything, I should be thanking you for making me realise what a bastard I’ve been this week. I know it’s no excuse but with all the workouts, meetings, phone calls and costume fittings, it’s been hell. Then factor in the time difference issues we’re having, and it’s just been a royal shit show. But none of that is your fault.”
“No, it isn’t my fault and I wish you’d talked to me about what was going on. I’ve felt so isolated and lonely,” I explained. “Then there’s the mess you insisted on leaving behind. I don’t understand why you wouldn’t take it all to the office.”
“I wondered about that myself,” he said, “But I think I figured it out.”
“And what did you come up with?” I asked.
“I didn’t want you to forget I was here. Didn’t want you to forget why I wasn’t with you all the time. I know I don’t usually worry so much, but this time, with your leg,” he reached down and touched my leg, “you didn’t have work to keep you occupied and I felt guilty that I’d left you when you still needed me...not that you’ve ever needed me, but you know what I mean. I’ve missed hanging out with you, missed you, missed us. I guess it all just got to me and rather than talk about it, I bottled it all up.”
“I shouldn’t have let it go so....”
“Oh my God, your leg!” he exclaimed. “The brace, shit, I forgot. I’m so sorry.” Pulling me close to him, he buried his face in my hair.
“Do you want to know what the surgeon said?” I asked softly.
Keeping his face buried in my hair, he nodded.
“No brace, I can put some weight on it, but still need to use the crutches for a while until my muscles get used to being used again,” I told him.
He didn’t speak, merely nodded again and gave me a squeeze.
“Tom, what’s wrong? Look at me,” I said.
Slowly he looked up at me, tears in his eyes.
Wiping them away, I whispered, “Why are you crying?”
“Because I love you so much. Because I was so damn wrapped up in my own world, I lost sight of what’s important. You. You’re more important than any of this. Your crack about not being my wife hit a nerve and made me stop and think. I made a few calls this evening and said the endless 18 hour days have to stop. I don’t mind doing a few, but not day after day after day. I also owe you an apology about the dinner. I realised I hadn’t told you about it, I only thought I had. And, even though you’re not my wife as you so... lovingly... pointed out, and we will discuss it again at some point no matter how much you don’t want too, we do have to go. Now, how about you give me a kiss and let me show you how sorry I am.”
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copias-thighs · 4 years
Ignore me, I’m just complaining again as always. For the past month and a half I’ve been pressured into painting a wall for my sister in law and I mentioned before I don’t want to do this at all. Well anything artistic in general for her since she and her younger brother can be rude about it all some times. When she first found out I was artistic, she asked me to do a jungle mural on her wall for her daughter (who was 5 months about at the time) in her house she lived in during that time. Sure, no biggie. I didn’t mind. I was being paid for it, it would be done in time for Christmas, and was being given everything I needed for it, best of all I had no specific date to have it done by. She told me to do what I want, as long as I had 4 monkeys and a tree from the photos she sent me. That being said, I did what she asked and proceeded to draw on the wall she wanted on. Mind you, it’s the first time I’ve EVER painted a whole piece on a wall. I wanted it to be perfect and wanted to take make sure I drew it all correctly. She has a younger brother who was about 13 at the time and he is very, extremely vulgar and rude. He won’t care who you are, he’ll verbally harass you and feel no guilt. Even if you haven’t done anything wrong to him or anyone else. When I started drawing, he yelled, “So this masterpiece of yours is going to be a year long ordeal? Great.” Rolled his eyes and left. I knew what was going to happen, so I started showing up at her house with my noise cancelling headphones to tune him out while I finally started painting. A month passed as I was close to finishing the wall. I was tired, sore, I had a headache, and I had a lot of stress on me because I had so many personal issues eating away at me during that time. I just wanted to finish. My playlist started to buffer a little as I was finishing up painting what needed to be green. Grass, leaves, flower stems, that kind of stuff. I heard my sister in law go “Shhh! Cut it out! She’ll hear you!” Confused, I paused my music and tuned in out of curiosity. So much for noise cancelling, am I right? Her brother begins to get louder screaming, “I don’t fucking care. I don’t see why you’re paying that girl to fuck up your wall! She flat out ruined it! Hell- if you wanted to ruin your wall, I could’ve spread my ass cheeks open and shit all over your walls! You can pay me for it too!” I wanted to hide in a hole and cry. Have I really messed her wall? Was my first time painting something this huge a major fail? I felt horrible. I gathered up what was mine and ran out of there. My fiancé had to be the one to finish it. I got paid for it though, but for what? I didn’t want the money anymore, I wanted an apology that I never received to this day.
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A couple of months later, her daughter’s first birthday began to approach. She was born in the summer and my sister in law had a set theme for it. A water theme to be more clear. She had a fancy camera and decided to have a special feature at the party. A backdrop with props. Which seemed pretty cool. She asked me for ideas and I told her some. Making fish using their handprints and glueing a fishnet on the backdrop, things like that. Well she replies with, “Oh cool, I didn’t know you knew how to make those! You’re doing the backdrop for me, right?” Well she never asked me, she just threw it at me.. so I said sure Ig... she told me that she needed the fish and all the backdrop stuff done before the 2nd of June. It was early May so I had plenty of time. Nope. Out of nowhere she calls saying that she needed them within the next few days, and I was nowhere NEAR done. She still demanded it and I scrambled to get it all done. I had to put the wall up on my own and it was barely the middle of May at that point, with the party still set for the 2nd of June. Didnt get paid for it and I literally had no money to buy what I needed since I didn’t have a job. I had to scrimp up about $5 for what you see that she couldn’t spare. At least she kept the decorations. She claimed her 1 year old daughter was upset that there was only ONE dolphin, even though that’s my sister in law’s favourite animal, and was she and her little brother were upset there wasn’t much done for the backdrop.
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A year later, summer was rolling back in again and her daughter was turning two. Cute, happy, yay, happy feels. I was at my sister in law’s for a little get together, and she comes up to me, with me feeling dread as I knew what was going to happen. “Ohhh, I cant wait until she turns two! I have such a cute idea! I’m going to have a Mickey Mouse Club House theme with a backdrop saying “I’m TWOdles! Isn’t that cute?!” I uncomfortably smiled and nodded giving a weak “yeah” as a silent anxiety attack started kicking in. She stood there for a good few minutes as if she was waiting for me to ask to help her, which I obviously didn’t, getting flashbacks from how she demanded things to be done last second last time. So she huffed and said, “I need life size cut outs of Minnie, Mickey, Goofy, and Toodles. Do you think you can do that?” I really didn’t know how to, I honestly didn’t. I told her just that, but she didn’t let it go. She ended up telling me to make her just their heads and the words “I’m TWOdles” and how she needed them by June. This time I had a whole month. I wasn’t as anxious, I had time to figure out how to get it done. Well two weeks later she calls demanding it to be done before the day after. I panicked, seeing that I was having trouble colouring the heads nicely without being judged on how you you can see marker lines and such. And when I showed her what I had done, she was upset because it wasn’t enough to cover up the wall. She wanted more things to fill it up. So I hesitantly said large balloon flowers. She can make those on her own, while I finished the heads. NOPE! I had to be the one to do that too. I’ve never worked with balloons, I’m afraid of the sounds they make, I can’t stand them unless they’re the foil ones. I have a huge ass phobia about them and nearly cried as I made the balloon flowers. I flinched, winced, and the threw the balloons with each nasty rubber rubbing sound it made. My fiancé had to literally fucking hold me each freak out I had with those damn things. Well I had to get it all done because it’s my fault for suggesting balloon flowers to begin with. which I did. The day of the party, her family was wowed by it. Her little brother however, was angry I was getting compliments. So he began shouting that he did it all, and he worked really hard on it all. My sister in law was mad too that I didn’t get her daughter a present. Ig the wall wasn’t a good gift.
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Now here I am currently, stressing over a wall plus more. My sister in law moved to a new home recently, and needed help painting walls. I painted all 3 rooms. I thought that was the end of that. WELL BUCKLE UP because she said some, “Oooo, guess what! My daughter has been asking for you to paint her walls! She really wants monkeys, lions, and elephants on her wall!” At this point I had enough. I asked, “SHE wants the animals? Or YOU want them?” She went quiet and said, “no, she’s been asking for you!” Pretty damn specific for a 3 year old to want, considering she can barely say anything. She can’t even say her own name. Here I am, sketching on the wall, with my sister in law coming right up to me telling me that she wants fish to be painted on the walls of the toy room after I’m done with the jungle crap. I got really annoyed and said she can easily use the fish stuff from her 1st birthday. She ignored that. After I drew all the crap on the wall in pencil, she stops me in the hall and adds, “Hey! So my hallway looks so bland! Any ideas on how to make it prettier? Like a tree with squares for photos?” I told her she can buy a tree decal on Amazon for cheap, but she cuts me right off screaming “Checked already, they’re $200.” I practically live on Amazon and told her no, they aren’t that expensive. Only to be cut off by her screeching “They’re $200, I don’t have $200! Give me ideas!”
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Wow, ok.
So I said to do this: Put a large photo of her and her kids with neatly organised smaller photos of family moments around it. Like this:
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Nope, she told me that it was “too messy and too thrown together.” Agitated, I told her it’s getting late and that I had to leave. She then started following me around when I gathered all my pencils and erasers, asking when I was coming back over to paint and if I could bring my own paint. I kept calm and said I didn’t have much money to spend to buy paint (I quit my job around November the year before) and that I’ll come over the next time she’s off work. Which turned out to be Mother’s Day. I told her I’m not coming in because I wanted to spend time with my own mom and she tried telling me all these “gifts” her 3 year old daughter was eyeing for her. Joke or not, I got annoyed because I stated multiple times that I have no job and little money to be spending on paint. I have to take care of my mom and siblings back home, buying food and house supplies with what I have. Well my dumbass absentmindedly said “This- This wall is your Mother’s Day present.” She gave me a face and said “I didn’t ask for this! This isn’t for me, my daughter wanted this!” With and eye twitch, I said that this is something SHE asked for and how HER DAUGHTER can barely speak. She can’t even say a full sentence, her name, my name, and if it’s hER DAUGHTER wanting this, what was requested for the wall was oddly specific for her to want. I told her bye and tried to leave as quick as I could to avoid any new “favours” she might have for me. As I start heading to the door, she yells after me, “come up with more ideas for the hallway for me! We’ll talk later!”
Another fun bit is that now she has a son. And for his first birthday photo shoot, she’s going to dress him up as a dinosaur, breaking out of an egg. Problem is, she doesn’t have a huge egg. She comes up to me and says, “So I need I giant egg, you can figure out how to do that, right?” I couldn’t even say no because her family was watching me, waiting for me to say “yes” even though I wanted to say no because I don’t know how to. Hell, I still don’t! I’m beyond scared to make it! When she decided for me that I was going to make her a giant dinosaur egg regardless, mother fucker adds in “Oh! I also need a life size Forky, Mr. And Mrs. Potato Head, Slinky, etc for my daughter’s birthday!” I WANT TO FUCKING CRY SHE NEEDS THE TOY STORY CRAP NEXT MONTH AND I DONT HAVE ANYTHING THAT BIG TO DRAW ON FOR IT AND I KNOW HER ASS IS GOING TO BITCH FOR IT THIS MONTH AND I KNOW IM NOT GETTING PAID FOR ANY OF THIS FUCKING SHIT FUCK ME
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Pairing: James Conrad x reader Part 1 · Part 2  · Part 3 · Part 4 · Part 5 · Part 6 ·
Synopsis: After having left thing uncompleted and unresolved with James Conrad 3 years ago, you two find yourself again in the kong island. What happened three years ago with you two? How is it that you got to make part of an expeditionary mission?
Song: Ólafur Arnalds- So Far
Warnings: it’s a six part mini-series, this is part to and also its a slow burn.
A/N:  btw viktor ( in the gift the one in light blue) is a mood if I were ever stranded on an island.
Words:  3338
   “ What about your helicopter? “ Asked Brooks, you sighted.
   “ Scatter in pieces along the island “
   “ Have you found anyone else?” Questioned Slivko next.
   “ Only you six, although my coms did picked someone else, but the battery died before I could ask who”
   “It is best if we keep moving” interrupted James. “ We are out in the open and we’re running out of daylight”
    He was right as always, the more terrain you all walked in daylight was better and just as you expected he took the lead.
Seeing him made you remember when both of you used to walk around your father’s property while hiding your brother Christmas gifts.
   “ So you didn’t catch who it was on the other side of the radio? “ Asked Slivko at your side.
   “ For all, I know it could’ve been you,” You said sadly. He sighed.
   You were glad that walking wasn’t as painful as you thought it would be, because even if the group had organized itself to match your steps, they were still walking pretty fast.
You were right behind James who after analyzing your wound came to the conclusion that you wouldn’t be able to shot a weapon the size that he had, so instead, you showed him your gun which agreed that it was better than nothing.
   Being the only one in the entire group that was wounded noticeably, it was better to keep you in the middle where if anything were to happened people could aid you.
   Conrad couldn’t avoid looking occasionally behind him to know that you were right there, the times you catch him you would smile sweetly and he would once again look ahead.  
   You were looking at the floor to avoid tripping over branches when you felt him stop suddenly, stopping right before crashing with him. Looking around you understood why he had stopped, this part of the jungle lead to something else. James right arm found your waist, making you stay behind his much bigger frame. You didn’t minded, as he had a bigger gun. He slowly moved to examine the place and you followed close by.
   You were looking at Mason taking the photograph when her sudden gasp made you look directly to the wall, instantly backing away, movement from behind you made you turn sharply. Seeing those people make the air leave your lungs and you could fell you body popping adrenaline ready to fight.
   “ Conrad” you heard Mason said.
   “ Stay calm” advice him while raising his gun.
   Many of the people in the group had too, all of them raising their guns and making the circle smaller until you could feel all their backs.
   “ Guys” you murmured, but to no effect
   Mason was now close to you in the middle of the circle that the group had formed. She was the only one that gratefully moved a little not to hurt you. Taking your gun you pointed it to the small space in which Mason was, as she didn’t have a gun herself. The pain that shot through your left arm while raising it reminded you of the wound on your arm.
   “ Don’t shot” keep repeating James.
   “ Whoa, whoa, whoa,” said someone from the entrance of the strange place. Moments later a man with a long beard and an old military uniform appeared. You exchanged worried looks with Mason through his entire presentation. Hank Marlow, he presented himself, he had been on the island for 28 years, literally your life span. However, the most amazing thing was James’ face as the man was explaining how he had landed in there.
   “ You don’t want to be out here at night,” said Marlow.
   “ Nether at day,” You said while following, the chuckle that came from James made you look at him strangely.
   “ What?” He asked
   “ You just chuckled,” You said plainly.
   “ Not even in a life or death situation you lose your sense of humour,” he said while offering you a side smile, then his face went back to its original — not so smiley— position. “ Your bleeding”
   You examine your bandages and found an even bigger blood spot. You sighed.
   “ Tell me something I don’t know”
   After finding out that kong wasn’t the biggest nor the scariest monster out there, the idea of there being a way out of the island was like a dream come true, until Conrad was presented with the grey fox.
   “ Lovely,” he said with on an elevated level of sarcasm.
   “ Damn right,” said Hank at his side.
   Conrad could hear your not so silent laughter at his side.
   “ Those this thing even floats?”  Asked Slivko at your side, you were still laughing.
   You kneeled down between Slivko and Conrad, enjoying the story of how Hank and his friend had built the boat out of airplane parts.
   “ you’ve gotta be kidding me, this thing looks like its made out of tetanus”
   Conrad could hear you laughing, which made him smile too. He had forgotten, how you laughed and the level of sarcasm you handled; He found himself remembering what it was to be with you. How it would be late at night when both of you were near the fireplace, always talking about anything and everything that came. How you two had fallen asleep, you in the sofa and him on the floor near it, while waiting for your brother who swore would not take to long to arrive.
   He remembered how Dave had arrived in the morning and try to make both of you move to your rooms, for you to only pull the covers over your head. From the floor, Conrad looked at your form on the edge of the sofa and could only think of how adorable you looked.
   After accepting to work on the grey fox he at least got his hopes up on getting off the island.
   “ Ok, so we got 48 hrs. To make it to the North shore” He said while looking at Slivko who was meddling with some cables. “ Are you sure you know what you doing?”
   “ If I don’t fix this, he’ll disown me,” Said him referring to his dad.
   Hearing Conrad explain the Cold War to hank, was one of the most amazing things in the world. He was by no means a teacher nor a historian.
   “ Hold the phone there Churchill, Russia was our ally now you're saying we’re at war with them? “
   “ It more of a cold war “ Replied James.
   “ Like they take the summers off? “ You were at Hanks side and looking at the confusion and disbelieve on James’ face, you cursed that Mason was away with the camera. His eyes locked with yours as if asking if this man was serious.
   “ Oh my lord” you expressed still looking at him. A smile spread on your face while trying not burst out laughing once again, as you learned that laughing too much made the wound sting.
It had stopped bleeding but you now had to make sure that it wasn’t infected and that meant, removing the bandages.
   It took you some time to clean the wound and the help of Mason to put the bandages back on.
   “ Did you take photographs ?” You asked between greeted teeth, because of the pain
   “ As many as I could take,” She said while finishing a small knot. “ are you sure this is not dangerous?”
   “ It had stopped bleeding not long after you all found me, but in the middle of the panic of being surrounded by them” You made moved your head towards the people “ I raised my gun and my shoulder didn’t like I was trying to keep my self alive”
   “ You shouldn’t move it too much” she pointed out.
   “  I know” you sighted “ Sadly that's a luxury I can't give myself, everything her seems to try to kill us “
   Mason and you walked around the camp, as you accompany her to take more photographs.
   “ So, what do you do? “ she asked, “ I mean, how are you in here?”
   You were behind her looking at the people gathering for the photo, even if they didn’t talk you could see that they did understand signals.
   “ I work for monarch” you explained “ formerly a doctor, I was ascended a couple of years ago” Mason’s face showed how surprised she was of your answer.
   “ I didn’t paint you as a doctor, I mean” she stopped to take another photo of a cabin. “ you were the pilot of one of the helicopters and you know how to handle a gun”
    “ I was trained,” you said “  Packard was the one who toughs me how to fly and helicopter” both of you start walking back to the place you would be staying, as the sun was setting down. “ He’s my dad’s friend and one time I wake up to see that out of the blue and gonna learn to be a pilot” You both laugh.
   “ Out of nowhere?” Asked Mason, with surprise on her voice.
   “ The summer before I had thrown the idea but I didn’t though my father would have taken it so literally” She raised her eyebrows.
   “ And the shooting?”
   “ Oh, that my brother and at the time captain Conrad’s idea”
   Mason was observing you, you were maybe two or three years younger than her. Your British accent not as pronounced but still linger in the way you talked. She had seen you on the ship and even presented herself to you while you were on your pilot gear, You’ve been cutting Chapman’s hair while joking of how close was he of turning into sheep. You seem to know the team, but now and then one would ask where had you been.
   “ So he toughs you to shoot “ She confirmed.
   “ Well, they were both a common occurrence” you looked behind, to the gigantic wall that separated this small village with the rest of the island. “ They would finish a mission and if they had time would come over, once they got into this big competition of who was better at shooting,” You said smiling at the memory. “ My dad made part of it too, and I was a judge” looking at the place you would be staying the night it wasn’t so bad, a little rusty but it serves its purpose.
   “ So?” She asked after you went to silence for a little too long. You looked at her and smile.
   “ My father won, but I think it was because James respected him too much. After that, they said I could try”
   “How was it?” She asked
   “ The first time I almost shot my brother as he was explaining about the safety catch” Of how much you laughed you felt the sting on your left shoulder, deciding to watch the sunset you seated near the hole on the wall.
   Looking up at the night sky, you felt relaxed for the first time In the day. The Northern lights had appeared and were a spectacle to watch. You could hear people inside the small room talk, yet, your thoughts were raising from one event to the next one. You were seated in the floor looking through the hole on the wall, while Mason put up her equipment.
   “ Beautiful isn’t,” She said
   “ yes” You whispered.
   “ Those it hurt ?” she signalled to the wound
   “ Now it doesn’t” You inform
   “ I mean we all got out without more than a scratch and you were stab,” she said looking down at you.
   “ My luck” you smiled causing her to laugh. After cleaning it up and washing the bandages, you had gotten to the conclusion that it wasn’t infected.
   You saw Mason meddling with her camera, but you didn’t hear the small ‘ click ‘ that came when she took a picture. Mason looked at you and raised a small metal tube on her hand.
   “ My flashlight broke”
   Out of the corner of your eyes, you saw James approach both of you.
   “ Isn’t it odd, the most dangerous places are always the most beautiful “
   He hadn’t changed much. You had kept him out of your head and heart for so long that when you saw him today at the lake, you didn’t even know how to feel; now with the silence of the night, your thoughts took force.
   Three years ago you both had parted ways, but before that, you knew him for years. Your brother had also been SAS, After a hard mission, you brother offered he who back then was Captain James Conrad a stay in your house as they both thought about what had happened.
   When arriving home later the same week, you got home from school and found your brother, father and a man you didn’t know, enjoying themselves before the chimney.
   You’ve been introduced to you brother’s S.A.S  Captain. That had been the first time but not the last, it was strange for Dave to bring things like work at home, as he had decided to keep the family away from danger.
Some months later during the family plus James meeting, they told your dad what had happened during a mission to rescue a small child, illegitimate daughter of a Malaysian woman and British embassy worker, and how everything seemed to have been arranged for them to fail.
   Both your father and you had told how they were possibly right about the setup, an illegitimate child would make it to the news if England wanted something it was done. So they possibly wanted to say they had sent S.A.S soldiers but that the mission had taken a sour turn and ended in the death of more than one individual.
   Both he and your brother had stayed a couple of weeks, who had gladly lined up with winter break. During his time there, you three would do everything and everything to keep the boredom away.
   Returning from memory lane, you notice that Mason had gotten to take her picture with the help of James.
   “ I suppose no man comes home from war, not really” You heard James said.    you remember how the story of his dad and how he left and never come home.
   “ No, they don’t “ You whispered still looking directly at the sky.
   Mason didn’t need to be a mind reader to see how Conrad's eyes fixed on you after he heard you. She had also remembered watching how his face went black after he found you on the lake, but his eyes, they showed something else. Deciding that as none of you would take the lead, she would, thanking Conrad she walked to the back of the room to see if you two could at least talk whatever had happened and was still going on.
   From the corner of your eye, you saw Mason leave and you turned your head towards her form with a questioning look, she had left so sudden; the look she gave you back was that of someone not amuse, but you couldn’t comprehend what she wanted.
   Conrads moved and sat next to you, he had understood the little stun that Mason had played. Giving you space so you could talk.
   “ and you, how did you get on all of this ? “ he asked you
   You remembered that they say something about people eyes not changing and they were right, looking at his eyes, they hadn’t change a bit in so long.
   “ Am part of the team” You said avoiding his eyes.
   “ Of whose team? “ There were some things he just couldn’t understand, how had you ended up as a pilot of an all-male team adding to the million questions piling up. He was trying to make eye contact, which you avoided like the plague.
   “ Monarch,” said Brooks behind both of you. You turned to see him in the back, offering a thankful smile as he had answered. You rearranged your seating position so that you could face the room, as it seemed they all had questions regarding you.
   “ Monarch” repeated James incredulously. He frowned while mirroring your position and facing the room, the northern lights long forgot.
   “ Yes, she’s our mission supervisor,” Said San.
   “ Mission supervisor“ repeated Conrad at your side
   “ Are you okay? “ you asked faking worry, everyone looked at you questionable.
   “ Yes, why?”
   “ I was thinking you had a concussion, I mean your slower today at processing information” Everyone on the room let out a laugh, even James himself.
   “ I just thought you wanted something else” Something about the way he looked at you, made your heart clench inside. You were studying to be a doctor and you remember telling him, the smile that spread through his face, which gave you the courage you needed to really go for it.
   “ Well, it seems I will have my personal doctor” he joked that day.
   Conrad’s visits in the following years, to your house, increased. With time you got used to calling him James, not long after your brother and he came the first time. You shortly became friends and it surprised you when you were the first he had told his idea of leaving the S.A.S.
   “ I finished meds school and got a job not long after on Monarch” you explained “ I got assigned to multiple things and in three years they turned me into the mission supervisor” you shrugged.
   “ So you are the one who accepted me into this mission?” Asked Mason, you had omitted that part on your talk earlier today.
   “ I liked your job” you smiled at her “ Other than you and my team, I trusted Randa to know what he had to do, he gave me the list of names of people in the mission, I just looked over it but did not read between the lines”
   “ Oh, thank you,” Said an offended Victor.
   “ I mean” You tried explaining “ I got into a plane so I could get to the departure place and I swear I was too tired”
   “ What about me?” Asked Conrad
   “ Randa told me he got this guy, a tracker somewhere on Saigon and I just” You shrugged, Conrad frown.
   “ You didn’t even know I was coming”
   “ In her defence, Randa told me he got the name from a fellow comrade” Said Brook.
   “ A fellow comrade ?” You repeated, your brain processing
   “ Now whose the slow at the processing of information?” Said James mockingly
   “ Still you” you responded seriously, everyone burst out laughing “ Of course, let me guess,” you said, going back to the original topic.
   “ Yes,” Said brooks before you finished “ It was Dave”
   You remember Dave telling you of Conrad's missions the following years after you said goodbye, he was always the one who wanted you both together the most, after him, your dad was a close contender.
   “ Well, I think we better sleep, we should wake up early in hopes to get in time” Said Marlow from where he was.
   You followed James to another room, much like the one you had just come from but with more space on the floor and a smaller hole on the wall. You opened your bag and took out your jacket, folding it to make the best made up pillow ever. James sat down right next to you as the rest of the team find their spot in the ground.
   “ Thanks” you whispered after a while, so it didn’t bother the rest of the people there, some who were already sleeping.
   “ For what?” He was still sitting while you were lying with your head on your jacket.
   “ For keeping them save” You singles towards the rest of the team.
   “ That's for what you paid me”
   “ Still, the circumstances are not what you expected” you offered an apologetic smile. Unable to find sleep, you saw how Conrad lay down, though, he too seemed unable to sleep. You were laying over your Right arm, where you could see James laying on his back.
   “ What?” He asked, noticing that you were looking at him.
   “ Do you think we’re really getting out of here?” You asked but to the end of the question, your voice was a mere whisper.
   Something about the way you had asked let Conrad, to really see how afraid you really were.
   “ We will” he whispered.
    You stayed awake a little longer, enough to hear when his breathing became even; and somehow knowing he was there lower your anxiousness and let you finally fall asleep.
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pixiealtaira · 6 years
Dragged Kicking and Screaming  ( 16/ 22)
Title: Dragged Kicking and Screaming  
Or How Burt Hummel Mashed the Hummels and Hudsons Into One Functioning Family.
Characters(s): Kurt, Burt, Carole, Finn, with short appearances by the New Directions guys and various ops who mostly take up space. Rating: PG13 Summary: Somehow the Hummel household and the Hudson household had to come together…
Chapter Nine Chapter Ten
Chapter eleven Chapter twelve  Chapter thirteen  Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
“Mom said this coming year, now that you guys got married, that we’d buy fireworks and I could light off our own….good ones, too.  You know those that have multiple rounds to them and go way high and are loud and everyone in the neighborhood could see.” Finn said.
“No.” Burt said.
“But we can afford them.” Finn said.
“No.” Burt said. “I don’t know if you are aware of this, Finn, but they are illegal within city limits and 9 times out of 10 are banned outside city limits due to the dryness and heat and fire risk.”
“So?” Finn said.
Burt looked at Carole, who shrugged.
“So, we do not to do illegal things in this household. That is one of the reasons we are having a nice long chat about you driving anything soon and your apparent drinking problems.  Now…do you and your mom have any traditions that you do for the Fourth of July?”
Finn shrugged. Burt turned to Carole.
“We’ve been going to Bobby’s but Finn hasn’t been happy with that since he was banned from playing with fireworks there after he set his cousin’s hair on fire a few years ago.  None of the kids are allowed near the fireworks anymore, that was a rough year, but really Bobby over reacted.  Finn didn’t mean to set Mandy’s hair on fire and Molly did not mean to hit Rex with the sparkler and I am certain Jamie didn’t mean to light his mom’s flower bed on fire either. Granted I do think Gabe and Matty did mean to start something on fire but I don’t think they thought the shed would burn like it did and light all the extra fireworks Bobby had stored away for their Christmas Day fireworks. Luckily Daddy was friends with the fire chief and the mayor and so they didn’t end up having to pay for the fire department response. ”
Burt just stared.
“What?” Carole said.  Burt was getting annoyed with the whole ‘don’t you dare think I’ve done something wrong’ face he’d been watching her pull all morning.
“Ok. I think that perhaps we should stay here in Lima and enjoy the festivities here.  We can watch the fireworks display and go see the car show and enjoy whatever is playing on the stage.” Burt said.
“Isn’t that hosted by like…rivals?” Carole asked.
Burt rolled his eyes. “It is a community thing and I like supporting the community, Carole.”
“Well, I still think we should just have a big party here and do our own fireworks. Finn wants to set them off so badly.”
“I promised him fireworks, Burt.” Carole said.
“No. Not at my house.  Not driving anywhere in cars that I cover insurance wise. Not attached to my name.”
“No. Kurt make a page for back to school and labor day and Halloween.”
“What should I put down on the 4th? Kurt asked.
“Nothing right now.”
“Well, what do you do for the 4th?” Carole said.
“Until this last summer, we had a float in Findley’s parade and then booths at the town celebrations of various places around us. Kurt and I would man one, Jake and his wife another, Wade and someone would take one, and Robbie and several friends would do one. Hank is always in Alaska for the fourth of July. Then we would come back into town and go to the car show…sometimes we would bring something we were restoring to it.  Then we would come here and barbecue something for dinner and then go watch the fireworks.  However, this past summer we didn’t get any of it organized and Jake and Robbie couldn’t do anything anyway, so we just didn’t. Kurt and I went to dinner at Wade’s and watched the fireworks.”
“Oh, that doesn’t sound too bad.  I’m sure you made a great deal of money at your booths and that is always good.” Carole said.  “Maybe we should do that next year too.  You and I could do the booth instead.”
“It would be fun, but I didn’t think it would be something you like,” Burt said.
“Why not?  What did you sell? I mean, I will not sell cotton candy or baked goods I have to make, but icy treats would be fine I guess…at least if it was just one day. And I don’t like manning a grill but if I had to I guess I could do hotdogs or something.”
“We didn’t sell things, Carole. We ran a children’s games booth.  We did a duck pond and a fishing booth, usually.”
“You at least made money off it, right?” Carole asked.
Burt looked to Kurt, who shrugged and made a so-so motion with his hands.
“Look, we buy about a thousand bucks worth of little toys…bouncy balls, bracelets, crayon sets, stickers, hats, stuffed animals, hackie sacks, yoyos, hair ribbons…little things and spend about 600 bucks on candies to be used a prizes and thrown at the parade.  We split them between the different booths and games and then we run the booths until it’s time to head out and back here for the car show or we run out.  We charge 25 cents to play both games.  Sometimes we add a soda toss.  We have fun and sometimes we get new customers.”
“Why would you do that?” Carole asked.
“It gives to the communities and we have fun.  It gives more options for families at the different July 4th gatherings. Finally, it is great business.”
“People let Kurt around little kids?” Finn asked.
“And that is the type of comment that Finn will have to pay into the sass jar for making, as well as pure sass.” Burt said.  “And that also might get him grounded.”
“By my calculations we end up with about six to ten new loyal customers after each Fourth of July Celebration we sent people to.” Kurt said. “We usually do not make money on that day, though.”
Carole shook her head. “I take it back. I don’t think we should do that next 4th of July.  I just don’t understand why you do these things, Burt.”
“What things?”
“Those stupid boxes at the shop, this July 4th thing, that whole charity shopping thing you want us to do…it’s just ridiculous.” Carole said. “I just don’t see the point.”
“To help out those in the community that are less fortunate than we are?” Kurt said.
“But we don’t have the money to do that!” Carole snapped.
Kurt glared at Carole and Burt decided to let Kurt speak.
“Carole, when was the last time you went hungry because you did not have food and had no money to get it?” Kurt asked.
“Umm…” Carole stammered.
“Finn, can you remember a time when you were so poor you did not have food? Not when your mom worked long hours to provide you with it, but where even with that you had none?” Kurt asked.
Finn shook his head.
“Carole, were you ever at any point in time without a job and unable to provide for Finn and yourself?”
“Well, when we first moved here after Finn’s dad died and I hadn’t started my job yet…”
“So, your job moved you here?  You had a job?”
“And at no time were you out of it?” Kurt asked.
“I changed jobs since then.” Carole said.
“But were you without a job or did you have the next one lined up?”
“I had it lined up.” Carole said quietly.
“How many did years did Finn qualify for free or reduced lunch?” Kurt asked.
“None.  I always made too much and it is just Finn and I.” Carole said.
“How many birthdays did Finn not get anything because you could not afford it?”
“Christmases?” Kurt asked.
“How many times did he start back to school without new clothing?  Or any supplies?”
“Never. Ok! But it was never a lot, it wasn’t what we deserved.  We aren’t rich!” Carole snapped.
“Then you have plenty of money to give some to others every once in a while…I never said you were rich.” Kurt said.  “Sure, you might not have the best of everything but you never went without, so you have enough to spare every once in a while. We aren’t talking about going out and giving to people every single day of the year. We aren’t talking about always covering everything ourselves. We allow others in the community who would like to help out to do so…even if all they can give is a few coins or a few cans of food or a coat their kid outgrew. It allows us to help in our community, to be a part of it.  By the way, we also put together 15 to 20 backpacks worth of school supplies and donate them in August and do Angel Tree gifts as well before Christmas. Dad will call about those on Friday and we’ll go shopping this Saturday.  So…nothing written under July Fourth yet, and we are to Back-To-School.”
“That is not a holiday.” Finn said.
“No, but it might involve traditions.  What do you do to mark the end of summer and start of the school year?” Burt asked.
“Do you have an end of summer party? Do you do back to school shopping?” Burt asked.
Kurt sighed.  “For example, Finn, my dad buys me one whole new outfit, minus the shoes, which he finds acceptable to be seen in Yearbook photos.  It isn’t part of my clothing money.   That is all the ‘Back to school’ clothes I get because I have such a nice clothing budget. Well…except those purchases he mention earlier, like underwear and socks. We also go and get all the stuff I need school supply wise…doubled.  That way we get it on sale for the next semester as well.  Dad usually takes me someplace the week before school starts…his choice, so that generally means camping or fishing or such. And we go to the state fair and the county fair. Oh…and we do the backpacks.”
“Oh…umm…mom puts a pile of clothes on my bed and I’ve held end of summer parties since I was like 11 or 12.  The first was before Junior High.  It’s just a party party…music, food, whatever…you know. The last few years mom went out so we could have lot of real fun, you know.” Finn said.
“Yeah, again, not happening,” Burt said.
“I usually take him shopping once and we try on stuff…or I get his size from his uniform orders.” Carole explained. “Finn doesn’t like shopping that much.”
“I do…for fun stuff, but clothes are boring.” Finn said. “On the day she makes me try stuff on she also gets me a new game or movie or something like that. This fall I got a new phone, too.”
“So…If you have a party it will be supervised and reasonable,” Burt said. “However it is an option under those conditions. We will buy one school outfit and supplies…no bribes. I think if we are smart Finn won’t need a pile of new clothes set out for him anyway, because we’ll have done that shopping every month so it won’t be a necessity.”
“Yes he will,” Carole answered. “He can’t wear his summer clothes to school. He’ll need new clothing.”
“Kurt always has new school clothes.” Finn said.
“Kurt spends his 100 for August on school clothing and has a job which allows him to buy what he needs.  Kurt also shops for clothing year round and saves stuff.” Kurt answered. “He also doesn’t just buy summer clothes with his summer money.”
“Don’t do that, it is disturbing.” Carole said.
“I generally buy his jacket and gym type shoes right before school.” Burt said. “And I listed other things bought at school time.  I just don’t see why anyone needs to spend hundreds of bucks on clothing at one time when they could spread it out.”
“He has to spend all that money earlier on summer clothes.” Carole said.
“Carole, you are making it sound like Finn has more clothing than Kurt. If he is spending upwards of two hundred bucks on t-shirts and shorts alone, he needs to shop elsewhere.”
“Well, to be fair he probably does own more summer clothing than I do.” Kurt said. “I only buy a few pairs of shorts and a few t-shirts for summer and one nice outfit in case it is needed.  I work so much that I am mostly in uniform.”
“How much does he work, Burt?” Carole asked. “How much goes to paying Kurt?”
Kurt sighed and rolled his eyes.
“Carole, Kurt is an employee, just like the rest.  He gets regular hours which depend on the season and he gets a regular paycheck.  The only thing that is a bit different from his paycheck versus say… Robbie’s…is that his benefits are a bit different because he is a minor and falls under my healthcare stuff. He gets paid different for his hours towards certifications than his non-certification hours as well.”
“He should just work for free.” Carole said.
“The Union does not think so.”
“Well, Finn had better get twice Kurt’s pay when he starts working there. After all he is bigger and so can do more.”
“Finn gets less than half Kurt’s pay until he is certified and joins the union.” Burt said.
“You can’t do that!”
“Carole, I know we went over this when I hired Finn and Puck so they could pay for the replacement of those tires they slashed.  Workers who are not certified are limited in what they can legally do.  IF Finn wants to apprentice and learn all he needs to know for certification…the pay changes while he is doing so.  It changes again when he is certified. Until then…he gets what he gets and gets to do what he can legally do.  Pay is skill level and certification and union based.  Of course, Finn stopped coming by as soon as he’d worked the hours needed to pay those tires off…even though he was offered time to work still.”
“Working was cutting into his free time and the time he could spend with his friends.” Carole replied. “He shouldn’t have to work so much as a kid.”
“He was working two hours a week.” Burt said.
“He had to cancel a date!”
“At 10am?” Burt said.
“No, in the evening, but he had to go hang with the guys instead of go out on his date because he missed going off with the guys earlier.”
“Seriously?” Burt asked. “That is ridiculous.”
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mylifemydiary · 4 years
Lots of bullshit.
November 12, 2020
So the past 13 days have been quite, um... bullshit.  Starting with me finally getting the pictures from the sexy goddess photo shoot I did for my husband in early October.  That I fasted, and tanned, and did all kinds of butt scrubs for, and facial treatments, and got my hair trimmed for.  They came out AMAZING.  Beyond my expectations.  With the exception of a couple of pictures, and I mean out of 140 of them, I loved them all.  I looked gorgeous.  I looked like a goddess.  I looked like....someone else.  I did not look like me.  Which is where the problem lies. It had the opposite effect on my self esteem than it should have.  Yes, I looked amazing.  After weeks of prep work and an hour in hair and makeup, dim lighting and fuzzy camera lens tricks.  It wasn’t reality.  I don’t look in the mirror daily and see that sexy goddess lady.  I see frumpy old tired me.  And that’s who my husband sees as well.  We joked about it at first, but then reality set in and it’s truth.  Yes, I looked amazing IN THOSE PHOTOS.  Photos that I can’t really show anyone else.  So what’s the point?  He joked about a couple of the poses, and that was about it.  I didn’t get the amazing reaction I hoped for.  And why should I?  He doesn’t get to have sex with that amazing woman in those photos.  He gets the frumpy mess with the mismatched underwear and no sexy lingerie.  With my house glasses on and no makeup.  That’s who he gets to have sex with.  So that was a $600 waste of self esteem and time.  Great.  
Halloween.  We spent hours, or he did, carving a pumpkin for the contest here at the apartments.  We go to the judging, where we may or may not have infected everyone with covid, or been infected ourselves, to not even place out of only 8 entries and 3 spots.  Great.  More wasted time and effort.
Then we ‘celebrate’ Halloween.  around lots of unmasked people and a toddler who won’t wear his costume for more than 10 minutes.  More wasted effort.  Also may have infected everyone that day too.
Then we actually celebrate our 4 year anniversary.  That was great. As in we went out to eat and that’s about it.  What can we do with a toddler and no babysitter?  Nothing.  That’s what.  No pomp.  No circumstance.  
Then we celebrate our toddlers birthday.  With a small cake and candle and pics.  I ordered gifts to have something for him to open.  That’s it.  Over in 10 minutes.  Then the next day, his actual birthday, my husband wakes up unable to smell or taste.  Yep.  He went to get tested and had covid.  So I go get tested even though I feel fine.  Yep.  I have it too.  So we assume our kid has it because A. Where is he going to go at this point?  And B. he had already been around us all weekend.  So the week slowly goes by, lots of headaches, loss of smell and taste, and flu like lethargy abound.  The baby luckily only had a small fever a couple of days, and that very well may have been due to the 4 canines he was cutting simultaneously.  So here we are.  The husband is back to work today, I’m stuck with this toddler who has somehow gone off the rails since turning two, and a headache that has now lasted two full days somehow.  The only good thing is that I’ve lost another 3 pounds thanks to covid, which I am now slowly regaining since my workout routine is off.  
I am just emotionally drained.  The husband didn’t enjoy the time off with us.  He actually spends more time smiling at this damn computer with his coworkers than he does at me.  I am disheartened at all of this.  The sadness over the pictures, the fact that being quarantined with me for 10 days did not bring us closer but in fact make us further apart than we have been.  And this toddler.  Tantrums on a dime.  Won’t eat.  Won’t do ANYTHING that he is told.  And we are supposed to somehow get him to wear a mask on the plane?  How the fuck?
Oh yeah.  We decided, since we have all three already had covid, that flying home for Christmas is now a good idea.  Which I am relieved about I guess.  I was a little depressed about not spending Christmas with my son in Texas.  Or decorating my black tree.  But now, with covid rampant there, we will be forced to mask our son in the airport and on the plane.  He won’t wear the mask for longer than .2 seconds.  There are stories where people have been removed from flights for 2 year olds refusing to wear masks.  So we will see how that goes.  And of course lots of fights over time spent with family when we go back.  My family will want to consume as much time as possible, and his family will have mutliple gatherings of which we will attend.  And he will go to his cousins.  And stupid Wilson will come over to play Magic cards for 8 hours.  And he’ll get to go do whatever he wants while I’m stuck with the awful toddler terror that our kid has most recently become. Will this ever get better?  How is our relationship going to get stronger if all we do is argue over parenting, over time and family allocation, over the fact he thinks im packing too much when I’m just trying to be prepared?  
All I want is a ‘you’re doing a great job’ or ‘you’re doing the best you can’ or ‘you look great babe’ or ‘i still love you’ or ‘I know this is hard but it will be ok’ or ‘you’re still my favorite person’ or any of the tons of things I never get to hear but want to so badly.  
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tabloidtoc · 4 years
OK, October 12
You can buy a copy of this issue for your very own at my eBay store: https://www.ebay.com/str/bradentonbooks
Cover: Meg Ryan’s new life revealed 
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Page 1: Big Pic -- Katie Holmes and Emilio Vitolo Jr. holding hands and wearing masks in NYC 
Page 2: Contents 
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Page 3: Contents 
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Page 4: Halle Berry happiness at last -- after years of heartbreak Halle has finally found true love with Van Hunt
Page 6: Tim McGraw and Faith Hill’s private world -- they’ve got successful careers and a solid marriage but the thing they’re most proud of is the beautiful life they’ve built together and family is everything to them 
Page 7: Jessica Simpson swore off reality TV after her show Newlyweds led to her split from ex-husband Nick Lachey in 2005 but she finds she misses working in front of the camera and after multiple offers to do a reality show with husband Eric Johnson and kids Maxwell and Ace and Birdie including one from Ryan Seacrest she’s seriously considering it except Eric thinks it’s the worst idea, Taylor Swift is itching to get her girl gang back together after taking a break from throwing A-list bashes and while she has been loving life in Nashville with fiance Joe Alwyn she feels like she’s neglected other important people in her life and to make amends she’s already making plans to gather girl squad members Gigi Hadid and Blake Lively and Martha Hunt and Katy Perry at her Rhode Island beachfront mansion, Madonna is ready to spill all and her exes better watch out because she is gearing up to direct a movie which she’s cowriting based on her storied life including her romances with Warren Beatty and ex-husbands Sean Penn and Guy Ritchie and baby daddy Carlos Leon who are all reportedly unnerved by the project and she’s getting a savage pleasure knowing her famous exes are nervous 
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Page 8: Nikki and Brie Bella were known for their sculpted physiques in the WWE ring and since welcoming baby boys this summer they’re eager to get back into fighting shape by doing Zoom workouts together including Pilates and yoga and giving each other daily pep talks, Kourtney Kardashian has a new crush and has been hanging non-stop with 19-year-old TikTok sensation Addison Rae because she finds Addison incredibly refreshing and fun but Kourt’s obsession with Addison who is 22 years her junior has been raising eyebrows -- Kim Kardashian and Khloe Kardashian are trying to be cool about it but they find it a little creepy how Kourt hangs on this girl’s every word, Lori Loughlin was sentenced to two months in federal prison for paying bribes to get her two daughters into college and she wants a seriously cushy stay behind bars because she figures that with her fame level and wealth and influence there’s no reason why she can’t have many of the perks she’s used to including an air-conditioned cell and cable TV and gourmet food and yoga and Pilates classes and even her own private security guard but especially time off for good behavior 
Page 10: Red Hot on the Red Carpet -- stars look dreamy in Oscar de la Renta -- Evan Rachel Wood, Kiki Layne, Scarlett Johansson 
Page 11: Regina King, Nicky Hilton Rothschild, Daisy Ridley 
Page 12: Who Wore It Better? Rachel Zoe vs. Molly Sims, Jamie Chung vs. Skyler Samuels
Page 13: Cara Santana vs. Kristen Taekman 
Page 14: News in Photos -- Johnny Depp looked relaxed and happy at the 68th San Sebastian International Film Festival for his new documentary Crock of Gold 
Page 16: The cast of Schitt’s Creek Eugene Levy and Catherine O’Hara and Daniel Levy and Annie Murphy, Olivia Culpo was joined by her dog Oliver during a day of shopping in West Hollywood, Miley Cyrus closing out the iHeartRadio Music Festival 
Page 17: Jessie James Decker running errands in Nashville, John Leguizamo playing chess in Washington Square Park, Eva Longoria urged Latinos to get out and vote at a campaign event for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris 
Page 18: Kaley Cuoco filming a scene for her show The Flight Attendant, Ian Somerhalder kissed the grass at the premiere of his new documentary Kiss the Ground 
Page 20: Drew Barrymore lit up the Empire State Building yellow to celebrate the premiere of her daytime talk show, Olivia Wilde and fiance Jason Sudeikis play soccer at the beach in Malibu 
Page 21: Tiger Woods ahead of the U.S. Open
Page 22: David Harbor grabbed a bite to eat solo in New York City, Jesse Metcalfe on his motorcycle, Paris Jackson showed support for longtime family friend Paris Hilton during a screening of her documentary
Page 23: Hailey Bieber on a pool floatie, Josephine Skriver filming a Maybelline commercial in New York City 
Page 24: Janelle Monae at the premiere of her new film Antebellum, John Legend made a grocery run in Los Angeles 
Page 25: Patrick Mahomes of the Kansas City Chiefs and former football pro Troy Polamalu shoot a Head & Shoulders commercial, Duchess Kate Middleton and Prince William made their first joint engagement after their summer break visiting a job center, Jennifer Garner picked up a bouquet of flowers while out and about in L.A. 
Page 26: Inside My Home -- Mariah Carey spent lockdown in a luxury estate in Bedford Corners, N.Y. 
Page 28: Drew Barrymore swore off men after her third divorce in 2016 but she’s had a change of heart because she’s been talking to Tom Cruise a lot during lockdown and now they’re on the verge of a full-blown romance
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Page 30: It’s been a little over a month since Scott Disick and Sofia Richie pulled the plug on their romance but the pair are still hooking up on the DL which suits them both because Sofia is still attracted to Scott but she wanted freedom to date other people and the two of them have this warped attraction that they can’t find elsewhere, Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell have spent 37 blissful years together but after six months of quarantining together they’ve hit a serious rough patch bickering nonstop since lockdown started because they’re both independent spirits and being cooped up together day in and day out is just too close for comfort, Robert Pattinson and Suki Waterhouse are planning to tie the knot in a top-secret wedding this winter in the U.K. -- they want to have a small ceremony in London around Christmas with just family and a few close friends to toast with -- the two feel they are soulmates and feel it’s time to get married and settle down and maybe even start a family in the next couple of years 
Page 32: Cover Story -- Meg Ryan back and better than ever -- after taking a breather from Hollywood the new and improved actress is ready for her big comeback 
Page 36: Priscilla Presley putting family first -- how she is helping her daughter Lisa Marie Presley and grandchildren pick up the pieces after a tragic loss 
Page 38: Coming Clean -- stars open up about living booze-free -- Lucy Hale, Joe Manganiello, Bradley Cooper 
Page 39: Brad Pitt, Miley Cyrus, Jada Pinkett Smith, Daniel Radcliffe 
Page 40: Interview -- Keith Urban digs deep -- the country crooner talks about his eclectic new album and life at home with his favorite girls 
Page 42: Olivia Munn 40 and fabulous -- how the stunning star stays in such great shape 
Page 46: Style Week -- Kate Hudson is adding Inbloom a plant-based powdered supplement brand to her growing empire 
Page 48: What’s Hot Right Now -- makeup artist Charlotte Tilbury’s new Walk of No Shame collection offers five new universally flattering ways to get a glow up -- Miranda Kerr 
Page 49: Steal Her Style -- Cate Blanchett reigned supreme at the Venice Film Festival -- here’s how to wear her look for less 
Page 50: Getting Organized 101 -- freshen up your space for fall with the Home Edit founders and Netflix stars Joanna Teplin and Clea Shearer sharing their top tips for how to conquer clutter 
Page 52: Beauty -- Scent-sational -- time to add one of these new fragrances to your vanity 
Page 54: Entertainment 
Page 55: Q&A with Troy 
Page 58: Buzz -- Crikey, it’s a girl! Bindi Irwin and Chandler Powell share their baby joy in a zoo-themed gender reveal 
Page 60: Sound Bites --Chrissy Metz on getting ready to release her debut album at age 40, Ryan Reynolds on getting tested for COVID-19, Keke Palmer on staying true to herself, Carrie Underwood on forgetting to thank her family during an ACM Awards acceptance speech, Chrishell Stause on getting bad pick-up lines in her Instagram DMs 
Page 62: Horoscope -- Libra Kate Winslet turned 45 on October 5 
Page 64: By the Numbers -- Machine Gun Kelly
0 notes
delilahmidnight · 7 years
@racethewind10 so I was initially gonna just message you but this got so long lol hope u don’t mind me tagging u
but do u think Maggie goes with kara and Alex back to Midvale to spend the mothers day weekend with their mom, since eliza has basically adopted her now
OR, do u think she’s talked Alex’s ear off about her aunt SO MUCH–all their little traditions and inside jokes, the amazing food she used to cook (and her own amazingly disastrous attempts that would fill the whole kitchen with smoke but just make her aunt roar with laughter), the patient way she would speak and drive and scold Maggie and mend the rips in her flannels, her penchant for murder mysteries that got Maggie curious about crime solving in the first place–Alex has heard So Much about this amazing woman who protected little Maggie when she has no one else in the world– And she also knows that Maggie has had it tough enough scraping together enough cash to visit on Christmas, let alone more than once a year (the cost of living here is insane compared to blue springs nebraska) and she’s also been there at the kitchen table, reading her reports, while Maggie flops onto the couch and lies and says it’s the office that won’t get off her back so she can visit her more often, and how they’ve been planning this big summer hiking adventure for years, but it always seems to get pushed back a few months, And Alex picks up the picture frame she encouraged Maggie to add to her collection on the mantle—of the Danvers family members in various combinations– The photo of little Maggie grinning hugely from the circle of her tia’s arms, somewhere under a tree in Nebraska in 2003 And Alex thinks and Alex plans And Alex asks Kara for a huge favor because she loves her girlfriend more than she’s ever loved anyone besides her sister And Kara practically levitates with excitement at the idea And then Alex has to broach the subject with Maggie and of course, Maggie says no because she couldn’t possibly take advantage of Kara like that And the next day Kara finds Alex before Alex finds her and says in a rush, she wants to Alex, she wants to so badly but she doesn’t want to impose which, hello we’re family and it would take literally ten seconds– And Alex is like, Kara wth are you talking about And Kara gallops off again with I heard her Alex I wasn’t listening in I promise but I heard her heartbeat spike she was SO excited for a second and then she went sad again you have to tell her it’s ok and that I don’t mind because I really don’t it’s such a good idea and actually let me talk to her I’ll be right back And before Alex can even begin to think of something to say Kara’s gone again and shes just staring with her mouth open at empty air And Supergirl shows up wherever Detective Sawyer is (she waits until she’s sure she won’t be interfering in their crime scene) and she tells the detective that she has an Update on that Special Case they’re working Together, and Maggie is like ?????? But she follows Kara out of earshot of the other officers and then Kara lays the puppy dog eyes on her, and tells her how she totally deserves it for making Alex so happy, and what a good surprise it would be, and it would Literally take ten seconds Maggie and you deserve to have that person, that presence in your life, and she probably misses you and– And Kara can hear Maggie’s heart speed up as she imagines actually seeing her aunt, a whole seven months earlier than expected, spending the entire weekend cooking and hiking and watching old horror flicks together and catching up– And with a final ‘pleeeeeeeeeeeeease Maggie please please pleeeeeeeeease with sprinkles on top?’ Maggie relents and agrees to let Kara fly her to Nebraska a week from Friday She lets her boss know the second she gets back to the station that she’s taking a half day that day And when the day finally comes, Maggie tries to keep calm but she can’t help the gigantic smile from splitting her face every few minutes And when she gets home it takes about twenty minutes to pack but only because her brain is so buzzy from excitement that she keeps forgetting basic things like her phone charger and her left sneaker Kara and Alex show up on the dot at 2, and when Maggie opens the door for them all three faces are matching pictures of giddy excitement. 'Ready?’ 'So ready.’ And Alex hugs her first, whispering 'have a safe trip’ and 'have so much fun babe’ and 'I love you’, and then she hugs Kara and says 'fly safe’ and 'if anything happens to my girlfriend you’re dead Supergirl’ and Kara just laughs because Maggie is Family now and she would no sooner let something happen to her than to Alex And Maggie dons her backpack and opens the window and Supergirl scoops her up as easily as if she were a child and whispers hold on tight And Maggie blows her girlfriend a kiss and puts her arms around Karas neck and they’re off in a rush of air And Maggie barely has a chance to be afraid of the vertigo-inducing height they’ve achieved in less than a second, or to register the speed at which the mountains and deserts are slipping away beneath them, or to notice the way the temperature and light are both falling rapidly as they fly, before Kara is slowing and descending, whispering in her ear 'i hope you don’t mind, I looked up the route and practiced beforehand’ and Maggie could kiss her because she’s almost positive she’s in no state to peer at the land thousands of feet below and pick out her house among the tiny pinpricks of light in the gathering dusk. Kara lands softly at the head of the gravel drive and gently lowers Maggie’s feet to the ground. Maggie turns to her and throws her arms around her neck and hugs her tightly, then pulls away and asks if she wants to come inside and meet her tia. Kara smiles and says I think Alex should get that honor first. Plus I don’t want Supergirl to overshadow your homecoming. Maggie grins and adjusts her backpack, and when she turns away she hears the unmistakable whoosh of air that means Supergirl has taken off. Heart pounding, she heads towards her aunt’s front door. Home, she thinks.
At 4:07 pm, Rosa Aguilar is in her kitchen, making herself a cup of tea and thinking about making a tiramisu in honor of her niece on Sunday, when there’s a knock on her front door, and a voice calls, Tia? I’m home! Rosa drops the cup.
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