#8.8 cm Pak 43
crazygadgetshere · 1 month
The Lens of Peko: WW2 Vehicles Vol.4
Just published is the fourth volume in the WW2 Vehicles Through the Lens Series. A hardcover volume by Jon Feenstra with 124 pages and 120 photos of: Panzerkampfwagen II (Sd.Kfz.121) Panzerkampfwagen III Ausf.J (Sd.Kfz.141) Panzerjager III/IV fur 8.8 cm Pak 43/1 (Sd.Kfz.164) “Hornisse/Nashorn” 15 cm Panzerwerfer 42 Sd.Kfz.4/1 Sd.Kfz.251 mittlerer Schutzenpanzerwagen 38M Toldi I/II…
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carbone14 · 3 years
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Chars Cromwell du 10e Régiment de chasseurs (10th Mounted Rifles Regiment), unité de reconnaissance blindée de la 1ère Division blindée polonaise passant devant un canon antichar allemand Pak 43 de 88 mm, détruit par la Royal Air Force quelques jours plus tôt, au début de l'Opération Totalize, au sud de Caen - 8 août 1944
Photo : Sergent Wilkes - No. 5 Army Film and Photo Section, Army Film and Photographic Unit
©Imperial War Museums - B 8833
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lordsofmedrengard · 4 years
Sometimes you see people disparaging modern tanks in favour of Imperial ones from 40K, but that’s an opinion borne of ignorance. Even accounting for superior futuristic materials, the given stats of, say, a Leman Russ Main Battle Tank are pathetic by the standards of WW2 tanks, to say nothing of modern ones.
A comparison: the Battlecannon used by your generic LRMBT has a range of several kilometres - sounds impressive, yeah? How often would you even get to shoot further than that in a real war?
Quite often, it turns out.
The 8.8 cm KwK 36 gun was an antitank gun used in WW2 by the Third Reich’s armed forces. It was the main armament on the famous Tiger 1 tank, and had a maximum range of over ten kilometres. This isn’t even the most devastating gun used during the war; the 8.8 cm Pak 43 (as used by the Nashorn/Hornisse and the Jagdpanther) had a maximum range of over 15 kilometres! This is technology that was developed almost a century ago, so a Leman Russ having a range of a few kilometres is... less than pitiful, to be honest.
And we haven’t even gotten started on the way the high tracks would make it difficult to repair tracks once they broke, how hard it’d be to repair the wheels once they broke, how the lack of sloped armour is inefficient and how the narrow angles and various turrets would make the tank even more vulnerable to direct hits of solid projectiles, or how the HUGE main gun would put incredible stress on the turret and potentially tear it off if it was damaged or poorly maintained.
The point of the Imperium (from a narrative standpoint) is that it’s a poorly managed and dysfunctional mess, and their tech reflects that. Their vehicles has that rugged look, and it isn’t because it’s somehow superior or better. Frankly, I’d bet good money on a single modern tank winning against a squadron of Leman Russes; even if it wouldn’t be able to penetrate the front or side armour, I believe a decent crew would be able to cripple the Russes from a long distance by targeting the turrets and treads, before going around and targeting the vulnerable rear armour - all from a distance that kept the modern tank safe from retaliation. IIRC, a Basilisk (a literal artillery piece) only has a range of 15 kilometres or so?
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romanmalynovskyi · 5 years
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Pak 43 була самою потужною протитанковою гарматою Вермахту яку випустили у великій кількості, яка також мала модифікацію — 8.8 cm KwK 43, яка стала основною гарматою танка Tiger II, САУ Nashorn, Elefant та Jagdpanther. — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/37ZNfNq
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Немецкая САУ Waffentrager 8.8 cm PaK 43 L71 (Ardelt). Орудие 8.8cm PaK 43 L/71 монтировалось на тумбовой установке, которая крепилась к балке П-образного профиля, установленной поперек корпуса. Конструкция тумбы позволяла вести огонь в круговом секторе, правда, стрельба с ходу не допускалась. Для защиты от попаданий пуль легкого стрелкового оружия устанавливался броневой щит с толщиной листов 5 мм. Чтобы повысить пулестойкость лобовой лист устанавливался под большим углом наклона. В походном положении ствол орудия фиксировался при помощи специальной ножницеобразной опоры, закрепленной на переднем листе корпуса. Возимый боекомплект состоял из 32 выстрелов: 6 снарядов находились в ящике на внутренней стороне щита и ещё по 12 снарядов были размещены в ящиках в кормовой части корпуса. https://www.instagram.com/p/BtJgoePAyi5/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1rdq3eg7njdh4
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romanmalynovskyi · 5 years
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Pak 43 була самою потужною протитанковою гарматою Вермахту яку випустили у великій кількості, яка також мала модифікацію — 8.8 cm KwK 43, яка стала основною гарматою танка Tiger II, САУ Nashorn, Elefant та Jagdpanther. https://www.instagram.com/p/B7NwEMRJgOm/?igshid=3uhjmk06ml6z
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