fiction-quotes · 1 year
The vast majority of parenting appears to be ghastly. Poo and crying and refusing to eat things and breaking things and yet you ask a mother what the most important, wonderful thing in her life is and she always says 'my child' and you look at the wriggly little wretch in its smelly little buggy, dribble falling out of its mouth and snot out of its nose and you think, seriously, darling, because if that's your joy and that's your wonder then...
Maybe it would be easier to have a puppy. Or a cat. Lovely self-cleaning things, cats are.
  —  84K (Claire North)
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makmakgoose · 1 year
Like a Bullet in the Back
In February 2017, a nor'easter dropped ten inches of snow on New York City, Richie Tozier did a set of small shows in Manhattan, and Eddie. Well. Eddie stopped running from his own happiness.
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3-aem · 2 months
just saw an account compare gojo to trump and i personally feel like it was actually me who was shot—seeing that
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hedwig221b · 19 days
I finished it. I finished the fic. Why am I crying
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mpekamitzii · 5 months
the type of comments under the watcher announcement video
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honorhearted · 4 months
The camp was in disarray. Briefly, like a comet in the sky, a flash of light had illuminated the grounds and drawn people to their feet, not even the most s.cholarly amongst the s.oldiers being able to determine just what had blitzed across the heavens.
While a small group went out to investigate -- perhaps it was a new w.eapon devised by the enemy? -- Benjamin remained at his desk, attempting to focus on scouting plans until they received a definitive answer.
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It wasn't long before one of his men appeared in the entryway.
"Sir?" he greeted, giving a brief salute. "I've returned with the scouting report, as requested."
Setting aside his quill, Benjamin motioned the other man forward. "Yes, Danvers, what is it?"
"It appears it was nothing, sir... All we could find along the outskirts was some strumpet."
"A strumpet?" Benjamin echoed, startled. "Did you bring her back with you to camp?"
"Yes, sir, of course."
"Show her to the stockade. I would like to speak with her." Rising from his desk, Benjamin reeled from the curiosity of such a finding, then after slipping into his coat, he stepped out into the biting night.
The woman was brought into the stockade, as requested, and with the sallow lantern light bouncing off the slatted walls, Benjamin entered and beheld the stranger with a frown. Though once he realized just what she was wearing, he balked, quickly gesturing to Danvers at his side.
"Fetch her a coat," he commanded. "Go on, quickly!" She was practically indecent, and embarrassed, Benjamin averted his eyes to show a modicum of respect.
While Danvers went off to find a coat for their guest, the major stepped forward, still keeping his eyes trained elsewhere as he greeted, "My name is Major B.enjamin T.allmadge, General W.ashington's staff, and I have been tasked for your questioning on this evening. Do you know where you are, madam?"
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ratjay · 3 months
Found the flash drive I was looking for
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I wish my younger self had been nicer to our even younger self
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cuddlemonsterdean · 16 days
Hi, I hope you're doing well. I'm writing to you with a heavy heart and an urgent request for help. My family is in a very danger situation due to the ongoing war, and I've launched a GoFundMe campaign to save them. Could you please reblog my campaign post from my profile? Each share could be a lifeline for my family. 🙏 Feel free to share it in any other social media platform if you would like. Our campaign has been verified ⭐️ by operation olive branch, and is entry number 26 on their spreadsheet. Also with ⭐️ Project watermelon,line 249/(212) on their spreadsheet. From the bottom of my heart I want to thank you in advance for all of your support and kindness.
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monikererror · 16 days
Hi, I hope you're doing well. I'm writing to you with a heavy heart and an urgent request for help. My family is in a very danger situation due to the ongoing war, and I've launched a GoFundMe campaign to save them. Could you please share my campaign post from my profile? Each share could be a lifeline for my family. 🙏 Feel free to share it in any other social media platform if you would like. Our campaign has been verified ⭐️ by operation olive branch, and is entry number 26 on their spreadsheet. Also with ⭐️ Project watermelon,line 249/(212) on their spreadsheet. From the bottom of my heart I want to thank you in advance for all of your support and kindness.
hello haya, praying the best for you and your family! 🙏
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trickarrows-bishop · 30 days
i love hearing my friends talk abt games i dont have any idea how they work
you: [talking abt heals, tanks, damage, columns n shit]
me: i like your funny words magic man!
a normal team at the moment consists of five members and you separate them as: 1 tank (loads of health, meant to be dealing and taking the most damage and getting the most kills), 2 supports (the healers of the team who's main goal is to keep everyone alive. can also do damage and kill but their whole point is healing) and 2 damages (have the same health as supports aka much less than a tank, whole point of them is mainly to target enemy supports so that the tank players can then kill the enemy tank without them being healed repeatedly).
supports obviously can do more than a tank or damage as they also will have abilities to heal. when you look at the leader board of a game (what that picture is a screenshot of) there two sections to it; one thats a ratio labelled E:A:D which stands for Eliminations : Assists : Deaths aka how many kills you have to assists to how many times you've died. The other half is pure stats. It tells you how much damage you've done to the enemies, how much damage you've healed and then how much damage you've mitigated aka how much you've blocked with a shield (some heroes have shields they can either hold or place down).
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fiction-quotes · 1 year
We all knew, of course. Everyone knows, but no one looks. We don't look because if we look it makes us evil because we aren't doing something about it, or it makes us sad because we can't do anything about it, or it proves that we're monsters when we always thought we were righteous because we won't do anything about it. Either way, safer not to look.
  —  84K (Claire North)
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bahoreal · 1 year
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girl what
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espithewarlock · 8 months
Just read "I'll let you give it to me" and ohhhh my God that was so good? And so hot? Your brain >>>>>
Actually speechless
Hello! Thank you for the ask and double thank you for the compliment!! I actually have a lot to say on the matter, so forgive me for using your ask to do it.
So I'm going to be perfectly honest and admit that I'll Let You Give It To Me, despite being a PWP, was a struggle to finish. I started writing it almost immediately after posting Croissants in Abu Dhabi and was finally able to pick it back up and finish it this weekend.
Part of the reason I set it down was because I got distracted writing other things (Baker!Pierre & 1016 Week prompts were happening around that time) and the other part is due to the comments I was getting on I’ve Got a Feeling That I’m Not Complete Anymore.
They were, to put it bluntly, mean.
There was about 24 hours that I spent crying on & off about them and I couldn't write a word of anything for 2 weeks. (That's not an exaggeration.)
The problem was, the comments weren't wrong. The commenters were mad about actions the characters were taking and, unfortunately, directing that anger at me, the author. (I haven't deleted any of those comments by the way, so they can be read on AO3.)
The characters that I wrote into that fic...they're far from perfect. Pierre is more than a little selfish and inconsiderate, Charles is definitely an enabler and has his own selfish moments, and Max is completely hypocritical about what he wants.
I wanted to write about a messy relationship and...well...I did.
That's why I haven't deleted the comments. They're correct on multiple fronts. I just wish those commenters had the presence of mind to consider the impact their harsh words would have on me. (Recognizing that this is a selfish request on my part but, well, it is my writing.)
They're supposed to be mad at the characters, they're supposed to want better for them, and they're supposed to see how those characters try and improve themselves, even if it isn't perfect.
I don't know about anyone else, but I think perfection in relationships is a) impossible and b) boring.
I'd also be remiss if I didn't thank the wonderful, amazing, @duquesademiel for being incredible. She dedicated an entire day to reading my fic and, essentially, live reacting to it in my DMs. (Plus, she left the most amazing comment on the final chapter that makes me 🥰)
That completely reignited my love for this universe and helped convince me to finish what I had started with this PWP.
So, yeah, this was just a smutty little one-shot for most people. For me, this is an accomplishment. I was able to set aside the negative comments and write something that brings me joy.
Hearing that it brought other people joy too is, as Max would put it, simply lovely. So thank you for taking time out of your day not just to read it, but to come here and tell me you enjoyed it. Positive comments and feedback like yours help motivate me to keep writing, and to keep improving my writing. 💚
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found a video by like an actual 12 yo doing revs where its filmed by the kid pointing his phone at the screen, in portrait mode.
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11m32s. This really takes me back to the unregistered hypercam days
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singlethread · 1 year
Had to log in to my student loans to fill out one of my loan requests for third year, guess who’s 179,000 dollars in debt as of this moment 🤪
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